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Freaky Friday (1976) Freaky Friday, a delightful family comedy, hit the screens in 1976, captivating audiences with its

Freaky Friday (1976)

Freaky Friday, a delightful family comedy, hit the screens in 1976, captivating audiences with its hilarious yet heartwarming storyline. The movie, directed by Gary Nelson, revolves around the misadventures of a mother and daughter who mysteriously switch bodies and experience life from each other's perspective.

The cast includes the talented duo of Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster, who deliver outstanding performances as the zany mother and the rebellious teenage daughter. Their superb chemistry creates laugh-out-loud moments and endearing emotional connections throughout the film.

With its catchy soundtrack and unforgettable moments, Freaky Friday (1976) has become a beloved classic. Whether you want to reminisce about your favorite scenes or introduce this timeless gem to a new generation, you can now relive the magic by playing and downloading these sounds.

Step into the world of Freaky Friday, where laughter, empathy, and personal growth thrive. Unveil the extraordinary bond between a mother and daughter and experience the joy and hilarity that come from walking a mile in each other's shoes.
A bicycle pump.
A broken water ski.
A genuine first.
A good view of the shoreline.
A goody goody, you know?
A little of the boob tube.
A lot more than you can imagine.
A male chauvinist pig is a husband who spends three months
A maroon tie.
A tin shovel.
A variation in her environment?
About how upset your mother's gonna be.
About the aquacade?
About your horrible, mean mother?
Actually, Boris, lately, Annabel is completely changed.
Actually, I care. I mean, school is okay.
Adios, muchacho.
After you finish my daddy's shirts.
Ah, forget it.
Ah, what a shame.
Aha. Well, I have a secret for you.
All due to the extraordinary efforts
All in all, a fantastically cool person.
All right here on your music, music, music station.
All right, already! I'm coming! I'm coming!
All right, give me that broomstick,
All right, macaroni and cheese.
All right, what's going on out there?
All right!
All right?
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. Now, that's better.
All the time.
All you gotta do
An electric typewriter needs electricity.
And a difficult mother in law.
And a kid without discipline
And a ten cent coupon for a little flea collar.
And about being neat. I can't help that, either.
And all your jacks in here together.
And extreme caution should be taken
And get out of my way!
And get some new clothes to go with the new me.
And g**** yogurt. Meet you at lunchtime, okay?
And he gives his wife three hours to save his skin.
And her verbal aptitude is higher than a college freshman.
And her, uh...
And I think it's time for a change.
And I wish I were 20 years younger,
And I'd rather be you.
And if I'm here, she's worse off than we are.
And it just breaks my heart.
And loud.
And lovely and gentle and...
And now look at me.
And now we get to see
And only 2 more calls this hour
And she's not the only one.
And so much dumber.
And some little tin things.
And that Annabel, in more capable hands,
And that took place when, children?
And the big bag of marbles and the LEGOs and threw them
And the books on the shelves
And the d****ry man?
And the most beautiful person in the world.
And then sew up this dress for tonight.
And there's an excellent viewing position
And they want to knock them out in one afternoon.
And this is me.
And threw them out the window.
And waving your hands around.
And we both play for the same team.
And we can only win this one if you remember one thing.
And we're gonna put on a real aquacade for my dad.
And while we're on the subject.
And win over $5,000 in prizes and trips.
And your bed? That's made, right?
And your rugs.
And your sneakers.
And, well, if I do say so myself,
Andrews, isn't that your wife out there?
Andrews, move, move, move!
Andrews, why aren't you changed yet?
Annabel wants you to eat
Annabel, about your hair.
Annabel, come on back!
Annabel, huh?
Annabel, I don't have time to spend on this.
Annabel, I don't want to be preachy.
Annabel, is that you?
Annabel, please, if this is some kind of game...
Annabel, say something.
Annabel, stop that!
Annabel, what's the trouble?
Annabel, where are you going?
Annabel, where are you going?
Annabel, where'd you come from?
Annabel, yellow?
Annabel, you can't do this to me.
ANNABEL: But maybe you can.
ANNABEL: Go on. I love it.
ANNABEL: He's not as finky as I thought.
ANNABEL: Hey, this is fun!
ANNABEL: I'm really a whiz?
ANNABEL: I'm with Mrs. Schmauss.
ANNABEL: Iron this, polish that.
ANNABEL: It's alive!
ANNABEL: Mom's legs.
ANNABEL: No way.
ANNABEL: No, that'd be overdoing it.
ANNABEL: Not Mom. Me, dum dum.
ANNABEL: Oh, Ape Face.
ANNABEL: Oink, oink, Daddy.
ANNABEL: Wait a minute.
ANNABEL: What a nerd.
ANNABEL: What am I saying?
ANNABEL: What's the big deal about housework?
ANNABEL: You're not gonna believe me.
Annabel! Where have you been?!
Annabel. Wait a minute.
Annabel's not home.
Any of you fellas got $ 14.50 you could loan me?
Anything else I can do?
Anything else?
Anyway, if you'd seen her lately,
Anyway, it comes and goes.
Ape Face! Will you get out of here?
Ape Face? No, he's just a kid.
Ape Face. Ape Face.
Are we gonna beat 'em?
Are you an attentive mother?
Are you feeling all right?
Are you kidding?
Are you okay, Annabel?
Are you sure you're all right?
Are you sure you're all right?
Are you understanding?
Are you, honey?
As a dad, you're super.
As a husband, you're more like a traffic cop.
As a husband, you're more like a traffic cop.
As long as we're comparing, I'd like to be in your shoes.
At exactly 8: 15 this morning... No, wait.
At least there's no ring around the collar.
At noon, after you pick up Ben from school.
Attaway to go, Mom.
BAMBI: You really have that down.
Banana peel.
Be careful when you press it.
Because I'm not mature in my figure yet.
Because she says Annabel's a spoiled brat and a pig.
Because that's what he is.
Because there's nothing more annoying
Beg pardon?
Being cooped up in here just gets me crazy.
Believe me, I do.
BEN: You think we ought to turn it off?
Besides water ski?
Besides, does it make sense?
Besides, I think she just got that help.
Bet you thought you'd never see us again.
Better bring me a change of wardrobe for tonight.
Big deal!
Bill, I wouldn't pursue this any further if I were you.
BILL: Hey, there! Hello?
BILL: Is this my home?
Bill? Bill who?
Bill. It's Bill.
Blew up? You're joking.
Blue eyes. Height about 5'2".
BO Y: No way!
Boris, buzz off.
Boris, here. Vitamin "C."
Boris, how could you do this to me?
Boris, I can't argue that. Not in the very least.
Boris, let's start all over. Forget this thing.
Boris, look!
Boris, you turkey. I can't bear it.
BORIS: Look out, Mister!
Boris! You want to hang around outside for a while?
Boris? Boris? Where are you?
Born in Mountview Hospital 13 years ago.
Boy, Mom, that was terrific.
Boy, Mom, that was terrific.
BOYS: Yeah!
Breakfast at last.
Brought your nice, clean d****ries back.
But Annabel has an extraordinary I.Q.,
But Annabel hates you.
But aren't you dressed kinda funny to be hanging around?
But childhood is the best time in a person's life.
But do you know who's drinking your gin?!
But I don't have that ability, I guess.
But I got a lot of worries.
But I mean it. I'm not the same person.
But I thought I'd go out
But I thought that our clients and the investors
But I'd say I'm in the top ten.
But I'm certainly not allergic to you.
But if anything should go wrong...
But it's true. Really, it is.
But mostly I hate her
But the film is still highly sensitive.
But the film is still highly sensitive.
But what is one?
But what kind of irresponsible person are you
But why should it?
But you can't hate someone and love them.
But you're counting on the wrong both!
But, Boris...
But, darling, you always used to tell me.
But, Miss Andrews, to be perfectly frank,
But, then, you're not the same as most grown ups.
Button up and listen, Bill.
By rights, the person you should hate is Annabel.
By watching it from this float.
Bye bye, Brains.
Bye bye.
Bye, Mommy.
Bye. Good luck.
C'est bizarre!
Can I get my $ 14.50, Mrs. Andrews?
Can we beat these cream puffs?
Can you drop us off?
Can you help me, please?
Can you wiggle like Wiggly?
Can you, Mom?
Can't you see I'm up to my armpits in gunk?
Care where we start?
Charles, this is getting out of hand.
Childhood is the best time in a person's life.
Childhood is the best time in a person's life.
Chuckle, chuckle. That's funny.
COACH BETS Y: Andrews!
Come back, Annabel!
Come here.
Come Monday morning,
Come now, Miss McGuirk. Don't cry.
Come on, Annabel, let's move out.
Come on, Annabel! Hurry up!
Come on, Annabel. Get your skis on.
Come on, girls. Pay now, talk later.
Come on, let's go home.
Come on, let's go!
Come on, Max.
Come on, now, shape up.
Come on, you two.
Come on!
Come on! Stick!
Come on.
Come on. I'll show you.
Come on. We have to hurry.
Come on. You need a bath.
Coming through, fellows!
Coming through.
Cooking's not my thing today.
Cool it, Max.
Could I just get my $ 14.50?
Could I trouble you for a dime, dear?
Could I trouble you for a dime, dear?
Could it possibly be you?
Could you tell Mr. Andrews
Couldn't you pick some other day to break down?
Counting on you both.
Creep, get in.
Dangerous lady to lock horns with, if you know what I mean.
Darling, all's well that ends well.
Darn tootin'. She's quite a doll, also.
Dear, your mother says...
Did it ever do that with you?!
Did you notice my allergy is completely gone?
Did you see that pile up?
Didn't anyone else do their preparation for today?
Do come in. Come in.
Do make yourself extremely comfortable.
Do that again.
Do them yourself!
Do we have time?
Do we have to go into that again?
Do you consider yourself an able parent?
Do you drive, Boris?
Do you hate me, too?
Do you know where you are?!
Does she still have braces?
Does your family favor your son over your daughter?
Doesn't mean I don't want to help.
Doesn't she talk up in class?
Doesn't that add up to something?
Don't "honey" me!
Don't be a jackass.
Don't be fresh with me, young man.
Don't be silly.
Don't come busting in without knocking.
Don't do this to me!
Don't forget my clothes. Yeah, goodbye.
Don't forget the aquacade!
Don't forget the orthodontist!
Don't just lie there, Annabel!
Don't let go, Wiggly.
Don't let me down now.
Don't scuff your shoes.
Don't start that. I've been bragging for weeks.
Don't take your eyes off him, folks.
Don't worry. I'm all right. Don't worry about me.
Don't worry. We'll be all right.
Don't you care?
Don't you ever take anything home to be washed?
Down! Down!
Dumb, dribbly gook.
Eat what you want
Ellen Andrews, you are a conniving, suspicious old bat.
Ellen, my hair drier!
Ellen, what I saw you do today was impossible.
Ellen, where are you?! Where's the food?!
ELLEN: "Open me"?
ELLEN: Annabel!
ELLEN: Annabel's body has got my mind in it.
ELLEN: Are they kidding?
ELLEN: Bill, you dirty louse!
ELLEN: Brownie points coming right up.
ELLEN: Door's open!
ELLEN: Electric?
ELLEN: Good grief. That's not my hand.
ELLEN: Hopping?
ELLEN: How do you win?!
ELLEN: How sickening. No wonder she never eats at home.
ELLEN: I don't believe how dirty this foot is.
ELLEN: I don't believe this. I've joined the Marines.
ELLEN: I played this once in eighth grade.
ELLEN: I think we've goofed.
ELLEN: I wonder what she's doing?
ELLEN: I'm Annabel.
ELLEN: Is that so?
ELLEN: My walk?
ELLEN: No wonder Annabel runs around barefooted.
ELLEN: Now let's see how tough this really is.
ELLEN: Oh, yeah? No problem.
ELLEN: Okay, what'll it be, lover boy?
ELLEN: Stew, stew, stew.
ELLEN: That's a good idea.
ELLEN: That's not my voice. That's Annabel's voice.
ELLEN: This is a snap.
ELLEN: Those kids will kill me.
ELLEN: Two years and $2, 000 to get these teeth straightened,
ELLEN: Uh oh.
ELLEN: Who can talk through all this scrap iron?
Enjoying your work?
Especially the big typing test.
Every teacher dreams of discovering in her classroom.
Everybody around here has had breakfast but me.
Everybody knows mothers are sweet and kind
Everything fine?
Exactly what I have to say to you right now.
Excuse me, Boris.
Excuse me!
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Exploded mousse and burnt turkey!
Extremely devoted.
Far out!
Feeling all right?
Female, blond. Natural, of course.
Final score.
Find this gentleman the pliers.
Fine. Fine.
First the foot.
For a 20 pound bird, that will take 61/2 hours.
For fear of ruining the exposed film.
For just one day.
For pity's sake.
For sure.
For the car, you mean?
For the ceremony.
For the fireworks display and, of course, the aquacade.
For the professional water skiers.
For this formal announcement
Forget that silly game. It's not like you.
Forward in the "centa"!
Four. I've still got the scar.
From the Annabel you know.
Get Annabel Andrews and get her good!
Get on the stick!
Get the ball to Annabel!
Get up and hit 'em back!
Get your butts out there and kill, kill, kill!
Get your mitts off the wheel. Take this thing off my head.
Give me a pack of menthols, please.
Give me the usual and shake the lead out.
Give or take a month.
Go ahead, Annabel. You're doing just fine.
Go ahead! Go away. Who needs you?
Go get 'em, Annabel.
Go get it!
Go here, go there.
Go on, Annabel.
Go take a walk!
Go use one of the other machines.
Go, go to the showers.
Good grief. What am I doing here?
Good luck to me, too.
Good move!
Good show!
Gorgeous eyes, gorgeous eyelashes.
Gorgeous hair, gorgeous teeth,
Grab a number! Get in line!
Great. You're just like your mother.
Hadn't noticed.
Half a paperback.
Hang in there, Lloyd.
Hang on.
Hang on. I got to hang up in the other room.
Hang on. It's for you.
Have it ready for you in a jiffy.
Have we got everything?
Have you seen how she dresses lately?
He is so neat it's revolting.
He only does it to show me up.
He says you're 15 minutes late for the conference with him.
He talks about you and your mother all the time.
He's a peculiar boy. He's liberated.
He's asked for a conference
He's gonna kill me.
He's not a kibble quibbler. Not he.
He's pleasant and very professional.
He's sensitive on the subject.
He's what you call neat.
He's with Joffert and Jennings. Public relations.
Hello, Bill?
Hello, Boris?
Hello, Boris?
Hello? Operator?
Hello? What's going on?
Her sugar coated Snappy Krackles.
Her you can lead by the teeth. All you need is a magnet.
Here, hold this.
Here, sit down. We'll talk about it.
Here's your dog, lady!
Hey, action city.
Hey, Annabel, what are you doing?
Hey, Annabel. Now's your chance.
Hey, Bambi. Psst! Bambi.
Hey, Ellen! Ellen? What's happening?
Hey, I think we got company.
Hey, Mom, can I take driving lessons from Annabel?
Hey, right on, Mom.
Hey, that's kinda good.
Hey, that's you.
Hey, way to go, Annabel!
Hey, we're up.
Hey, what are you doing?
Hey, what's the matter with you?
Hey, where'd everybody go?
Hey, whose foot is that?
Hey, you got $ 14.50?
Hi, guys.
Hi, honey.
Hi, I brought your favorite today.
Hi, lover boy.
Hi, Mrs. Andrews.
His name is Ben, but I call him...
Hit it, Charlie!
Hmm. Bored.
Hmm. Sadie the painted lady.
Hmm. They're good.
Hold it, honey! Hold it!
Hold it! No, no, no!
Holy cow!
Hon, I want you to do something for me
Honey, I got to go!
Honey, what's the matter?
Honey, where have you been?!
Honey, you just let me handle this end of it, will you?
How about a little makeup for the cheeks?
How can you expect me to sympathize
How can you sit there?
How come I didn't bring the car?
How come nobody ever gets to tell you what to do?"
How come you didn't bring the car?
How could you come up with a grade like that?
How do you do that?
How do you like yourself?
How does she feel?
How is Mr. Andrews to work for?
How much you want to bet she does?
How tough can it be?
How would I know?
How would I know?
How would you like to babysit a small boy and a turkey?
How'd you do that?
How's it going in the salt mines?
Hurry along, children. You'll miss the bus.
Hurry up. We're gonna miss the kiteflyer.
I admire and love your little girl.
I am a fruitcake.
I am not "Bill" to you!
I am so much smarter than I thought.
I am.
I am.
I believe you've got your sexes mixed up.
I bought you a new outfit. You don't have to wear it.
I can assure you there's gonna be a top notch show.
I can hardly wait.
I can imagine.
I can just picture my mom trying to handle Miss McGuirk.
I can lead some people around by the nose.
I can make a pitch for me when I'm not gorgeous.
I can take the bus.
I can.
I can't breathe.
I can't complain.
I can't eat what I want, wear what I want,
I can't get a straight answer.
I can't help what I look like.
I can't let him see me like this.
I could do it.
I could tell by your walk.
I could've told you she was a heavy drinker.
I do my job, you do yours, right?
I do my job, you do yours, right?
I don't care that much.
I don't do personal maiding either.
I don't go for that eggs and bacon stuff.
I don't have any time.
I don't have one of those cards.
I don't have to tell you what this game means.
I don't know.
I don't pick up pigpens.
I don't quite understand how you got on the kite.
I don't really have a cold. It's adenoids.
I don't understand why you're worried
I don't understand, Virginia.
I doubt it's ever seen a bathtub.
I feel I can speak with you as adults.
I find that hard to believe.
I fired Mrs. Schmauss.
I forgot, Mom. It just slipped through my mind.
I got a lot of things to think about.
I got a rise out of metal mouth.
I got friends, sports.
I got it!
I got some new clothes.
I got the turkey, Mom! Let's go!
I got this!
I got to go.
I gotta get some books at the locker.
I gotta tie my shoelaces, here.
I guess I'm just a little nervous.
I had to do it!
I hate ice skating.
I have an even better idea.
I have one little brother. Look at him.
I have something else to tell you, Mrs. "A."
I have to find the door.
I have to get my mother's... my purse.
I have to...
I heard her, Daddy. Goodbye.
I heard that once today. I don't have to hear it again.
I hope when I get that old, I'll have braces, too.
I know it's hard for you to remember.
I know it's hard to believe, but I don't know how to drive.
I know you have more change on you.
I know.
I like a more level headed woman like you.
I like it this way.
I like this game.
I love it.
I love you, too, darling.
I love your teeth.
I made a chocolate mousse once.
I mean, he's really something else.
I mean, now Annabel is so nice.
I mean, she's probably what they call a bad seed.
I mean, we could play Monopoly, something.
I mean, when I am gorgeous and not me.
I might get killed.
I ought to know.
I quit!
I quit!
I really quit.
I said, "Good morning"!
I see. What is the number two thing?
I should be able to keep it the way I want to.
I suppose it would look like hopping to the waltz king.
I suppose that was your way
I taught you to play fair,
I think I do feel a sick headache coming on.
I think I hate Miss Gibbons.
I think I have some olives. It'll be wonderful.
I think she just wants to do her own thing, that's it.
I think she's beautiful. And I love her braces.
I think we can do that.
I think we should have held out for professional...
I think you have an awful lot of nerve
I think you're crazy.
I thought I'd get my hair done and my nails.
I thought we could use the exercise.
I thought we had this all out last night.
I thought you were gonna wipe out.
I told you before.
I tried.
I try to be cool, right? Parents seem to be immune to it.
I try, but I just can't.
I want my Mommy!
I want you guys to get out there and hit 'em high! Hit 'em low!
I want you to finish this laundry
I wanted my hair drier.
I was finding your matching socks.
I was just doing what I was supposed to do.
I was only kidding, Daddy.
I was talking about the way I am.
I was wondering, could I borrow a cup of...
I wish I had my own body back!
I wish I hadn't tried this.
I wish I was dead!
I wonder if Boris is home.
I wondered if I could borrow your credit cards
I wouldn't mention that.
I'd be messy.
I'd probably kill myself if I drove.
I'd rather show you.
I'll be lucky if I can read her writing, that's for sure.
I'll bet she can.
I'll do it!
I'll find it, Lloyd.
I'll get the $ 14.50. Excuse me, fellas.
I'll give you a few extra minutes.
I'll have to take it in the hall!
I'll help you. Come on, into the skis.
I'll meet you after class.
I'll put this away.
I'll put this on in the bus.
I'll report you to the manager.
I'll say. He's also a slob.
I'll see you at the marina at 5:00.
I'll tell McGuirk you went to the nurse with a headache.
I'll tell you the truth. I've seen her look better.
I'll try.
I'm a little worried about your mom.
I'm afraid that's not complimentary enough
I'm already late.
I'm also pretty good on water.
I'm an individual.
I'm Annabel Andrews in my mother's body.
I'm bored. Really bored.
I'm gonna grow up and be a blimp.
I'm her mother.
I'm Jo Jo, and you're Annabel.
I'm late to meet Virginia.
I'm not a screamer.
I'm not going through with it, Bill.
I'm not gonna make a fool out of myself,
I'm not Jo Jo. I'm Mrs. John Mayberry.
I'm not my mother.
I'm not number one on the charts,
I'm not the same person you think I am.
I'm not very hungry.
I'm only 13 years old.
I'm sorry, honey!
I'm sorry, Miss Benson. I seem to have dropped a book.
I'm sorry. But I just can't do it.
I'm sure you can handle it, dear.
I'm trying to tell you why Annabel hates you.
I'm up to my neck in this.
I'm using your words exactly.
I've already told them what a great cook you are.
I've been waiting for hours.
I've even tried being messy.
I've ever put inside my mouth.
I've got a real problem.
I've got bus fare.
I've got to find something devastating.
I've got to get started on my motorcycle campaign.
I've never seen her before in my life.
I've seen it time and again with you saucy liberals.
If anybody's gonna win it for us, it's our tough,
If I saw that half bottle of gin on the bar?!
If it doesn't want to go, you make it go.
If she messes up, everybody will hate me.
If the shoes need a polish, I'd appreciate it.
If you care, get into this car and drive me to the marina
If you think I'd be good, you should show Annabel.
In fact, I kinda wish I was 20 years older.
In June or July of 1950
In the jewelry box.
In the kitchen. We had a problem this morning.
In the last few minutes.
In the state I'm in,
Into what, class?
Is a good, old fashioned spanking.
Is make your usual zillion goals, and we got it made.
Is that good or bad?
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