Adam from Uncle Fred Herbert
All i hear is like yall or something from Uncle Fred Herbert
All right from Uncle Fred Herbert
Already wheres your brother in custody from Uncle Fred Herbert
Am i talking to you say yes from Uncle Fred Herbert
Amateur from Uncle Fred Herbert
And apologize to anything that happened from Uncle Fred Herbert
And ill be able to come talk to you from Uncle Fred Herbert
And this is a recording from Uncle Fred Herbert
And who is this from Uncle Fred Herbert
And you're from where? from Uncle Fred Herbert
And your name again is from Uncle Fred Herbert
And your name is what from Uncle Fred Herbert
Are you asking for Mike? from Uncle Fred Herbert
Are you calling me now or is this a prank from Uncle Fred Herbert
Are you having fun from Uncle Fred Herbert
Are you in some special phone from Uncle Fred Herbert
Are you taking some kind of drugs or drinking from Uncle Fred Herbert
Are you there from Uncle Fred Herbert
Bail bonds (1) from Uncle Fred Herbert
Believe me i wish i could understand you but I'm really having a hard time (1) from Uncle Fred Herbert
Bye from Uncle Fred Herbert
Called about fifty times yesterday so from Uncle Fred Herbert
Can i get some help please from Uncle Fred Herbert
Can i help you from Uncle Fred Herbert
Can you hear maine from Uncle Fred Herbert
Can you spell that for maine from Uncle Fred Herbert
Cancel from Uncle Fred Herbert
Clears throat from Uncle Fred Herbert
Come to my office from Uncle Fred Herbert
Correct from Uncle Fred Herbert
David from Uncle Fred Herbert
Did i say anything when i called from Uncle Fred Herbert
Did she ever go by any other first name or any other last name from Uncle Fred Herbert
Do you hear I'm talking in the background from Uncle Fred Herbert
Do you know his data birth from Uncle Fred Herbert
Do you need to find out more about this guy like his booking number s data birth from Uncle Fred Herbert
Do you remember that from Uncle Fred Herbert
Do you wanna build your brother and hes in walnut from Uncle Fred Herbert
Do you wanna give me your name and number and ill give it to the police from Uncle Fred Herbert
Do you wanna give me your number and ill call you right back from Uncle Fred Herbert
Do you wanna hang on on hold from Uncle Fred Herbert
Does he ever middle name from Uncle Fred Herbert
Dont say hello then from Uncle Fred Herbert
Edward from Uncle Fred Herbert
Excuse me from Uncle Fred Herbert
For her harassing phone calls from Uncle Fred Herbert
Four thirty five west mission from Uncle Fred Herbert
Fred the bail bondsman ultimate soundboard sound from Uncle Fred Herbert
From where from Uncle Fred Herbert
Garden prank calls from you before because I'm getting prank from Uncle Fred Herbert
Give me a call back when you know more know where your brother is from Uncle Fred Herbert
Give me a call if you find out anything more ill be more than happy to help you from Uncle Fred Herbert
Give me his name from Uncle Fred Herbert
Give me some more information from Uncle Fred Herbert
Give me your phone number from Uncle Fred Herbert
Go sit under a tree from Uncle Fred Herbert
Goodbye from Uncle Fred Herbert
Goodbye sir from Uncle Fred Herbert
Hang on from Uncle Fred Herbert
Hang on just second from Uncle Fred Herbert
Hang on ok from Uncle Fred Herbert
Hard maine from Uncle Fred Herbert
Hello from Uncle Fred Herbert
Hello (1) from Uncle Fred Herbert
Hello there from Uncle Fred Herbert
Herbert bail bonds from Uncle Fred Herbert
Hes not here from Uncle Fred Herbert
Hey you know what from Uncle Fred Herbert
His name is what from Uncle Fred Herbert
His name is worth from Uncle Fred Herbert
Hopefully this gentleman will make up his mind on what he wants to do from Uncle Fred Herbert
How are you from Uncle Fred Herbert
How could they possibly do this from Uncle Fred Herbert
How do you spell that last name from Uncle Fred Herbert
How long is she been in custody from Uncle Fred Herbert
How many weight from Uncle Fred Herbert
How much from Uncle Fred Herbert
How old is she from Uncle Fred Herbert
Huh from Uncle Fred Herbert
I apologize from Uncle Fred Herbert
I cant understand you at all from Uncle Fred Herbert
I did from Uncle Fred Herbert
I didn't call you from Uncle Fred Herbert
I didn't call you sir from Uncle Fred Herbert
I dont either from Uncle Fred Herbert
I dont know from Uncle Fred Herbert
I dont know about your phone are you know or any of that from Uncle Fred Herbert
I dont know if this is a prank call or not from Uncle Fred Herbert
I dont know what to tell you we accept to call the walnut jail and then see if you can find him get a better information ok from Uncle Fred Herbert
I dont know whats going on with my phone from Uncle Fred Herbert
I dont know who it is from Uncle Fred Herbert
I dont understand this from Uncle Fred Herbert
I get these calls all day long from prankster and i just got one little while ago so from Uncle Fred Herbert
I got a call from you and it was a recording and you were getting your you were in a hair salon in your hair was wet from Uncle Fred Herbert
I i dont know what that noise is from Uncle Fred Herbert
I i dont know what to tell you from Uncle Fred Herbert
I i dont understand why you're so mad at me sir from Uncle Fred Herbert
I id like to talk to kerry from Uncle Fred Herbert
I just havent been able to break away from the other person that I'm talking to you from Uncle Fred Herbert
I just talked to the jail from Uncle Fred Herbert
I just told you from Uncle Fred Herbert
I just wanted to make sure it was really you from Uncle Fred Herbert
I know you're a better gentleman in this sir from Uncle Fred Herbert
I should high from Uncle Fred Herbert
I sure would like to put it into it from Uncle Fred Herbert
I talk to a detective there over and over again and nobody helps us from Uncle Fred Herbert
I think this is a recording from Uncle Fred Herbert
I was frustrated with them from Uncle Fred Herbert
If you can figure out whos doing this we sure like to get rid of him theyve been doing this dress for several years now from Uncle Fred Herbert
Ill call you back shortly from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im a bail bondsman what whats going on here from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im afraid this is a prank call from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im answering from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im fred my ma bell bondsman from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im fred or burton I'm a bail bondsman from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im gonna have my agent john call you maybe hell be able to hear you better from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im gonna make a phone call directly to them and then I'm gonna call you right back from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im hanging up from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im not calling anybody from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im not doing anything from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im not making them from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im not understanding you when i call you your phone echoes from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im on the phone with the jail hang on from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im on youtube and they prank call me all the time from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im right across the street from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im sorry from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im sorry it happened from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im sorry one more time from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im sorry this is whom from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im sorry what from Uncle Fred Herbert
Im sure I'm sorry i i i i can from Uncle Fred Herbert
In fact i dont know whether I'm really talking to you or recording from Uncle Fred Herbert
In your name from Uncle Fred Herbert
Is is this really you from Uncle Fred Herbert
Is that his name from Uncle Fred Herbert
Is that right from Uncle Fred Herbert
Is this gregory stevens from Uncle Fred Herbert
Is this your way of getting out of your responsibilities is just the way you act from Uncle Fred Herbert
Its a great thing for me to save from Uncle Fred Herbert
Its not that its your phone from Uncle Fred Herbert
Its not us from Uncle Fred Herbert
Its this is who i think it is from Uncle Fred Herbert
Ive been ive had thirty calls today from and that I'm calling somebody I'm not calling anybody from Uncle Fred Herbert
Ive checked almost every carlos sanchez i need to know his date of birth there is too common name from Uncle Fred Herbert
Ive got your phone number and I'm gonna ring your fucking neck from Uncle Fred Herbert
Ive talked to the jailer from Uncle Fred Herbert
Jesus christ from Uncle Fred Herbert
Just fine from Uncle Fred Herbert
Just join from Uncle Fred Herbert
Just say hi fred and i will know this isnt a recording from Uncle Fred Herbert
Let me look him up here from Uncle Fred Herbert
Let me put you on hold ill be right back from Uncle Fred Herbert
Like your childish but and go someplace from Uncle Fred Herbert
Listen to this from Uncle Fred Herbert
M a l o n y from Uncle Fred Herbert
May i help you from Uncle Fred Herbert
Maybe you should be more prepared for this call from Uncle Fred Herbert
Mkay from Uncle Fred Herbert
Mmm from Uncle Fred Herbert
My agent john tried to call you back because i couldnt understand you sir from Uncle Fred Herbert
My apologies for taking so long from Uncle Fred Herbert
My name is fred herber from Uncle Fred Herbert
My name is fred I'm a bell bondsman whats going on here from Uncle Fred Herbert
Nine oh nine five nine five two two six four from Uncle Fred Herbert
No from Uncle Fred Herbert
No i did not from Uncle Fred Herbert
No they dont help us at all from Uncle Fred Herbert
Now if you dont know then then this is bs from Uncle Fred Herbert
Oh john from Uncle Fred Herbert
Ok from Uncle Fred Herbert
Ok (1) from Uncle Fred Herbert
Ok ill call you right back from Uncle Fred Herbert
Or what which is which his last name again (1) from Uncle Fred Herbert
Pardon me from Uncle Fred Herbert
Please from Uncle Fred Herbert
S c o t t from Uncle Fred Herbert
Scott from Uncle Fred Herbert
Sixty one from Uncle Fred Herbert
So i know exactly who you are from Uncle Fred Herbert
So I'm getting pranked from Uncle Fred Herbert
So I'm gonna have to call them because their websites down from Uncle Fred Herbert
So whats going on from Uncle Fred Herbert
Sorry from Uncle Fred Herbert
Spell that from Uncle Fred Herbert
Sure i dont know who the fuck you are from Uncle Fred Herbert
Thank you from Uncle Fred Herbert
Thats not maine from Uncle Fred Herbert
Thats the number of the walnut jail from Uncle Fred Herbert
The actual recording from Uncle Fred Herbert
The fbi really needs to be called on this from Uncle Fred Herbert
The last name is from Uncle Fred Herbert
The number is nine oh nine five nine five two two six four from Uncle Fred Herbert
There probably recording us right now adding to their from Uncle Fred Herbert
They are from Uncle Fred Herbert
They claim is not there from Uncle Fred Herbert
Theyre called thirteen times today from Uncle Fred Herbert
Theyre calling law enforcement in really sure and things up from Uncle Fred Herbert
This is a prank call from Uncle Fred Herbert
This is an a recording from Uncle Fred Herbert
This is fred from Uncle Fred Herbert
This is regarding from Uncle Fred Herbert
This is something they recorded on for me a couple of years ago from Uncle Fred Herbert
This is the kind of fucking idiot child to put out there from Uncle Fred Herbert
This is true from Uncle Fred Herbert
This is your son from Uncle Fred Herbert
This ship thats somebody pranking maine from Uncle Fred Herbert
Three two oh from Uncle Fred Herbert
Turn on the tv from Uncle Fred Herbert
Two years from Uncle Fred Herbert
Uh huh from Uncle Fred Herbert
We got along fine are you taking some kind of drugs or drinking from Uncle Fred Herbert
Well from Uncle Fred Herbert
Well because this goes on all the time from Uncle Fred Herbert
Well hi from Uncle Fred Herbert
Well thats not me thats a recording thats going from Uncle Fred Herbert
Well then I'm not interested (1) from Uncle Fred Herbert
Well why this strange phone call whats going on with you from Uncle Fred Herbert
Well you called me from Uncle Fred Herbert
Weve been getting these prank calls for a couple of years now from Uncle Fred Herbert
Weve reported these prank calls to the police department and nobody s helping us from Uncle Fred Herbert
What from Uncle Fred Herbert
What city from Uncle Fred Herbert
What did you say from Uncle Fred Herbert
What do you want from Uncle Fred Herbert
What number are you calling from from Uncle Fred Herbert
What sheriffs department from Uncle Fred Herbert
Whats your brothers name from Uncle Fred Herbert
Whats your first name from Uncle Fred Herbert
Whats your name and phone number and your brothers name from Uncle Fred Herbert
Whats your phone number from Uncle Fred Herbert
When did your brother you wanna build your brother out when did he get arrested from Uncle Fred Herbert
When he calls you get his booking number from Uncle Fred Herbert
Where are you in jail from Uncle Fred Herbert
Where can i do for you from Uncle Fred Herbert
Where is he and whats his name from Uncle Fred Herbert
Where is he in custody from Uncle Fred Herbert
Which is date of birth from Uncle Fred Herbert
Who am i calling shirt from Uncle Fred Herbert
Who are you interested in bailing out from Uncle Fred Herbert
Who did i call from Uncle Fred Herbert
Who is this from Uncle Fred Herbert
Why are you acting like this from Uncle Fred Herbert
Why are you doing this from Uncle Fred Herbert
Why are you doing this sir from Uncle Fred Herbert
Why are you so mad at me from Uncle Fred Herbert
Why are you why are you doing this from Uncle Fred Herbert
Wow from Uncle Fred Herbert
Yeah from Uncle Fred Herbert
Yes from Uncle Fred Herbert
Yes (1) from Uncle Fred Herbert
You and i have gotten along fine and i dont know why this is happening from Uncle Fred Herbert
You can call and ask for the jailer and you can ask him to from Uncle Fred Herbert
You fucking asshole from Uncle Fred Herbert
You have the wrong number from Uncle Fred Herbert
You just because john read the receipt wrong to you you're going to your going to act this way is this your way of getting out of your responsibilities is just the way you act from Uncle Fred Herbert
You know and reporting fake crimes from Uncle Fred Herbert
You know we have somebody thats doing that from Uncle Fred Herbert
You know what ive been getting calls all day long that I'm calling somebody and I'm not calling anybody from Uncle Fred Herbert
You need to give me his name from Uncle Fred Herbert
You need to go to a different phone because we cant understand you from Uncle Fred Herbert
You think what from Uncle Fred Herbert
You too from Uncle Fred Herbert
You're gonna hang on from Uncle Fred Herbert
You're gonna have to get more information i dont know where he is from Uncle Fred Herbert
You're the one calling maine acting strange from Uncle Fred Herbert