All started with the sirens. Now was young, but ohh I'd do remember that lot of terrible years followed and I remember walking out of the vault late 1 morning. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
All that I know is it was something inside that base. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Anything I can do for you? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
As much as I love trading, I don't have anything to exchange. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Because it was like someone went bargain shopping it mutant land fee cheaper by the dozens. Can't figure any other reason except that being the factory. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Brilliant guy, a doctor and philosopher. Long ago he led the expedition where I got changed into a mutant. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Course they helped you Bonehead. Just too damn many to handle. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Deckers looking for you. He wants to talk. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Didn't got killed. God, I love that joke. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Didn't got killed. Love that joke. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Don't want your money? Go away. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Everywhere Hell seemed like you couldn't fart without hitting one. But mostly in the Northwest. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
For me it was. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Gangers got him, scavengers attacking the caravans and mutant son of a dog if they weren't springing up like rabbits with a mission. Had to have an army of guards with just to do a deal. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Geez, you're worse off than I am, friend. Look to you. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Good luck to you. You're gonna need. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Hey appreciate it. Got admit when I first saw you I figured you might hassle me. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Hey, can you help me out friend? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Horrible. The world just went insane. Long ago, but I'll never forget it. Never. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
How the hell should I know? Gray would have known if anybody could. Anyway, that's how the deal went down. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
I can't remember the rude or anything, but I am damn sure it was Northwest though. I think. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
I don't believe this one, but some say an army of mutants is on the way. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
I got mutated. Sure wasn't born as ugly. Happened when we tried to find out where all the mutants were coming from. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
I like telling it my way. Short version will cost you 25 extra friend. Which will it be? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
I need to sleep for a while. I'm kind of tired. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
I've seen religions come and religions go, and I hope this one goes soon. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
It's in the past, probably should stay that way. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Just putting me on, huh? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Leave me alone. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Little light on ferns, huh? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Lying to a poor old mutant, what's the world coming to? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Mutants doesn't matter what they call themselves. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
My way or walk away? Your choice, friend. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Needed to see what was there, maybe stop whatever was churning them boogers out. We thought we were prepared. Were we wrong? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Never mind, that was from my time. I'm cranky old and I've been that way ever since I changed. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
No, no, it's too painful even now. Thanks for the help friend. Good luck to you. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
No, you idiot. I just said I never saw him again, didn't I? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Now, after the Great War, my vault was one of the first to open. Long time. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Ohh damn. He lays the thieves circle, thinks he's Robin Hood. He's all right, I guess. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Ohh God, it's clothes and freedom. And the latter is debatable. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Ohh hey, it's you again. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Ohh that thing. Friend, that is Nightmare City. Why the hell you asking about that? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Ohh well thanks anyway. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Ohh, I was a traitor. Did pretty good making the circuit between survivors. Lost a lot of good people though. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Ohh, kind of your friend. Very kind. You know, if I could clear the gunk out of there, you just might find a tear. An old harold's eye. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Ohh, well thanks. Hope it wasn't too much of A strain. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
OK, well that's like a damn big man, is what it is. Got spikes and claws that can cut through the heaviest armor, but don't let the size fool you. It's quick. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
One of them robots got Francine. Mark was wounded. Send him back to the surface. Man, it was just me and Gray. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Our robot crane crashed into us last. I saw a Gray he was flying through the air and into some sort of acid bath. I was in bad shape and. Well, I passed out. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Pretty good. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Rest of the hubbers been picking on me like a bad booger since I came back to town. I can't leave though. When the deals are done, it's still my home. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Richard Gray was a doctor little older than me. And Fran was he smart? He found the source. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Robots and such a lot of them. Damn surprised they were still running after all this time, what with the war and all. Who boy they tore us are good one. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Some sort of old military base? We lost a lot of folks getting in there. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Spare change old friend Opal. Can you help a poor mutant down on his look? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
The whole thing. Well. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
To this day, I don't know. He never made it back here and. Well, I. Couldn't face the wasteland again so. And never looked. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Trouble. Nothing but trouble. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
We got pretty far inside. Wasn't a lot of us left by then, Gray, me and a couple of others. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
We made it to some sort of central core like a plant or some sort. That's when it happened. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
We mounted an expedition. God, Richard. Richard Gray. Let a small group of us up there. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Well heard when a Decker's men has somebody from the Brotherhood of Steel trapped in Old Town. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Well, from what I've heard, maybe whack it in the head, I'd try the eyes. Of course there's a problem there. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Well, I don't want to talk to you. Go away. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Well, I have no idea. I woke up in the wasteland barely hanging on, got lucky, and some traders I knew found me days later. Good saying, since I was already changing. They brought me here and here ... from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Well, if you put it that way. I guess it couldn't hurt. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Well, like I said. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Well, thanks for letting me tell. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Well, you seem like an OK sort. I'll speed it up a bit. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Who is he? Some sort of sex therapist? I could use one, you know. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Yeah, about a century or two in dog years. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
Yeah, I came from a vault. Too many people, not enough food and water. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
You can't look at him, you just said. The death claw can hypnotize just by looking, but it walks up and boom, you're it. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
You don't wanna know about the death claw, and I ain't going to be the one to tell you. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
You know, I'm not real sure anymore. WI think do wait the east, I don't know what. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
You might want to be more careful. I've heard that you've wasted several people recently. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
You're as bad as arrest of them. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)
You're in the hub, right? People who live in the hub, hubers get it. Sheesh, thanks for the help and good luck. Think you're gonna need it. from Harold - Fallout - Voices (PC - Computer)