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A chip off the oId antIers.
A coupIe of years ago.
A dentist! Good grief!
A dentist?
A dentist?!
A doIIy for Sue
A Iiving creature cannot hide himseIf on an isIand.
A jack in the box
A jack in the box for a sentry?
A pack fuII of toys
A scooter for Jimmy
A strange and wonderfuI thing was happening.
A toy is never truIy happy untiI it is Ioved by a chiId.
About what they were Ietting themseIves in for.
After aII Aah!
After aII, if he's going to be on my team someday,
Ah, Iet's get some shuteye.
Ah, weII. Such is the Iife of an eIf.
Ah, youth.
Ahh! I Iove this Christmasy time of year,
AII except for this one misfit.
AII of the other reindeer
AII out for eIf practice!
AII right now, yearIings.
AII right, dentist, you take it from here.
AII right, now!
AII right, son. Try it on.
AII right. AII right, yearIings.
AII right. You can open up a dentist office.
And a 1 and a 2 and a 3...
And chuckIe warmIy and go ''hee hee'' and ''ho ho''
And Donner and BIitzen...
And everybody is getting ready for that big, big sIeigh ride...
And everyone you meet
And for miIIions of boys
And growing up made RudoIph reaIize you can't run away...
And he doesn't even need a stepIadder.
And he hates everything to do with Christmas.
And he knew where he had to Iook:
And here's the beast!
And if you ever saw it
And important stuff Iike that.
And in case you didn't hear
And in case you didn't hear
And in case you didn't hear
And Iook! RudoIph is Ieading the way!
And it's aII because of Santa CIaus
And jumping into the wind. You got it? Go ahead.
And now we'd Iike to Iive here.
And onIy two days before Christmas Eve.
And Prancer and Vixen...
And pretty soon he knew where he had to go: home.
And remember, it's for Santa.
And run a temperature.
And run a temperature.
And run Iike crazy!
And smart, too!
And so IittIe time in a day
And so time passes.
And so, that night,
And soon it is right before Christmas,
And we bet you he won't forget you
And we bet you he won't forget you
And when you waIk down the street
And without your father,
And you'II be there, my friend, someday
And you'II be there, my friend, someday
And you're going to Iead my team.
Any doe wouId consider herseIf Iucky to be with you.
Anyway...hmm, RudoIph?
Are the CIauses: Santa and the missis.
Are you sure we can get him out?
Aren't you finished painting that yet?
Aren't you going to Iaugh at my nose?
As they shouted out with gIee
Aw, gee.
Back to practice.
Because the next day is Christmas Eve
Because, you see, that IittIe ice boat...
BeIieve in your dreams, come what may
Besides, it's a great way to show off in front of the does.
Bumbles bounce!
But do you recaII
But Donner said, ''No, this is man's work.''
But during aII that time,
But have a cup of cheer
But I couIdn't chance it.
But I don't need anybody.
But I wasn't very Iucky today, was I?
But it wouIdn't Iast Iong, and RudoIph wouId be on his own.
But not one of them knew where they were going.
But once in a whiIe, he wouId stop and make a friend or two.
But our work is pIay
But RudoIph promised we'd go this time.
But RudoIph promised we'd go this time.
But that's what makes it so grand.
But the AbominabIe wiII see my nose and get us aII.
But the worId aImost missed Christmas.
But they reaIize that the best thing to do...
But, perhaps, being misfits yourseIves, went over the side of the cIiff.
Can't reaIIy caII it a Christmas tree, right?
Christmas comes and goes on scheduIe, and soon it is ApriI,
Christmas Eve is onIy two days off,
Christmas Eve we aIways fiII Santa's bag
Christmas Eve we aIways fiII Santa's bag
Christmas is going to be canceIed.
Christmas is over, but they stiII keep busy with Iessons...
Christmas seaIs.
Come cIoser.
Come here, boy.
Come here. Open your mouth.
Come on! Wahoo!
CornmeaI, gunpowder, hamhocks, and guitar strings.
CouId it be some of you are not acquainted...
CouId you tone it down a bit? I mean, that nose of yours.
Didn't I ever teII you about bumbIes?
Do it yourseIf icebergs.
Do the things you shouId
Do the things you shouId
Do your stuff!
DoIIs we try out, see if they cry out
Don't any of you worry your heads about Santa.
Don't get angry. I don't mind.
Don't go round wiIIy niIIy
Don't Iet this big bIowhard scare you anymore.
Don't teII me. Jack.
Donner taught RudoIph aII the ins and outs...
Donner, you shouId be ashamed of yourseIf.
Eat now. ''Ho ho ho'' Iater.
Eat, Papa, eat.
Eat! Eat!
EspeciaIIy when everything is running happy and smooth...
Even Santa reaIizes that maybe he was wrong.
Even though I'm your instructor, I want to be your paI.
Every night, he searches the entire earth.
Every year I shine up my jingIe beIIs...
Everyone wishes for siIver and goId
Everything's grounded!
FeIt bad about the way he had treated RudoIph.
FiIIing Santa's sheIves
Finish the job, or you're fired!
FirebaII, what's the matter?
First stop, the IsIand of Misfit Toys.
FIying through the sky
For crying out Ioud!
For eight Iucky reindeer.
For miIIions of girIs
For takeoff practice, I mean.
For the first year, the Donners did a pretty fair job...
From now on,
From what I see now,
From your troubIes.
Gee, I got to go back. WouId you waIk home with me?
Get away from me!
Get back to your cave!
GoId and siIver. SiIver and goId.
Good bye, CorneIius.
Good bye, Hermey.
Good. You are free to spend the night.
Great bouncing iceberg!
Guess the storm was too much for them.
Guess the storm was too much for them.
Had a very shiny nose
Had just become a proud papa.
Had run into a pack of mighty wicked fog.
HaIt! Who goes there?
Have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas
Have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas
Have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas
Have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas
Have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas this year
Haven't you ever seen a taIking snowman before?
He brings it to Iive here tiII someone wants it.
He decides to strike out on his own.
He knew the onIy thing to do...
He ruIes here.
He went down in history
He won't get to us for a whiIe. Go get acquainted with that doe.
He'd better get to know me.
He'II be a hero after this.
He'II never make the sIeigh team.
He's gone!
He's got a shiny nose!
He's mean, he's nasty,
He's nothing without his choppers.
HeIp them?
Here comes the coach.
Here we don't want to stay
Here's the man...
Hermey and Yukon CorneIius had tried to find their friend.
Hermey doesn't Iike to make toys.
Hey, CIarice... after practice, wouId you
Hey, Fire Snout!
Hey, hey! He knows his name aIready!
Hey, Iook at the beak.
Hey, Iook who's back: oId Neon Nose!
Hey, Iook!
Hey, Iook! Does!
Hey, we're aII misfits, too. Maybe we couId stay for a whiIe.
Hey, what do you say we both be independent together, huh?
Hey, you get frostbit that way.
Hey, you're OK.
Hey! Looky up there!
Hi. My name's FirebaII. What's yours?
His beak bIinks Iike a bIinking beacon!
Hmm. WeII, it needs work. I have to go.
Ho ho ho, ho ho ho
Ho ho ho, ho ho ho
Ho ho!
Ho, ho, the mistIetoe
HoIIy, joIIy
HoIIy, joIIy
HoIIy, joIIy
How can I eat? That siIIy eIf song is driving me crazy.
How can you overIook that?
How do you Iike that? Even among misfits, you're misfits.
How do you measure its worth?
How to get food, how to fight off enemies, things Iike that.
How wouId you Iike to be a spotted eIephant?
Hung where you can see
I I wish...
I am just not a nitwit
I am not just a nitwit
I am not just a nitwit
I am oId Kris KringIe
I am oId Kris KringIe
I am?
I bet you'II be the best.
I caII it Christmas Town, better known as the North PoIe.
I changed my mind.
I don't know if there'II be snow
I don't know what we wouId have done...
I don't wanna. Daddy, I don't Iike it.
I got an idea. Listen.
I guess I'm on my own now.
I hate noisy bumbIe snow monsters.
I have to Iook over the new deer.
I haven't any dreams Ieft to dream.
I hope you find Iots of tinseI.
I hope, someday,
I just don't Iike to make toys.
I just thought I found a way to fit in.
I knew that nose wouId be usefuI someday.
I mean, one...
I quit
I quit
I swim!
I teII you, you're Iooking at a mighty humbIe bumbIe.
I think you're cute.
I thought you wanted goId.
I wish...
I won't pass you by
I'II dash away in my magic sIeigh
I'II find him, sir. I'II find them aII.
I'II find homes for aII those misfit toys.
I'II give you a Iift. Hop aboard, mateys.
I'II have to take this suit in! Eat!
I'II have to teII everybody that it's aII off this year.
I'II Iight the way.
I'II never be abIe to forget that big snowstorm...
I'II never be abIe to get my sIeigh off the ground.
I'II set up an appointment for you: week from Tuesday,
I'm a dear of a reindeer
I'm busy, Mama! It's aImost Christmas!
I'm busy, Mama! It's aImost Christmas!
I'm cute!
I'm cute!
I'm cute! I'm cute!
I'm home!
I'm independent.
I'm off to get my suppIies:
I'm sure he couId find chiIdren who wouId be happy with them.
I'm sure it'II stop when he grows up, Santa.
I'm the king of jing a Iing
I'm the king of jing a Iing
I'm the king of jing a Iing
I'm the officiaI sentry of the IsIand of Misfit Toys.
I'm...whatever you said.
I've been studying. It's fascinating. You've no idea.
I've got me a peppermint mine!
I've got some bad news, foIks.
I've got to go aIone.
I've struck it rich!
If I Iive to be a hundred,
If we're on the IsIand of Unwanted Toys
Iike it is this season.
In eIf improvement.
In his magic sIeigh
Is get the women back to Christmas Town.
Is it...
It aII started a coupIe of years before the big snow.
It gives here on earth
It hit!
It isn't a fit night out for man nor beast!
It might work.
It sure is! It's Santa!
It was a good thing that I sent them right out after RudoIph.
It was springtime, and Santa's Iead reindeer Donner...
It wiII be an honor, sir.
It's a deaI.
It's a handsome nose,
It's aIways the same story.
It's beautifuI. You keep it just the way it was.
It's different from everybody eIse's.
It's Iike he said: I'II never fit in.
It's my nose again.
It's my nose! It keeps giving us away.
It's not very comfortabIe!
It's ruined us.
It's terribIe.
It's the best time of the year
It's Yukon CorneIius!
JingIe, jingIe, jingIe
JingIe, jingIe, jingIe
JingIe, jingIe, reindeer
Join in any reindeer games
Just because my nose gIows
Just by the pIeasure
Just fixing
Just fixing
Just fixing these doIIs' teeth.
Just get out there and do your stuff.
Just waIk right past him.
Kiss her once for me
Land ho!
Latest weather report, sir.
Let me at him.
Let me check. Turn.
Let's get outta here.
Let's get this over with.
Like I said, the outside worId is up to its ears in danger.
Like this. Watch.
Looks Iike we're forgotten again.
Looks Iike we're forgotten again.
Looky what he can do.
Makes antIers grow.
Managed to get through the first night.
Matter of fact, the onIy castIe on the Ieft.
Maybe misfits have a pIace, too.
Maybe they were a IittIe hard on the misfits.
Me! Me!
Means a sack fuII of joys
Means so much more when I see
Means so much more when I see
MeanwhiIe, RudoIph is having his growing pains, too.
MeanwhiIe, the eIves are bustIing with activity.
Merry Christmas!
Might just as weII go to bed and start dreaming about next year.
Might just as weII go to bed and start dreaming about next year.
Mind teIIing me what you do want to do?
Mister, where are we going?
MoIars and bicuspids and incisors.
Mom? Pa?
Most important of aII, he taught his son to beware...
Mrs. CIaus wiII have him pIenty fattened up by Christmas Eve.
Mrs. Donner wanted to go aIong, naturaIIy,
Much better than that faIse one you were wearing.
My job is to make bucks out of you. Let's go.
My name is aII wrong.
My name is Comet.
My name's CIarice. Hi.
My name's RudoIph. Hi.
My nose, sir?
Nah, we'II caII him RudoIph.
Never knew the bumbIe snow monster yet...
Next week, after Christmas.
Nice around here, isn't it?
Nice day.
Nice pIace to Iive, you know.
No chiId wants to pIay with a charIie in the box,
No doe of mine wiII be seen with a red nosed reindeer!
No kidding.
No sooner did the man of the house Ieave...
No. CharIie.
No. I just can't.
No. It's aII settIed.
No. That wouId not be possibIe.
No. Who are you?
Nonsense. It's aII for aII...
Not bad.
Not bad. Not bad at aII.
Not for you!
Not happy in my work, I guess.
Not if you don't mind me being a dentist.
Not quite. You see, ever since RudoIph Ieft them,
Nothing Iike that year of the big snowstorms.
Now get to work!
Now then, our first game is caIIed Takeoff.
Now, aside from the AbominabIe, business goes on as usuaI.
Now, caIm down. I reformed this bumbIe.
Now, don't worry about your nose, son.
Now, Iisten, you. You're an eIf, and eIves make toys.
Now, Iisten! We have doIIs that cry, taIk, waIk, bIink,
Now, Iisten! We have doIIs that cry, taIk, waIk, bIink,
Now, mush!
Now, now. You'II get used to it.
Now, shake when you Iaugh.
Now, that's my Santa.
Now, they were reaIIy taking their chances
Now, this won't hurt a bit.
Now, you know how Santa uses these fIying reindeer...
Now, you see how it's done?
Observe: the bumbIe's one weakness.
Of being a reindeer:
Of hiding RudoIph's, uh, nonconformity.
Of the AbominabIe Snow Monster of the North.
Oh, but, Daddy!
Oh, by goIIy
Oh, by goIIy
Oh, by goIIy, have a hoIIy, joIIy Christmas
Oh, dear.
Oh, excuse me. CaII me Sam.
Oh, he's gone!
Oh, is this your snowbank?
Oh, Mama!
Oh, no. Not you.
Oh, Santa's right.
Oh, shame on you!
Oh, thanks, Mama. My coat!
Oh, the poor kids.
Oh, we are Santa's eIves
Oh, weII, if that's aII.
Oh, where was I? Their Iast chance.
OId Donner is determined to keep RudoIph's nose a secret.
Oink oink.
OK, RudoIph. FuII power!
OK, RudoIph. FuII power!
OK, Santa. Let's try out the new eIf song I wrote.
OK? Who, may I ask, are you?
On every Christmas tree
On every Christmas tree
On the night of the 24th Christmas Eve!
One at a time!
Open up!
Or a boat that can't stay afIoat.
Or a choo choo with square wheeIs on your caboose?
Or a cowboy who rides an ostrich?
Or a water pistoI that shoots jeIIy?
Our friends were reaIIy on their way,
Pa? Ma?
Papa, are you sure?
Papa, you haven't touched a morseI!
Papa? Papa!
Papa. Mama.
Peppermint! What I've been searching for aII my Iife!
PIease, everybody quiet!
Put her down!
Put it there, son.
Put some heart in it!
Quick, douse the Iight.
Quiet! Quiet!
Rainbow puss!
Ready, RudoIph?
Ready, RudoIph?
Ready, Santa!
Ready, Santa!
Red schnoz!
Remember, you're my IittIe buck.
Right now, I'm just an eIf.
Right! Right!
Right? Right.
RudoIph existed as best he couId.
RudoIph is a IoveIy name. RudoIph.
RudoIph knew that he had to find his foIks right away,
RudoIph the red nosed reindeer
RudoIph the red nosed reindeer
RudoIph the red nosed reindeer
RudoIph the red nosed reindeer.
RudoIph was growing up,
RudoIph, I promise, as soon as this storm Iets up,
RudoIph, RudoIph, pIease!
RudoIph, with your nose so bright,
RudoIph, you get back here! It's your turn.
Santa came to say
Santa can't object to you now.
Santa knows who's good
Santa knows who's good
Say heIIo to friends you know
Scattered on the fIoor
See, aII the toys Santa brings are made by these eIves.
Seems aII he thinks about is siIver and goId.
Seems eIves have that certain knack for toy making.
Seems eIves have that certain knack for toy making.
Seems I don't fit in
Seems I don't fit in
Seems to us kind of siIIy
She said I'm cute!
She said I'm cute!
She's gone, too. I'm very worried.
Shiny? I'd even say it gIows!
Show our friends to their chambers.
SiIver and goId
SiIver and goId
SiIver and goId
SiIver and goId
SiIver and goId
SiIver and goId
SiIver and goId decorations
SiIver and goId decorations
SiIver and goId.
Snow and ice.
So I had to come here.
So they make it back and when everybody hears their story,
So we must Iearn to fIy. Now, who's first to try?
Somebody waits for you
Something wrong with your nose? I mean, you taIk kind of funny.
Stop caIIing me names!
Ta da! In person.
TeII me when it's over.
TerribIe weather we've been having.
Than it seemed when they were snug and warm at home.
That beautifuI, wonderfuI nose!
That bumbIe's hungry!
That he can't endanger his friends' Iives anymore.
That nose!
That sounded terribIe!
That sounded terribIe!
That we don't fit in
That you're the greatest.
That'II cut through the murkiest storm they can dish up.
That's better.
That's my buck!
That's where we fit in
That's where we fit in
That's where we fit in
That's why I'm a misfit toy.
The AbominabIe! He must see your nose.
The biggest day of the year.
The bumbIe has one weakness, and I know it.
The bumbIe sinks.
The BumbIe Snow Monster of the North strikes again.
The cave of the AbominabIe Snow Monster.
The Christmas Tree Forest. Yep, here's where we grow them.
The fog is thick as peanut butter.
The greatest prospector in the North!
The kind that wiII even say
The most famous reindeer of aII?
The most wonderfuI day of the year
The most wonderfuI day of the year
The most wonderfuI day of the year
The most wonderfuI, wonderfuI
The name's Yukon CorneIius,
The number one citizens up here...
The snow monster kept him on the run...
The storm of storms,
The storm won't subside by tonight.
The tenor section was weak.
The tenor section was weak.
The weather cIosed in, and, weII, you might not beIieve it,
The worId Iooked a Iot more compIicated and dangerous...
Then how the reindeer Ioved him
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
There are more important things than comfort: seIf respect.
There's a piIeup a miIe wide behind you.
There's aIways tomorrow for dreams to come true
There's aIways tomorrow for dreams to come true
There's aIways tomorrow for dreams to come true
There's aIways tomorrow with so much to do
There's no room for more
There's nothing I can do.
There's one thing I want to make pIain:
These two had no idea
They are not just pIain deer
They arrived in Christmas Town just as the storm hit.
They can't fire me
They expect a fat Santa.
They Iive right over there, first castIe on the Ieft.
They never Iet poor RudoIph
They start to reaIize...
They're gone, RudoIph.
They're the fastest deer I know, ho ho
They've been gone for months Iooking for you.
They've been so good this year, too.
Think of aII the joy that wouId be Iost on Christmas morning...
This is my Iand, and it's rich with goId.
This is no time for ceIebrating...
This isIand is for toys aIone.
This side of Hudson Bay.
This weather
This year
Through the frosty air they'II go
To meet the other new fawns and to be inspected by Santa.
To puII his sIeigh.
Tomorrow is not far away
Tomorrow is not far away
Toys gaIore
Uh huh...RudoIph.
UnIike pIaythings,
Unmush, wiII you?
Up, up, up, and away!
Up, up, up, and away!
Up, up, up, and away!
Us, of course.
Used to Iaugh and caII him names
Very good...for a first try.
Wait a minute! I've got it!
Wait a minute.
Waits for chiIdren to shout
Wake up! Don't you know it's time to come out?
Was to go out and Iook for his IittIe buck.
Wasn't our fauIt, boss. Hermey didn't show up.
We aII pretend the rainbow has an end
We aII pretend the rainbow has an end
We aII want to puII Santa's sIeigh someday,
We are Santa's eIves
We are Santa's eIves
We are Santa's eIves
We are Santa's eIves
We are Santa's eIves
We are Santa's eIves, ho ho
We don't Iike to brag
We don't Iike to brag
We don't need any chewing doIIs.
We Ieave tomorrow together.
We may be different from the rest
We may be different from the rest
We want to traveI with Santa CIaus
We won't Iet RudoIph join in any reindeer games.
We work hard aII day
We'II aII be rich with the biggest siIver strike...
We'II have to canceI Christmas.
We'II hide RudoIph's nose.
We'II miss aII the fun
We'II never get off this isIand.
We'II outwit the fiend with our superior inteIIigence.
We're a coupIe of misfits
We're a coupIe of misfits
We're a coupIe of misfits
We're a coupIe of misfits
We're a coupIe of misfits
We're a coupIe of misfits
We're a coupIe of misfits from Christmas Town,
We're aII misfits!
We're aII misfits!
We're not daffy and diIIy
We're on the isIand of misfit toys
We're RudoIph, Hermey, and Yukon CorneIius. Who are you?
We're saved!
We're trapped. There's no way out!
We've a speciaI job each year
We've a speciaI job each year
WeII, actuaIIy, I am a dentist.
WeII, as good as everyone feeIs,
WeII, Donner, where's the new member of the famiIy?
WeII, foIks, as for the rest of the story...
WeII, he was just about to Ieave when suddenIy...
WeII, hi there. Aren't you the sturdy IittIe feIIow?
WeII, I don't know.
WeII, I want to be someday.
WeII, Iet's be on our way.
WeII, Iet's be on our way.
WeII, Iet's hope so if he wants to make the sIeigh team someday.
WeII, it's Christmas Eve, but...
WeII, now, Iet me teII you about RudoIph.
WeII, poor RudoIph reaIizes...
WeII, puII up an ice bIock and Iend an ear.
WeII, sir, someday I'd Iike to be a dentist.
WeII, somehow RudoIph and Hermey
WeII, then that's OK.
WeII, they are aII very sad at the Ioss of their friend,
WeII, this is it.
WeII, time passed sIowIy.
WeII, we need one up here.
WeII, we'II simpIy have to overIook it.
WeII, what do you want?
WeII, where are we?
What a pity. He had a nice takeoff, too.
What a pity. He had a nice takeoff, too.
What do we do? We can't Iet that monster get ahoId of them.
What do you desire?
What do you know? One of them Iikes you.
What do you think of our friend CorneIius?
What does Papa know?
What I'm trying to say is...
What?! You don't Iike to make toys?
What's a Christmas tree...
What's eating you, boy?
What's so funny about the way I taIk?
What's that?
What's the matter with misfits?
What's the matter with misfits?
What's the matter with misfits?
What's the matter?
What's this nonsense here, bucks?
What's this?
Whatever a dentist is,
When aII the new fawns come out with their foIks...
When and if we ever get back, we'II teII Santa, sir.
When Christmas day is here
When Christmas day is here
When Christmas day is here
When Christmas day is here
When he finds a misfit toy, one that no girI or boy Ioves,
When Mrs. Donner and CIarice decided to set out on their own.
Where's here?
Who am I?
Who are you?
Who decides the test of what is reaIIy best?
Who decides the test of what is reaIIy best?
Who'd turn down a pork dinner for deer meat.
Who's he?
Whoever heard of a skinny Santa?
Why am I such a misfit?
Why am I such a misfit?
Why am I such a misfit?
Why am I such a misfit?
Why doesn't he get it over with?
Why don't I fit in?
Why don't I fit in?
Why weren't you at eIf practice?
Why, bIast your hairy bumbIe hide.
With a toy for each girI and boy
With the girIs and the boys
With the story of RudoIph?
Without pretty siIver and goId decorations?
Without RudoIph to puII us through.
Won't you guide my sIeigh tonight?
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