A bit of caution, a bit of luck. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) 2
All right then. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) 3
All too easy. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) 4
Be careful, I'll show you soon. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) 5
Can you take cover? from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) 6
Come along now, Tanya. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) 7
Come along, Karen. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) 8
Come on, let's go. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) 9
Come on. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) 0
Curious. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) -
Don't panic, we'll get through this. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) =
Everything has its purpose. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) q
Follow me. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) w
Follow me. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) e
Get down, Tanya. Keep your head down. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) r
Get downtown your Click your head down. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) t
Get inside. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) y
Get outside. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) u
Go move. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) i
Go quietly. Hurry. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) o
Go right. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) p
Good job, Kevin. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) a
Hang on. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) s
He had a train to catch. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) d
He should have taken the day off. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) f
He should have taken the hint. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) g
He's on the right track. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) h
Hide here. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) j
Hmm. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) k
Hmm. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) l
Hmm. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) z
Hurry, go quietly though. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) x
I certainly wasn't expecting that. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) c
I hear someone coming up ahead. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) v
I need to shoot the lock. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) b
I think they may be on to us. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) n
I thought I dropped by. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) m
I've spotted the missile. I'm going in to disable it over and out. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) Q
Interesting development. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) W
It seems I was expected. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) E
It's not bad for blowing things up either. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) R
It's not safe here. Find someplace to hide. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) T
It's not safe here. Let's keep moving. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) Y
Just another day at the office. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) U
Just like new. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) I
Karen, go straight, full throttle. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) O
Keep down. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) P
Keep us steady care. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) A
Keep your head down, I hear someone. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) S
Let's go down. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) D
Let's go left. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) F
Let's go. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) G
Let's take the stairs. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) H
Let's try that again. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) J
Looks like the Russians decided to patrol after all. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) K
Looks like we need to find another way in. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) L
Make for that door. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) Z
My fault. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) X
My mistake. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) C
Nicely done. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) V
Nick of time. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) B
No damage, hardly a scratch. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) N
No one said it would be easy. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) M
Ohh well here we go. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) <
Ohh, I can see how you might get a rise out of it. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) >
Once more, into the breach. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) !
One for me, one for you. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) @
Perfect. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) #
Perhaps I could use the vent? from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) $
Perhaps I'm missing something? from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) %
Pity we don't have a submarine. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) ^
Quite a few. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) &
Room service. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) *
Same old story. Josh Another madman. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) (
Sorry about that. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) )
Splendid. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) ~
Stay calm, it'll be over soon enough. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) `
Stay calm. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) |
Stay close, Tanya. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) "
Stay down, love. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) '
Stay here, I'm going to check out the roof. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) ?
Stay here, Karen. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) /
Stay right here, Tanya. I'm going to have a look around. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) ,
Steady now. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube) .
Steady now. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Strange that. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Such effort cannot go unrewarded. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Such effort cannot go unrewarded. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Take cover. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Take the other key and we'll open this door. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Tanya, keep your head down. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Tell him. Here they come. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
The gas was cleared. Come with me. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
The problem with the licence to kill is that sometimes you have to use it. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
There's the fault. Come on. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
There's the fault. Come on. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
They are tenacious, I'll give them that. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
This area is safe. Let's get moving. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
This doesn't look good. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
This should prove useful. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
This weekend. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
This will do. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Time to move, it seems. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Uh-huh. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Up you go. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Wait a minute. Let me scout ahead. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Watch this. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
We all need to hurry. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
We are almost there. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
We have to disable that array. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
We made it. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
We need a key. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
We need a passcode. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
We need a passcode. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
We need to get to that door. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
We need to go up. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
We'll have to move quickly. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
What do we have here? from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
What is this? from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
What kind of lab is this? from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
What's the plan? from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Where now? from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Where there's smoke, there's fire. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
Who's that? from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
You'll be safe here. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
You're certain this is the right way? from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
You've had your last shot. from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)
うん。 from James Bond - 007: From Russia with Love - Characters (GameCube)