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The Crown (2016) - Season 3 The Crown is a critically acclaimed historical drama television series that first premiered in

The Crown (2016) - Season 3

The Crown is a critically acclaimed historical drama television series that first premiered in 2016. The show, which is available for streaming on Netflix, explores the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Season 3 of The Crown takes a new approach by introducing a brand-new cast to portray the royal family during a crucial period of their lives.

Season 3 of The Crown delves into the late 1960s and early 1970s, a time marked by significant political and social changes. The show provides an intimate look into the personal struggles and responsibilities faced by Queen Elizabeth II (played by Olivia Colman) as she navigates through a rapidly transforming world. This season also focuses on the challenges of maintaining the monarchy and explores the strained relationships within the royal family.

In addition to Olivia Colman's incredible portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II, the cast for Season 3 of The Crown includes talented actors who bring various members of the royal family to life. Tobias Menzies steps into the role of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, while Josh O'Connor takes on the charismatic and controversial Prince Charles. Helena Bonham Carter portrays the complex and enigmatic Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth's younger sister. Other notable cast members include Erin Doherty as Princess Anne, Marion Bailey as Queen Mother Elizabeth, and Charles Dance as Lord Mountbatten.

The Crown's Season 3 soundtrack perfectly complements the show's captivating storyline and stunning visuals. The music is composed by Martin Phipps and is inspired by the era depicted in this particular season. Phipps expertly captures the essence of the time period by blending orchestral arrangements with electronic elements, creating a unique and evocative sonic atmosphere.

Fans of The Crown can now immerse themselves in the music of the show, as the Season 3 soundtrack is available for play and download. The hauntingly beautiful melodies and atmospheric soundscapes perfectly capture the emotional intensity and complexity of the royal family's journey during this pivotal time in history. Whether watching the show or simply looking for music that transports you to another era, the soundtrack of The Crown Season 3 is a must-listen.

To play and download these captivating sounds, simply visit a reputable online music platform or access the official soundtrack on streaming services such as Spotify or Apple Music. Listeners will be transported to the heart of the royal family drama with every note, providing a sublime sonic experience.

In conclusion, The Crown Season 3 offers an enthralling exploration of Queen Elizabeth II's life during the late 1960s and early 1970s. With exceptional performances from the talented cast and a captivating soundtrack, the show delves deep into the challenges faced by the royal family during this transformative period. Whether you are a fan of historical dramas or simply enjoy a well-crafted television series, The Crown Season 3 is not to be missed. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of the British monarchy and experience the power and beauty of this award-winning show.
A A And... and you are... Tony who?
A Amiss.
A battle plan to defeat the miners.
A beautiful 19th century country house set under the Santa Rita mountains,
A bit coldy.
A bit sore.
A boy. I was 26.
A Britain whose destiny lies firmly in the hands of Mr. Wilson.
A brutal fight to the death is our mating dance,
A character.
A coal waste tip collapsed and slid into a junior school.
A collection of the people you most hate in life.
A community is devastated.
A constant companion to some,
A cri de coeur, rather than a coup de grΓ’ce?
A crisis, if you will. You...
A cross section of human civilization
A date has been set for Camilla to be married to the Parker Bowles boy.
A deepening of my faith.
A deployment of 15,000 troops,
A Devonshire class cruiser positioned off the coast of Holyhead,
A disappointing start for last year's Yorkshire Cup champion.
A display of emotion would not just be considered appropriate,
A dreadful tragedy has taken place.
A drip, drip, drip of... of doubt...
A father figure to my husband.
A favorite destination is Balmoral Castle...
A few days ago, the Cabinet took its unanimous decision to devalue the pound.
A filigree of a thousand tiny threads,
A film?
A former king and a king in waiting to meet.
A four o'clock reception for Sir Leslie Fry.
A good response from the onlookers.
A good surprise?
A great adventure lies ahead.
A great many changes.
A growing flock.
A handkerchief or...
A horror I hope you share.
A horse of a very different color.
A hypermarket.
A king to make in Charles, not to mention a brother to your sister.
A Labour government devalued the pound once before, with little success,
A Labour prime minister...
A landing party supplied by the bluejackets and the Royal Marines,
A little bit foolish.
A little rich, I think, coming from a misshapen cripple!
A little scene to monarchize.
A little.
A lot of preparation, and a lot of expense.
A man by the name of Michael Straight surrendered himself to us at the DOJ.
A man can't fight if he can't see daylight at the end of the road.
A man's son may...
A member of a royal family that has suffered more than the rest of us,
A mental asylum?
A mind and a will of my own.
A moment of such significance for every mother...
A mug.
A natural number one whose tragedy it is to have been born number two.
A network of brothers, sisters,
A new chapter in human history has opened.
A new entente.
A new reservoir
A painting?
A painting.
A pariah.
A peace offering from the Brits, hoping to secure the bailout.
A pocket watch and a compass.
A polycephalus, a two headed eagle.
A predicament.
A progress which, in his estimation, compares you favorably with your father,
A proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot.
A prophecy...
A real man, a real socialist,
A recent news dispatch from London begins this way:
A Reichsadler.
A reminder that the BBC interview with the Duke of Windsor is coming up soon.
A rescue package.
A research assistant at the College of Arms.
A resumption or a cessation?
A resumption.
A robust response.
A role she's executed many times.
A sedative.
A sense of coming together, a sense of community, of awe, of wonder.
A sense of safety and belonging...
A shameful piece of political grandstanding and opportunism.
A sharp and sometimes painful interlude of madness, will soon pass.
A statement of condolence. I've taken the liberty of doing a quick draft.
A string of horses clattering through the streets,
A teapot.
A thing distinctly hard to say, but a harder thing to do.
A threat.
A tutor who tooted the flute tried to teach two young tooters to toot.
A Venetian cardsharp originally ascribed to Titian,
A wage increase in line with factory workers.
A whole lot of imported foodstuffs will cost more,
A wide ranging review of defense spending...
A young Mr. Wilson came to me
A young prince, footloose and fancy free,
A... A dickid nsharad cum ayg.
Abnormal levels of rainfall have created extraordinary conditions.
About a class struggle between you and me.
About gold pouring out of the country since Monday
About his feelings for the Shand girl.
About His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh...
About rewriting the rule books that it might better suit your character.
About the grave emergency now facing our country.
About the House of Windsor.
About us doing it more often.
About what happened after the moonwalk?
About what?
About Wilson being turned while on a trade mission to Russia.
Above the surface of the moon now.
Absolutely no physical contact, other than taking her hand,
Accompanied by their wives,
According to last year's adult dental health survey...
According to the Foreign Office, it's possible she's in some danger.
Action is what defines us. Action, not suffering.
Actually, he did mention travel.
Actually, I was hoping we might talk about what you're going to do.
Afraid, perhaps, I might recognize myself in you,
After that it's "ma'am." Rhymes with "ham."
After the Blitz,
After the generation of Conservative rule,
After the hospital,
After three days in San Francisco,
After three years of devaluation and denial.
Against 14 whom we might call moderates.
Age is rarely kind to anyone.
Agreeing to open the doors to television cameras.
Ah, but they smell not.
Ah, hello.
Ah, two of you.
Ah, we went back offering a weekend shooting in Balmoral.
Ah, you see? It works.
Ah, your concentration camp for spiritual defectives?
Ahead of his time.
All animals mean harm.
All foreign nationals must leave immediately.
All I am asking is if you were prepared to share a little more.
All new houses will be built with special computer points
All of us.
All ready to leave platform 39 here at Cape Kennedy,
All right, before you go... Sit down, please, Rhys.
All right.
All right.
All right. Come up with a plan.
All that shouting and exertion rather blows the cobwebs away.
All that's happened on my watch is the place has fallen apart.
All that's missing is for someone to let them know.
All the houses on the North Walls, the old residences of the minor canons.
All the necessary powers...
All the things I could never be.
All this sitting around thinking and talking...
All this time, I've been trying to keep you out of sight of the cameras,
All you need to know is that I misjudged you terribly,
Allowing him a breath...
Along with other politicians still loyal.
Along with the award show for the British Concrete Society.
Alongside that dull, dutiful, reliable, heroic strain
Although the Queen and Prince Philip are often separated from their children,
Although the surface appears to be
Although, I wouldn't have said that the first time we met.
Am I allowed to know where to?
Am I going to get a ticking off?
Am I listened to in this family?
Am I seen for who and what I am? No.
Am I wrong?
Ambassadors must be treated exactly the same
Amounts to much more than simply attending a dinner.
An embarrassment! Not able bodied enough.
An endorsement from our most vocal critics would represent more of a turnaround.
An enemy of this country, to remain free, with his career and reputation intact,
An eternity. Three months!
An exchange of views.
An hour and six minutes ago.
An ideal.
An in depth retrospective.
An inability to find calm...
An intervention like this would be unconstitutional.
An island which is home.
An Old Man in Military Costume.
An uncle and a guide to me.
An unemployed man from Chicago waiting to be drafted to go to war.
An uninterrupted line of stolid,
And Β£300 for new medicine and beds.
And 25 years later,
And a betrayal,
And a humiliation for the government.
And a man can raise a thirst,
And a tea towel
And admiration...
And after this journey, we on Earth can never be the same.
And all because Margaret was all the things
And all that loneliness having vanished.
And all the difficulties that go with both.
And allowing us all to vent our anger at someone cold hearted,
And an annual trade deficit of Β£800 million.
And an appeal to the British taxpayer for a pay rise at a time like this,
And appoint a new government, and a prime minister as well.
And Apprentice is falling behind as Valentine's Day pulls back into second.
And as a result, they are at one with the world.
And as her second cousin, I am in an ideal position to ask.
And as our interim leader,
And ask for a more flattering version of themselves.
And ask the Prime Minister to come and see me
And at the Austerlitz station,
And at the same time, one of the most depressing.
And be moved to increase the amount of money we pay them."
And be the adoring and supportive number two
And because of the position that I've ended up in here,
And before you go any further,
And believe you me, I'm happy for your truth to be the truth.
And blunted your judgment
And bore da from inside Caernarfon Castle
And break their backs and risk their lives,
And Britain to the third division of the world's economies.
And Buckingham Palace have issued a statement of sorrow from the Queen.
And by my family, too.
And by the Welsh, in Welsh!
And campaigning for social justice, often at great personal risk."
And carry them in His bosom
And charm, with one newspaper, The San Francisco Chronicle,
And closely followed by number two Olympic Boy, and...
And Colonel Edwin Aldrin, Your Royal Highness.
And come up with an idea for how to deflect any further criticism.
And comfort and self belief.
And concentrate only on happy things.
And conferred it on his own son
And cooking barbecues in forests they own,
And counting.
And created more good than the rest of us.
And currently there is a drain of the best British racehorses to America.
And do what?
And do you have nimble,
And do you know all these people in the pictures?
And do you really think he's recovered from his injury?
And doubtless you'd have preferred him to have continued in office.
And electroshock treatment to treat her hysteria.
And emptiness and anticlimax
And enforce crash cuts in defense spending.
And entirely anticlimactic when you meet them in person.
And estimates suggest that as many as 150 more are still missing,
And even in my heyday, I could never command that.
And everyone is keen, very keen, for you to go.
And faith
And farewell king!
And finally, a visit to the home of a local miner,
And find a reason to break them up.
And for a while it might even feel like a betrayal.
And for that, they deserve our pity.
And for what?
And from now on we are men of action,
And from there I went to the hospital.
And George Thomas,
And get well for New York.
And give us just the slightest impression
And given meaning to mystery,
And given that it is effectively his introduction to the world,
And given the...
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
And grand rooms like these,
And grandfather. You know he was wounded at the Somme?
And had been giving the matter serious thought.
And happy.
And Harold Macmillan.
And has begun its descent to the surface of the moon.
And has briefed newspapers that...
And has had so many facelifts she can barely speak.
And has rejected offer after offer.
And have a place in the kingdom of heaven.
And have dinner with the President and the First Lady,
And he actually wants to be drafted, because it will give his life meaning.
And he thinks I'll take the humiliation lying down, does he?
And he wanted you to have this...
And heal divisions, not inflict them on your own family.
And her arsehole in Buckingham Palace.
And her bum, hips, and tits she would never bare."
And her son is married to the Queen of England.
And here, as in San Francisco,
And his four cousins, Tegwen, Bryn, Mair, and Ben.
And his wit.
And his...
And hopefully make you proud.
And how low could you stage an abort if necessary?
And how many palaces? We heard... it's 12.
And how many staff do you have here anyway?
And how much coal was in this tip?
And how much happier it might have made me.
And humor'd thus comes at the last
And I actually think it's what I was born to do,
And I can have nothing whatsoever to do with it.
And I can see everything quite clearly.
And I can see the attraction of someone like Posh Alec.
And I clean the floors in a gallery on the Fulham Road at night.
And I don't give a crap about any special relationship.
And I don't like pipe smoking.
And I don't think we should take this lying down.
And I expect the Queen's teasmade has just rung her back to consciousness.
And I haven't always been cross with you.
And I haven't even mentioned the police.
And I know why you think it.
And I managed to escape.
And I need hardly say it is a matter of overwhelming regret
And I prefer things that way.
And I promise we'll have a big jumble sale of all the palace valuables on our return.
And I say welcome.
And I speak for both of us when I say
And I think this new perspective, seeing the Earth from space,
And I think you will find some very familiar names in there.
And I was...
And I will expose you and have you thrown in jail.
And I will not have you, or any other hoodlum come in here
And I will spare them,
And I wondered...
And I would urge you, for once,
And I, too little.
And I... I don't want that for us.
And I'd like to take this opportunity to say sorry.
And I'd still get it all wrong.
And I'll sort of just chat about preparations.
And I'm afraid that now we have no alternative but to devalue the pound.
And I've just seen the Duke of Edinburgh give an interview on television here.
And if after all their tests they're still standing...
And if being mother to the Duke of Edinburgh,
And if by doing this...
And if I believe, and I do,
And if there's anything here we might consider selling.
And if we wanted meat or fish that wasn't in a tin,
And if what we do
And if you can't blame it on the Tories, and you won't press it in the House,
And if, God willing, it has been ordained that I should wear it...
And imprisoned.
And in 1920, the Emergency Powers Act was passed,
And in 1961 in South Korea,
And in 1964 in Gabon,
And in a way, your absence of emotion is a blessing.
And in return, I've given it my life.
And in terms of ability and character
And in terms of our research,
And in that moment...
And in the case of our marriage, it's family.
And in the months that followed,
And in the spectacular fortress we see around us.
And in what is a fantastic recovery from a slow start,
And installing a new emergency government.
And instead of sticking the knife in her
And intelligence and flair, she does not deserve to be overlooked.
And it changes everything.
And it is beginning to have its effect.
And it is completely understandable that the Welsh
And it was during this time that I was first approached
And it will be forgotten.
And it would involve making small talk to fancy people.
And it's all rather miraculous.
And it's at 10 Pefkon Street in Athens.
And it's important while answering those questions
And it's no different for clergymen.
And it's not just because divorce is incompatible with my faith,
And it's there that I would be
And kind of you to...
And kiss them
And knew we only had a few hours
And know the place for the first time."
And letting me savor it.
And listen.
And look what a sentimental old royalist I turned out to be.
And lost without deserving.
And lots of people wearing red, white and blue gear
And love one woman completely.
And member of the royal household,
And might need, uh...
And mock not flesh and blood
And more like an invasion!
And more like the confirmation
And Mr. and Mrs. Parker Bowles.
And my grandson, the Prince of Wales.
And my language, most of all.
And my party cannot risk being seen as the party of devaluation.
And never before have the Welsh people been so powerless
And never show up, like the last Prince of Wales,
And no wonder so many people want to...
And nor will we.
And not a small part of...
And not getting in the way.
And not just in private, but openly, in public, too.
And nothing goes on in the palace without their knowledge.
And nothing was done!
And nothing will make me happier.
And now I must command it as your Queen."
And now Mr. Wilson,
And now the Poet Laureate, Sir John Betjeman.
And now they're making us the scapegoats.
And now we're all racking our brains
And now we're finally in power, in government.
And now you elect to go and serve the thing,
And now, because of one event, they will be forever.
And now... to the main business.
And of earthly worship...
And on days like today...
And on our current trajectory, by 1970,
And once the morphine starts,
And one does wonder if we have failed to understand
And one that makes no sense. I'm not eligible for a posting yet.
And one wrong step, you treacherous snake,
And orders for fresh supplies have been in for days.
And otherwise the Welsh people showing enormous support.
And our credibility would be completely shot.
And our credit from the IMF is about to expire.
And Panic is still ahead, but behind him, Apprentice is gaining ground,
And Parker Bowles scores!
And passed almost 2,000 documents of sensitive military secrets
And perhaps even lead us out of the mire.
And perhaps we would not seek to follow his fate.
And perhaps, in time, even his patronage as king.
And poor you to get caught up in it.
And probably not what Downing Street was hoping for.
And public sympathy for them seems to be growing.
And reduces to cinders the very foundation of our economy, our currency.
And remembering that this is Jubilee Day.
And represented Crown and country
And revealed what really does lie beneath the surface.
And saw no reason to postpone the investiture.
And scheduled conversations with several other grieving families.
And sells off an outdated and redundant piece of state infrastructure,
And sent to an asylum.
And shall gently lead those that are with young.
And she jumps in to make it all good with some bird shoot bullshit.
And she may have had a success in Washington,
And she waited for him throughout the war,
And she's so in love with you.
And she's your dangerous baby sister.
And shed light on the soul not only of a future king...
And since all men are subject to temptation and error,
And since you approve of the decision,
And so it goes, through George V to Queen Victoria and back.
And so lost...
And so on, but...
And so one of the last fully Welsh speaking villages in the land
And so sad when a lady hides hers.
And so the Lord...
And so, for every Victoria, you get an Edward VII.
And so, here at Cape Kennedy, we're all off to the moon this morning.
And so, they united against him.
And so... Dean Woods...
And some lovely reviews in the newspapers this morning.
And some of its consequences will be hard for a time.
And some of which I probably shouldn't.
And stable and...
And stating what we were hoping to achieve.
And stop the Liberals stealing too much of the cake.
And take steps.
And taken via car to the school disaster site in Aberfan.
And tensions are starting to rise.
And that alongside conducting a distinguished career as an art historian
And that bind a family together.
And that he should have been able to carry on for so long, undetected,
And that he will be a true Welsh speaking son of Wales.
And that he, in cahoots with Cecil King,
And that if you add the lengths of all the corridors together,
And that is our Queen.
And that is the one thing as the royal family
And that it's very important?
And that Margaret's recent holiday in America
And that meeting occurred when you were Prince of Wales?
And that swift, exhilarating sweep of victory
And that terminals will be cheaper to rent
And that the disease is advanced.
And that they will inevitably disappoint.
And that was because the people had taken against us as the royal family.
And that's because I've learned, over time, how to do it.
And that's her name?
And the artist would paint another version over it.
And the best we can hope for
And the British Dominions beyond the Seas
And the capture of administrative targets,
And the car she climbed into outside looked very much like Tony's.
And the circumstances are unprecedented and quite exceptional.
And the clinical research being conducted in the wider world.
And the compulsory acquisition of all privately held overseas securities.
And the conclusion of the review is that we'd like to make a few changes.
And the conviction that monarchy had to change,
And the dawn comes up like thunder
And the democratically elected Labour government
And the Dockers' Union strike,
And the dragon will come when he hears the drum,
And the Duchess of Windsor, Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson,
And the Duke of Windsor?
And the emotion is enough to make a man tremble.
And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started
And the examining body has concluded
And the fact is anyone who heard that hymn today
And the fact that neither party has been able to secure the confidence
And the favorite is, of course, number nine,
And the feeling is we have a golden opportunity here
And the government would be left with no option but to devalue the pound.
And the government's thinking was,
And the havoc they wreaked.
And the house is like some... bizarre monarchy museum.
And the inferences you made.
And the judiciary and the civil service.
And the key thrown away, quite frankly.
And the launch escape tower separation.
And the less desirable person they really are, hidden away.
And the maintenance of law and order.
And the military has assumed control of the city and the country.
And the mineworkers have broken down,
And the minute that we do, we will have declared a position, a point of view,
And the mood among the gathering crowds is one of anticipation, excitement,
And the one before him.
And the patron would take a look
And the poisoning of Gaitskell?
And the pound is a powerful symbol.
And the Prime Minister gave that his blessing?
And the Queen dying.
And the resulting blockade now threatens to close
And the son of man that Thou visitest him?"
And the sooner that girl's back where she belongs, with Derek's boy, the better.
And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls
And the stubbornness of the miners and unions
And the success of some of these might encourage us.
And the surgeons, no, the butchers, no, sorry, the murderers
And the tongue twisters are my favorite.
And the Tories make political capital from it, it would be obscene
And the truth is,
And the village is ready for immediate evacuation.
And the way he was at Aberfan was remarkable...
And their personality as a nation.
And their racing manager, wasn't he impressive?
And their willingness to embrace new ideas,
And then about a quarter past nine,
And then everybody would laugh at me and they'd say I wasn't no Jack Kennedy,
And then finally the day came.
And then kerpow! Gotcha!
And then suddenly, you're somewhere else entirely.
And then you come down to breakfast, you see the newspapers,
And there are one or two tiny additions I'd like to make in my own voice,
And there shall be no more death.
And there the antic sits,
And there we met the Japanese army,
And there's a feeling I've never had before.
And these are the...
And these poor, blocked, lost souls...
And they continued to govern without the public being any the wiser.
And they got it yesterday.
And they made me feel good.
And they make sure to take them regularly and often.
And they must have come to the conclusion that Mr. Wilson was fine,
And they want you to do something to deflect the blame.
And they're off with number six, Panic, taking an early lead,
And things like that.
And thinking how odd it looked.
And this figure below,
And this has left you with a sense of disappointment,
And this place is a bit... gloomy.
And this... is mine.
And though he be but another student
And threaten a democratic government with undemocratic strikes.
And three,
And throughout my time in office,
And thus gain control over the levers of state power.
And to admit... that while those three astronauts
And to continue this theme of injustice,
And to dismiss forthwith any childish notions
And to give you this.
And to not have the role and responsibilities you've always had.
And to remember fallen brothers
And to see it like this breaks my heart.
And to that end,
And to that end,
And to the cause of freedom.
And to the families of those who have lost their lives.
And to the families of those who have lost their lives."
And to those of us who've not had the opportunity...
And Tony and I are anything but dull.
And Tony?
And too little time.
And traveling at the colossal speed of 24,200 miles an hour towards the moon.
And treated this election like a coronation.
And truth,
And unexpected.
And use the occasion
And wait for the people that voted him in to vote him out again,
And walking.
And watching you three heroes at work...
And we certainly got some amazing views, didn't we?
And we expect these power cuts to start soon?
And we have ours...
And we hope this is the beginning of a long and happy partnership,
And we tore it apart.
And we were told to call it a supermarket.
And we will achieve our aims
And we will continue to freeze stockpiles
And we'd like you to attend.
And we'd like you to be his tutor.
And we'll all fall in.
And what all successful insurgencies have in common
And what did she say?
And what era are we in now, do you suppose?
And what good value we represent.
And what he described was less an investiture
And what this is and I can assure you I'm not going to get hurt.
And what's the second?
And when I tell you that my husband is out of the country
And when it is important to let someone shine.
And when we took Andras to bed, did you see the look on his face?
And when you look at all these symptoms,
And where does that leave my relationship with her?
And where you reign as sovereign.
And while I may approve of the decision,
And while I might not understand television,
And who knows? It might just buy us some good headlines.
And why I'm going to need your help...
And will not be deviated from it... ever!
And with a little pin...
And with good reason.
And yet here we are.
And you asked her again to go?
And you become king.
And you can't go after the NCB until the tribunal is over,
And you did such a great job.
And you its best and brightest teacher.
And you never will be!
And you realize, they've done it again.
And you think she might entertain this idea?
And you think that the Crown exists in opposition to that.
And you want to fill it with hot air and thought,
And you're seeing her ex, Andrew.
And your book.
And your courage in rising above it was remarkable.
And your grandfather before him, and great grandfather before him.
And yours, ma'am, will be from the wings.
And, I'm sure, a wiser one.
And, in case you'd forgotten,
And, more importantly, what it will mean for you.
And, of course, it was Malin Comme un Singe
And, of course, it was with just one legion
And, of course, the young man who will one day succeed her.
And, some might say,
And, whatever the function,
And, you know, just like them, you look in all the usual places,
And? What did you think?
And... and condemning him,
And... and one day, God willing, your son.
And... I felt I only merited a fail.
And... the dangerous.
Andras, look who's here.
Andrew Parker Bowles played well today.
Andrew Parker Bowles.
Andrew, darling. It's time.
Andy Price is with them outside Buckingham Palace.
Annibale Carracci's Allegory of Truth and Time,
Another child trapped beneath the wreckage.
Another gain for Labour there
Another highlight to look forward to,
Another opens.
Any chance of seeing him on the gallops today?
Any disasters I should be aware of?
Any expectations, hopes, anxieties?
Any more?
Any other tips that are a danger to the public?
Any thoughts, sir?
Any triumph from this family is met with a healthy dose of...
Anyone object if I had something stronger?
Anyway, I don't, I don't know if anyone told you,
Anywhere, by anyone.
Apart from making quite a mess of our house, I see.
Apollo 11 has now completed its trans lunar injection burn,
Apollo 11, this is Houston.
Apparently not.
Apparently, there was a doctor's daughter.
Appreciate it, understand it...
Apprentice is charging down the near side, digging deep.
Apprentice is now level with number two, Olympic Boy, as they race uphill.
Apprentice really has the look of eagles.
Are almost identical.
Are any more victims expected to be found?
Are catatonic like you lot? Of course not.
Are five key elements.
Are gathered here to renew old comradeships
Are queuing up to extend their bloody contracts.
Are quite as comfortable as they might be.
Are we not destined for sort of, uh, stasis as a species?
Are we supposed to just stand by and do nothing?
Are you able to join us for a drink?
Are you an art man?
Are you disagreeing with me?
Are you going to sit down or just stand there hovering?
Are you going to tell me it was inappropriate?
Are you kicking me out?
Are you ready?
Are you related to those people?
Are you still here?
Are you talking about the country...
Are you?
Aren't those the best qualities in a spy?
Armstrong and Aldrin will now send the lunar module
Around the ragged rocks the ragged rascal ran.
Around the same time we were asked by the American State Department...
Around threepence a pound more for beef.
As a central theme, it's perfect.
As a fellow male, I am aggrieved.
As a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
As a man, as a...
As a matter of fact,
As a matter of fact, I think it best if that documentary were never seen again,
As a pilot, you'll know what they drill into you above all else
As a wife, I understand your desire to support Tony.
As an adventurer.
As Chancellor of Surrey University today
As Chief of the Defence Staff,
As Chief of the Defence Staff,
As good as new again.
As His Majesty the King has not yet produced a male successor,
As his mother, and Queen, it's the right thing to do.
As I come to say...
As I say, a hair raising business,
As if this flesh which walls about our life, were brass impregnable...
As is the formality.
As it happens, I had noticed.
As it happens, I was planning to drop by myself...
As it was our duty to fight,
As long as he's prepared for there to always be three in the marriage.
As of an hour ago, the loss of life in Aberfan stands at 116.
As opposed to a ruffian like me.
As opposed to finding...
As opposed to what? The hysterical and neurotic way I normally behave?
As pressure on the pound...
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