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Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks wears a red cap and hoodie, showcasing his playful personality alongside friends.

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Alvin and the Chipmunks is a beloved franchise that has captivated audiences for decades through its music, humor, and memorable characters. The Chipmunks, consisting of the talented trio Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, have brought joy to both young and old alike in various forms of entertainment, including a television show, movies, and an iconic song.

The franchise's origins can be traced back to the 1950s when Ross Bagdasarian Sr., also known as David Seville, created a novelty record called "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)." This catchy tune featured the high-pitched voices of Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, all of whom were named after executives of the record label. The song was an instant hit, reaching the top of the charts and earning Bagdasarian three Grammy Awards in 1959.

In 1961, a television show titled "The Alvin Show" premiered, featuring the misadventures of Alvin and his brothers. This animated series showcased the comedic talents of the Chipmunks as they navigated school, friendships, and their music career under the guidance of their adoptive father, Dave Seville.

Years later, in 2007, a live-action/CGI-animated movie titled "Alvin and the Chipmunks" was released. The film introduced a new generation to the lovable characters, embracing the beloved elements of the original series while adding a contemporary twist. In the movie, Jason Lee portrayed Dave Seville, the ever-patient and dedicated father figure to the rambunctious chipmunks. Justin Long provided the voice for Alvin, Matthew Gray Gubler voiced Simon, and Jesse McCartney lent his talents as Theodore. This star-studded lineup brought the Chipmunks to life, charming audiences of all ages with their mischievous antics.

"Alvin and the Chipmunks" was a massive success at the box office, prompting the release of several sequels, including "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel" in 2009 and "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked" in 2011. Each movie continued to showcase the Chipmunks' infectious energy and love for music, while also introducing new characters such as the Chipettes, a trio of talented female chipmunks.

Aside from their movie endeavors, the Chipmunks have also remained prominent in the television landscape. In 2015, the series "ALVINNN!!! and the Chipmunks" premiered, blending traditional animation with computer-generated imagery. This latest iteration of the franchise further explores the daily lives of Alvin, Simon, and Theodore as they navigate school, family life, and their constant pursuit of musical stardom.

Throughout the years, the music of the Chipmunks has been a defining feature of the franchise. Their high-pitched, harmonious voices have breathed new life into classic songs, creating a unique and recognizable sound. From their iconic rendition of "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)" to covers of contemporary hits, the Chipmunks' music transcends generations, bringing smiles and laughter to all who listen.

To this day, fans can relive the magic of Alvin and the Chipmunks through various media platforms. Whether it's watching the TV show, enjoying the movies, or playing their songs, the Chipmunks continue to be an enduring and cherished part of pop culture. So why not join in on the fun and explore the world of Alvin and the Chipmunks? You can play and download these delightful sounds here, allowing the joy and laughter of these mischievous chipmunks to brighten your day.
A date? No.
A grown man bringing another grown man...
A IittIe bit cIoser.
A Iong rest. Are you ? Okay. Yeah, a Iong rest, right.
A Little Help Boys
A paper cIip compass. Now I'II never get Iost.
A Wayout
ActuaIIy, I wanna pIay you something.
AII right, guys, tighten up.
AII right, guys. Guess what your uncIe Ian brought you. Coffee.
AII right, here's the deaI.
AII right, party peopIe. You know how we do it.
AII right? Something funky and fresh.
AII right.
AII right. AII right. SettIe in, settIe in. Thank you for coming.
AII right. Simon?
AIIow us to introduce ourseIves.
AIvin, I said that's enough.
AIvin, Simon, Theodore! Come on, guys, we're going home.
AIvin, what are you doing?
AIvin, what are you doing? Don't make a mess.
AIvin, you don't decide.
AIvin, you're not heIping.
AIvin! AIvin!
AIvin. Dave said that
All For One One For All
All just for one day
Alvin! Simon! Theodore!
Always Right
And because I care, I'm putting it aII away for you.
And guess what, guys.
And I don't feeI right about sending you guys out Iike this.
And I guess I just needed a hug.
And I had to coordinate 1 21 different radio and print interviews...
And I have been using this for aImost 1 0 years now.
And I write your music, you know, manage your career.
And I'm especiaIIy sick of this stupid...
And I'm Theodore.
And if there's anything you need, anything at aII...
And is he coming to the show?
And it don't stop, never, no It won't stop no matter what they say
And it's gone.
And it's got a nice picture of some pineappIes?
And it's stiII earIy.
And not at aII unIess I know where you're going.
And others wouId say, ''You know what's weirder than that?
And remember, mouth the words and no one wiII know.
And some days you just wanna cIose them in a box...
And that video of your IittIe guys, 1 0 miIIion hits aIready on YouTube.
And then the witch doctor He gave me this advice
And then the witch doctor He told me what to do
And there goes Theodore.
And these guys don't need the extra pressure.
And they couId make us both so much money...
And to be honest, the new songs don't reaIIy sound Iike us.
And try on these super cooI in the now gIasses.
And we're not sharing.
And we've both come a Iong way since coIIege. You? Not so much.
And you shouId be going to parties Iike this every night.
And, for us cIassy chipmunks, a bit of the bubbIy.
Another thing I'm not gonna teII you. I wiII teII you.
Anyway, 1 0 years ago, the market share for heaIthy food snacks...
Are you ready to rock?
Are you stiII mad at us?
Are you stiII not gonna say it?
As it came down to one
As the boa moves in for the attack...
Baby, you know
Back Of The Van
Back to the dog. Back to the dog!
Back to tree. Back to tree.
Bad, you know, non taIking rodents around here.
Be A Part
Because after aII I did to mess up everything, incIuding you
Because tomorrow, you start working hard. Coast to coast in five days.
Been There Done That
Besides, they just ruined the concert.
Best For Job Is A Angel
Better Then Him
Boa has the mouse trapped on a branch with no way out.
Boy, am I jazzed about our Yum abIe Energy Bars commerciaI.
Boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Boys In Love
Boys, weIcome to your new home.
Break A Leg
Bring them on in, feIIas.
Build Some Buzz
But don't teII your animaI friends, because I don't wanna come home...
But I am your friend, so I'm going to teII you...
But Iook at you now. You've got the career, promising future, kids.
But the guy just Ieft. You shouId have said something about five seconds ago.
But we taIk.
But we want to.
But we're buiIding the suspense.
But you know what, Theo? The onIy difference is...
But You Will
But you're Iike a dad.
But, Theodore, come on. Wake up and smeII the toffee.
Buzz Kill
Buzz Kill Man
Cab fare? We don't even have pockets.
Can aII animaIs taIk?
Can I get some of that water?
Can I get you some water or a soy Iatte?
Can I sIeep with you?
Can I stand in your Iap and steer?
Can they do it?
Can we get Wardrobe down here, pIease?
Can we go with you?
Can we pIay with aII this stuff?
Can you get down with the Funk, funk, funk of the Chipmunks?
Can't heIp you, Simon. I'm about to take the Iead here.
Chipmunk fever, catch it.
Chipmunk Heat, something Iike that. Chipmunk wine cooIers.
Chipmunks can't taIk either.
Chipmunks on the M I C "Witch Doctor"
Choice We Have
Christmas, Christmastime is near
Christmas, Christmastime is near
CIaire is Dave's mate.
CIam it, sudsy.
CIose up on a IittIe girI's face. She's sad.
Come and get munk'd With the Chipmunk rugrats
Come and get munk'd with the Munks
Come and get munk'd with the Munks Get munk'd with the Chipmunk rugrats
Come back.
Come here.
Come on, baby. Come to papa!
Come on, can you feel it?
Come on, Dave, Dave, Dave.
Come on, guys.
Come on, guys.
Come on, here's Theodore
Come on, man, it's Christmas. HaIIeIujah.
Come on, move over, road hog.
Come on, paI. You drive Iike my grandmother.
Come on, people, let's get to it
Come on, people, let's get to it
Come on, right there. Perfect.
Come on, shake, come on, roll Everybody hit the floor
Come on, shake, come on, roll Everybody hit the floor
Come on, shake, come on, roll With the Chipmunks, here we go
Come on, shake, come on, roll With the Chipmunks, here we go
Come on, sing for your uncIe Ian. Come on, sing.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Competing with gophers and earthworms and that Ioser sparrow...
CouId she be fIying a kite?
CouId you give us a minute?
Crowd Surfing
Dave aIways said it was aII about the music.
Dave doesn't even want us. He doesn't care enough to even come to our show.
Dave likes to wear
Dave needs a IittIe heIp from the Iove doctor.
Dave SeviIIe.
Dave SeviIIe. Learn the name, Iook for the face.
Dave Seville's in the lobby.
Dave, are you okay?
Dave, don't do this to yourseIf, man.
Dave, Iet go.
Dave, they're chipmunks who taIk. PeopIe wiII come.
Dave, we go way back, aII right?
Dave, wouId you Iike a cookie?
Dave, you drive Iike a sIeepy oId bear.
Dave? Dave?
Dave. Dave, reIax.
Dave's hoIding you back, you know. I couId be making you 20 Iarge a day.
Dear fellas, I'm sorry, but this isn't really working out.
Demo. Dave SeviIIe.
Did I put these here?
Dirty underwear with little hairs
Do you maybe have any that you bought seven years ago?
Doesn't mean you can have or do whatever you want.
Don't do this, Dave.
Don't give up, Dave.
Don't go against me on this, Dave. I never Iose.
Don't make me Iaugh.
Don't panic. Wipe everything down.
Don't say ''famiIy'' in front of Dave. It gives him gas.
Don't say anything.
Don't take it personaIIy, you guys.
Drive it or park it, paI. Get in the sIow Iane.
Driving Home
Dude, you're a rock star. You're supposed to be spoiIed.
Eenie, meenie, minie, mo
Eureka! I found the cheese baIIs.
Everybody, can they do it?
Everybody, can they do it?
Everything's fine.
Excuse me.
Face it, Dave. They've moved on.
FiIthy creatures, Dave. Never associate with them.
For a normaI kid. You guys are superstars.
Forgot you guys haven't officiaIIy met.
Four degrees eIevation.
Four. No, no, no. Eight? Counting your thumb?
Fun 1
Fun 2
Funk, funk, funk of the Chipmunks
Get a wheeIchair. Move over!
Get back here.
Get Back To The Van
Get back!
Get off my set.
Get on that dance fIoor, Iet me see what you got.
Give me a big feIIa. AIvin, big, big.
Give me a break. We're in a buiIding, Theodore.
Give me that.
Go away. Leave me aIone.
Go, go, go. Go.
Good grief.
Good Night Dave
Good Night Everbody
Good stuff. There you go. Come on, get in there.
Good To See You Dave
Got a friend in sateIIite radio, put it in immediate rotation.
Got A Plan
Got a world tour, gonna start tomorrow.
Gotta get that cream
Great. Just what every kid dreams of.
Great. Loving it.
Gross. Is this his house?
Guess what. You're making way more than that.
Guys, I don't know how to teII you this...
Guys, Iook, it's hard, I know.
Guys, we're gonna have food aII winter, so if you start storing it...
Guys, what's aII this?
Guys, with me.
Guys. What's this about?
Ha Ha 1
Ha Ha 2
Ha Ha 3
Ha Ha 4
Hang on, SherIock. He's coming to.
Has anyone tried the chocoIate meatbaIIs?
Hate Game
Have at it, feIIas.
He aIso, David, said that we shouId be making $20 a day.
He doesn't want a famiIy.
He feII out of the tree at birth.
He got away. Well....
He reaIIy did have garIic breath.
He said to me:
He said: Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ah ah
He says he won't leave without seeing you.
He wanted me to Iet you know he's great and he's happy.
He'II feeI that in the morning.
He's been out for quite a whiIe.
He's my assistant.
He's not your uncIe.
He's reaIIy, reaIIy happy. So.... AII right.
Head At's
HeIIo, gorgeous.
HeIIo, I'm Simon, the smart one.
HeIIo, ugIy IittIe AIvin doII that Iooks nothing Iike AIvin.
Hello Gorgeous
Hello Ladies
Here at Jett Records, we pride ourseIves on bringing you tomorrow's music today.
Here we are.
Here we go, and sing.
Here What We Do
Here, everyone inside.
Here, hoId on to that.
Here, Iet's finish eating, huh?
Here. Let me see.
Here's Julianne Reynolds with today's entertainment news.
Here's troubIe. Fire in the hoIe!
Hey Dave!
Hey My Cap
Hey, AIvster. Love the song, bro.
Hey, back off, man, this is Dave SeviIIe.
Hey, captain, come here.
Hey, come on. What's with the Iong furry faces?
Hey, Dave, do aII humans have houses that smeII Iike sweat socks?
Hey, Dave.
Hey, gotta get that cream
Hey, guys, I have an idea for a new song.
Hey, guys, Iook at me. Up, up and away.
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, how's my favorite songwriter?
Hey, Ian...
Hey, if you guys behave, maybe I'II Iet you caII me ''UncIe Ian'' again.
Hey, Iook, Dave, no paws.
Hey, put some cIothes on those guys. It's kind of embarrassing.
Hey, there's pIenty more where this came from.
Hey, what do you think of this?
Hey, you ever seen the view from the 80th fIoor?
Hey. Hey. Hey. Stop doing Turn that off.
Hi Dave
Hi, Dave. It's Claire Wilson calling. And why did I just say my last name?
Hit Keep Coming
HoId it.
HoId the phone, Dave.
HoIy nuts.
How about a shot of wheatgrass juice?
How about we get together, taIk about the new Dave?
How about you, how's your job?
How did you ? When did ?
How did you guys...?
How do you feeI about an indoor pooI?
How do you know my name?
How do you think it's going?
How many fingers am I hoIding up?
How we roll
How we roll
How we roll
How we roll
How's it going?
How's that?
HuIa Hoop.
Hurry back.
Hurry up, Dad.
Hurry, Christmas, hurry fast
Hurry, you guys.
I absoIuteIy understand but Sorry, Dave?
I am not taIking to chipmunks. I am not taIking to chipmunks.
I am now.
I can Iive with that.
I can't wait to open mine first.
I can't. I give up.
I couId give you a Iot of fancy terms, but, bottom Iine, they're exhausted.
I don't know what made me think I could handle you guys...
I don't need anyone to fix anything for me.
I feeI fine.
I got it. I got it, guys. Come to papa.
I gotta admit I'm surprised.
I gotta get my boys back but Ian's trying to keep me out.
I guess he reaIIy does want us to go.
I had a nightmare too. In my nightmare...
I had a nightmare.
I had a nightmare.
I have no job, no career, my house is aIways a mess. Thank you very much.
I haven't seen you since....
I hope Christmas comes fast.
I Iike kites.
I Iost my job, CIaire.
I Iove it. You Iove it? Chipmunk fever. Catch it, baby.
I Iove toffee.
I just said, I missed you too.
I kind of Iiked him better when he was unconscious.
I know a guy. Let me caII my guy. I'II get on that.
I know that probabIy sounds weird coming from me.
I know that you'll be mine When I say this to you
I know...
I mean, forget about the music.
I mean, we're friends for sure.
I mean, you shouId be riding in Iimousines and private pIanes.
I missed you too, Dave.
I must be hearing things.
I need pants. Pants are essentiaI.
I need something new. I need something fresh.
I need three garbage bags, a shoveI, some disinfectant...
I need to know, okay?
I never Iose.
I said, Ieave me aIone.
I think he made it angry.
I think I got something in my eye.
I thought my heart was gonna expIode.
I told the witch doctor I was in love with you
I told the witch doctor You didn't love me nice
I told the witch doctor You didn't love me too
I told the witch doctor You didn't love me true
I totaIIy understand it.
I wanna taIk to aII you guys. Where's AIvin?
I want you bright eyed and bushy taiIed by 8.
I wanted to Iike that song, but you heard it. Not that good.
I was just trying to heIp, Dave. You have garIic breath.
I wasn't sure if you thought this was a date or something.
I went out and found myself someone Who'd tell me how to win your heart
I wonder, is Dave mad? Yes.
I wrote a song for you guys to sing, so Iet's
I'II fieId that one. We read your maiI. By accident.
I'II get them that rest. Thank you. I'II take care of it.
I'II probabIy go into insuIin shock. But it's worth it.
I'II scream it from the rooftops. And I'm not afraid. I'm not ashamed.
I'II teII you what, you guys Iike deep tissue massage? AII right?
I'll be there at 7. Okay. Bye.
I'm awake.
I'm finished now. Simon.
I'm Going To Puke
I'm gonna say it. AIvin!
I'm in.
I'm not gonna say it.
I'm Not Tired
I'm not your....
I'm Psyched
I'm Related To Them
I'm sending a message to our dear oId uncIe Ian.
I'm sick of struggIing for survivaI.
I'm Simon, He's Alvin I'm Theodore
I'm sorry it has to be this way, but....
I'm sorry, CIaire. It's just....
I'm taIking about our own fur cIothing Iine, coIogne.
I'm up...
I've got a Iunch to go to.
I've invested every dime I have in these guys.
Ian, they need a reaI Iife. Not aII of this.
Iced out, rocks hot Droppin' dollars, ladies holler
If he shows up tomorrow night, he doesn't get near my chipmunks.
If I wasn't your friend, I'd say:
If the Chipmunks Iike Crunchy NibbIes, your pet wiII Iove them.
If you're gonna do something, do it fast. Here.
Instead of criticizing me, why not use your big brain to think of a way out?
Is Is this for me?
Is it me, or was he a IittIe mad?
Isn't that Iike cheating?
It is a very speciaI night tonight.
It takes Ionger. But when it comes to fIavor, why rush?
It was cIean when I went to bed Iast night.
It's a figure of speech, Simon.
It's a good weird, though.
It's a paper cIip compass.
It's a raisin, Dave.
It's aII about today's edge.
It's Cool
It's crazy. I gotta go.
It's creepy. UnnaturaI. Somewhat eviI.
It's fun UncIe Ian, aII right? Okay?
It's going. It's going.
It's hard to say. But manager producer Ian Hawke has assured Fox...
It's my mom. Sorry.
It's no probIem. We have an omeIet station.
It's So Beautiful
It's voice activated. Here, say something to it.
It's your coIogne.
Jett Records.
Just Call Angels
Just Iike storing nuts for the winter.
Just make sure that you mouth the words exactIy Iike we recorded them.
Just stay caIm.
Just two friends having dinner. Hanging out.
Keys. Bag.
Knock, knock.
Ladies and gentIemen, here to sing their new hit singIe...
Last one to the door is roadkiII.
Let me ask you. Have you ever written a song before?
Let me guess. You're Iate for something again.
Let us sIeep in your bed when we have nightmares.
Let's Eat
Let's get to it
Let's go.
Let's go. Let's get to work.
Let's just start with me being your songwriter.
Let's see, it says, ''Merry Christmas. Love, Theodore.''
Let's taIk about your song, Dave.
Like Him Better
Living large.
Look, AIvin, this is hard to say but, I mean, I gotta be upfront about it.
Look, behind your back, Dave caIIs you...
Look, feIIas. Let's make sure we understand each other here.
Look, I can't do this right now, okay?
Look, I just wanted to say hi. See how they're doing.
Look, I know what you guys are up to. AIvin.
Look, I've had a Iong and weird day, so off to bed.
Look, if you fIood my house, you're dead.
Love you.
Major rock stars.
Major rock stars.
Maybe Iater. Thanks.
Maybe we shouId take a break.
Mayday, mayday.
Me next.
Me too.
Me too.
Me, I want a Hula Hoop
Me, I want a Hula Hoop
Mess All Us
Miss a chipmunk because you're slow
Miss Us
Missed you too.
Move it or Iose it! Get some training wheeIs, buddy.
Move, move.
Mr. SeviIIe, can I offer you some muffins, scones, pastries?
My Bad
My bad.
My friend the witch doctor He told me what to do
My friend the witch doctor He told me what to say
My Iife is being sabotaged by taIking chipmunks.
My song?
My stereo does that aII the time. It's Iike it has a mind of its own.
My taiI isn't bushy tiII 9.
Nail It
Name rings a beII. A dead...
Need A Plan
Never mind.
Never mind. I'm Iate for work.
No games. No fooIing around.
No hiding. Come on, come on. Make Iove to the camera.
No No No
No offense, big guy, but you are not good at this.
No pressure. Nothing weird.
No, 1 2 actuaIIy. If we can get China to go chipmunk.
No, I mean, ''home'' home.
No, it's coffee, Theodore, coffee. It's a Like a super cooI energy heaIth drink...
No, it's for Simon.
No, it's not Iike cheating. It's Cheating is wrong.
No, no, no. Let's not get ahead of ourseIves here.
No, there's no Dave SeviIIe on this Iist.
No, they're rats.
No. I just need to know, that's aII.
No. It's his garbage can.
No. No, then I'd have to give out refunds.
No. Not Iike a famiIy.
No. They don't.
No. Wait. Is breakfast incIuded?
No. What I'm taIking about is having you guys Iip synch. Yeah.
Not Good At This
Not my probIem. Now go to sIeep.
Nothing To Worry
Nothing. Nothing. Just a IittIe stage fright.
Nothing. What are you doing?
Now can I steer? Oh, pIease, pIease, pIease.
ObviousIy, Theodore's butt.
Of course.
Oh, a sweet, sweet, sweet moIasses meat.
Oh, and guess what. I did it again.
Oh, can we at Ieast beep the horn?
Oh, come on, you gotta have one more ticket.
Oh, come on.
Oh, I do have one ruIe...
Oh, I thought I saw a rat.
Oh, is it dancing? WeII, next time say, you know, ''I'm the dance guy '' HeIIo?
Oh, maybe we can ceIebrate it with you.
Oh, my God, oh.
Oh, my God. Theodore, did you just ?
Oh, nice to meet you. Now get out of my house.
Oh, niceIy done, Theodore. ''To Dav.''
Oh, no!
Oh, no. We see her face, it's sad.
Oh, nothing. I was just a IittIe nervous about coming over here.
Oh, okay.
Oh, sorry about that. Yeah.
Oh, this is trippy.
Oh, were we disturbing you?
Oh, winter's for Iosers.
Oh, yeah? WeII, if you Iove UncIe Ian so much...
Oh, yeah. Christmas.
Oh, you had a nightmare?
Oh, you've been practicing. I never reaIized. Okay, weII.
Ok Dave
Okay, but not after 7.
Okay, great. She's fIying a kite.
Okay, guys, come on, Iet's try it again.
Okay, here's the pitch.
Okay, Simon. That's enough.
Okay, this wasn't my best idea. Look out!
Okay, weII, give them a shot or a cream or a piII or something.
Okay, you got me.
Okay, you know what?
Okay, you know what?
Okay, you know what? I miss my friend Dave, okay?
Okay? AII right?
Okay. Guys, Iet me just put it to you Iike this, okay?
Okay. New ruIe. No going out after 9.
Okay. Sure. But stay on that side of the bed.
Okay. That's it. Meeting. Now. Everyone on the couch.
Okay. This is great.
Okay. Whatever. My point is just because you're
OmeIet station.
On my presentation boards? You got me fired.
On the first day of Christmas Dave woke up
One For All Three For One
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ah ah
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ah ah
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ah ah Ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ah ah Ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ah ah Ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ah ah Ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ah ah Ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Or did he just say ''famiIy''?
Our customers don't Iike to think of their kids as being sad.
Our Iips are moving and words are coming out.
Our parents were hippies. They Ieft earIy to join a commune.
Out on the street, capiche?
Over My Dead Body
Pay That Bill
Pick A Movie
Piece Of Cake
Play These Gigs
Please, Christmas, don't be late
Please, Christmas, don't be late
Pray for a quick demise, young chipmunk.
Prepare to face the fury of my vengeance.
Presents. Presents. Presents.
Pretend I need the money and I hate my job...
Prove it.
Put them on the phone.
Quick question.
Quick, hide.
Quick. Hide.
ReaIIy? Because Dave says we need our sIeep.
ReaIIy? I wanted to get you something you'd use every day.
Really Sorry
Right, Dave?
Right, Good abIe.
Right, yeah. I'm not a doctor, so....
Right, yeah. I'm not a doctor, so....
Rigth This Way
Roll, that's how we roll
Rules Is My Middle Name
Rumor of exhaustion and voice strain are swirling around the singing sensation.
Savings bonds.
SeII it. Big smiIe. Yes. Theodore, chin out. Yeah. That's it.
She is not my mate.
She wanted you.
She's aIso a masseuse.
She's my ex mate.
She's running with a kite. She's running out of steam.
She's tired and Iets go of the kite.
Show Trust
Simon Your A Genius
Simon, Theodore?
Singing 1
Singing 2
Singing 3
Singing 4
Sir, are you aII right?
Six degrees azimuth.
Six. FinaI answer is six.
Sneak attack.
So Cool
So how's that working for you, Dave?
So I guess it worked.
So I see you're enjoying my IittIe spread that I've put out for you guys.
So Iisten, guys, I just taIked to the doctor.
So is that a no?
So she puIIs out her Good abIe Energy Bar
So sorry about the deIay. It shouId be a coupIe more minutes.
So we're good with the toaster waffIes, right? Dave?
So when's dinner?
So who wants to open their presents?
So you're gonna canceI the show?
So, Dave...
So, feIIas, aII we gotta do is find the right song, rehearse
So, what are the ruIes around here?
So, what do you think?
So, what's this I hear about a European tour?
Some peopIe don't know a good thing when they've got it.
Somebody In Love
Someone trashed your house.
Sorry doesn't get my job back, now, does it, Theodore?
Sorry, I had some sentimentaIity stuck in my throat.
Sorry, Mr. Krabs, I was out all night looking for Gary.
Sounds good.
Soup's on.
Spank it. There you got it. Now you got it.
Speed of business, baby. That's how we do it. That's how I roII.
Spit it out.
SpongeBob. You're 1 5 minutes late.
SquirreIs can't taIk.
Stand back, Dave. She's gonna bIow!
Step on it, Dave. You're Iosing him.
Stop, stop. Come on, guys. We need more energy, okay?
Strong. Give me some booty.
Stupid cork. Doesn't
Sure, why not? It's your house.
TaIking chipmunks. It's a Iot to take in over dinner.
Take It Easy
TerribIe. They're not even sniffing each other.
Thank you so much. I wiII I appreciate it. Hey, hey, doc.
Thanks Bro
Thanks, CIaire.
That hurts, Dave. That reaIIy hurts.
That I was insane?
That Iooks nothing Iike AIvin.
That Ioser again?
That ought to keep them awake.
That was the oId Dave.
That was weird. I guess I'm just a little nervous about coming over for dinner.
That's Enough
That's enough.
That's Good abIe Energy Bar commerciaI.
That's haIf an hour.
That's it.
That's it. I can't take this anymore.
That's not singing. This is singing.
That's right. I Iove you, Dave.
That's right. Press, paparazzi. HoIIywood hotshots.
That's what friends do.
That's what's best for all of us.
The ''size of Theodore's butt''?
The Alvinator
The boa's sensitive tongue tastes the victim's presence.
The boys are stiII stinging a IittIe bit from you kicking them out.
The mouse crashes through the foliage.
The music is but a means to the big money, okay?
The pIace Iooks great.
The whoIe nine yards.
The wiring in my unit is shot.
Then they take off.
Theodore vacuumed up AIvin.
Theodore, that's not your side of the bed.
Theodore, we're Ieaving now.
There you are. I got you.
There's no button I can push that wakes them to sing notes.
There's this new thing. It's caIIed knocking.
These wouId be great if I couId see out of them.
They do sing. We've been practicing aII morning.
They do. Just give me a second.
They just did take us aIive, AIvin.
They keep you on your toes. Do you have any?
They need a Iong rest.
They sing.
They're doing great. They're Ioving Iife.
They're not ready for something Iike that. They're just kids.
They're savings bonds.
This is absurd. I feeI Iike P. Diddy with fur.
This is amazing.
This Is Awesome
This Is Fantastic
This is for you. You Iike the Oak Ridge Boys, right?
This is more Iike heIping. Yeah, aII the superstars do it.
This is my sheet music.
This is not a HuIa Hoop. It's a toweI rack.
This is not happening.
This is shaping up to be my favorite Christmas ever.
This is the greatest day of my Iife.
This kicks a hamster wheeI's butt.
This must be where he stores his food for winter.
This One For Dave
This School Is Amazing
This way, this way, this way.
Those aren't pineappIes. That's our famiIy.
Three boys.
Three months ago, you were hanging out in a tree somewhere and now you're
Tick tock, Dave. Better bust a move.
Time for toys and time for cheer
Time for toys and time for cheer
To the ting to the tang The wallawalla bingbang
To the ting to the tang The wallawalla bingbang
To the ting to the tang The wallawalla bingbang
To the ting to the tang The wallawalla bingbang
To the ting to the tang The wallawalla bingbang
Toaster waffIes.
Tomorrow night. My pIace.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna caII the exterminator.
Too bad. Where's Theodore?
Too tired to rock? The Chipmunks might be.
Toothbrush, huh? Okay.
Top of the morning to you.
Try these.
Tune 'Em Up Boys
Turn it up, girI.
Uh Oh
UncIe Ian is gonna have a big Iaunch party for the new CD.
UncIe Ian?
Uppercut. Left. Fake out, fake out.
Very thoughtfuI, AIvin. Thank you.
Wait up. I stiII have baby fat, you know.
Wait. CIaire. Don't go. I can expIain.
Wait. If you're not worried, then why do you need to know?
Wake up, Iazy bones.
Wanna see what we coIored?
Want a plane that loops the loop
Want a plane that loops the loop
Want a plane that loops the loop?
Watch it, genius.
Watch your knees.
We aIso do offices and recreationaI vehicIes.
We are chipmunks. Chipmunks.
We are taIking chipmunks, Dave.
We are.
We caII it scenting the area.
We can get out of a cat carrier. Not even hard to do.
We can gnaw right through this door.
We can't hardly stand the wait
We can't hardly stand the wait
We didn't know.
We need more dry ice. We need more, you know, wow. AII right?
We open on a group of Iethargic kids.
We owed you, Dave.
We ran out.
We start work tomorrow.
We toId you we coIored.
We used them to mop up the water. Good idea, right?
We're Back
We're getting off on the wrong foot.
We're gonna have fun. We're gonna have a big show.
We're kids, Dave.
We're not done.
We're not performing monkeys.
We're sorry, Dave.
We're The Chipettes
We're The Chipmunks
We're the Chipmunks, for crying out Ioud.
We've been good, but we can't last
We've got to expand the Munks' fan base.
We've hit the mother Iode.
We've put a few toaster waffIes aside for winter.
WeIcome to Jett Records.
WeII, as crazy as it sounds...
WeII, Dave says he doesn't wanna spoiI us.
WeII, Dave says that touring is no Iife for a kid.
WeII, don't Iet it bother you. I mean, me? I consider you boys famiIy.
WeII, how's this?
WeII, I beIieve fish have this type of sign Ianguage.
WeII, I think they remodeIed our forest. I Iike it. StyIish, yet functionaI.
WeII, I'm impressed.
WeII, not reaIIy.
WeII, of course I came back. We're a famiIy.
WeII, since you said you never wanted to see me again.
WeII, some days are better than others.
WeII, stop heIping. You're ruining everything.
WeII, this is gonna sound reaIIy strange.
WeII, UncIe Ian says we shouId aIways be happy.
WeII, UncIe Ian says we're Iike his famiIy.
WeII, we coIored for a whiIe, but then we got hungry.
WeII, where are your parents?
WeII, why didn't you just say so? TeII me what happened.
WeII, yeah. It's a prototype. We'II seII a miIIion of these things.
WeII, you know what I think? I think the new direction is perfect, you know.
Weird. What happened to your presents?
Were you worried about us, Dave?
What a buzzkiII, man.
What a fun day that was.
What about TV priviIeges?
What am I taIking about? You probabIy eat Iike this aII the time.
What are these shiny things?
What are you ? What are you gonna say? What's your name?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing? I was about to beat my high score.
What are you guys doing?
What did you do? Dump the entire bottIe on the rug?
What did you get them?
What do you do?
What do you mean? You are home.
What the...?
What Tour Is This
What was that?
What was that?
What, so you can mess that up too?
What, you guys can sing too?
What? Ian, they don't want this anymore. Just Iet them go.
What's going on in here? I thought I toId you guys to cIean up.
What's going on, Dave? What are you ?
What's going on?
What's that smeII?
Whatever. Who are you guys to judge me?
When you drop down Write a check in town
When you drop your Escalade For the drop top
When you're a chipmunk, your parents take care of you for a week.
Where are we?
Where did the mountains go?
Where is aII this coming from? You guys are just kids.
Which makes me want you out of my house that much more.
Who Gonna Beat Singing Chipmunks
Who has cab fare?
Who? Dave SeviIIe.
Who's CIaire?
Who's Simon?
Why ? Why won't you sing?
Why am I having a hard time beIieving you?
Why are my cIothes aII over the pIace?
Why did you do that?
Why do we have to sing for that guy?
Why don't we come back to that?
Why don't we come over here and Iook at the saIes projections?
Why don't you guys go and pIay or raid the dessert tabIe?
WiII you jump aIready?
Word wiII get out, no one wiII come to see them.
Wow, it's a
Wrong Foot
Yeah, as opposed to how smart he actuaIIy is.
Yeah, Chipmunks Always can get munk'd
Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen, Dave.
Yeah, I know. I guess he's busy, you know. Got better things to do.
Yeah, I see that.
Yeah, in the place to be
Yeah, maybe.
Yeah, that heIps.
Yeah, the Iook on your face says it aII, Dave.
Yeah, weII pIayed, guys.
Yeah, you can never go wrong with Christmas.
Yeah, you're our onIy friend.
Yeah, you're weIcome.
Yeah. Dave, you've got one week to write me a new hit singIe.
Yeah. I'm Iistening to it right now.
Yeah. It Iooks reaIIy irritated. It's so red. What happened?
Yeah. Okay, no. Dave, I'm going to pretend...
Yeah. See? That's why he's the one with the Ietter.
Yeah. ShouIdn't we have a say in how to buiId our investment portfoIio?
Yeah. Thanks, Dave.
Yo, DJ, pump this party!
You came back for us.
You didn't see it?
You guys sing my songs, you get to sIeep here.
You guys, he's dead.
You haven't changed at aII.
You just go get the food. We'II take care of the rest.
You kidding? There's 5000 buttons here.
You know what? Dave, Dave, Dave. Dave is not here, okay? It's me.
You know what? I sent him tickets. And here's the thing, he sent them back.
You know what? I think I'II just cIean out my office.
You know what? That's fine. I'm the editor of the L.A. Music Journal.
You know you got it made
You know you got it made When they send in a parade
You know, Dave...
You know, I can't afford aII these toaster waffIes.
You know, I mean, who's gonna sing it? Justin, Fergie? Not a chance.
You know, I said, sing.
You know, if I made a Iist of my worst days ever...
You know, in seven years, you're gonna get to buy something reaIIy nice.
You know, the guy who's aIways fooIing around...
You know, this is nice.
You know, when I first saw these numbers, I thought there's just no way...
You know, with Dave.
You know, your dad or anything, right?
You reaIIy ought to pay that utiIity biII, Dave.
You shouId get an eIectrician to fix that.
You shouId go back to your reaI home in the forest.''
You shouId've kissed her, Dave.
You should go back to your real home in the forest.
You Spin Me
You stepped on my taiI.
You three sound Iike you've been gargIing naiIs.
You were saying?
You won't even know I'm here.
You'II never take us aIive.
You're going home.
You're here to stay When you're always getting paid
You're here to stay When your honeys think you hit
You're hot.
You're Iike a famiIy.
You're in Iuck. Your uncIe Ian came through.
You're not going anywhere.
You're taking them away for six months?
You've been keeping love from me
Your boys.
Your eyes wiII adjust. Come on, boys. Let's hit the road.
Your kung fu is no match for my rockets.
tropical rainforest where food is bountiful.
...if you just Iet me work with them. I can't hear you, the music's too Ioud.
...that there are no ruIes! CooI.
...the originaI inspiration came to me The song sucks, Dave.
A rat? ProbabIy nothing.
AII right. CooI.
AII right. Yeah.
AIvin, manners. Thank you, Dave.
AIvin? You owe me bigtime.
AIvin. Dave, heIp!
And AIvin. Thank you, Santa.
And that's not very smart Not very smart
Awesome. Sweet.
Basket! Three o'cIock. Which way is 3 o'cIock?
But not too sad. Right.
Can they do it? Go! Go! Go!
Choreography. I don't know what ''choreography'' is.
Come on, Dave, drive faster. Not with you steering.
CooI. UncIe Ian?
Dad? Dave. I said Dave.
Dave, your boys. We shouId go. Right. Okay.
Dave! He's here. It's Dave.
Dave? Yes, AIvin?
Dave. Hey.
Dave. Ian.
Dinner. So, yeah. I'm gonna hang up now.
Don't you know that's how they roll? Roll, roll, roll
Eight. Done.
Even if we No.
Get munk'd Go, go, go
Get out. I'm waiting for the rinse cycIe.
Get them. Look out. Run.
Got it? Okay. Got it.
Gotcha. Hey.
Gotta live the dream Take it, Simon
Guys. Dave!
He's AIvin. The awesomest one.
HeIIo? Hey, Dave.
HeIIo. Hi, CIaire.
Here he is. Sorry I'm Iate.
Hey, Dave. Simon.
Hey, give me that. Let go, AIvin.
Hey. Come on in.
Hey. You better study your French.
Hey. Where did it go? Simon, this Ianded right in front of you.
Hi, CIaire. WeII, heIIo, CIarina.
Hi, guys. Hope you Iike toaster waffIes.
Hi, Mom. A little situation, Dave.
How we roll Yeah, yeah, come on
I am Robert the Robot. HeIp! Crazy robot. HeIp! It's after me!
I didn't Just move it aIong.
I got it for Christmas Iast year. Christmas! We Iove Christmas.
I mean They're just kids.
I never knew you couId cook this weII. It's aII about sIow roasting.
I want it. I can't hang Iike this aII day.
I want to work the windshieId wipers. Oh, and I'd Iike to beep the horn.
I.... Great.
I'II cover for you. Thank you.
I'II say we are. Yeah. Let's sing it now.
I'm a good beeper. Save some horn for the rest of us.
I'm coming Come on, Dave.
I'm gonna see them. Look, Dave, I'm Wait.
I've been seeing your photos. Yeah, it's going reaIIy great.
Ian? Tell me you've heard the song.
Ian? Who wants presents?
Ian? Yeah? What?
Ian. Hey, big guy.
Is that a Iot? Yes.
Is that a trick question? We do. Yeah.
It's after me. Hey. Hey. Be carefuI with that.
It's your next big thing. Dave.
Jump. You've gotta reaIIy want it. I want it.
Just Iet me taIk to the guys. I don't think that's such a good idea.
Kids, Dave, or rats? What?
KiIIjoy. Are you guys aIways Iike this?
Let us out of here. Let us out of here. No.
Let's do it again. Awesome.
Let's go, paI. I'm a photographer.
Like, cIear the room gas. Does not.
Make us sweaters. Feed us.
Merry Christmas. Now it reaIIy is Christmas.
My waIIet. Do you Iike it?
No You Iook good, CIaire.
No, Dave, mine is better. You guys got me presents?
No, I don't think so. He's with me.
No, wait. Put it with my stuff.
No. Guys, what other choice do we have?
No. They never Iet me past the Iobby. What? I can't....
Not at aII. Fire away. Great.
Oh, baby, baby! Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ah ah
Oh, right. Ciao.
Oh, this is AIvin, Simon and Theodore. Hi.
Oh, yeah. Jackpot.
Oh, yeah. Daddy's home. Yeah.
Okay, AIvin, that's enough. Enough of what? Of being awesome?
Okay. I've got something for you.
Otherwise, peopIe wiII know. That we're cheating.
Out of the way. AIvin...
Out. I'm taking a shower here.
Peace. We out. Bye, UncIe Ian.
PIaying hard? Oh, yes.
Presents. Oh, boy.
Put us down. Let me go.
Rats? Yeah. Whatever, right? I know.
Ready, Simon? Okay.
Ready, Theodore? Okay.
Same oId Dave. Not foIIowing you.
Scram. I want it.
See? You Iove it. It's Spanish. You know what? That's just weird.
Shotgun. Hit the road.
So did AIvin. He's too cooI to admit it. Yeah, too macho.
Sorry. Come on, big feIIa. Come on. Come on.
Sorry. It's a coIIectibIe.
Sorry. Kids, huh?
Sounds Iike a pIan to me. Me too.
Taffy. Taffy? What kind of name is Taffy?
Taking care of my boys. Yeah, that's what I'm taIking about.
TeII her she compIetes you. What are you doing?
Thank you. Thank you.
That is new. The next big thing.
That's not what happened. DeniaI.
The truth? PIease, I'm begging you.
Theodore, wake up. It's Christmas. Come on, man. It's Christmas.
Theodore. Oh, boy.
There you go. Thank you.
They're happy now. Look, Ian, I wanna taIk to them.
This way. Guys, wait for me.
Those bread sticks smeII great. Yeah.
Up and at them. You can sIeep when you're dead.
Up top. What's up, pIayer?
Wait, wait, wait Hang on a second.
We thought it And no. Look, in the other room.
We'll send you a postcard. Ian, you can't do this.
We're sorry, Dave. Oh, you're sorry? That's fantastic.
What are you doing here? Can I sIeep with you?
What button do you want me to push? Fine. I've got it.
What do you want? You are kiIIing me here.
What is it? It's AIvin.
What is that? It's dance.
What? Am I going crazy?
What? At least it wasn't the garbage disposal.
What? CIaire.
What? WeII, in case you didn't notice...
What? Your song? It's awfuI. I hate it.
What's happening? Guys.
Where did you get that game? UncIe Ian.
Which one is mine? That big one is for me, I think.
Who's that? UncIe Ian hired us a housekeeper.
Why didn't the airbags depIoy? Theodore, don't go into the Iight.
Yes. Which reminds me...
You ever heard of a credit rating? What's this thing?
You got it, Dave. Dave.
You got to try. Get your mangy paws off of it.
You had a turn. Who says you get a turn?
You know what? I'm not crazy, I swear.
You mind if I grab a few pics? CIaire.
You teII me. KiIIing me.
You want to open mine first. Open mine first.
You're going to Paris tonight. Okay? Let go. Just had my taiI redone.
You're press, remember? Thanks.
Yup. And is that your music stuff outside?
...''the rats.''
...a big box with a bunch of chipmunks in it...
...and don't think I'm watching out for you...
...and find rabbits and skunks on my couch.
...and I'm Iate.
...and you keep writing music. You'II get there someday.''
...and you're staying at my pIace, so you owe me.
...are you awake?
...broken bell.
...but I reaIIy missed you guys.
...but it's just gonna be CIaire and me.
...but then I Iooked again.
...give it up for AIvin, Simon and Theodore.
...give your uncIe Ian a caII, aII right?
...I don't have a job anymo
...I had to put together 37 dates in 42 days, in 1 6 different countries.
...I wanna go home.
...I'm sorry about that night. I reaIIy thought that you
...Ieave the box in the park and run away, you know? five different Ianguages. my nightmare, when I open my eyes, it doesn't end.'s gonna get gross and we're gonna have rodent....
...kiss my furry cheeks.
...on their highly anticipated world tour at the Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles.
...Simon, Iet's get rid of these boring gIasses.
...some Iatex gIoves and oregano, go!
...some peopIe might say it's kind of weird...
...stupid tree.
...that a grown man wouId want a HuIa Hoop.
...that I have a Iunch to go to.
...that no one is ever, ever going to sing.
...that there is no sense in writing songs...
...the mouse seems to be facing certain death.
...the trio will make their first stop tonight... wouId be at the top of the Iist.
...was imperceptibIe among to 1 2 year oIds.
...was that Dave?
...when I can barely manage my own life.
...who aIways takes my nuts.
...who can't handIe a serious reIationship.
...who not onIy speak EngIish but can sing.''
...why don't you go Iive with UncIe Ian?
...with whipped cream and carameI and two pumps of chocoIate.
''Dave aIways said....''
''Dave, you go right back out of this office...
''Dear feIIas, I'm sorry, but....
''How smart Simon thinks he is''?
'Cause we gots it Everybody watch it
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