And and from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard 2
And apologized to anything that happened. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard 3
And your name again is ******* ******* from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard 4
And your name again is. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard 5
And your name is what? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard 6
Are you drinking today? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard 7
Are you the gentleman with my phone is ringing? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard 8
Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard Sound from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard 9
Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard Sound from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard 0
Bell bonds from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard -
Bell branch from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard =
Bro. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard q
Brooklyn Police Department. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard w
Call me. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard e
Can you hear me? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard r
Chris from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard t
Come to my office. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard y
Curie. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard u
Do you wanna give me your name and number and I'll give it to the police? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard i
Don't call your house anymore. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard o
Don't kill your ******* worse ******* from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard p
Excuse me from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard a
Find calling somebody. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard s
Goodbye. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard d
Goodbye. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard f
Goodbye. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard g
Gregory Stevens from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard h
Hang on just a second. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard j
Hang on. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard k
Hello, what's your name and number? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard l
Hello. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard z
Hello. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard x
Hello. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard c
Hello. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard v
Hey, you know what? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard b
How are you? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard n
I didn't call you, Sir. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard m
I I I don't understand why you're so mad at me, Sir. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard Q
I just told you. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard W
I know of 1 burglary Stevens. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard E
I know you're a better gentleman in this, Sir. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard R
I'd like to talk to Gregory Stevens. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard T
I'd like to talk to Kerry. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard Y
I'd like to talk to the officer. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard U
I'm answering. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard I
I'm for it and I'm a bail bondsman. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard O
I'm Fred Herbert. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard P
I'm not calling anybody. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard A
I'm not doing anything. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard S
I'm not taking some kind of drugs. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard D
I'm sorry this is who. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard F
I've got your phone number and I'm gonna wring your ******* neck. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard G
If you don't know then then this is BS. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard H
Is this your way of getting out of your responsibilities? Is just the way you act. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard J
Just say ifrit. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard K
More pictures to come to my office. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard L
My name is Fred Herbert. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard Z
My name is Fred. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard X
No problem, I'm not sure whether it's the 76 old number or the the other number that I've given you. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard C
No. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard V
OK Gregory Stevens. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard B
OK. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard N
OK. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard M
One is spread by my bill bondsman. What's going on here? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard <
Or are you mental eel? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard >
Proof. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard !
Red Ruby from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard @
So bunch. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard #
Stop these annoying phone calls. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard $
Sure, I don't know who the **** you are. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard %
Thank you. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard ^
They called her 13 times today. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard &
This is actually my voice. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard *
This is Fred. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard (
This is Gregory Stevens. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard )
This is Gregory students. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard ~
This isn't a recording. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard `
To work. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard |
Uh huh. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard "
Watch gelasian. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard '
We got along frying. Are you taking some kind of drugs or drinking? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard ?
We just from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard /
We should never paid me. Is that you know is that you? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard ,
Well, widest range from ports going on with you. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard .
Were you in jail? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
What am I doing? What sure? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
What do you want? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
What number are you calling us back at Sir? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
What should what's your phone number? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
What's happening here? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
What's your name? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Where are you in jail? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Where are you taking drugs? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Where's your brother in jail? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Which Sheriff's Department? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Who am I calling, Sir? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Why are you acting like this? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Why are you doing this, Sir? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Why are you so mad at me? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Why are you? Why are you doing this? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Why is this ******* deafening? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Word me. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Word what's going on here? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Word. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Would your booking number? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Wow. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Yes. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Yes. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Yes. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You ******* ******* from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You and I have gotten along fine, and I don't know why this is happening. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You call me Starbucks treats times here and I haven't called you or you or is your phone when you think it's me. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You have the wrong number. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You know what? I've been getting calls for all day long that I'm calling somebody and I'm not calling anybody. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You say hi. Fred and I will know this isn't a recording. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You're just because the genre, the receipt wrong to you, you're gonna you're gonna act this way. Is this your way of getting out of your responsibilities is just the way you act. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You're talking to my plan. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You're the one calling me acting strange. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You're the one calling. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
You're the same guy that told me you were in jail. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Your lunch? from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard
Your voice over IP line. from Bail Bondsman (Dark Voice) Soundboard