A chauffeur. Respect. Money in the bank. from Harold and Maude
A cup? Closèd in my true love's hand? from Harold and Maude
A different sense of enjoyment from the others? from Harold and Maude
A doctor at the university... from Harold and Maude
A gift. from Harold and Maude
A little Nathan Hale in you. from Harold and Maude
A lot of people enjoy being dead. from Harold and Maude
A self portrait. from Harold and Maude
A state of mind I'm goin' through from Harold and Maude
A sunflower. from Harold and Maude
A very common neurosis... from Harold and Maude
About 45 minutes. Wouldn't you say, Harold? from Harold and Maude
About... Walter Cronkite. from Harold and Maude
After all, he was General MacArthur's right hand man. from Harold and Maude
After all, we're given life to find it out. from Harold and Maude
After dinner... from Harold and Maude
Ah, ah, ah, it's easy from Harold and Maude
Ah, ah, ah, it's easy from Harold and Maude
Ah, ah, ah, it's easy from Harold and Maude
Ah, ah, ah, you only from Harold and Maude
Ah, ah, ah, you only need to know from Harold and Maude
Ah, ah, ah, you only need to know from Harold and Maude
Ah, it'll make a man out of you, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Ah, it's the most exciting thing in the world, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Ah, life. [Chuckles] from Harold and Maude
Ah, me. Free as a bird. from Harold and Maude
Ah... from Harold and Maude
Aim above morality. from Harold and Maude
All around us, living things! from Harold and Maude
All kinds of observable differences. from Harold and Maude
All of us belong from Harold and Maude
All right, out, lady. from Harold and Maude
All right, then. We'll be off. from Harold and Maude
All the days of my life... from Harold and Maude
Allow themselves to be treated as that. from Harold and Maude
Although we do do a large business. from Harold and Maude
Amen." from Harold and Maude
An accurate number would be difficult to gauge. from Harold and Maude
An officer deserves your respect. from Harold and Maude
And a reward from God his savior. from Harold and Maude
And although normally I have nothing against marriage... from Harold and Maude
And an Elephant. from Harold and Maude
And are serving your country... from Harold and Maude
And attacked by thugs of the opposition. from Harold and Maude
And champagne. [Inhales Deeply] from Harold and Maude
And change into something else. from Harold and Maude
And do try and be a little more vivacious. from Harold and Maude
And don't be shy from Harold and Maude
And don't wear fear from Harold and Maude
And don't wear fear from Harold and Maude
And don't wear fear from Harold and Maude
And fade and die... from Harold and Maude
And I can see death's disguise from Harold and Maude
And I do want to inform you of my decision. from Harold and Maude
And I haven't got a lot of time from Harold and Maude
And I hope they have more luck with you than I. from Harold and Maude
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord... from Harold and Maude
And I slipped into unconsciousness. from Harold and Maude
And I think very illuminating. from Harold and Maude
And I woke up on the stretcher. from Harold and Maude
And I'm in charge of all the invoices. from Harold and Maude
And I'm on the road to find out from Harold and Maude
And if you find a new way from Harold and Maude
And if you find a new way from Harold and Maude
And if you find a new way from Harold and Maude
And if you find a new way from Harold and Maude
And if you want to be free, be free from Harold and Maude
And if you want to be free, be free from Harold and Maude
And if you want to be free, be free from Harold and Maude
And if you want to be free, be free from Harold and Maude
And if you want to be high, be high from Harold and Maude
And if you want to be me, be me from Harold and Maude
And if you want to be me, be me from Harold and Maude
And if you want to be you, be you from Harold and Maude
And if you want to live high, live high from Harold and Maude
And if you want to live low, live low from Harold and Maude
And if you want to say no, say no from Harold and Maude
And in the government. from Harold and Maude
And it seems that you can't get off from Harold and Maude
And it's too much for me today from Harold and Maude
And it's too much too much for me from Harold and Maude
And join us in the drawing room. from Harold and Maude
And lead us not into temptation... from Harold and Maude
And let me die! [Cries Out] from Harold and Maude
And let your feelings out instead from Harold and Maude
And let your feelings out instead from Harold and Maude
And Mac and all the rest of the guys. from Harold and Maude
And Maude loves Harold. from Harold and Maude
And of course, this pattern, once isolated... from Harold and Maude
And over here is my favorite. from Harold and Maude
And please try to be serious, Harold. from Harold and Maude
And poor Glaucus occasionally needs his memory refreshed... from Harold and Maude
And possession of a stolen tree... Where's the tree? from Harold and Maude
And rallies and political meetings... from Harold and Maude
And rather bring them to... from Harold and Maude
And reach in and feel. from Harold and Maude
And reign forever and ever. from Harold and Maude
And send this one 'round instead. from Harold and Maude
And she seems a very nice, quiet girl. from Harold and Maude
And started giving a whole newscast before the entire family. from Harold and Maude
And stopped flitting away your talents on these little amateur theatrics... from Harold and Maude
And take on adult responsibilities. from Harold and Maude
And the kind of war this whole country can support. from Harold and Maude
And the knowledge in your heart... from Harold and Maude
And the last woman to kiss me from Harold and Maude
And the next thing I knew, he was arrested by the police... from Harold and Maude
And the right breathing. from Harold and Maude
And the smell. from Harold and Maude
And then, of course, I can always fall back on my home ec. from Harold and Maude
And there's nothing much left of me from Harold and Maude
And these two policemen came in... from Harold and Maude
And what do you do, my dear? from Harold and Maude
And with guests coming this evening. Oh, would you? That's sweet. from Harold and Maude
And with this long sigh... from Harold and Maude
And you can make it undo from Harold and Maude
And you can make it undo from Harold and Maude
And you can make it undo from Harold and Maude
And you make them long from Harold and Maude
And you'll get a chance to see the war firsthand. from Harold and Maude
And you've got a buddy for life. from Harold and Maude
And, for your own good, to take up active duty... from Harold and Maude
And, uh, told her... from Harold and Maude
And, uh... from Harold and Maude
And... from Harold and Maude
And... flabby... from Harold and Maude
Another man's life in your sights! from Harold and Maude
Are you gonna take a lot of time with this? from Harold and Maude
As to the contours of the female form. from Harold and Maude
As we forgive those who have trespassed against us... from Harold and Maude
Barley was very big last week. from Harold and Maude
Becomes holy in your sight unless you grant him... from Harold and Maude
Being dragged off by the police... from Harold and Maude
Big Sweeney gave me his keys. from Harold and Maude
Black flowers are dead flowers. from Harold and Maude
Body... from Harold and Maude
Borders and nations and patriotism? from Harold and Maude
Boy, to think I could maybe make my own! from Harold and Maude
Boy! Wow! from Harold and Maude
Breasts... from Harold and Maude
Bring tea for the tillerman from Harold and Maude
Bu... from Harold and Maude
Building jumbo planes from Harold and Maude
Burials and births, one linked to the other. from Harold and Maude
But at 85 you're just marking time. from Harold and Maude
But consistency is not really a human trait. from Harold and Maude
But deliver us from evil. Amen. from Harold and Maude
But I decided that was an idea way before its time. from Harold and Maude
But I do have friends in high places. from Harold and Maude
But I like to keep in practice. from Harold and Maude
But I miss the kings. from Harold and Maude
But I won't need it from Harold and Maude
But I've had such a trying day. from Harold and Maude
But it is time now to put away childish things... from Harold and Maude
But it's incidental, not integral, if you know what I mean. from Harold and Maude
But nevertheless you know from Harold and Maude
But not as many as you might think. from Harold and Maude
But now in my small... from Harold and Maude
But play as well as ya can. from Harold and Maude
But tell me where do the children play from Harold and Maude
But tell me where do the children play from Harold and Maude
But that ugly black horror is an eyesore and an embarrassment. from Harold and Maude
But that was all before. from Harold and Maude
But the army takes care of you. from Harold and Maude
But then I decided to switch... from Harold and Maude
But they're not dead, really. from Harold and Maude
But this reluctance on your part is detrimental to the psychoanalytical process. from Harold and Maude
But to listen to the solution proposed by your uncle. from Harold and Maude
But we would like to get it into soil as soon as possible. from Harold and Maude
But, you see, some of the other girls in my sorority decided... from Harold and Maude
But... from Harold and Maude
Buttocks... from Harold and Maude
By a crisis and conflict policy. from Harold and Maude
By the help of your grace, may he escape... from Harold and Maude
By the National Computer Dating Service. from Harold and Maude
Bye. from Harold and Maude
Call me "sir," Harold. It's the first thing you learn in the army. from Harold and Maude
Can be coped with. from Harold and Maude
Can I give you a lift, Harold? from Harold and Maude
Candy's just been telling us such a funny little story... from Harold and Maude
Caress... from Harold and Maude
Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. from Harold and Maude
Come along. from Harold and Maude
Come on. from Harold and Maude
Come on. Get out, buster! from Harold and Maude
Comes from people who are this... from Harold and Maude
Comin' to me Comin' through me from Harold and Maude
Commingling... from Harold and Maude
Consequently, I have instruCted him forthwith... from Harold and Maude
Cute little thing, isn't it? from Harold and Maude
Dear me! from Harold and Maude
Dearest brothers... from Harold and Maude
Dearly loves a cage. from Harold and Maude
Deliver them from the lion's mouth and the darkness therein... from Harold and Maude
Do not bring your servant to trial... from Harold and Maude
Do you often model for Glaucus? from Harold and Maude
Do you pray? from Harold and Maude
Do you understand? from Harold and Maude
Don't be shy from Harold and Maude
Don't be shy from Harold and Maude
Don't die, Maude, for chrissake. from Harold and Maude
Don't get officious. You're not yourself when you're officious. from Harold and Maude
Don't get up, dear. from Harold and Maude
Don't upset yourself so. from Harold and Maude
Don't you talk to me like that... from Harold and Maude
Doré is my real name. from Harold and Maude
Dreyfus once wrote from Devil's Island that he would see... from Harold and Maude
During wartime, the national suicide rate goes down. from Harold and Maude
Edith has been talking about her job. from Harold and Maude
Edith, I'd like you to meet my son, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Even as a baby. He seemed totally prone... from Harold and Maude
Every step seemed the same from Harold and Maude
Everybody should be able to make some music. from Harold and Maude
Everyone has the right to make an ass out of themselves. from Harold and Maude
Experimenting in river currents... from Harold and Maude
Explore. from Harold and Maude
Eyes, ears, nose, scalp, privates. from Harold and Maude
Farewell? from Harold and Maude
Fay? Darling, I know René will be furious, but... from Harold and Maude
Fifteen hundred... bushels. from Harold and Maude
Fifteen. from Harold and Maude
Fifteen. from Harold and Maude
First, here is the personality interview... from Harold and Maude
For aesthetic appreciation, always a little time. from Harold and Maude
For floating nude down the Seine. from Harold and Maude
For floating nude down the Seine. from Harold and Maude
For he has established it upon the waters... from Harold and Maude
For length of days. from Harold and Maude
For that happy day For that happy day from Harold and Maude
For you. from Harold and Maude
For your lorry loads from Harold and Maude
Forgiveness of all his sins. from Harold and Maude
Found my mother... from Harold and Maude
From a slot machine from Harold and Maude
From the pain of hell and the bottomless pit. from Harold and Maude
From the trials of this world. from Harold and Maude
Gee, I never dreamed it could be that... exciting. from Harold and Maude
Get hurt, even. from Harold and Maude
Get in, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Give back the head. Let's have no troubles. Harold! from Harold and Maude
Give me an L, give me an I, give me a V, give me an E. from Harold and Maude
Give us this day our daily bread... from Harold and Maude
Givin' me a second sight from Harold and Maude
Go and have a talk with your Uncle Victor. from Harold and Maude
Go and love some more. from Harold and Maude
Go, team, go! from Harold and Maude
God have mercy. from Harold and Maude
Good on curves. from Harold and Maude
Greet the dawn with the Breath of Fire. from Harold and Maude
Hah! How about hand to hand combat? from Harold and Maude
Hallowed be thy name. from Harold and Maude
Hanging on me from Harold and Maude
Happy life up to the present... the life of a child. from Harold and Maude
Harold does have his little eccentric moments. from Harold and Maude
Harold is down at the garage. from Harold and Maude
Harold is out in the garden, Candy, but he'll be here in a moment. from Harold and Maude
Harold, dear, don't play with your food. from Harold and Maude
Harold, dear, eat up your beets. from Harold and Maude
Harold, dear? from Harold and Maude
Harold, I only have a few minutes, dear... from Harold and Maude
Harold, join in. from Harold and Maude
Harold, please! from Harold and Maude
Harold, this is Edith... from Harold and Maude
Harold, this is Sunshine Doré. from Harold and Maude
Harold, we have got to do something about this life. from Harold and Maude
Harold, your mother has spoken to me about your marriage plan. from Harold and Maude
Harold! from Harold and Maude
Harold! Damn you! from Harold and Maude
Harold? from Harold and Maude
Harold? from Harold and Maude
Harold? from Harold and Maude
Harold... from Harold and Maude
Harold's always been a very delicate child. from Harold and Maude
Harrison. Harrison Feed and Grain. from Harold and Maude
Has been a good friend from Harold and Maude
Hath been his timeless end. from Harold and Maude
He has a new car, and he's just been tuning it up. from Harold and Maude
He realized they had only been seagulls. from Harold and Maude
He shall receive the blessing from the Lord... from Harold and Maude
He was so serious. from Harold and Maude
He was such an influence... from Harold and Maude
He's in the army. from Harold and Maude
Heavens no! from Harold and Maude
Hello, Harold. Can I give you a lift? from Harold and Maude
Hello, I'm Candy Gulf. from Harold and Maude
Here is the first question. from Harold and Maude
Here today, gone tomorrow, so don't get attached to things. from Harold and Maude
Here we are: Oat straw tea and ginger pie. from Harold and Maude
Hey, this old thing handles well. from Harold and Maude
His earthly life, he was signed with the seal of the Holy Trinity. from Harold and Maude
Hmm? from Harold and Maude
Hold on to this. What is this? from Harold and Maude
Hold the line, Fay. from Harold and Maude
Hopin' someone would miss me from Harold and Maude
How about some ginger pie? from Harold and Maude
How do you do? I'm Mrs. Chasen. Do come in. from Harold and Maude
How do you feel about that? from Harold and Maude
How many of these, uh, suicides have you performed? from Harold and Maude
How the world still... from Harold and Maude
I am happy. from Harold and Maude
I am learning the ba... the harmonica. from Harold and Maude
I ask you though, Harold: from Harold and Maude
I asked, "Do you have any friends?" from Harold and Maude
I can still see the sun shining... from Harold and Maude
I can't take any more! from Harold and Maude
I communicate. from Harold and Maude
I couldn't imagine a lovelier farewell. from Harold and Maude
I decided right then... from Harold and Maude
I do so like the military, don't you? from Harold and Maude
I don't have one. I don't believe in them. from Harold and Maude
I don't know if that's right. from Harold and Maude
I don't know what to do. from Harold and Maude
I don't know. from Harold and Maude
I don't need a defense anymore. from Harold and Maude
I don't regret the kingdoms. from Harold and Maude
I don't see why not. Absolutely yes. from Harold and Maude
I don't want no fight from Harold and Maude
I don't want no more from Harold and Maude
I drunk your wine from Harold and Maude
I embrace. from Harold and Maude
I even find the question distasteful. from Harold and Maude
I fall. [Weak Groaning] from Harold and Maude
I feel that much of the world's sorrow... from Harold and Maude
I figured, you know... from Harold and Maude
I find you a very interesting case, Harold... from Harold and Maude
I find you have left me with no recourse... from Harold and Maude
I found it when I was packing to come to America. from Harold and Maude
I go to funerals. from Harold and Maude
I got this funny feeling. from Harold and Maude
I got you down here for several offenses, including... from Harold and Maude
I guess I'll take my time from Harold and Maude
I had the most wonderful day today. from Harold and Maude
I had them take away that monstrous thing of yours... from Harold and Maude
I had to call the embassy for a doctor. from Harold and Maude
I have a brother who's a real cutup too. from Harold and Maude
I have a little surprise for you. from Harold and Maude
I have a luncheon, uh, date... with a girl. from Harold and Maude
I have here, Harold, the form sent out... from Harold and Maude
I have paid my debt from Harold and Maude
I have seen your face from Harold and Maude
I have seen your face from Harold and Maude
I have to go there from Harold and Maude
I haven't lived. from Harold and Maude
I heard he's 80 years old. I'll be 80 next week. from Harold and Maude
I just think it's such a super thing to study. from Harold and Maude
I knew we were gonna be good friends the moment I saw you. from Harold and Maude
I know that. from Harold and Maude
I know we've come a long way from Harold and Maude
I like it very much. from Harold and Maude
I like to watch things grow. from Harold and Maude
I like you, Harold. from Harold and Maude
I like you, Maude. from Harold and Maude
I love you! from Harold and Maude
I played Juliet... from Harold and Maude
I promise. from Harold and Maude
I remember once in Paris, he just stepped out for cigarettes... from Harold and Maude
I remember once in Tokyo... from Harold and Maude
I saw nothing, nothing more from Harold and Maude
I say get the Krauts on the other side of the fence where they belong. from Harold and Maude
I say this country has been too harsh... from Harold and Maude
I say you can point to the many material advantages brought about... from Harold and Maude
I seen your eyes from Harold and Maude
I suppose you think that's very funny, Harold. from Harold and Maude
I suppose you think this is very funny, Harold. from Harold and Maude
I sure am picking up on vices. from Harold and Maude
I telephoned your second computer date this morning... from Harold and Maude
I then became infatuated... from Harold and Maude
I think I can see... from Harold and Maude
I think I see the light from Harold and Maude
I think we can come up with something. from Harold and Maude
I think we're going to be great friends, don't you? from Harold and Maude
I think you should go and wash up, dear... from Harold and Maude
I thought not. [Laughing] from Harold and Maude
I thought then that I would marry a soldier. from Harold and Maude
I took the tablets an hour ago. from Harold and Maude
I type up the schedule for the trucking fleet. from Harold and Maude
I understand. from Harold and Maude
I used to walk alone from Harold and Maude
I want to show you my painting. from Harold and Maude
I want you to go straight to bed. from Harold and Maude
I was in there cleaning it up... from Harold and Maude
I was taken to the palace in Vienna, to a garden party. from Harold and Maude
I was taken to the palace in Vienna, to a garden party. from Harold and Maude
I wish I knew, I wish I knew from Harold and Maude
I would be remiss in my duty... from Harold and Maude
I would not say "benefit." from Harold and Maude
I'd like that. You could see the blood squirt out. How about souvenirs? from Harold and Maude
I'd say so. from Harold and Maude
I'd say... from Harold and Maude
I'd say... from Harold and Maude
I'll be gone by midnight. from Harold and Maude
I'll never understand this mania for black. from Harold and Maude
I'll pump it up. from Harold and Maude
I'll put the kettle on. We'll have a nice hot cup of tea. from Harold and Maude
I'm a file clerk at Harrison Feed and Grain. from Harold and Maude
I'm always looking for the new experience. from Harold and Maude
I'm getting married. from Harold and Maude
I'm in charge of all the invoices for the southwest. from Harold and Maude
I'm merely acting as a gentle reminder... from Harold and Maude
I'm not against collecting stuff. from Harold and Maude
I'm sorry. I was looking for Maude. from Harold and Maude
I'm well into autumn. It's all gonna be over after Saturday. from Harold and Maude
I've collected quite a lot of stuff in my time. from Harold and Maude
I've died a few times. from Harold and Maude
If I did not tell you... from Harold and Maude
If not for your sake, at least for hers. from Harold and Maude
If you apply that to life... from Harold and Maude
If you want to be free, be free from Harold and Maude
If you want to be low, be low from Harold and Maude
If you want to be you, be you from Harold and Maude
If you want to sing out, sing out from Harold and Maude
In its outright condemnation of war. from Harold and Maude
In relating them to others?" from Harold and Maude
In short, Harold... from Harold and Maude
In the Sunshine Playhouse. from Harold and Maude
In view of your recent actions, Harold... from Harold and Maude
Individual way. from Harold and Maude
InterCourse... from Harold and Maude
Is better than a song from Harold and Maude
Is Harold interested in what's going on? from Harold and Maude
Is it enough? from Harold and Maude
Is Sunshine your real name? from Harold and Maude
Is that a faCt? from Harold and Maude
Is that parked all right? from Harold and Maude
Is that you want to sleep with your grandmother. from Harold and Maude
Is the little tree all right? from Harold and Maude
Is this your truck? from Harold and Maude
Isn't it darling? from Harold and Maude
It certainly has. from Harold and Maude
It doesn't last forever. from Harold and Maude
It knocked me down and blew out a huge hole in the floor. from Harold and Maude
It used to be my defense on picket lines... from Harold and Maude
It was very scientific. from Harold and Maude
It's a great life. Look at me. from Harold and Maude
It's a hara kiri blade. from Harold and Maude
It's a present. from Harold and Maude
It's absurd. from Harold and Maude
It's all right. It's organic. from Harold and Maude
It's at Hamilton and Fourth... from Harold and Maude
It's dazzling. from Harold and Maude
It's just another point of view from Harold and Maude
It's rather hard to find a truck. from Harold and Maude
It's suffocating. Well, it's the smog. from Harold and Maude
It's the earth. from Harold and Maude
It's titled... from Harold and Maude
Joe falls back, a neat red hole in the middle of his head. from Harold and Maude
Just a minute! from Harold and Maude
Just be impulsive. Be fanciful. Let the music flow out of ya. from Harold and Maude
Just let me go where from Harold and Maude
Just let your feelings roll on by from Harold and Maude
Just let your feelings roll on by from Harold and Maude
Just let your feelings roll on by from Harold and Maude
Just let your feelings roll on by from Harold and Maude
Just let your feelings roll on by from Harold and Maude
Just lift your head from Harold and Maude
Just lift your head from Harold and Maude
Just stand over there, lady. Just stand over there. from Harold and Maude
Kill!" And then there was a blinding flash! from Harold and Maude
Kind of. from Harold and Maude
Kings died. Kingdoms fell. from Harold and Maude
L I V E, live! from Harold and Maude
Lady! Stop, or I'll have to shoot! [Groans] from Harold and Maude
Lady! Stop, or I'll have to shoot! [Groans] from Harold and Maude
Later on, Frederick would chide me about it. from Harold and Maude
Let me get this straight, lady... from Harold and Maude
Let us faithfully and lovingly remember our brother... from Harold and Maude
Let's get back to the kind of enemy worth killing... from Harold and Maude
Liberty, rights, justice. from Harold and Maude
Like some licorice? from Harold and Maude
Look at it. Oh! from Harold and Maude
Look down and see the cold floor from Harold and Maude
Look up and see the clouds from Harold and Maude
Look. See? from Harold and Maude
Looks like a hearse. from Harold and Maude
Lord, my body from Harold and Maude
Louie thought it was my best performance. from Harold and Maude
Love is where from Harold and Maude
Makes me want... from Harold and Maude
Many years later in Brittany... from Harold and Maude
Maude? from Harold and Maude
Maude? from Harold and Maude
Maude. from Harold and Maude
Maude... from Harold and Maude
Mauve ones. from Harold and Maude
Maybe one. from Harold and Maude
Maybe. from Harold and Maude
Miles from nowhere from Harold and Maude
Mm, I love the feel of soil, don't you? from Harold and Maude
Mm? What do you think, Harold? A? B? from Harold and Maude
Mm. from Harold and Maude
Most of the egg farmers in Petaluma. from Harold and Maude
Mown grass, and Mexican farmyard. from Harold and Maude
Must've been very funny. from Harold and Maude
My boy, excuse me. from Harold and Maude
My career in school was over. from Harold and Maude
My head is in the stars." from Harold and Maude
My mother arranged it. from Harold and Maude
My mother was giving a party, so I just went... from Harold and Maude
My, Harold, I'm glad to see you again. from Harold and Maude
Need to know from Harold and Maude
Never. Never. [Sobbing] from Harold and Maude
Nevertheless, I think you're upsetting people. from Harold and Maude
Nice chatting with you. from Harold and Maude
No matter how psychologically purging they may be. from Harold and Maude
No more revolts? from Harold and Maude
No, but I really do have to go. I have an appointment. from Harold and Maude
No, don't be shy from Harold and Maude
No, I feel more like yelling. from Harold and Maude
No, thank you. I have my own car. from Harold and Maude
No, thank you. They stain my fingers. from Harold and Maude
No. from Harold and Maude
No. from Harold and Maude
No. from Harold and Maude
No. Absolutely no. from Harold and Maude
No. It had nothing on this afternoon. from Harold and Maude
No. My Uncle Victor. from Harold and Maude
No. No. from Harold and Maude
No. We'll mark D. from Harold and Maude
Nobody sends black flowers, do they? from Harold and Maude
None of that, lady. Come on out. from Harold and Maude
Nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbor. from Harold and Maude
Now won't you leave me in my misery from Harold and Maude
Now, Harold, I cannot impress upon you too strongly... from Harold and Maude
Now, let me see. from Harold and Maude
Now, let's examine the facts on it. from Harold and Maude
Now, that's what this country needs... from Harold and Maude
Now, then, are you ready, Harold? from Harold and Maude
Now, this is the one. Take that. from Harold and Maude
Now, what do you smell? from Harold and Maude
Now, why in hell did we give up on the Germans? from Harold and Maude
Now, with that in mind... from Harold and Maude
Now, won't you leave me in my misery from Harold and Maude
Now, you hold on to this. from Harold and Maude
Of course, what puzzles me, Harold... from Harold and Maude
Of course, you know, Harold's father had a similar sense of the absurd. from Harold and Maude
Of getting one of these? from Harold and Maude
Of you from Harold and Maude
Oh, big issues: from Harold and Maude
Oh, but I... I'm looking forward to meeting Harold. from Harold and Maude
Oh, but it's oat straw tea. You've never had oat straw tea, have you? from Harold and Maude
Oh, come on. You loved it. from Harold and Maude
Oh, could I speak with Fay, please? from Harold and Maude
Oh, do you play? from Harold and Maude
Oh, every day. from Harold and Maude
Oh, God! from Harold and Maude
Oh, happy dagger... from Harold and Maude
Oh, happy dagger... from Harold and Maude
Oh, Harold! from Harold and Maude
Oh, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Oh, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Oh, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Oh, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Oh, Harold. [Chuckling, Squealing] from Harold and Maude
Oh, heavens no! I don't have to worry about dates. from Harold and Maude
Oh, heavens, no. I don't have the time. from Harold and Maude
Oh, here's Harold now. from Harold and Maude
Oh, how do you do? I'm Dame Marjorie Chardin, but you may call me Maude. from Harold and Maude
Oh, I know we've come a long way from Harold and Maude
Oh, I know you have no desire to join the army, but once you're in... from Harold and Maude
Oh, I love them so much. from Harold and Maude
Oh, I will never forget the time... from Harold and Maude
Oh, I would say no. Wouldn't you, Harold? from Harold and Maude
Oh, is this your father? from Harold and Maude
Oh, it goes on and on. from Harold and Maude
Oh, it had the ring of truth! from Harold and Maude
Oh, it has its drawbacks, like anything else, I suppose. from Harold and Maude
Oh, it's all right. It's organic. from Harold and Maude
Oh, it's hurt me. I'm not liked in Washington. from Harold and Maude
Oh, lady. from Harold and Maude
Oh, Lord how they play and play from Harold and Maude
Oh, my God! from Harold and Maude
Oh, my, what a lovely place you have here! from Harold and Maude
Oh, no, no, no. Really get close... from Harold and Maude
Oh, not any car. I like to keep a variety. from Harold and Maude
Oh, on by, on by, on by from Harold and Maude
Oh, one thing more, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Oh, perhaps Starlight would like a cigarette. from Harold and Maude
Oh, thank you, but I really have to go. from Harold and Maude
Oh, that was fun! Let's play something together. from Harold and Maude
Oh, that was marvelous! from Harold and Maude
Oh, that's my umbrella. That's just a relic. from Harold and Maude
Oh, the police. Come on. from Harold and Maude
Oh, there she is. from Harold and Maude
Oh, there you are, madam. from Harold and Maude
Oh, there you are. from Harold and Maude
Oh, there's Harold. Hello. from Harold and Maude
Oh, trouble, can't you see from Harold and Maude
Oh, trouble, move from me from Harold and Maude
Oh, trouble, please be kind from Harold and Maude
Oh, trouble, set me free from Harold and Maude
Oh, uh, thank you. I don't drink. from Harold and Maude
Oh, we would all like to sail through life... from Harold and Maude
Oh, we'll put down C... "not sure." Mm hmm. from Harold and Maude
Oh, well, that's the influence of the right food, right exercises... from Harold and Maude
Oh, well. It must've been your brother. There is a family resemblance. from Harold and Maude
Oh, wonderful. Try something new each day. from Harold and Maude
Oh, yeah from Harold and Maude
Oh, yeah. Fine. from Harold and Maude
Oh, yes indeed. from Harold and Maude
Oh, yes, dear. Here is Harold now. from Harold and Maude
Oh, yes, I do indeed. from Harold and Maude
Oh, yes. from Harold and Maude
Oh, yes. Absolutely yes. from Harold and Maude
Oh, yes. How did you like that? from Harold and Maude
Oh, yes. You were a wonderful baby, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Oh! from Harold and Maude
Oh! Here's one you'll like. from Harold and Maude
Oh! What a wonderful colleCtion of knives! from Harold and Maude
Oh. Dinner at 8:00, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Oh. Excuse me. from Harold and Maude
Oh. Oh, yes. from Harold and Maude
Oh. Well, now, directly after dinner... from Harold and Maude
Okay. Now, hold it up there. from Harold and Maude
On a cosmic train from Harold and Maude
On by, on by from Harold and Maude
On by, on by from Harold and Maude
On by, on by from Harold and Maude
On by, on by from Harold and Maude
On Earth as it is in heaven. from Harold and Maude
On the development of my instrument. from Harold and Maude
Once you have your basic set, it's then only a question of variation. from Harold and Maude
One moment, please. from Harold and Maude
One more little surprise... from Harold and Maude
Ooh, isn't it wonderful? from Harold and Maude
Ooh, ooh, ooh from Harold and Maude
Ooh, ooh, ooh from Harold and Maude
Ooh! from Harold and Maude
Ooh! Give me that. I'm gonna throw that... from Harold and Maude
Or nobody will know you're there from Harold and Maude
Or nobody will know you're there from Harold and Maude
Or nobody will know you're there from Harold and Maude
Or takin' a ride from Harold and Maude
Or who shall stand in his holy place? from Harold and Maude
Otherwise you got nothin' to talk about in the locker room. from Harold and Maude
Our obligations, our principles. from Harold and Maude
Out of the car. from Harold and Maude
Over in the corner is Leda and the Swan. from Harold and Maude
Palm... from Harold and Maude
Perfume. from Harold and Maude
Perhaps he can fathom you. from Harold and Maude
Perhaps you've heard of him. [Gasps] from Harold and Maude
Poison, I see... from Harold and Maude
Poli sci with a minor in home ec. from Harold and Maude
Possession of a stolen vehicle, resisting arrest... from Harold and Maude
Psst! from Harold and Maude
Psst! from Harold and Maude
Put your finger on the second fret there... from Harold and Maude
Rainbow with Egg Underneath... from Harold and Maude
Reach out. Take a chance. from Harold and Maude
Really, Harold, it is time you settled down... from Harold and Maude
Really? Do you think it's wrong? from Harold and Maude
Recognize the problem and you're halfway on the road... from Harold and Maude
Right up the back stairs and to my room... from Harold and Maude
Sagging... from Harold and Maude
Seagulls, sing your hearts away from Harold and Maude
Several dates for you with some young ladies. from Harold and Maude
Shall I come and visit you tomorrow? Oh, I can't. from Harold and Maude
Shall I take you home, Harold? from Harold and Maude
Shall we have a song? from Harold and Maude
Shall we, uh, sit down? from Harold and Maude
Shattered and tossed and worn from Harold and Maude
She collapsed in their arms. from Harold and Maude
She put one hand up to her forehead. from Harold and Maude
She supplies the whole southwest with chicken feed. from Harold and Maude
Shine, shine, shine from Harold and Maude
Shine, shine, shine from Harold and Maude
Since the damn politicians in Washington chalked them up on our side... from Harold and Maude
Snowfall on 42nd Street. I'll put it on. from Harold and Maude
So could you put me down for Monday? from Harold and Maude
So don't be shy from Harold and Maude
So I began first on the easiest: Roast beef, old books... from Harold and Maude
So I decided I'd do a little experimenting, you know. from Harold and Maude
So I get all this stuff out and begin mixing it up. from Harold and Maude
So I'll always know where it is. from Harold and Maude
So it is obviously a firm of high standards. from Harold and Maude
So just before he left for the monastery in Tibet... from Harold and Maude
So much more appropriate for you, don't you think? from Harold and Maude
So on and on you go from Harold and Maude
So shine, shine, shine from Harold and Maude
So there was nothing much to gain from Harold and Maude
So what I see is never true from Harold and Maude
So won't you be fair from Harold and Maude
So won't you be kind to me from Harold and Maude
So, uh, I went home. from Harold and Maude
So... from Harold and Maude
Some are smaller, some are fatter... from Harold and Maude
Some even have lost some petals. from Harold and Maude
Some grow to the left, some to the right. from Harold and Maude
Special satisfaction? from Harold and Maude
Squeeze out his life in your own bare hands! from Harold and Maude
Steak for the sun from Harold and Maude
Still fighting for the big issues... from Harold and Maude
Stop it! Harold! Harold! from Harold and Maude
Subways? [Chuckles] from Harold and Maude
Sukiyaki! from Harold and Maude
Sunshine is an actress, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Sunshine, I'd like you to meet Harold. from Harold and Maude
Sunshine. from Harold and Maude
Switch on summer from Harold and Maude
Tell me, Candy, are you a regular with this computer club? from Harold and Maude
Tell me, do you dance? from Harold and Maude
Tell me, Harold, what do you do for fun? from Harold and Maude
Tell me, Harold... from Harold and Maude
Tell me, that car over there... from Harold and Maude
Thank you, Fay. You're a darling. from Harold and Maude
That he may bless and deliver the souls of all faithful departed... from Harold and Maude
That I enjoyed being dead. from Harold and Maude
That I hope will make you very happy. from Harold and Maude
That I was killed in the fire. from Harold and Maude
That I've received in years. from Harold and Maude
That is wonderful. from Harold and Maude
That little tree is in trouble. Come on. from Harold and Maude
That means "my body" in theater talk. from Harold and Maude
That somebody ought to try it, so we drew straws and I lost. from Harold and Maude
That the idea of... from Harold and Maude
That was your last date! from Harold and Maude
That wasn't very scary. from Harold and Maude
That woman... she took my car! from Harold and Maude
That you are working for peace... from Harold and Maude
That you're there, you're there from Harold and Maude
That's a terrific story, sir. from Harold and Maude
That's absolutely. from Harold and Maude
That's all right. from Harold and Maude
That's just great. from Harold and Maude
That's the cosmic dance. Oh, come with me. from Harold and Maude
That's the curse of a government job. from Harold and Maude
That's very interesting, Harold... from Harold and Maude
The blessing of light, holy life, and eternal rest. from Harold and Maude
The children play from Harold and Maude
The doorbell rang. I went out to the banister... from Harold and Maude
The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof... from Harold and Maude
The fact of your firm young... from Harold and Maude
The first time... from Harold and Maude
The flashing uniforms of the young officers. from Harold and Maude
The great circle of life. from Harold and Maude
The importance of this meeting. from Harold and Maude
The innocent of hands... from Harold and Maude
The leaves... look, they're turning brown. from Harold and Maude
The moment of truth. from Harold and Maude
The most glorious birds. from Harold and Maude
The opportunity's on from Harold and Maude
The opportunity's on from Harold and Maude
The opportunity's on from Harold and Maude
The parasols... from Harold and Maude
The seconds tick the time out from Harold and Maude
The sentence which he deserves, for during... from Harold and Maude
The taste of blood in your mouth. from Harold and Maude
The wars ever since have been a national disgrace. from Harold and Maude
Then this one on the third, then this one here. from Harold and Maude
Then you shall take me home. from Harold and Maude
Then you're bound to live it fully. from Harold and Maude
There has to be something. from Harold and Maude
There rest... [Groans] from Harold and Maude
There seems to be a definite pattern emerging. from Harold and Maude
There was boards and bricks and flames leapin' up. from Harold and Maude
There was this massive explosion. from Harold and Maude
There. from Harold and Maude
There's action, adventure, advising... from Harold and Maude
There's so much left to know from Harold and Maude
These little divertissements... from Harold and Maude
They grow and bloom... from Harold and Maude
They screen out the fat and the ugly... from Harold and Maude
They're just backing away from life. from Harold and Maude
They're so tall and simple. from Harold and Maude
They're such fun, aren't they? It's all change, all revolving. from Harold and Maude
They're the only wildlife I get to see anymore. from Harold and Maude
Thinkin' about my home from Harold and Maude
This is all memorabilia... from Harold and Maude
This is definitely a new experience for me. from Harold and Maude
This is it. Here we are. from Harold and Maude
This is the generation of those who seek him. from Harold and Maude
This is the last girl, so kindly remember that this is your third and final chance. from Harold and Maude
This is the nicest present... from Harold and Maude
This is The **** of Rome. from Harold and Maude
This is thy sheath. from Harold and Maude
This is too much! from Harold and Maude
This world was not my own from Harold and Maude
Thou dost anoint my head with oil. My chalice overflows. from Harold and Maude
Thou dost prepare for me a table in the sight of my adversaries. from Harold and Maude
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done... from Harold and Maude
Till I found myself alone from Harold and Maude
Time to leave. from Harold and Maude
To every possible kind of illness. from Harold and Maude
To hush up, I can tell you. from Harold and Maude
To induct you into the service... from Harold and Maude
To its, uh... its solution. from Harold and Maude
To kill. from Harold and Maude
To me they will always be glorious birds. from Harold and Maude
To pit... from Harold and Maude
To reach there from Harold and Maude
To the music room, and I'll follow on later with some drinks? from Harold and Maude
To the taCtile. from Harold and Maude
To vomit. from Harold and Maude
To whom? from Harold and Maude
Tommy stuck his head behind it... from Harold and Maude
Trouble from Harold and Maude
Trouble from Harold and Maude
Trouble from Harold and Maude
Trouble from Harold and Maude
Trouble, can't you see from Harold and Maude
Trouble, can't you see from Harold and Maude
Trouble, move away from Harold and Maude
Trouble, oh from Harold and Maude
Tsk. from Harold and Maude
Tsk. Oh, the police. Always wanting to play games. from Harold and Maude
Turned out the light, and, uh... from Harold and Maude
Uh, do you care to join me in a little cartwheel? from Harold and Maude
Uh, oh, no. I just took it. from Harold and Maude
Uh, please sit down, Harold. from Harold and Maude
Uh, tell me about yourself. from Harold and Maude
Uh, this is my car. from Harold and Maude
Uh, you might turn the radio off. Saves the battery. from Harold and Maude
Uh... Well, stroke... from Harold and Maude
Until you came into my life, girl from Harold and Maude
Very nice. Compact. from Harold and Maude
Very pleased to make your acquaintance. from Harold and Maude
Very well. from Harold and Maude
Vice, virtue. It's best not to be too moral. from Harold and Maude
Wait a minute. from Harold and Maude
Wait a minute. See? Oh! from Harold and Maude
Was that the one with the Saint Christopher medal on the dashboard? from Harold and Maude
Was when I was at boarding school in the chemistry lab. from Harold and Maude
We had this old television set with no parts in it. from Harold and Maude
We have our duties... from Harold and Maude
We implore you therefore, do not let the verdict... from Harold and Maude
We were hoping to start sooner, but you see... from Harold and Maude
We're changin' day to day from Harold and Maude
We're changin' day to day from Harold and Maude
Well, actually it was the name of my drama teacher. Louis Sunshine. from Harold and Maude
Well, Dorr, actually. from Harold and Maude
Well, good afternoon, Officer. Bit of trouble here? from Harold and Maude
Well, Harold, I've always been a man who speaks his piece. from Harold and Maude
Well, I mean, 75 is too early... from Harold and Maude
Well, I must be off. We shall have to meet again. from Harold and Maude
Well, I suppose I did. from Harold and Maude
Well, I think I should mention, Candy... from Harold and Maude
Well, I think it's fine from Harold and Maude
Well, I think that's a yes. Don't you agree, Harold? from Harold and Maude
Well, if he knew what I had to put up with in the last few days... from Harold and Maude
Well, if some people get upset because they feel they have a hold on some things... from Harold and Maude
Well, if you want to say yes, say yes from Harold and Maude
Well, if you want to sing out, sing out from Harold and Maude
Well, if you want to sing out, sing out from Harold and Maude
Well, if you want to sing out, sing out from Harold and Maude
Well, it's a new experience for me. from Harold and Maude
Well, it's not mine, really... from Harold and Maude
Well, just give me a rough estimate. from Harold and Maude
Well, not exactly the whole southwest... from Harold and Maude
Well, now, why don't you two go along down... from Harold and Maude
Well, now, why don't you two go along down... from Harold and Maude
Well, sometimes you have to moan from Harold and Maude
Well, that cost quite a bit of influence et d'argent... from Harold and Maude
Well, that would have to be yes, wouldn't it? from Harold and Maude
Well, then, you'll just have to come back and visit. from Harold and Maude
Well, there's no question my body's giving out. from Harold and Maude
Well, uh... from Harold and Maude
Well, we'll need tools. from Harold and Maude
Well, what is it exactly that you do? from Harold and Maude
Well, you roll on roads from Harold and Maude
Well, you're not goin' anywhere. from Harold and Maude
Well... from Harold and Maude
Were they all done for your mother's benefit? from Harold and Maude
Were you also the one who painted the saint? from Harold and Maude
Were you not the lady who drove my car off yesterday? from Harold and Maude
What a delight it is, Harold, to bump into you again. from Harold and Maude
What activity gives you... from Harold and Maude
What do you do when you aren't visiting funerals? from Harold and Maude
What do you find fulfilling? from Harold and Maude
What flower would you like to be? from Harold and Maude
What gives you that... from Harold and Maude
What have you done? from Harold and Maude
What is that up there? from Harold and Maude
What makes me, me and what makes you, you from Harold and Maude
What sense in... from Harold and Maude
What was that? from Harold and Maude
What were you fighting for? from Harold and Maude
What? from Harold and Maude
What's the matter? Don't you feel well? from Harold and Maude
When I reach the end from Harold and Maude
When I was a little girl... from Harold and Maude
When nothing seems to suit ya from Harold and Maude
Whereby the male child subconsciously... from Harold and Maude
Which you are to fill out and return. from Harold and Maude
Who has not turned his mind to vanity... from Harold and Maude
Who said that? from Harold and Maude
Who sends dead flowers to a funeral? from Harold and Maude
Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord... from Harold and Maude
Who was that old lady who was waving to you earlier? from Harold and Maude
Whom God has taken to himself... from Harold and Maude
Why you purchased that monstrosity I have no idea. from Harold and Maude
Why, the two best wars this country ever fought were against the Jerries. from Harold and Maude
Will you be just quiet, please? from Harold and Maude
Wine for the woman who made the rain come from Harold and Maude
Wishes to sleep with his mother. from Harold and Maude
With God? from Harold and Maude
With life. from Harold and Maude
With no thought of tomorrow, but that cannot be. from Harold and Maude
With rubber water wings. from Harold and Maude
With the other she reached out as if groping for support... from Harold and Maude
With the United States Army. from Harold and Maude
With the... from Harold and Maude
With these, my odorifics. from Harold and Maude
Withered flesh... from Harold and Maude
Would you care to talk about this friend? from Harold and Maude
Would you like a cigarette? from Harold and Maude
Wow. That's pretty strong stuff, sir. from Harold and Maude
Yeah, we'll give a D there. Three: from Harold and Maude
Yep. There is definitely a certain attraCtion. from Harold and Maude
Yes, get what you want to if you want from Harold and Maude
Yes, I do indeed. from Harold and Maude
Yes, it's my 80th birthday. from Harold and Maude
Yes? from Harold and Maude
Yes. Bye. from Harold and Maude
Yet... from Harold and Maude
You are at the university? from Harold and Maude
You can do it today from Harold and Maude
You can do it today from Harold and Maude
You can do it today from Harold and Maude
You can do it today from Harold and Maude
You can do what you want from Harold and Maude
You can do what you want from Harold and Maude
You can do what you want from Harold and Maude
You can have any car you want. from Harold and Maude
You can make it all true from Harold and Maude
You can make it all true from Harold and Maude
You can make it all true from Harold and Maude
You can't be serious! from Harold and Maude
You can't let the world judge you too much. from Harold and Maude
You cheat yourself out of too much life. from Harold and Maude
You commie bastard! from Harold and Maude
You don't do that, do you, Harold? from Harold and Maude
You don't use the umbrella anymore. from Harold and Maude
You go to funerals often, don't you? from Harold and Maude
You have led a very carefree, idle... from Harold and Maude
You have made me a wreck from Harold and Maude
You have made your work mine from Harold and Maude
You hop in any car you want and just drive off? from Harold and Maude
You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know that there are You know that there are from Harold and Maude
You know, at one time I used to break into pet shops to liberate the canaries. from Harold and Maude
You know, love from Harold and Maude
You know, people can live with it, but trees, it gives them asthma. from Harold and Maude
You look as if you could. from Harold and Maude
You make me feel like a schoolgirl. from Harold and Maude
You might find this one particularly interesting. from Harold and Maude
You see from Harold and Maude
You see from Harold and Maude
You see from Harold and Maude
You see, Harold... from Harold and Maude
You traitor! from Harold and Maude
You who live... from Harold and Maude
You'll all end up like this! from Harold and Maude
You'll have stories like that to tell of your own someday, Harold. from Harold and Maude
You'll love it. from Harold and Maude
You'll travel the world, put on a uniform, and take on a man's job. from Harold and Maude
You'll walk tall, with a glint in your eye and a spring in your step... from Harold and Maude
You're eatin' my heart away from Harold and Maude
You're in a lot of trouble, lady. from Harold and Maude
You're locked towards the future from Harold and Maude
You're right. We'll go see Glaucus. from Harold and Maude
You're there, you're there from Harold and Maude
You're there, you're there, you're there from Harold and Maude
You're very beautiful. from Harold and Maude
You've got to make some chords. from Harold and Maude
You've thought of everything. from Harold and Maude
Your license, lady. from Harold and Maude
Your mother tells me, Harold, that she's arranging... from Harold and Maude
Zoos are full. Prisons are overflowing. from Harold and Maude
"Poli sci"? Political science. from Harold and Maude
[Bell Rings] [All Laughing] from Harold and Maude
[Calliope] [Raucous Laughter] from Harold and Maude
[Candy Exclaiming] Harold, this is Candy. from Harold and Maude
[Choking] I know he'll be furious... from Harold and Maude
[Engine Revving] Hanging on me from Harold and Maude
[Exhales Forcefully] [Chuckles] from Harold and Maude
[Harold] This is real nice. Yeah. from Harold and Maude
[Kettle Whistling] Oh. There's my kettle. from Harold and Maude
[Man] Fire! [Gunfire] from Harold and Maude
[Man] Hup! Harold... from Harold and Maude
[Man] Troop... I don't think this is quite... from Harold and Maude
[Maude, Harold Screaming] Madam! from Harold and Maude
[No Audible Dialogue] Trouble, oh from Harold and Maude
[Organ] Did you know him? from Harold and Maude
[Piano Continues Playing] If you want to sing out, sing out from Harold and Maude
[Rifles Cocking] More Nathan Hales. from Harold and Maude
[Screaming Continues] Madam! from Harold and Maude
[Shovel Clatters] Possession of a stolen shovel. from Harold and Maude
[Whistle Blowing] You may as well look over the horizon. from Harold and Maude
[Whistle Blows] [Continues] from Harold and Maude
[Woman Sobbing] Kindness and grace shall follow me... from Harold and Maude
A rough estimate? Mm. from Harold and Maude
Ah, it's a great life. [Footsteps Marching In Sync] from Harold and Maude
All right. My door's always open. from Harold and Maude
All right. Promise? from Harold and Maude
And I came out here to speak. Crazy parasite! from Harold and Maude
and the pure of heart... [Sneezes] from Harold and Maude
And there are plenty of slant eyed girls. [Man] Hup! from Harold and Maude
And you make them tall [Tires Screeching] from Harold and Maude
Are you? Yes, dear. from Harold and Maude
Because they're all alike. Oh, but they're not. from Harold and Maude
Cigarettes. [Both Chuckling] from Harold and Maude
Come on. Hello. Haven't we met before? from Harold and Maude
Did I tell you I'll be 80 on Saturday? You don't look 80. from Harold and Maude
Do you disapprove? Me? No. Of course not. from Harold and Maude
Do you like it? Oh, yeah. Very much. from Harold and Maude
Do you think so, sir? Sure, you will. from Harold and Maude
Ever drive a hearse, Harold? Yeah. from Harold and Maude
Fay? Yes? from Harold and Maude
Fifteen? That's a rough estimate. from Harold and Maude
Fine. Thank you. I'll heat some up. from Harold and Maude
for no man... [Woman] Psst! from Harold and Maude
Harold, that's disgusting! It certainly is! from Harold and Maude
Harold! Commie bastard! Get the hell out of here! from Harold and Maude
Harold! Hey, what would be the chance... from Harold and Maude
He was very nice. Oh, yeah. from Harold and Maude
He's very mechanical. What kind of car is it? from Harold and Maude
Hell, World War II gave us the ballpoint pen. [Man Groaning, Wheezing] from Harold and Maude
Hello? [Man] Hello? from Harold and Maude
Here. [Gasps] from Harold and Maude
How about to slit his throat? Well, I don't know about that. from Harold and Maude
How do you do? Nice to meet you. Well, thank you. from Harold and Maude
How interesting. We supply, for example... from Harold and Maude
Howdy... How do you do? Oh, I can't complain. from Harold and Maude
hup! Uh, normal. from Harold and Maude
I beg your pardon. What do you want? from Harold and Maude
I don't play anything. Nothing? from Harold and Maude
I don't play anything. Oh, come on. from Harold and Maude
I like to think so. Mm, wonderful. from Harold and Maude
I really can't miss it. Oh. At the dentist? from Harold and Maude
I think he's following us. Is he? from Harold and Maude
I'll kill her! Harold! from Harold and Maude
I'll kill you! Harold! from Harold and Maude
I'll kill you! You... [Screaming] Harold! from Harold and Maude
I'll show you. No... from Harold and Maude
I'm a file clerk. Henderson Feed and Grain. from Harold and Maude
I'm getting married. What did you say? from Harold and Maude
in the sewer, where it belongs. Madam, please! from Harold and Maude
Is this your shovel? Uh, no. from Harold and Maude
It was a new experience. [Maude Chuckles] from Harold and Maude
It's a little Jaguar. Oh. from Harold and Maude
It's a lovely spot. Thank you, Uncle. from Harold and Maude
It's a tricky turn. Yes, ma'am. from Harold and Maude
just like Nathan Hale! [Man] Ready! from Harold and Maude
Lady, please? Because if you are... from Harold and Maude
Madam, who are you? I am petitioning for peace. from Harold and Maude
May I see them? No, no, don't touch. They're very old. from Harold and Maude
Mother? Not now, dear. from Harold and Maude
No, thank you. You're welcome. from Harold and Maude
No. Me neither. from Harold and Maude
No. None at all? from Harold and Maude
No. Oh, heavens, I'm glad you said that. from Harold and Maude
No. Well, then. from Harold and Maude
of your judgment go against him... Psst! from Harold and Maude
Oh, he seems very nice. Oh, thank you. from Harold and Maude
Oh, now, that's good planning. Yes. from Harold and Maude
Oh! The birds. Wow. from Harold and Maude
Oh. [Both Laughing] from Harold and Maude
Oh. It's all about what's going on. from Harold and Maude
Oh. Well, I don't even know her. from Harold and Maude
One of these, maybe. Why do you say that? from Harold and Maude
Ooh, filth! Harold! from Harold and Maude
Ooh! "Sunshine." Oh, yes, of course. from Harold and Maude
Ooh! Ooh! Just like this! from Harold and Maude
Parasite! Harold! from Harold and Maude
Pardon me? Do you sing and dance? from Harold and Maude
Phern. Phern. from Harold and Maude
Power steering. But they just go on and on from Harold and Maude
Psst! Rather... from Harold and Maude
Pumpin' petrol gas [Tires Screeching] from Harold and Maude
Remember Nathan Hale! Right, sir? Harold, calm down. from Harold and Maude
She took my head! I'll kill her! Calm down. Harold! from Harold and Maude
She took my head. Calm down, Harold. from Harold and Maude
She's a commie pig! Don't you advance on me. from Harold and Maude
Snow. Snow. [Laughs] from Harold and Maude
So you can imagine. Yes. from Harold and Maude
Souvenirs? Of your kill. from Harold and Maude
Thanks. It has no nutritional value... from Harold and Maude
They can't breathe. Huh? from Harold and Maude
This is public property. Well, exactly. from Harold and Maude
To use a bayonet? Yes! from Harold and Maude
Uh, no. "Uh, no." from Harold and Maude
Uh, yeah. Yeah, so do I. from Harold and Maude
We planted it. You planted it. from Harold and Maude
Well, I didn't. Oh, don't be too discouraged. from Harold and Maude
Well, why don't you? [Harold Chuckles] I'd feel stupid. from Harold and Maude
What do you mean? Well... from Harold and Maude
What do you think? I like this. from Harold and Maude
What is your name? Harold. Harold Chasen. from Harold and Maude
What? We'll transplant it to the forest. from Harold and Maude
Will they really teach me to shoot? Sure, they will. A variety of weapons. from Harold and Maude
Yes, I am. And what are you studying? from Harold and Maude
Yes, ma'am. That's fine. Oh, thank you so much. from Harold and Maude
Yes! Zat! from Harold and Maude
Yes. Then I suppose it was me. from Harold and Maude
Yes. To strangle someone! Choke him! from Harold and Maude
You can't do that. Why not? from Harold and Maude
you little foulmouthed degenerate! Traitor! BenediCt Arnold! from Harold and Maude
You took it? Yes. You see, I have to plant my tree. from Harold and Maude
Your hearse? "Yearse." from Harold and Maude
your own life against another. Yes! from Harold and Maude
'Cause there's a million things to be from Harold and Maude
'Cause there's a million things to be from Harold and Maude
'Cause there's a million things to be from Harold and Maude
'Cause there's a million things to be from Harold and Maude
'Cause there's a million things to be from Harold and Maude
'Cause there's a million things to do from Harold and Maude
'Cause there's a million things to do from Harold and Maude
'Cause there's a million ways to go from Harold and Maude
'Cause there's a million ways to go from Harold and Maude
'Cause while the sinners sin from Harold and Maude
'Cause you can get anything from Harold and Maude
'Course, I had to make some additions for the new models... from Harold and Maude
"Are you uncomfortable meeting new people?" from Harold and Maude
"Can God influence our lives?" from Harold and Maude
"Did we hold?" I asked the medic. from Harold and Maude
"Did you enjoy life when you were a child?" from Harold and Maude
"Do you believe in capital punishment for murder?" from Harold and Maude
"Do you find the idea of wife swapping distasteful?" from Harold and Maude
"Do you go to sleep easily?" from Harold and Maude
"Do you have ups and downs without obvious reason?" from Harold and Maude
"Do you often get the feeling that perhaps life isn't worth living?" from Harold and Maude
"Do you remember jokes and take pleasure... from Harold and Maude
"Do you sometimes have headaches or backaches after a difficult day?" from Harold and Maude
"Do you think the sexual revolution has gone too far?" from Harold and Maude
"Do you..." from Harold and Maude
"Does your personal religion or philosophy include a life after death?" from Harold and Maude
"Give the nose a treat," I thought. from Harold and Maude
"Harold loves Maude." from Harold and Maude
"Have a kind of a... of a olfactory banquet." from Harold and Maude
"In your opinion, are social affairs usually a waste of time?" from Harold and Maude
"Is it difficult for you to accept criticism?" from Harold and Maude
"Is the subject of sex being overexploited... from Harold and Maude
"Kill! Kill! For Joe... from Harold and Maude
"O Lord... from Harold and Maude
"Pray"? No. from Harold and Maude
"Should sex education be taught outside the home?" from Harold and Maude
"Should women run for president of the United States?" from Harold and Maude
"The earth is my body... from Harold and Maude
"Yes, sir!" he said. from Harold and Maude
["If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out] from Harold and Maude
[Alarm Sounds] from Harold and Maude
[All] Our Father who art in heaven... from Harold and Maude
[Bell Tolling] from Harold and Maude
[Birds Chirping] from Harold and Maude
[Both] You know that there are from Harold and Maude
[Chattering, Chuckling] from Harold and Maude
[Chauffeur Whistling] from Harold and Maude
[Choking Continues] from Harold and Maude
[Choking Gasp] from Harold and Maude
[Chuckles] from Harold and Maude
[Chuckles] Excuse the mismatched saucers. from Harold and Maude
[Chuckling] That's you, Harold. from Harold and Maude
[Clicks] from Harold and Maude
[Coughing] from Harold and Maude
[Cries Out] from Harold and Maude
[Cups Clatter] from Harold and Maude
[Declaiming] What's here? from Harold and Maude
[Door Creaking] from Harold and Maude
[Door Opens, Closes] from Harold and Maude
[Door Unlocks, Opens] from Harold and Maude
[Emphatically] No. from Harold and Maude
[Ends] from Harold and Maude
[Engine Revving] from Harold and Maude
[Engine Starts] from Harold and Maude
[Excited Chuckle] What's hara kiri? from Harold and Maude
[Footsteps Approaching] from Harold and Maude
[Footsteps Marching] from Harold and Maude
[Gasps] Harold! from Harold and Maude
[Gasps] Look! Oh! from Harold and Maude
[Gasps] Oh! from Harold and Maude
[Groaning] from Harold and Maude
[Groaning] from Harold and Maude
[Groans] from Harold and Maude
[Harold Vocalizing] from Harold and Maude
[Harold] I don't know. from Harold and Maude
[Harold] Look at these stars. from Harold and Maude
[Harold] Makes me want to do somersaults. from Harold and Maude
[Harold] Maude, can you help me? from Harold and Maude
[Harold] Maude, they're gonna draft me. from Harold and Maude
[Harold] They'll put me in jail. from Harold and Maude
[Harold] Yes, sir. from Harold and Maude
[Harold] You sure have a way with people. from Harold and Maude
[Hoarsely] I have a sore throat. from Harold and Maude
[Horn Honking] from Harold and Maude
[Horns Honking] from Harold and Maude
[Humming "Greensleeves"] from Harold and Maude
[Humming] from Harold and Maude
[Imitating Machine Gun Fire] Only one thing kept going through my mind: from Harold and Maude
[Inhales Deeply, Exhales Forcefully] from Harold and Maude
[Man] Hey! Jesus Christ! from Harold and Maude
[Man] Hup! from Harold and Maude
[Man] Let us pray to the Lord, king of glory... from Harold and Maude
[Man] Well, what do you say, Harold? from Harold and Maude
[Marching Band] from Harold and Maude
[Maude Chuckles] Well, they're my species. from Harold and Maude
[Maude Chuckling] from Harold and Maude
[Maude Humming] from Harold and Maude
[Maude Humming] from Harold and Maude
[Maude Humming] from Harold and Maude
[Maude Vocalizing] from Harold and Maude
[Maude] A little after dinner liqueur, Harold? from Harold and Maude
[Maude] Harold? from Harold and Maude
[Maude] I should like to change into a sunflower most of all. from Harold and Maude
[Maude] Mm. from Harold and Maude
[Maude] Mm. from Harold and Maude
[Maude] Oh! from Harold and Maude
[Maude] Terrific! from Harold and Maude
[Maude] There. from Harold and Maude
[Maude] Well, don't go. from Harold and Maude
[Maude] Well, historically, you'd be in very good company. from Harold and Maude
[Maude] Well, with your skill and my experience... from Harold and Maude
[Maude] What a fuss this is. So unnecessary. from Harold and Maude
[Moaning] from Harold and Maude
[Mrs. Chasen] Harold! from Harold and Maude
[Organ] from Harold and Maude
[Panicked Gasp] Harold! from Harold and Maude
[People Cheering] from Harold and Maude
[People Screaming] from Harold and Maude
[Psychologist] Harold? from Harold and Maude
[Sighs] Oh, my. from Harold and Maude
[Siren Wailing] from Harold and Maude
[Siren Wailing] from Harold and Maude
[Siren Wailing] from Harold and Maude
[Sniffing] from Harold and Maude
[Snoring] from Harold and Maude
[Sobbing] from Harold and Maude
[Sobbing] Oh, my God! from Harold and Maude
[Sobs] I can't stand much more of this! from Harold and Maude
[Splash] from Harold and Maude
[Splash] from Harold and Maude
[Tarzan Yell] from Harold and Maude
[Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1] from Harold and Maude
[Tires Screeching] from Harold and Maude
[Tires Screeching] from Harold and Maude
[Tires Screeching] from Harold and Maude
[Tires Screeching] from Harold and Maude
[Tires Screeching] from Harold and Maude
[Train Whistles Blowing] from Harold and Maude
[Victor Imitating Machine Gun Fire] They kept falling. Zock! from Harold and Maude
[Victor] Good idea comin' out here, Harold. from Harold and Maude
[Victor] Harold, I want you to look at me like your father in this matter. from Harold and Maude
[Whispering] Good time to move on, don't you think? from Harold and Maude
[Whispering] Grab the shovel, Harold! from Harold and Maude
[Whistling Stops] from Harold and Maude
[Yelling] from Harold and Maude