A very palpable hit. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) 2
Ah, glorious food. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) 3
Ah, way off. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) 4
Ah. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) 5
Amos need the chips for all the robots they're producing. So they needed the sand and water for raw materials, huh? Well, I think it's time we shut down this little operation. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) 6
And it's somehow connected to that Gollum guy. We saw this logo painted on the robot. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) 7
And the other is melting ocean shores. Sand into silicon. It's a silicon chip making machine. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) 8
Another day, another injury. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) 9
Another lump for your collection. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) 0
As soon as we can get that Gollum guy busted by Officer Shirley, he'll have to give up his plans for Ocean Shores. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) -
Behold my squiggly powers. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) =
Bonus. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) q
Bummer. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) w
Can we go home now? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) e
Come on, hurry. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) r
Come on, let's not waste our breath on this guy. We've got to watch Twister in the skate competition. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) t
Cool, that looks like a shortcut. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) y
Cool. I wonder what it does. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) u
Cool. Thanks officer. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) i
Cool. What is that? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) o
Deal. We'll see you down there. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) p
Easy Twister. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) a
Excellent. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) s
Excellent. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) d
Exterminate. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) f
Face Plant. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) g
Fine by me, I hate caves. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) h
Get ready to rumble 10, man. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) j
Get thee to the scrapheap. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) k
Gollum's not going to stop there though. We'd better go find his Mondo Mountain place and see what he's up to. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) l
Good thinking. We need as much help as we can get. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) z
Guys a little help here. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) x
Guys, you won't believe what I found. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) c
Had enough bot boy or do you want some more? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) v
He's got a secret hideout at Mondo Mountain. We're trying to find out how to get there now. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) b
Here it comes. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) n
Here's, Here's stink bombs. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) m
Hey, a coin. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) Q
Hey, a rocket power pickup, maximum power. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) W
Hey, a shortcut over there. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) E
Hey, Eddie. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) R
Hey, I did it. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) T
Hey, watch it. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) Y
Hi, Elars. Sorry we had to beat you earlier, but we're just too good. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) U
Hi, Mackenzie, how's it going? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) I
Hold on guys. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) O
I am Iron Man. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) P
I bet someone around here will know how to get there. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) A
I don't like the look of that cage either. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) S
I guess we better head back. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) D
I haven't got enough coins to enter. I better go look around for some more. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) F
I love Gollum. There is nothing wrong with the beach. Gollum is my friend. Eat your vegetables. Gollum is cool. Always wear a helmet. Everyone likes Gollum. There is nothing to see here. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) G
I need some gravity repellent. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) H
I still need more planks, there must be more around here somewhere. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) J
I wish he wouldn't do that. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) K
I'd better hurry. That door won't stay open long. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) L
I'll have to hack into this console to override the security system. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) Z
I'll take that. Thank you. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) X
I'll try and turn the electric floor off so that you guys can come down too. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) C
I've always wanted to try this. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) V
If Eddie is right, Lars must know the way and we'll have to get him to show us. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) B
If they shut down the beach, all the tourists will disappear, not to mention the surf contest. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) N
It looks kind of dark in there. Anyway, we have to shut this place down first. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) M
It looks like Gollum Industries is stealing water as well as sand. There were huge pumps sucking all the water out and sending it somewhere called Wishing Waters. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) <
It looks like he's trying to stimulate the volcano somehow. Whoa. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) >
It's an earthquake machine twister. We have to get up there and destroy this thing. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) !
Just watch me. There isn't a computer on earth that can resist my programming skills. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) @
Last one to the shore shacks. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) #
Let's go find Ray and tell him what we found. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) $
Let's head back to Ocean Shores. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) %
Let's try trading something for those bus passes of Mackenzie's. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) ^
Looks to me like all I have to do is knockout these memory chips. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) &
M42 Reggie Vic Sam from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) *
Make sure you get 4 good pictures to show, Officer Shirley. I bet we can find out a lot about Gollum's plans here. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) (
Man, I'm beat. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) )
Maybe next time I should just take the long way back. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) ~
Maybe someone will take him out in the qualifying rounds. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) `
Mighty Eddie. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) |
MMM, I needed that. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) "
My Kingdom for an airbag. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) '
Nice one squid Meister. I'm going around in circles. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) ?
No fair. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) /
Now all we have to do is find the secret door, Oliver said. It was under the main pool, so keep an eye out. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) ,
Now that is a beautiful machine. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube) .
Now, if this is a robot factory, there's probably a computer in charge. We need to find that computer and shut it down. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Oh yeah, looks like a piece of cake. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Oh yeah. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Oh, that I didn't need. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Oh, that's lame. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Oh, then you've seen them too? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Oh, think you're pretty big, do you? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Oh. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Oliver might be a pain sometimes, but he definitely knows one end of a battery from another. Here goes. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Once we had our evidence together, we were going to bring it to Officer Shirley and get him. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
One combat robot coming up. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
One is extracting rare elements out of water. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Oof. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Ouchies the electric floor must be so only robots can get past. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Prepare to be boarded. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Prince of the netherworld, pray tell us how to get to wishing waters. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Probably sealed his memory core. We'll have to go and try to shut down the factory some other way to make sure he doesn't turn the sand pumps back on. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Pure class. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Ray will ground us big time if we don't get permission first. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Reggie, you can follow the direction arrow on your panel to the nearest mask. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Remember Reggie, if they see you, you'll set off the alarms. We can't afford to get caught in here. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Right on. Come on, let's go show Ray the evidence and he can call Officer Shirley. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Rocket power. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Sam, here's your chance. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Score 2 for us, Junior. You ready to give up yet? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Score one for Team Rocket Power. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Scouts honor. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Seriously, they're not space aliens. Look, this is the same logo that Suit Guy has on all his stuff. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Smash them good. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Soon we'll have enough evidence to bust Gollum once and for all. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Soon we'll have enough evidence to bust Gollum once and for all. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Soon we'll have enough evidence to bust Gollum once and for all. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Sweet. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Tasty snack. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Thank you, Mr. Helmet. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Thanks, Oliver. We'll let you know what we find. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
That looks like the kind of place you could get tetanus. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
That's it. I retire. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
That's why he stole the sand and the water from the lakes. He needed them for raw materials. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
There's a bunch of huge machines down. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
There's no way I'm cruising there on my own power when there's a perfectly good bus route. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
There's something fishy about. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
There's the door. Let's go. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
They nearly had a heart attack. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
This could come in handy. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
This doesn't look safe. I'm not into skydiving. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
This is a little tricky. You need to jump and then grind along that surface. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
This says that there are at least three of these pumping stations. Twister. See if you can find pictures of each of them and try to figure out where they're taking all the water. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Time for this squid Meister? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Time to do my thing. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Time to get a move on. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Time to get busy. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Time to get technical. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Touching. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Trust us, Raymundo, We'll get to the bottom of this. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Twist. That's the way. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Twister your genius. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Twister, look what you did. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Twister. His shield is too strong. You need to take out the support brackets. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Watch the master at work. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Watch your head, Otto. Those things are orbiting fast. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
We did it all right. How long will we get grounded for blowing up a mountain? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
We found a secret robot factory underneath the Wishing Waters water park. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
We have the technology. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
We kicked your can once, We can do it again. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
We saw one under the pier. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
We saw one. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
We saw the signs. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
We should ask around and see what people know. I bet Oliver has seen something. He's a total robot freak. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
We'll go take a look around and see if we can find anything out. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
We'll need to find a way past these electric floors. I've got an idea. We just might be able to build ourselves some kind of robot and use it to get past those zappers. Let's see if we can find whe... from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Weird. Watch your head twister. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Well duh, Oliver. What else has happened that will totally ruin everyone's holidays? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Well, at least the sand is back. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Well, back to normal. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Well, it looks like it's closed. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Well, there's the weight in the memory core. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Well, they might have been a waste for you. Luckily for us, Lars, we just happen to have a key to get in. Bye now. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Well, you've got to be tough to be a goalie. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
What a wimp. He's just scared we're going to beat him again in front of everybody. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
What's going on? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
When we've got enough, we can use them down on the pier. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Whew. Let's not do that again. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Whoa, new high score. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Whoa, that coins gonna get. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Whoa. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Why does everything have to be so hard? Well, even if this isn't it, there must be a door around here somewhere. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Why? You got cooties or something? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Wipeout. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
With any luck, the sand might start coming back to ocean shores. Now, at least they won't be taking anymore. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Yeah, and we have to look for that wishing waters too. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Yeah, we're in a mission to find those robots. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
Yikes. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
You blew up my robot, you electronic bully. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
You can do it, Reggie. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
You find us the handle, bro, and we'll see you down there. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
You let us worry about that. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
You rock, Rocky girl. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
You'll pay for that. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
You've got them all. Now get back to Eddie quickly. from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
ああ。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
イー。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
おはようおはようはいわかりました。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
ダッキャ。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
はあ。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
はお。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
ひええ。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
びびびびびびびびびびびびびびびびびびび。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
地球便。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
終わり終わり終わりはいり終わり。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
終わり終わり終わり終わり、終わり終わり。 from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)
飛ばない? from Sammy Dullard - Rocket Power: Beach Bandits - Voices (GameCube)