Main Content
A baby of your own. And freedom.
A blessing.
A breeding colony.
A cease fire at the border, trade talks.
A ceasefire?
A Delilah.
A few days after my arrival,
A few hours for international aid to come in,
A fugitive Handmaid captured in Chicago.
A fugitive Handmaid captured in Chicago.
A full shave today, sir?
A good mother would be able to let go.
A good mother would be able to let go.
A good mother.
A husband and a father.
A kind, smart, loving man
A lot of brave women died trying to protect her.
A lot of people want to pray for June.
A Martha.
A mother alone?
A plane left Gilead and landed at Pearson.
A prisoner exchange?
A prisoner exchange? You can't.
A quilt hanging on the line means it's safe.
A relationship we
A risk to your life,
A second chance to serve God.
A sperm donor.
A temporary show of mercy
A trade, if you will.
A trial would've been better.
A very small island.
A way to feel in control.
Able to fully appreciate your situation until now.
Abortion is dangerous.
About a year ago.
About coming to court and...
About Irene.
About me, so...
About Mrs. Keyes. Esther. Sorry.
About my reinstatement.
About Rachel and Bilhah.
About the status of the Commander's case?
Actual fucking sex slaves in America.
Actually, it was gonna be Commander Cooper's home.
After all he's done. Just...
After carrying your fat ass across friggin' Massachusetts.
After every battle you fought, you've just given up?
After everything you've been through,
After his port inspection,
After I gave birth, the Waterfords forbid
After that, I was taken upstairs to her bedroom.
After what you pulled at the Mackenzies',
Again with this?
Against both of our wishes in front of his wife.
Against the both of you.
Ah, doesn't matter 'cause Emily doesn't want to talk to her.
Ah, Mr. Tuello, what a surprise.
Ah, naw. I'm kinda tired. I just want to go home.
Ah, no, no, no.
Ah, no, thank you, Aunt Cordelia.
Ah, too much to be done.
Ah! Thank you for the tea.
Ah. [exhales sharply]
Alcohol, right? We need, we need some more alcohol.
All done.
All doors. All the way to the end.
All in favor?
All its top players, future plans.
All of it,
All of our future work is fucked forever.
All of our wayward girls
All of the shit you did behind.
All of them.
All of those kids... free.
All of us are just
All of us, actually. So calling her June would help.
All of you girls were chosen by God
All opposed?
All right then.
All right, come on. Come on.
All right, I'm gonna finish up shopping.
All right, let's get you cleaned up.
All right, look, I'll see you later.
All right, then.
All right? You ready?
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. [grunts]
All right. All right.
All right. Come on, dear. She's safe.
All right. June, wait.
All right. June, wait. Wait, wait, wait.
All right. Next.
All right. Next.
All right. Thanks.
All right. Thanks.
All right. Well, I'm here.
All the parts.
All these years, he has waited for you.
All those children, taken from their homes.
All wanted fugitives in grave danger because of you.
All women regret doing this, Janine.
Alma and Brianna.
Alma said, "We have to wait for June."
Almost bikini season.
Along our contested borders
Along our contested borders.
Already done.
Although Fred's prospects are less optimistic,
Although I was still expected to provide breast milk for her.
Always was my name, actually.
Am I allowed now?
Am I gonna see them again?
Am I right?
Americans in exile? Canadians?
An aerial bombardment on all insurgent fronts
An aerial bombardment on all insurgent fronts.
An empty seat at the table.
An innovation I had my doubts about,
An intelligence asset of great value, yes.
An intriguing proposal.
An island of grace in all that chaos.
An old Martha recipe.
And a frail woman will sleep better at night.
And a good evening to you, too.
And a good husband to you,
And a mental health counselor to assist with this transition.
And a mother.
And after he went missing, they cleaned house.
And all of our future missions put at risk.
And all those errands we were gonna run.
And answer any questions you might have.
And as far as we know, still at large.
And asylum as a citizen of the United States.
And Aunt Lydia to tuck her in at night.
And beaten and humiliated.
And begin your debrief.
And bring 'em home, okay? I love you.
And bring her to me.
And bring her to me.
And can never be heard.
And die there!
And do all the things I didn't do
And expect me to just be okay with it!
And expect me to just be okay with it!
And expect me to just be okay with it!
And felt embarrassed in front of her friends
And for His understanding.
And for June.
And for that I do have deep regrets.
And fucked that one up too.
And get Nichole back in your life.
And grab whatever you can, car keys, radios, everything.
And have been rewarded for our suffering.
And have his immunity hearing.
And he has a constituency
And he has never given up on you.
And he leaves them when they can't reproduce.
And he personally guaranteed safe passage?
And he said he could find some photos
And he wouldn't eat any of it.
And hello, Canada.
And help the people in Chicago.
And here are the revised appendices.
And I am come to lead my people
And I am sorry.
And I am worried about her.
And I can take this little one with me.
And I didn't know if they were gonna hurt her.
And I didn't know what they were gonna do to her.
And I don't intend to.
And I don't want to fight about this.
And I failed.
And I failed.
And I failed.
And I have a job,
And I have heard their cry.
And I hope I had something to do with it.
And I humbly thank the Lord for your visit.
And I know I have not always behaved with light in my heart,
And I know you love your friend,
And I need you to stop cleaning.
And I never even touched you.
And I put all these candles out, but...
And I put some snacks in there as well.
And I said...
And I seek asylum
And I should believe you?
And I stayed in hiding for two months.
And I thank God for that every day.
And I think
And I tried every day.
And I tried to find Hannah,
And I was brought back to the Waterfords',
And I was gonna tell you inside,
And I was thinking about enrolling
And I'll keep coming back until you eat.
And I'll tell her that you love her.
And I'm a very different person than I was back then.
And I'm begging for the Lord's mercy
And I'm here... to do what I can.
And I'm sorry.
And I'm trying, but I just don't feel comfortable
And if a tiny piece is left inside,
And if the good Lord has blessed you with this child,
And if we turn her in, they'll kill her.
And if you stay here, you're gonna die too.
And if you think I'm gonna let you have her
And if you think I'm gonna let you have her
And if you weren't going to fight,
And in the strength of His might.
And in this place,
And it didn't help
And it doesn't have any holes in it or anything.
And it's a straight shot all the way.
And it's not just about avoiding me.
And it's oozing some kind of like a mustardy, like, yellow...
And it's time to move on.
And just listen.
And landed at Pearson.
And landed at Pearson.
And let us be in awe of them.
And Luke.
And maybe we can just move on.
And maybe when we get there, you can get checked out too.
And my child.
And not by law,
And not us.
And nothing but the truth?
And now that she's here, he's afraid.
And other housekeepers in the neighborhood,
And passed around.
And pleaded for them to stop.
And please give me the strength to parent him on my own.
And praise be to you, my dear,
And pretended to just be any other refugee.
And prevent you from being a mother to your son.
And prevent you from being a mother to your son.
And prevent you from being a mother to your son.
And put him on trial.
And questioned her husband's fertility.
And read out loud from the Bible.
And redeem myself in your eyes, I will do it.
And remain a permanent part of the tribunal record.
And see if they need your help.
And shame.
And she didn't, I guess.
And she doesn't have to go.
And she knows how hard we tried to find her.
And she pumps in her room.
And she stayed behind
And she was mad.
And shoot the place up? Get yourself killed or caught?
And singing like one, too.
And some fucking respect.
And some of our ace fundraisers, they're gonna be
And team up to help each other.
And testify in person.
And that her daddy and I would always love her
And that hope is what keeps us going,
And that I had tried so hard.
And that I was so sorry that I couldn't.
And that I wished that I could have been with her,
And that means the world to me.
And that so had her daddy.
And that they're safe.
And that will affect all the people there.
And that's Gilead talking. You know that's not true.
And that's reuniting families,
And the defiance.
And the the government of the United States of America,
And the volunteers...
And their... driver Nick Blaine.
And then after that, enemy territory.
And then he's a free man. He's free to just set up
And then I would've had to save your ass again.
And then she asked why didn't I try harder.
And then she'll let you go outside.
And then this is from Caroline. There's something from everyone.
And then we have got to get her home for a nap.
And then you used that to flip him?
And then you're going to Geneva.
And then, they can become contaminated
And they lie to women
And they took Hannah.
And they will keep coming forever and ever and ever.
And they will try to lead you astray.
And they'll kill you in front of her.
And they're gonna kill her.
And they're gonna kill you.
And this experience
And this man...
And those rebels are so lucky to have you.
And to you, sir. [exhales]
And underneath all of that, there's nothing but pure misery.
And use it to tear the baby apart.
And walk free, go start some new life,
And walk free, you are delusional.
And wash their feet in the blood of the wicked.
And we agree.
And we call up anyone that could be of use in Toronto.
And we can bring our brother home.
And we can just...
And we can't be moving around outside the farm.
And we have to stop it so you don't die. Okay?
And we hope he will continue to be an asset.
And we wanted to have her all ready.
And we will. But right now you're losing a lot of blood.
And we won. Yay.
And we would never stop.
And we would never stop.
And we're gonna be okay. All right?
And we're gonna find Mayday. They're gonna help us.
And we're gonna love you so much.
And we're here from the U.S. government
And we're lighting candles.
And what are you?
And what did she want?
And what is there to be done about that?
And what is this?
And what keeps the mission going.
And what you give today helps the staff
And when they do, I will be here to listen.
And when you are ripe, your Commander and his wife
And when you do, I'll tell Aunt Lydia,
And why would there be any more delays...
And worse.
And you are the reason why they mutilated Emily.
And you are?
And you can save them.
And you cannot say that Fred Waterford
And you have to take care of yourself now.
And you just got away with murder.
And you knew that.
And you know that is not pretty.
And you know this how,
And you lied to me!
And you manipulated me.
And you thought that you could just leave
And you want to send in aid?
And you were supposed to watch it
And you will discharge your sacred duty.
And you're comfortable with your choice?
And you're gonna be okay.
And you're gonna set him free.
And young girls of Gilead.
And your adultery,
And your husband.
And your information can help me get it.
And your information can help me get it.
And, by the way, a consummate actress.
And, for that,
And, gentlemen, unlike women, numbers don't lie.
And, uh, compliant.
And, uh, so he might know where she lives,
And, uh, you know, I gotta respect it.
And, um, that's the choice that she made
And, um, there's been a request from Serena Joy.
And... [voice breaking] And...
Angels' Flight is because of her.
Anger is a valid emotion,
Anger is necessary to heal. But we can't live there.
Another hanging, like your Martha.
Another violation of Gilead law that I could not refuse.
Answer to God.
Any contact with my daughter Nichole,
Any family would be blessed to have Janine!
Any more than she is mine.
Any time.
Anything more can wait for your trial.
Anything to feel okay.
Apparently she was very moved by your visit.
Appearances matter, Mrs. Waterford.
Are usually approved by the court.
Are we all clear?
Are we any safer with Mayday?
Are we even in Gilead anymore? Hmm?
Are we terrible people?
Are you a monkey?
Are you fucking insane?
Are you going to terminate me?
Are you gonna charge me with smoking now?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you religious?
Are you sure you won't stay?
Are you sure, sweetheart?
Are you sure?
Are you with your family?
Aren't you kind?
Around her little finger too.
As a family. Of course.
As a father, to...
As a sign of good faith,
As a test of loyalty.
As he has every day
As husband and wife?
As I have made us?
As I said. Yes.
As if I wouldn't face retribution.
As punishment,
As we speak.
As witnessed by their housekeeper Rita Blue
As you can see, my pasture's rather small and fenced in.
As you made us.
As your key witness against Fred.
Asher, so Rita's gonna stay the night and cook dinner
At any cost?
At great risk to their own lives.
At Jezebel's in Pennsylvania.
At least I hope we score some.
At least not you.
At least someone up there still likes us.
At least you get to face yours in court tomorrow.
At least you know where she is now.
At nine months pregnant, I went into false labor.
At the border, I'm afraid the Eyes maintain tactical control.
At the motion to dismiss hearing.
At times.
Aunt Irene.
Aunt Lydia set a high fucking bar.
Aunt Lydia, please.
Aunt Lydia! Stop!
Aunt Lydia?
Aunt Lydia.
Aunt Ruth got in my way,
Aunt Ruth has a different story.
Aunt Ruth,
Aw, look. Momma's here early.
Aw, shit.
Aw... [chuckles]
Back in fighting shape, as they say. [chuckles]
Back off, Fred.
Based on being a woman?
Bathroom? All right. Uh, it's over there.
Batteries. Fuel.
Be a mistake to rely on his words.
Be granted immunity in exchange for his cooperation.
Be strong with the Lord...
Bears repeating.
Because he cheats on his wives
Because I knew him before Gilead.
Because I was afraid for so long.
Because I was there.
Because it's pointless, they've made their decision.
Because of all the marriages you've ended?
Because she chose to stay in Gilead,
Because she's an Aunt.
Because that's where they're still fighting.
Because the others need me to protect them.
Because this is the first new information
Because we are human beings, trying to work together.
Because we can get there and we're gonna...
Because we have respect for each other.
Because your motherfucking life depends on it.
Before I met you.
Before the plea agreement is approved,
Before we continue, I'd like to return
Before we leave their waters, they're gonna come aboard,
Being able to say your piece to her face?
Better not, Janine.
Better or worse," like all that kind of thing?
Better than there.
Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
Billy. I don't know his last name.
Bitch took the coward's way out.
Black market activity.
Bless us, O Lord, for this holy service
Bless you.
Blessed be the fruit, Johnny.
Blessed be the fruit, Ofjoseph.
Blessed be the fruit! You're out of bed.
Blessed be the fruit.
Blessed be the fruit.
Blessed day, Commander Keyes.
Blessed day, Commander.
Blessed day, Commander.
Blessed day, gentleman.
Blessed day, ma'am. I'll show myself out.
Blessed day, sisters.
Blessed day.
Blessed day.
Blessed evening, June.
Blessed evening.
Blessed evening.
Blessed morning, Aunt Ruth.
Blue Man Group.
Blue moon. Blue velvet.
Both needed very badly.
Boy, it must be killing you that June won.
Brave words, Ofjoseph, but... just words.
Bring her to the house as soon as she gets here.
Bring him up.
Bring them home.
But any special treatment, consider the precedent.
But at least now I know everything.
But coding bootcamp is kicking my ass.
But either way we're gonna be okay.
But he's been in charge for a long time, and you come in
But I can see the value for certain temperaments.
But I couldn't leave my other daughter Hannah behind.
But I don't think so.
But I need to separate my interests from Fred.
But I want to hear from all of you.
But I'm tired of feeling guilty.
But if there's anything you can find out about Hannah
But if your symptoms last more than two days,
But in June it brought out the best.
But it is counterproductive for you to inflict that pain
But it... it doesn't have to be now.
But it's barely enough for the both of us,
But it's up to you.
But it's... It's really warm,
But just before takeoff, I was captured,
But likely classified as medical supplies.
But maybe that's genetic.
But mine is just one voice.
But Mr. Waterford
But my body was nonetheless one with me.
But my eyes are open now.
But no one's fine after killing their baby.
But not her.
But now I have to stay here
But now it is your time to rest.
But now we are facing elemental economic truths.
But now you're here.
But old war horses like us,
But right now, our priority
But she changed me, she changed you.
But she needs you because you're her mother.
But that I would always be her mommy.
But that one, she...
But the Handmaid!
But the sanctions they've imposed
But their homes are gone.
But there was nothing I could do. For her.
But there's a debit card you can use.
But these are the lives you're trying to save.
But try to remember that all of this is your doing.
But we all have people we love in Gilead.
But we believe that there was a Handmaid involved.
But we can still talk at the office?
But we can't live there.
But we must set a good example, mustn't we?
But we're here, ladies.
But we're in a really bad situation,
But what I did to you was worse.
But where else on Earth is the birth rate rising?
But where else on Earth is the birth rate rising?
But word's gotten out.
But you are bringing closure to many families.
But you can.
But you said he'd do anything for you.
But you'll be happy to know that, uh, your friend is okay.
But you're Mayday.
But you're not.
But you're strong, you're smart and you'd be a great mom.
But your due date approaching, they finally gave us permission.
But, I mean, you don't know what's gonna happen, right?
But, priorities.
But, thank you. This... this is incredible.
But, uh, today, we have a situation.
But, unfortunately, I don't think
By establishing a pattern of abuse.
By His hand.
By His hand.
By playing the victim.
By, by all accounts she was obedient
Call her Nichole.
Call me when you land.
Call me.
Call out if you can. We'll find you!
Can be transformational for young guys.
Can I come over later?
Can I come over later?
Can I get a hug?
Can I get some of that?
Can lead to an increased risk of breast cancer,
Can you be careful with that, please?
Can you explain that to me, Serena?
Can you help me?
Can you leave tomorrow night?
Can you sleep over later?
Can you sleep over later?
Can you teach me how to make more?
Can you try to make things work here with Steven?
Can't we just leave everything for them?
Careful. God, June.
Catching frogs. [laughs]
CERA staff. Clear out!
Check all of 'em!
Check all these doors!
Check the names, get 'em on the bus.
Cheer up. Fred and Serena are toast,
Chicago is still Chicago. They're not giving up.
Chicago is still Chicago. They're not giving up.
Chicago is still Chicago. They're not giving up.
Chicken fingers. Buttered noodles. Pizza.
Children will be hurt by this. Children who did nothing wrong.
Choices that keep me up at night,
Clean her up, get her a vest.
Colorado. Colorado Springs.
Come back for your baby daughter.
Come back for your baby daughter.
Come here, baby. Come here.
Come on up.
Come on, buddy. Wait up! [chuckles]
Come on, hurry! Come on! [panting]
Come on, it's all right. Come on.
Come on, it's okay.
Come on, June. Come on!
Come on, we need some food.
Come on, we should go wash hands, huh, Supergirl?
Come on! Let's go! Let's go!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. [grunts]
Come on. Come on in.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. That's how you negotiate?
Come on. We came here to fight.
Come on. We deserve it.
Come with me or stay here and be Ofsteven.
Come with me or stay here and be Ofsteven.
Come, dear.
Coming to court again today?
Commander Blaine was not fully briefed
Commander Blaine, blessed day.
Commander Blaine, you have read my mind.
Commander Blaine, you will coordinate
Commander Blaine, you will coordinate
Commander Blaine, you will coordinate the bombing.
Commander Calhoun.
Commander Fredrick Waterford has been offered leniency
Commander Lawrence, you are wasting your time.
Commander Lawrence.
Commander Lowe is looking for you.
Commander Waterford will, in all likelihood,
Commander Waterford, the I.C.C. Court...
Commander, I...
Commander, it was an accident.
Commander, Mrs. Waterford, this morning,
Commander, your hearing this afternoon
Commander. Commander Lawrence.
Commander. It's been a while.
Contrary to what you may have been told,
Cooper's a toady with no taste.
Could I see him? Alone?
Could we speak with your Marthas?
Could you take this off my hands?
Council appreciates your assistance
Council has had time to reflect.
Countless others
Courtney Tan, Adrienne Gedney.
Culture shock.
Daddy and I will always love you.
Daisy! What are you doing back there?
Dawn's prepared. She knows what Offred's gonna say.
Deal with him.
Deal. He's not a...
Deal. I'll put it in the vows.
Dear Lord,
Depends on the size of the camp.
Depends. But first I just want
Devastated her.
Did he do that?
Did he hurt you?
Did it?
Did not subject me to any ****s,
Did she choose this?
Did the nurse get a chance to go over all your options with you?
Did you and Annie write your own vows?
Did you believe what you said yesterday?
Did you black out?
Did you change your hair?
Did you give my baby to Ofjoseph?
Did you give one thought to their poor parents?
Did you have fun?
Did you have occasion to interact with her
Did you hear everything?
Did you hear from Mayday?
Did you hear from Mayday?
Did you know his name?
Did you know in Gilead I was officially considered property
Did you search abortion clinics online and end up there?
Did you tell the Eyes where to find us?
Did you tell the Eyes where to find us?
Did you tell the Eyes where to find us?
Did you think about how I would feel?
Did you throw up?
Didn't you?
Die trying to do something good.
Die trying to do something good.
Discomforts in my house, I know, for both of us.
Do not be deceived.
Do we know his name?
Do with her what you will.
Do with her what you will.
Do you guys ever wonder if you deserve this?
Do you have a safe house for us?
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