A house. Cars. Women. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
All I am saying is, why don't we just pretend he didn't die? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
All right. Enough. It's just until I can afford something decent from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
All right. Okay. All right, buddy I am going to explain it to you real slow from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
And not the old joystick, you know what I mean? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
And then I find out that my dead boss is not only a thief, he wants to kill me. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
And we're two schmucks. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Are dated after the policy holder died, Bernie. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Are you in here? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
As you may or may not know, Mr. Lomax... from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
At this point, why not? Mr. Lomax is... from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Bernie, baby, get off your ass. It's party time! from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Bernie, let go of me. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Bernie, you're starting to peel. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Bet that thing moves, huh? Jesus. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
But they just always liked to travel in trains. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Come on. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Coming back. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Coming through! from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Dead. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Didn't you say you'd be spending this weekend with your parents? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Do something, Rich. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Do you know how much it costs to park a car in Manhattan every month? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Drive the boat, Richard. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Excuse me, miss. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Excuse me. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Floating party. Happens every weekend. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Gentlemen, how long have you two been working here? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Get the door from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Give me those papers! from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Giving it gas from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Good night, buddy. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Gwen. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Had a chance to think about my offer? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is... from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hampton Island. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
He loves us. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
He says there's no interest in the subject matter. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
He's very upset. Richard, look from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hello, is this the police? Yes... from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hello? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Here comes Bernie. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Here we go, my friend. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Here. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hey, Bernie, showing off again? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hey, Bernie. The Maserati. I painted it black for you. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hi from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hold on. We'll be right there from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hold the boat, please. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Holy crap! from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Holy shit. Look at this. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hot enough for you, Larry? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I am real good at that. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I am spending it with my folks. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I am usually 45 minutes late. I am early today. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I can't blame you. Who'd want to live with their folks? That's no good. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I didn't kill him. He's not dead. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I don't want to see you. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I got an idea. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I got it, thanks. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I know he loved you. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I know, Alice, but he won't bend on it from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I liked the guy. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I mean there is no sense sending up a bunch of red flags. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I see. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I told you we should've taken a taxi from the station. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I trained you. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I'll grab the bow line. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I'm crazy about you. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I'm gonna die from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I've been at it for quite some time. Weekends also. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I've got to go. Duty calls from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I've had a crush on you since the first day I saw you at work. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
In an overall insurance portfolio. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Incidentally, you're a disgusting human being from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Is this great or what? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
It's all right from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
It's empty from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
It's hot. It's in a high crime area. Beats living with Mom and Dad. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
It's the killer from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Keep the piece of shit. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Kick me in the ass. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Ladies, how are you? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Ladies, how are you? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Ladies. Hello. How are you today? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Let me explain something to you. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Let me just say one thing here. There's no reason to get pissy about this. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Let me rephrase that from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Let's party. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Like your mother and father were dead from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Listen to me! from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Liza's maid is over for the weekend, and I had to give her your regular time from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Lomax is dead, somebody is trying to kill us. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Look at this fool. He wants to get off, we want to get on. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Look, I'll see you later. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Love you, darling, just love you. You know, you could use a little sun. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Mine still works. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Move it! This way! from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Never seen you this relaxed before. Keep it up. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
No, Harris, why don't you turn up the heat? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
No, I've no idea what to say. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
No, she couldn't have. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
No, this is my first time. This is great from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
No? You'll be begging me. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Nobody else knows that. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Nothing. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Now get out of here. Go on. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Now he's turning me into a drag queen. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Oh, boy from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Oh, no. Bernie and I are in a very big business meeting. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Okay, gentlemen? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Okay. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
One more you get out of jail free. All right. Fine. Your turn. I'll roll. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Please. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Ready? On three, here we go. One, two, three from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Rich, grab him. Grab a leg. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Right after 27. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Right. You are right. Okay, I am sorry. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Sammy. Hank. How are you? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Second prize in a beauty contest from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
She said, "I hope your aunt feels better." from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
She's a summer intern. She'll be gone in a week. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Somebody talk to the captain from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Sorry, Rich. Coming back. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Sorry. I didn't realize you had company from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Stop the boat. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
That's all right, Monroe. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
That's computer ink, sir. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
That's what it says from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
The anchor, throw it. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
The good news is, I can see again. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
The killer might not know it's Bernie and shoot us. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
There's another one. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
There's no Bernie. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
There's no dial tone. With 97 buttons... from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
There's no place to hide. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
There's nothing from a Doreena, a Martha, Judy? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
This is fabulous. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
This is good. She discovers the body, she calls the police from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
To the bedroom. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Turn the boat. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Unless he's the one whose been stealing from the company. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Wait a minute from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Watch this, Richard. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
We are going to have a good time, I guarantee from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
We can't just leave him there, you know. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
We don't know what to say, Bernie. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
We were really looking forward to coming out here.. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
We're going to be here all weekend. We are houseguests from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
What about it? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
What gives? She has been up there, what, from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
What? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
What? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
When do you expect Ed back? It's a bit of an emergency from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
When there's more privacy. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Where is he? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Where the hell are you, you son of a bitch? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Whether Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were secretly married. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Who cares? What are we gonna do about it? We can't take him out like this. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Why couldn't he say you were having the operation? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Why do these things always happen to me? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Wow. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Yeah. Hampton Island. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Yes, Operator, can you get me the police, please? Thank you. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Yes! Free parking. $500 for me. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You are beautiful! from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You are probably right. Oh, Bernie. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You are right. We better get him. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You better put that thing back on the dead body. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You deserve it, Richard. The company owes you. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You don't have to answer this if you don't want to... from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You dummy, why don't you watch where you are going? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You gentlemen were saying... from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You had maybe one job to do. Watch a dead body. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You let me sleep till 11:30? I have... from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You slay me, Bernie. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You sure these figures are accurate? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You're right. I'm sorry. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You've got to be the weirdest guy I've ever met from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
A little longer, I think. Longer? I was here before you. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Am I? Yes from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
and I still have to plant the note. Yeah. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
And you didn't want to come. I admit it, I was wrong. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Are you kidding me? No, I'm serious. You could catch a cold. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Bless you, my son. Thank you, Father. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
don't kill them while I'm around. Bernie, we're on the phone here. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Get back here, you little monster. Never mind him. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Good God! He didn't need it anymore. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Good. Quite a shack you have here. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Here we go! We're going home. Give it some gas now. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Here we go. That's it, Bernie. Hi, Bernie. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hi, guys. Hi. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Hi. Look, don't forget to tell Bernie, okay? Okay. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
How did he get down here? He walked. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I am glad you finally asked me out. You are? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I did not hear you come in. I know. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I don't understand why we've to move him. Don't ask. Just move him from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I guess we are going to the beach. Wilson at the line. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I have an idea. What is it? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I just want my $90, okay? Bullshit! from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I'm gonna kill you. What? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I'm sorry, but we're still gonna die. Not if Bernie's with us from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I'm sorry. Excuse me. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
I've a reputation to protect here. For Christ's sakes, Larry! from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
It doesn't matter. It does matter, Richard from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Larry. What? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Let's go to the beach. No. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Making any sense? Yeah, he died four times. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Nothing is happening, Larry. I know that. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Okay. We're early. You schmuck. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
on a dead body. I'm getting swimmer's ear. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Operator. Operator, the police, please. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Push something else. Something's happening. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Sambuca on the rocks. Yes, sir. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Scram! Get out of here! You little bastard from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
So long, Lar, it has been fun but not really. Goodbye, Rich from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Sorry. Coming through. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
That one works. Richard. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
The papers are going to the beach. We aren't going. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Try the key again. Fine from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Well, hello, Gwen. Wayne. Hi from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
What are you doing? What do you want? from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
What is happening out there, buddy? Sizzle, sizzle... from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
What? I said... from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
What? You deserve more than this from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
What's going on? That's illegal. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Yeah. Help! Okay. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
Yes, I did. I am. They have a house here. Great. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You have a butler? Yeah. Don't get him started. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You want me to talk to her? Yes from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard
You're doing well. Trying to get us off this island of hell. from Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Soundboard