Title | Daisy felt the sting of reprimand not only from The Fat Controller but also from BoCo, who joined in with a few sharp words of his own, reminding her that hard work was just as important as the camaraderie they shared, and that she needed to pull her weight more often in their bustling, busy world. |
Board | Ringo Starr (Movie) HiFi TTS Computer AI Voice |
Format | MP3 |
Length | 19 seconds |
Plays | 3 plays |
AI Generated | Yes Responsible AI |
Daisy felt the sting of reprimand not only from The Fat Controller but also from BoCo, who joined in with a few sharp words of his own, reminding her that hard work was just as important as the camaraderie they shared, and that she needed to pull her weight more often in their bustling, busy world.
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Description: Type your text and hear it in the voice of Ringo Starr (Movie).