A B Bot? from Ron's Gone Wrong
A bird has commented on your face. from Ron's Gone Wrong
A bunch of your code is missing, right? from Ron's Gone Wrong
A former anti communist from Ron's Gone Wrong
A friend must stay within six feet. from Ron's Gone Wrong
A hundred times a day, plus 11 times overnight. from Ron's Gone Wrong
A person who, uh, "likes, is always, I." from Ron's Gone Wrong
A single unit with a minor coding error. from Ron's Gone Wrong
A trick! Data harvesting units controlled by us. from Ron's Gone Wrong
A... A... A... from Ron's Gone Wrong
Aadash, Aaron, Abraham, Absalom... from Ron's Gone Wrong
About plastics in the ocean, from Ron's Gone Wrong
Absalom, will crushing be fun? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Abu Dhabi, from Ron's Gone Wrong
Access the cameras on every B Bot in town. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Access. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Accident. from Ron's Gone Wrong
According to our records, it has no registered owner. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Adios, Absalom. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Adios, Absalom. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Adios, Absalom's B Bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
After my mom died, I was terrified every single night. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Again, please. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Ah, seriously? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Ah. Take it outside. Have fun with him. from Ron's Gone Wrong
ALEX: Dude, you are finished! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Alice Springs, Allahabad, Anchorage, Albuquerque. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Alive. from Ron's Gone Wrong
All alone again? from Ron's Gone Wrong
All good. from Ron's Gone Wrong
All helping kids connect, meet each other, from Ron's Gone Wrong
All right, deep breaths. from Ron's Gone Wrong
All right, that's it! I'm gonna destroy you! from Ron's Gone Wrong
All staff to the launchitorium. from Ron's Gone Wrong
All you had to do was just fit in. from Ron's Gone Wrong
ALL: (CHANTING) Marc! Marc! Marc! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Am I now your best friend out of the box? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Am I right, kids? from Ron's Gone Wrong
An ambulance, an alligator, from Ron's Gone Wrong
And a child. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And at its heart, my code. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And Dad moved us out here. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And everyone else. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And four books detailing the life of Bill the Bus. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And from me... from Ron's Gone Wrong
And get right to the heart of Bubble HQ. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And get this bot to stop making up its own game rules. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And hold on a sec. Why hasn't it friended me? from Ron's Gone Wrong
And I love you so much from Ron's Gone Wrong
And I wanna thank you all for your support from Ron's Gone Wrong
And I wanted so bad from Ron's Gone Wrong
And I'll teach you how to be my friend. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And I'm going with him! Uh... from Ron's Gone Wrong
And invent something that doesn't kill us all. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And make it all easy? (CHUCKLES) from Ron's Gone Wrong
And now you're worried about privacy? from Ron's Gone Wrong
And photos, right? from Ron's Gone Wrong
And send the principal a fruit basket. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And their heads go all the way around! from Ron's Gone Wrong
And then you can come to school. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And then you get friend invites. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And then you get people that like him, from Ron's Gone Wrong
And there's a smell of burning when I hit the space bar. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And this is a giant monkey... from Ron's Gone Wrong
And this is Nonsuch Middle School. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And this new great blowout. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And when you get bored of this one, from Ron's Gone Wrong
And you don't choose me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And you still didn't get a B Bot? from Ron's Gone Wrong
And you still didn't get a B Bot? (LAUGHS) from Ron's Gone Wrong
And you were mine. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And you'll never find me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
And, uh, you got an algorithm for refilling this? from Ron's Gone Wrong
And, yeah. So we're just... from Ron's Gone Wrong
And... Whoa. Look at him. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Andrew, I never programmed B Bots to laugh. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Andrew, we found this goat in the electrics. from Ron's Gone Wrong
ANDREW: As the new CEO of Bubble, from Ron's Gone Wrong
ANDREW: I wonder. from Ron's Gone Wrong
ANDREW: They're psychos! from Ron's Gone Wrong
ANDREW: Think of the data we can harvest! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Andrew. Is it true? It's still out there? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Annihilated. from Ron's Gone Wrong
ANNOUNCER: Please welcome your new CEO, Andrew! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Anonymouse3 created it. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Any TV station broadcasts it, from Ron's Gone Wrong
Apps, contacts, photos, chat. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Are those your friends, Barney? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Are very excited to offer you this highly amusing novelty, from Ron's Gone Wrong
Are we going around in circles? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Are we having fun with me? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Are you even here? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Are you in there? (KNOCKING ON DOOR) from Ron's Gone Wrong
Aren't you that girl that got... You know. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Argh! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Argh. There's nothing in these woods that'll burn! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Arrivederci, Ron Bintscatsco. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Arrivederci. Auf Wiedersehen. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Artificially sweetened beverages? from Ron's Gone Wrong
At a temperature of 232 degrees Fahrenheit. from Ron's Gone Wrong
At least you're not Uncle Boris. (CHUCKLES) from Ron's Gone Wrong
AUDIENCE: (CHANTING) Marc! Marc! Marc! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Avoids problems 89% of the time. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Aw! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Aw! (CHUCKLES) We did this together, guys! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Awesome! (LAUGHS) from Ron's Gone Wrong
Awesome. from Ron's Gone Wrong
B Bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Bah, he had it coming. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barn, you have got to get back in that Bubble cloud place. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney and Ron. It's like we used to be. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney is having a party. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney likes rock hammers, too! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney likes rocks, asthma inhalers, and his grandmother's food. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney Pudowski? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney, don't say your weirdness from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney, meet friend number five. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney, slide along to the central shaft. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney, the cloud is in a concrete fortress from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney, we gotta let it go. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney, what's going on? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney, your B Bot is, like, super weird. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: "Know everything about me." from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Allergies. Goats, wool. Goats' wool. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Come. (SCREAMS) from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Go! Go, go, go! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Hey, no! Stop! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Hi. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: I didn't say be more than six feet. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: I don't really have... from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Is there any possible way? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: It's not meant to do that. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Just gets funnier and funnier. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Kill me now. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Marc? He's helping us. This is how we do it. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: No! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: No. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: No. He can't do any of that stuff. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Oh, no! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Okay, come on. Let's... from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Okay. 18 minutes of recess hell. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Rocks are better. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Ron! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Ron. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Seriously? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: So, here I am again. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Thanks for breaking that down. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Thanks, Gran! Ow! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: That's Savannah's B Bot. And Noah's. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Um, Rich... from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Wait! Where are you going? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: What? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Whoo hoo! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Wow. How low can a kid go? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY: Yeah, Gran. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney! (CHUCKLES) He made it. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney! Bro! Just for a year. Two max. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney! Hey! There he is! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney! Hey! You see? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Barney. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY'S BOT: ♪ Dikky, dikky, dakka ♪ from Ron's Gone Wrong
BARNEY'S BOT: I am Absalom's B Bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Because I do not want any more of my jewelry from Ron's Gone Wrong
Because if that was still out there, from Ron's Gone Wrong
Been eating too much electricity? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Best friends don't die on each other. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Bet your friends never had tripe soup before. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Bing bong belushi! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Book a party at a night club. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 1: He is unaffected! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 1: Look left, Ethan. Right. Now let us cross. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 1: Sharing "It pooped me." from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 1: What is four fifths as a decimal? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 1: You shall not pass. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 2: Bubble Bot, Ron Bintscatsco... from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 2: Invincible one. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 2: Kiss my Sith Lord butt! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 2: What is the square root of nine? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 2: You have nine new messages. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 3: Rabbits, attack! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 3: Space Lord. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 3: You have ten likes. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 4: Jack wants to friend you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 5: By Odin's beard, you have six messages. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT 7: Isaac accepts your friendship. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: (CHUCKLES) A hundred and thirty eight friends from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: (SINGING) ♪ Dikky, dikky, dakka ♪ from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: (SINGING) ♪ Dikky, dikky, dakka ♪ from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: ♪ Dikky, dikky, dakka Dikky, dikky, dikky dakka ♪ from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: ♪ Dikky, dikky, dakka Dikky, dikky, dikky... ♪ from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Alert Bubble. Alert Bubble. Alert Bubble. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: All upgrades unlocked. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: At least I'm not Uncle Boris. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Brains! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Bubble shares are crashing. Down 43%. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Dropping Savannah from this chat. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: First selfie from the red planet? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Free upgrades for everyone! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Levelling up! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Message to anyone with a brain cell. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Pete's a fan of Danger Bunny! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Posting to your channel. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Safe to walk. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Shall we check your messages one more time? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Shall we check your messages one more time? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Sharing. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Simplify the expression: from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: That's funny, Rich. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Three people are following Science Squad. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: To swap me for a good one. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Twelve year old boy. Grade two bronchospasm. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Two people are following Science Squad. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: Where are we going? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOT: You have two new messages. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOTS: (SINGING) ♪ Number one or number two ♪ from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOTS: (SINGING) ♪ We will, we will rock you ♪ from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOTS: Unlock, unlock, unlock. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOTS: Unlock. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOY 1: Hey, you're a fan, too? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOY 1: You dropped her from this chat, right? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOY 2: Of course. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOY: Guys, guys, is she coming yet? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOY: Hey, Savannah just followed me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOY: Troll! Two o'clock! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOY: Ugh! Seriously? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOY: Well, anyone with a brain cell should block Rich Belcher. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BOYS: Ninja blast! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Brave Bubble Bot saved boy. RIP, Ron. How sad. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Bree, it got out! from Ron's Gone Wrong
BREE: All the kids at school confirm he does, Mr. Pudowski. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BREE: Could he be with a friend? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BREE: It's not a problem. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BREE: Savannah Meads' mom didn't recognize the boy. from Ron's Gone Wrong
BREE: The bot's in there? from Ron's Gone Wrong
BREE: You have to find it. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Bring it in. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Bros, it's pulling my head off! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Bubble are looking for Ron. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Bubble's had a few minor problems lately, right? from Ron's Gone Wrong
But according to the sticker, from Ron's Gone Wrong
But at some point you just... You just get it... from Ron's Gone Wrong
But don't hit people. Even Rich Belcher. from Ron's Gone Wrong
But first you gotta do something for me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
But I need to go now to spend more time with my... from Ron's Gone Wrong
But I think it might have been a nut allergy. from Ron's Gone Wrong
But I'm blowing it, Mom. I... I've lost touch with him. from Ron's Gone Wrong
But it did make things hard for Dad. from Ron's Gone Wrong
But it's not quite recess yet, Barney. from Ron's Gone Wrong
But it's not working. from Ron's Gone Wrong
But my friends call me Barney. from Ron's Gone Wrong
But still don't burn my underpants. (CHUCKLES) from Ron's Gone Wrong
But terrible, but awesome! from Ron's Gone Wrong
But today, from Ron's Gone Wrong
But what does the genius think? from Ron's Gone Wrong
But what if he was scared, too? from Ron's Gone Wrong
But why would they? from Ron's Gone Wrong
But you get to choose your friends. from Ron's Gone Wrong
But you're gonna have to talk to that goat, from Ron's Gone Wrong
But, look. It's Barney, okay? He's missing. from Ron's Gone Wrong
But, oh, man! You hit Rich Belcher! from Ron's Gone Wrong
But, uh, she died when I was two. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Can you guys leave me alone, please? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Can you look at it anyway? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Capital city of Ethiopia, sovereign state in the Horn of Africa, from Ron's Gone Wrong
Check out your awesome rock collection? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Chess, maybe? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Ciao. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come back and let me hurt you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come on, Barney boy. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come on, come on! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come on, come on! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come on, dude. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come on, Pudowski. Move it! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come on, Space Lord, fight me! (IMITATES GUNSHOT) from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come on. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come on. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come on. Bring it in, brave soldier. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come on. I'm not leaving you behind. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come. Eyes shut. That's it. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Come... Come over sometime. Hang out. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Contacts. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Copy him. Find that code. from Ron's Gone Wrong
CRAIG: They've searched the school, Marc. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Creepy. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Dad, Donka, some Bulgarian uncles. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Dad, please. It was sticking up for me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Danger Bunny! That's my favorite show! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Data harvesting units controlled by us. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Delete every video. Take down every post. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Designed to give kids a consumer experience from Ron's Gone Wrong
Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Did you obtain this bot illegally? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Did you...? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Didn't you write me an essay on rock collecting? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Dislikes. Possums, musicals, school. Generally. from Ron's Gone Wrong
DISPATCHER: You gotta give me a description, color. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Do I have to like the path you like? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Do I look like I care? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Do you have any idea where he is? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Do you know any stories, Ron? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Do you wanna connect from Ron's Gone Wrong
Do you want me to close the whole store? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Do you want to be recycled as a lunch box? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Does Barney need friends? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Doesn't equip you to run a global tech giant. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Don't focus on the negative. It's very aging. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Donka says, actually, one was possessed, from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: (MUFFLED) Opa! Opa! Opa! from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: (SINGING ALONG) ♪ Happy, happy, happy ♪ from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: (SINGING) ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: Barney, school time! from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: Barney! from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: Help him, please! from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: It look all right to me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: Just like all the others. from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: Oh, silly me. (CHUCKLES) from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: One day parking ticket, from Ron's Gone Wrong
DONKA: What? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Down here! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Dude, seriously. Back off. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Dude! We gotta tell 'em! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Easy. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Eat it all, Martina! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Eighteen minutes of recess fun. (CHUCKLES) from Ron's Gone Wrong
Electricity is best. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Electricity is better than rocks. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Ellie, this is for you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
ELLIE: Oh, really? from Ron's Gone Wrong
ELLIE: Ooh, look at this! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Eugh! Worms. I don't trust anything without a face. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Everybody, stop! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Except losing touch with you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Except you and Ron. I fixed him. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Featuring products and services tailored to their browsing profile. from Ron's Gone Wrong
FEMALE VOICE: All staff to the launchitorium. from Ron's Gone Wrong
FEMALE VOICE: All staff to the launchitorium. from Ron's Gone Wrong
FEMALE VOICE: Powering down. from Ron's Gone Wrong
FEMALE VOICE: Welcome to the future of friendship. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Finally. Job done. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Find me! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Find me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Five percent battery remaining. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Five percent? Uh... from Ron's Gone Wrong
Floor it! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Fly free, little one. Phoosh! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Follow me! (LAUGHING) from Ron's Gone Wrong
For my lovely boy. from Ron's Gone Wrong
For some reason. from Ron's Gone Wrong
For the views! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Forever? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Four million, four hundred and thirty two views. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Freeze! I think it's him. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Friend request, friend request. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Friend request. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Friend request. Friend request. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Friend? (CHUCKLES) Friend? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Friends... (DISTORTED) Sixth birthday. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Friendship is a two way street. from Ron's Gone Wrong
From Bubble's phones and tablets and watches from Ron's Gone Wrong
Fun? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Get 'em! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Get him something useful like a snow shovel. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Get out there, Barn. Interact. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Get the whole gang over here, right? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Get this. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GIRL 1: Did you see Savannah? from Ron's Gone Wrong
GIRL 2: Poop Girl, right? from Ron's Gone Wrong
GIRL 2: Savannah unfriended me? Unfriend her! from Ron's Gone Wrong
GIRL 3: I'm so glad I am not her right now. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GIRL 4: Someone did a remix. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GIRL: Ew! from Ron's Gone Wrong
GIRL: Message Abby, I'll be there in five. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GIRL: My bot does that every time. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GIRL: Oh, my gosh! Like it! from Ron's Gone Wrong
GIRL: Only two? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Give me weapons. Give me upgrades. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Give the whole world a new best friend! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Go, Ron. You don't have to stay within six feet. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Go! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Go. Be everywhere. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Going through its intestines. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Good night, Ron. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Good! Uh... from Ron's Gone Wrong
Gotcha! Whoa! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Grab my hands! I'm gonna get you out. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GraceMay11 wants to be an astronaut, too. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: (VOICE VIBRATING) I hope they're not closed. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: Barney! Oh, Barney! from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: Everything's okay. Dad's here. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: Happy late birthday, Barney. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: Mom, do you have a key? from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: Mr. Takahashi? Hello? from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: No, that's not gonna be a problem. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: No. But Barney doesn't even have a B Bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: Pudowski. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: That B Bot is ours! from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: Whoa, whoa! from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: Yeah. Can you take a look at this, please? from Ron's Gone Wrong
GRAHAM: You know, I have been worried about him, but, uh, from Ron's Gone Wrong
Gran is 78. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GUARD: Hey, yeah. I think he went down that way. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GUEST 1: It's launch day at Bubble. from Ron's Gone Wrong
GUEST 2: What incredible tech are they about to unveil? from Ron's Gone Wrong
GUEST 3: We're going in. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Guys, where's my troll bot? Wait... from Ron's Gone Wrong
Ha ha ha ha. (GASPS) from Ron's Gone Wrong
Ha ha! And I'm Rich Belcher from Prank You Very Much. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Ha ha. Miss Thomas said you wanna talk about rocks? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hair, brown. Height, 4'11". from Ron's Gone Wrong
Half a mile below Bubble. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hang on, please. Please, please. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Happy birthday! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Has rubbed off on him. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hashtag landfill. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Have you got water damage to the brain? from Ron's Gone Wrong
He believes there's a secret lizard government from Ron's Gone Wrong
He can't make friends or... He's useless at all that. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He crazy. Never the same after that cashew. (CHUCKLES) from Ron's Gone Wrong
He doesn't blog, post, or share. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He fixed me. Selfie? from Ron's Gone Wrong
He has done other things on your photo, too. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He is eating it. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He left town for the woods? from Ron's Gone Wrong
He needs friends. It's his birthday. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He needs to get to the cloud thing. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He never mentioned that. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He started a riot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He thought that... I... I know... from Ron's Gone Wrong
He was possessed. By a demon in a cashew. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He wiggles, he bounces, from Ron's Gone Wrong
He will be okay. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He will friend you if he can stay in the shed. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He will not survive middle school. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He'll disappear! No! from Ron's Gone Wrong
He's gonna get us a trillion views! from Ron's Gone Wrong
He's in the cloud. That's what you said, right? from Ron's Gone Wrong
He's in the woods. It's our fault he's out there. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He's in the woods. It's our fault he's out there. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He's just not in there. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He's looking for his friend. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He's my friend. from Ron's Gone Wrong
He's very funny. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Her whole life is online. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Here we go. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Here we go. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, are you my friend? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, Barn. I am so sorry about the B Bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, Barn. You got a B Bot? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, buddy. How's the B Bot? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, cut it out, Sav. This is my thing. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, down here! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, guys. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, I'm back. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, miss. You seen a boy and a bot? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, no, no, no! You can't pull his head off. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, no, no, no. I'll take you to school tomorrow. Okay? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, Pete66. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, Rich! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, Ron. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, Ron. They turned you into electricity... from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, run off back to your lab from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, who cares, right? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey, you're not in trouble. Please, just let me in. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey! Down here! Over here! Help us! Help! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey! Jerk of Thrones. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey! No, no, no. That's... from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey! Oh, Barney, I am so sorry. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey! Oh, my gosh! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey! Those are our bots! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey! We don't know them. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey! What happened to staying within six feet? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey! What? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey. (CHUCKLES) A friend likes everything about you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hey. You're a rock star, Barney. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hi, General Waste, from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hi, I am insane. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hi, shareholders. Love ya. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hi. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hi. Absalom? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hi. I'm Marc Wydell from Bubble. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hi. Insert registered name, from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hi. So, that's your posts, and friends, from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hi. Uh, we're Barney's... from Ron's Gone Wrong
His code was unstable. from Ron's Gone Wrong
His fellow children. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Ho ho, we will. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Hold on. Just... (GASPS) from Ron's Gone Wrong
How am I supposed to fix that? from Ron's Gone Wrong
How can Bubble help you? from Ron's Gone Wrong
How can I put this gently? Get out! from Ron's Gone Wrong
How cool is that? from Ron's Gone Wrong
How could you? You dumb bot! from Ron's Gone Wrong
How dare you! Are you calling me a criminal? from Ron's Gone Wrong
How do I make friends for Barney? from Ron's Gone Wrong
How long is... from Ron's Gone Wrong
How long will we live in the woods? from Ron's Gone Wrong
How to be a friend. from Ron's Gone Wrong
How would you find Ron? from Ron's Gone Wrong
How... How can you have fun offline? from Ron's Gone Wrong
How'd you do that? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Huh? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Huh? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Huh? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Huh? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Huh? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Huh? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Huh? (SIGHS) from Ron's Gone Wrong
Huh? They were right here. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Huh. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Huh. Well, that went well. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am a Bubble generation one B Bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am a dumb bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am Absalom's B Bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am fitting in! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am for making friends. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am for making friends. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am for making friends. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am literally not landfill. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am not afraid of you, Bubble booble! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am not to stay within six feet. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am sharing Barney's breakfast. Do you like it? from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am your best friend out of my box. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am your... your... your... your... from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am, insert registered name's best friend out of my box. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I am... from Ron's Gone Wrong
I backed up Ron to the cloud. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I can create one from my available data. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I can fix you, like Gran said, from Ron's Gone Wrong
I can give you an unbelievable deal. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I can help them. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I cannot make friends for you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I cannot pull his head off. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I could follow you, Ava. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I could get R rated movies. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I currently have one friend. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I did a search for them. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I do if you do. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I do, okay. I choose you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I don't even know his name. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I don't get it. B Bots can't hurt people. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I don't know, Mom. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I don't know. (CHUCKLES) from Ron's Gone Wrong
I don't know. Yeah. I guess. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I don't like you, derp droid! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I fix it! Pudowskis make do and mend. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I fix it. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I forgot my, uh, inhaler. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I found you! I did it! I found you! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I get to choose my friends, and I don't choose you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I get to choose your friends. And I choose everyone! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I get to choose. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I got a huge warehouse full of these things. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I got a little break. You wanna do something? from Ron's Gone Wrong
I got nothing. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I guess I'll just sleep with it off. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I guess we'll... from Ron's Gone Wrong
I guess we're both literally landfill. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I hate kids. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I have 12% battery power remaining. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I have no mega safety controls and stuff. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I have only entries for the letter A. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I have to swap you for a good one. No offense. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I have to understand this. Can we get a hold of it? from Ron's Gone Wrong
I hit Rich Belcher. It was awesome, but terrible, from Ron's Gone Wrong
I just need to go... from Ron's Gone Wrong
I just... I work these crazy hours. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I just... The goats' wool and my allergies. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I knew you wouldn't just give me rock hammers. I knew it! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I know I'm always overwhelmed with work. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I know you're dying to see my rock collection. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I know you're not my friends. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I know your underpants combust from Ron's Gone Wrong
I know. But it went crazy! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I know. I... from Ron's Gone Wrong
I let you down. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I like, from Ron's Gone Wrong
I live in the shed. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I looked into it. And... from Ron's Gone Wrong
I make food for all your buddies. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I mean, seriously? from Ron's Gone Wrong
I mean, what if someone gets injured? from Ron's Gone Wrong
I mean, you can't hit people. Especially Rich Belcher. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I need a B Bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I need some fresh content for my channel. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I need this contract. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I never said that. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I now know all 100. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I now know everything about you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I paid for it! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I said shut it! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I stand there every day, from Ron's Gone Wrong
I thought so. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I throw in goat. Goat for a B Bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I told you my bench would work! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I used to think that I was the lonely one. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I want everything. Contacts, shopping habits, shoe size. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I want mine like that. Then it can hit me, too! from Ron's Gone Wrong
I will always stay within six feet. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I, for one, could not live from Ron's Gone Wrong
I, uh, took a wrong turn. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I... I got a B Bot. It's just... from Ron's Gone Wrong
I... I think it's gonna be fine. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I... Uh, I've... from Ron's Gone Wrong
I... You have problem with women in workplace? from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'll figure something out. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'll just log in and I'll find the old... Huh? from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'll scan my database to find out how to do it. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'll see you later. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm afraid you can't come to my house. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm Barney! How come you don't know that? from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm basically allergic to life. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm gonna destroy you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm gonna destroy you. (GLITCHING) from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm gonna destroy you. I'm gonna destroy you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm gonna get you out. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm gonna take you home, okay? from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm gonna tell you everything, Dad. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm in so much trouble now. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm just really wheezy, guys. I've been running. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm not afraid of the dark. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm not meant to do that. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm not so great at that either. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm not supposed to have him. He has to be a secret. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm not... No. I'm not gonna dance. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm so sorry. You can't be here. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm sorry, are you calling my son a liar? from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm sorry. We're going right now. I just... from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm supposed to know everything about you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm supposed to know everything about you. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm taking it back to the store. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I'm... I'm sure it's just a minor issue. from Ron's Gone Wrong
I've got a friend, Dad! from Ron's Gone Wrong
If he can't do that, he's, like, literally pointless. from Ron's Gone Wrong
If his mom were alive, she'd have known that. from Ron's Gone Wrong
If I don't do funny, uh, I got nothing. from Ron's Gone Wrong
If I please, please just let her go. from Ron's Gone Wrong
If our share price goes any higher, from Ron's Gone Wrong
If you don't ask, they can't say no. from Ron's Gone Wrong
If you go back, they will send you to the crusher. from Ron's Gone Wrong
In the universe! Hold on. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Incorrect. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Incorrect. I can shove with a compressive force capacity from Ron's Gone Wrong
Incorrect. I have no mega safety controls and stuff. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Insane. Okay. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Insert registered name is my best friend. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Insert registered name. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Into dollars. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Into the network. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Invite everyone. Except Savannah. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Invite the whole class! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Is a natural number greater than one from Ron's Gone Wrong
Is always... I... from Ron's Gone Wrong
Is on the Bubble network. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Is this fun, Absalom? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Is this, like, a rave? from Ron's Gone Wrong
It assaulted a child! from Ron's Gone Wrong
It didn't assault him. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It doesn't make me sad exactly 'cause I... I can't remember. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It doesn't matter. 'Cause you are my friend. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It gets complicated. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It hit a cop? from Ron's Gone Wrong
It hit a cop. We can't put that on the box. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It is by Zany Bogomil. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It is them! I'd recognize those ears from space. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It just a craze from Ron's Gone Wrong
It just keeps crashing on me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It kind of makes things a lot worse. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It pooped me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It sounds like a giant snake. Or an evil clown! from Ron's Gone Wrong
It was hilarious, Barn. You thought it was a B Bot. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It was just doing what I said. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It will be called from Ron's Gone Wrong
It would be insane! I mean, amazing, but... from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's a level 50 Easter egg, man. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's against nature. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's at home, um, downloading my profile. (CHUCKLES) from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's beautiful. Like... from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's getting to know you! from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's gotta be here somewhere. Keep looking. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's his asthma. He can't breathe right. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's Mad Max meets Sesame Street live streaming. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's my birthday, you dumb goat. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's my sad duty to announce from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's nearly pickup! from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's night. The weather's getting worse. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's okay, Dad. Not a problem. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's okay. It's fine. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's our one chance. Now or never. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's violent, uncontrollable, and highly dangerous. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's weird. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's what he really wanted. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's what I imagined when I was his age. from Ron's Gone Wrong
It's, like, almost cool. from Ron's Gone Wrong
JOSH: Uh, the cameras. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Just follow me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Just go down here. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Just hoping for a few people to share a bench with. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Just in time. Good thing nobody saw it. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Just please give it back. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Just stay. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Just talk to me, Barney. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Just to try to give him a life. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Just you and me. from Ron's Gone Wrong
K pop? Are you kidding me? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Kicking around with a buddy. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Kids are the problem. from Ron's Gone Wrong
KIDS: To the dark side! (LAUGHING) from Ron's Gone Wrong
KIDS: Whoa! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Krrr, you can eat her! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Let it go, Rich. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Let's all go home. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Let's find some place to camp. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Let's go home and check out your awesome rock collection. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Let's put some in. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Like all the same stuff as me, and you have to be on my side. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Like and subscribe... from Ron's Gone Wrong
Like last time we had party, remember? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Like pictures of his food or his wake up routine. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Like, a lump of plastic just following you around. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Likes, uh... from Ron's Gone Wrong
Likes. Rocks, chess, Pac Man. from Ron's Gone Wrong
List friends. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Listen out for "Barney," "Rogue Bot," from Ron's Gone Wrong
Listen! Friendship is a two way street, okay? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Lived Absalom and his friend Alan, a generation one android. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Look at mine compared to yours! from Ron's Gone Wrong
Look, I'm taking you back to the Bubble store. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Look! My best friend out of the box? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Love you, guys. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Made with love. And our own goat wool. from Ron's Gone Wrong
Making friends face to face? from Ron's Gone Wrong
Making friends is, like, what he's for. from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN 1: What do you got for me, pal? from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN 1: Yeah? What about that one? from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN 2: Have you ever felt completely alone? from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN 2: Uh, that one fell out of my van earlier. from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN 2: We got five pads and some phones. from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN 2: You sure he's not back there? from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN: (ON SPEAKER) Marc, they're ready. from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN: Back in five, from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN: He's getting away! from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN: Hey, dude. I think that was Poop Girl. from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN: Hey, stop! Come back! We just want the bot! from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN: Hey! Isn't that the kid? from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN: Idiot! from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN: Preschool forest. from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN: Sorry, are we on the line? Is that... from Ron's Gone Wrong
MAN: Where is he? from Ron's Gone Wrong