A peace with yourself you will be from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
A wanderer isn't always last from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Another wind blade from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Broken sword broken spirit from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
But I will not die dishonored from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
But I will not forget who I am from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Cute mask your mom so that from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Don't start what i'll finish from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Everyone faces a reckoning rhythm from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Follow the wind would watch him back from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Fuck from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Ha from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Ha ha from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Honor is in the heart not the name from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Hum from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Hum from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
I alone decide my fate from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
I will follow this path until the end from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
I'll give you the easy way out from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
If you've come to kill maine I hope you brought friends from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Is a leaf's only purpose to fall? from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
It is not yet time to die from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
It's just death nothing serious from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Just looking for a road home from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Justice that's a pretty word from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Killing people is a bad habit but I can't seem to quit from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Kilmaine you can try from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Make it quick from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Miss blade never gets any later from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
My honor left along time ago from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Never could stay in one place from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Nice sword boots from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Ninjas I hate those guys from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
No cure for fools from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
No more running from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
No one is promised tomorrow from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Nothing from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Oh yeah I got done from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
OK from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
One blade one purpose from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
One step ahead of the past from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
People keep running into my blade from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Problem from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends Sound from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Say so and from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Scurry back to your shadows ninja from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Sleep is for the guiltless from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Some mistakes you can't make twice from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Some things never dull from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Sure from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Sure from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Sure from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Sure from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Thank you from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
The blade above all things except a good drink from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
The road to ruin is shorter than you think from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
The swords poor company for a long road from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
There are three certainties in life honor death an hangovers from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
There is only death mine or yours from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
This story is not yet finished from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Three swift strikes from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Times the easy part from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Virtue is no more than a luxury from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Wait not technique from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Which weighs more riven your blade or your past from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Who says I can't handle my drink from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Who taught you that from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Would you know I wouldn't from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
Would you never heard of it from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
You can't run from yourself ribbon i've tried from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends
You got dumb from PROJECT: Yasuo - League of Legends