A billion worldwide, guaranteed! You are larger than life, man. from Birdman (2014) 2
A cat playing with a dildo gets more than that. from Birdman (2014) 3
A douchebag's born every minute! from Birdman (2014) 4
A film! from Birdman (2014) 5
A little note. from Birdman (2014) 6
A man becomes a critic when he cannot be an artist... from Birdman (2014) 7
A pint of whiskey, please. from Birdman (2014) 8
A poor... from Birdman (2014) 9
A wistful distance, underscored by a gentle breeze... from Birdman (2014) 0
About being humiliated out there! from Birdman (2014) -
Above them all. from Birdman (2014) =
Absolutely not. from Birdman (2014) q
Actors equity is a very strong union, sir! from Birdman (2014) w
Actors in position. from Birdman (2014) e
Actually, you did. from Birdman (2014) r
Adrenaline. from Birdman (2014) t
After a while, I made myself numb, so.... but my... from Birdman (2014) y
Alchemillas. Or something that smells nice. from Birdman (2014) u
All right. See you tomorrow. from Birdman (2014) i
All that matters is what she writes about us in 500 words in the times. from Birdman (2014) o
All you have to do is... from Birdman (2014) p
Amazing, amazing. from Birdman (2014) a
And all the people on board are, you know, crying. from Birdman (2014) s
And by the way, I'm not pregnant, so there's one thing not to worry about. from Birdman (2014) d
And he sent this back afterwards. from Birdman (2014) f
And he told me it was because he couldn't see her... from Birdman (2014) g
And he told me it was because he couldn't see her... from Birdman (2014) h
And he was yelling, I love you, I love you, bitch! What do you do with a love like that? from Birdman (2014) j
And here's the thing... you have four lines after that from Birdman (2014) k
And I didn't want to tell you this, but Martin scorsees... from Birdman (2014) l
And I just want to let you know that, no matter what happens... from Birdman (2014) z
And I keep waiting for someone to tell me I made it. from Birdman (2014) x
And I walked... from Birdman (2014) c
And I'm going to close your play. from Birdman (2014) v
And I'm thinking, oh, boy... from Birdman (2014) b
And the French ambassador's coming. from Birdman (2014) n
And the next time you screech... from Birdman (2014) m
And this... Is how long humans have been here. from Birdman (2014) Q
And you know what? You're right! You don't! from Birdman (2014) W
And, let's face it, dad... from Birdman (2014) E
And, uh, this play is kind of starting to feel like... from Birdman (2014) R
And... from Birdman (2014) T
Annie? Clear the theater, send everyone to dinner and give me some lights! from Birdman (2014) Y
Another blockbuster. from Birdman (2014) U
Anybody. from Birdman (2014) I
Anyway, like I was saying... from Birdman (2014) O
Are we good here? from Birdman (2014) P
Are you drunk? from Birdman (2014) A
Are you laughing? from Birdman (2014) S
Are you okay? from Birdman (2014) D
Are you okay? You seem.... from Birdman (2014) F
As soon as we announced he was taking over, the advance doubled. from Birdman (2014) G
As you're probably aware, barthes said: from Birdman (2014) H
Ask her what he did after she left him. from Birdman (2014) J
Ask Nick. I want you to ask Nick if he thinks that's love. from Birdman (2014) K
Bang! from Birdman (2014) L
Bang! from Birdman (2014) Z
Be careful. from Birdman (2014) X
Because when he got us out there... from Birdman (2014) C
Because you threw a kitchen knife at me... from Birdman (2014) V
Before people started to forget who was inside that bird costume. from Birdman (2014) B
Believe or not, this is power. from Birdman (2014) N
Birdman 4? You do birdman 4?! from Birdman (2014) M
Birdman, like icarus... from Birdman (2014) <
Birdman: The Phoenix rises. from Birdman (2014) >
Birdman! from Birdman (2014) !
Birdman! Hey, birdman, whooo, look at that! from Birdman (2014) @
Bleeding's the most honest thing he's done so far. from Birdman (2014) #
Blissfully untrained, unversed and unprepared... from Birdman (2014) $
Blood was spilled both literally and metaphorically by artist and audience alike. from Birdman (2014) %
Bones rattling! Big, loud, fast! from Birdman (2014) ^
Break a leg, Mr. thomson. from Birdman (2014) &
Breathing in, I am calm. from Birdman (2014) *
Breathing in. from Birdman (2014) (
Breathing out. from Birdman (2014) )
Bring the curtain down. from Birdman (2014) ~
But I think what you're saying is love is absolute. from Birdman (2014) `
But I wasn't. from Birdman (2014) |
But I'm not going away. You know I'm right. from Birdman (2014) "
But long after you're gone, I'll be on that stage... from Birdman (2014) '
But my body doesn't seem to agree. from Birdman (2014) ?
But you didn't even see it. Did I do something to offend you? from Birdman (2014) /
By the time I got down to the hospital, this kid, this fucking teenager, was dead. from Birdman (2014) ,
By the time we got to the hospital, the kid was dead. from Birdman (2014) .
By the time we were done with them, we just, you know... from Birdman (2014)
Bye bye... And fuck you. from Birdman (2014)
Call 911! from Birdman (2014)
Callow. Callow is a label. from Birdman (2014)
Can I tell you something funny? from Birdman (2014)
Can we discuss this like two mature artists? What is the big deal about... from Birdman (2014)
Can we not get hung up on knowing lines? Can we just work on this? Tear it apart? from Birdman (2014)
Can you give me more of that? You know, fear? from Birdman (2014)
Can you imagine? from Birdman (2014)
Can you imagine? I'm telling you, this guy's heart was breaking... from Birdman (2014)
Christ, what a nightmare. from Birdman (2014)
Come on, people, don't be so pathetic. from Birdman (2014)
Come on! Just do it! from Birdman (2014)
Come on. I've been helping Lesley get off book for a month. from Birdman (2014)
Come on. Just get the contract done. Please, Jake. I'll get the money. from Birdman (2014)
Come on. Stand up! from Birdman (2014)
Cool. from Birdman (2014)
Could have been anybody, I guess. from Birdman (2014)
Crazy, druggy, wise ass daughter, milf y wife with perky tits. from Birdman (2014)
Creeps in this... from Birdman (2014)
Cut it out! I'm serious, Mike. from Birdman (2014)
Dad, what kind of... shut up! from Birdman (2014)
Dad! from Birdman (2014)
Dad? from Birdman (2014)
Dad? from Birdman (2014)
Dad? from Birdman (2014)
Dad. from Birdman (2014)
Dad. from Birdman (2014)
Did you intend to shoot yourself! from Birdman (2014)
Did you know farrah fawcett died the exact same day as Michael Jackson? from Birdman (2014)
Did you replace my gin with water, man? from Birdman (2014)
Do it again. from Birdman (2014)
Do me a favor. Don't get your panties in a twist over a preview, like some rookie... from Birdman (2014)
Do me a favor. For once in your life, honest to God, shut up for a minute. from Birdman (2014)
Do what? from Birdman (2014)
Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds? from Birdman (2014)
Do you know what this is? Do you even know what it is? from Birdman (2014)
Do you know where to go? from Birdman (2014)
Does anybody give a shit about the truth other than me? from Birdman (2014)
Don't be a dick. Give me an autograph. from Birdman (2014)
Don't call me Mike. Call me Mel. from Birdman (2014)
Don't do it. from Birdman (2014)
Don't fuck with me, Mike. from Birdman (2014)
Don't hang up. Don't hang up. from Birdman (2014)
Don't kill the messenger. from Birdman (2014)
Don't make me feel self conscious about my marriage while my wife is sitting... from Birdman (2014)
Don't worry about it. He's a handful, huh? from Birdman (2014)
Don't worry... it'll be used to scoop up dog shit tomorrow. from Birdman (2014)
Don't write anything. Why would you write anything? from Birdman (2014)
Don't write what she said. I didn't put any baby pig.... from Birdman (2014)
Don't you ever worry that I'll give you a bad review? from Birdman (2014)
Dude, you rock! from Birdman (2014)
Dude. Seriously? from Birdman (2014)
Ed! Eddie, Eddie, don't do that! from Birdman (2014)
Ed? from Birdman (2014)
Eddie, please, just... Just give me the gun. from Birdman (2014)
Eddie, please! from Birdman (2014)
Eddie! What are you doing here? from Birdman (2014)
Entitled, selfish, spoiled children. from Birdman (2014)
Even after I said to him, your wife's going to pull through, he was still depressed. from Birdman (2014)
Even after I told him the wife would pull through, he was still depressed. from Birdman (2014)
Everybody says, oh, Mike is so honest. Mike is so motherfucking truthful! from Birdman (2014)
Everybody's back. Larry needs to see him for a fitting. from Birdman (2014)
Everything. You've been doing a really good job, honestly. from Birdman (2014)
Everything's the same, I guess. from Birdman (2014)
Feed me a line. from Birdman (2014)
First preview tomorrow. from Birdman (2014)
Flames. Sacrifice. from Birdman (2014)
For fuck's sake, just jump already. from Birdman (2014)
For God's sake, are you getting drunk? from Birdman (2014)
For what? from Birdman (2014)
Forget about her. from Birdman (2014)
Forget about the times... Everyone else has. from Birdman (2014)
Forget the understudy. Cancel the first preview. from Birdman (2014)
Fuck it. We'll make a comeback. They're waiting for something huge. Well, give it to them. from Birdman (2014)
Fuck you! from Birdman (2014)
Fuck you!!! Shut the fuck up! from Birdman (2014)
Fuck you. Don't put me on the spot. from Birdman (2014)
Fuck! They put him in a cape, too? I don't care. from Birdman (2014)
Fuck. from Birdman (2014)
Fuck. from Birdman (2014)
Fuck. from Birdman (2014)
Fuck. from Birdman (2014)
Fuck. from Birdman (2014)
Fuck. from Birdman (2014)
Fugitives are scared, you know? Fugitives are on the run. from Birdman (2014)
Geraldine page. Helen Hayes. from Birdman (2014)
Get a better one. Have some self respect. Please. from Birdman (2014)
Get him out of here! from Birdman (2014)
Get him the fuck out of my play. from Birdman (2014)
Get off me. What are you looking at? from Birdman (2014)
Get off! from Birdman (2014)
Get the fuck out, you assholes! from Birdman (2014)
Give me 10 minutes to grab my things, give me 10 minutes and we can... don't hang up. from Birdman (2014)
Give me a minute. from Birdman (2014)
Give me another one. from Birdman (2014)
Give the people what they want... old fashioned apocalyptic porn. from Birdman (2014)
Gladly. from Birdman (2014)
Go figure that out. from Birdman (2014)
Go out there every single night and pretend to be somebody else in front of all those people? from Birdman (2014)
God, you look like shit, brother. from Birdman (2014)
Goddamn it! The motherfucker hung up! from Birdman (2014)
Good for you. from Birdman (2014)
Good luck with that. from Birdman (2014)
Good night. from Birdman (2014)
Good. That's terrific. from Birdman (2014)
Gravity doesn't even apply to you. from Birdman (2014)
Great idea. from Birdman (2014)
Handsome. from Birdman (2014)
Happy? I'm fucking euphoric! from Birdman (2014)
He beat the shit out of us. But at least when he was beating us... from Birdman (2014)
He got a new nose! And if doesn't like that one, we'll get him a new one! from Birdman (2014)
He has a thing for nuns in diapers. from Birdman (2014)
He just woke up. from Birdman (2014)
He said he has to be a redneck. from Birdman (2014)
He shot himself in the mouth, but he screwed that up, too. Poor ed. from Birdman (2014)
He shot the nose off his face! from Birdman (2014)
He stole your front page. He's stealing your show. He thinks you're a joke. from Birdman (2014)
He used to carry this .22. We lived like fugitives then. from Birdman (2014)
He was fucking drunk, man. from Birdman (2014)
He was in terrible shape. His head swelled to twice the size of a normal head. from Birdman (2014)
He was never around. from Birdman (2014)
He was ready to die for it. from Birdman (2014)
He was right, though. from Birdman (2014)
He'd call me at the hospital and say: from Birdman (2014)
He'll be fine. from Birdman (2014)
He's a Hollywood clown in a lycra bird suit. from Birdman (2014)
He's an asshole. from Birdman (2014)
He's an avenger. from Birdman (2014)
He's doing the next hunger games. from Birdman (2014)
He's doing the prequel to the X Men prequel. from Birdman (2014)
He's not that bad! from Birdman (2014)
He's playing you. from Birdman (2014)
He's the actor we've been waiting for. from Birdman (2014)
Here we go. from Birdman (2014)
Here. Try these... from Birdman (2014)
Here... I don't know what that is, just take it. from Birdman (2014)
Hey, apart from that, uh... from Birdman (2014)
Hey, aren't you riggan thomson? Holy shit, let me get an autograph. from Birdman (2014)
Hey, birdman! from Birdman (2014)
Hey, fellas, when do I start? from Birdman (2014)
Hey, I'm the wrong person to ask! I don't even know him. What's your point?! from Birdman (2014)
Hey, Jimmy, you got a smoke? from Birdman (2014)
Hey, look, it's riggan thomson! from Birdman (2014)
Hey, man, can I help you? from Birdman (2014)
Hey, Sam! What did you feel like the night your father tried to kill himself? from Birdman (2014)
Hey, Sam. from Birdman (2014)
Hey, that's on me. She's a friend of mine. from Birdman (2014)
Hey! Is this for real, or are you shooting a film? from Birdman (2014)
Hey. What's up? from Birdman (2014)
Hollywood's heading here, tabby. from Birdman (2014)
Holy shi...! Where are your underpants? from Birdman (2014)
How about that, huh? Did you see that coming? from Birdman (2014)
How did he screw up shooting himself in the mouth? from Birdman (2014)
How did we end up here? from Birdman (2014)
How do you always manage to find a new way to humiliate me? from Birdman (2014)
How do you do it? from Birdman (2014)
How do you know the lines? from Birdman (2014)
How do you suppose I do that? How... from Birdman (2014)
How do you want me to do that? from Birdman (2014)
How is he? from Birdman (2014)
How'd you know I'd be up here? from Birdman (2014)
How's that for truth, you dick?! from Birdman (2014)
How's that going? from Birdman (2014)
I am calm. from Birdman (2014)
I am so tired of this. Is this water? from Birdman (2014)
I can alter the suit, but we're going to have to make new trousers and shirts. And underwear. from Birdman (2014)
I can tell, because you... I just want to give you a range. from Birdman (2014)
I can't afford to listen to you. from Birdman (2014)
I can't smell them. from Birdman (2014)
I can't. from Birdman (2014)
I can't.... from Birdman (2014)
I did the work, I raised the money and I arrange the press! from Birdman (2014)
I did, actually. from Birdman (2014)
I did, yeah. from Birdman (2014)
I did? from Birdman (2014)
I didn't know you were here tonight. from Birdman (2014)
I didn't know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. from Birdman (2014)
I didn't think he could do Broadway. from Birdman (2014)
I didn't want that baby. from Birdman (2014)
I didn't want that baby. from Birdman (2014)
I don't believe this. The unexpected virtue of ignorance? from Birdman (2014)
I don't care. from Birdman (2014)
I don't care. from Birdman (2014)
I don't exist. from Birdman (2014)
I don't feel threatened at all. from Birdman (2014)
I don't have to be drunk to say what I think. from Birdman (2014)
I don't know if drugs fried her brain or what... from Birdman (2014)
I don't know, you seem abnormally calm. from Birdman (2014)
I don't know... what do you think, boss? You want to do this with me? from Birdman (2014)
I don't pretend out there. I told you. from Birdman (2014)
I don't think it's high enough. from Birdman (2014)
I drove out to... from Birdman (2014)
I got a chance to do something right. from Birdman (2014)
I got a play to do! from Birdman (2014)
I got this little voice... Talks to me sometimes. from Birdman (2014)
I got to take it. I got to. from Birdman (2014)
I guess we make choices in life, and we choose to live with them. from Birdman (2014)
I guess we make choices in life, and we choose to live with them. from Birdman (2014)
I had to fight my way out of the water and went up to the beach. from Birdman (2014)
I hate this job. from Birdman (2014)
I just got out of rehab. It's the closest thing I get to a drug. from Birdman (2014)
I just sat on the beach for a while, looking out at the ocean. from Birdman (2014)
I just wanted to be what you wanted. from Birdman (2014)
I just wanted to be what you wanted. from Birdman (2014)
I just wanted to be what you wanted. from Birdman (2014)
I knew what Mike was capable of and I brought him in anyway. from Birdman (2014)
I know where to go. from Birdman (2014)
I know. And you believed me. from Birdman (2014)
I look like a Turkey with leukemia! from Birdman (2014)
I love this city. from Birdman (2014)
I love you. from Birdman (2014)
I made it happen. from Birdman (2014)
I mean, crying. Praying, right? from Birdman (2014)
I mean, the plane was rattling and shaking. from Birdman (2014)
I mean, what are we doing here? from Birdman (2014)
I mean, who the fuck are you?! You hate bloggers, you mock Twitter. from Birdman (2014)
I missed my last two periods. from Birdman (2014)
I need it to feel real, okay? I need that intensity. from Birdman (2014)
I need the money. from Birdman (2014)
I only heard his name mentioned in passing. from Birdman (2014)
I only heard his name mentioned in passing. I wouldn't know. from Birdman (2014)
I pretend just about every place else, but not out there. from Birdman (2014)
I really am sorry. from Birdman (2014)
I really wanted to be a mom. from Birdman (2014)
I really wish I hadn't videotaped her birth. from Birdman (2014)
I rode with him in the ambulance to the hospital. from Birdman (2014)
I said, motherfucker, are you threatening me? If I so much as get a letter from a lawyer... from Birdman (2014)
I saw you in hothouse at the geffen. You were great. from Birdman (2014)
I think he's drinking real gin. from Birdman (2014)
I think it's really happening. from Birdman (2014)
I think maybe I deserved it. from Birdman (2014)
I think they're trying to remind us that that's all our ego and self obsession are worth. from Birdman (2014)
I think we should cancel the preview. from Birdman (2014)
I think you're saying love is absolute. from Birdman (2014)
I thought I lost you, buddy. from Birdman (2014)
I told them the first thing that came into my head. from Birdman (2014)
I told you to stop, you fucking animal. from Birdman (2014)
I told you. from Birdman (2014)
I want to know something. from Birdman (2014)
I want your shit out of the apartment. from Birdman (2014)
I was a kid, in high school... from Birdman (2014)
I was a shitty father, wasn't I? from Birdman (2014)
I was drowning. I'm just not capable of... from Birdman (2014)
I was fucking miserable. from Birdman (2014)
I was in the moment. I thought you were, too. I'm sorry. from Birdman (2014)
I was just trying to give you a range. from Birdman (2014)
I was rolling around like a maniac in the sand... from Birdman (2014)
I was up to my chest when I felt the first one. from Birdman (2014)
I was watching you onstage and all of a sudden... from Birdman (2014)
I wasn't even present in my own life, and now I don't have it... from Birdman (2014)
I will never get that image out of my head. from Birdman (2014)
I will. from Birdman (2014)
I wouldn't know. You'd have to know the particulars. from Birdman (2014)
I'd be afraid I couldn't get it up. from Birdman (2014)
I'd pull your eyes out of your head... from Birdman (2014)
I'd rather not talk about it. from Birdman (2014)
I'll call his agent. from Birdman (2014)
I'll fix the blood rig. from Birdman (2014)
I'll take that as a yes. from Birdman (2014)
I'm finished! from Birdman (2014)
I'm fucking disappearing. from Birdman (2014)
I'm glad you're an actor and not a writer, 'cause that was, like... from Birdman (2014)
I'm going to destroy your play. from Birdman (2014)
I'm going to get a vase for the flowers. from Birdman (2014)
I'm going to go home. from Birdman (2014)
I'm going to kill your play. from Birdman (2014)
I'm gonna crab up on your ass and fucking choke you out! from Birdman (2014)
I'm good. I don't need it. from Birdman (2014)
I'm great, actually. from Birdman (2014)
I'm happy! He's alive! My best friend is alive! And... from Birdman (2014)
I'm just not capable of that kind of... from Birdman (2014)
I'm Mike... Shiner. from Birdman (2014)
I'm not a mental formation. I'm you, asshole. from Birdman (2014)
I'm not even here. from Birdman (2014)
I'm not even here. from Birdman (2014)
I'm not even here. from Birdman (2014)
I'm not fucking you! I'm riggan fucking thomson! from Birdman (2014)
I'm not sleeping, like, you know... At all. from Birdman (2014)
I'm not sure that I said thank you. from Birdman (2014)
I'm pathetic! from Birdman (2014)
I'm self absorbed? Look at you. from Birdman (2014)
I'm sorry, what was the question? from Birdman (2014)
I'm sorry. from Birdman (2014)
I'm sort of hoping it was Lesley. from Birdman (2014)
I'm sure you will... from Birdman (2014)
I'm telling you, this guy's heart was breaking because... from Birdman (2014)
I'm the one keeping this afloat! from Birdman (2014)
I'm the wrong person to ask, he says, but what's the intention? from Birdman (2014)
I'm the wrong person to ask. I didn't actually know him. from Birdman (2014)
I'm the wrong person to ask. I didn't actually know him. from Birdman (2014)
I'm the wrong person to ask... from Birdman (2014)
I'm thinking of refinancing the Malibu house. from Birdman (2014)
I'm tired, dude. I can't do this anymore, Jake. from Birdman (2014)
I'm trying to do something important! from Birdman (2014)
I've been reborn, brother. And I can see the future. from Birdman (2014)
I've been so preoccupied with all the.... from Birdman (2014)
Icarus. from Birdman (2014)
Idiot. from Birdman (2014)
If anybody talks to you about it, it was an accident. from Birdman (2014)
If I need to be drinking gin, who the fuck are you to touch my gin? from Birdman (2014)
If she likes us, we run. If she doesn't, we're fucked. from Birdman (2014)
If the 2nd act is half as good.... from Birdman (2014)
If this doesn't work out for you, you fuck off back to your studio pals... from Birdman (2014)
If you want the face stuff, it's not open till tomorrow. What? from Birdman (2014)
Ignorant, but charming. Now, you're just a tiny, bitter cocksucker. from Birdman (2014)
In the days before Nick's depression started to eat away at him... from Birdman (2014)
In the days before Nick's depression started to eat away at him... from Birdman (2014)
Is blood coming out of his ear? from Birdman (2014)
Is he breathing? from Birdman (2014)
Is he fed up with the subject? Deflecting guilt over the marriage? from Birdman (2014)
Is he up? from Birdman (2014)
Is it any good? from Birdman (2014)
Is it bad? Did you even see it? Let me read it. from Birdman (2014)
Is it good or bad? 'Cause I really... from Birdman (2014)
Is it true? Scorsese? from Birdman (2014)
Is it true? Shiner? from Birdman (2014)
Is it true? Shiner? from Birdman (2014)
Is it? I don't know. from Birdman (2014)
Is that a threat? What wheelchair? from Birdman (2014)
Is that crazy? from Birdman (2014)
Is that good or bad? Riggan! from Birdman (2014)
Is that what I'm saying? Am I saying love is absolute? from Birdman (2014)
Is that what this was? from Birdman (2014)
It doesn't matter. from Birdman (2014)
It is a tale... from Birdman (2014)
It was a preview! Nobody gives a shit! from Birdman (2014)
It was killing him. from Birdman (2014)
It was love, Mel. To Eddie, it was. I don't care what anyone says. from Birdman (2014)
It was tweeted by @prostatewhispers. from Birdman (2014)
It wasn't all Dr. drew or anything, but that dude from American pie was there. from Birdman (2014)
It won't be the first time I've been humiliated. from Birdman (2014)
It'll be incredible! It'll be real. from Birdman (2014)
It's a beautiful day. from Birdman (2014)
It's a full house. We're sold out! from Birdman (2014)
It's a little bit too much. I can tell, because you... I just want to give you a range. from Birdman (2014)
It's a thing I have. I don't know, it's a gift. from Birdman (2014)
It's actually going well. from Birdman (2014)
It's also not true. See, I can pretend, too. from Birdman (2014)
It's always we, brother. from Birdman (2014)
It's comforting. from Birdman (2014)
It's first preview tomorrow night. Let's get to work. from Birdman (2014)
It's funny. I was sitting here, waiting for you... from Birdman (2014)
It's going great out there. You're so good. I mean it. I really mean it. from Birdman (2014)
It's going really well. from Birdman (2014)
It's just been so crazy around here, you know? from Birdman (2014)
It's just on a cocktail napkin. from Birdman (2014)
It's like a candle burning at both ends, but it's beautiful. from Birdman (2014)
It's my chance to finally do work that means something. from Birdman (2014)
It's not important, okay? You're not important... get used to it! from Birdman (2014)
It's pathetic. from Birdman (2014)
It's the bird fucking man! Hey, come look at this guy! from Birdman (2014)
It's the same. from Birdman (2014)
It's your house... do what you want with it. Just be there for our daughter. from Birdman (2014)
Jake, it would have been a disaster. That guy's the worst actor I've ever seen. from Birdman (2014)
Jason robards. Marlon Brando. And now riggan thomson. from Birdman (2014)
Jeremy renner! He was nominated. The hurt locker guy. from Birdman (2014)
Jesus Christ! from Birdman (2014)
Jimmy!! from Birdman (2014)
Jump! from Birdman (2014)
Just because I didn't like that ridiculous comedy you did with Goldie hawn... from Birdman (2014)
Just find me an actor... a good actor. Woody Harrelson! from Birdman (2014)
Just find me someone. from Birdman (2014)
Just make it go away. from Birdman (2014)
Just one picture! Kids, get next to him! from Birdman (2014)
Just put the gun down, ed. She doesn't love you anymore. from Birdman (2014)
Just put the gun down, ed. She doesn't love you anymore. from Birdman (2014)
Just sign it. from Birdman (2014)
Kind of scary, but it is comforting. from Birdman (2014)
Knock, knock, knock! Terri! Terri! from Birdman (2014)
Lackluster. That's just a label. from Birdman (2014)
Larry? Larry? from Birdman (2014)
Last chance for places. from Birdman (2014)
Leave her alone. If you're not drunk, don't talk like you are. from Birdman (2014)
Leave me the fucking tools that I need! from Birdman (2014)
Lesley? Uh, Lesley's moving on. from Birdman (2014)
Let me put the blood rig on. from Birdman (2014)
Let's go. Come on. Get up. from Birdman (2014)
Let's go. Walk. from Birdman (2014)
Life is but a walking shadow, from Birdman (2014)
Like you said... from Birdman (2014)
Lilacs. from Birdman (2014)
Listen, what I said... from Birdman (2014)
Look at all these roses. from Birdman (2014)
Look at me. from Birdman (2014)
Look at me. from Birdman (2014)
Look at me. from Birdman (2014)
Look at me. I was drowning. from Birdman (2014)
Look at that! from Birdman (2014)
Look at that. from Birdman (2014)
Look at these people, at their eyes... they're sparkling. from Birdman (2014)
Look, I'm the wrong person to ask. I only heard the man's name mentioned in passing. from Birdman (2014)
Look, you're my attorney. You're my producer. You're my best friend. from Birdman (2014)
Make it work with one line. I didn't even know the man. Right? from Birdman (2014)
Marginalia? Are you kidding me? It sounds like you need penicillin to clear that up. from Birdman (2014)
Maybe not to you or your cynical friends whose only ambition is to go viral... from Birdman (2014)
Maybe. from Birdman (2014)
Me, neither. from Birdman (2014)
Me, too. from Birdman (2014)
Me? from Birdman (2014)
Measuring your worth in weekends? from Birdman (2014)
Mel and I had been together five years... from Birdman (2014)
Mel, don't get him started. from Birdman (2014)
Michael fassbender. from Birdman (2014)
Mike who? from Birdman (2014)
Mike, come on. from Birdman (2014)
Mike. He said it's for his character... part of his process and that shit. from Birdman (2014)
Mine, too. from Birdman (2014)
Miss Dickinson. from Birdman (2014)
Mr. roth? Okay, don't leave, please. from Birdman (2014)
Mr. shiner. from Birdman (2014)
Music out. Cue 34, 35 ready. from Birdman (2014)
Music. from Birdman (2014)
My father was a mean fucking drunk. You understand? from Birdman (2014)
My little sister.... from Birdman (2014)
Neither of them has clean underwear. from Birdman (2014)
Never mind. from Birdman (2014)
Next, an exclusive interview with Robert downey, Jr... from Birdman (2014)
Nice touch. from Birdman (2014)
No amount of booze or weed or attitude is going to hide that. from Birdman (2014)
No, absolutely not. That's why... from Birdman (2014)
No, I don't... from Birdman (2014)
No, I get it, I understand. She needed to have a dad... from Birdman (2014)
No, I mean here. Now. from Birdman (2014)
No, I'm actually not. You do look hideous. from Birdman (2014)
No, I'm good, I'm good. from Birdman (2014)
No, no, forget that. Just stay with me. from Birdman (2014)
No, no, no. Me, too. from Birdman (2014)
No, no, no. You did good. Are you kidding? You did great. from Birdman (2014)
No, no. I'm getting hard... feel that. from Birdman (2014)
No, she's just going through... from Birdman (2014)
No, um... when I was in rehab, they made us do this. from Birdman (2014)
No, we can't, Mike! Maybe up here, you're Mr. truth... from Birdman (2014)
No, you don't. That's what previews are for. from Birdman (2014)
No, you were.... from Birdman (2014)
No, you're birdman. from Birdman (2014)
No. from Birdman (2014)
No. from Birdman (2014)
No. from Birdman (2014)
No. It was how he tried to make up for it... from Birdman (2014)
No. Okay, okay. Everything's too small. from Birdman (2014)
Nobody gives a shit but you! from Birdman (2014)
Nobody? My massive hard on got 50,000 views on YouTube. from Birdman (2014)
None of this costs you fucking anything. from Birdman (2014)
None of this even matters. I don't exist. I don't exist. from Birdman (2014)
None of this even matters. I don't exist. I don't exist. from Birdman (2014)
Not because I didn't love Nick, and not because I didn't love the idea of it, but because... from Birdman (2014)
Not because I didn't love Nick, and not because I didn't love the idea of it... from Birdman (2014)
Not really. from Birdman (2014)
Nothing is a problem for me onstage. from Birdman (2014)
Nothing matters until that old bat from the New York times comes opening night! from Birdman (2014)
Nothing, just try to fuck me in front of the audience! from Birdman (2014)
Nothing. from Birdman (2014)
Nothing. Two years, and he's never said anything like that to me. from Birdman (2014)
Now go out there and do what you were born to do. from Birdman (2014)
Now I spend every fucking day... from Birdman (2014)
Now I spend every fucking minute praying to be somebody else. Somebody I'm not! from Birdman (2014)
Now I spend every fucking minute trying to be something else, something I'm not. from Birdman (2014)
Now is it true you've been injecting yourself with semen from baby pigs? from Birdman (2014)
Now two million people agree with him. from Birdman (2014)
Now you're about to destroy what's left of your career. from Birdman (2014)
Now, please, do me a favor, I'm begging you... don't fuck it up! from Birdman (2014)
Now, you're the director. Get him under control. from Birdman (2014)
Oh, can we take one picture! from Birdman (2014)
Oh, God. from Birdman (2014)
Oh, God. from Birdman (2014)
Oh, God. Really? from Birdman (2014)
Oh, great. Great. from Birdman (2014)
Oh, honey, can't we just go to dinner? from Birdman (2014)
Oh, I didn't expect you to just jump right in. from Birdman (2014)
Oh, look at me! Look at this! Look, look, look! from Birdman (2014)
Oh, my God! You know who that is? from Birdman (2014)
Oh, my God. from Birdman (2014)
Oh, no! That's the thing... I'm the wrong person to ask. I think it's, fuck you. from Birdman (2014)
Oh, shit! from Birdman (2014)
Oh, shoot. I'm sorry. from Birdman (2014)
Oh, sorry. from Birdman (2014)
Oh, yeah? from Birdman (2014)
Oh, you really fucked up this time. from Birdman (2014)
Oh, you're such a doll. Thank you. You're so sweet. from Birdman (2014)
Okay, hang on. Who is this barthes guy? Which birdman was he in? from Birdman (2014)
Okay, he's fucking terrible. from Birdman (2014)
Okay, I don't even know what the fuck that means. from Birdman (2014)
Okay, I'll do it. from Birdman (2014)
Okay, let me think. from Birdman (2014)
Okay, listen. You're going to get hit with a brandishing a weapon charge. from Birdman (2014)
Okay, Mr. roth, please hear me out. Will you? from Birdman (2014)
Okay, then jump on my face! from Birdman (2014)
Okay, well, I just wanted to say that. from Birdman (2014)
Okay? from Birdman (2014)
Okay. from Birdman (2014)
Okay. But you don't even know if it's any good or not. from Birdman (2014)
Okay. Look. from Birdman (2014)
Okay. Okay. Hey, hey, hey. from Birdman (2014)
On my back, it was like somebody was holding a frying pan to me and really burning. from Birdman (2014)
One million, three hundred thousand hits in the last 2 hours. from Birdman (2014)
Or do I take it off and use it on you? from Birdman (2014)
Or not. from Birdman (2014)
Or not. from Birdman (2014)
Our perfect dream actor is not going to knock on that door and go, from Birdman (2014)
Out! This is a personal matter! A personal matter! from Birdman (2014)
Out... Out.... from Birdman (2014)
Page 12. Page 12. from Birdman (2014)
People would've wanted to see that. from Birdman (2014)
Pimple faced gamers creaming in their pants. from Birdman (2014)
Poor ed, my ass! The guy was dangerous! from Birdman (2014)
Popular? I don't give a shit. from Birdman (2014)
Pretty good. Yeah, I'd be a lot better if I could get... from Birdman (2014)
Put the gun down. She doesn't love you! from Birdman (2014)
Ralph will sue us. He will sue us and he has a case. from Birdman (2014)
Ralph, Ralph, Ralph. from Birdman (2014)
Read it. from Birdman (2014)
Read it. from Birdman (2014)
Real blood. from Birdman (2014)
Really? from Birdman (2014)
Really? from Birdman (2014)
Really? from Birdman (2014)
Really? What is it? from Birdman (2014)
Remember our last anniversary party? from Birdman (2014)
Riggan thomson, best known as the face of birdman, tries not to lay an egg on Broadway. from Birdman (2014)
Riggan, everyone's set for 1 4. They're ready for you. from Birdman (2014)
Riggan, I'm missing him. from Birdman (2014)
Riggan, listen to me. Please, for the love of God, listen. from Birdman (2014)
Riggan, they're ready for you. from Birdman (2014)
Riggan, this is what you wanted. from Birdman (2014)
Riggan, we are in the motel. Last scene has started. You're not here. from Birdman (2014)
Riggan, you don't have to be a great father right now. You just have to be one. from Birdman (2014)
Riggan! from Birdman (2014)
Riggan? from Birdman (2014)
Riggan. from Birdman (2014)
Right before he did it, his eyes were so sad and lonely. from Birdman (2014)
Roland barthes was a French philosopher, and if you knew anything about the history of... from Birdman (2014)
Sadly, it was with Mike shiner on a fake motel bed in front of 800 people. from Birdman (2014)
Sam and I are going to grab a bite after she's finished. from Birdman (2014)
Sam... Lesley. from Birdman (2014)
Say something else. from Birdman (2014)
Say what you want, but I know what it was. from Birdman (2014)
See? There you go, you motherfucker. from Birdman (2014)
Shave off that pathetic goatee. Get some surgery! from Birdman (2014)
She does look like she licked a homeless guy's ass. from Birdman (2014)
She does. Yeah. She can even sit or stay or roll over, if you have any treats. from Birdman (2014)
She has a great ass. I have news for you, too. from Birdman (2014)
She's trying to stay away from everything and everyone from Birdman (2014)
Shit. from Birdman (2014)
Shit. from Birdman (2014)
Shut the fuck up. You don't get hard on my stage unless I tell you to. from Birdman (2014)
Shut up! from Birdman (2014)
Shut up! from Birdman (2014)
Shut up! from Birdman (2014)
Shut up! Fuck you! Shut up! from Birdman (2014)
Shut up! Shut up and listen to me for once! from Birdman (2014)
Shut up! Shut... from Birdman (2014)
Shut up. from Birdman (2014)
Shut up. from Birdman (2014)
Sir, you can't go in there! from Birdman (2014)
Sir, you did not pay me! from Birdman (2014)
Sir! Sir! Where are you going? from Birdman (2014)
Sir! Where are you...? Sir! from Birdman (2014)
Sixty's the new thirty, motherfucker. from Birdman (2014)
Smart girl. from Birdman (2014)
So break a leg. from Birdman (2014)
So carver's the reason you became an actor? from Birdman (2014)
So I went up to the mouth hole and I asked him. from Birdman (2014)
So I'll tell you what. You take this fucking... from Birdman (2014)
So I'm going to work with the chicken. from Birdman (2014)
So we took the old couple up to the O.R. from Birdman (2014)
So we took the old couple up to the O.R. from Birdman (2014)
So what's happening? from Birdman (2014)
So you wrote your own lines, huh? from Birdman (2014)
So you're not a great actor. Who cares? You're much more than that. from Birdman (2014)
So, each dash represents a thousand years. from Birdman (2014)
So, I went up to the mouth hole and I asked him. from Birdman (2014)
So, who are you? from Birdman (2014)
So? from Birdman (2014)
So... from Birdman (2014)
So... from Birdman (2014)
So... I'll go, uh, do that. from Birdman (2014)
Some drunk kid plowed his old man's pickup... from Birdman (2014)
Son of a bitch, your days are numbered! from Birdman (2014)
Son of a bitch. from Birdman (2014)
Sorry. You're right. from Birdman (2014)
Stop saying we!! There is no we! from Birdman (2014)
Stop smiling. You're freaking me out. from Birdman (2014)
Stop that shit! from Birdman (2014)
Stop viewing the world through your cell phone screen! Have a real experience! from Birdman (2014)
Take a look at page 20. from Birdman (2014)
Take it easy, ed. I know this is hard. from Birdman (2014)
Take it easy, okay? I know this is hard. from Birdman (2014)
Tell me something. from Birdman (2014)
Tell me. Why do I always have to beg people to love me? from Birdman (2014)
Tells me the truth. from Birdman (2014)
Terri, I know you're in there! from Birdman (2014)
Terri! from Birdman (2014)
Thank the lord and pass the biscuits. I finally have an actor to dress. from Birdman (2014)
Thank you for an honest performance. Ray carver. from Birdman (2014)
Thank you for coming out. Thank you. We're expecting some great pieces. from Birdman (2014)
Thank you. from Birdman (2014)
Thank you. I appreciate that support. from Birdman (2014)
Thank you. Your ass is great. from Birdman (2014)
Thanks for coming in on such short notice, Mike. from Birdman (2014)
Thanks for stopping by. from Birdman (2014)
Thanks, Tommy. from Birdman (2014)
Thanks. I appreciate that. from Birdman (2014)
That all say the same thing. I didn't know him. from Birdman (2014)
That clown doesn't have half your talent... from Birdman (2014)
That didn't seem to be a problem for you onstage. from Birdman (2014)
That got her into rehab in the first place. from Birdman (2014)
That guy's an asshole, huh? from Birdman (2014)
That looks nice. Anything but roses. from Birdman (2014)
That means something to who? from Birdman (2014)
That smell. from Birdman (2014)
That was a little too much. It was a little too much. from Birdman (2014)
That was a present from the crew. Don't fuck with them... they're union. from Birdman (2014)
That was amazing! from Birdman (2014)
That was interesting. from Birdman (2014)
That was just me... from Birdman (2014)
That was kind of sweet. from Birdman (2014)
That was p.T. Barnum's premise when he invented the circus... from Birdman (2014)
That was... from Birdman (2014)
That wasn't an accident. from Birdman (2014)
That's a joke, right? from Birdman (2014)
That's a label, too. These are all labels. You just label everything. from Birdman (2014)
That's a shame. from Birdman (2014)
That's amazing. You don't look anything like each other. What do you do? from Birdman (2014)
That's fucking horrible, man. I'm sorry. from Birdman (2014)
That's going over to Ms. Dickinson. from Birdman (2014)
That's going to be Sam's house. from Birdman (2014)
That's good bird, man! from Birdman (2014)
That's good. Give me my cue again. from Birdman (2014)
That's great. from Birdman (2014)
That's how you got me into this shit! from Birdman (2014)
That's not love and you know it. Why do you insist on calling it love? from Birdman (2014)
That's pot. Relax. from Birdman (2014)
That's right, I was... I was just fine. from Birdman (2014)
That's Sam, my daughter. from Birdman (2014)
That's so fucking lazy. You're a lazy fucker. from Birdman (2014)
That's sweet. from Birdman (2014)
That's true. I haven't read a word of it, or even seen a preview... from Birdman (2014)
That's truth. from Birdman (2014)
That's what you always do... you confuse love for admiration. from Birdman (2014)
That's when I knew I was going to be an actor. Right there. from Birdman (2014)
That's why they call them previews. That's where you figure out what the play is. from Birdman (2014)
The blood that has been sorely missing from the veins of American theater... from Birdman (2014)
The button's on the bottom. from Birdman (2014)
The cultural work done in the past by gods and epic sagas... from Birdman (2014)
The husband, the old man, was depressed for the longest time. from Birdman (2014)
The kind of love I'm talking about, you don't try to kill people! from Birdman (2014)
The kind of love that I'm talking about, you don't... from Birdman (2014)
The man was crazy! He was capable of anything! from Birdman (2014)
The money came through. I just need to transfer it into the account. from Birdman (2014)
The one who looks like she licked a homeless man's ass? from Birdman (2014)
The only opinion that matters in New York theater is hers. from Birdman (2014)
The only thing that's real on this stage is this chicken. from Birdman (2014)
The point is, you don't know the guy. We fucking get it. from Birdman (2014)
The reserve is gone! from Birdman (2014)
The studio will call, we're going to get book deals... you'll see. from Birdman (2014)
The truth is always interesting. from Birdman (2014)
The water was full of jellyfish. from Birdman (2014)
Then I'm just standing here with my cock out. from Birdman (2014)
Then we should ask her to leave. from Birdman (2014)
There are things more pathetic than that. from Birdman (2014)
There is a three block line of people waiting for you. from Birdman (2014)
There it goes. I'm sorry. from Birdman (2014)
There's a distance to it all now. from Birdman (2014)
There's nothing in here about technique, about structure... from Birdman (2014)
There's nothing in this milk carton! Your performance is fake. from Birdman (2014)