Main Content
A great start ha ha ha
A guardian for guardian
Ah well star guardians have to play nice
All right who's feeling for roaches
All those project enhancements and you're still pathetic
Always wanted to leave a mark but not so sparkly
And they say parting is such sweet sorrow there it is
And this will shed some light on things
Angels whatever
Armed and dangerous with sparkles
Back in action miss me
Being noble takes all the fun out of fighting
Believe in yourself not that it'll help
Better together
Bottoms up
Can you believe I was chosen for this
Can you say shopping spree
Can't get enough of these
Can't just wrapped in my gun
Can't keep a star guardian down
Carol loves edgy
Cereal in corelle are ready for action
Chill out poppy leave some for the rest of us
Combo platter
Cortana did I hurt your feelings
Damn it's lights out for you
Delicious and nutritious
Do you take this guardian thing way too seriously
Do you think lulu whatever that is
Don't be jealous shirou I love both my guns
Don't be so hard on yourself i'll do it for you
Don't forget to miss me looks
Don't let the sparkles full yeah
Don't worry girl will be back
Don't worry kuro your time is coming
Don't worry lux you know i'll be back
Double header
Double trouble
Enough with the glitter
Faster guns sold
Finger of doom
First star says this is all part of the plan
Girl look what i've got
Glitter an guns now that's a winning combo
Glitter bomb
Glitter trumps fire every time
Glory to the first star whatever that means
Got a present for you poppy it's called the feet
Gotta say I don't miss my old guns at all
Guardians rule project rules
Ha ha
Ha ha
Ha ha
Hate to be ruthless but oh wait I don't
Here comes a rising star
Hey barron i've seen black holes with more charm
Hey barron wanna give us a hand
Hey by i'm a star guardian now jealous much
Hey girl you know what I call five dead enemies
Hey hot lady say hello to the new me
Hey jana you might wanna look into a retirement plan
Hey lux the guardians get lunch breaks
Hey mac the only good robot is a deactivated robot
Hold up
How do you like my extreme makeover
Hum curls not jealous
I almost feel guilty about this
I am a mac I am programmed to lose
I can't I have one of everything
I don't know either let's find out
I had no idea you love sparkles so much
I hate this dancing part
I have the best toys
I kill puppy who's next
I need starlight but i'll take it
I never realized stardust was so messy
I was just getting warmed up
I'd be shocked if shirou doesn't like this
I'll try to make this painless honest
I'm a shooting star
I'm amazing not immortal
I'm feeling generous bullets for everyone
I'm fighting for peace and justice then whatever
I'm kind of a high roller
I'm positive this will hurt
I'm taking my guns and going home
I've got a fistful of glitter with your name on it
I've got your starlight right here
Infinitely awesome
Is everything in the void this ugly
Is it for a round of hiding go shoot
Is it me or is janet getting way too old for this
It does need to be brushed or something
It looks like your getting rusty
It wasn't me my guns have minds of their own
It's more fun when they fight back
Jury still out on this whole star guardian thing
Just for euro
Just put this on my star guardian tab
Justice never felt so good
Let shirou and new toy
Let's bring a little starlight into the void
Let's get this sparkle party started
Listen up blocks fighting evil 's supposed to be fun
Look at me pandemonium with a purpose
Look euro legendary
Look euro life insurance
Look hero speed boost
Make room for the new kid on the block
Me kero
Meet cheryl
Morning my guns are getting restless
My gift to you
My point you die
Next time just lie
No kuro i'm the guardian you're the gun
No limit on my first star card
Not scared of my sparkles you should be
Not so fast
Nothing personal i'm obligated to trash you
Now I see everything
Now it's my turn to be the hero VI
Now now siro firstar doesn't like the word slaughter
Now that you're dead can I keep the hat
Now we're talking shero
Oh my god it guns like sparkles anyway
Oh no don't make me break the guardian code
Oh no i'm dying
On way to glitter and glory
Only as good as your guns
Only lux could make battles so boring
Oops forgot to read my guardian handbook
Patient schiro for star claims is a virtue
Play grieves haven't tasted destiny
Play zero what do you call someone with their head blown off
Poorvi must be killing you not to punch me
Present for you kuro
Project more like reject
Protecting the universe one bullet at a time
Quiet shirou it's a whisper
Quit while your ahead lulu oh wait that's never
Ready to get glitter bombed
Ready to rock
Ready to roll
Relax even makes boring beautiful
Relax hero revenge is sweet
Rilax hero i'll save some for you
Say goodbye my little guns
Say hello to my little friends
Seriously that's a bummer
Seriously you too need a bath
Setting isn't it
She rose been asking for this
Sherilyn kuro have a serious shedding problem
Sierra will love this
Slaying dragons is not in my job description
Slogan catchphrase tagline
Small time
So how did that taste lulu
So she wrote what was in that star guardian contract I signed
So what's your favorite part about being a star guardian
Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the cave
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind
Sorry for star made me do this
Sorry it's my duty to destroy you
Sorry or that it's just the star guardian thing
Spring cleaning
Star guardian 's best friend
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star Guardian Jinx - League of Legends Sound
Star guardian to the rescue am I doing it right
Star guardians have better things to destroy them dragons
Starlight express'
Starlight star bright another turret destroyed tonight
Super one
Sweet don't mind if I do
Talk to the hand
That was stellar get it star guardian stellar
The horror over
The money is buried in the
The only kind of whisper I like
The worst part about being a star guardian all this glitter
This almost breaks my heart lux
This first star have to deal with this many sparkles
This is not my idea of magical
This is the best part of being a star guardian
This would refer to your home or your head
Three heads and not one of 'em has a brain
To infinity and broadcast phrase
Twinkle twinkle little star
Unleash the beast
Wait I look like that
Watch out puppies off to save the world again
Watch your step
We are on a mission just don't remember what
What do you think euro is star guardian a good look for me
What do you think mercy or mayhem
What your guns don't talk to you
What's next is a shooting I love shooting
What's wrong with a little carnage
What's your favorite part about being a star guardian kero
When first start talks to you something is lost in translation
Who wants the red shield
Who wants to hold a sword
Yeah I got this star guardian thing down
Yeah T L D R
Yes corot all my enemies fear you
Yo somebody got hit with an ugly stick
You can learn a lot from lulu just not sure watt
You can't hide from starlight
You can't keep a star guardian down
You get a boy you get a bullet everyone gets a bullet
You'll be missed jana not by me
You're not dreaming i'm a star guardian now
You're so cute when you're losing
Your turn
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