A list of names and you buried it. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard 2
Actually had my eyes closed, by the way from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard 3
Actually thinking he has a shot of winning this thing? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard 4
All the guarantee is that abuse stays under wraps. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard 5
Alright from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard 6
Alright, call me after yo do from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard 7
Alright? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard 8
And butcher the story. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard 9
And have you settled cases against Father Shinley? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard 0
And he can bury it. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard -
And he said he could only get me a small settlement, so.. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard =
And I attach them to my motion. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard q
And I want you to know that you'll have... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard w
And if you're not happy, you can kill it. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard e
And legal acts is aside, Ben, I mean... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard r
And no one did a thing. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard t
And that's when I have him. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard y
And the Church dismissed the claim. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard u
And these guys are predators, Robby. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard i
And thing went on from there. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard o
And you think this documents are...? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard p
Anyone picking The Globe? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard a
Are you married? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard s
Aren't you saying none of them? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard d
At St. John the Baptist in Haverhill. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard f
At the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard g
Barry Liam, I can't read this, look for Liam Barry there from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard h
Because when I call Benzevich in to give a deposition... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard j
Bigger? I don't know what that means. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard k
Bradlee. Yeah. Ok from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard l
But he has no problem helping... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard z
But I never felt gratified myself. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard x
But if you don't mind me asking... Do you? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard c
But now you got a secret together. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard v
But the trial Court of ruling... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard b
But then he backed out and he shelved it. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard n
But they said that they weren't interested. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard m
But we don't have a choice, Robby. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard Q
But we got to go with this now. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard W
But, Robby here has known Stewart... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard E
C'mon. 5 minutes. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard R
Call down the power of God on the Globe. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard T
Can I help you? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard Y
Can you tell me specifically what happened? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard U
Can you tell me where and how you fooled around with these boys? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard I
Canellos started a pool of 10 bucks to get in. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard O
CATHOLIC CHARITIES GALA Guest List from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard P
Cause we're writing one of them. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard A
Come on in from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard S
Confirming all those priests? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard D
Couple of weeks? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard F
Darling, who are you talking too? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard G
Deep background, but he's a solid source. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard H
Did you see him again after that? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard J
Dilemmas Robby and a friend. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard K
Does Jack Dunn work for the school? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard L
Don't be sorry. It's ok Joe, it's ok. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard Z
Donna Morrissey says she calls with quote from Law hours ago. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard X
During the Porter investigation, he'd literally... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard C
Even if I've been involved in those cases... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard V
File a motion and Sweeney will.. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard B
Find any cases he settled against the Church. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard N
For guy like Geoghan, goes after boys, not because he prefers them... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard M
From my friends. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard <
Fuck! from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard >
Geez, I'm sure you don't. Listen, listen Mitch. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard !
Get this upstairs from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard @
Gives me something else to focus on. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard #
Go and have dinner with Hansi. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard $
Good question. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard %
Guy breaks down. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard ^
Having said that, Cardinal Law and... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard &
He doesn't live here any more. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard *
He offers to take me to get icecream. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard (
He said all we have to do is... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard )
He said one of the victims father... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard ~
He wasn't here. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard `
He's obviously been through a lot, but he's smart and... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard |
He's part of a victims organization. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard "
He's wearing over the goddamn newsroom. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard '
Hey by the way, I've been reading about this priest... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard ?
Hey Mitch, please. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard /
Hey. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard ,
Hi there, I'm Sacha Pfeiffer, with The Boston Globe from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard .
Hi. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
His hand just... slides right up and... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Hola Mitch, how you doin'? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Holy shit! from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Holy shit! Robby? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
How about you? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
How do you think that's gonna play down front? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
How many members are in your organization Phil? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
How many of these cases you've been involved with? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I actually really liked going to Church when I was a little kid. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I asked you to write me that motion Bill, from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I do. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I don't know, Jim. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I don't wanna say who, from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I find that the city flourishes... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I guess it doesn't matter. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I had 20 priests.. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I have always been fascinated with the newspaper business. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I hope I'm not late. Phil told me 1 o'clock. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I just got so angry. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I just talked with Phil, he said Macleish... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I know. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I like to think it already is from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I mean they be idiots not to. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I never even told my wife. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I shouldn't talk about this shit. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I talked to Sipe. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I think it's safe to assume so, but.. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I think Robby is wrong. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I thought you should see it first. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I thought you were watching a game, Steve. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I vote yes from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I want to be clear, I never ****d anybody. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I want you to stay focused on the victims right now. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I was close with the Everist brothers, from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I... just got a call from Cardinal. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'll book the flight now and go straigth to the courthouse tomorrow from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'll get to him, I just need more time. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'm just saying, we did. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'm just watching the game. Omerta. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'm more concerned about the phones at reception. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'm not asking if the PD is lying, I know they're lying from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'm not writing a profile here, I'm working on something bigger. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'm out of time, Jim. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'm sorry about it. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'm working on it. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I've been talking to you so long I didn't eat lunch from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
If I had been President then, I would have known. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
If it came from the top down? Yes. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
In Boston alone. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It is. Especially... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It really needs to stand alone. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It really pisses me off. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It takes the village to abuse one. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's a major First Amendment victory. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's a real kick in the ass from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's a shitty feeling. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's every priest in Massachusetts. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's like God asking for help. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's not a class action, you should get your facts straight. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's not the whole story from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's really good from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's safe to say we were all raised catholic, but now... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Jesus. Should be Manning on the ball in field. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Jimmy says he could be back this year, from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Joe, I think that the language is going to be so important here. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Just get your shit out of here, alright? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Just like Geoghan and Porter. I think there's a pattern. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Just melted down my arm from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Just wrap up whatever you're doing... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
KIDS. Stay away from this house at 276 Pelton Street. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Let me talk to the couple of victims. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Let's keep it that way. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Like Eric Macleish? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Like who, a priest? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Listen to me. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Look it... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Look Mike, the Church wants us to believe that.. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Look. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Looks like the Church bought him an .... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Major abuse scandals have been uncovered in the following places: from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Marty, in past Spotlight's had success in large part .. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Matt wants to put the letters online, so that the readers... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Maybe I should tell The Herald that story. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Mitch, it's Mike. I've been trying to reach you. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Most reverend John M. Darcy... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Mr. Macleish, are you familiar with the priest named Paul Shinley? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
New boss coming in to make some cuts? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No freaking way. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No one wants to read about kids getting ****d by priests. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No, but his knowledge on this is on a whole other level. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No, but I got a cousin in Queens... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No, he is... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No, I wouldn't do that without asking. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No, rode the bench in college. Yeah. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No, that's for Mike from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No, the meetings weren't really about that from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No, we are not doing a story on the Church. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No, we should set that aside for now. Listen. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No. It's not. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
No. Who is he? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Nobody wants to admit this kind of thing, so.. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Not directly, no. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Nothing on Shanley either, Sacha. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Now, you know I'm bringing this up to you... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Occasionally the Church would bring in another defence attorney to help out. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Of the priests that Saviano mentioned from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Oh, yeah. Good idea, buy a round. I'll be right back. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Ok. And did you know that you were gay at that time, Joe? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
On refiling... Hold on? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Once you refile, they're public. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Only 50% of the clergy are celibat from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Our argument to make this documents public rest... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Our family is rooted in the Church. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Over few bad apples. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Over the seven boys in our family... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Pete's a bigger lump, but I called Bill directly... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Phil you know why we were taking off of this story... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Phil, what's a treatment center? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Really? Why? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Receiving some kind of therapy. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Reduced to just weekend work while... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Related to this problem. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Religion counts for a lot. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Rezendes needs time to write the story. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Richard... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Robby, you know I can't tell you that. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Ruling against the Church. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Said he's on sick leave. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
School across the street from The Globe. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Ser, I'd just like to ask a few... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
She's the one who introduced me to Father Shanley. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
She's thrilled. And... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Shit. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Sick Leave from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Sick leave from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Sick leave isn't the only designation... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Since when? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So I sent you guys... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So I was probably a few years after you, right? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So if you need a moment, you've earned it. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So is it about spotlight? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So this guy wouldn't have to face charges from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So when are you leaving? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So, am I first survivor you talk to? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So, this... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So, you did go and see a lawyer? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So.. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
So... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Some of my friends are, we all went to... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Something bugging you? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Sounds thin. What else you got? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Sure from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Sure, but how many victims... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Sure, right. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Take me to The Boston Globe on Morrissey Boulevard. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Thanks for calling. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
That Eileen McNamara wrote about your suit. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
That I'm going to take Father out of the parish... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
That was in 1985 from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
That was my first major finding. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
That's all we're asking for. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
That's right, and he has a long road ahead of him. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
That's why I never got married. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
The Cardinal is in the corner, if you're so inclined. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
The Church protect dozens of dirty priests. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
The Geoghan case? It's all in clips. Lis has this classed material. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
The Globe, years ago. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
The Nieman fellows, when I was at Harvard. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
There was a lot of pressure to keep quiet. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
They gave me a bunch of crap about it at the game. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
They saw me as meddling outsider. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
They told us you molested them, is that true? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
They're part of the motioning file from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Thinking might have been The Times then actually. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
This is big. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
This is Sacha Pfeiffer. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
This was like God showing up, you know? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
To a local paper, I think that at very least... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
To be honest, these events aren't really my strong suit. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
To cut a better deal. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Turns out he's been settling abuse cases... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Until one day he asks you to jerk him off or give him a blowjob. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Until we all get on the same page. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Use the directories so we identify bad priests. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Warning pedophile priests, from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We covered Geoghan when the story broke 3 years ago. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We got cover up stories on 70 priests. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We got Law. This is it. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We got neighbours with kids. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We just put out a piece on a shouty.. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We keep our work confidential. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We looked hard at Geoghan from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We put him in the break room from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We understand you've settled several cases against each of them. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We'll just be another moment Paul from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We're not going away. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We're very proud of the work we do here at Boston. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Well we've now done multiple stories on 70 priests. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Well, at least they are sending us a guy from Miami to run things from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Well, I can't discuss that with you either, c'mon guys. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Well, I started my psychotherapy fellowship there in 1965 from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Well, the Church is an institution, Mike. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Well, to put it this eloquently as I can from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
What about a Judge? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
What the hell do you know? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
What? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
When he worked on religion. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Why would I ever do that? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Would be the Robby Robinson I've always... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, any allegation against Cardinal Law? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, Ben and Steve thinks it's a dead end from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, but to be completely frank it wasn't enough. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, I guess. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, I helped defend this scumbags, from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, she does. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, we don't like to rush it from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, we'll print that story when we get it. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, what if it was for another priest, the one that hadn't been in the papers. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, yeah it is. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, yeah Patrick, I do. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah. I'm working on a book. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You are not recording this, are you? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You can be a pain in the ass, Mike. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You don't mind if I take some notes, do you? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You don't sound like it. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You got a lot of people here respect you, Robby. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You have 8 days and 2 hours until deadline from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You know I never even touched my icecream. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You want to sue the Church? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You were never one of us from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You're going to give me their names... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You're gonna be in this shithole?? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Your multiple sources... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
5 years ago, but we didn't miss anything. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
6% of all priests. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
53% of them are catholic from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
87 priests in Boston. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
249 priests and brother were publicly accused of sexual abuse within the Boston Archdiocese from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
13? Yeah. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
An Auxiliary Bishop wrote that? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
And bring Matt in if you need help. Ok. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
And Law just ignored it from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Beacon street. Beacon, ok. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
call me tomorrow, I got to think about it. Thank you. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Can I talk to your supervisor? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Can I use your phone? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Couple months? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Depend on the Judge. And what parish he belongs to from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Divorced? I don't think so, no. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Do you want a cup of tea, Sacha? I'm ok nana. Thanks. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
For what? This is the goddamn story. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Here. Thank you. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Hey, hey, I need to get in there! from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Hi Hansi. Hard day at work, Mike? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
How do you mean? I mean she was nuts from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I am, born and raised, yeah from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'm fine Mr. Rezendes. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
I'm sorry. Please sit. No problem. Thank you. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's a private mediation. So... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
It's more complicated than that. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
May I use your bathroom? Yeah, sure Phil. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Maybe you should've clarified it 5 years ago... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Mother's ballin' and the uncle is pissed off from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Nice work. Thanks. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Oh, yeah, hi. Hi. Thank you. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Ok, Peter. Peter Canellos, Metro. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Ok. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Phil Saviano. Ok, just a minute. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Right over here. Lets go, lets go. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Robby. Hi, it's me from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Sacha Pfeiffer, from The Globe. Please, get off my porch. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Sure I can. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
That's a hell of a precedent. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
That's right, yeah. Well, see... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
That's right. Thank you very much. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
The Porter case? Remind me from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
They work for everything, these guys. Except belief. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
This is how it happens isn't it, Pete? What's that? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
This is the Geoghan case? That's right. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Those records are sealed. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Was it Eric Macleish? Yeah, that's him. Macleish from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We didn't have all the pieces. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We got a lot of good stuff. Like what? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We had all the pieces. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
We've met from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
When did you...? Couple of weeks ago. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Where are we on Geoghan? from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Who said that? The lawyer told me that. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Why is that? Good catholic girl. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Wilson Rogers? Right. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah, sure you are. Ok, well... from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yeah. So you give him to Ben. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
Yes. We did. He's an extraordinary man. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You do know it's sunday, right? Couldn't get a tee time from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You guys need anything else? Yes. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You know I'll not catch up with you, ok? Ok. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You know why? No. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
You're dropping us. No. from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
...is always tough from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard
...longer than most of you been alive from Spotlight (2015) Soundboard