A big gun only hides a small girl from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends 2
A blade in the gut solves most problems from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends 3
A captain can't have any blind spots from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends 4
A dirty blade for a dirty job from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends 5
A little powder gets 'em moving from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends 6
A truce I will stop shooting when you die from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends 7
Ah from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends 8
All ashore that's going ashore from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends 9
All I ask is a good ship and a bad crew from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends 0
Always good to have a shift that already from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends -
Always watch your back from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends =
And all purpose artifact from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends q
Blood begets blood from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends w
Bring out the heavy artillery from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends e
Bring the rain from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends r
Broadside from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends t
Brutality brings loyalty from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends y
Cannons were sing him to sleep from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends u
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends i
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends o
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends p
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends a
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends s
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends d
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends f
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends g
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends h
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends j
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends k
Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Sound from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends l
Charge beneath the barrage from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends z
Combo from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends x
Come from stem to stern from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends c
Cool oh from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends v
Cowards understand fear their smart from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends b
Cruelty with purpose boys from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends n
Crying them to chum from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends m
Cutthroats criminals and thieves my kind of people from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Q
Eve tool from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends W
Everyone pays from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends E
Face me swab from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends R
Feast your eyes on the king jack from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends T
Fight like a man or die like a dog from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Y
Fish in a barrel from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends U
Forged in blood and bile from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends I
Free and clear from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends O
Give me a seadog over a saint any day from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends P
God god from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends A
Gosh i'm against the rocks from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends S
Graves two barrels are ya got from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends D
Gut 'em like fish from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends F
Ha from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends G
Ha from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends H
Ha from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends J
Ha ha from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends K
Ha ha from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends L
Ha ha from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends Z
Ha ha ha from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends X
Ha ha ha from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends C
Ha ha ha from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends V
Have at you from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends B
Hello from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends N
Here be dragons from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends M
Hoist the colors from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends <
How long from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends >
I am as unsinkable as my ship from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends !
I don't know from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends @
I have a deficiency of cares from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends #
I judge a man by his scars from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends $
I love watching him too which from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends %
I'll be needing more grog from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends ^
I'll carve my name into their bones from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends &
I'll grant their death wish from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends *
I'll have their guts for garters from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends (
I'll make sales of their skin from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends )
I'm a fair in just man from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends ~
I'm going to hear your innards caesar from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends `
In good time the fire of fine yeah from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends |
Into the wind from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends "
It's sweeter when it's stolen from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends '
It's the spot from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends ?
Keep your eye on the bar from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends /
Killings the best way to survive from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends ,
Know this please god bite from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends .
Launchers to the mast from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Leave him with nothing but their fear from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Let's see maybe wicked but i'm worse from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Lynam up from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
March into the oceans embrace from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Messy death is your first warning from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
More cannons from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
My bounties on the board fortune and there it stays from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
My ship is my soul from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Nautilus I see you dressed for your destination from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Never from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
No from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
No from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
No one steals from me from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
No quarter from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Not every angle covered from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Not today from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Nothing cuts dirtier than bilgewater steel from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Oh cunnings at the ready from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Out with the tide from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
People with her eye out from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Prepare the whole buster from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Prepare to be boarded from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Really the main cannon from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Refreshing from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Sailor take warning from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Sarah from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Scurvy or rich from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Set course for the docs from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Sharp enough to edge bone from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Should ready to hit him with all we got from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Sink or swim lads from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Smiling won't get you outta die in fortune from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Sometimes you gotta get your hands bloody from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Soon ha ha from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Strike while the barrows hot from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Sure from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
That's a chain from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
The depths are calling from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
The docs may be ugly but their home from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
The powder from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
The sharks are circling from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Their sailing into dark waters from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
There's only one way in bilgewater mine from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
They scared man is a loyal man from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
They're not just orange is there blood oranges from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
This is a flame tour from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
This will give him a reason to run from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Three in a row from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Time for an example from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
To the hilt from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Tongueless men can't talk back from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Trust nothing to chance from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Try again from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Turns from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
What shall we do with a drunken sailor from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Which of you cowards wants to cook from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Who let the dog out of his cage from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Yeah from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Yeah from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
Yo from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
You talk a lot for a dead man graves from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
You'll be dinner for the devil fish from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
You're a losing bet fate from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
You're gonna give blood on your dress feet from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
You're gonna need a lot more than fortune from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends
You're just a chip in my game fate from Captain Gangplank - League of Legends