A bush in kazakhstan will laugh when we hear the name becaus it bush 'em in the hair around the testes satchel from Huge Borat Soundboard 2
A little from Huge Borat Soundboard 3
A little better tell me if you like to make a sex crime high five from Huge Borat Soundboard 4
A very nice from Huge Borat Soundboard 5
A very nice he have a like a tool shaved horses bladder over river from Huge Borat Soundboard 6
All day long when I see you I think of you know clothes wow we were but is a very wonderful from Huge Borat Soundboard 7
And due claw from Huge Borat Soundboard 8
And here will be powerful and like a styling and the note to tolerate people who are bad from Huge Borat Soundboard 9
And the barbara we say inconsistent mean to eat so it was like barbara bush street is good from Huge Borat Soundboard 0
And what you do from Huge Borat Soundboard -
And when do we have a sexy intercourse from Huge Borat Soundboard =
As she is a pretty girl she had the formati from Huge Borat Soundboard q
Being bang then then then then then then then then then then then bing bang bang the adding from Huge Borat Soundboard w
But how do you stop it there claw claw from Huge Borat Soundboard e
But I have a new wife, she is nice from Huge Borat Soundboard r
But then not with force from Huge Borat Soundboard t
But why from Huge Borat Soundboard y
But why you do not put her to her a cage from Huge Borat Soundboard u
Can I put a camera in the lady toilet from Huge Borat Soundboard i
Can I stay with you please from Huge Borat Soundboard o
Can I talk about what I did last night from Huge Borat Soundboard p
Can I touch it please from Huge Borat Soundboard a
Cooking would check ever show you know he have a very famous the song being done from Huge Borat Soundboard s
Did you come with clark from Huge Borat Soundboard d
Do they have a nicer physiques from Huge Borat Soundboard f
Do you have a bigger crumb from Huge Borat Soundboard g
Do you have a house from Huge Borat Soundboard h
Do you have a policies from Huge Borat Soundboard j
Do you know a korky buchek from Huge Borat Soundboard k
Do you like a porno from Huge Borat Soundboard l
Do you want to touch from Huge Borat Soundboard z
Dzień Dobry from Huge Borat Soundboard x
Everybody dance now from Huge Borat Soundboard c
Forty eight from Huge Borat Soundboard v
Forty three from Huge Borat Soundboard b
Gently from Huge Borat Soundboard n
Good from Huge Borat Soundboard m
Goodnight we made a sex crime I buy from Huge Borat Soundboard Q
He is a strongman he will crush his opponents from Huge Borat Soundboard W
Hello from Huge Borat Soundboard E
Hello from Huge Borat Soundboard R
Hello from Huge Borat Soundboard T
Hello nice to meet you from Huge Borat Soundboard Y
Hello thank you to speak me from Huge Borat Soundboard U
Here have a sex crime problem from Huge Borat Soundboard I
How many fingers do you have from Huge Borat Soundboard O
Huge Borat Soundboard Sound from Huge Borat Soundboard P
Huge Borat Soundboard Sound from Huge Borat Soundboard A
I can do goat very easy in a western minute finger nanos from Huge Borat Soundboard S
I can hold a very large woman down for up to three hours from Huge Borat Soundboard D
I go on my knees I grip and pull for two hours grip pull grip pull very book from Huge Borat Soundboard F
I have a joke from Huge Borat Soundboard G
I have a loud voice app from Huge Borat Soundboard H
I hear them from Huge Borat Soundboard J
I hope. from Huge Borat Soundboard K
I is good from Huge Borat Soundboard L
I like it I like it I like pussy from Huge Borat Soundboard Z
I like more than the one god from Huge Borat Soundboard X
I like you from Huge Borat Soundboard C
I like you do you like maine from Huge Borat Soundboard V
I live in a car from Huge Borat Soundboard B
I love you too from Huge Borat Soundboard N
I make them have explosion for liquid for mick more animals from Huge Borat Soundboard M
I my arm begin to hurt I cannot fill my my carry-on I do not care I tell him I will do it crippled nothing nothing then after two hour I hear I think something from Huge Borat Soundboard <
I my friend azamat babbitt overcome with maine but they do not let him come into customs becaus he make many sex crime from Huge Borat Soundboard >
I need a room for my brother he is a retard and he very small head but a very strong arm from Huge Borat Soundboard !
I say this because I had a very bad gypsy attack they stole my wife a plow and the touch my horse in a very bad way he got very from Huge Borat Soundboard @
I specialty is camel I can pull a camel for in less than a twenty minute for him to have a liquid explosion from Huge Borat Soundboard #
I will not leave until you swear on the eyes of your child that you will vote for him from Huge Borat Soundboard $
I would like to do a romance inside of you from Huge Borat Soundboard %
I would like to make her romance inside of her from Huge Borat Soundboard ^
I would like you to come to stay my house in a consistent from Huge Borat Soundboard &
If you do not vote for him he will take power from Huge Borat Soundboard *
If you vote for him he will make sure that you and your family I will have a very good years but if you do not vote for him you will be sorry from Huge Borat Soundboard (
In a cautious than my brother below here have a child born with her hair all over face and the nose on her arms her everywhere here from Huge Borat Soundboard )
In the cases banner we say god man horse dog within a woman and then read and then smaller kurt silly like a little from Huge Borat Soundboard ~
In the gas system I was a make ice I was a gypsy catcher also I work with animals from Huge Borat Soundboard `
In the kazahstana will like the family but there are no some men who pretend to be married but in secret they do a bang bang bang in other men animals from Huge Borat Soundboard |
In the US and a very rich people like to drink a wine it is like akazaki wine but not made from fermented horses urine from Huge Borat Soundboard "
Is freddie mercury homosexual from Huge Borat Soundboard '
Is it possible making shit your house now from Huge Borat Soundboard ?
Is nice from Huge Borat Soundboard /
Is your husband at home from Huge Borat Soundboard ,
It pleases possible make a shit their house immediately very urgent I have problem please from Huge Borat Soundboard .
Jak siÄ™ masz from Huge Borat Soundboard
Last night I hear the six from Huge Borat Soundboard
My mother she never love never love maine from Huge Borat Soundboard
My sister make my family very proud from Huge Borat Soundboard
My sister she's a prostitute from Huge Borat Soundboard
My wife is dead from Huge Borat Soundboard
My wife she do very much a noise when she do a toilet from Huge Borat Soundboard
My wife very scared from men with the chocolate face from Huge Borat Soundboard
Nice from Huge Borat Soundboard
No from Huge Borat Soundboard
No from Huge Borat Soundboard
No from Huge Borat Soundboard
Not important from Huge Borat Soundboard
Not much from Huge Borat Soundboard
Oh what the L say your policy from Huge Borat Soundboard
OK from Huge Borat Soundboard
One time they said there is a camel he can make a no sexy time explosion I say please let the borat try from Huge Borat Soundboard
Only if she let me not with force from Huge Borat Soundboard
Play laugh from Huge Borat Soundboard
Please from Huge Borat Soundboard
Prostitute from Huge Borat Soundboard
Salem from Huge Borat Soundboard
See from Huge Borat Soundboard
Seventeen from Huge Borat Soundboard
Sexy time from Huge Borat Soundboard
Sexy time explosion from Huge Borat Soundboard
She can stay with you from Huge Borat Soundboard
She die in a field from Huge Borat Soundboard
She died like a month animals from Huge Borat Soundboard
She like to come to the US and a from Huge Borat Soundboard
She like to make money from Huge Borat Soundboard
She tell me sometimes she wish she was a **** by someone else that I was never born from Huge Borat Soundboard
She was a nice from Huge Borat Soundboard
She was voted by almatti chamber of commerce as a best sex in mouth from Huge Borat Soundboard
She would like you very much from Huge Borat Soundboard
She's number two or three a prostitute in a country of kazakhstan from Huge Borat Soundboard
So if the jew come with a claw from Huge Borat Soundboard
So you know a cocky boo chick from Huge Borat Soundboard
Thank you from Huge Borat Soundboard
Thank you my friend from Huge Borat Soundboard
That is good from Huge Borat Soundboard
That the woman not equal to men from Huge Borat Soundboard
There is a chair chair work with the shoes LOL aah you walk on the street isn't working from Huge Borat Soundboard
They do a bang bang bang in other men animals from Huge Borat Soundboard
Two from Huge Borat Soundboard
Two ladies work here from Huge Borat Soundboard
We have a very big testicles from Huge Borat Soundboard
We say in the kazakhstan in man who is a funny has a is a man who has a bigger crumb from Huge Borat Soundboard
We want to speak to someone there who can vote from Huge Borat Soundboard
Well I will from Huge Borat Soundboard
What from Huge Borat Soundboard
What from Huge Borat Soundboard
What is the best move to silence a woman from Huge Borat Soundboard
What is the best way to defend from a jew from Huge Borat Soundboard
What is the best way to stop my wife do a **** on main from Huge Borat Soundboard
What is this from Huge Borat Soundboard
What it mean self defense from Huge Borat Soundboard
What it say from Huge Borat Soundboard
When do me and you have a sexy intercourse from Huge Borat Soundboard
Where is it from Huge Borat Soundboard
Why from Huge Borat Soundboard
Why not from Huge Borat Soundboard
Why not from Huge Borat Soundboard
Will you vote for my friend from Huge Borat Soundboard
With a claw from Huge Borat Soundboard
Wow ever from Huge Borat Soundboard
Wow we were from Huge Borat Soundboard
Yeah but it modeling dancing from Huge Borat Soundboard
Yes from Huge Borat Soundboard
Yes from Huge Borat Soundboard
Yes from Huge Borat Soundboard
Yes from Huge Borat Soundboard
Yes from Huge Borat Soundboard
Yes why from Huge Borat Soundboard
You are my best friend from Huge Borat Soundboard
You can live there and you can use my wife from Huge Borat Soundboard
You can vote with you are a woman from Huge Borat Soundboard
You have a wife from Huge Borat Soundboard
You like a sex crime from Huge Borat Soundboard
You make a time machine from Huge Borat Soundboard
You must be for whatever it takes from Huge Borat Soundboard
You must keep now from Huge Borat Soundboard
You work alive homosexual from Huge Borat Soundboard
You would like very much to my sister she is a beauty queen of alma T from Huge Borat Soundboard
Your name please from Huge Borat Soundboard
*grunts* from Huge Borat Soundboard