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The Sopranos (1999) - Season 6 The Sopranos (1999) - Season 6 is a television show that captivated audiences with its

The Sopranos (1999) - Season 6

The Sopranos (1999) - Season 6 is a television show that captivated audiences with its gritty portrayal of the New Jersey mafia. Created by David Chase, this critically acclaimed series first aired in 1999, marking a turning point in the realm of television drama. With its intricate plotlines, complex characters, and exploration of the human psyche, The Sopranos quickly became a cultural phenomenon.

At the heart of The Sopranos is James Gandolfini, who delivers a magnetic and Emmy-winning performance as Tony Soprano. As the head of the DiMeo crime family, Tony finds himself navigating the treacherous waters of the criminal underworld while simultaneously dealing with his personal and family problems. Gandolfini's portrayal of Tony Soprano is nothing short of iconic, showcasing the character's vulnerability, violence, and conflicted moral compass.

The rest of the cast complements Gandolfini's powerful presence with their own gripping performances. Lorraine Bracco's portrayal of Tony's therapist, Dr. Jennifer Melfi, provides a fascinating glimpse into the complexities of Tony's mind and the psychological toll of his criminal lifestyle. Playing Tony's wife, Carmela Soprano, Edie Falco brings a layered and nuanced performance as she struggles with her love for her family and her complicity in their illicit activities.

Season 6 of The Sopranos delves deeper into the moral dilemmas faced by Tony and those around him. As he grapples with his own mortality, Tony begins to question the choices he has made and the consequences they have on his loved ones. The season explores themes of redemption, loyalty, and the repercussions of a life steeped in violence.

One notable aspect of The Sopranos is its impeccable storytelling. Each episode is carefully crafted, balancing the gritty realism of the mafia world with moments of dark humor and unexpected twists. The writing is consistently sharp and insightful, exploring societal issues and moral quandaries with sophistication and relevance.

In addition to the brilliant writing, The Sopranos also boasts a remarkable musical landscape. The show's use of music to punctuate key moments is masterful, with each song carefully chosen to enhance the emotional impact of a scene. From classic rock to Italian opera, the soundtrack of The Sopranos is as diverse as the show itself, showcasing the wide range of influences that shape Tony Soprano's world.

For fans of The Sopranos, the opportunity to relive the series with its immersive sounds is just a click away. By playing and downloading these sounds, viewers can once again be swept away by the captivating performances, intricate plotlines, and the unforgettable world of the New Jersey mafia.

In conclusion, The Sopranos (1999) - Season 6 is a television series that has left an indelible mark on the world of television. With its brilliant performances, thoughtful storytelling, and breathtaking soundtrack, the show continues to be hailed as one of the greatest dramas of all time. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the series, experiencing The Sopranos is an immersive journey that will keep you captivated from start to finish.

You can play and download these sounds here.
A big fuckin' joke on me.
A bolt busted. Thing jammed up.
A branch...
A Brooklyn relative of Spatafore
A certain bleak attitude
A complete accounting of your worth.
A couple of days? The salernos are coming tomorrow.
A couple of TEC 9 semi automatics, extended magazines?
A couple of the other captains won't talk to him,
A couple years later, you got a movie.
A couple years, I'll own a chain of restaurants, clubs
A few times, told me more than once to look you up.
A few years ago, he had that beef with johnny sack,
A finook in his crew, he knew how to handle that.
A French policeman told me she was dead and I had to tell her.
A friend,
A fucking guy you could look up to.
A german shepherd's shaved asshole won first prize.
A giant tree branch came through the window
A goddamn juice place moving in here.
A government interrogator in Lebanon
A great wind carries me across the sky.
A gut shot is everything they ever told you it was.
A guy I gotta see every day.
A hotel then. It doesn't fucking matter.
A hothead.
A hundred years from now, we're dead and gone,
A job building a wall around some rich lady's garden.
A lab job at UCLA where he teaches oral surgery.
A lile road trip, just you and me...
A little bit.
A little gambling charge, that's all. It's gonna be fine.
A lot more tolerant atmosphere.
A lot of my customers giving their action to New York.
A lot of people are concerned for his well being.
A lot of pressure on kids today, ton'.
A lot of scientists would disagree with you.
A lot of studies about talk therapy
A lot of them, but they're also fucking jackals.
A lot of women found him very attractive.
A lot of your circle must have done jail time.
A lot of your friends are in film school, you say,
A loving father.
A lush.
A man is not complete till he's married.
A man took his horse to a vet
A man who teaches skiing for a living
A man with a plan, huh?
A manageable pain though, eh? The devil you know...
A married man, with kids.
A mentor.
A new pair of those Speedo skin diver socks you like.
A note from your doctor saying you don't like to suck cock?
A package to leave your niece who has m.S.?
A pallet of drills. You believe this shit?
A pint of blood costs more than a gallon of gold.
A point where business bleeds into other shit,
A rat died in the wall back there or some shit.
A reading program for bilingual children.
A real habit with you, AJ. Don't you have to work today?
A rollerball.
A ruthless, powerful man who thought he was above the law.
A salafist cell was at Newark airport
A salut'.
A semi trailer of drills... Makitas.
A shape with lion body
A short story, perhaps?
A similar bacteria found on meat.
A sin.
A slasher. A couple of kids naked in a lake.
A small private service, just the immediate family.
A springer spaniel.
A sterling effort for sure, but you really can't...
A tree limb came in through the car window,
A va' Napoli... it was Eugene's going on three years.
A very difficult woman,
A what?
A whole repair crew, work 'em all night. He wouldn't spring for it.
A wife and kids. Of course.
A wonderful husband.
A.J., what the fuck?
A.J... how are you gonna get him to go along?
A' salut, a' salut.
Aaron Arkaway, Jan's friend.
About a year ago, your problem with Brooklyn?
About anything
About commitments, about what I do,
About heaven and hell.
About him and adriana, what her mother said he did to her?
About his weight, about his model railroading
About interstate hijacking now?
About Janice, about your money.
About ltalian cheeses and smelly feet.
About me investing in a club.
About some mall in Minnesota
About that, as I was telling Mr. Russamano,
About the body of work that's gone into
About the other day...
About the world,
About time you invited everybody over.
About what I'm doing,
About what?
About when I was in jail.
Absolutely. The guys are just leaving.
Accentuate the positive.
Accepting. Be grateful for what you got.
Accident! Accident!
Acid burned right through his shoe.
Act as if.
Activity that's good.
Actually helps them become better criminals.
Actually I had him pegged the whole time, but..
Actually it's cold, raining.
Actually quite glibly
Actually sad.
Actually serves to validate them
Actually they call it something else.
Actually we just started carrying these.
Actually, frankly...
Actually, I do
Actually, I think it was '51.
Actually, I was expecting something else.
Actually, it was a family from Afghanistan who fled the Taliban
Actually, last two seasons,
Actually, Mead' and I have had some conversations
Actually, that's good.
Actually, the maniac is almost always a supernatural force.
Actually, very few people know this,
Actually, we usually go to some incredibly shitty movie.
Actually, yeah, Paulie, for some of us it is.
Actually, yeah.
Actually, you're a surprise.
Adam and Eve would be running all the time,
Add three more M.R.I.s and you're looking at a 10% increase
Admitting at least a 10 year connection with La Cosa Nostra.
Advice, strategy.
Affirmation of life.
Afford to set me up. You have all the money in the world.
After all the complaining and the crying
After all these years.
After all these years.
After all this time,
After everything we shared in here,
After he stabbed the dean.
After our own daughter moves away to California.
After that incompetent you sent Meadow to?
After that nightmare, God, we are blessed, Tony.
After the fire in his wire room.
After the goings on at Tony's uncle's.
After the scene at Little Carmine's...?
After what, a couple yea in the work force?
Afterwards go to work for trump or somebody,
Again with Ginny Sack, huh?
Again with the superstitions?
Again with the vitamins.
Again, Remy!
Against Tony Soprano for five fucking years?
Ah, fresh casualties
Ah, fuck it, you don't want to hear this.
Ah, listen, listen.
Ah, one Two Three, four Five Six...
Ah, that's cool.
Ah, the bird of prey.
Ah, the lord of the lenses.
Ah, the lord of the lenses.
Ah, we're running down to the boat show in Edison.
Ah! I wasn't!
Ah... God damn it, what t fuck is it?
Ahmed Al Najafi.
Ahmed Al Najafi.
Ain't none of us gonna make any real scratch
Air bags, chrome rims
AJ didn't have to come to Sunday dinner.
AJ has a job. Do you wanna go get a job?
AJ, can you turn that off, please?
AJ, I asked for the brown suit
AJ's practicing?
Al here?
Al, this is a big fucking mix up.
Alcoholics fucking Anonymous now too...
All along.
All around the floor.
All brides are beautiful.
All done.
All due respect,
All due respect, he's a great guy, Doc,
All except for a hand that got crushed.
All handsome in his Calvin Klein.
All he was thinking about was straightening out for the week.
All I am to him is some asshole bully.
All I can do is deliver the message, Anthony.
All I can say is
All I did for her.
All I ever think about? You haven't fucked me in over a year
All I ever wanted was to carve out a little piece,
All I know is it's a good thing my father's not alive,
All I know is,
All I know, is it's a pleasure not to have him laying around here
All I'm doing is getting coffee and placing endless phone calls.
All I'm saying
All in all, we're lucky fucks.
All italians have big noses.
All metal objects in the tray, sir.
All metal objects must be placed in a tray.
All my planning for a fucking year!
All of a sudden he's the world's foremost authority.
All of a sudden, it's very important to me.
All of it just just gets washed away.
All on that federal tit.
All our construction with New York folds right into your kick.
All over these pants.
All Phil cares about is fucking money.
All right, all right, all right, put it back in your pocket.
All right, all right, enough.
All right, all right. Come on, Marie.
All right, all right. Oh my God, Tony, he's dead?
All right, back up a second.
All right, barely ever. And Hernan, everybody
All right, bring him in.
All right, but in this case,
All right, climb!
All right, come here
All right, don't cry.
All right, fine,
All right, fucking take it easy.
All right, hold on, hold on, hold on.
All right, honey.
All right, I got you. Stop fighting me.
All right, I'll stop.
All right, I'll take care of it.
All right, I'll talk to you later.
All right, if we can just head over and have lunch.
All right, let's dispense with the 500 lb elephant in the room, eh?
All right, let's go. I gotta swing by Slava's,
All right, let's not go backwards, huh?
All right, let's take this in the back.
All right, listen to me. Uncle pat came to see me
All right, listen, thanks. Really
All right, listen.
All right, listen.
All right, normal sinus rhythm.
All right, see you guys.
All right, skip the preambles.
All right, stewarts.
All right, sure.
All right, take it easy. What is your problem?
All right, take the skim on 20.
All right, thanks.
All right, thanks.
All right, that's enough.
All right, that's it. Enough's enough.
All right, then.
All right, they're running here.
All right, this stays in these four walls.
All right, turn around. Grab the side.
All right, we gotta get moving
All right, well...
All right, whoo!
All right, yeah... No, definitely.
All right, you go take care of your wife,
All right, you'll need to step out and remove your shoes, sir.
All right? I'll heat it up.
All right? She's a junior in high school.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. Are you all right?
All right. Bye, Tony.
All right. Done.
All right. L Let me get dressed.
All right. No limit five card stud.
All right. You know, jan, he's right.
All that crap they wrote about daddy.
All the guidebooks say you should try and get on the local schedule.
All the kids were playing in the water.
All the people were imaginary till you got there.
All the problems you had with Hector's dad... I'm not like that.
All the responsibilities.
All the women in your house are gone.
All the women in your house are gone.
All these pricks...
All they know is it's under serious discussion at top levels.
All things considered, of course.
All this activity, Tony, are you getting any rest?
All this pressure.
All this, you never once said "l told you so
All this.
All those afternoons in your father's office, "playing house."
All those days you go in late, you call in sick, you deserve to get canned
All those inspections slow down wal mart's operation.
All those memories, and for what?
All those weeks in the hospital,
All those years yanking it
All three ready to heat and serve...
All under false pretenses.
All your anger, your hate for me.
All: a buon' anima.
All's I know is I just don't feel it.
All's said and done, you get your end.
Allegra and Eric have chosen
Allegra Sacrimoni getting married.
Allegra, repeat these words.
Allegra: I don't know. He could be.
Allegra. Ain't that a cold medicine?
Allegra's a little bitchy, but it's painful for her to be here.
Almost got my first hard on in, like, a month.
Almost put me through a billboard one time.
Already caught a mouse down the cellar.
Already has a target on my back.
Also considering law.
Also Faustino "Doc" Santoro, who I believe is the frontrunner.
Also, Chris, you know how we can purchase
Alternate universes?
Although don't forget: I'm a strict Catholic.
Although Judy's character in the movie
Although some of what he's being accused of is just persecution.
Although, maybe, you know
Although, that
Always fucking holier than thou 'cause he didn't fuck other women.
Always intellectually curious, even as a tyke.
Always is.
Always something.
Always we are dumping here.
Am I bored?
Am I early?
Am I understood?
Am one of those individuals.
Among other things.
Among the staff and our patients regarding treatment.
An attorney. I'm mounting my case.
An education's to help you get a better job.
An entire room full of writers,
An event planner? Where do you get this shit?
An expert.
An hour ago.
An understanding about life.
And $4.1 million.
And 5% of the fucking sale price?!
And 50, he only got two more.
And 99 out of 100
And a club soda for the convalescent
And a club soda for the messenger here.
And a hard worker,
And a phony.
And a weak, fucking sniveling,
And a writer is a major commodity.
And alcohol. But I came home one day
And all he can think about is himself?!
And all I did for this fucking kid
And all that that entrailed.
And all that went with it.
And all the fucking bullshit,
And all the other investors, too.
And all the time he's been playing for the pink team.
And all the while,
And an iced tea, please.
And Anthony maffei called me. Jesus.
And as a friend, I would appreciate Tony's help.
And as a proprietor of a drinking and eating establishment,
And as a relative, a friend,
And as an arabic speaker, I'll be really useful.
And as for your husband, Janice,
And as Jerry said earlier, there are several viable candidates.
And as you can see, I'm facing a long convalescence here.
And as you know, my plumbers' union insurance
And Barone is my secondary insurance carrier. I need it.
And beat him mercilessly with a rubber hose.
And believe me, the pay is good. It's a union job.
And bring up the paper with her
And by the way, again, if you ever need a roast
And charities, what have you.
And come ons for shit they don't need and can't afford?
And criminals,
And deed of trust here...
And demolished it.
And don't add to the problem.
And don't fuckin' deny it again.
And don't give me any of that "poverty of the Mezzogiorno" bullshit.
And don't touch the lemon rind with your fingers.
And don't you do nothing
And don't you ever tell the kids that about their grandfather.
And don't you forget it.
And done,
And eating all this shit.
And Eddie Lind's coming down from Pennsylvania with an envelope.
And emotionally?
And especially since he's been trying so hard...
And Eugene was with me.
And even Vegas doesn't know about it.
And every fuckin' flower she plant
And every time you get your hands around it...
And everywhere, the ceremony of innocence
And Finn sleeps on the floor half the time
And for reasons I will discern in time, believe me.
And for what?
And for what?
And found a baggie with cocaine residue.
And frankly, it's not gonna happen to us.
And Gab. Oh my god, Tony.
And gangster...
And get 'em started over there.
And get him to give me my money back.
And get your inputs or notes as we call them.
And Ginny needs the money,
And Ginny's lRA which is worth about 110 grand.
And good things.
And ground up into fucking Brillo pads.
And he asked me if I was your daughter
And he came over and pulled some crap.
And he cried. He couldn't deal with it.
And he dies the next day?
And he don't answer his phones neither.
And he expects to be duly compensated.
And he fucking hates me so much.
And he gets fucking payback on everyone who fucked him over,
And he goes out to get revenge on everyone,
And he got a job at Blockbuster.
And he got an answer.
And he hits one little pothole and he goes into hysterics.
And he put a lot of money in my pocket.
And he said we should hire professionals
And he said, "Who am l? Where am I going?"
And he was so lonely...
And he was still going.
And he wonders why I'm distant... At least he says he does...
And he'll make sure those pricks sell.
And he's a wonderful dad.
And he's doing great Christopher.
And he's got the hyperactivity to boot.
And he's gotta solve
And he's interested in developing it through his company
And help him with Your cleansing love.
And help you out,
And her husband.
And her husband.
And here.
And here...
And here...
And here...
And his heart gives out.
And his pension,
And hope you like the movie
And how about second grade?
And how about the fact he wouldn't be living in that fucking mansion
And humiliation. I gotta be frank,
And I appreciated it.
And I can explain what we're doing. It's pretty exciting.
And I can round the load out with kerastase,
And I can't do a fucking thing about it.
And I can't help but think that physical affection means something.
And I decided that once and for all,
And I didn't get any sleep.
And I didn't have this fuckin' problem.
And I don't disagree.
And I don't have any time to go into a debate about any of this, okay?
And I don't have to be confronted by that fact no more.
And I don't know if I loved him in spite of it...
And I don't need another headache.
And I don't talk about your friends that way.
And I don't wanna go back.
And I gotta have the long face
And I gotta think, Marie, Vito on some level
And I had the prostate.
And I hate that you're going around acting all the time like it will.
And I just lost my friend, Rusty,
And I knew, whether consciously or not,
And I know it feels like you're never gonna love anybody again.
And I know it's a lot,
And I like that she has these little projects
And I mean completely.
And I nearly passed out in front of everybody trying to bend over.
And I need that money for living expenses.
And I said something very cruel.
And I see you there and I know you're hurting.
And I should know. I'm in construction.
And I still feel like shit
And I talked to paulie. We worked out a payment schedule.
And I tell my kids, you have to remember,
And I think it's just a matter of time
And I thought
And I told Carmela, it's not the end of the world.
And I told you to wait, and you left to go God knows where.
And I took his fat fucking hand in friendship
And I want some answers, 'cause you're starting to drive me fuckin' nuts.
And I was fucking prostate with grief.
And I was so worked up. I just needed to smooth it out.
And I'll roll the fuckin' dice.
And I'll tell you something else...
And I'm idling away the hours?
And I'm in this strange city and...
And I'm never gonna fuckin' forget it, neither.
And I'm not losing any sleep.
And I'm not sure what happened
And I'm not talking about a lawyer, either.
And I'm right there for him.
And I'm talking huge deals, major fucking dollars.
And I'm very sorry.
And I've been dealing with Al for two days.
And if I don't, what the fuck are you gonna do then?
And if I win, Marie spatafore gets her free ride and then some.
And if you ever mention a word of this to Tony,
And if you guys hadn't made me get such a crappy job,
And if you need more cash, call me.
And if you were ever convicted of a crime...
And if you've got the chance to do something
And impress his friends.
And in about 30 days, give you a chance to get a couple of bidders.
And in Lincoln's case, it was extremely painful.
And in that moment, I was reborn.
And in the past, I might have jumped.
And in the romance department?
And it ain't like I haven't been tryin'.
And it gets worse. I think he's connected.
And it occurs to me, I hand Carried this kid
And it was more than decent workmanship.
And it wouldn't be no cock, either.
And it's all over the media!
And it's embarrassing. I spend most of my time upstairs.
And it's fuckin' hereditary.
And it's important that we all leave
And it's Swelligant by a nose.
And just started saying all this weird stuff.
And legal issues,
And let's be honest... white.
And like I always say,
And like I said, it's just a precaution.
And listen up, 'cause this affects you too.
And ma's hair...
And maybe you know what I'm talkin' about.
And missing sessions, unfortunately, is part of my condition.
And Mr. Soprano will be prosecuted
And my body has suffered a trauma
And my father a $200 power drill.
And my fuckin' turkey neck of a nephew
And my other money's tied up in asset allocation.
And my recreational life outside of the home.
And my wife told me I woke up at one point and said...
And named us after a ballet costume.
And no foot traffic to speak of.
And no one knows who started it.
And nobody takes even one second
And not cause no problems for you.
And not just 'cause she's my sister, either.
And now I wanna say some things.
And now the moment we've all been waiting for,
And now this?
And now we're like friends.
And now what are our options?
And now you can't sleep.
And now you've got our son doing it.
And obviously there's a finder's fee.
And of course, Tony, there'd be a severance package for you.
And our director Morgan Yam.
And our family on national fucking television?
And people questioning my judgment where they never did before.
And pets.
And please, regards to your dad
And positive reinforcement.
And possibly legal consequences.
And pretty soon you're gonna be out in the fucking street.
And producing movies is high stress enough.
And pull the trigger till the bullets come out your eyes.
And pump out the damn basement.
And put her to bed now.
And put it all against the jets."
And ramos fizzes.
And read it out loud to everybody.
And really successful.
And Satriale's, that fridge full of beer.
And say how bad I felt about how my husband made his money,
And saying he wished to lead an openly gay lifestyle."
And sell for profits of up to 300% and more.
And send off a set of electrolytes now.
And she gave it back to my mother.
And she held that cassette tape over my head for a month.
And she looks up,
And she wants her piece.
And she would have more of a don't ask don't tell policy
And she would have more of a don't ask don't tell policy
And she's even worse.
And she's Puerto Rican.
And she's ragging on his ass. You know how she'd get.
And since my injury, like I told you,
And sneak you off in our car.
And somebody I knew
And sprinkle onto pasta or pizza.
And start withholding serious money.
And steal their pensions and it's no big deal to you.
And subpoenas are flying.
And support and the quality of the product
And sweated out Visa lotteries
And take care of Carmela too, in case...
And that and a dime.
And that boat...
And that girl that played the fiancee, she was hot,
And that makes me mad at them.
And that might have scared her.
And that my mother couldn't hate a good boy like that.
And that shit with Junior, please.
And that spec house? I made the down payment.
And that was Carmine Lupertazzi.
And that was just to drive the kids to school.
And that was our name originally, Leonardo.
And that woman friend was even worse.
And that you die in your own arms.
And that's how it's gonna stay.
And that's it.
And the answer is to accept the Lord as your personal Savior.
And the baby.
And the backup kicker? He's right out of college.
And the car's not my sister's.
And the children, okay?
And the cost of metal detection screening equipment
And the daughter, like all females,
And the dream messages and dirty fucking toilet seats.
And the feds have reached
And the fuckin' thing starts to do si do...
And the Germans shot him right here on this spot."
And the head of a man, a gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
And the hope is that you pass that shit down,
And the house and its contents valued at a million two.
And the kids'll be having after all that with Vito?
And the mailman.
And the new 26 is what?
And the next thing, I was at the urologist.
And the other guy Mohammed, his brother's
And the other one's kind of interesting,
And the perpetual hard on he's still got with us.
And the problem is that we keep trying to get back on the bus,
And the sighing and the platitudes.
And the sun...
And the tears.
And the vet looks at his face and he says to him,
And the vet looks at his face and he says to him,
And the vet says to him, "why do you have a long face?"
And the Vito thing the man harbors a faggot.
And the way that they do it is all fucked up.
And the whole fundamental bit.
And the worst part is
And them, they're not in grade school anymore.
And then a week or so ago I'm driving, and I see 'em
And then he found Jesus, and everything changed.
And then he said i had whipped cream
And then I'm gonna take away your clothes.
And then I'm gonna take away your mother's cooking.
And then I'm gonna take away your room
And then just siphoned the money out:
And then suddenly, they disappeared,
And then they saw some stuff they didn't like,
And then they show this story
And then to think you're the cause of it.
And then we are stopping at Nordstrom's.
And then we'll be the same as that tree.
And then what do they get? Bling?
And then you call your insurance on me? No, thank you
And then...
And there is this two story cape,
And there was this soldier... Russ.
And there...
And these gigantic fat people
And these pricks are watching,
And they get sick,
And they let people build those fucking monstrosities!
And they look at you...
And they say that Anthony's stabilized.
And they tracked him down to a watering station in the Mojave Desert.
And they tracked him down to a watering station in the Mojave Desert.
And they, like, want to kill everybody.
And they're forced to live with the shame
And they're gonna move him to a state facility.
And they're happy,
And they're in Utah and Idaho
And things are going well.
And this "Ashkenuzi."
And this all dovetails with other information I got that this cocksucker
And this comes straight from my cop buddies
And this is from Weehawken, the strip mall.
And this is what you couldn't wait to talk to me about?
And this room, the light...
And this story about these kids in some iraqi hospital,
And this story about these kids in some iraqi hospital,
And this time I'm never going back.
And those headers upstairs? I'm nauseous.
And those people like his boss
And ton', remember when we all rented
And Tony wouldn't want me to,
And took him like a criminal. This is America?
And trying to tit fuck the girls, whatever.
And unless I know absolutely nothing
And uproot little Vito and all of you
And vinegar peppers.
And vinegar peppers.
And we can do the borders with the Disney characters.
And we commit his body to its resting place...
And we do business with whatever's left
And we get, you know, a trickle of cash coming in each month.
And we get, you know, a trickle of cash coming in each month.
And we got this other pygmy thing over in Jersey.
And we have no money to hire a lawyer.
And we lease him a new car.
And we may still snag her over at the firm
And we shuffle the categories around again.
And we'll be done in a few minutes.
And we'll give you the first pills in one week, Monday.
And we'll see what we can do about making your sister's custody problem...
And we're gonna deduct that against what you're gonna owe
And we're gonna stand out in the open at the cemetery?
And we're italian.
And we're not giving you any more money.
And what about little babies
And what about terrorism... Missiles and shit?
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