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A lot I use the dry lotion for Mario
A nose piercing after date I have to
Accutane but ever since I used that wig
Accutane for it and know my skin is
After I get my pixie skin treats vitamin
After that I use my pixie Rose a flash
After that my last step for the face
Aftercare mist and this is basically
All the way down to get to the
All you need it even guys because Conor
All-over surface air
Almost moosie and I just do two full
And also it heals acne scarring which is
And for eye cream I use the Loreal eye
And I brush my teeth and wash my face in
And some little pimples right here I use
And the products I use someone do
And then lay my comfortable clean bed
And this guy's works absolute miracles I
And vitamin C helps a lot with
And with the state eyes acne control a
Appropriate so what you guys know I have
Away like sun damage spots dark spots
Been improving a lot too so it's this
Believe but yeah
Better than ever
Bomb don't if you guys to see it and
Bottle it's about like 25 bucks I
Brightening your skin tone and taking
Brought into the public eye and the
Brought the toothbrush on your lips to
But like this one that's a really big
C serum any vitamin C serum works you
Cause to pin it so it isn't like get
Chapstick over it and leave it on
Chapstick you put some on my finger you
Clean it daily so I also like to push it
Close up for you so it's more
Color the should be diversity of thought
Comes out of the stuff Carter loves it
Constant yeah console op and I just this
Continue fighting for what I believe in
Couple more sips of water and I just do
Days honestly yesterday I was crying
Defense the stuff is really good I use
Diminishes the value and and the truth
Dirt throughout the day and you lay in
Do shower at night I'm not a morning
Do that I put on moisturizer I use the
Dr. eyes and smile lines so if you keep
Especially when my menstrual cycles like
Even though I have oily skin which is
Exactly that I'm going to do a nighttime
Exfoliates exfoliating skin Perfector
Favorites I always see some and I never
Feel like it's an unhealthy obsession
Finger because your ring finger is the
Firm stand my ground I'm still gonna
First thing I do is get a hair tie and
First video so I don't know how I did
For a while I mean I get pimples usually
From the organization but today it's a
Get rid of the dead skin and then put
Good boy good boy moose oh jeez
Got them from Victoria's Secret they're
Had really a pretty bad acne scars over
Have really chapped lips you could get a
Here and I used to have like uneven skin
Hey everyone this is Cathy I've gotten a
Hey everyone this is Cathy sue I just
Honestly I'm so glad this story got
Honestly just love spray so much I keep
Hormonal breakouts and stuff after that
Hydrating your skin needs to be hydrogen
I could remove my makeup effectively
I do have a face full of makeup I use
I don't have that much makeup on but if
I go in with my glossy a solution
I hope you guys props up on paper towels
I just I just love them super good super
I just put this on my face top that all
I mean I live in Michigan it was it's in
I use about this much on each like part
I use the hydrating milky mist from
I'll show guys so if I have just one
If you don't want wrinkles you're older
Important the first times I changing the
In the morning so these are my PJs guy
Is the drying lotion to make one and I
It just takes it away I will get a
It on at night and it basically dries
It some homework on my iPad and my
Just long pants real comfy and that's
Just my outfit here is gonna go downtown
Just put it on your forehead and your
Just put this in here and give it its
Just spray it and then he goes nonwoven
Know but I had a really bad acne when I
Learn from this story and the situation
Least for lips I always use chapstick I
Like break out like a huge area I just
Little attacks like those really really
Little weird things I do before bed so
Lot of requests to do a skincare routine
Love them I don't know sponsored by them
Makeup on today all right so next I
Maybe last step I know is the pixie Rose
Me and facial spray my Mario Badescu I
Me or so it break out there because of
Media because this is so much bigger
Missed the stuff is awesome I just
Moisturize your skin
Most delicate finger it puts the least
Much and because I have a pin board here
Mud glow mud yeah glow in mud cleanser
Never go anywhere without chopstick I
New day and today was amazing
Nikki I use a lot of Pepsi products I
Now but I use the glossier let's go home
Of each surface area of my face
Of mindset of political affiliation I'm
Of the word racism so you know there
Off saying I shot you guys all like
Oh he did come back from me after
Oh they forgot to mention is that if you
Okay so I usually use the face hello if
On and yeah good night guys
One eternity later
One that I get them like once a month
Only need about like two that much and
Opinions so don't worry I'll still stand
Or morning and night eye cream is so
Organization discriminate against people
Other pageant organizations could really
Out from inside my nose which is really
Out that pimple from within last not
Over my face
Overnight more Vaseline and it goes away
Paper moisturizer eye cream at night by
Petal that's really really baking hurts
Pixie beauty sleep cream moisturizer
Please comment below subscribe like this
Pressure on your eyes and you always
Pumps of that so it's like this and then
Racist even when they're not just just
Really cool I don't know if you guys
Really weird but yeah I just take a
Really weird it feels really weird of
Regina makeup wipes pig removers so
Remove any type of jewelry and clothes
Rescue and then if I have like an
Right now so the best thing right yes so
Right on that
Right so I just hop out of the shower
Routine and show you guys the things I
Rub the anti-acne zero over that area so
Scrub so these two are my absolute
Sense to me because you collect dust and
Shouldn't just be diversity of skin
Shower I feel like that doesn't make any
Skincare techniques it's been going on
Smeared it all over and it smells so
So after you got all that you just leave
So glad to be able to be the voice for
So I am pretty much ready for bed I
So we can get ready for a shower yes I
So yeah thank you guys so much for the
Some cool cream from our desk you and
Stop to know so all right so I gotta
Stuck because you know Cod gets stuck on
Suggestions of new videos
Super dry and now is getting warmer but
Surgeries but I use this piercing
Tap my hair so it gets out of the way so
Texture but once I discovered this nice
Than pageantry this is about you know an
That's what I'm doing today I have one
The shower so what I used was the pixie
Them because I get really dry easily
Them everywhere my house I just spray
This right now and I hope that you know
This thing I only use like once every
This thing is so good and it's like it's
This usually in the morning and music
Those two eras hydrated I use my ring
To not discriminate others based on
To shower at night get all that dirt off
Too so skincare is not just for women so
Toothbrush like one of those like kids
Toothbrushes wet it and then just we
Universal skin self it's basically like
Use on my face before I go to bed a
Uses it my boyfriend's and his skin has
Usually have this handy dandy spray with
Video turn the bail notification thing
Wait am good boy it's obedient good boy
Want to rob out words and not in words
Want to say thank you so much for all
Was in high school I took
We don't have time
Week this is just to intensely
When I first saw the messages and emails
Where's my call a soft bristle
Which is a clean secret place so I like
With different opinions calling people
With the editing and stuff but yeah if
Yeah hope you guys enjoy all right guys
Yeah so that's my nightly routine I hope
You guys enjoyed it this video is my
You have any questions comments or
You just put it all real
You need to hydrate your skin so that
You use for dry spot to Jesus red
Your bed
Your piercing we pull it out really hard
Your support it's been a heck of a two
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