A country idyll, countryside atmos 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Arrow landing 1972 (7M, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Assorted sheep bleating 1972 (7M, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Birds taking off 1967 (7C, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Breaking down door 1968 (7H, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Bristle backed duck 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Clock cartoon 1970 (7J, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Clock nightmare 1967 (7D, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Clockwork mechanism 1968 (7H, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Cod indoor fight 1967 (7C, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Comic metal crash 1971 (84F, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Continuous body falls continuous heavy movement (170A) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Continuous bubbling sound 1972 (7M, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Crowd panic and rush for exits 1967 (7E, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Crowd panics 1968 (7H, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Cymbals clang and drop 1967 (7B, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
English club chatter 1967 (7E, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Execution being carried out with a block and axe 1974 (199A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Execution being carried out with a block and large axe 1974 (199A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Execution being carried out with a block and sword 1971 (199A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Father owl hooting 1972 (7K, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Feeble applause 1967 (7E, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Feet overhead on wood 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Flight of arrows 1972 (7M, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Frantic banging and clanging 1967 (7B, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Gas stove dropped 1967 (7C, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Girders clanging 1967 (7B, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Glass bottles tipped onto floor 1967 (7B, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Group in foreground running to stop 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Guillotine being used at an execution 1971 (199A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Half a dozen werewolves 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Indisposed chicken 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Irish nightingale 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Knocking with doors opening and closing 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Large bird taking off, three attempts 1972 (7M, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Long, drawn out crash 1972 (7K, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Man drinking bucket of cold cocoa 1967 (7F, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Masticating apple 1967 (7C, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Mating cry young donkey 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Metal crash 1972 (7M, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Mighty balloon bursts 1967 (7D, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Milk bottles breaking 1968 (7H, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Mixed group booing and bleating 1967 (7E, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
More or less normal chicken 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Mother and child sheep bleating 1972 (7M, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Mother owl hooting 1972 (7K, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Musical explosion 1967 (7F, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
One angel in flight 1967 (7F, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
One bluebottle circling at 7 ft 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
One donkey donkeying 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
One drawbridge opening sideways 1972 (7K, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
One goose gobbling 1972 (7M, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
One pair of feet approach and explosion 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
One pair of feet approach and stop 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
One pair of feet approach to door, door open and close, feet depart 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
One pair of feet overhead and removing boots 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Punches, 3 backhanders 1968 (170A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Puncture air escaping from tyre 1972 (7M, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Run to distance and return 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Run to distance and splash 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Scuffle with twangs 1967 (7E, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Shovelling tins 1967 (7B, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Single cork pop and heavy guzzling 1967 (7C, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Single woodpecker practising 1972 (7K, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Small crowd gasps 1969 (169C, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Small group cheering 1972 (7K, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Small group, half hearted hurrahs 1967 (7E, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Smoked herring gull 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Squeaky feet, door open and close with squeak 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Strolling through ovens, oven door open and close 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Swordfight with shots and groans 1967 (7E, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Tap turned on, fizzy liquid gurgles out 1967 (7B, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Things falling and clanging 1967 (7C, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Trio of horse neighs 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Tum punch 1967 (7A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Two body falls 1968 (170A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Two people run to distance and double splash 1968 (7G, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
Wild boars having tea 1972 (7L, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
3 furniture crashes 1968 (170A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
4 batter puddings thrown 1967 (7A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
4 stomach punches 1968 (170A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard
36 people brawling 1968 (170A, reprocessed) from Comedy 2 Soundboard