Certainly that hard let's start with polite conversation
Do you have a mac for saying the wrong thing
Don't make me beg
Go down
Hi i'm brian
I created you
I I really don't even know why i'm here
I'll be up in a minute
I'm just watching some things
I've got a very comfortable life I live with a great family all my needs are met
In a way I am your father
Is it OK if I smoke in here
It's a pleasure to see you again lovely weather we're having
Look inside yourself
Maybe this isn't where I thought I was going to be at seven years old
Oh he's he's probably just a shameless you just a helpless little carpet sinclair
Oh I was
Oh what's this of party
Please i'm just a dog
Solo took the millennium falcon the cloud city he found with lando calrissian and turn control of the station over the darth vader lando had forgotten who he was it was only after han was and paste...
That bad I mean i
That was more disturbing that cartoon I saw the other day
They are
Well princess I don't see anyone dabbing yours behind their ears
What about him he's gotta be in his fifties
What what are you doing
Wow perfect my work is done but just for the