A choice that endangered the lives of all of those onboard. from Sully (2016) 2
A dual engine loss due to bird strike. from Sully (2016) 3
A little bit. from Sully (2016) 4
A lot of toes were stepped on in order to set this up for today. from Sully (2016) 5
A pilot never stops acquiring knowledge. from Sully (2016) 6
A real pleasure to meet you. from Sully (2016) 7
About how we got to meet David Letterman. from Sully (2016) 8
Absolutely, sir. from Sully (2016) 9
Absolutely. from Sully (2016) 0
ACARS data relayed that the left engine from Sully (2016) -
Activate confirm. from Sully (2016) =
Actually not. from Sully (2016) q
After a US Airways Flight crashes into the Hudson River, from Sully (2016) w
After interviewing each player, from Sully (2016) e
After running through every scenario, from Sully (2016) r
After what you did, from Sully (2016) t
After what you just went through, 110 is extraordinary. from Sully (2016) y
Agreed. from Sully (2016) u
Ah, come on, Sully. from Sully (2016) i
Ah, so unbelievable. from Sully (2016) o
Ah. You know, I don't know. from Sully (2016) p
Air traffic control, from Sully (2016) a
Air Traffic testified from Sully (2016) s
Airbus completed their computer simulations as well. from Sully (2016) d
Airbus has agreed to link us via satellite from Sully (2016) f
Aircraft Performance, ATC, from Sully (2016) g
Airspeed. Optimum relight, 300 knots. from Sully (2016) h
Al, stack all the inbounds to LaGuardia. from Sully (2016) j
All right, folks. from Sully (2016) k
All right, give me your hand. from Sully (2016) l
All right, I'm on it. from Sully (2016) z
All right, let's put the flaps out. Put the flaps out. from Sully (2016) x
All right, you guys go. Go. I'll be right behind you. from Sully (2016) c
All right. from Sully (2016) v
All right. from Sully (2016) b
All right. from Sully (2016) n
All right. Be down there in five minutes. from Sully (2016) m
All right. Gear in three. from Sully (2016) Q
All right. You are confirmed. from Sully (2016) W
All series near the Intrepid, plane down. from Sully (2016) E
Along with ATC and all onboard transcripts combined, from Sully (2016) R
Also Aircraft Structures, MRT, from Sully (2016) T
Although no one'll believe her. from Sully (2016) Y
And 6C. from Sully (2016) U
And a result that was, frankly, astounding. from Sully (2016) I
And all of the passengers, the rescue workers, from Sully (2016) O
And because of the events of January 15, 2009, from Sully (2016) P
And don life vests now! from Sully (2016) A
And every crash you investigated are not the purview of this investigation. from Sully (2016) S
And everybody lived? from Sully (2016) D
And get some extra life jackets out there. from Sully (2016) F
And headquarters in three states. from Sully (2016) G
And I have significant accident investigation experience. from Sully (2016) H
And I hear good things. from Sully (2016) J
And I hear good things. from Sully (2016) K
And I know, because I had the QRH in my hands. from Sully (2016) L
And I open the Christmas cards. from Sully (2016) Z
And I open the letters that come to our house from your families. from Sully (2016) X
And I would do it again. from Sully (2016) C
And I'd bet my life on it. from Sully (2016) V
And I'm alone and not enough sleep. from Sully (2016) B
And I'm one of them. from Sully (2016) N
And it would have eliminated all the other options. from Sully (2016) M
And LaGuardia runways 2 2 and 1 3. from Sully (2016) <
And never forget, no matter what's happening, from Sully (2016) >
And not just 155 faces, but the other faces, from Sully (2016) !
And not just possible, probable. from Sully (2016) @
And now we are watching actual sims. from Sully (2016) #
And of course, the inexplicably precise timing of the pilot. from Sully (2016) $
And of the ferry boat captains, from Sully (2016) %
And ride shotgun with you the rest of the way. from Sully (2016) ^
And the resulting computer simulations of US Airways Flight 1549 from Sully (2016) &
And their insurance company. from Sully (2016) *
And then, miraculously, you don't. from Sully (2016) (
And they weren't there. from Sully (2016) )
And we appreciate your perspective. from Sully (2016) ~
And we will be listening to it for the first time from Sully (2016) `
And wrap up in a blanket from the Red Cross. from Sully (2016) |
And you, you were right there, through all that distraction. from Sully (2016) "
Answer! from Sully (2016) '
Anything in New Jersey? Maybe T eterboro? from Sully (2016) ?
Anything in New Jersey? Maybe Teterboro? from Sully (2016) /
Anything you would have done differently from Sully (2016) ,
Are committed to protecting your privacy. from Sully (2016) .
Are they paying you from Sully (2016)
Are you blinded by the leg kick? from Sully (2016)
Are you kidding me? from Sully (2016)
Are you kidding? from Sully (2016)
Are you okay? from Sully (2016)
Are you okay? from Sully (2016)
Arnie. from Sully (2016)
As I began the left turn, from Sully (2016)
As part of our investigation. from Sully (2016)
Ask the passengers. from Sully (2016)
At a lower altitude than any jet in history. from Sully (2016)
ATC notified. Squawk 7700. from Sully (2016)
Attention, all aircraft in the vicinity of the GW. from Sully (2016)
Auto pilot off. Flight Director off. from Sully (2016)
Auto pilot's off. from Sully (2016)
Aviation engineers are theorizing from Sully (2016)
Avoiding a stall. from Sully (2016)
Be sure you turn that off. from Sully (2016)
Became a man for all time. from Sully (2016)
Because the media request avalanche continues. from Sully (2016)
Because they really do make a difference to us as well. from Sully (2016)
Been 10 seconds, Captain. Come on. from Sully (2016)
Before he actually pulled it off. from Sully (2016)
Before our testimony is complete. from Sully (2016)
Before the simulation we just witnessed. from Sully (2016)
Best day of the year. from Sully (2016)
Birds! from Sully (2016)
Birds! from Sully (2016)
Birds. from Sully (2016)
Birds. from Sully (2016)
Birds. from Sully (2016)
Both engines. from Sully (2016)
Both. Both engines. from Sully (2016)
Bound for Charlotte, North Carolina, from Sully (2016)
Brace for impact. from Sully (2016)
Brace for impact. from Sully (2016)
Brace, brace, brace! from Sully (2016)
Brace, brace, brace! from Sully (2016)
Brace, brace, brace! from Sully (2016)
Brace, brace, brace! from Sully (2016)
Breathalyzer, urine samples, it's standard. from Sully (2016)
But all the flights you piloted before January 15th from Sully (2016)
But be cool. from Sully (2016)
But choosing to land on the Hudson, that was still a big if. from Sully (2016)
But everyone, everyone, survived. from Sully (2016)
But I have to go. from Sully (2016)
But I will. from Sully (2016)
But in the end, I'm gonna be judged on 208 seconds. from Sully (2016)
But just tell me you'll be back in the air soon. from Sully (2016)
But she'll be okay? from Sully (2016)
But that doesn't make sense. from Sully (2016)
But that's next week in Toulouse. Can you get them to reschedule? from Sully (2016)
But they've clearly been instructed to head for the airport from Sully (2016)
But we can circle back to that later. from Sully (2016)
But we now know it was the wrong choice. from Sully (2016)
But we'll keep her a day or two to stem the infection. from Sully (2016)
But what still seems so hard to believe from Sully (2016)
But when you can put faces to it from Sully (2016)
But you did not. from Sully (2016)
But, Sully, listen. You've done enough. Let me take it from here. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549 is low level above the Hudson. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549 needs to go to the airport right now. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549 over the GW Bridge. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, do you read me? from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, gate 21 cleared to push. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, if we can get it for you, from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, if we can get it for you, from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, if we can get it for you, do you wanna try to land runway 1 3? from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, if you can, from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, it's gonna be left traffic, runway 3 1. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, radar contact lost. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, radar contact lost. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, this is departure control. On guard, do you read? from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, turn right 2 8 0. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549, you wanna from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549. Cleared for takeoff. from Sully (2016)
Cactus 1549. Cleared for takeoff. from Sully (2016)
Calm down. You'll be fine. from Sully (2016)
Can we get a couple more blankets over here? from Sully (2016)
Can we get serious now? from Sully (2016)
Can we, uh, listen to what actually did? from Sully (2016)
Can you believe they charge $5 for a Snickers? from Sully (2016)
Can you believe we made it? from Sully (2016)
Can you make it happen? from Sully (2016)
Captain Sullenberger? from Sully (2016)
Captain Sully! from Sully (2016)
Captain Sully! Sully! from Sully (2016)
Captain, have you had any troubles at home lately? from Sully (2016)
Captain! Come back! from Sully (2016)
Captain! We have to go! from Sully (2016)
Captain? from Sully (2016)
Captain. I'm here to escort you to meet with Mayor Bloomberg from Sully (2016)
Caution, obstacle. from Sully (2016)
Caution, obstacle. from Sully (2016)
Check. Does he need assistance? from Sully (2016)
Choosing to land on the Hudson, that was a big if. from Sully (2016)
Clear of conflict. from Sully (2016)
Clear the board for a damage check. from Sully (2016)
Coast Guard sector New York, channel 1 6, Thomas Jefferson. from Sully (2016)
Come forward! from Sully (2016)
Come on, buddy. from Sully (2016)
Come on, come on, come on. from Sully (2016)
Come on, guys, stay on point. from Sully (2016)
Come on, Mike. What are they gonna say? That he shouldn't have saved everybody? from Sully (2016)
Come on! from Sully (2016)
Come on! from Sully (2016)
Come on. from Sully (2016)
Come on. Answer. from Sully (2016)
Come on. One at a time. from Sully (2016)
Come on. She can't move. from Sully (2016)
Come on. Tomorrow's gonna be a good day. from Sully (2016)
Computer sims will prove you were right. We can all put our wings back on. from Sully (2016)
Continued to turn throughout the flight. from Sully (2016)
Damn, Pete. He's everywhere! from Sully (2016)
Dan, because it was a domestic flight... from Sully (2016)
Dan, I need to know who's hurt and how badly, and I need a count. from Sully (2016)
Dan! from Sully (2016)
Del Frisco's. On me. from Sully (2016)
Dennis Eckersley is without question from Sully (2016)
Departure control, we can make it. from Sully (2016)
Departure control, we can make it. from Sully (2016)
Deploy that man overboard ladder right away. from Sully (2016)
Did I tell you that already? I apologize if I didn't tell you. from Sully (2016)
Distress message transmit. We did that. from Sully (2016)
Do you wanna try to land runway 1 3? from Sully (2016)
Do you wanna try to land runway 1 3? from Sully (2016)
Does anyone need to see more simulations? from Sully (2016)
Doesn't jibe with everything I felt in the cockpit. from Sully (2016)
Don't get me wrong. Actually, it's a compliment. from Sully (2016)
Don't go in the river. from Sully (2016)
Don't go in the river. from Sully (2016)
Don't think he'll be discerning what gift came from where. from Sully (2016)
Don't worry. You did a great thing. from Sully (2016)
Drugs? from Sully (2016)
Dry cleaning? from Sully (2016)
Due to multiple bird strikes? from Sully (2016)
Easy. Go easy. from Sully (2016)
Elizabeth. from Sully (2016)
Evacuate. from Sully (2016)
Evacuate. from Sully (2016)
Evacuate. from Sully (2016)
Ever hear that in any other aspect of your lives? from Sully (2016)
Every computer simulation demonstrated that a return was possible. from Sully (2016)
Every computer simulation with the exact flight parameters from Sully (2016)
Everybody's okay. Help is on the way. from Sully (2016)
Everyone, keep moving forward. from Sully (2016)
Everyone, might be a good idea just to keep your seat belts on. from Sully (2016)
Everyone! The aft exits are unusable. from Sully (2016)
Everyone's been pulled off. It's a miracle! from Sully (2016)
Everyone's gonna have to get used to it, including the NTSB. from Sully (2016)
Everything you faced when you made your decision. from Sully (2016)
Exactly. from Sully (2016)
FAC 1 off, then on. from Sully (2016)
Fairly severe laceration. from Sully (2016)
Feet first. Slide slowly and gently. from Sully (2016)
Ferry boat crews and the scuba cops. from Sully (2016)
Fifteenth. from Sully (2016)
Fifty yards, go! from Sully (2016)
Fifty, 40, 30, 20... from Sully (2016)
Fifty, 40, 30, 20... from Sully (2016)
Finally! from Sully (2016)
Fine. Come on. from Sully (2016)
First Officer Skiles, is there anything you'd like to add? from Sully (2016)
First Officer Skiles? from Sully (2016)
First Officer Skiles? from Sully (2016)
Five compressor blades were fractured from Sully (2016)
Five hundred. from Sully (2016)
Flaps out. from Sully (2016)
Flaps two. from Sully (2016)
Flaps two. from Sully (2016)
Flight is closed. from Sully (2016)
Flight path vector. from Sully (2016)
Flight slow. from Sully (2016)
Fly out of JFK. from Sully (2016)
Follow your instructions. from Sully (2016)
Followed by an immediate water landing from Sully (2016)
For a successful return to LaGuardia. from Sully (2016)
For all this media stuff at least? from Sully (2016)
For now, they remain confidential. from Sully (2016)
For the gratitude that you've expressed to our families from Sully (2016)
For the NTSB investigation. from Sully (2016)
For the record, from Sully (2016)
For the record, from Sully (2016)
For the record, we had an Aircraft Systems Team from Sully (2016)
For these simulations? from Sully (2016)
Forty, 30, 20... from Sully (2016)
Friday's headline? This is beautiful. from Sully (2016)
Fucking cold out here. from Sully (2016)
Funny. from Sully (2016)
Gear up. from Sully (2016)
Gentlemen, from Sully (2016)
Gentlemen, headsets. from Sully (2016)
Get him a blanket, fast. from Sully (2016)
Get out the QRH. from Sully (2016)
Get out the QRH. from Sully (2016)
Get the checklist. from Sully (2016)
Get those first aid kits up to the bow from Sully (2016)
Girls, turn on the TV. from Sully (2016)
Give him some room. from Sully (2016)
Give me a heading 3 1 0. from Sully (2016)
Give me your hand, sir. It's okay. from Sully (2016)
Give me your hand. from Sully (2016)
Go ahead. Try number one. from Sully (2016)
Go easy. from Sully (2016)
Go slowly. Blanket. from Sully (2016)
Go! Exit! Go, go! from Sully (2016)
God, I just can't believe this. from Sully (2016)
Going for 1 3. from Sully (2016)
Good afternoon, Gursimran. from Sully (2016)
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. from Sully (2016)
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome. from Sully (2016)
Good. Good, that'll help. from Sully (2016)
Got a count. from Sully (2016)
Got you. from Sully (2016)
Grab on. from Sully (2016)
Grab your life vests, please. from Sully (2016)
Great. from Sully (2016)
Hack the time. from Sully (2016)
Has about 300 of New York's finest ready to help them. from Sully (2016)
Have a blessed day. from Sully (2016)
He is not able to speak to the media from Sully (2016)
He likes to throw everything. from Sully (2016)
He lost both engines. Returning immediately. from Sully (2016)
He lost thrust in both engines, he said. from Sully (2016)
He switched on the APU immediately after engine rollback. from Sully (2016)
He was simply following the QRH. from Sully (2016)
He wasn't following proper procedure at all. from Sully (2016)
He'll come back up. from Sully (2016)
He's back there, can you see him? from Sully (2016)
He's going down. from Sully (2016)
He's headed to Newark, seven miles. It's only seven miles. from Sully (2016)
He's out there. from Sully (2016)
Heading 3 1 0. from Sully (2016)
Heading sub 2 9 8. from Sully (2016)
Heads down, stay down! from Sully (2016)
Heads down, stay down! from Sully (2016)
Heads down, stay down! from Sully (2016)
Hearing the CVR just now? from Sully (2016)
Hell, I'm standing here with you right now and I don't believe it. from Sully (2016)
Her name is Brenda, from Sully (2016)
Here we go. from Sully (2016)
Here we go. from Sully (2016)
Here you go, Captain. This way. from Sully (2016)
Here. There you go. from Sully (2016)
Here's a floatation device. Take that. from Sully (2016)
Here's the funny thing. from Sully (2016)
Hey, guys, I'm in here. from Sully (2016)
Hey, guys! Jeff! from Sully (2016)
Hey, it's a pleasure to meet you. from Sully (2016)
Hey, Larry. Good to see a friendly face. from Sully (2016)
Hey, listen. from Sully (2016)
Hey, little man. from Sully (2016)
Hey, Lorrie. from Sully (2016)
Hey, maybe when I wake up, it'll be January 14th. from Sully (2016)
Hey, Mike. How about we add the driver as a character witness? from Sully (2016)
Hey, no one dies today. from Sully (2016)
Hey, Patty. from Sully (2016)
Hey, Sully. Let me... from Sully (2016)
Hey, you did good. from Sully (2016)
Hey. from Sully (2016)
Hey... from Sully (2016)
Hi. I'm sorry to bother you before the hearing. from Sully (2016)
Hi. I'm sorry to bother you before the hearing. from Sully (2016)
Hi. I'm sorry. from Sully (2016)
His options severely limited, from Sully (2016)
His voice was so calm. from Sully (2016)
Hit birds. We've lost thrust on both engines. from Sully (2016)
Hmm. from Sully (2016)
Hold it right there, baby. Come on. from Sully (2016)
Honey, it's me. from Sully (2016)
How are you holding up? from Sully (2016)
How do you feel when people call you a hero? from Sully (2016)
How does it feel to be a miracle maker? from Sully (2016)
How is Doreen? from Sully (2016)
How many people are traveling? from Sully (2016)
How much sleep did you get the night before? from Sully (2016)
How much time did the pilots spend planning for this event? from Sully (2016)
Huh. I guess you haven't heard. He landed the son of a bitch! from Sully (2016)
Human piloted simulations from Sully (2016)
I am so sorry. I love you. from Sully (2016)
I am the keeper of the mail. from Sully (2016)
I can say with absolute confidence from Sully (2016)
I can't hear you. Call me back. from Sully (2016)
I cannot believe you have the sack to say that. from Sully (2016)
I could bankrupt the airline in about four bites. from Sully (2016)
I could hear you shouting my name the whole time. from Sully (2016)
I could've made it back to LaGuardia safely. from Sully (2016)
I couldn't see you. I couldn't find you. from Sully (2016)
I didn't call Lorrie since this morning. Apparently everyone else did. from Sully (2016)
I do. from Sully (2016)
I don't feel like a hero. from Sully (2016)
I don't know. from Sully (2016)
I don't know. from Sully (2016)
I don't like not being in control of the process. from Sully (2016)
I don't think we can make any runway. from Sully (2016)
I eyeballed it. from Sully (2016)
I googled you last night. from Sully (2016)
I got an A320 diving for the river. from Sully (2016)
I got it. from Sully (2016)
I got shaving cream, razor blades, toothpaste. from Sully (2016)
I guess I'm having a little trouble from Sully (2016)
I guess it is. from Sully (2016)
I had to rely on my experience of managing the altitude and speed from Sully (2016)
I have a right to see the simulations and I have a feeling that from Sully (2016)
I have an emergency flight control malfunction. from Sully (2016)
I have an emergency. from Sully (2016)
I have read countless CVR transcripts of deceased pilots from Sully (2016)
I have visual on the runway. from Sully (2016)
I just needed to hear your voice. from Sully (2016)
I know that Airbus has simulations scheduled for the S22 sim at the factory. from Sully (2016)
I know. from Sully (2016)
I lost Cactus 1549 in the Hudson. from Sully (2016)
I love you, and I'm okay. Tell the girls I am okay. from Sully (2016)
I love you, Mom. from Sully (2016)
I love you, son. from Sully (2016)
I love you, too. from Sully (2016)
I love you, too. from Sully (2016)
I love you. from Sully (2016)
I love you. from Sully (2016)
I love you. Get some sleep. from Sully (2016)
I mean, the plane crashed from Sully (2016)
I need to take a quick break. from Sully (2016)
I realized it's only you. from Sully (2016)
I realized just now, for the first time, that there were... from Sully (2016)
I shouted back. I guess the river... from Sully (2016)
I sure as hell agree with that. from Sully (2016)
I think I'll play the seven iron on the 9th. from Sully (2016)
I think today was as much and as good for me and my crew as it was for you. from Sully (2016)
I thought I lost them all. from Sully (2016)
I want to inform you that the left engine has been recovered. from Sully (2016)
I want you to know, I did the best I could. from Sully (2016)
I wanted to call to say I'm okay. from Sully (2016)
I was on the other wing. They brought us to Jersey. from Sully (2016)
I was sure I was gonna die. from Sully (2016)
I will call you from the pier when things quiet down. from Sully (2016)
I will talk to the chairman, see what we can work out. from Sully (2016)
I will talk to the chairman, see what we can work out. from Sully (2016)
I won't take your time, gentlemen. from Sully (2016)
I would have done it in July. from Sully (2016)
I would like to go over the parameters that were used. from Sully (2016)
I would like to oversee those computer simulations. from Sully (2016)
I'd better go. from Sully (2016)
I'd like to add something on a personal note. from Sully (2016)
I'd like to call this hearing back to order. from Sully (2016)
I'd like to know how many times the pilot practiced that maneuver from Sully (2016)
I'd think that Katie couldn't be too intimidating. from Sully (2016)
I'll answer that question when we've counted 155. from Sully (2016)
I'll call you when they're done with me. from Sully (2016)
I'll check the cabin. from Sully (2016)
I'll get you a snow globe, too. from Sully (2016)
I'll never get over how beautiful it is up here. from Sully (2016)
I'll say it again. from Sully (2016)
I'll see you later, Sully. from Sully (2016)
I'll try. It's a lot of phone calls to make. from Sully (2016)
I'm convinced that we will be joined in our hearts and in our minds forever. from Sully (2016)
I'm glad you could make it in this morning. from Sully (2016)
I'm gonna be on TV in the morning. from Sully (2016)
I'm gonna call John Carey. We're gonna get you a count. from Sully (2016)
I'm gonna give you direct to Teterboro. from Sully (2016)
I'm gonna give you direct to Teterboro. from Sully (2016)
I'm gonna start charging you for this stuff, all right? from Sully (2016)
I'm gonna take you right to the ambulance, all right? from Sully (2016)
I'm hoping six months from now, we'll just be laughing from Sully (2016)
I'm just a man who was doing his job. from Sully (2016)
I'm just anxious from Sully (2016)
I'm just getting it going. from Sully (2016)
I'm just so damn proud. from Sully (2016)
I'm more of a porterhouse man. from Sully (2016)
I'm more worried about your career as a pilot. from Sully (2016)
I'm not questioning the pilots. from Sully (2016)
I'm okay, Mom. I'm okay. from Sully (2016)
I'm okay, not a scratch somehow. from Sully (2016)
I'm overwhelmed by all this attention. from Sully (2016)
I'm so sorry. from Sully (2016)
I'm so sorry. from Sully (2016)
I'm sorry to call so late. from Sully (2016)
I'm sorry, Patrick. from Sully (2016)
I'm sorry. from Sully (2016)
I'm sorry. Say again, Cactus? from Sully (2016)
I'm sorry. Say again, Cactus? from Sully (2016)
I'm staying on this. from Sully (2016)
I'm thinking about running over the press with the car. from Sully (2016)
I've been assigned by the National Transportation Safety Board from Sully (2016)
I've been hearing everybody else's. from Sully (2016)
I've been waiting for a year for this trip, Dad. from Sully (2016)
I've checked the latest reports. from Sully (2016)
I've delivered a million passengers over 40 years in the air, from Sully (2016)
I've never been so happy to be in New York in my life. from Sully (2016)
If anybody's got any problems, just wait down there. from Sully (2016)
If fuel remaining, engine mode, select your ignition. from Sully (2016)
If I endangered the lives of all those passengers? from Sully (2016)
If it's possible, I'd love to have my uniform dry cleaned overnight. from Sully (2016)
If it's too much... If it's too late... from Sully (2016)
If the Mayor wants to say hello, he'll have to come down here. from Sully (2016)
If they do, then I'll hand you my wings myself. from Sully (2016)
If we could settle, please. from Sully (2016)
If you had to do it again? from Sully (2016)
If you have a life vest, put it on! from Sully (2016)
If you have any wet clothing on, take it off from Sully (2016)
Ignition start. from Sully (2016)
Ignition start. from Sully (2016)
Immediately after the bird strike from Sully (2016)
In Manhattan, Bobby Cuza, New York One. from Sully (2016)
In these simulations, you've taken all of the humanity out of the cockpit. from Sully (2016)
Including attempts made for Teterboro runways 1 9 from Sully (2016)
Including two shivering babies who were found in a life raft... from Sully (2016)
Intact. from Sully (2016)
Is anyone still here? Come forward. from Sully (2016)
Is because Captain Sullenberger turned on the Auxiliary Power Unit. from Sully (2016)
Is it possible your blood sugar was low? from Sully (2016)
Is retirement next? from Sully (2016)
Is that everyone aboard the plane survived, from Sully (2016)
Is that what it is? Or is it the mustache? from Sully (2016)
Is that you? from Sully (2016)
Isn't it a little early in the year to go fishing? from Sully (2016)
It didn't turn out all right for the airline from Sully (2016)
It doesn't feel much like family here. from Sully (2016)
It explains the safety features of this aircraft from Sully (2016)
It feels like if we lose that space, the next domino to fall is the house. from Sully (2016)
It gets to be a pretty big number pretty quickly. from Sully (2016)
It had just taken off from New York's LaGuardia Airport, from Sully (2016)
It is a lot. from Sully (2016)
It is an honor driving you today. from Sully (2016)
It just doesn't seem right. from Sully (2016)
It may have a minor impact on your day to day. from Sully (2016)
It was a critical situation, from Sully (2016)
It was Jeff and Donna and Sheila and Doreen from Sully (2016)
It was life and death. from Sully (2016)
It was like we were stopped in midair. from Sully (2016)
It was not a... from Sully (2016)
It was obvious. from Sully (2016)
It was the lights and the camera that she brought with her. from Sully (2016)
It wasn't just me. It was all of us. from Sully (2016)
It'll be two o'clock in seven miles. from Sully (2016)
It'll be two o'clock in seven miles. from Sully (2016)
It'll generate simulations with your exact parameters. from Sully (2016)
It's 1:30 in the morning. from Sully (2016)
It's a shot of Grey Goose from Sully (2016)
It's about all I know at the moment. from Sully (2016)
It's activated. from Sully (2016)
It's all about the timing, Larry. from Sully (2016)
It's almost over. from Sully (2016)
It's already 7:30 in the morning in France, from Sully (2016)
It's always fun to get something from the airport. from Sully (2016)
It's because Captain Sullenberger did not head back to LaGuardia. from Sully (2016)
It's because it's not right. from Sully (2016)
It's bullshit. from Sully (2016)
It's extraordinary. from Sully (2016)
It's flooding back here! from Sully (2016)
It's gonna be remembered for a very long time. from Sully (2016)
It's impressive. from Sully (2016)
It's just turbulence, probably. from Sully (2016)
It's just... from Sully (2016)
It's news, Lorr. from Sully (2016)
It's not personal. NTSB's just doing its job. from Sully (2016)
It's official. from Sully (2016)
It's okay. from Sully (2016)
It's okay. There's no sleep in this room either. from Sully (2016)
It's possible that birds flew into both of the aircraft engines. from Sully (2016)
It's Queens. It's 10:00 in the evening. from Sully (2016)
It's so cold out here. from Sully (2016)
It's still vacant. from Sully (2016)
It's the only clothing that I have. from Sully (2016)
It's time to get off the plane, right now! from Sully (2016)
January 15th, 2009. from Sully (2016)
Jeff was relaxed and funny. from Sully (2016)
Jeff, I need a count. We've gotta have a count. from Sully (2016)
Jeff! from Sully (2016)
Jeff. from Sully (2016)
Jimmy, Jeff's still on that plane! from Sully (2016)
Just a little farther. from Sully (2016)
Just a little something. from Sully (2016)
Just as in the computer sims, correct? from Sully (2016)
Just do what you have to do. from Sully (2016)
Just double check your seat belts, please. from Sully (2016)
Just make a left turn for LaGuardia from Sully (2016)
Just thought maybe you would want to, uh... from Sully (2016)
KC, come on over here. from Sully (2016)
Keep it coming, Paulie. I'll see you on One. from Sully (2016)
Keep moving forward! from Sully (2016)
Kmart was the only store open. from Sully (2016)
LaGuardia ramp, Cactus 1549. Ready for pushback at gate 21. from Sully (2016)
LaGuardia says go to runway 1 3. from Sully (2016)
LaGuardia Tower, Cactus 1549, trying to make 1 3. from Sully (2016)
Larry Rooney volunteered to jump in from Sully (2016)
Larry, the CVR is in two days. How fast can you arrange a favor? from Sully (2016)
Last report says there's ice out by the GW. from Sully (2016)
Let me hold him. from Sully (2016)
Let's get some air. from Sully (2016)
Let's get you in some dry clothes before you freeze to death. from Sully (2016)
Let's go, let's go! from Sully (2016)
Let's just assume that it was, as you say, from Sully (2016)
Let's put a hold on the tower, please. from Sully (2016)
Let's see if we can make it. from Sully (2016)
Let's try for T eterboro now, please. from Sully (2016)
Let's try T eterboro. from Sully (2016)
Letterman. from Sully (2016)
Life's easier in the air. from Sully (2016)
Like people who are experiencing this for the first time. from Sully (2016)
Like you're going back to pick up the milk. from Sully (2016)
Like your air safety consulting business has got about 100 employees from Sully (2016)
Literally have minutes to live. from Sully (2016)
Look, guys. It's been a long day. Why don't you get some rest? from Sully (2016)
Look, I just finished training on the A320 and I can tell you, from Sully (2016)
Look, I'm sorry if you're frustrated, from Sully (2016)
Looks like you're coming in hot. from Sully (2016)
Lorr, if this goes badly, from Sully (2016)
Lorr, we're not gonna lose the house. from Sully (2016)
Lorrie, I can't talk right now. from Sully (2016)
Lorrie, I'm trying to tell... from Sully (2016)
Lorrie, tell them you're not allowed to talk to anybody. from Sully (2016)
Losing thrust in both engines at a low altitude from Sully (2016)
Loss of thrust on both engines. from Sully (2016)
Loss of thrust on both engines. from Sully (2016)
Maintain 1 5000, Delta 3 3 1. from Sully (2016)
Make sure your seat belts are fastened. from Sully (2016)
Making its emergency landing on the Hudson. from Sully (2016)
Maybe a snow globe. from Sully (2016)
Maybe he's here. Maybe he beat us somehow. from Sully (2016)
Maybe that's the part you don't like. from Sully (2016)
Maybe we should talk later. from Sully (2016)
Mayday, mayday. Cactus 1549. from Sully (2016)
Meanwhile, the search is launched for the engine of the aircraft. from Sully (2016)
Might be the last one you see today. from Sully (2016)
Might change theirs. from Sully (2016)
Move forward to the overwing exits! from Sully (2016)
Move forward to the right or left exit door. from Sully (2016)
Move forward, move forward. from Sully (2016)
Move forward. from Sully (2016)
Multiple airports, runways, two successful landings. from Sully (2016)
My aircraft. from Sully (2016)
My career as a safety expert will end as a website and a business card. from Sully (2016)
My life's work gone. from Sully (2016)
My name is Charles Porter. from Sully (2016)
My normal resting is 55. from Sully (2016)
My Sully. from Sully (2016)
My whole life. from Sully (2016)
Needs to go to the airport right now. from Sully (2016)
Nellis Tower, this is Tasty 1 1 from Sully (2016)
Never been. from Sully (2016)
New York One Minute. from Sully (2016)
Newark tower, what have you got? from Sully (2016)
Nice view of the Hudson. from Sully (2016)
Nine days ago. from Sully (2016)
Nineteen headed to Pier 81. from Sully (2016)
No more than anyone else. from Sully (2016)
No one has ever trained for an incident like that. from Sully (2016)
No one said, You are going to lose both engines from Sully (2016)
No one. from Sully (2016)
No payment is necessary. from Sully (2016)
No relight after 30 seconds, engine master one and two, confirm off. from Sully (2016)
No relight on one or two. from Sully (2016)
No relight. from Sully (2016)
No, I can still fly. I'm running a control test. from Sully (2016)
No, it wasn't. from Sully (2016)
No, leave the flaps up. from Sully (2016)
No, Lorrie. from Sully (2016)
No, no, no, wait! from Sully (2016)
No, not ever. from Sully (2016)
No, they don't. from Sully (2016)
No. from Sully (2016)
No. Good night. from Sully (2016)
No. Never. from Sully (2016)
No. No, he wasn't. from Sully (2016)
Not a lot of sleep going on here either. from Sully (2016)
Not as glad as we are. from Sully (2016)
Not gonna work, not gonna work. from Sully (2016)
Not meaning to bother, but I have to say, from Sully (2016)
Not possible during an investigation. from Sully (2016)
Not possible. I felt it go. from Sully (2016)
Not until the NTSB is finished with their investigation. from Sully (2016)
Not with you verbally running the course the whole time. from Sully (2016)
Nothing together. from Sully (2016)
Now that we've seen what could have happened, from Sully (2016)
Now with an added 35 second delay in response time. from Sully (2016)
Now with an added 35 second delay in response time. from Sully (2016)
Now, uh, ever hear that before coming out of a cockpit? from Sully (2016)
Number one. from Sully (2016)
Number one's rolling back. And number two. from Sully (2016)
Obstacle, obstacle. from Sully (2016)
Obstacle. Obstacle. from Sully (2016)
Obstacle. Obstacle. from Sully (2016)
Of course you did. You saved everyone. from Sully (2016)
Of thousands of flights over four decades. from Sully (2016)
Off that website? I'd hire you. from Sully (2016)
Off your right side is Teterboro airport. from Sully (2016)
Off. from Sully (2016)
Oh, good. Are you still on the 5:50 home? from Sully (2016)
Oh, I wish the bank felt the same way. from Sully (2016)
Oh, I'm holding up. from Sully (2016)
Oh, I'm only teasing. from Sully (2016)
Oh, it wasn't Katie. from Sully (2016)
Oh, my God. from Sully (2016)
Oh, my God. from Sully (2016)
Oh, my God. Is that gas? from Sully (2016)
Oh, okay. from Sully (2016)
Oh, one other thing, and this is important. from Sully (2016)
Oh, this is Ms. May, with the hotel. from Sully (2016)
Oh, yeah. from Sully (2016)
Oh, yeah. from Sully (2016)
Oh. from Sully (2016)
Okay, sweetheart. from Sully (2016)
Okay, thank you, everybody, thank you. from Sully (2016)
Okay, then here's the most important fact. from Sully (2016)
Okay, well, let's get into how you calculated all those parameters. from Sully (2016)
Okay, yeah. from Sully (2016)
Okay, yeah. Off your right side is Teterboro airport. from Sully (2016)
Okay, you need to return to LaGuardia? from Sully (2016)
Okay, you're scaring me now, Sully. What is going on? from Sully (2016)
Okay. from Sully (2016)
Okay. from Sully (2016)
Okay. from Sully (2016)
Okay. from Sully (2016)
Okay. All done. from Sully (2016)
Okay. How are you? from Sully (2016)
Okay. I got a chopper with visuals. from Sully (2016)
Okay. I'm gonna left turn back to LaGuardia 1 3. from Sully (2016)
Okay. What do you need to land? from Sully (2016)
Okay. Which runway would you like at Teterboro? from Sully (2016)
On the crash of US Airways Flight 1549. from Sully (2016)
On the Hudson River. from Sully (2016)
On the river! from Sully (2016)
Once the investigation is complete, from Sully (2016)
Once they have all the facts, it'll calm down. from Sully (2016)
One after another. Keep moving forward. Keep moving forward. from Sully (2016)
One hundred and fifty knots. from Sully (2016)
One thousand. from Sully (2016)
One, I'll maintain chase and follow you in. from Sully (2016)
One, you look clean and dry, but you're still trailing smoke. from Sully (2016)
Online. from Sully (2016)
Opening forward door. from Sully (2016)
Oughta be. from Sully (2016)
Our computers will run return scenario algorithms. from Sully (2016)
Over one of the most densely populated areas of the planet. from Sully (2016)
Over the wings. from Sully (2016)
Patty. from Sully (2016)
People don't survive water landings, Henry. from Sully (2016)
Per the request of Captain Sullenberger and the union, from Sully (2016)
Please review the safety instruction card in the seatback pocket in front of you. from Sully (2016)
Please tell me this is almost over. from Sully (2016)
Positive rate. from Sully (2016)
Priority left. from Sully (2016)
Proceed straight ahead to runway 2 1. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Pull up. Pull up. from Sully (2016)
Put a blanket on her leg. from Sully (2016)
Read all about your company on your website. from Sully (2016)
Regardless, we have to follow up on all implications from Sully (2016)