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The Jetsons - Season 1 The Jetsons - Season 1: A Futuristic Classic Step into the world of tomorrow with The Jetsons, a

The Jetsons - Season 1

The Jetsons - Season 1: A Futuristic Classic

Step into the world of tomorrow with The Jetsons, a delightful animated sitcom that became a beloved part of television history. Premiering in 1962, The Jetsons captivated audiences with its imaginative portrayal of life in the distant future. This groundbreaking show offered a whimsical and often comical portrayal of an average family living in a world filled with flying cars, robot maids, and futuristic gadgets. Get ready to embark on a space-age adventure with The Jetsons' first season!

Set in the year 2062, The Jetsons revolves around the lives of the titular family. Meet George Jetson, the hardworking father who commutes to his job at Spacely Space Sprockets in his trusty flying saucer. His loving wife, Jane Jetson, keeps the household running smoothly with the help of their android maid, Rosie. The couple has two children: the teenage Judy, who navigates the wonders of school and teenage life, and the mischievous elementary school-aged Elroy, a budding scientist with a knack for inventing.

The voice cast brings these colorful characters to life, with George O'Hanlon lending his voice to George Jetson. The talented Penny Singleton voices Jane Jetson, while Janet Waldo delivers a charming performance as Judy Jetson. The younger members of the family are voiced by Daws Butler (Elroy Jetson) and Jean Vander Pyl (Rosie the Robot).

Created by Hanna-Barbera Productions, The Jetsons combines elements of an idealized suburban family with futuristic technology, creating a captivating world that fascinated viewers for more than 50 years. The show gained popularity for its vivid animation style, catchy theme song, and its ability to predict (and sometimes inspire) real-life technological advancements.

The first season of The Jetsons introduces viewers to the Jetson family and their day-to-day adventures in Orbit City. Join George as he navigates his wacky workplace under the watchful eye of his demanding boss, Mr. Spacely. From malfunctioning household appliances to zany misadventures, life is never dull for the Jetsons.

While The Jetsons is primarily a comedy series, it also offers glimpses of deeper themes and societal commentary. The show explores humanity's relationship with technology, often highlighting both its benefits and potential pitfalls. Amidst the futuristic setting and fantastical situations, The Jetsons occasionally touches on the importance of family, friendship, and the human connection in an increasingly automated world.

As you watch The Jetsons, immerse yourself in the world of the future with its whimsical sound effects and memorable soundtrack. From the iconic flying car sputtering to life to the beeping and whirring of numerous gadgets, each sound adds a layer of authenticity to this imaginative world. Thanks to modern technology, you can now access and download these sounds, allowing you to bring a piece of The Jetsons into your own life. Experience the charm and wonder of this classic show whenever you please!

So, buckle up and prepare for a journey beyond your wildest imagination. The Jetsons Season 1 will transport you to a world of scientific marvels, futuristic inventions, and family dynamics that will leave you smiling. Join the Jetsons as they navigate their way through the wonders of the 21st century in this timeless animated classic!

To play and download these iconic sounds from The Jetsons, visit our website. Immerse yourself in the futuristic world of the Jetson family and let the sounds of the future fill your ears. Relive the magic of the show and make everyday life just a little bit more like Orbit City!
A Okay.
A 6 inch high employee?
A 10 story wall running between the buildings.
A baby puppy dog.
A bath?!
A bone?
A bowling ball, that is!
A boy and his dog. How basic can you get?
A boy and his dog. Spaceboy.
A burglar? Oh, boy!
A chauffeur what?
A checkup certainly wouldn't do me any harm.
A clean suit, from the sound of it.
A comedian, eh?
A couple of prospects. I'll activate the slidewalk.
A dinner beII that goes, ''Come and get it''?
A dog? You call this giraffe a dog?
A dozen banana pills for him and we split the loot.
A drum solo? Who? Who, me? Alone?
A fine thing. George Jetson gets his son on TV...
A freeze gas gun.
A hole in one is a hole in one.
A hundred and ten and still acting like a man of 75.
A joke? Yeah, yeah.
A little hup, two, three, four!
A little joke he's playing on us.
A little late, but it worked.
A little more to the right.
A little to the left, Mrs. Jetson.
A man can't be really happy without a wife and family.
A Martian military schooI?
A Mr. Spacely is on his way in, Mr. Cogswell.
A new car? Oh, isn't that wonderful.
A new dog guarantee goes with him.
A new Food a Rac a Cycle? Jane, we cannot afford it.
A part in a TV show?
A perfect fit.
A pleasure, my dear.
A policeman.
A private doghouse with all necessary or incidental accessories.
A prowler? It must be them!
A real compact.
A regular chip off the old block.
A slum clearance project.
A Space Cub is always prepared.
A split leveI doghouse, heated doggy pooI...
A talent contest.
A thousand a week don't stretch very far these days.
A ticket, every time.
A TV show? Which one, mister?
A typicaI criminaI if I ever saw one.
A typicaI, American type TV family.
A very important meeting. We're discussing how to combat delinquency on the moon.
A vice presidency.
A visitor? Who?
A week?! Oh, great.
About face! On the double!
About face. Forward march.
About five to 10 years if we're caught.
About fly. About fly.
About fly. Oblique fly. Left fly.
Absolutely correct, Elroy.
Across the field, Coach Lasky is moving Swatchahowiz for the tackle.
Add a husband who doesn't want a dog but wants to keep everybody happy.
Admit it.
Aero Space? That's where Jane is.
Afraid my marrying days are behind me.
Afraid of the dark?
Afraid so, sonny. Say hello to the nice policeman, Egbert.
After a century of brilliant scientific progress...
After a few dances, you'll forget your worries.
After a lunch like that, you guys should be cracking with ideas.
After a short rest, you'll feeI better.
After all my years with the company...
After all, all he did was faiI.
After all, as sponsor, it's my duty to see that the girls get a fair hearing.
After all, I'm a darn good digital index operator.
After all, I'm no child.
After all, we're old friends.
After all, when she's out with us, she does the driving.
After all, you will still be one of my vice presidents.
After all, you won't need them.
After him, O'Jetski.
After the big test tomorrow, we'll get the Good Spacekeeping seaI of approvaI
After this, we're going across to the Las Venus Venus to see Dean Martian.
After three years, I finally managed to get two seats for My Space Lady.
After we're married, ArieI's gonna help me park cars...
After you complete this mission, of course.
Afternoon, ma'am. Having trouble?
Afternoon, Miss Judy.
Afternoon, Miss Judy.
Again! Again! Again!
Again? What is it this time?
Against safety regulations.
Against safety regulations.
Age limit in the Space Guard?
Ah, here's a space mailbox.
AII A's?
AII I can lose is my self respect.
AII I ever got out of your gimmicks was a good laugh.
Ain't this fun, Janey?
Ain't this fun?
All aboard!
All account of you, I'm fired. I've got a wife and two kids...
All because somebody goofed.
All fixed now, Mrs. Jetson.
All he does is eat, sleep and probably dreams..
All it takes is 10 box tops of Moonies..
All of us space pals wear them
All right
All right, all right, blast off.
All right, all right, I'll tell the truth. I'm 19.
All right, all right. Break.
All right, all right. Calm down!
All right, all right. Don't panic. I'll call you back.
All right, all right. Pull up.
All right, all right. What's going on around here?
All right, Astro! I'm glad to see you too!
All right, but stop shouting. You sound just like George.
All right, Cogswell.
All right, Elroy, go to bed.
All right, Elroy. Come by the camera...
All right, everybody, on the alert. Here goes.
All right, fellas, who wants to be the first to be indoctrinated?
All right, George! Where is she?
All right, George. If that's the kind of father you want to be to your son...
All right, hand over that cog, Jetson!
All right, hop in the shower, son, and...
All right, Jetson, don't blow your stack.
All right, Jetson, I'll be fair.
All right, Mac, my boy.
All right, major, time's wasting.
All right, men. Fasten your couch belts. We'll be taking off in a minute.
All right, men. Men, now is the time to panic. My boss' son is lost!
All right, now. Let's get with it.
All right, sir, we'll do it the hard way.
All right, so he shakes hands.
All right, Spacely, I'll match you and raise you five.
All right, then. The award, coloneI.
All right, we're almost there, fellas. Everybody know his job?
All right, who's the careless clod who was Arthur's buddy?
All right, wise guy, you're coming with me.
All right, wise guy.
All right, wise guy. Be at my place in half an hour, and I'll prove it.
All right! A delicious bone!
All right! Dinner!
All right.
All right. All right, Elroy. Not another word.
All right. All right, Gloria.
All right. All right, wise guy.
All right. All right, you. Pull over to the nearest roof.
All right. All right. Hold on. Just hold on. I'll call the doctor.
All right. Come on, everybody. We're all going out to dinner.
All right. Fall in, men. And a hup two three four.
All right. Get going. Roger. Cogswell signing off.
All right. Hands in the air.
All right. Okay, honey, but take it easy.
All right. There's a button missing.
All right. Turn on the dress selector.
All right. What are my chances of getting a two week vacation this year?
All right. Where's your ticket?
All set, Dad!
All taken care of, boss. I got the answering machine set up in my office.
All the news from America is about the hero George Jetson
All the space truck drivers stop there.
All tied in knots, eh? Have you been pushing a lot of buttons lately?
All you gotta do is move it 6 inches...
All you gotta do is start talking.
All you have to do is sign here and here..
All you need is 10 box tops and 50 words..
Allow me, sir.
Allowing the children and me to buy whatever we want?
Aloha, auf Wiedersehen, arrivederci, and hasta la vista.
Alrighty, Elroy. This is your dedicated physician speaking.
Alrighty, everybody, ready?
Always nice to stop and pass the time of day with strangers.
Am I ever pleased to meet you.
Amazing. Amazing!
An AC electronic brain running on a DC current.
An eagle? You're acting more like a cuckoo bird.
An egg, sausage, potatoes, toast and jam.
An electronic dog.
An optional feature on the Molecular Mark IV...
And a good Scout always has his trusty compass. "
And a secretary who's been nicknamed "The Heavenly Body. "
And after GeneraI McMissile watches the moon maneuvers...
And again
And again. And again
And again. And again
And all boys have their heroes to look up to
And all of them starring his boss, Mr. Spacely.
And all you can say is, "Tsk, tsk, tsk. "
And Astro, zoom...
And at present, Professor Lunar of our research staff..
And away it goes!
And away we go!
And be sure Werner wears his filter top. He's allergic to moon dust.
And besides, George needs to be taught a lesson.
And besides, I bet Astro can do anything 'Lectronimo can do...
And besides, I need a new spring Strato hat.
And besides, I need a new spring Strato hat.
And besides, we hired us a reaI strong arm gorilla. Eh, Chuckles?
And bill the Cogswell Company.
And by coincidence, I'll be out your way around dinnertime tonight.
And by the way, how come you were late to schooI yesterday?
And do you know what I'm gonna do?
And don't forget to mention he's just a puppy.
And don't leave your galoshes in Europe again!
And don't make a move untiI we tell you.
And don't try to erase the tape. It's magna proofed.
And eight trillion to the third power...
And every morning it's the same thing.
And furthermore, I don't know why you ever married him, Alice.
And gentlemen, I promise this invention...
And get back to work!
And gosh, this is just a rehearsaI.
And have a good day, sir.
And he did!
And he didn't even take an extra handkerchief.
And he didn't know anything at all. Hey, Mom, can you tie a clove hitch?
And he does. What a play!
And he missed his beloved Jetsons.
And he must eat an awfuI lot.
And he's real smart too, Mom. Watch.
And he's tackled immediately by Bronco Titanium.
And Henry, from now on I want you, not that helper, when something needs fixing.
And her mother and father.
And her prize is a date with Jet Screamer!
And here he is, George Jetson, the hero of the day.
And here he is, that little old pie maker, Soapy Sam...
And here he is, the star of the show...
And here he is, your favorite relative who comes over once a week:
And here is the one and only...
And here they are, the stunning contestants.
And here they come.
And here to provide the music is that space bunny personality himself...
And here's the test pilot
And here's the test pilot himself, George Jetson
And his boss, Mr. Spacely.
And his building here.
And his own computer will supply the figures to prove it.
And how high is Cogswell's building?
And how! You were great. Thanks a bunch!
And how's this, Dad? "The Cosmonautress. "
And hurry. We have a date with the car dealer.
And I bet the whole family is out looking for you.
And I did it in four, so in one minute, I'll be free of...
And I gave up wrestling alligators because it was too risky.
And I heard what happened between you and your boss.
And I just want to say, put it there! I appreciate it.
And I wanted to put Cogswell out of business so bad!
And I was the one who made George take the trip.
And I wish he'd keep his clammy paws off of me.
And I'd like to sing the winning song called "Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah "...
And I'll be carefuI.
And I'll be Spacely's fair haired boy.
And I'll bet she's a blond, and she's probably saying:
And I'll help out too, Pop. I'll deliver tate papers.
And I'll never forget it.
And I'm certainly glad it was all just a big misunderstanding.
And I'm not 6 inches over after all.
And I'm only going to charge you twice what I paid for it.
And I'm sorry I'm a little late.
And I'm still in neutraI.
And I've gotta re enlist for two years just to pay him off.
And if I get it, I don't want to be tied down with extra kids.
And if it's transportation you need...
And if you teach me, when I'm 8 years old, I can get a learner's permit.
And if you win, Nimbus the Great visits your house
And if you're ever in the neighborhood, be sure and drop in.
And imagine, Helen, he's been having parties every night.
And in addition, I'll throw in a rear view iconoscope and radar curb feelers.
And in conclusion, let me remind you that Spacely sprockets...
And in conclusion...
And in edition to the pinup category...
And it can reach a speed of Mach 4.
And it didn't cost a cent. Just 98 box tops
And it has me all worn out.
And it looks like you found a lifelong friend, George.
And it's all that Jetson's fault!
And it's not mine.
And it's not such a bad fit at that.
And it's right here, in this here blueprint.
And just who is it you're getting married to?
And keep a close watch on Arthur. He's always getting lost.
And keep those models flying.
And like this:
And make sure your antigravity belts are fastened. And for heaven's sakes...
And may I urge you, parents, to come to class...
And me without a spare pellet. Oh, I hope the safety chute works.
And Miss Satellite!
And moon eggs, sunny side up, dear.
And music, you call that music?
And my dog, Zero, is smarter too.
And not a word from George, either.
And not another word about that clown, Nimbus what's his name
And now for a peek at something really special, a genuine custom made model.
And now for the contest.
And now here's Miss Mars with a musicaI specialty.
And now it's your turn, Grandpa.
And now let's say hello to Miss Comet!
And now Moonies presents..
And now that your talents have finally been recognized...
And now we'll begin our talent contest.
And now we're gonna have another one.
And now, fellow employees, I would like to read you my latest company bulletin.
And now, for the main event.
And now, gentlemen, for the first time anywhere...
And now, last but not least, a very late entry from Earth...
And now, let's see what you're trading in.
And now, Moonies comes complete with its own television set..
And now, space bunnies, it's time for our nightly dance contest...
And now, the exciting announcement for some lucky girl.
And on the way up, I'll sing you my new number:
And on top of that, a $5000 bonus!
And one soft boiled egg.
And our building is 6 inches over on that insect Spacely's property!
And outside, he had his own private, circular dogwalk.
And poi, Mother. Let's have a Polynesian breakfast.
And remember, alterations are guaranteed for 50,000 miles.
And remember, Elroy...
And remember, we can't let the kids see us.
And right now, it's going to carry you back to work!
And ruddies... I mean, buddies...
And slow down. You're going too fast.
And so Astro... That is, Tralfaz...
And so the cold war flared into a shooting war...
And so while Operation Hide Astro goes into action...
And so, space pal Elroy..
And starting Monday, I'm spending a whole month on the moon!
And stay away from that French poodle, she'll break your heart.
And stay out!
And stop calling me "sonny. "
And take this sprinkler controI to 10 D.
And tell this tin dog who I am also.
And thanks, paI.
And that's all.
And that's all. Splendid! Splendid!
And that's it! The prowler is now ready to turn over to the police.
And that's the last thing I want her to do.
And that's the whole story. Right after I cut Uniblab's cable...
And the answer is...
And the best place on the whole planet is the Beta Bar Ranch.
And the biggest laugh is right now.
And the first dog to find it...
And the Jury Vac will disregard the dog's testimony.
And the Marauders are thrown for a loss.
And the robbers said they're gonna come back and rub us out.
And the winner of the Jet Screamer Contest is...
And then you start sniffing.
And there goes the gun ending the first half.
And there is the finished model.
And there it goes. It's a great chance for an interception.
And there will be no favoritism.
And there's a big sale at Stears Roebot department store
And there's Mac.
And there's that awfuI man! He's going to blast him!
And there's the famous Riviera Satellite.
And they call him man's best friend.
And they say "Never remove your crash helmet. "
And they say dogs are loyaI.
And they say us women are hard to understand.
And this court is now in session.
And this guy accidentally got into the picture.
And this is George Jetson...
And this is just a start, you know.
And this is one of our crack reserve units, GeneraI McMissile.
And this?
And those children. I'm sure they've overslept too.
And to keep it in the family, on the drums, her father.
And to my son, Elroy, I leave my fishing pole..
And to my wife, Jane, and my daughter, Judy..
And to think, I married that woman 30 years ago because she couId cook.
And try to keep your nose clean. You understand?
And two, we wait untiI he's in a good mood.
And we have a lovely gift for him, a beautifuI mink coat.
And we have a noveI accessory that goes with that dress. I'll show you how it works.
And we have a request.
And we wanted to surprise you with the mink.
And we wouldn't last long on unemployment checks.
And we'II have to try the whoIe dinner bit again, if it's all right with Rosey.
And we're gonna kick off with a drum solo. Go, go, Boom Boom!
And what a lovely view.
And what about a man's eyesight, George?
And what do you think I'm doing tonight?
And what lovely hair.
And what's that other badge?
And what's wrong with yours?
And when I hit this stop button, he'd better be a flying beagle!
And when we're safely out of the Earth's atmosphere...
And when you need more sprockets, remember, Spacely Space Sprockets...
And when you pick up a scent, point. And bam, dinner!
And where are the other Cubs? The troop's supposed to form at 6 sharp.
And why aren't you looking where you're going?
And why not? You're his father, aren't you?
And without a license too. It expired last year.
And you better bring a crying toweI. It's going to be a sad scene.
And you better quit bugging me, Jetson.
And you can bet she's not a robot.
And you can go, after one more thing.
And you didn't say a word when I went through that red light.
And you don't know where anything is? You sure are dumb.
And you forgot to turn off the sonic sudser when you did the dishes.
And you got nobody to leave the baby with.
And you gotta admit, the dog is some kind of a nut, now, don't you?
And you know I don't like personaI calls at the office!
And you know something?
And you know what that means, Jetson.
And you left your license behind, huh?
And you needn't bother seeing me in.
And you woke me up out of a sound sleep to tell me that?
And you, of course, are Mrs. Jetson.
And you'd better hurry too. You'll be late for work.
And you'll have the signed contract in the morning.
And you'll save money too.
And you're coming with me, understand?
And you're just sitting at home doing nothing?
And you're not worried about my landing in the garage?
And your own key to the executive washroom
And, Elroy, take that silly helmet off.
And, George, when you play your drums...
And, Mac, it's up to you to show the tenants how efficient we are.
And, now, just what are you two up to?
Another adventure is coming up.
Another night, another traffic jam.
Any complaints? Any complaints?
Any place out of this world, they build a camp.
Any questions?
Anybody can be Nimbus. It's all in the costume
Anybody got a toweI?
Anybody home?
Anymore outbursts like that, and I'll have to clear the courtroom. Understand?
Anyone can operate the suit, Mr. Cogswell.
Anything at all. Would you do something for me?
Anything to miss the space calculus test.
Anything to say before you hit the water?
Anything wrong?
Anything! Just get his release!
Anyway, I've got a surprise for you.
Apologize? I don't wanna crawI, Henry.
Appears to be a little boy approximately 3 feet tall, about 62 pounds.
Approved, U.S. 51073. Next.
Approved, U.S. 51074. Next.
Approved, U.S. 51075. Next.
Approved, U.S. 51076.
Are you all right, Mr. Tweeter?
Are you and Daddy coming to the PTA meeting tonight?
Are you challenging me again, Harlan?
Are you challenging me again, Harlan?
Are you comfortable?
Are you defying me, Harlan?
Are you gentlemen enjoying the game?
Are you going to let Astro stay for good, Dad?
Are you kidding? I don't even see the town.
Are you questioning my brilliant judgment, Jetson?
Are you sure it was my husband you saw here?
Are you sure that's in regulations?
Are you sure you're on target, Pop?
Are you sure, Cosmo?
Are you telling me how to run my business, Jetson?
Are you trying to get the SPCA on our backs?
Aren't you gonna do something?
Aren't you over the age limit?
Arrivederci, Spacely.
Arthur just told me everything you did.
Arthur said if it hadn't been for him, you never would have made it back.
Arthur, what are you doing? Where did you get that signaI gun?
Arthur? Arthur? Arthur's gone.
As a night watchman!
As for me, you're getting on that dogwalk if it's the last thing you do.
As I said, we took a vote and you lost
As soon as I finish my homework, I'll play with you, Astro.
As soon as I stop at the bank and pick up some cash to tide us over.
As soon as I stop bouncing..
As soon as the robot gets closer, Spaceboy will swing up...
As Spaceboy, Zoom...
As Yogi Bear would say, "You're smarter than the average boss. "
As your acting corporaI, I must compliment you, men.
Astro and I will have to disappear.
Astro captured the burglar!
Astro caught him?
Astro on a hunting trip? Boy, that ought to be a reaI blast!
Astro swallowed my boy's toy space car.
Astro swallowed my flying space car, Dad.
Astro, boy, it's me. It's me!
Astro, here comes another lecture
Astro, I got a feeling someone's out there with a gun, ready to blast us.
Astro, I think you're putting on weight.
Astro, I'm home.
Astro, let's go, but be quiet. We don't want to wake up Janey.
Astro, say, "Hi, Mom. "
Astro, what are you doing here?
Astro, will you cut that out?
Astro, will you please get off my back?
Astro! Hey, what's going on here?
Astro! No, no. It's me!
Astro! Oh, no! Now, how did you get here?
Astro! Open your mouth! Open your mouth and let me out of here!
Astro? Well, what did he have to do with it?
At his age?
At least I'd be rid of that slave driver Spacely.
At least let me give him one peanut butter and jelly capsule.
At least those hoods won't find us up here.
At least, what she used to say.
At once, sir! A what, sir?
At this hour?
At this moment, approaching Spacely Space Sprockets...
At this time in the morning, I don't even know if I'm alive.
Attaboy, Astro.
Attaboy, Dad. You're doing great!
Attaboy, George. Attaboy, George, kid. Give it to him.
Attaboy, Mac.
Attaboy, Mac. Hey, now you're catching on.
Attaboy, Nimbus
Attention all sky patrols.
Attention, all units.
Attention, passengers. This is your stewardess, Lana Luna.
Attention! Attention!
Attention! Attention! All prowl rockets and sky precincts:
Australian Ratchet Company, Melbourne, Australia, Earth.
Average temperature, 212 degrees. "
Aw, gee, Mom! Can't we watch Cosmic Cops?
AwfuI, Mother.
Baby gas. And you men let yourselves be...
Baby, baby, baby, I am here...
Baby, baby, baby!
Baby, baby, baby!
Baby, baby, baby!
Baby, baby, baby!
Baby, baby, how's about we stop at the Spaceburger drive in?
Baby, baby, you're gonna hear music tonight.
Baby? Mother!
Baby? That's it!
Baby? Well, thank heaven you didn't bring home his father.
Back in line, private. Back in line.
Back to the studio for an announcement.
Bad day at the office?
Be a sport. Be a sport.
Be my guest.
Be nice to your dog, and he won't bite you.
Be on the lookout for a couple in a beat up vehicle.
Be on the lookout for a year old female baby...
Be on the lookout for an elderly gentleman...
Be quiet, Astro. All that fuss over a little old bath.
Be right back, Herb. Gotta put some dough in the old space meter.
Be seeing you, Herb.
Beats me. I can't talk Indian.
BeautifuI, isn't it?
BeautifuI. Just beautifuI.
Beauty contest ends in uproar!
Because he likes you, George.
Because he works cheap, that's why.
Because I had the sense to know you were the most "ut. "
Because I just love court martials. They're so dramatic.
Because it needs a Cogswell cog, and Mr. Cogswell won't sell us one.
Because the boss is a penny pinching oId crab, that's why.
Because while I'm vice president, we might as well live it up.
Because with stuff like:
Because you were late this morning?
Because... And Spacely thinks that...
Bed? I gotta tell Spacely.
Been a good many years since I had the need of one.
Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep.
Being that you're a family man with responsibilities...
Believe me, not only is Spacely a stupe...
Believe me, not only is Spacely a stupe...
Believe me, paI, not only is Spacely a stupe...
Below zero, that is.
Besides, 'Lectronimo is just the protection we need...
Besides, I want to welcome you to my club. The golf club, that is!
Besides, I'm beginning to like my coffee with lumps in it.
Besides, it could make things a lot easier on my personaI image.
Besides, there's only one thing I hate more than cats, and that's dogs.
Besides, we invented it first!
Besides, you won't be home in time for dinner.
Best concert I ever went to.
Best home cooking I ever tasted, Mrs. Jetson.
Best supervisor I've ever had.
Bet 32 black. Bet 32 black.
Beta Three Dude Planet.
Better hurry, dear, or you'll be late for work.
Better not overdo it.
Better take her home, mister. We'll be in touch with you.
Better than that, Jetson. I'm your commanding officer.
Better wait. I forgot to maiI this letter for the boss. I'll be right back.
Big day.
Big deaI. Come on, let's go.
Big guy. Two little guys.
Billions of people are waiting to hear this story.
Blackjack, roulette, space dice...
Blame it on Booster.
Blanche, honey.
Booster was three boys ago. I'm in love with Nicky Nebula.
Bosses have no feeling for drama.
Both teams are moving out onto the field.
Bottom of the third. Third.
Box number 704. Seat number 14.
Box number 704. Seat number 15.
Box number 990. Seat number 10.
Boy, am I famished.
Boy, could I use all that dough! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!
Boy, do I feeI silly in this outfit.
Boy, Elroy will love 'Lectronimo.
Boy, I've heard of pennies from heaven, but suits? Never.
Boy, oh, boy, I'm glad it's Wednesday.
Boy, that guy burns me up.
Boy, that suit went out of style fast.
Boy, that's what I call an exciting script.
Boy, the things I do for my measly salary.
Boy, these three hour days are killing me
Boy, this better be good.
Boy, this has been the shortest vice presidency in history.
Boy, this is getting in your easy chair the hard way.
Boy, this is really roughing it. Just a couple of sun lamps and only two TVs.
Boy, this spaceway traffic gets worse every night.
Boy, what a licking I take from that dog!
Boy, what a performance!
Boy, what a shot! I can't even see the ball.
Boy, what a sorehead.
Boy, what nerve! Bragging about all his girls to Judy!
Boy, what some guys won't do to get on television traffic court.
Boy, you meet all kinds on this job.
Boy! I think I'll have one of these massagers put in my office.
Boy! This secret agent stuff is exciting!
Boy. I can feeI that flab melting.
Boy. I sure would like to know what makes that pooch fly.
Boy. What a big hassle to fix a sandwich these days.
Briefly, Your Honor, that is our case.
Brilliant, George, simply brilliant.
Brimlovich had the wind knocked out of him and is being helped off the field.
Brimlovich was a little shaken up on the play.
Brimlovich's running is still brilliantly deceptive.
Bring back that cog, and you'll go down in Sprocket history.
Bring it down here, will you, Mac?
Brought your bed back, Ms. Jetson.
Buddy Blastoff, huh?
Building superintendent Henry Orbit reporting, sir.
Burglar, huh?
Burglar? Yikes!
Business? What business?
Business. Oh, sure. Of course. Why not?
Busy? Take a look at my button pushing finger.
But after that, it's out, out, O U T.
But all I want is a license.
But aren't you a little late with your afternoon off this week?
But aren't you ashamed, offering him a mere 50 cents per hour extra...
But does he have to sit so close to me?
But don't let on we know
But Elroy, Rosey and Mac are robots.
But first, a word about that delicious cereal, Moonies.
But first, I've got to dig up a couple of disguises.
But first, Jet Screamer himself!
But first, Jet Screamer himself!
But first, space pals, we're going to announce the winner...
But he needn't be. Those missiles never give up
But he'll be the man of the house now.
But here comes Brimlovich up fast to try and intercept.
But here goes
But how am I going to teII George, Mother? The kids just love Rosey
But I am gonna remove all doubts from the matter.
But I didn't.
But I don't need another building.
But I don't understand.
But I haven't lost you.
But I heard you calling up about a license.
But I thought he was very sick.
But I thought you liked Stanley. He's a big basketball hero, isn't he?
But I usually wear an overcoat and take a blanket.
But I was gonna watch the football game on TV.
But I wonder what he's up to.
But I wonder what the police wanted, and where did they go?
But I'd probably drown trying.
But I'll guarantee you won't get a salary cut.
But I'm not ready to:
But I'm sure your son would enjoy roughing it.
But I've got tickets.
But if it made Elroy happy, I guess it was worth it.
But if it was upside down before...
But if you take Astro out on the dog walk...
But isn't that slightly unethicaI, sir?
But it can't be!
But it isn't washable. We should've put a labeI on it: "dry clean only
But it's not possible. It couldn't be.
But it's only 6 inches.
But it's over.
But it's true. Kickoff is at 8:30.
But Jetson read those blueprints.
But Judy...
But look who's with him. It's Gigi Galaxy!
But Mr. Spacely doesn't allow cards here. He hates them.
But my mother toId me....
But now I gotta get back to Planet X
But of course, Mrs. Jetson.
But our story really begins some distance away...
But poor Astro was not happy.
But remember this, crown or no crown, you'll always be my beauty queen.
But slow!
But tell me, officer, what happens if the defendant isn't guilty?
But thanks loads.
But that's space business.
But the minavac is fixed.
But the Supersonic Suburbanite can, sir.
But the way I figure, you never know what you can do till you try.
But they'll never know now.
But we have to test the jacket first
But we need a test pilot
But we'll take a chance. He may not be too busy.
But we're not supposed to gamble on the post.
But what about Elroy? He can develop a complex or something
But what about Mugsy Megaton? He sure sounds rough.
But what about our getaway?
But what can you expect from wiring as oId as mine?
But what happened to your father?
But what should I put on my timecard, sir?
But what's this about inviting Mr. SpaceIy when all we have in the pIace is leftovers?
But who am I to look some gift threads in the mouth?
But why don't you ask Daddy? He was a Scout when he was a little boy.
But why, dear?
But you can't. He was taken home.
But you don't eat bananas.
But you don't know how to drive.
But you don't look too bright, so I'll check in the closet.
But you don't understand, Mr. Spacely.
But you witnessed a crime. You're in trouble.
But you won't hear the answers until we get back again.
But, Astro, there's a burglar in the house!
But, Big Buddy... Mr. Jetson.
But, boss, it's got to be educationaI.
But, boss, they're playing my song
But, boss, you take away cowboys and doctor shows, it leaves a big hole.
But, Daddy, what happens if Mr. Spacely can't get a new cog?
But, darling, what are you trying to do?
But, darling... I... I mean, Gigi!
But, gee, Mom, it's raining. Do I have to go?
But, George, "Eep Opp Ork Ah Ah"...
But, George, dear, they like to dance to that music.
But, George, this morning you were talking about saving for your old age
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