Title |
In the magical land of Mushroom Kingdom, Mario embarks on a thrilling adventure that takes him to the mysterious world of Flipsville. There, he encounters a peculiar creature known as glamdozer, a large and obese Pupdozer with a pink skin over the top half of her body and a yellow underbelly. Wearing a crown similar to Rosalina's, glamdozer has effeminate eyelashes, puffy cheeks, pink lips, purple claws, and green eyes lined with blue eyeshadow. As Mario approaches, glamdozer casts a spell on... |
Board | Mario (Game, Super Mario) HiFi TTS Computer AI Voice |
Format | MP3 |
Length | 91 seconds |
Plays | 2 plays |
AI Generated | Yes Responsible AI |
This MP3 audio sound quote is from:
Description: Type your text and hear it in the voice of Mario (Game, Super Mario).