All right, guys, I've got Laura with me and we're-and we're gonna do a video from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard 2
All right. It's looking like a phone case already. Yep. It's the exact shape of a phone from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard 3
All right. Well, let's just uh, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard 4
And fold the edges inside. Go in here. You just gotta basically karate chop it. Nobody's gonna believe this is a phone case from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard 5
And put it onto a phone from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard 6
And roll out sugar paste to get a thin layer from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard 7
And they end up using.. not the exact right word. And I think that's what happened here. I think they meant flour from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard 8
Anyways, if you like this video make sure you subscribe to join Gregg. We're the fastest growing channel on YouTube from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard 9
Asked somebody to take a picture of them from across the street as they were crossing the street to come back and check out the from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard 0
Behind. I'll just put a couple in there and from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard -
But because I thought that they might work in the first place from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard =
But I guess I can just sort of yeah, okay. This is sort of working. Yeah, okay from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard q
But I'm gonna try to use it to from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard w
But it turns out the case didn't harden at all and it's not sticking to the phone from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard e
But it was this tourist couple, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard r
But the only one I could find is this. It's a green party bulb from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard t
Candy from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard y
Caramel hard candies. I thought that they might look like little rocks or from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard u
Cause I'm so hungry that I just start eating my phone case. So I bought the ingredients to do this one from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard i
Cooked. So wrap the phone and plastic wrap NICELY from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard o
Cover the case and make it black and I guess I'll just cover it like this from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard p
Dad is trying to get some work done, but here I go pranken again. Hey Dad. Dad- yeah. Danny- Do you want some ice cream- Dad- Sure from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard a
Dad- I'd go with probably a 2-10 from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard s
Dad- It was kinda dumb from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard d
Dad- That's not ice cream... That's a light bulb. -laughing from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard f
Dad- Uhhh, I've seen better pranks from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard g
Danny quickly prepares the phone for the prank by putting on his homemade case from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard h
Danny- All right. Here you go from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard j
Danny- Do I have a blender from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard k
Danny- Have you seen what's in this sand- Mom- No- What from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard l
Danny- If you had to rate it out of 10, what would you give this prank from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard z
Danny- It doesn't- So you just looked at it and saw that it wasn't sand from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard x
Danny- It tastes really bad from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard c
Danny- Of course cut out the old camera hole here from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard v
Danny- Okay from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard b
Danny- Okay, if you had to rank it from 0 to 10 from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard n
Danny- On a scale from 1 to 10 how would you rate my prank from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard m
Danny- So now I sort of cut the front of the phone out. No. No, this is oh no. No, no, no no, no, no from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard Q
Danny- The purpose of this prank was to make you think that I was insane. Because I would just start eating my phone case from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard W
Danny's Mom- Oh, No, but I assumed it was a prank cause it doesn't look like sand from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard E
Danny's Mom- It doesn't look like the sand, cause like when you were showing me, I know what the sand looks like cause from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard R
Danny's Mom- Normally, I think that would freak someone out. They'd go- Why are you eating sand!-! from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard T
Danny's Mom- Well, yeah. Danny- Ok from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard Y
Define the corners, and sides. Cut off the excess. Turn over the phone and the mat together from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard U
Do you think that worked from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard I
Doop x1000 from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard O
Emma gets her ice cream, but it doesn't melt and it doesn't taste like ice cream. Although it's sweet enough from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard P
Fantastic. All right, let's take this baby out of the case. There we go from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard A
Fondant. Okay roll, it out. They're using a cup from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard S
Gel, and it's for writing on cakes and stuff and it's kind of glittery from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard D
Hey Greg, welcome to Danny's kitchen. It's everybody's favorite cooking show where we don't cook up food, we cook up pranks from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard F
Hopefully that makes it look more like sand and not more like from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard G
Hour in a grocery store trying to find sugar paste. I even asked employees from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard H
I believe a knife is the proper tool for this. Cutting and whatnot from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard J
I bought a whole pack of ice cream cones to use one and by use one from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard K
I feel like a rolling pin is the right thing to use for this, but maybe I don't have a rolling pin from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard L
I finally understand. I got it now guys from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard Z
I forgot to record an outro for this video, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard X
I got a big white blob on my tray, and I think I'm ready to wash this fucking flour off my hands.. again. Feels gross from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard C
I just asked Laura to be in a video. I have to really quickly put the phone case on the phone from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard V
I just covered it yesterday and it was all dirty and brown and wet from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard B
I lied to my dad for the first time and I told him I wasn't on a trampoline and I was on a trampoline. -stifling laughter from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard N
I mean I'm gonna glue a fucking light bulb in it. Okay, and the rest goes in the garbage. Just kidding from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard M
I mean it's supposed to be like ironic or surprise me or something. Danny- You weren't surprised from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard <
I remember seeing a clip of it on YouTube from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard >
I think everybody in my family probably does think I'm insane now, but not because of the actual pranks from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard !
I Think this might have been wet, when I just used it just now, -Video-- Put the crumbs into a toy bucket from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard @
I want somebody, just anybody, to think I'm insane from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard #
I wonder if I have a bucket- There's like chunks in here, but it's hard to tell if they're from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard $
I'll see you guys next time with a really interesting video where I curl up into a tiny little ball and I shrink and I from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard %
I'll use a cup. Man, you know what doesn't feel good- Having flour all over your hands. Feels awful actually from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard ^
I'llI guess I'll get my phone back at some point. While we wait for that to harden, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard &
I'm not exactly sure how many I need to use to make a significant amount of sand and just so you know from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard *
I'm starting to get it now. I think I understand. There's no fucking way this is gonna work from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard (
I've made fun of just about everything about their videos. And while I've speculated about how bad their pranks would be in real life, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard )
I've never actually tried them. So that's what I'm gonna do today from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard ~
I've never. from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard `
I've spread it out into a pretty thin mass. Okay. I think I'm happy with this thickness from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard |
In my opinion, the best pranks will make the person who's being pranked feel like they've gone insane from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard "
Involuntarily feeding weed to people. I thought that that might be what it was when I first read the titles but, has nothing to do with weed from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard '
Is that too much to ask- So I'm gonna make them think that I'm eating sand. -Video- -Grind shortcrust cookies in a blender from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard ?
It doesn't melt it's just like this hard mush instead of ice cream, but don't worry, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard /
It makes the dude think Wait. Did I just take a picture of these people from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard ,
It was on some foreign TV show from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard .
It's --really doesn't feel any less soft than it did before. I'm kind of worried that it's never gonna dry from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's even dripping like a regular ice-cream cone would on a nice hot summer's day from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's here. So you like wrap it around and go like that from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's important that you do this nicely, like the tutorial said. Otherwise your phone's not gonna want to stay in. You have to say from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's just a fucking light bulb. In the thumbnail it was like dripping like it's ice cream. It's not really ice cream from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's like the worst texture. Alexa remind me to never be a chef from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's looking pretty good so far. -Video-- Put a regular case on to the back side and cut out a hole for the camera from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's lumpy as fuck. Now I'm gonna cut off the excess, flip it around, wrap it on up from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's my phone case. -cough- Do you think it was pretty weird that I just start eating my phone case from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's recording! Danny's mom- Well of course I know. Danny- You know it's recording from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's supposed to make the person who's being pranked think their friend is insane. Let me show you this first prank as an example from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
It's time to put them to the test and see just how good these DIY pranks are from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Laura- Danny! What is that- Danny- Sorry- What- Laura- What is that from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Laura- I bet! Danny- So you didn't think it looked like a phone case- Laura- No, it looked like a white piece of candy from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Laura- I'm just-I like I knew you didn't want me to tell you a story. Are you chocking from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Laura- It's not even a prank from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Laura- No, it didn't look like a phone case from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Laura- Oh, I have to tell a story about a time a got in trouble from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Laura- UMMMMM from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Let's check it out. -Video-- Dali is playing in the sand. It's so cute and innocent from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Let's check it out. -Video-- Dolly gets a surprise gift too. There was a light bulb cone in her package. Danny- So it wasn't ice cream from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Let's do this! Eating sand and your phone case! from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Let's just set this prank aside to simmer and from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Let's move on to the next prank from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Let's see how they pulled this prank off cuz I'm-I'm pretty blown away. -Video-- Hot glue a spiral lightbulb into a wafer cone. Danny- Okay from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Let's see what it is! from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Like I just said Troom Troom likes to poorly translate their videos a lot. And I spent about an from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Like I was, you're probably wondering how did they get that cool spiral shape on an ice-cream cone from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Little tiny poppy seed and then somebody eats me! Bye! from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Make a white sugar paste ball put the ball into a wafer cone pour topping onto the sugar paste ice cream from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Maybe a grandma got so old she turned to sand leaving only her hard candies from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Maybe feed it to some birds from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Maybe I should cut some of this off from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Maybe I'm not so bad at cooking after all. Wrap it around a cup from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Mercury poisoning from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Mmm, they're good. This is gonna be some tasty sand from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Mom- That looks good, Danny. Umm, sand. Danny- It's a prank! from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Mother has just gotten home from a long morning shift at Starbucks and is now making food for a local homeless shelter from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Mother laughs embarrassed that this is the best her son could do from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
My friend wants to eat my cookies. No way! from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
My phone's in there. I didn'tI thoughtI thought I was just gonna be able to take it right out or something from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Not really sure what this is, but I'm gonna use this. Flour, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Now I need powdered sugar. I probably should've got everything out before I started, but I forgot what I needed from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Now we've got a nice black phone case that will convince just about anyone. Alright guys from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Oh no from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Oh, my phone just buzzed. Well, I guess it still works. So that's good from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
OHH. What the fuck- You know how they usually have like a razor thing here so you can cut it easily- I couldn't find it for some reason from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Ok, so, it's a good idea and good execution, but my mom knows what sand looks like so it didn't work from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Okay guys, I'm back with the phone case and it's been about five hours and this is still very soft from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Okay sweetheart, we're going in the plastic wrap now. Be a good girl from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Okay, I couldn't find gummy sea shells and gummy starfishes at my local grocery store from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Okay, I wrapped it up nicely. Sprinkle a mat with powdered sugar or starch. Sprinkle a mat.. hopefully this works from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Okay, next step. Wrap it around a glass from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Okay, that's looking good! from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Okay, they used a much smaller piece. from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Okay, we're gonna stop this episode of Danny's kitchen for a brief poll if I started scarfing this down in front of you from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Okay. That's probably starch from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Phew! It's so hot. The best idea is to eat some ice cream. The friends give cooling surprise gifts to each other from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Picture, a van crosses by. And they hop in the van and two old people hop out without the person from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Please don't look that up. Thank You Caitlin for turning out my notifications. You are truly Greg from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Pranked ya! We got him good guys. That was a good prank. Did I prank you good from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
PRANKED! You've been got! from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Pranks. And I've made fun of their pranks a lot, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Realizing. And then they walk back up to get the picture from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Really hope that that's sealed up. This is my actual phone that I use every day from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Roll out sugar paste to get a thin layer. Now, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
See the problem is that this comes out from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Set my phone down.. -construction noises- and then just roll it on top of my phone from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Shrink, and I just keep on shrinking I'm the size of a from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So a lot of their times, their videos are very poorly translated from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So here goes, I think it's safe to say that none of the pranks work. It was a pretty interesting experiment from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So I forgot to buy a light bulb. I figured my parents would have one laying around, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So I looked around the grocery store for like any kind of edible paint or dye and I found this. It's called sparkling from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So I really hope I don't fucking ruin it with sugar paste. Press the paste over the phone from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So I went with Werther's original from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So I'm just going to-I'm just gonna roll with it and and just do it. Okay. -Video-- Trim the front edges from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So I'm not just gonna be testing any old Troom Troom pranks, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So I've already done two videos about Troom Troom before, right- They're this DIY from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So maybe it's gonna be some lime colored ice cream or something- Lamp contains mercury.. from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So now we're gonna follow along step by step and do the dang prank. Umm, first.. I need my phone from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So she said powdered sugar or starch from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So the first girl gives her friend alike a hard ball of sugar. That's not cold, like ice cream from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So thinly that I-I'm gonna have to spread it around somehow and I don't have any paintbrushes or anything from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So this video is about-you have to tell a story about a time that you weregot in trouble from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
So whoever's getting pranked with this one's not only getting a surprise when they bite into it, but they're also gonna have from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Sugarpaste is white from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Super fun, crafting, life hacks, YouTube channel that makes just THE BEST from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
That looks like a blender. -ha ha from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
That's the prank. I guess I'll put this over here to harden as well. So we got two pranks in the bag from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
That's the whole thing. Did you like it- Laura- No from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
That's what I think a good prank should do. Troom Troom has taken a different approach to pranks from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
The biggest part the prank is you hasn't to tell this story and you didn't want it. Danny- Okay. Well, that's it, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
The other friends got a great prank that she's gonna use to get back at her friend from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
The prank is just hey, give your friend a light bulb. Wow from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Then, she takes her phone and bites off a piece of the case, while talking from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
These are gluten free from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
These edible pranks are not supposed to make the person who's being pranked think they're insane, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
They glued a light bulb into a cone. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. So I bought some cones from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
They're hardening over there and we got one more to go before we're ready to test these out in the real world from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
This is one of the pranks we're gonna be doing. It looks likeit's like a crazy ice-cream cone from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
This is one prank that I think exemplifies that really well. It's not by Troom Troom from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
This one comes from a video called from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Troom Troom has a new genre of pranks that they've been doing, that are called 'edible pranks'. And no, the prank is not from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Ukrainian people and then poorly translated into English from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Unbroken cookies or just like clumps cuz it kind of clumps together. Oh, yeah. Now this is some fake-ass sand from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Until she starts eating the sand, right from a bucket. Danny- This is a great prank from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Wait a few hours to get the sugar paste hardened. Wait a few hours for the sugar paste to harden.. from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Watch as her idiot you tuber son tries to prank her from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Watch me convince my entire family I'm insane on this episode of troom troom from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
We'll--I'm gonna save it from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Well in real truth room fashion now that the pranks are done, from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Well, I don't actually cool down the way I want but dolly gets a surprise gift, too from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Well, I'm going to show you exactly to make a cool spiral ice-cream cone to prank your friends from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
What a great prank. Your friends is expecting ice cream and instead she bites into a glass light bulb. Gotcha! from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Where the sugar paste was, and they looked at me like I was insane. And then I found out that it's called from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Which is worrisome to me from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Who the fuck are these people- A-Am I going insane from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Would you think I was eating sand- Vote now from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Wrap the phone with plastic wrap nicely. -Switches back to Danny- So that's the -laughing bcus of how dumb this is from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Wrap the phone with plastic wrap nicely. Wrap the phone with plastic wrap nicely. Okay from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Yep, this totally looks like a phone case. The problem with this prank is that my phone case is black and this from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
Yep! from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
You heard it here first folks 2 out of 10. Dad- Slightly above juvenile from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
You know, Troom Troom is obviously made by I don't know if it's Russian people or from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
You're making me so nervous. Danny- It's just a regular youtube video, what do you mean from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
14 Funny Summer pranks! - Pranks wars! And if you just look at the thumbnail. from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
-laughter from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard
-Video-- Add a gummy sea shell and a gummy starfish put in colorful candy drops from The Danny Gonzalez Soundboard