All right from Bob Barker
Alright Johnny from Bob Barker
Any Number Game explanation from Bob Barker
Bid on them in dollars from Bob Barker
Bonus Game explanation 1 from Bob Barker
Bonus Game explanation 2 from Bob Barker
But I thank you very much from Bob Barker
Bye bye from Bob Barker
Card Game explanation from Bob Barker
Check Game explanation from Bob Barker
Did you sound the buzzer from Bob Barker
Did you take a look at that prize from Bob Barker
Ding from Bob Barker
Do I have another winner? No. from Bob Barker
Do you want to give this back? from Bob Barker
Don't be nervous from Bob Barker
Draw numbers out of that bag from Bob Barker
Feast your eyes on that from Bob Barker
Get off that dollar from Bob Barker
Get that one from Bob Barker
Give me your bid from Bob Barker
Good! I don't have to explain it! from Bob Barker
Happy or not happy from Bob Barker
Have you ever seen the Blank Check game from Bob Barker
Have you ever won a lotta prizes from Bob Barker
Have you ever won any prize from Bob Barker
Have you watched The Price Is Right? from Bob Barker
He can move 19 steps from Bob Barker
He'll move every step from Bob Barker
Here are the numbers in the price of the car from Bob Barker
Here is our first showcase from Bob Barker
Here is the first item up for bids from Bob Barker
Here is the first item up for bids 2 from Bob Barker
His hair fell off from Bob Barker
I am going to make my inspiration putt from Bob Barker
I beg your pardon from Bob Barker
I break easily from Bob Barker
I have a 12,000 bid out there from Bob Barker
I shall explain it clearly from Bob Barker
I think you're right from Bob Barker
I want to give you that convertible from Bob Barker
I want to pass it to Boo Boo from Bob Barker
I want you to win a nice prize from Bob Barker
I wonder if the next item up for bids from Bob Barker
I'll pull out the slip from Bob Barker
I'm going to have to explain it again and again from Bob Barker
I'm going to offer you so much money from Bob Barker
I'm sorry from Bob Barker
I've made one in a row from Bob Barker
If the check is good you can cash it from Bob Barker
If we have them all right you win 500 dollars cash from Bob Barker
If you're right we'll give you 500 dollars from Bob Barker
In moments we will know from Bob Barker
Inspiration putt failure from Bob Barker
Inspiration putt success from Bob Barker
Is this furniture from Bob Barker
It all started with these nice ladies from Bob Barker
It's 200 dollars from Bob Barker
It's a very painful experience from Bob Barker
It's good that I'm here from Bob Barker
It's not going to get around here again from Bob Barker
Ladies and gentleman from Bob Barker
Laugh from Bob Barker
Money is a serious subject from Bob Barker
More than 86,000 dollars in price from Bob Barker
No beating me up from Bob Barker
No longer the inspiration put from Bob Barker
Nothing from Bob Barker
Now may we see the next item up for bids from Bob Barker
Numbers in the price of the car from Bob Barker
Oh my gosh you may be sick about this from Bob Barker
Oh my, I'm sorry from Bob Barker
Oh no from Bob Barker
Okay from Bob Barker
Okay 2 from Bob Barker
One spin, it's a spin off from Bob Barker
Oohh from Bob Barker
Ooooohhhhh from Bob Barker
Over you go from Bob Barker
Overbid from Bob Barker
People are deliberately putting me on from Bob Barker
People don't seem to understand Blank Check from Bob Barker
Perfect Blank Check explanation from Bob Barker
Plinko chip release 1 from Bob Barker
Plinko chip release 2 from Bob Barker
Plinko chip release 3 from Bob Barker
Plinko chip release 4 from Bob Barker
Plinko explanation from Bob Barker
Pontiac Phoenix from Bob Barker
Prizes you contestants would love to win from Bob Barker
Putt failure from Bob Barker
Range Game explanation from Bob Barker
Range Game explanation ending from Bob Barker
Ring up 12,000 dollars from Bob Barker
She wants to look at the car again from Bob Barker
Show me a contestant from Bob Barker
Showcase explanation from Bob Barker
Showcase overbid from Bob Barker
Take one Plinko chip and release it from Bob Barker
Tell me the right price from Bob Barker
Tell me which one is the least expensive from Bob Barker
That didn't count from Bob Barker
That is particularly nice from Bob Barker
That little thing over there belongs to you from Bob Barker
That one looked good from Bob Barker
That was a few years ago from Bob Barker
The actual retail price 700 dollars from Bob Barker
The actual retail price is 798 from Bob Barker
The actual retail price is 950 dollars from Bob Barker
The dog biscuits from Bob Barker
The first spin from Bob Barker
There are 5 numbers in the price of the car from Bob Barker
There was moaning out there from Bob Barker
They moved to the left from Bob Barker
Things are bound to get worse from Bob Barker
This is Bob Barker from Bob Barker
This is exciting, you don't know what exciting is from Bob Barker
This is gonna be one of those days from Bob Barker
This is the highest rated show from Bob Barker
Those are easy numbers to remember from Bob Barker
Time for the inspiration putt from Bob Barker
Two micheles got up from Bob Barker
Uhh from Bob Barker
Void that check! from Bob Barker
Watch the mountain climber from Bob Barker
We need another player from Bob Barker
We want the first number in the price of the car from Bob Barker
We want the three from Bob Barker
We want the zero from Bob Barker
We want to see from Bob Barker
What are you doing over here today from Bob Barker
What is the next item up for bids please from Bob Barker
What is the price of the pillow from Bob Barker
What is the wrong price from Bob Barker
Wheel explanation from Bob Barker
Wheel explanation 2 from Bob Barker
Wheel lands on 55 cents from Bob Barker
Wheel spinning 1 from Bob Barker
Wheel spinning 2 from Bob Barker
When I explain the Blank Check game from Bob Barker
You and I disagreed by two cents from Bob Barker
You did not go over, did you? from Bob Barker
You don't get 1,000 dollars from Bob Barker
You get one spin to see if you can pick up a quick thou from Bob Barker
You got the right idea there from Bob Barker
You have 45 cents from Bob Barker
You have three chips from Bob Barker
You know how to do this from Bob Barker
You lost? (laugh) from Bob Barker
You ready, okay from Bob Barker
You say that 410 dollars is the right price from Bob Barker
You sound good from Bob Barker
You win that prize from Bob Barker
You won today from Bob Barker
You work with psychiatric patients from Bob Barker
You're a bartender? from Bob Barker
You're pretty enough to be in movies from Bob Barker
You're the producers of the show from Bob Barker
You're the top winner from Bob Barker
You've been working out to just break my back from Bob Barker
Your name is what from Bob Barker
0 from Bob Barker
1 from Bob Barker
1,000 dollar winner from Bob Barker
2 from Bob Barker
2,000 dollars from Bob Barker
3 from Bob Barker
4 from Bob Barker
5 from Bob Barker
5,000 dollars from Bob Barker
6 from Bob Barker
7 from Bob Barker
8 from Bob Barker
9 from Bob Barker
10,000 dollars from Bob Barker
11,000 dollars from Bob Barker
12,000 dollars that poses a problem from Bob Barker
20 cents from Bob Barker
30 cents from Bob Barker
45 cents plus too much from Bob Barker
90 dollar overbid from Bob Barker
200 dollar overbid from Bob Barker
200 dollars even from Bob Barker
200 dollars, 200 dollars from Bob Barker
335 dollars from Bob Barker
450 dollars from Bob Barker
495 dollars from Bob Barker
520 dollars from Bob Barker
800 dollars from Bob Barker