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Game of Thrones - Season 5 Game of Thrones - Season 5 is an epic television series that captivated audiences around the world

Game of Thrones - Season 5

Game of Thrones - Season 5 is an epic television series that captivated audiences around the world with its intricate plot, stunning visuals, and a vast ensemble cast. Released in 2015, this critically acclaimed season further solidified Game of Thrones as a cultural phenomenon.

Based on George R.R. Martin's fantasy novels, Season 5 explores the power struggles and complex relationships within the seven kingdoms of Westeros. With a cast of unforgettable characters, the season showcases their ambitions, betrayals, and quests for survival in a harsh and unforgiving world.

The cast of Game of Thrones - Season 5 is filled with talented actors who brought their characters to life with remarkable depth and nuance. Kit Harington portrays Jon Snow, the honorable and stoic bastard son of Ned Stark. Emilia Clarke exhibits strength and vulnerability as Daenerys Targaryen, the fierce Mother of Dragons. Peter Dinklage shines as the witty and cunning Tyrion Lannister, navigating the treacherous waters of King's Landing. These are just a few examples of the incredible performances that grace this season.

The storyline of Season 5 delves into a multitude of captivating subplots. In the aftermath of the shocking events of the previous season, tensions escalate further as Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) struggles to maintain control while facing threats from all directions. Meanwhile, Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) embarks on a perilous journey to become a faceless assassin, seeking revenge for her family's brutal fate. Additionally, the Wall faces its own challenges as Jon Snow and the Night's Watch guard against the looming danger beyond.

The immersive world of Game of Thrones - Season 5 is brought to life through breathtaking cinematography, stunning costumes, and masterful production design. The landscapes and settings of Westeros are as much characters as the people themselves, transporting viewers to a world rich with history and mystery.

You can now experience the sounds and music of Game of Thrones - Season 5 in all their glory. From the hauntingly beautiful main theme by Ramin Djawadi to the intense battle sequences, the score perfectly complements the epic narrative. You can play and download these incredible sounds here, immersing yourself in the realm of Westeros whenever you please. So, gather your allies, brace yourself for political intrigue, and prepare for the unexpected as you embark on this thrilling journey through Game of Thrones - Season 5.

In conclusion, Game of Thrones - Season 5 is a masterful television series that continues to enthrall audiences long after its release. With its gripping storylines, stellar performances, and awe-inspiring visuals, this season remains a beloved treasure within the world of television. So, whether you're a fan of the show or a newcomer to the realm of Westeros, don't miss the chance to experience the unforgettable adventure of Game of Thrones - Season 5 for yourself.
A baby she claimed was mine.
A bag of gold.
A band of 20 men, maybe less.
A bastard recently legitimized by King Tommen.
A betting man would put his money on Stannis.
A bit of chop the last few days.
A bit of mutton would be nice.
A bit shabby, isn't it?
A bit withered, been in the sun too long.
A boy from nowhere with nothing to his name,
A boy with a scroll could deliver this message.
A brothel keeper?
A bunch of knights with them.
A destitute woman and her small child,
A disgrace!
A Dornish trader landed on Dragonstone.
A dozen abandoned villages.
A dragon queen with no dragons
A drunken dwarf will never be the savior of the Seven Kingdoms.
A dwarf's cock has magic powers.
A fair trial.
A fancy game for fancy lads.
A fine place.
A fitting place for it.
A fleabite.
A fly upon a wall,
A force to be reckoned with.
A gift for the thin man.
A gift for the thin man.
A girl has work to do.
A girl is not ready to become no one.
A girl knows his name.
A girl lies to me,
A girl named Lanna will return to the docks.
A girl stole from the Many Faced God.
A girl tells a man that she has seen.
A girl wants to serve herself.
A girl will return to the docks.
A Grand Maester has served as the King's Hand.
A grand old city
A great battle in the snow.
A great lumbering beast.
A group of people who saw Robert Baratheon
A handsome young man.
A highborn knight from the North of Westeros
A husband off whoring every chance he
A kind woman.
A lady of the court.
A land where the powerful do not prey on the powerless.
A Lannister and a Martell.
A last meal before the beheading?
A latrine captain to oversee this crucial task.
A lie from the lips of Stannis Baratheon.
A lie, a sad little lie.
A lie.
A lie.
A lie.
A life's work uniting them. You didn't do it for power.
A lifetime of wealth and power
A lioness guiding her cub.
A lord.
A lot of it, if you're ever going to rule across the Narrow Sea.
A lot of people came and tried, I think.
A maester of the Citadel, chained and sworn,
A man called the Hound. Sandor Clegane.
A man gets lonely guarding the Wall.
A man had no idea what a girl would see and what she would not.
A man is not Jaqen H'ghar.
A man of the Night's Watch used one of these daggers
A man of the people
A man of the people. Is that your game?
A man teaches a girl.
A man wonders
A man's private affairs ought to stay private.
A merchant.
A message for me, you say.
A message for you, from Cersei Lannister.
A monarch who can intimidate the high lords and inspire the people.
A new person, anyway.
A Norvoshi priest, a Westerosi knight.
A one handed man who happens to be
A one handed man.
A piece of information she knew that I had.
A pleasure.
A rider arrived from Eyrie, shortly before dawn.
A ruler loved by millions with a powerful army
A ruler who kills those devoted to her
A ruler who kills those devoted to her
A sellsword from the fighting pits, a disgraced knight.
A shadow with the face of Stannis Baratheon.
A shadow with the face of Stannis Baratheon.
A shadow?
A ship's captain who found me in Planky Town
A siege is no place for a little girl.
A sinner comes before you.
A smart commander does not abandon a defensive advantage.
A Snow.
A substantial case against you.
A summons from the Queen.
A Targaryen alone in the world
A title whose importance wanes with each passing day.
A trial will be held for each of them
A trueborn will always have the stronger claim.
A way out.
A wildling girl, a baby,
A woman grown, trueborn and noble.
A word, please, I beg you.
A year later she came to my gates
A young man came to us not long ago.
About a baby born during the worst storm in living memory.
About bringing the people of this city together.
About leaving you in that fucking crate.
About tradition.
About what?
About you and Mother.
About your father.
Accent gave me away?
Accept this token of our faith, my Lord,
Advise you on what?
Advising a ruler worth the name.
Aemon: Egg.
Aerys reigned, whom they called the Mad King.
Afraid of dwarves?
After a while, don't they?
After all that you've seen.
After he was executed, I fled the capital.
After he...
After you've thrown our future into prison?
After your atonement.
Ah, the vintners say this might be
Ah, yes.
Ah, yes. The famously tart tongued Queen of Thorns.
Ah, Your Grace.
Alive and unhurt, holding her baby dragons.
Alive and well and home again
All day I'm locked in this room
All except me.
All I ever wanted was to fight for a lord I believed in.
All I need to do is give a signal and they'll rescue me.
All lies.
All matters of consequence will be brought to you for review.
All men fear death.
All men must die, but not all can die in glory.
All my life I wanted to be Jon Stark.
All of them out there, our enemies.
All of you.
All our siege weapons destroyed.
All over Westeros we hear of septs being burned,
All right, let's assume your dreams come true.
All right, then.
All rulers are either butchers or meat.
All sinners are equal before the gods.
All that makes a girl who she is?
All the Kings in the North are buried there.
All the sellswords with all the horses.
All the wildlings.
All they understand is blood.
All they want to do is fight and fuck, fuck and fight.
All we have to do is wait for them to freeze,
All your books and you still don't know.
All your life has led us to this moment.
All: And now his watch is ended.
All: For Oberyn.
All: We fight and die for your glory,
Alliser: We've been fighting them for thousands of years.
Allow me a moment alone with Lord Baelish.
Allow me.
Along with his wife and brother.
Along with three dragons.
Alright, alright.
Alright, then. I'm warning you. You're gonna have to wash you first.
Although, they could have been more careful with the blade.
Always have.
Always wanted a Dornish stallion.
Always. You're a Stark.
Am I free to go?
Am I gonna be happy at the end of this walk?
Am I hurting you?
An apology doesn't mean anything
An apology.
An army in service to the gods themselves.
An army that defends the bodies and souls of the common people?
An assault on my person
An attendant to a knight.
An honor I never expected.
An insult to me is an insult to the Gods.
An old saying. Inaccurate in this case.
An outlaw kidnapped me, a man called Polliver.
An unacceptable way to treat the chosen representative
An unpleasant truth to be sure,
And a bastard by some tavern slut.
And a brothel keeper, not a military man.
And a child of ten.
And a foreign dwarf with a scarred face.
And a man...
And abduct our guest by force?
And according to the law of the Seven,
And all I do is sit here
And all that men had learned;
And all the smiles died.
And all the southern kings can't stop them.
And all those bets you won built this.
And allow your people to farm those lands.
And an insult to all the brothers
And an occasional punch in the face.
And as honorable.
And as it happens,
And as soon as they see the stones on his eyes,
And as you say, our interests are aligned.
And assumed new fathers were easy targets.
And become who he is meant to be.
And before that, he was a jolly fellow,
And beg his forgiveness.
And begged for forgiveness.
And burnt him to a crisp.
And burnt to death,
And by its holy light
And conquer the Seven Kingdoms?
And cut away piece after piece
And cut off both their hands.
And decide if the world is worth fighting for.
And decides he does not have to pay after all.
And deformity.
And doing what needs to be doing.
And drink yourself to death,
And drink. I've survived so far.
And dump your bodies to the bottom of the Shivering Sea.
And each time, it made him feel powerful...
And even then it may not be enough,
And every night he comes...
And every other tragedy that
And evil has been driven from the realm.
And expect him to pay for it.
And failing to say
And for 8,000 years we've fallen short of that oath.
And fornication.
And give my life for you if needs be.
And guard the queen and the princess.
And he crouched behind it and crept forward,
And he died in an alley,
And he has much to say about you.
And he knew them better than I ever will.
And he lay a crown of winter roses in Lyanna's lap.
And he said, Well, what is the record? I'm sure we can break it.
And he served loyally longer than any of the Ranger.
And he wants the free folk to fight for him.
And he was famished, so he borrowed a ham.
And he was fucking the woman I loved.
And he was the king's brother after all.
And he'd be damned if he kissed a traitor's boot.
And he's been a defender of the Watch and the Wall almost all of his life.
And he's headed to Oldtown?
And he's right. Jorah saved her life.
And her father's blood runs through her veins.
And her half brother Aegon for control over the Seven Kingdoms.
And here we are.
And his efforts to stamp out dissent
And his father before him.
And his name is Stannis.
And how about your head?
And how could he know unless he sees the dwarf?
And how do you know this?
And how goes the harvest in the Reach?
And how high do Stannis's horses jump?
And how long have yo loved him, Myranda?
And how long would that be?
And how many of your people can't fight?
And how many people will die to make this happen?
And how many tens of thousands are out there right now?
And I accept your surrender.
And I am their foremost servant in this world.
And I am your husband.
And I belong to you.
And I bet he swore all kinds of oaths to get it.
And I came along and ruined it.
And I can't help her.
And I collected the money.
And I couldn't save him in return.
And I did not take up residence in this pyramid
And I drank the water from his fountain.
And I fall to the ground,
And I have always counseled loyalty to the throne.
And I have seen you ignore your counselors...
And I intend to help her do it.
And I know I'm here to serve my queen and not give advice,
And I loved to fight.
And I meant it.
And I realized I was the ugliest girl alive.
And I saw then what I see now.
And I thank you for it. You do me great honor.
And I took her beneath the tree where he was swaying.
And I wasn't winning any elections back then.
And I'd rather see a thousand white walkers than see that.
And I'll end up dying, too, trying to protect them.
And I'll know you're a man of your word
And I'll make sure the hungry know who's to blame.
And I'm bringing our daughter home.
And I'm glad.
And I'm going to show you how to ride properly.
And I'm not going to be banished
And I'm not yours.
And I'm stuck here
And I'm the head of a great family.
And I'm your daughter.
And if I should meet with some accident
And if Jon Snow refuses the boy with the scroll,
And if she's not?
And if there's one thing I've learned,
And if you succeed?
And if you're right?
And in my experience, large men do triumph
And in order to forge a lasting bond with the Meereenese people,
And it was a disaster for the Targaryens as well.
And it was wonderful.
And it's all because my brother died.
And keep your counsel,
And keep your glass, King Crow.
And kill every last one of them.
And laughed as they screamed,
And lead us from the darkness.
And leave a feast for the crows.
And led us to victory against the wildlings.
And left me behind.
And let the man be born.
And let the rest of the city fend for itself.
And Loras is the queen's brother.
And Lord Janos.
And Lyanna.
And make him yours.
And make me eat them.
And Margaery for defending her brother?
And Meereen that you respect their traditions.
And Missandei.
And more hands.
And music. I adore music.
And my father was widowed again.
And my son Prince Trystane will accompany you both.
And neither of them turned.
And no man know his gift.
And nothing I ever witnessed gives me reason to doubt him.
And now everything is going to change?
And now his watch is ended.
And now our father is dead
And now we've all seen it too.
And now, for our last meeting...
And on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground.
And on that day, should it ever come,
And only the common people.
And other things,
And over here is
And parleying those alliances into greater power.
And people say he's a good man.
And perhaps we've grown so used to horror,
And power to cast shadows.
And present herself as the gods made her
And Princess Shireen could accompany me.
And Queen Margaery.
And Queen Margaery.
And Ramsay grew tired of that.
And rather than send a raven or speak to me directly,
And remains true to himself...
And reopen the fighting pits.
And Rhaegar Targaryen.
And Rickon, too? The little one?
And ride for Greyguard.
And right...
And Roose Bolton's the Warden of the North.
And send out a foraging party immediately.
And sent me to King's Landing to squire for his son.
And set the godless on the run.
And she exiled you. Twice, I believe.
And she's alone,
And should be kept pure.
And sit on the Iron Throne.
And slaughter them all.
And so it will be for all of us.
And solid and true.
And strapped him to a cross
And sworn brother of the Night's Watch, ever faithful.
And take that seat.
And telling the locals that Jaime Lannister is in Dorne?
And thank you.
And that appeared to be that.
And that is precisely what we are doing.
And that is who a girl must become.
And that its light may lead our way.
And that little monster is out there somewhere drawing breath.
And that's the truth.
And that's what we need today,
And that's where the mountains are.
And the baby that she named after me will die.
And the big men were always too slow
And the black that ate the skies;
And the child thrown in the river.
And the crown would pay us back in time
And the dead come with it.
And the famous tart Queen Cersei.
And the horror she's had to injure.
And the information you did get... he is young and..
And the king.
And the moats are filled with blackberry wine.
And the realm must know the truth of them.
And the rest of your family gone...
And the right family name.
And the road to King's Landing comes right through Winterfell.
And the Stranger.
And the wildlings?
And then a few years later,
And then chop off his cock.
And then he kidnapped her and ****d her.
And then I met you.
And then I'll give him your regards.
And then they all started to laugh, they couldn't keep the game going any longer.
And then they weren't.
And then they weren't.
And then to my mother's tears.
And then we have to take the castle.
And then what?
And then what?
And then?
And then...
And there is nothing I can do.
And there's no one left to sing.
And there's nothing like a fuck mad Dornish girl
And they all stood up at once.
And they cut our throats while we sleep?
And they humiliated me, they...
And they Nd to get south of the Wall before it's too late.
And they saw that silver hair.
And they will never follow us.
And they'll sing songs about you.
And they're coming for us, for all the living.
And they've seen what happens to men who disappoint me.
And this is what remains.
And this Lannister girl skips about the Water Gardens
And though Daenerys maintains her grip on Slaver's Bay,
And throw them in the black cells.
And thus began the chain of mistakes
And to admit a mistake.
And to serve the King.
And to someone,
And to you,
And to you, of course,
And two brothers fighting the damn crows.
And very large dragons.
And Warden of the North.
And we can't get more men
And we don't have enough food to get us back to Castle Black.
And we find them... repulsive, which is why
And we have one of them.
And we need him.
And we won't be marching anywhere in this weather.
And we won't be marching anywhere in this weather.
And we'll forget this unfortunate conversation ever happened.
And we're staying right here.
And we're staying right here.
And we've slaughtered theirs.
And weigh the choices they put before you.
And what did happen?
And what did she want?
And what did you do with the money?
And what did you do?
And what do you hope to find at the end on the road to Meereen?
And what do you recommend?
And what does the Mother's mercy entail?
And what happens to your people?
And what has your caution brought?
And what if you're wrong?
And what needs to be done?
And what occurred in his chamber?
And what would happen if you did not.
And what would your father have done?
And when it's time,
And when the many stop fearing the few...
And when they're done, seize Winterfell from whichever thief survives.
And when we return...
And when you're done talking,
And where did you come from?
And who can say how many years
And why are you worth meeting?
And why do you think the farmers abandoned those villages?
And why would she have sent you away?
And will remain standing long after we have returned to the dirt.
And with the things we've seen, you don't believe them?
And Worthy Masters you can find
And yet he called himself my father.
And yet he did betray you.
And yet you punish Loras
And yet...
And you agreed to marry someone you loathe for the greater good.
And you are my daughter.
And you have compassion.
And you know who will suffer the most if this all falls apart.
And you let a band of fanatics imprison your brother by law.
And you made him very happy.
And you prepared for the consequences.
And you pride yourself on sniffing it out.
And you shall be punished.
And you sit here in the Watergardens
And you will take it.
And you won't go out and rescue them because why?
And you, my lady, what do you need?
And you? Do you trust yourself?
And you're defending the fighting pits?
And you're going to need to inspire devotion,
And you've learned to maneuver from the very best.
And your blood runs through her veins.
And your prophecies for years.
And your sister is a mean person.
And your wife has every right to criticize.
And, of course, there was the king...
And, well, that was boring.
Angry snakes lash out.
Another one 300 yards from the castle wall.
Another wildling lover, just like his friend, Jon Snow.
Any advice for an old comrade?
Any better for her, my love.
Any fool with a bit of luck
Any vinegar?
Anyone can see them coming from a mile off.
Anyone with a chest full of gold can buy an army of Unsullied.
Anything to keep you from harm.
Anything you need.
Anywhere but here.
Apologies, my lady.
Apologize for murdering her two brothers.
Apologize to Lady Sansa for what you did.
Apparently I do not want to die at all.
Apparently they had married without my knowledge or consent.
Apparently, she thinks you're still in the Vale.
Appears to be a tie, maester.
Are they feeding you enough at least?
Are we really going to spend the entire road to Volantis
Are you a lord if you kill your father?
Are you a virgin?
Are you ashamed of me, Father?
Are you ashamed?
Are you bored of us already?
Are you deaf? Girl!
Are you done with your bath, my lady?
Are you good on a horse?
Are you hungry?
Are you jealous?
Are you lonely?
Are you pleased, my lady?
Are you saying my mother's behind this?
Are you still angry with him
Are you sure he's talking about Benjen?
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Are you? When?
Aren't you afraid of the Doom?
Aren't you and Mother getting along?
Aren't you cold?
Aren't you, Reek?
Arming the believers you felt worthy.
Arranged marriages are rarely so
Arresting my brother is her revenge.
Arresting the heir to Highgarden?
Arya Stark's stolen silver.
Arya Stark's sword, Arya Stark's clothes,
Arya: It took a while, but I finally saved enough
As always, thank you for your honesty.
As Commander of the Shadow Tower...
As devoted to anything as he is to serving you.
As far as I've seen, they're all shit ways to die.
As far south as south goes.
As for his skills,
As for your veiled threats
As I recall, the Mormonts fought against the Targaryens
As I said,
As I said. Why?
As I said...
As it happens, I am a betting man.
As long as he's ruling them.
As long as the Boltons rule the North,
As long as we stay behind these walls,
As miserable as you are, Mormont,
As soon as they see weakness,
As soon as things started to go wrong.
As soon as you get on his ships, they're gonna slit your throats
As the chosen representative of the Seven.
As the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven
As the king's Master of Coin, I can think of no one more qualified.
As you all know too well,
As you wish, Your Grace.
Aside from her children?
At Casterly Rock.
At least let me take Shireen.
At least with King Crow, there's a chance.
At least your father was a good man.
At once, Your Grace.
At ruling.
At the last full moon.
At the very least, you could hunt us some supper.
At the Wall, a dozen lord commanders
At Winterfell.
Avenge them.
Aye, but your lot have to give the singers a good ending.
Aye, princess, but you won't be anywhere near
Back from Casterly Rock
Back to Castle Black with no eyes.
Bad way to go.
Baelor built his Sept around it.
Barristan the Bold they called him.
Bastards can rise high in the world.
Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North,
Bearing false witness before the gods
Beasts can run a day and night without tiring.
Beat the white walkers?
Beautiful young bride you've chosen.
Because her father, who burned living men for amusement, was the king?
Because I am her uncle.
Because I don't want to start a war.
Because I gave them away to someone who needed them more.
Because I questioned him.
Because if I don't, we've lost.
Because if I don't, we've lost.
Because none of them will survive the winter,
Because now I am Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.
Because people disapprove of that sort of thing where you are from?
Because Reek has something to say to you.
Because Rhaegar chose your aunt?
Because the wildlings raided them for years.
Because their leader was made king.
Because there was a better choice.
Because they believed in me.
Because we are talking about the future of our country.
Because when the knife go in
Because you are not my enemy.
Because you cannot build a better world on your own.
Because you deserve it.
Because you have a skeptical mind.
Because you murdered members of your own family?
Because you're going to come with me and help me with something important.
Been a long time.
Before it's too late.
Before Ser Jorah seized that role for himself.
Before taking it away from you.
Before that,
Before the sickness spread through the castle.
Before the snows trap us here.
Before the winter snows block his way.
Before we cast our tokens...
Before we left, a maester gave you a raven's scroll.
Before we ride in the morning and after we camp for the evening.
Before you know it...
Before you set them to butchering each other for sport?
Before your mother's death,
Beg pardon, my lady.
Behold the fate of those who choose the darkness.
Believe me, I do.
Believe me, no one is more shocked than I am.
Believe me.
Bend the knee, I promise you mercy.
Besides, she reopened the fighting pits.
Besides, what else is there for me to do inside this fucking box?
Best in the city.
Best part of her for the best part of me.
Betrayed by his woman,
Better off with the Boltons
Between Rhaenyra and Aegon...
Between you and what's out there.
Beyond the reach of justice.
Birds have to eat, too.
Blue as frost.
Bodies of holy men piled in the streets.
Bolton has women fighting for him?
Born of sin!
Born the bastard of Winterfell,
Both of them thought they belonged on the Iron Throne.
Bowing to the king.
Boy fucker.
Boys, there's no need for this.
Bran the Builder and King Dorren and
Brant: Look at his hand shake.
Brant: You're gonna get yourself killed.
Break a few fingers, overhear a few more things...
Brienne the Beauty, they called me. Great joke.
Bring my wife back to her chamber.
Bring some here and ask them yourself.
Broken in body and spirit.
Bronn is merely a soldier following my orders.
Bronn: ♪ Brothers, O brothers, my days here are done ♪
Bronn: ♪ The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun ♪
Bronn: And once we've got the princess, then what?
Bronn: I've seen quite a few women
Brother Derek, Brother Brant,
Brother fucker!
Brother Lancel.
Brother Lancel.
Brothers fought brothers, dragons fought dragons.
Buggery. Blasphemy.
Bunch? Bunch...Six? Twenty?
Burnt our food stores to the ground,
But at a certain point...
But at least he killed our father on purpose.
But at least we'll give the fuckers a fight.
But belief is so often the death of reason.
But can I make one more suggestion?
But don't worry, I'll have plenty of time for you.
But earning it for yourself, that takes work.
But even the most dangerous men can be outmaneuvered
But every day we wait, the odds shift in Bolton's favor.
But experience has made me weary of outsiders.
But first he has to take Winterfell.
But gentler than Stannis.
But he did not trust you with the truth.
But he knows how to fight.
But he wants what's right for the Seven Kingdoms.
But he was always there to counsel them.
But he was the king's brother.
But he won't stay for long.
But he'll be the heir.
But he's not alone in that castle.
But he's the commander we turned to
But here you are, protecting his dead body.
But here, in Meereen, before Daenerys Stormborn
But how did you end up serving Renly?
But I
But I am a brother of the Night's Watch.
But I can teach you how to fight.
But I don't imagine we'll get to stick around for the rest.
But I don't imagine we'll have the time.
But I fear the Faith has left reason behind.
But I have found Sansa Stark.
But I have other information
But I have to refuse you.
But I never did.
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