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A dentist well I want to be someday right now i'm just an elf
A dentist well we need one up here
A dentist! good grief!
A dolly for sue
A jack in the box for a sentry
A jack in the box waits for children to shout
A pack full of toys means a sack full of joys for millions of girls and for millions of boys
A scooter for jimmy
A toy is never truly happy until it is loved by a child
After all if he's going to be on my team someday he'd better get to know me
Ah ah here comes the coach
Ah let's get some shuteye
Ah well such is the life of an elf
Ah youth
Ahh! I love this christmasy time of year especially when everything is running happy and smooth like it is this season
All except for this one misfit
All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names
All out for elf practice!
All right all right yearlings all right now! that's better
All right dentist you take it from here
All right now the whole trick is getting up enough speed and jumping into the wind you got it go ahead
All right now yearlings back to practice
All right son try it on
All right you can open up a dentist office
And a 1 and a 2 and a 3
And even though i'm your instructor I want to be your pal right right
And he doesn't even need a stepladder
And he knew the only thing to do was to go out and look for his little buck
And it was a good thing that I sent them right out after rudolph
And no sooner did the man of the house leave when mrs donner and clarice decided to set out on their own
And pretty soon he knew where he had to go home
And remember it's for santa
And smart too!
And so that night he decides to strike out on his own
And so time passes christmas comes and goes on schedule and soon it is april
And soon it is right before christmas and everybody is getting ready for that big big sleigh ride on the night of the 24th christmas eve!
And think of all the fun and joy that would be lost on christmas morning if al the young folks didn't get to see that sparkling happy tree
Any doe would consider herself lucky to be with you
Are you sure we can get him to come out here
Aren't you going to laugh at my nose
Aw gee
Because the next day is christmas eve the biggest day of the year
Besides it's a great way to show off in front of the does come on
But but you went over the side of the cliff
But do you recall the most famous reindeer of all
But during all that time a strange and wonderful thing was happening
But I couldn't chance it i'll have to tell everybody that it's all off this year
But I don't need anybody i'm i'm independent
But I wasn't very lucky today was i
But it wouldn't last long and rudolph would be on his own
But it's all settled
But most important most important of all he taught his son to beware of the abominable snow monster of the north
But once in a while he would stop and make a friend or two
But perhaps being misfits yourselves you might help the toys here
But rudolph promised we'd go this time
But the abominable will see my nose and get us all
But they realize that the best thing to do is get the women back to christmas town
Bye bye
Christmas eve is only two days off and without your father i'll never be able to get my sleigh off the ground
Christmas eve we always fill santa's bag
Christmas eve we always fill santa's bag (2)
Christmas seals
Come closer
Come here open your mouth
Come on! wahoo!
Didn't I ever tell you about bumbles bumbles bounce!
Do it yourself icebergs
Do you mind telling me what you do want to do
Do your stuff!
Dolls we try out see if they cry out
Don't get angry I don't mind
Don't let this big blowhard scare you anymore just walk right past him
Don't tell me jack
Don't you understand north pole talk
Donner taught rudolph all the ins and outs of being a reindeer how to get food how to fight off enemies things like that
Donner you should be ashamed of yourself
Douse your nose and run like crazy!
Eat now ho ho ho later
Eat papa eat
Eat! eat!
Even santa realizes that maybe he was wrong
Every night he searches the entire earth
Everything's grounded!
Finish the job or you're fired!
Fireball what's the matter
First stop the island of misfit toys
Footman! show our friends to their chambers
For crying out loud!
From now on gang we won't let rudolph join in any reindeer games right right! right!
Gadzooks! the bumble snow monster of the north strikes again
Gee I got to go back
Get away from me!
Gold! gold and silver silver and gold
Gone i'll find him sir i'll find them all
Good bye cornelius
Good bye hermey
Good you are free to spend the night
Great bouncing iceberg!
Guess the storm was too much for them
Halt! who goes there us of course
Have a holly jolly christmas and in case you didn't hear oh by golly have a holly jolly christmas this year
Have a holly jolly christmas and in case you didn't hear oh by golly have a holly jolly christmas this year (2)
Have a holly jolly christmas and when you walk down the street say hello to friends you know and everyone you meet
Have a holly jolly christmas it's the best time of the year
He won't get to us for a while yet
He'll be a hero after this yes a hero
He'll never make the sleigh team
He's gone! oh he's gone!
He's got a shiny nose! shiny i'd even say it glows!
He's holding court in his castle right now
He's mean he's nasty and he hates everything to do with christmas
He's nothing without his choppers
Help them
Here we don't want to stay
Here's the man and here's the beast!
Hermey doesn't like to make toys
Hermey! aren't you finished painting that yet
Hey clarice after practice would you would you
Hey fire snout!
Hey hey! he knows his name already!
Hey look at the beak
Hey look who's back old neon nose!
Hey look!
Hey look! does!
Hey we're all misfits too
Hey what do you know one of them likes you
Hey what do you say we both be independent together huh
Hey you get frostbit that way
Hey you're ok
Hey! looky up there! oh!
Hi my name's fireball what's yours
Hide it
Hmm rudolph could it be some of you are not acquainted with the story of rudolph
Hmm well it needs work I have to go
Ho ho ho ho ho ho we are santa's elves
Ho ho the mistletoe hung where you can see
Ho ho!
Holly jolly holly jolly oooohhhhhh
How can I eat that silly elf song is driving me crazy
How can you overlook that his beak blinks like a blinking beacon!
How do you like that even among misfits you're misfits
How do you measure its worth just by the pleasure it gives here on earth
How would you like to be a bird that doesn't fly I swim!
How would you like to be a spotted elephant
I am
I am old kris kringle i'm the king of jing a ling
I am old kris kringle i'm the king of jing a ling (2)
I bet you'll be the best
I call it christmas town better known as the north pole
I changed my mind
I don't know if there'll be snow but have a cup of cheer
I don't know what we would have done without rudolph to pull us through
I don't wanna daddy I don't like it
I got an idea listen
I guess i'm on my own now
I have to go down and look over the new deer
I haven't any dreams left to dream
I hope you find lots of tinsel
I just don't like to make toys
I just thought I found a way to fit in
I knew that nose would be useful someday I knew it all along
I tell you you're looking at a mighty humble bumble
I think it's a handsome nose much better than that silly false one you were wearing
I think you're cute
I thought you wanted gold
I wish I wish
I'll dash away in my magic sleigh flying through the sky
I'll give you a lift hop aboard mateys
I'll have to take this suit in!
I'm a dear of a reindeer why don't I fit in
I'm busy mama! it's almost christmas!
I'm cute! i'm cute!
I'm cute! i'm cute! she said i'm cute!
I'm sorry too rudolph for the way I acted
I'm sure it'll stop when he grows up santa
I'm the official sentry of the island of misfit toys
I've been studying it's fascinating you've no idea
I've got some bad news folks christmas is going to be canceled there's nothing I can do this weather
I've got to go alone
If I live to be a hundred i'll never be able to forget that big snowstorm a couple of years ago
If there's a thing I hate is a noisy bumble snow monsters
If we're on the island of unwanted toys we'll miss all the fun with the girls and the boys
It all started a couple of years before the big snow
It sure is! it's santa! and look! rudolph is leading the way!
It was springtime and santa's lead reindeer donner had just become a proud papa
It will be an honor sir
It's a deal
It's always the same story
It's my nose again it's ruined us
It's my nose! it keeps giving us away
It's terrible it's different from everybody else's but that's what makes it so grand
It's yukon cornelius!
Jingle jingle jingle you will hear my sleigh bells ring
Jingle jingle jingle you will hear my sleigh bells ring (2)
Jingle jingle reindeer through the frosty air they'll go
Just because my nose glows why don't I fit in
Just fixing
Just fixing these dolls' teeth
Land ho!
Latest weather report sir
Let me at him
Let me check turn
Let's get outta here i'll light the way
Like I said the outside world is up to its ears in danger
Like this watch
Makes antlers grow
Maybe misfits have a place too
Maybe we could stay for a while
Means so much more when I see silver and gold decorations on every christmas tree
Means so much more when I see silver and gold decorations on every christmas tree (2)
Meanwhile rudolph is having his growing pains too
Meanwhile the elves are bustling with activity christmas is over but they still keep busy with lessons in elf improvement
Merry christmas! merry christmas!
Might just as well go to bed and start dreaming about next year
Mister where are we going
Molars and bicuspids and incisors
Mom pa i'm home!
Mrs donner wanted to go along naturally but donner said no this is man's work
Mush! mush! mush
My coat!
My job is to make bucks out of you so let's go
My name is all wrong
My name is comet
My name's clarice hi
My name's rudolph hi
My nose sir from what I see now that'll cut through the murkiest storm they can dish up
Nah we'll call him rudolph
Never knew the bumble snow monster yet who'd turn down a pork dinner for deer meat
Next week after christmas
Nice around here isn't it
Nice day yup for takeoff practice I mean yup
Nice place to live you know
No (2)
No charlie
No child wants to play with a charlie in the box so I had to come here
No I just can't it's like he said i'll never fit in
No it's all settled we leave tomorrow together
No kidding
No that would not be possible
Nonsense it's all for all and I mean one
Not bad not bad at all
Not happy in my work I guess
Not if you don't mind me being a dentist
Not quite
Nothing (2)
Nothing like that year of the big snowstorms
Now aside from the abominable business goes on as usual
Now calm down I reformed this bumble he wants a job looky what he can do
Now don't any of you worry your heads about santa mrs claus will have him plenty fattened up by christmas eve
Now don't worry about your nose son just get out there and do your stuff
Now get to work!
Now is your change go get acquainted with that doe
Now listen you you're an elf and elves make toys
Now listen! we have dolls that cry talk walk blink and run a temperature
Now mush! mush! mush!
Now now you'll get used to it put it there son
Now rudolph knew that he had to find his folks right away and he knew where he had to look
Now shake when you laugh
Now that's my santa
Now then our first game is called takeoff
Now these two didn't had any idea about what they were letting themselves in for
Now they were really taking their chances because you see that little ice boat had run into a pack of mighty wicked fog
Now this won't hurt a bit
Now you can bet old donner felt pretty bad about the way he had treated rudolph
Now you come to practice and learn how to wiggle your ears and chuckle warmly and go hee hee and ho ho and important stuff like that
Now you know how santa uses these flying reindeer to pull his sleigh
Now you see how it's done wahoo!
Observe the bumble's one weakness the bumble sinks
Of course the number one citizens up here are the clauses santa and the missis
Oh but daddy! it's not very comfortable!
Oh dear i'll better set up an appointment for you week from tuesday 4 30 sharp
Oh excuse me call me sam
Oh is this your snowbank
Oh mama!
Oh no not you you better go home with your folks
Oh santa's right
Oh shame on you!
Oh thanks mama
Oh the poor kids they've been so good this year too
Oh well i'm off to get my life sustaining supplies cornmeal and gunpowder and hamhocks and guitar strings
Oh well if that's all
Oh where was i
Oink oink
Ok rudolph full power!
Ok santa now let's try out the new elf song I wrote
Ok who may I ask are you
Old donner is determined to keep rudolph's nose a secret
One at a time! one at a time!
Open up! it isn't a fit night out for man nor beast!
Or a boat that can't stay afloat
Or a choo choo with square wheels on your caboose
Or a cowboy who rides an ostrich
Or a water pistol that shoots jelly
Pa ma clarice!
Papa are you sure
Papa mama
Papa papa!
Papa you haven't touched a morsel!
Peppermint! what i've been searching for all my life! i've struck it rich! i've got me a peppermint mine! wahoo!
Put her down!
Put some heart in it!
Quiet! quiet! please everybody quiet! quiet!
Rainbow puss!
Ready rudolph ready santa! ok rudolph full power!
Ready rudolph ready santa! well let's be on our way
Red schnoz!
Remember you're my little buck
Rudolph christmas is not off and you're going to lead my team
Rudolph existed as best he could
Rudolph I promise as soon as this storm lets up i'll find homes for all those misfit toys
Rudolph is a lovely name rudolph
Rudolph rudolph please! could you tone it down a bit I mean that nose of yours
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it you would even say it glows
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer you'll go down in history
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer you'll go down in history (2)
Rudolph was growing up and growing up made rudolph realize you can't run away from your troubles
Rudolph you get back here! it's your turn you know
Rudolph! rudolph! rudolph!
Santa can't object to you now
Santa knows who's good do the things you should and we bet you he won't forget you
Santa knows who's good do the things you should and we bet you he won't forget you (2)
See all the toys santa brings are made by these elves
Seems all he thinks about is silver and gold
Seems elves have that certain knack for toy making
Seems to us kind of silly that we don't fit in
She said i'm cute!
She's gone too and i'm very worried
Silver and gold
Silver and gold silver and gold
Silver and gold silver and gold (2)
Silver and gold silver and gold everyone wishes silver and gold
So they make it back and when everybody hears their story they start to realize maybe they were a little hard on the misfits
Somebody waits for you kiss her once for me
Something wrong with your nose I mean you talk kind of funny
Stop calling me names!
Ta da! in person
Tell me when it's over
Terrible weather we've been having snow and ice
That bumble's hungry!
That nose! that beautiful wonderful nose!
That sounded terrible! the tenor section was weak
That's my buck!
That's when all the new fawns come out with their folks to meet the other new fawns and to be inspected by santa
That's why i'm a misfit toy
The abominable! he must see your nose quick douse the light
The bumble has one weakness and I know it
The cave of the abominable snow monster
The christmas tree forest yep here's where we grow them
The fog is thick as peanut butter
The kind that will even say how do you do
The reindeer games
The snow monster kept him on the run
The storm of storms and only two days before christmas eve
The weather closed in and well you might not believe it but the world almost missed christmas
The world looked a lot more complicated and dangerous than it seemed when they were snug and warm at home
Their last chance
Then how the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee
Then one foggy christmas eve santa came to say rudolph with your nose so bright won't you guide my sleigh tonight
There are more important things than comfort self respect
There's a pileup a mile wide behind you
There's always tomorrow for dreams to come true believe in your dreams come what may
There's always tomorrow for dreams to come true tomorrow is not far away
There's always tomorrow for dreams to come true tomorrow is not far away (2)
There's always tomorrow with so much to do and so little time in a day
There's one thing I want to make very plain no doe of mine will be seen with a red nosed reindeer!
They are not just plain deer they're the fastest deer I know ho ho
They can't fire me I quit seems I don't fit in
They live right over there first castle on the left matter of fact the only castle on the left
They never let poor rudolph join in any reindeer games
They're gone rudolph they've been gone for months looking for you
This is my land and you know it's rich with gold
This island is for toys alone
Toys galore scattered on the floor there's no room for more and it's all because of santa claus
Uh huh rudolph
Unlike playthings a living creature cannot hide himself on an island
Up up up and away!
Up up up and away! (2)
Very good for a first try next!
Wahoo! (2)
Wahoo! (3)
Wait a minute what's that is it is it
Wait a minute! i've got it!
Wake up! don't you know it's time to come out
Wasn't our fault boss hermey didn't show up
We all pretend the rainbow has an end and you'll be there my friend someday
We all pretend the rainbow has an end and you'll be there my friend someday (2)
We all want to pull santa's sleigh someday so we must learn to fly now who's first to try
We are santa's elves
We are santa's elves filling santa's shelves with a toy for each girl and boy oh we are santa's elves
We are santa's elves ho ho ho ho ho ho we are santa's elves ho ho
We don't like to brag
We don't like to brag (2)
We don't need any chewing dolls
We may be different from the rest
We may be different from the rest (2)
We want to travel with santa claus in his magic sleigh
We work hard all day but our work is play
We'll have to outwit the fiend with our superior intelligence
We'll hide rudolph's nose
We'll never get off this island never
We're a couple of misfits from christmas town and now we'd like to live here
We're a couple of misfits we're a couple of misfits
We're a couple of misfits we're a couple of misfits (2)
We're a couple of misfits we're a couple of misfits (3)
We're all misfits!
We're all misfits! (2)
We're not daffy and dilly don't go round willy nilly
We're on the island of misfit toys
We're rudolph hermey and yukon cornelius sir
We're saved!
We're trapped there's no way out!
We've a special job each year
We've a special job each year (2)
Well actually I am a dentist
Well as good as everyone feels this is no time for celebrating
Well donner where's the new member of the family
Well folks as for the rest of the story he went down in history
Well for the first year the donners did a pretty fair job of hiding rudolph's uh nonconformity
Well he was just about to leave when suddenly it hit!
Well hi there aren't you the sturdy little fellow
Well I don't know
Well it's christmas eve but looks like we're forgotten again
Well let's be on our way
Well let's get this over with
Well let's hope so if he wants to make the sleigh team someday
Well now let me tell you about rudolph
Well poor rudolph realizes that he can't endanger his friends' lives anymore
Well pull up an ice block and lend an ear
Well sir someday i'd like to be a dentist
Well somehow rudolph and hermey managed to get through the first night
Well then that's ok
Well they are all very sad at the loss of their friend
Well they arrived in christmas town just as the storm hit
Well this is it the storm won't subside by tonight we'll have to cancel christmas
Well time passed slowly
Well we'll simply have to overlook it
Well what do you think of our friend cornelius
Well what do you want
Well you'd have to get permission from king moonraiser
What (2)
What a pity he had a nice takeoff too
What do we do we can't let that monster get ahold of them
What do you desire
What does papa know it's beautiful
What i'm trying to say is rudolph with your nose so bright won't you guide my sleigh tonight
What you don't like to make toys
What's a christmas tree without pretty silver and gold decorations can't really call it a christmas tree now can you
What's eating you boy
What's so funny about the way I talk
What's the matter haven't you ever seen a talking snowman before
What's the matter with misfits that's where we fit in
What's the matter with misfits that's where we fit in (2)
What's the matter with misfits that's where we fit in (3)
What's this
What's this nonsense here bucks after all aah!
Whatever a dentist is I hope someday that you're the greatest
When and if we ever get back we'll tell santa sir
When christmas day is here the most wonderful day of the year
When christmas day is here the most wonderful day of the year (2)
When christmas day is here the most wonderful day of the year (3)
When christmas day is here the most wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful day of the year
When he finds a misfit toy one that no girl or boy loves he brings it to live here till someone wants it
When someday you return to christmas town would you tell santa about our homeless toys i'm sure he could find little boys and girls who would be happy with them
Where are we
Where are we going
Where's here
Who am I the name's yukon cornelius the greatest prospector in the north!
Who are you
Who are you (2)
Who are you (3)
Who decides the test of what is really best
Who decides the test of what is really best (2)
Who's he he rules here
Whoa! whoa! unmush will you
Whoever heard of a skinny santa
Why am I such a misfit I am just not a nitwit
Why am I such a misfit I am not just a nitwit
Why am I such a misfit I am not just a nitwit (2)
Why am I such a misfit I am not just a nitwit (3)
Why blast your hairy bumble hide
Why doesn't he get it over with
Why weren't you at elf practice
Would you walk home with me
Yeah come here boy
Yeah fireball you really think so
Yeah me too i'm whatever you said independent
Yes and then
Yes my name is
Yes not bad it might work
Yes sir
Yes sir our friends were really on their way but not one of them knew where they were going
Yes sir you and that wonderful nose of yours
You can be my buddy you can be my buddy
You can see his nose from here
You can't fire me I quit seems I don't fit in
You don't
You eat what you like i'll eat what I like
You get back to your cave this instant! this instant young lady!
You go first
You keep it just the way it was
You know dasher and dancer and prancer and vixen comet and cupid and donner and blitzen
You mean pea soup
You must believe that on christmas eve I won't pass you by
You promised to walk me home
You see ever since rudolph left them hermey and yukon cornelius had tried to find their friend
You see little fellow every year I shine up my jingle bells for eight lucky reindeer
You wouldn't mind my red nose
You! I thought you were gone for good
You! you're dasher's little boy aren't you
You'll be a normal little buck just like everybody else right a chip off the old antlers
You'll like it and wear it
You'll never fit in!
You're going to disappoint the children they expect a fat santa
You're going to stay with me and we'll all be rich with the biggest silver strike this side of hudson bay
Yukon cornelius scores again! whoopee!
10 minutes break! not for you!
(all laughing)
(cornelius snoring)
(dogs barking)
(santa laughing)
(slams door)
(wind howling)
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