A beauty that is answered by something deep within you. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
A black hole that was resonating from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
A conception of what it's supposed to sound, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
A pulse that never stops. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
A reminder of our own potential from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
A safe place disconnected from, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
A silver tea set, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
A TV, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
A velvet smoking jacket. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
A Zen philosopher put it this way: from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
About nervousness and Sarah Bernhardt. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
About the correlation between a musician and a person, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Absolutely scared to death from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
After a while, when I was adult enough from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
After the music room in the Palace of Versailles. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Again, again, this passage. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Ah. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
All right, good. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
All right, so do you see this slowly gliding towards that E from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
All soft. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Allay the horror from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Along with your emotions inside. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
An extension of ourselves, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And a pianist, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And actually, now with my 88 concert tour, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And allow the music to reveal its own beauty, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And and so and she had students there from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And another delivery would take place: from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And as to whether that's a good thing or bad thing, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And asked if I would teach his son. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And at this one dinner, Seymour helped me from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And borrowed a grand piano from them. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And deepest understandings of ourselves. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And demonstrate what it's like to practice from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And don't just say what they expect you to say. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And equating that with any kind of financial success are just from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And everything comes together and makes a lot more sense. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And everything was covered with mist. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And has something to say as a performer from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And he chose a motto, Throughout all music, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And he pedaled with his right foot. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And he said, Which one is the best? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And he told her, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And here we go again. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And his mother, during the lessons, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I I should say so. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I arranged a farewell concert from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I arranged a farewell concert from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I b I blocked it out. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I couldn't wait to see what was in this book. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I cried the whole day. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I didn't even tell my mother. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I do just the opposite. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I got some peanuts and whatever there was to eat, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I heard the whole of reality singing together from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I immediately felt kind of safe around him from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I remember that ride. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I requisitioned a truck with six Korean laborers from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I said, I'll do it for you. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I said, Sheila, could I speak to you in the back room? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I talk recently when I've been playing the Chopin Etudes, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I think that came across in the classes. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I went outside, and I was eating the peanuts. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I woke up at 5:00 in the morning, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And I'm going to supervise it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And if the universe is resonating on the note B flat from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And in front of the door, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And into this, you know, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And it evidently had been tamed by the guys there. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And it was a fawn, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And it's like, you can't just sit down and play it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And made me happier, fulfilling. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And many people said to me what you said. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And my three sisters were all sleeping. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And not just for commercial purposes. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And now go for it! from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And now the bass just rips me apart. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And now the darkness of the left hand. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And once you experience ecstasy, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And one night, Glenn Gould called his friend and said, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And one night, it came to an end. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And play the coda, which is the end of the piece, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And possessed of a clear understanding from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And resolutions. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And Sarah Bernhardt took her hand like this and said, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And Schubert and Brahms choose to create from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And sent us on a concert tour. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And she said, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And snuggled in my palm for the peanuts. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And some of the guys would cry. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And somehow the relationship dissolves. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And something we can control. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And sometimes he rattled the chair from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And sometimes I think that from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And spotlights blind me from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And technically, he had few equals. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And that's the note that Beethoven from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And the ambulances were following us, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And the guys around me started to faint from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And the master musician you are. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And the music room was patterned from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And the next month, Clifford was knighted. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And the temperature was zero from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And the unpredictability of the social world from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And then counterclockwise. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And then gliding away? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And then I just fell in love with him. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And then I tell people, you know, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And then it'll sound perfect. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And then Schubert writes a sonata like that. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And there are musicians who are monsters, yeah. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And there it was in my diary. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And there was the Serenade by Schubert. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And there were other other mitigating circumstances from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And they put the piano on cinder blocks this high. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And this one is a longer idea. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And we depend upon the deity for salvation. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And we had to go walk 20 miles from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And when you apply that from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And you and you didn't tell them what I told you from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And you exist in some safer place from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And you find out from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And you just say really what's in your heart. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And you're drawn from the beginning to the end. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
As a teacher? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
As a universal language. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
At a slow tempo. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
At the 92nd Street Y. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Avoid excess of analysis, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Because human factor of putting everything together. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Because I remember body bags. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Because if you can make people from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Because music is the art most sacredly capable from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Because of the predictability of music, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Because you can't prove certain from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Because you try to practice it, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Beethoven stopped, said, Men don't cry. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Better. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Between your musical self and your personal self from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Boy, he was so terrible to pianists, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Bring up. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But before I answer that question, we have to from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But by trying to gain more things. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But do you feel on some level you were just from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But don't leave the key. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But don't you do it through acting? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But don't you think somebody who's very talented from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But he can't get in. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But he describes motions, and it connects from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But he gave me a rave review. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But he tried to subjugate it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But I can ima show you. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But I didn't know what was authentic. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But I don't know how to do it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But I firmly believe that it's within us. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But I had never been away from home at that time. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But I know an intimate friend of Glenn Gould's. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But in music, there is the language from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But it's not really like that. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But the eighth notes never stop, see? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But those people over there at Juilliard, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But what peeves me about him from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But when you get very emotional, as you just were, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But, Seymour, you were a great player. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
But, you know, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
By Schumann for his beloved Clara. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
By the name of Kenneth Gordon. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
By the way, the same thing occurs in music. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Callas was this archetypal shamanic force. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Can one day say something, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Can't be confirmed. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Clifford Curzon played so soft. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Clifford Curzon was one of the great English pianists. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Clockwise very slowly from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Concerning the use of the soft pedal. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Craft is necessary. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
D La d from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Dear Majesty, we in America from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Did you hear how beautiful it sounds? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Dispelling loneliness and discontent, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Do I have permission to touch you? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Do it. Play the opening. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Do you There is something from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Do you connect that note to the next note? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Do you know anybody who has been living in one room apartment from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Do you know how many men tried to subdue the feminine in them? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Do you know what he did? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Does it say to do that? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Don't always play keys to the key bed. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Don't let go of this E... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Don't you have a responsibility? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Don't you think that's significant? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
During all of this time of giving workshops, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Each soundboard has different wood. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Easy, easy. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Empty out. Empty it out completely. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Especially when you play Mozart and Schubert. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Even though I can see them, they can't touch me anymore. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Even though it's a staccato... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Every day, practically, when I was there, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Every piano is like a person. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Every tree is different. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Everyone laughed when he said that. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Everything became clearer from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Exactly. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Extremely selfish, horrible people. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Float your right arm more. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For 57 years? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For anyone to study an instrument from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For him, the only important thing from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For his concertos from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For his show, you think? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For me, personally, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For me, the difference between religion and music from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For months and months until you can perform it like this. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For perfection. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For the last, like, five years or so, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For their selfish reasons. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
From New York to Hamburg wherever I played. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
From New York to London, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
From New York to Paris, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
From the friend you are from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
From which adults can learn. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
From which you can judge everything else. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
General education. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Gifted children, for example, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Glenn Gould, for example. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Good. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Good. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Good. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Good. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Got it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Guess who my father is. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Halfway down. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Harmony and dissonance. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Harmony, predictability, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Has a responsibility that transcends from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Has commanded me from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Have been some of the worst things I've done. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Having a fear of memory slips. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He blindfolded me once down here. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He crossed his left leg over the right, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He finished playing, and they were all crying. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He finished playing, and they were all crying. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He has three daughters and a son from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He has to go to school whether he likes it or not. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He he he had the feminine in him, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He he he had the feminine in him, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He plays to himself. That's it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He said, Classical music? Are you kidding? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He said, Five. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He said, I don't care. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He said, Oh, my son is very bright. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He said, Well, come to London. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He sat me down, and he went from piano to piano, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He was a total neurotic mess from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He was so extraordinary. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He was so famous for Bach, right? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He wouldn't play so well. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He wouldn't practice. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He's infusing the music with his own eccentric nature. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He's one of those ravens. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He's picking at the translucent dome, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He's playing this for the first time in the world... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
He's the model of what you should be, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Her name was Mildred Boos. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Hiding in the music, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
His B flat is not our B flat. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
His music. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Horrid. Horrors. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
How can I be sure that I'm gonna get there? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
How do you like that? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
How much is it to rent? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
How the music is supposed to feel from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
How we stay alive. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Huge pieces in B flat? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Hush. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I addressed it Buckingham Palace, London. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I always knew which one was the best. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I asked him if I could study with him. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I asked him, how old is his son? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I believe that you won't enjoy the resolution from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I call it a spiritual reservoir. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I came to the reception, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I can look around, and I can see that from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I can't It's too good to be true. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I chose it for the rental. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I could touch the sky. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I create a translucent dome around myself, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I crossed my left leg over the right. ' from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I decided to confide with him from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I did actually have an experience from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I did exercises, which I strongly advise you to do. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I didn't used to be integrated. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I didn't used to feel this way. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I didn't want to face it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I don't call it God. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I don't have never, ever in my life from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I don't think I ever practiced, do you? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I feel like composer must be happy in heaven. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I felt inadequate as a pianist. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I felt insulted. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I felt that he couldn't say from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I got terrified. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I got up early on a Sunday morning, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I had blocks whenever I was on the stage from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I had te terrible blocks. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I hadn't encountered people in my life from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I hadn't looked at that diary for 20 years. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I hated the commercial aspect of it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I have a wonderful answer. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I have been from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I have to be by myself from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I have to get there in advance. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I have to listen so carefully and so from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I have to tell you that our art is totally predictable. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I have to tell you the truth. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I haven't changed. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I heard everything in creation... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I I heard him play in Carnegie Hall several times. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I joined a physical movement course. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I just keep the intensity going. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I just think that from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I keep hitting, and I keep overshooting the runway here. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I kept a diary. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I kind of knew that that was phony, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I knew immediately from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I knew that, uh, the superficial things from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I knew this was gonna happen. Go ahead. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I lived there for a year. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I looked at her very sincerely, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I love to, uh, ascribe from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I love you dearly, but, you know, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I mean, do you think it's a coincidence from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I mean, I hadn't heard it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I mean, it was a longer conversation, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I mentioned Schumann before. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I moved my head from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I must have been killed. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I never dreamt from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I never felt that I had a good opening sentence, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I never moved a piano in my life. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I opened it up, and the letter said, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I opened it up, and the letter said, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I poured it into you. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I remember seeing him once in Carnegie Hall. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I remember that I became aware from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I remember your Alice Tully Hall recital very well. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I said to her one day, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I said, Can we give a concert for the guys here? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I said, Five? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I said, It's unthinkable from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I said, Now, this is so strange. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I said, You know, I have a feeling from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I saw a little nose appear. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I see my colleagues who have major careers from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I still remember it vividly. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I think almost all the pianists from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I thrive on solitude. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I told Clifford Curzon about that. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I tried not to cry. I knew this was gonna happen. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I try to actually educate people. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I turned it to eight. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I turned the page, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I was led a very sheltered life. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I was out of sorts with people, with my parents. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I was with a wonderful violinist from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I would play the orchestral accompaniment from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I wouldn't have shown it if it wasn't available. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'll actually play it slowly first. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'll teach you for six months. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm exaggerating, right, right? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm hearing you, Michael. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm looking at myself, and I'm saying, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm not aware that I'm listening to Bach. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm not gonna say, but it's completely different. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm not so sure that a major career from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm only aware I'm listening to Glenn Gould. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm sitting here because I'm out of the uh, the spotlight. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm sorry. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm very close to being one. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I'm walking on 76th Street, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If he didn't act so eccentric, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If I don't have a specific religious calling, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If I open in in advance... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If it's not for material gain, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If the heavenly constellations from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If you feel inadequate as a musician, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If you love me, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If you would paint a chrysanthemum, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If you're gonna relate it to this NASA thing... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
In a never ending cycle of fulfillment. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
In all of music! from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
In April, 57 years ago... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
In contemplating my own connection to music, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
In her living room, on every table from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
In order to sort out all the thoughts from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
In terms of length and scope from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
In the form of a deity. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
In those days, you know, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Inhale. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is an even pulse, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is because the composer didn't leave any markings. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is geared to make you think about success. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is how softly the piano will play. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is that music, like God, is invisible. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is that the answers always seem from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is that through my mystical education, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is that you isolate yourself more, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is there some connection from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is this a Hamburg Steinway? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is to inspire and encourage from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is what I'm after. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Is, religion requires faith. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Isn't drawn to music. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Isn't that so? So from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Isn't there some responsibility from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It came right up to me from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It can never be the same. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It didn't help, though. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It has conflicts and pleasures, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It is this kind of innocence from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It it seems to me, in America particularly, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It seated easily 250 people. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It took all that time to feel good, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It was a great experience in my life. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It was the mind set that I developed as a musician. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It was unbelievable. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It would have been the same trauma to me. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It'll just be rolled up. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's gonna be even worse. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's gonna be up in the rotunda. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's in octaves, you see? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's just a decoration of it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's just impossibly beautiful. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's mine, and yet I find it's one of my favorite pianos. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's moving your arms this way. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's never going to stop. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's so beautiful that it's almost impossible to practice, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's so beautiful. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's so gorgeous. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's sort of like someone doing this from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's sort of like someone doing this from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's unbelievable, huh? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's very warm, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's yours for however long you want it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Its voice discovering in it from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Jackson Pollock and Marlon Brando from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Jesus, Moses, Bu#ha from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Just couldn't take that anymore? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Just playing life more beautifully from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Just, like, the way I act, it's all music. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Laddie, I'm so sorry to disillusion you, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Learning all this stuff. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Let us shed our guilt from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Let us try. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Let's see, so That's right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Let's see. Where is that? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Like you're jogging through the park. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Like, everything that I do is somehow related to music. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Like, patting for comfort. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Like, well, we're doing this thing here, and this is good, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Look at one for ten years from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Madam, I don't mean to be presumptuous, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Makes you able to listen to other people. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Maria was the rather ordinary woman from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Maybe you don't want to be doing this. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Metaphysical realm that I believe from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Michael, you didn't know I was going to bring this, did you? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Mm mm. See, one of them just ends. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
More angry at the music world in years years past. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
More than anyone in my own profession had been able to. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Most people don't tap that resource from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Most people should be a lot more nervous, he said to me, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Motivated by a love of music from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Mrs. Boos was a spiritualist. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Music is just, like, my being. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Music is most divine from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Music offers no quarter for compromise, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Music speaks concordantly from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Music will never change. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Music, therefore, has often been referred to from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
My friend Tony Zito invited me over to dinner, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
My most terrifying secret, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
My parents were sleeping on the second floor, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
My patroness. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
My teacher, Clifford Curzon from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Nervousness is part of what we do. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
No chair could be low enough for him. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
No excuses, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
No good. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
No shoddy workmanship. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
No, I didn't. I from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
No, I haven't changed. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
No, I think you have, actually, but... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
No, the second notes are too loud. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
No, this is this is a New York Steinway. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
No. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Nobody no two people ever do the same. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Nobody's gonna listen to classical music here. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Not bad. Not bad. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Not just for music from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Not only my hero. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Not trying to play better from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Not... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now crescendo. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now disappear. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now do it all. Do it all. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now here comes one of the biggest climaxes from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now inhale. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now less. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now play the left hand first with the soft pedal. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now you have to minimize it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now, first of all, that was exquisite. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now, that's making a real contribution to your audience. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now, there are three statements. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Now, whether my letter did it from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of course not. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of course not. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of course not. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of course. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of helping us get in touch from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of his Fantasie Opus 17. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of musical structure or historical facts. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of the beloved. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of the God within. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of the music that is creating the whole universe. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of the music that you're playing. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of the reasons for practicing, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of the transcendent beauty from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of walking across the stage, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Offer us visual proof of this order, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Often project deep musical feeling from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Often, doing my art the best from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Oh, how wonderful. See? Free. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Oh, it's just heaven. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Oh, it's the most beautiful piece I ever heard, I told her. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Oh, my poor dear. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Oh, now you're sounding better from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Oh, now, a dream. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Oh, that's good. So it'll just be rolled up? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Oh, this is the most beautiful piano. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay, first of all, as you know, pitch has changed from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay, now in time, in time. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay, now, before I discuss that further... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay, now, when the orchestra comes in, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay, very, very good. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay, you have the most noble posture when you play. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay. All right. Very good. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay. Okay, and now play. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Okay. Okay. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Om. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
On some level, though you were nervous on the stage, you were from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
On the front lines. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
On the NASA website, they discovered from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
On the note B flat, 57 octaves below middle C. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
On the piano. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Once I called my career to an end, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
One day, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
One day, a beautiful white envelope arrived from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
One day, a Dr. Kimmelman called me up from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
One of the four subjects was music. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
One of the most important things I would say from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
One of the ways in which philosophers have said from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
One quiet note from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
One was Maria, and the other was Callas. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Only to be cast down, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Or or the the business side of this? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Or whether it was a coincidence from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Or whether they don't like, you know, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Or whether they're doing it in Carnegie Hall from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Or whether they're doing it on a stage or whatever. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Otherwise, you get arrested. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Our culture deliberately drives people to focus outside from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Our social world is unpredictable. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Outside are flying all the ravens, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Over the bar now. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Pedal, pedal. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Piano Sonata, String Quartet, and Piano Trio from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Picture this. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Play in a way that I cou from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Play that. Play that just... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Played for a secret eavesdropper. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Played on a piano like this. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Prenatally, I guess I knew immediately from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Really good at one thing, and then it should be better. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Really, you're inadequate? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Really? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Really? Were you there? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Resentment? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Resides in our talent and whatever talent there is. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right? I mean, that's a man doing this. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right? Right here? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Same. Now go softer. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Schumann married Clara when he was 25. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
See those two notes? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
See, every note can't be passionate. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
See, I think it appeals to the universal language of music. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
See, move over. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
See, the most important thing from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
See? It will not right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
See? Look. He was playing like this. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Seymour Bernstein triumphs at the piano. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Seymour showed me what a musician could be. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Seymour was shipped off to Korea. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Seymour went merrily on his way to the 20 miles. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
She believed in contacting all the masters: from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
She brings me this beautiful sculpture of my cat. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
She gave me the key to this ten room Tudor mansion. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
She had a religion called I Am. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
She has a little pad, and she's sketching. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
She sponsored my debuts in Europe. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
She was 16. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
She went to her dressing room from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Since the time of Schubert. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Singing ecstatically the name of God. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Slaves of status, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So at the age of 50, I didn't tell anyone, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So Clifford Curzon only tried from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So did you think in the end from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So even though it's a staccato from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So have to remember to keep up the sound here. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So I concluded from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So I created one for tonight, and here it is. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So I thought he was going to another one, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So I wasn't gonna let it go at that. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So I went to a Korean MP school from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So if you don't understand technique, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So if you voice a chord... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So it can control them. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So just learning to listen to yourself from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So my mother heard the piano playing. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So now I'm in my 40s, I think, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So now, I can't screw the chair down to demonstrate, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So one day, I penned a letter to the queen. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So one Sunday, I took it out, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So some people just whimper away here. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So somebody gave us an old upright piano when I was six. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So something has to go. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So that I can't see your wonderful faces. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So that's another thing about your aesthetic from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So that's another thing about your aesthetic from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So the most successful things I've done from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So the soundboard vibrates. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So the story from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So which hand should be more I think the right hand. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So you see, he did it on purpose. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Some stability from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Somebody asked me about, um, taking piano lessons, right? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Someone who may be the closest to you from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Something in me said, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Stage fright. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Struggling recently from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Suddenly an order came through. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Suffer terribly. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Suppose a child doesn't feel like it, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Sure, what's your answer now, all these years later? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Ten times better than the last time I heard. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That a boy. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That a great many artists are not nervous enough. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That doesn't actually make people happy. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That eventually music and life will interact from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That he had to play with major orchestras. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That he's serious about music. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That I felt before and during a concert. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That I've definitely am very aware of, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That it is a language of feeling. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That it makes them neurotic. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That it's the greatest compliment to someone from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That life that's how life is. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That Little Harry can't go to school. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That made me crawl the wall with nervousness. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That music teachers can do for their pupils from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That she was falling in love with me. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That talent is it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That the real essence of who we are from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That there was something inauthentic to build on. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That was ever written. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That was the last public concert I ever played. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That we were assigned to. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That were serious about music in the way from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That when my practicing went well, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That will make them lead a happier life. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That with my own two hands, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That you found your creative identity from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That you've composed for each concert. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That your mother gave this to me? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's a hard thing. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's exactly what I'm doing. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's how life is. Can't escape it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's just gorgeous. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's just technique. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's there forever. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's thousands and thousands of hours of of practice. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's very good. Now play the opening slur. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's what made me the special person in her life. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
That's, like, a thou from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The anxiety of it... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The contrast between from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The contrast is so great from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The doorbell would ring, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The end of this piece is very problematic. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The energy gets pulled right out of the keyboard. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The escapement level is halfway down. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The guys came down with pneumonia, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The guys wouldn't let us off the stage. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The help cometh from the Lord within. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The idea that you should keep composing. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The important thing to learn about the soft pedal from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The keyboard was up here. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The lieutenant sent for special gabardine uniforms for us from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The Martha Baird Rockefeller grant to study with him. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The Moonlight Sonata, right? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The most important thing from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The reason it's so problematic from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The review came out the next day. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The same piano. Wow. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The Schubert First Movement lives in. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The second notes have to be softer. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The sound seems from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The struggle is what makes the art form. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The the whole gang there. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The Tully Hall had just opened. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The unbelievable attainment of art from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
The young actress was just amazed at the trembling hand, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Their biggest monumental masterpieces from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Then he sent this music to Clara, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Then here's one of my favorite places. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Then music must be its aural manifestation. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Then the soundboard, the wood is alive. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Then we've got to be scientific. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Then you get closer to the creative process from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There are dissonances in harmony from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There is a great contempt for craft. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There is no separation from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There it is. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There sounds the colorful dream of the earth, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There was a little bit of a, uh, you know... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There was a war between these two beings. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There was a young actress from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There was no music ever played in my house ever. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There were no computers. There was no television. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There will be no TV. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
There's no slur. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Therefore in practicing, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They build them the same way. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They can even get in the way of one another. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They can't equate this. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They didn't tell us where we were, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They don't like to think about craft. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They go, Oh, it's so great. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They said, You know, are you gonna from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They think that's boring or something. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They were specialized earlier. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They were, like, worried. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They were. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They whimper away like this from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They're half developed children when they become adults. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They're just a bunch of, you know, sort of careerists. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
They're just wildly at odds with one another. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This first measure. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This has to be heaven. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This is a balloon, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This is a challenge I have to meet. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This is a decoration of it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This is not bad. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This like a drone of sound, right, that never stops? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This month, as a matter of fact, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This month, as a matter of fact, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This one ends. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This one seems to grow somehow. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This piano, by the way, stood at 9 East 72nd Street, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This sensitive guy, you know, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This sensitive guy, you know, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This story is probably spurious, but somebody wrote it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This was seeing somebody I loved deeply from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Those deep recesses of thought and feeling from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Thought that he's from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Through its language, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To a room filled with his colleagues. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To a troubled world, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To be able to play what I wanted to say on the stage. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To be apart from us from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To be like amateur musicians from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To dress for a for a performance, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To get them in some kind of mental space from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To listening to someone speak, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To me, it's partly about your desire to find a place, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To my chest, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To send your letter to the prime minister. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To sort of a little mystic, what I'm going to say from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
To talk to him about some of these things. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Too deep. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Total. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Turning the pages, prepared to see the worst. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Uh ah uh. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Uh, I don't know from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Uh, I want to do it through acting, yeah. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Uh, material wealth, the world thinking you're a big shot from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Unfortunately, in certain fields, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Universal order. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Unless you have that dissonance. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Until it's time to play it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Until it's time... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Until you become one. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Usually in the basement of Steinway. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Very good. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Very much so. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Was my photograph. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Watch. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We become one with the stars. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We can, at least, permit ourselves to say of it from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We didn't even have a piano. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We didn't even own any records. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We don't charge rent. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We don't charge. You're a Steinway artist. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We have a sense of order, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We have to modify the pulse there. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We have to waste all our time in school from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We played for soldiers from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We played serious music for them. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We wouldn't know the meaning of the resolution. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
We're gonna give a concert for Ethan's theater group. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, everybody knows that he was a genius. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, here you have a repeated note, so... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, I don't know which from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, I don't think it was eventually. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, I never taught anyone at the age of five. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, look, here's Beethoven. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, Michael eventually became incorrigible. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, now, wait a minute from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, on the first day that I was in Korea, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, that did it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, the ancient Greeks knew that because, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, then after I felt good on the stage, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, this is one of the greatest pieces from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, you know, he was always my hero from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Were all pretty notoriously horrible people. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
What am I going to say about facing the vicissitudes of life? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
What did you think? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
What do you mean? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
What is it that I'm living it for? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
What they want is the Flashdance fallacy, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
What upsets me about religion from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
What would it be if we didn't have the dissonance? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
What, I was angry at the music world? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
What's so wonderful about you, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Whatever that B flat is, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When Beethoven puts a B flat down, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When I after I play, after concerts, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When I came home, well, she said, Come to Scarsdale. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When I placed tremendous challenges before me, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When I started to survive on the stage. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When I was around 50 from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When I was so scared to death from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When I went through that door and she gave me the key, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When I'm playing the piano, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When my practicing didn't go well, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When we work at it, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When we would go on forced marches from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When you really say the truth from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
When your father would say that he had three daughters from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Whenever I play this passage here... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Where they're contemplating the cosmos from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Where truth implants itself. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Where? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Whether or not it feels good to them from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Whether they're doing it on Wall Street from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Which does buffet every person who's trying to make a career, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Which is a famous mansion. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Which was that I've been, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Which you abdicate when you leave the stage? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
While he was here, I saw him every night, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
While I tell, like, a really long story. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
While no one has ever successfully defined music, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Who are detractors in my life, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Who didn't compose. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Who don't really want me to succeed from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Who followed this religion. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Who heard him play from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Who never spoke a word of English. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Who symbolize all the people from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Who wanted rather ordinary things. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Who's never heard it before from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Whoa! from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Whoa. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Why am I surviving this? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Why are you crying? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Why are you crying? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Why don't they knight Clifford Curzon? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Why I love you so much, is that in you, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Why is it that I never get nervous when I have to act? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
With a lion red coat of arms from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
With a trembling hand like this, she signed her autograph. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
With finding why it is that I do what I do. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
With such precision to what's coming out of the instrument. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
With the deepest passions and compassions from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
With the pedal. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Without being aware from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Without craft, there isn't any real artistry. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Without intellectual analysis. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Wonder why Clifford Curzon has not been knighted. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Wow. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Yeah, a little bit. Something like this. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Yeah, but then then your idea of an artist from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Yeah, I think you'll enjoy him. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Yeah. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Yeah. What's your answer? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Yes. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Yes. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You are the note of my life, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can establish so deep an accord from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can experience it, but you can't prove it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can just sit down and play that piece. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can really catch a lot of their emotions. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can sit. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can't be sold a shoddy load of goods. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can't be sold success. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can't do that on most pianos. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can't play the same. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can't prove that God exists. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can't stop. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You do this. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You don't have an idea, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You don't want to play a staccato that sounds... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You go like this... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You got fabulous reviews as well, so you from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You have the second half of your life ahead of you. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You have the touchstone from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You heard from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You know how the gurus train us to say, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You know, I I have a memory of you being from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You know, pianos' tones die. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You know, the the hurly burly of of the real world, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You make a separation? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You said, You should always have a piece from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You say this to your students; you've said it to me... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You specialize, everyone's gonna get from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You stop playing games. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You take your pick. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You this is wonderful now. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You were an amazing player. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You were phenomenal. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You will get nervous when you learn how to act. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You'll never let me play in public again. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You're going to practice one hour every day. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You're not allowed to play better than I do. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You're thinking we're never gonna get past from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Your diaphragm right here, right? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Your initial response to music occurs from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
57 years ago... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
57 years ago... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
299. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And love. And love, yeah. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
And what happens? Except the tiger moms. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
April 5th? Yep. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Creativity... Oh, absolutely. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Direct question. Yes. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Do you remember... Of course. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
For April the 5th? Yeah. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I hated the nerves. Right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I wanted to create. Right? Right. Right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
I was a total wreck. Hmm. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If you do it yourself... Absolutely. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
If you want it. I want it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Isn't that some piano? It is. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It didn't help to... What didn't it help? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It was by Donal Henahan. Mm hmm. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's extraordinary, right? Yeah. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's intangible. Right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
It's intangible. Right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Mm hmm. Do you connect it? No. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Of course they are. And so from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Oh, that's fascinating. This is on the NASA website. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right? Mm hmm. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Right. There were no distractions. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
See those two chords? Mm hmm. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
See? Right here? Mm hmm. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
So you reject this? No, not necessarily. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
This is a New York Steinway? Very new. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Well, yeah Were you were you from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Yeah. Now do it that way. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Yeah. Yes. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
Yeah. You didn't. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You can't see it. Right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You didn't do that. I didn't do that, no. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
You heard that? I heard it. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
'cause he couldn't identify with the son that he had. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
'Cause I had no idea. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
'Cause I loved my solitude, of course. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
'cause there was a war going on. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
'Cause they should... from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
'cause you play very emotionally, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
'Cause, you know, you have to ask permission. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
'I wowed them last night. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
'Mommy, I don't feel like going to school. ' from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernache) April the 5th? I'll have to check. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernache) Right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) And re creativity went hand in hand. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) During the romantic period, it was unthinkable from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) I have to find out if you're breathing correctly. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) I would love not to miss that octave. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) Most of us breathe so poorly that it is a wonder from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) Now let's let's talk about the first slur. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) People are searching for some answers, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) So go really soft. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) So start the first one less. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) We have to do that. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) When I was around the age of 15, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) Without which they felt that the human could not develop. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) Yes. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Bernstein) You learn to reject. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Gallagher) I get that comment a lot. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Gallagher) So I asked myself, Why are there so many from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Harvey) And so it is a direct emanation from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Harvey) And yet it has this most penetrating of effects. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Harvey) I think the key is that music can produce ecstasy. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Harvey) Maria Callas said that there were two people inside her. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Harvey) Right. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) 299 well, do you think that's gonna be our selection? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) And when did you meet Seymour? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) Hey, Seymour. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) I can. I can. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) I think a lot of people spend the bulk of their life from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) Not who's not a monk. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) Okay, great. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) Seymour hasn't played in front of people from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) So why don't I tell you why I've asked you all here? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) There are a lot of examples of extremely talented, from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Hawke) Well, is this one gonna be available from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Ichikawa) Uh, it was 1999 in Japan. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Smith) And I'm going to say the unsayable: from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
(Smith) No, no, I'm sorry. from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[applause] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[applause] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[applause] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Bach's Partita No. 6 in E Minor playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Bach's Prelude from the Cantata playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Bach's Prelude from the Cantata playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Beethoven's Sonata No. 27, Op. 90 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Beethoven's Sonata No. 31, Op. 110 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Beethoven's Sonata No. 31, Op. 110 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Bernstein's The Penguin playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Bernstein's The Penguin playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Brahms' Intermezzo in A Major, Op. 118, No. 2 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[brooding piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[calm piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[cheerful piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Chopin's Berceuse, Op. 57 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Chopin's Mazurka In C Major, Op. 24, No. 2 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Chopin's Nocturne in G Major, Op. 37, No. 2 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[chuckles] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[chuckles] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[chuckles] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[chuckles] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[chuckles] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[chuckles] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[chuckles] How should I say it? from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[clears throat] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[crying] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[crying] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[dark piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[door clicks open] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[exhales sharply] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[feverish piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[feverish piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[gentle laughter] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[gentle piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[gentle piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[gentle piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[gentle piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[gentle piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[gentle piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[gently piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[higher pitch] d La d from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[indistinct chatter] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[indistinct chatter] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[indistinct radio chatter] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[intense piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[laughs] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[laughs] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[laughs] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[laughs] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[laughs] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[laughs] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[laughter] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[laughter] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[lively piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[lower pitch] d La d from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Lullaby for Carrieann playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[meditative piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Mozart's Fantasia in C Minor playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[music intensifies] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[music intensifies] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays choppy notes] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays chord] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays chord] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays chords] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays E note] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays gentle piano notes] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays note] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays octave with incorrect end chord] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays piano staccato] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays scale] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays softly] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays sonata slowly] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[plays sonata] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[quiet piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[repeating octave] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[repeats octave segment] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[repeats octave] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[repeats octave] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[repeats octave] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[repeats octave] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Scarlatti's Sonata in A Minor, Longo 378 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Schubert's Drei Klavierstucke No. 2 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Schubert's Impromptu in A Flat Major, D. 899, No. 4 playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Schubert's Standchen (Serenade) playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Schumann's Kinderszenen No. 1, Scenes from Childhood playing] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[sentimental piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[Seymour inhales sharply] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[sighs] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[soft piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[soft piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[soft piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[soft piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[soft piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[soft piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[soft piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[soft piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[soft piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[somber piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[sparkling piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[tender piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[uplifting piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[utensils clatter] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[whimsical piano music] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[woman exhales] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
[woman inhales sharply] from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# Rum, pa # from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# Ta ra, ta ra, ta ra, rum # from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# Ta ra, ta ra, ta ra, rum, ta ra # from Seymour An Introduction (2015)
# Ta, rum, pa rum # from Seymour An Introduction (2015)