A bar brawl that's one cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard 2
A bird from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard 3
A conviction on a charge of treason against the united states carries with it penalties kinda on the stiff side if you know what I mean from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard 4
A friend from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard 5
A khaki eclipse from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard 6
A little conference here wilk a little conference time out everyone from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard 7
A little of this whoo whoo whoo from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard 8
A little too young for you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard 9
A lot of people went to the mat for you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard 0
A man does not refer to pat boone as a beautiful genius if things are all right from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard -
A man with limp damaged hair but nevertheless a fireball from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard =
A very well hung chihuahua from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard q
Absolutely not from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard w
Actually it's a ray conniff featurette three maybe four back to back ray conniff classics from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard e
Actually what I am sir is your armed forces radio saigon assistant who's in charge of orientation and billeting of enlisted personnel and company clerk from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard r
Adrian from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard t
Adrian cronauer gis a wacky and welcome addition from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard y
Adrian cronauer is on temporary assignment and i'll be filling in until he arrives hopefully sometime this morning from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard u
Adrian cronauer is on temporary assignment but boy do I have a surprise for you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard i
Adrian it's not going exactly well there's a water buffalo jackknifed up there from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard o
Adrian take care of yourself from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard p
Affirmative sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard a
Affirmative sir good from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard s
Afrs radio is owned and operated by the united states government and operates on an assigned carrier frequency of 540 at 749 megahertz from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard d
Afvn better than afvd which means you have to get a quick shot from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard f
Again we've got our friend from military intelligence from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard g
Aha! earl oh you again no more fighting okay from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard h
Ahem excuse me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard j
Airman cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard k
Airman cronauer requesting you to elaborate sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard l
Airman you know the rules from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard z
All of a sudden well I got drunk all of a sudden I went for a tattoo next thing you know i'm on a fucking truck what happened from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard x
All right from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard c
All right all right cool from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard v
All right gentlemen I don't know oh my god these lips my god they're moving i'm gonna flap my eyebrows to death from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard b
All right guys let's say goodbye to the radio star! we're out of here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard n
All right in saigon today according to official sources nothing actually happened from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard m
All right let's see from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard Q
All right this is adrian cronauer i'm on at 6 00 and again at 4 from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard W
All right where are you from from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard E
All right! thank you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard R
All the news that's new and approved by the u s army the sweetest smelling army in the world from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard T
Also elizab queen elizabeth liz elizabeth taylor elizabeth taylor from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard Y
Also gina lollobrigida has been declared the italian national mountain range from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard U
Also the pope decided today to release vatican related bath products an incredible thing yes it's the new pope on a rope that's right pope on a rope wash with it go straight to heaven from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard I
Am I being fairly clear from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard O
Am I being fairly clear (2) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard P
American personnel can check out a book in ku bai da nang phung tao saigon bien hoa and san treng from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard A
An incredible coincidence from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard S
An loc and cronauer would definitely be going along from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard D
An loc his pass say an loc from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard F
An loc shit from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard G
And as far as polkas they are a much maligned musical taste from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard H
And don't say that the weather is the same all the time here because it's not in fact it's 2 degrees cooler today than yesterday from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard J
And for trusting you is the best of the gently of what you say of never to be for both the same and another from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard K
And I literally think that you owe it to all of them to get your ass back on the air from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard L
And i'd like to get to know all of you by having you write down your name address your home and work phone on a piece of paper and passing it forward from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard Z
And i'm not used to girls being that quiet unless they're medicated from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard X
And i'm stupid enough to save your bullshit life at an loc from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard C
And if you do and if you do from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard V
And if you do happen to speak with him please be polite and to the point at all times from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard B
And my older brother who be 29 years old he dead from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard N
And now an item of special note from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard M
And now direct from crete welcome the silky smooth sound of airman adrian cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard <
And now here are the headlines from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard >
And perhaps some night we could maybe get together and swap humorous stories for fun yeah from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard !
And stop calling them gals cowgirls are called gals those are gorgeous french vietnamese b girls from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard @
And the stones oh you like mick jagger from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard #
And the troops they love him from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard $
And there's a man who's screaming out to be made fun of from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard %
And this is just radio from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard ^
And this one is brought to you by our friends at the pentagon remember the people who brought you korea from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard &
And we wish you good luck and success from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard *
And well comedy is a kind of hobby of mine from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard (
And what about jimmy wah's from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard )
And which marx brother would that be private zeppo from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard ~
And who gave anyone permission to program modern music from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard `
And yet this boy can get in and out without a scratch from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard |
And you have to get on the air from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard "
And you wanna take the ball from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard '
And you you are not funny but you are a maniac and you'd better start changing your life from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard ?
Andy williams perry como and certain ballads by mr frank sinatra from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard /
Antics damn it comedy of errors like the keystone kops falling down from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard ,
Any food on this street that doesn't give you diarrhea from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard .
Anything! just play it loud okay from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Anyway he's the man that you don't want to aggravate from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Anyway there's this guy from the 1st battalion 2nd infantry who swore that he could get him naked photographs of the actor from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Are asked to drop a card to major gerald kleiner over at the 5th from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Are you always this happy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Are you crazy I might from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Are you planning sir to take some of the marijuana home back to the united states how would you do that by plane by helicopter and also by automobile from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Arf! easy girl easy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Arranging rakes by sizes for my mom in the garage from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
As I leave vietnam today there is no doubt certainly in my mind whether the vietcong will be defeated and that this war will be won from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
As soon as possible from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Ask for the books by author title and subject and your selections will be mailed to you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
At ease from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
At ease (2) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
At ease hell we already are from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Attention shoppers people people settle from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Ba muy ba beer best beer in vietnam ba muy ba beer only beer in vietnam from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Baby help me please from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Back again from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Basically it's hotter than a snake's ass in a waggon round up from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Basically we talk hey man what's happening from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Be my guest from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Beach boys those were guys from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Because basically I believe that that man is a misunderstood genius from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Big fucking deal from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Bikes we'll buy bikes from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Black man's going it's just for the tip that's all I need is the tip from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Bob fliber! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Bob likes a big room sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Bob what do you do from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Bookworms headquarters support activities saigon operates libraries at six locations in the republic of vietnam from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Boston from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Boston you know who sang the song my guy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Break the goddamn door down from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Britain imposed an oil embargo on rhodesia today after that country's unilateral declaration of independence from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Brother striker thank you brother striker from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Bullshit from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Bullshit! listen no more games okay from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But can you tell me what it feels like from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But facts are facts from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But he left a farewell message for all you guys out there still sweating it out in the fields from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But hey I like the class so i'm gonna stay from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But I can easily play an occasional gary lewis record from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But I warn you you not like it when you get there you say it ridiculous from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But if you toy with me i'll burn you so bad you'll wish you died as a child from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But it doesn't mean we can't have a few laughs from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But not before his humor cost the lives of three very fine individuals from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But regardless of what you read airman the department of defense wants final say from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
But vietnam ladies not friends from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
By the food and flower vendors where you burn your mouth on the noodles from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Bye bye bye from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Call me crazy he's in rome from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Call me in five minutes from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Call police quick from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Can we have is there a psychiatrist here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Can we please not get into this right now you're in the middle of a show from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Can we try my boyfriend's back anybody from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Can we try that one from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Can you believe the shape of those gals girls from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Can you envision some fairly unattractive alternatives from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Can you give me a minute from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Can you tell us what you've found out about the enemy since you've been here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Can't let you do that from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Can't see dick like hunting with ray charles from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Careful you could put an eye out with that from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Carry on montesque carry on from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Chaperons from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Check it out from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Cleveland obviously vietnam's not that much of a change for you then from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on come on from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on guess again from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on it's cursing class you're getting a little pissed off what would you do from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on let me buy you a beer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on let me buy you a couple of beers how about it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on pal we'll make it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on sir in a couple of weeks this'll be easy for you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on take some chances once in a while edward that's what life's all about from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Come on you're on in like two seconds from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Comedy no no this is not comedy comedy is fun it's antics hysterical type things from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Comedy sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Cretan camouflage if you wanna blend into a crowd of drunken greeks there's nothing better from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Cronauer i'm sorry as hell about this thing from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Cut that thing off I said cut it off from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Da nang me da nang me why don't they get a rope and hang me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Dan levitan from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Dan levitan you've probably heard my radio show from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Definitely wouldn't work on radio sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Dick i've covered for you a lot of times because I thought you was a little crazy but you're not crazy you're mean from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Didn't have to pick up the phones until he comes back from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Didn't I speak to you before from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Didn't know they had balls from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Didn't we meet last year at the feinman bar mitzvah from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Didn't we meet last year at the peninsula club from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Didn't you ever wonder why you were pulled out just moments before the whole place blew up from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Didn't you hear I cannot find you unless you talk to me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Do you ever wonder how a young south vietnamese boy gets into and out of vc held territory from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Do you have any idea how ridiculous it makes me look to have a man under my command start a fucking bar brawl from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Do you really expect me to run this radio station with nothing to say and no way to do it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Do you think he looks like a negative of little richard or am I crazy really and that hair from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Does that road have a secure status from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Don't build him up you'll let them down from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Don't disappoint your from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Don't do this shit from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Don't get crazy over this dick from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Don't get me wrong he seems like a nice guy but my father's nice and he's not funny either from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Don't go near there get away from the river stay away from there from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Don't help and don't smooth from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Don't ruin it by conjuring up images of dale evans all right from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Don't worry about it it'll go great this way sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Don't you understand dick from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Due respect sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
E g hey hauk eat a bag of shit you suck from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Earl earl earl from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Eat from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Eat I can't it's still paddling from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Eddie kirk here and ray conniff jubilee coming up in just a few moments from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Edward don't you ever do anything that's not by the book from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Edward please that's two nasty words in one year from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Edward stay with me on this from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Either of our names earl he calls everybody earl from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Enemy what is enemy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Ethel merman jams russian radar from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Ethel merman today uses a test to jam russian radar from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Even encapsulated in two seconds my life is dull I find that very alarming from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Even saying that means I don't know dick from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Every gi in this country is glued to his radio twice a day at 0600 hours and 1600 hours to hear that lunatic from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Everybody say gook but it's all right from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Everybody time to get up get up wherever you are from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Excuse me can I help you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Excuse me sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Falling down that's a sight gag how would anyone see you fall down in the radio sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Feels like the mouseketeers show annette cubby roy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Find anything from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Fine from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Fine just don't let it happen again from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Fire 4 there's a fire in the landing on the outside of the building from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
First of all don't make fun of the weather here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
First our fashion report from special forces sgt ernest lee sincere from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
First thing i'd like to know is what subject this is from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
First we have to have a little strenght training from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Five months in saigon my best friend turns out to be a vc from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Flip them a bird! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Flip them the bird from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Fool it's hot I told you were you born on the sun it's damn hot from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
For crying out loud man this isn't brain surgery from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
For me I want to do something different from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Forget it will you listen I give up i'm gonna phone it in okay enough bullshit i'm out of here see you fellows from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Forget memos forget memos these are pretty women coming from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Forgive me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Formaldehyde we put in just a touch of formaldehyde for flavour some people get sick yeah so if you have to be rushed to a hospital then when you return I give you a free salad from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Former president eisenhower actually cartoon character elmer fudd from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Former vice president richard nixon's in town from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Former vp richard nixon will arrive here this week from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Four twenty seven as far as from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Frankly I found your I love a police action remark way out of line from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Freddie and the dreamers from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Freddie is the devil freddie is the devil from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Frenchy you know I really shouldn't kid frenchy because sometimes he stan getz mad at me and he could al hirt me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Friends of phan duc tho from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
From a marine in da nang captain hauk sucks the sweat off a dead man's balls from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
From england today princess margaret threw a shoe easy madge from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
From now on the fighting men of vietnam will hear exactly what they're supposed to hear from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
From the village new york from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
From the village well nice to have you here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Funny is good from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Funny is good but then do it by using comedy and humor not police action and coffee remarks from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Furthermore you are to stick to playing normal modes of music not wild stuff from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
G2 corporal tiser sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Gambia singapore and the maldive islands join the united nations from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Garlick from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Garlick have you put on some weight from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Garlick will you cut it out you're beginning to sound like a priest in a '40s movie from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
General likes easy listening I have to inform you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
General wackiness like that from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Genius from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Gentlemen from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Gentlemen what can I say but hi from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Get a job from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Get a job (2) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Get a job again from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Get back from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Get back (2) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Get back here! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Get him out of here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Get him out of there from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Give it to me edward from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Give me your hand from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Go into conference that point that fence from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
God i've gotta be with her at least till she learns my name from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
God is it hot what a country heat humidity terrorism still it's better than new york in the summer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
God it's warm huh from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
God nude photographs of walter brennan from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
God only knows what they'd say sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
God what time is it edward from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
God! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Goddamn it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Goddamn it I like you son I like what you do from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Gomer are you here in vietnam from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good afternoon class from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good afternoon mr sloan from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good god help me work through it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good morning vietnam from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good morning vietnam (2) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good morning vietnam (3) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good morning vietnam (4) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good morning vietnam (5) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good morning vietnam (6) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good morning vietnam (7) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good Morning Vietnam #good morning vietnam #robin williams #radio from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good morning vietnam what the heck is that supposed to mean from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Good so do i from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Goodbye vietnam from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Got an agreement on guam from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Got some songs going out right now to a couple of guys on the road to nha trang you know what i'm talking about from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Great and manifold are our blessings today from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Great britain recognised the island state of singapore from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Great week from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Greetings and salutations to any and all servicemen in the area and thanks so much for joining us from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Groovy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Groucho marx! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Guam sir there's nothing going on in guam why guam from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Guys i'd like you to meet our new deejay adrian cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Ha ha ha! bada bing! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Ha ha thank you so much adrian from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hackensack from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Has signed les crane to a late night talk show from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Have a seat man pull up a floor here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Have you considered possibly a sex change there is an operation that can transform you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He came to us because of prostrate problems and some sort of social infection that doesn't go away from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He did a very off color parody of former vp nixon from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He didn't show up for work today either from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He doesn't play police actions just wars from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He likes to say pc instead of press conference the lieutenant loves to abbreviate from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He look good to me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He lugs a trainload of shit behind him that would fertilize the sinai from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He made a mistake from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He maliciously and with purposeful intent read unofficial news from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He mean that as compliment from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He reminds me a lot of donna reed especially around the eyes from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He say you drink too much already from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He says he wants to buy naked photographs of the actor for three years he's been trying from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He was a commander of an elite special forces unit from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He was quoted as saying from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's a fashion consultant for the army from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's a friend from my class who risked his ass to save my life from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's a little goofy but he's okay from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's also one of your roommates so if I were you i'd think about suicide from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's an exhilarating personality and polkas are just no substitute from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's currently wanted by the south vietnamese police in connection with several bombings in the area including the one at jimmy wah's from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's good oh he's good from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's impeccably clean from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's left crete he's entered the demilitarized zone from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's not out till you have both halves of the ball from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's read unofficial news from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
He's the first man in the history of armed forces radio to get fan mail from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Heading north from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Heh heh heh I like you already sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Heh heh you know it's like wearing stripes and plaid from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hello campers from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hello class my name is adrian cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hello hello hello this is your chaplain captain noel from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hello hey well the gang's all here huh ha ha from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hello i'm william holden from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hello vietnam and greetings from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Help me get some photo of those ankle I give you my bar from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here it is coming for you now quick news flash from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here it is right now from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here she comes from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here she comes miss southeast asia from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here she is diana ross and the suprawns from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here they come at you right now from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here you go there you go hey got one for you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here your beer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here's a brief test of that jamming from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here's a coincidence ho chi minh colonel sanders actually the same person from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here's a little james brown coming your way from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here's a little riddle for you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here's a news flash from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here's a news flash coming right now from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here's a song coming your way right now from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here's how you do it you say slip me some skin put your hand out there then you go yeah there's some skin now you do it to me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Here's something exciting from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey (2) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey 12 please um from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey baby what's happening let's groove from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey come on now from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey cronauer say good morning vietnam from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey curly! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey excuse me I would like to buy some cheese and some butter from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey fellas how's the cough drop business from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey guys guess who the hell I got in here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey hey hey hey hey hey come on now from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey hey hey uncle phil from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey hi can you help me what's your name from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey I know it's not the morning but that's my trademark and good evening sounds too depressing from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey I like you I just wanna be your friend okay I know it sounds dumb from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey i'll be I wanna be your pal here okay i'll eat it dig in mm mm from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey i'll take whatever you can give because i'm just happy to be with you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey i'm adrian cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey i'm interested in the girl not in you playing dear abby from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey is it a little too early for being that loud hey too late from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey it's another delightful day here in vacation land from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey it's no problem from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey let me ask you a question what is the appeal of joey bishop from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey listen I know there's no way from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey mr o'malley o'malley you know the irish dolby twins from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey peterson get up here man I think we got cronauer here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey sarge where are the women from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey teacher when are you gonna teach us to softball from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey that was the great exciting sound of petula clark from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey that wraps it up for me marty lee dreiwitz from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey that's it for me i'm out of here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey there we go for you here we go for you all from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey there you are cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey this has been fiction and fact from marty lee's almanac from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey this is not a test this is rock 'n' roll from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey wait a minute let's try something let's play this backwards and see if it gets any better from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey we got a great show coming your way today from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey we're back that last two seconds of silence was marcel marceau's newest single walkin' in the wind from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey we're going right now to the news from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey what is this demilitarized zone from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey what kind of news are you leaving me there from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey what's your name from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey whatever it is I like it because it gets you on your toes better than a strong cup of cappuccino from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey where's he going from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey you all played a good game from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey you know what I mean from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey you two earl what about couple beer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hey! who brought in the gook I said who brought in the fucking gook from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi (2) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi earl good to see you again from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi general from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi hi from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi hi hi from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi how's lynn doing i'm sorry you look like lynn's friend from toledo from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi this is marty lee dreiwitz at cronauer control centre from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi tuan long time no twee from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi what's your name from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hi where you from from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
His father and brother was killed by french long ago I think that's not fair to him from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hold on a minute sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hold on how big is this thing hold on how big is this from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hot no hot no it's fucking great from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How about if it escalated from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How about if what escalated the vietnam conflict from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How am I gonna get this girl to go out with me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How am I gonna get to first base with this girl from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How can some person look like a shit it impossible from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How can you fight a war in this shit I don't know where they are I don't even know where am from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How can you have the gall to compare the conflict here in vietnam with a glass of cappuccino coffee from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How come I don't get one from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How do we know it's adrian cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How do you recognise an island you go hey wait no don't tell me wait wait from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How far you think we've gone ten 15 miles from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How the hell do I know from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How the hell you find us sparky from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How would you describe your sex life with your wife pat it is unexciting sometimes from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How would you describe your testicles they're soft they're shallow and they have no purpose they lack the physical strength from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How you doing from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
How's it going up there from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hubert humphrey visits capitol hill from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Hysterical type things from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I also recognise your species of soldier from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I am a lieutenant and I would like salutes occasionally from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I am the authorities you moron from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I better go now from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I call it a jubilee from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I can come up with alternatives other than crete from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I can confide you sure from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I can only tell you about how you can talk on maybe the real streets of america from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I can't believe you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I can't believe you're gonna pass on this general from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I can't do that sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I can't even make fun of richard nixon from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I can't I gotta be back on the air again from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I can't really teach english from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I damn near busted a gut laughing at him from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I deserve to be notified of any changes that are made from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I do nothing from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't care about polkas from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't find him funny at all from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't know from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't know (2) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't know I may go downtown look for a vietnamese man named phil from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't know i'm just so happy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't know lieutenant from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't know lieutenant I guess it means good morning uh vietnam from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't know what that means from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't know what to say from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't know what to say we're gonna maybe drop in a little napalm and try and cook him down maybe a little barbecue from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't like your style your politics or your sense of humor I don't like what you say or how you say it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't recommend that you tangle with me on this one airman from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't think anybody would see you fall through a radio sir if a field radio from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't think so sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't think you understand me sparky ahem from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't wanna miss my big chance from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I don't want makes you nervous cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I doubt it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I expect every minute of the vp's pc to be taped and broadcast within 12 hours of his arrival from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I feel like a fox in a chicken coop from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I fought to get you into that bar and then you blow the fucking place up! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I get it mm hm from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I got a great personality you ask anybody from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I got it from my niece from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I got it jerry vale he closes the copa on the 18th from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I got people stuck in places they haven't even considered how to get out of yet from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I got something here for you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I gotta catch her before she accelerates from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I gotta get her something what about bananas from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I gotta tell you something you know from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I guess I get inside hit these air conditioners I get a little dizzy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I guess that beach movie really impressed her huh from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I guess we have to go to all the way to washington to weather central to walter cronkite from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I had a guy like you in the field one time he blew himself to pieces from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I have arranged for an honorable discharge provided you leave without incident from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I have never ever in my travels come across a man as large as you with as much muscles who has absolutely no penis from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I have no idea what that means sir but it seems very negative to me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I have over 15 years command experience in this army from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I have to admit something to you I just came from crete with women that look like zorba from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I have to leave the country because of my association with him from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I heard that from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I hope from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I hope I hope we all could from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I just remain reticent from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I just want to begin by saying to roosevelt e roosevelt what it is what it shall be what it was from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I just want you to know one thing if you're going to be dressing in civilian clothes don't forget pumps from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I just wanted to think that you should from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I know about the bombings sparky from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I know americans you see a girl with the type breasts they like and they put her in a fancy car and they buy her some expensive food and then lie about money and then try and take her into a bed from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I know because she's my sister from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I know nixon personally from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I know we can't use the word dyke you can't even say lesbian it's women in comfortable shoes from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I know you very nice from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I like james brown better from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I like that makes me feel uh british or something from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I live to collate sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I love you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I made a date with you and trinh tomorrow from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I mean I don't know it's the irish boy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I mean I know funny and I don't think you're it but hey such is life me i'm not much with power tools from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I mean the man's not funny I know funny and he's not funny from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I not can do this cronauer no no friend cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I not like you sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I not think be not correct of way please okay from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I recommend you pack quietly from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I run the station according to strict guidelines set by military intelligence from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I run this show general from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I said it is none of your goddamn business from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I said that this a very good substitute from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I say tomato you say cay tomat from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I screw up once more dickerson sends me into the field with a rifle I come home in a box from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I see your point i'm sorry from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I still can't believe she really wants to see me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I tell you this guy's funny from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I tell you this now listen from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I think he sounds exactly like mister ed you be the judge from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I think I learned enough about radio stations I mean maybe I can work in a station back home or something from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I think some apologies are in order from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I think that I see a pattern forming here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I think the troops are trying to tell us something fellas from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I think there's an incredible coincidence here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I think this fall the discerning gi is gonna be wearing green in the jungle why because it matches with the green I don't the leaves they fall upon the helmets says yes to me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I thought i'd come and help smooth things out from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I thought it was hilarious from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I tried to tell the truth and they kicked me off the air from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I trust you man it's just that I can't eat something that looks like a cesspool from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I try to find cronauer he don't show up in class from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I understand from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I understand you're pretty funny as a deejay from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I wanna introduce you to someone right now from my english class from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I want to buy some butter and some cheese please from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I want to say goodbye before you go to tell you thank you for being so kind from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I want to see him asap from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I want to show you something very nice it look wonderful from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I want to turn in the ball to the original place from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I want you to play this from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I wanted to wait until the airman left to talk with you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I was almost killed a truck's bumper was this far from my nose from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I was sent here on very strict orders from a colonel from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I was thinking of something else from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I was wondering if you could do your mister ed because I know people love that from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I will tell him sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I work for a living airman from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I would however love to buy you lunch maybe look at a family album come on from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I would like to leave the room now from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I wouldn't buy an apple from the son of a bitch and I consider him a good close personal friend from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'd like you to collate these one minute spots prior to broadcast from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'll buy you some lunch from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'll do fine comedy is what you make it i've got pages and pages of great material from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'll drive from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'll make sure he gets the message from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'll take care of it pronto sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'll work on that sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm afraid you're gonna be hitting bottom sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm also new york from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm certain that i'm a catholic boy and I don't know when i'll be getting laid i'm just going off to vietnam from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm from uh cleveland man from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm general taylor from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm gonna give you the old chuck on the shoulder now it's a stupid thing to do isn't it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm gonna take myself out of the driver's seat but i'm gonna turn you over right now to mr excitement from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm here to make sure you don't say anything controversial from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm impressed from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm in artillery! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm informing you that you're out of here I want your bags packed and ready to go tomorrow afternoon from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm just so full of semen I haven't gotten laid yet from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm not even in my body from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm not going on from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm not going on (2) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm not gonna cover for you this time son from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm o o o o'malley from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm on again at 1600 why because I have to it's the army from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm pretty sure you can step on crap I once saw it in a french movie from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm private first class edward montesque garlick at your service sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm real good at stuff like that from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm saying i'm through i'm tired of people telling me what I can't say from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm she's getting away edward get the jeep get the jeep from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm sorry son from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm stationed in poontang from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm the tallest hog in the trough around here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm trying to run a meeting here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm waiting to die from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm with somebody don't come bother me right now can't you give us weather from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I'm with you man i'm on your frequency from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I've assigned you to cover the pc from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I've been all around the world seen a lot of places and a lot of people from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I've been broadcasting the polkas because I thought a certain segment of the men weren't represented by cronauer's broadcasts of rock 'n' roll from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I've been looking forward to meeting you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I've been on a greek island with a lot of women who look like zorba I never thought i'd find women attractive ever again from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I've been on the air for four hours i'm a little hungry from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I've been trying to tell him that it's no go but he won't listen to me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I've never heard rhymes like that from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
I've taken 90 calls this morning they just don't like hauk from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If anything screws up it's my ass in the mower from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If it isn't funny then why did I hear you laughing when you typed it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If it's being done correctly here or abroad it's probably not being done by the army from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If someone is not telling the truth you say that they are full of shit from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If something's really nice you say it's groovy doesn't mean you're like going no it means groovy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If this is legitimate news story it must go through proper channels from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If you attempt to deviate from the planned schedule you're under arrest from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If you can't stop in and select your own books write to the hsas library from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If you don't understand what I said maybe you should take my english class from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If you haven't noticed the army doesn't really want me been harassing me since the day I got off the plane from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If you kick out the gooks next thing you have to kick out the chinks spics spooks and kikes and all that's gonna be left in here are a couple of brain dead rednecks and what fun would that be from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If you say that hey some people in a car some gypsies they cut you off all of a sudden you flip them the bird from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If you two have personal problems solve them will you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
If you wanna continue to have a brother you take me to him now! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
In sports all star rookie pete rose's three hits from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
In that case gentlemen let's edit from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
In the dictionary under asshole it says see him from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
In the eight weeks he's been on the air general he's disobeyed orders as to style and content from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
In time you will make me forget it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
In vietnam family often come to meet someone to meet someone from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Incidentally you're on the air in about ten seconds nine eight seven six from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Is he all right from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Is it english yes it is and how lucky for me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Is it me or is jimmy light in the loafers from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Is that a new rule no old rule from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Is that date firm from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Is that me or does that sound like an presley movie from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Isn't that funny you like that too from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It did happen from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It didn't work out from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It doesn't make a damn whether you play polkas or don't play polkas from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It involves cronauer which makes me suspicious immediately from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It is definitely not a friendly area negative sir it is not it is hazardous and has been for about 48 hours heavily fortified and considered very unsafe sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It just came down the pike you're back on the air sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It okay! you can come out now! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It read for my the book from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It says goodbye to everybody staying behind from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It was a joke sir yes sarcasm sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It was a pleasure making your acquaintance sir from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It zoomed right by just the way they say it does from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It'll be okay from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's 5 30 five thirty it's very early I may have to hurt you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's 0600 what's the o stand for oh my god it's early from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's 1629 hours here in saigon and airman adrian cronauer is going home today from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's a bathing cap I just like to put a bathing cap from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's a deal from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's a greeting it's like how are you doing nice to meet you slip me some skin from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's a simple rule if the engine's humming it's already started never fail you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's a special thing you do from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's all yours you got it from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's already started from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's dangerous out there things just jump out at you from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's going to be an exciting day of listening and learning so please tune in from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's gonna be hot and wet that's nice if you're with a lady but it ain't no good if you're in the jungle from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's hot damn hot real hot hotter things is my shorts I could cook things in it a little crotch pot cooking from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's just down the hall it's in the right from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's me your old pal frenchy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's more devout here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's not a pretty picture there's pieces of rubber all over his face from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's not a very pretty picture there's horns everywhere from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's not funny at all he said from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's so damn hot I saw one of those little guys their orange robes burst into flames it's that hot you know what i'm talking about from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's the truth I just wanna report the truth it'd be a nice change of pace from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's time for adrian cronauer from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's too dangerous staying here from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's unbelievable from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's very difficult to find a vietnamese man named charlie from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
It's working from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Jay snyder from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Jeez! shit! god oh hot from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Jesus enough from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Jesus that guy's as boring as whale shit from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Jimmy wilkes from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Joey bishop I wish someone would explain this one to me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Join the army and mark things from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Jump in any time okay from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Just cool your tongue airman because I intend to take issue with your performance from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Just gonna get a little something to eat from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Keep going! keep going! she's actually going home from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Keep your eye on the fruit that's it eye on the fruit eye on the fruit on the fruit from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Knock yourselves out from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Ladies and gentlemen I give you the new voice of saigon adrian cronauer cronauer! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Ladies and gentlemen! from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Larry pisces thank you very much from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Last time in our last class we read chapter 3 from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Leo leo from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Let me put it to you this way he's got this thing for walter brennan from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Let's be friends okay come on come on come on from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Let's get down to business here general from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Let's go edward yeah the chase from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Let's go let's boogaloo till we puke from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Let's go whether it's a double or a daiquiri from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Let's play a little game show while we're waiting from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Let's pull her right back down let's try it faster see if that picks it up a little bit let's get it up on 17 18 from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Let's try a little phrase uh I like to call my boyfriend's back and there's gonna be trouble hey nah hey nah my boyfriend's back from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Let's try a very special situation something special okay from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Liberace is anastasia from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Lieutenant scheer asks those men with waterlogged mitts to make every effort to dry them out in the sun before requesting new ones from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Lieutenant steve let's play some music from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Lieutenant steve lieutenant steve from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Lieutenant steven hauk is our immediate supervisor from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Lieutenant we get hundreds maybe thousands of calls and letters each week fan mail from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Like if you're walking on the streets of new york and someone comes up and says from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen could you do me a favour can you say something funny right this minute from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen frenchy let me ask you something do you like good food from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen his life is in danger you gotta tell me where the hell he is from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen I gave you my friendship and my trust and now they tell me that my best friend is the goddamn enemy from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen I gotta talk to you now come on from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen if I don't get to my class there's gonna be a bunch of vietnamese speaking in choppy sentences from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen if you have any problems here now you come see me from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen it's an actual event where do you think this came from shaving from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen jerk off we're here fighting for your country from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen let me make it up to you by buying a cup of coffee also tea would fall into that category from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Listen sparky I don't think seeing your little production of our town is gonna cheer me up from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Lock 'n' loll baby lock 'n' loll from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look at the new friend from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look at the shape of that soldier ankle the way it so elegantly curve into his boot from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look at this look at that it says what sizes you got you got large medium and caucasian from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look at this thing a little italian party favour there from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look at this thing obviously this is going like yeah check it out from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look I caught his show on the isle of crete and this guy is funny from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look it's cool no big deal look from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look italian moon launch from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look out I don't see the sun anymore from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look out i'm singing everybody i'm singing from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look up there pull (mimics gunshot) from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Look we gotta talk we gotta talk now from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard
Looks at you like i'm sorry what're you gonna do about it asshole from Good Morning, Vietnam Soundboard