A baby picture of Michael? from The Blind Side (2009) 2
A bad feeling about this one. from The Blind Side (2009) 3
A bed. from The Blind Side (2009) 4
A bedroom for you. from The Blind Side (2009) 5
A door might be opened ... from The Blind Side (2009) 6
A few stores. from The Blind Side (2009) 7
A hep more files we could add to. from The Blind Side (2009) 8
A left tackle. from The Blind Side (2009) 9
A little quarterback. Up there at MLK. from The Blind Side (2009) 0
A man who fell off an overpass? from The Blind Side (2009) -
A scholarship to Ole Miss. from The Blind Side (2009) =
A teaching position at Wingate? from The Blind Side (2009) q
Ability to learn fifth percentile. from The Blind Side (2009) w
About all this. THINK ABOUT WHAT?. from The Blind Side (2009) e
About LSU Ole Miss. from The Blind Side (2009) r
About that and one of the things... from The Blind Side (2009) t
About you. Just... just one. from The Blind Side (2009) y
About your fine white sister. from The Blind Side (2009) u
Absolutely. We'll recruit the both of you. from The Blind Side (2009) i
Access I'd have to him. from The Blind Side (2009) o
After they took him from me. from The Blind Side (2009) p
Against you or any other redneck sonofabitch. from The Blind Side (2009) a
Ain't got nothing on that public school league. from The Blind Side (2009) s
Alabama Street... Hurt Village. from The Blind Side (2009) d
All as part of a plan to insure... from The Blind Side (2009) f
All game long, boy. All game long. from The Blind Side (2009) g
All I'm gonna see is a brown Barcalounger. from The Blind Side (2009) h
All night. All night. from The Blind Side (2009) j
All right then. from The Blind Side (2009) k
All right then. from The Blind Side (2009) l
All right, fine, Michael... from The Blind Side (2009) z
All right, gun rip, 47 Gap, on one. from The Blind Side (2009) x
All right, I will, SJ. from The Blind Side (2009) c
All right, let's go. from The Blind Side (2009) v
All right, let's go. from The Blind Side (2009) b
All right, well, you go look over there... from The Blind Side (2009) n
All right? It's not your fault. from The Blind Side (2009) m
All right? Right. from The Blind Side (2009) Q
All right. from The Blind Side (2009) W
All right. from The Blind Side (2009) E
All right. from The Blind Side (2009) R
All right. from The Blind Side (2009) T
All right. from The Blind Side (2009) Y
All right. All right. from The Blind Side (2009) U
All right. All right. Whatever from The Blind Side (2009) I
All right. Go back. from The Blind Side (2009) O
All right. Go. from The Blind Side (2009) P
All right. Michael. Come on. from The Blind Side (2009) A
All right. Okay. Let's check it. from The Blind Side (2009) S
All right. Take off the blindfold. from The Blind Side (2009) D
All right. Tell me everything I need to know about you. from The Blind Side (2009) F
All right. Y'all keep practicing. from The Blind Side (2009) G
All right. You're gonna be staying... from The Blind Side (2009) H
All the good food that we love to eat... from The Blind Side (2009) J
All the many blessings on this family. from The Blind Side (2009) K
All the other little bulls he lived with... from The Blind Side (2009) L
All the other teachers are on board. from The Blind Side (2009) Z
All the stuff we did to make sure... from The Blind Side (2009) X
All you need to know is I'll get you there. from The Blind Side (2009) C
All you want. It's awesome. from The Blind Side (2009) V
Am I a good person? Not a joke. Not rhetorical. from The Blind Side (2009) B
An education denied him by the poor... from The Blind Side (2009) N
An NFL team is the quarterback. from The Blind Side (2009) M
And an extra T shirt in a plastic bag... from The Blind Side (2009) <
And anything is possible. from The Blind Side (2009) >
And being legally responsible for someone. from The Blind Side (2009) !
And butt their heads together, from The Blind Side (2009) @
And come looking for me. from The Blind Side (2009) #
And cussed him. from The Blind Side (2009) $
And don't act like I'm going behind your back. from The Blind Side (2009) %
And don't worry about SJ; he likes all the attention. from The Blind Side (2009) ^
And for you, SJ, this is what I can do. from The Blind Side (2009) &
And funnel them to their Alma Maters. from The Blind Side (2009) *
And get him in bed by ten. from The Blind Side (2009) (
And get in the next one. from The Blind Side (2009) )
And get me? from The Blind Side (2009) ~
And has been from the time he stepped... from The Blind Side (2009) `
And he roared his terrible roar.' from The Blind Side (2009) |
And he won't this fall if he doesn't... from The Blind Side (2009) "
And he would sit in its shade all day... from The Blind Side (2009) '
And he's got no idea how to learn... from The Blind Side (2009) ?
And her sweet little daughter. from The Blind Side (2009) /
And how different his life might have been... from The Blind Side (2009) ,
And how would you know if he did? from The Blind Side (2009) .
And I believe he would do fine. from The Blind Side (2009)
And I promise that I will be at... from The Blind Side (2009)
And I suggest if your stomach is weak... from The Blind Side (2009)
And I suppose I have God to thank for that. from The Blind Side (2009)
And I want you to take him to a movie ... from The Blind Side (2009)
And I was a little bit scared... from The Blind Side (2009)
And I will be by there after awhile. from The Blind Side (2009)
And I will defend him like he's my own son. from The Blind Side (2009)
And I'll go look over here. from The Blind Side (2009)
And I'm always packing. from The Blind Side (2009)
And I'm the Assistant Director... from The Blind Side (2009)
And I'm the Assistant Director... from The Blind Side (2009)
And If anyone tried to get to me, from The Blind Side (2009)
And If this is going to be some running diatribe from The Blind Side (2009)
And if you weren't the Chief, from The Blind Side (2009)
And it shoots just fine all the other days, too. from The Blind Side (2009)
And it's a little soggy to be honest. from The Blind Side (2009)
And it's all gonna be okay.' from The Blind Side (2009)
And it's far from the worst. from The Blind Side (2009)
And it's not good for us as football players, from The Blind Side (2009)
And Lawrence Taylor. from The Blind Side (2009)
And look where I am now. from The Blind Side (2009)
And me and Michael wanted to go get it. from The Blind Side (2009)
And me, as you know, I do it all. from The Blind Side (2009)
And Mom... Mom was a cheerleader, from The Blind Side (2009)
And Mrs. Tuohy went to Ole Miss as well. from The Blind Side (2009)
And my family. from The Blind Side (2009)
And reach your destination. from The Blind Side (2009)
And recognize it when we see it. from The Blind Side (2009)
And Russia or something. from The Blind Side (2009)
And say hello to Coach Saban. from The Blind Side (2009)
And say to yourself: Is this me? from The Blind Side (2009)
And shortcuts for figuring things out. from The Blind Side (2009)
And smell the flowers.' from The Blind Side (2009)
And so... I'm very afraid that if he goes off to school. from The Blind Side (2009)
And someone kind of found him. from The Blind Side (2009)
And that comes out on the field. from The Blind Side (2009)
And that might not even be enough. from The Blind Side (2009)
And that this job offer came after... from The Blind Side (2009)
And that's pretty good. from The Blind Side (2009)
And the big one... from The Blind Side (2009)
And the history books have it wrong. from The Blind Side (2009)
And the left tackle's job... from The Blind Side (2009)
And the past is gone, the world is a good place, from The Blind Side (2009)
And the running back tosses the ball... from The Blind Side (2009)
And the sectional in the family room... from The Blind Side (2009)
And the whole family a hawg hat. from The Blind Side (2009)
And then drive east and pay a visit to your cracker Mom. from The Blind Side (2009)
And these things right here. Fifty of 'em. from The Blind Side (2009)
And this just came with his file. from The Blind Side (2009)
And trust me. He's listening to you, too. from The Blind Side (2009)
And try for honor. from The Blind Side (2009)
And we ask that you look after us... from The Blind Side (2009)
And we will do the coin toss together. from The Blind Side (2009)
And we'll pay for all the insurence;... from The Blind Side (2009)
And we're diehard Rebels... from The Blind Side (2009)
And what's in there? from The Blind Side (2009)
And when i look around and all I see... from The Blind Side (2009)
And when she was finished or the bad things were over... from The Blind Side (2009)
And when was that? from The Blind Side (2009)
And when you and SJ were in that car wreck, from The Blind Side (2009)
And where does the acorn fall? from The Blind Side (2009)
And who's that fine thing that... from The Blind Side (2009)
And why is that? from The Blind Side (2009)
And with real feathers. from The Blind Side (2009)
And with the twenty third pick in the 2009 NFL draft from The Blind Side (2009)
And you can't keep him out of our backfield?. from The Blind Side (2009)
And you eat at all those places for free? from The Blind Side (2009)
And you feed him? You buy him clothes, too? from The Blind Side (2009)
And you know where they store 'em? from The Blind Side (2009)
And you told me not to worry about it... from The Blind Side (2009)
And you will be spending a lot of time... from The Blind Side (2009)
And you'd be right. from The Blind Side (2009)
And you're gonna be on the meal plan... from The Blind Side (2009)
And your son Michael lives with me. from The Blind Side (2009)
Another last name perhaps? from The Blind Side (2009)
Any better if he retakes it right there. from The Blind Side (2009)
Any of those from Ole Miss? from The Blind Side (2009)
Any of y'all spent much time on the other side of town? from The Blind Side (2009)
Anything with a ball. Boy's good, too. from The Blind Side (2009)
Are by our defini tion...'boosters.' from The Blind Side (2009)
Are the ones right under the turf. from The Blind Side (2009)
Are you gonna protect the family, Michael? from The Blind Side (2009)
Are you listening to me? from The Blind Side (2009)
Are you loose? from The Blind Side (2009)
Are you telling me, that's the best you can do? from The Blind Side (2009)
Aren't you worried, I mean, even just a little? from The Blind Side (2009)
Arms and legs and hands ... from The Blind Side (2009)
As a matter of fact... from The Blind Side (2009)
As a matter of fact... from The Blind Side (2009)
As much as you want? from The Blind Side (2009)
As we know it. from The Blind Side (2009)
At least promise me you'll think about it. from The Blind Side (2009)
At least that's what Sean says. from The Blind Side (2009)
At left tackle. On the weak side. from The Blind Side (2009)
At Ole Miss we have the grove by the stadium. from The Blind Side (2009)
At practice, which means... from The Blind Side (2009)
At school. from The Blind Side (2009)
At Taco Bell? from The Blind Side (2009)
At the end of the year. from The Blind Side (2009)
At the police department. from The Blind Side (2009)
Attaboy, Michael Oher. Attaboy. from The Blind Side (2009)
Awful was happening... from The Blind Side (2009)
Awhile. from The Blind Side (2009)
Baby, me and you. Me and you, baby. from The Blind Side (2009)
Baby, watch my stuff, All right? from The Blind Side (2009)
Baby. from The Blind Side (2009)
Back in the day, you know that though, right? from The Blind Side (2009)
Bad boy. from The Blind Side (2009)
Balloons. There are balloons. from The Blind Side (2009)
Based on his record, from The Blind Side (2009)
Be honest with me, okay? from The Blind Side (2009)
Because I like me some mommy/daughter action. from The Blind Side (2009)
Because I'm here to help you use those maps... from The Blind Side (2009)
Because if he does Sean's gonna lose... from The Blind Side (2009)
Because it's the right thing to do. from The Blind Side (2009)
Because it's where my family goes to school. from The Blind Side (2009)
Because look at this, you've practically... from The Blind Side (2009)
Because of this story. from The Blind Side (2009)
Because there's a difference between from The Blind Side (2009)
Because they make the rules. from The Blind Side (2009)
Because tomorrow I think I'll have... from The Blind Side (2009)
Because tonight is a special occasion. from The Blind Side (2009)
Because you had my back. Do you remember that? from The Blind Side (2009)
Because, as every housewife knows, from The Blind Side (2009)
Because... it's warm. from The Blind Side (2009)
Before we knew a Democrat. from The Blind Side (2009)
Before you hire me. from The Blind Side (2009)
Between the tits. You got it?. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big and Tall. You need 'Bigger and Taller.' from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike got his white babes. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike, Jay Collis. Best on best. Right here. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike? from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike?. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike?. Why were you going to the gym? from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike. Where you been, baby?. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big Mike... Stop the car. from The Blind Side (2009)
Big. from The Blind Side (2009)
Black piece of crap. from The Blind Side (2009)
Boy. All night long, fat ass. All night long. from The Blind Side (2009)
Break out your checkbooks. from The Blind Side (2009)
Bunny Williams and a La Z boy. from The Blind Side (2009)
Burt Cotton. from The Blind Side (2009)
Burt. Be quiet. Burt. from The Blind Side (2009)
Busted lip, bruised face. from The Blind Side (2009)
But all questions you asked... from The Blind Side (2009)
But Big Mike is not stupid. from The Blind Side (2009)
But don't be surprised if one day... from The Blind Side (2009)
But don't double condition in the shower, you have homework. from The Blind Side (2009)
But don't tell her I said that. from The Blind Side (2009)
But he can drive. from The Blind Side (2009)
But he is okay, right? from The Blind Side (2009)
But honor, that's the real reason... from The Blind Side (2009)
But I do ask that you respect them. from The Blind Side (2009)
But I do ask that you respect them. from The Blind Side (2009)
But I got you someyhing nicer. from The Blind Side (2009)
But I tell you what. from The Blind Side (2009)
But I thought you were... from The Blind Side (2009)
But I will not wear that gaudy orange. from The Blind Side (2009)
But I'm not involved with admissions. from The Blind Side (2009)
But it wasn't. from The Blind Side (2009)
But it's Thanksgiving. from The Blind Side (2009)
But maybe they don't. from The Blind Side (2009)
But not Ferdinand. from The Blind Side (2009)
But the second is for the insurance. from The Blind Side (2009)
But there're many people involved in this case... from The Blind Side (2009)
But they have an outstanding science department. from The Blind Side (2009)
But why would they go ahead if they knew he messed up? from The Blind Side (2009)
But you know that rich kid football... from The Blind Side (2009)
But you like Tennessee? from The Blind Side (2009)
But you obviously get some... from The Blind Side (2009)
But you're gonna have to pick one, Michael. from The Blind Side (2009)
But you're not supposed to question adults, from The Blind Side (2009)
But, look here, I got money, all right? from The Blind Side (2009)
Bye, baby. from The Blind Side (2009)
Call me Leigh Anne or Mama or almost anything else. from The Blind Side (2009)
Can I... can I leave now? from The Blind Side (2009)
Can SJ come? from The Blind Side (2009)
Can't it wait until after dinner? from The Blind Side (2009)
Class, this is Mike Oher and he's new here... from The Blind Side (2009)
Classes start in a week. It would... from The Blind Side (2009)
Clemson wants him. from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach ain't here to protect you now, from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach Cotton, my pleasure. I watched... from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach Cotton, we understand your interest... from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach Fulmer, a pleasure doing business with you from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach Fulmer, it's a real honor. from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach Saban wants his monthly recruiting updates Fed Ex. from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach Saban wants his monthly recruiting updates Fed Ex. from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach, help me, help you. from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach, how are you? Come in. from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach, thank you. from The Blind Side (2009)
Coach, you've done a great job with this young man. from The Blind Side (2009)
College is going to be a different... from The Blind Side (2009)
Collie bell, I thought you were... from The Blind Side (2009)
Collins plays volleyball and runs track. from The Blind Side (2009)
Collins, you know Big Mike from school? from The Blind Side (2009)
Collins. Collins. from The Blind Side (2009)
Collins. Come on. Your dad's already PO'ed. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come find me, take care of me. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come here. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come here. SJ, come here. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on in. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on in. Michael. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on, man. Nobody gonna bite you, man. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on, Mike. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. Come on. Come on down. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. Five seconds left in the game. from The Blind Side (2009)
Come on. Let's go. from The Blind Side (2009)
Coming after you. Coming after you. from The Blind Side (2009)
Congratulations on gettin' hired. from The Blind Side (2009)
Congratulations, Mike. from The Blind Side (2009)
Consider where he started. from The Blind Side (2009)
Could they get in then? from The Blind Side (2009)
Couldn't even remember who the boy's father is. from The Blind Side (2009)
Courage is a hard thing to figure. from The Blind Side (2009)
Covered by a defender. from The Blind Side (2009)
Crusaders. Get Ready for forty eight minutes of Hell. from The Blind Side (2009)
D plus work. from The Blind Side (2009)
Dad was a basketball star. from The Blind Side (2009)
Dad, he's like Chinese. from The Blind Side (2009)
Dad, I'm gonna need a few more... from The Blind Side (2009)
Daddy's been gone five years Elaine, from The Blind Side (2009)
Damn, that ain't fair. from The Blind Side (2009)
Dave no longer a student. from The Blind Side (2009)
Dear snowflake. from The Blind Side (2009)
Dedicated to your studies, all right? from The Blind Side (2009)
Deliver what I ordered. All right? Thank you. from The Blind Side (2009)
Did they like any other Universities? from The Blind Side (2009)
Did you know that the Tuohys make... from The Blind Side (2009)
Did you know that to be eligible... from The Blind Side (2009)
Didn't care what happened in the past. from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you believe me? from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you even wanna play football? from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you find it odd? Your predicament? from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you find it odd? Your predicament? from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you happen to have his birth certificate? from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you have a mother? A grandmother maybe? from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you have any place to stay tonight? from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you remember the story in the papers... from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you remember when we first met... from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you think the blood will come... from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you understand... Do you know, why am I here? from The Blind Side (2009)
Do you? from The Blind Side (2009)
Does he really think getting it one day... from The Blind Side (2009)
Does he really think getting it one day... from The Blind Side (2009)
Does make any difference... from The Blind Side (2009)
Does Michael being here make you uncomfortable? from The Blind Side (2009)
Does not a wardrobe make. from The Blind Side (2009)
Does this happiness have anything... from The Blind Side (2009)
Doesn't quite get the hang of it yet. from The Blind Side (2009)
Doesn't really make much sense to legally adopt. from The Blind Side (2009)
Doesn't trust men. from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't get out of the car. from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't get your panties in a wad. from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't let 'em get inside your head. from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't let him get through, Oher. from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't let me influence you. from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't lie there and pretend like you're... from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't look down. Don't look down. from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't pick it with your fingers... from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't use the a word. from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't worry, Coach. I got your back. from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't worry. It's not gonna be graded. from The Blind Side (2009)
Don't you dare lie to me. from The Blind Side (2009)
Down and visit us sometime. from The Blind Side (2009)
Driver's license. from The Blind Side (2009)
Drop out in the first year. from The Blind Side (2009)
Early is gonna give LSU a leg up? from The Blind Side (2009)
Early is gonna give LSU a leg up? from The Blind Side (2009)
Easy, Burt, man. It's only the spring... from The Blind Side (2009)
Easy, Burt, man. It's only the spring... from The Blind Side (2009)
Eat all you want. from The Blind Side (2009)
Eating an eighteen dollar salad. from The Blind Side (2009)
Eighty five. from The Blind Side (2009)
Enough with the rugby shirts. from The Blind Side (2009)
Enough with the trick plays, Burt. from The Blind Side (2009)
Especially the teachers. from The Blind Side (2009)
Ever seen it from the front of the line? from The Blind Side (2009)
Every foster home they sent him to, from The Blind Side (2009)
Every game cheering for you. from The Blind Side (2009)
Everybody. from The Blind Side (2009)
Everyone passed him along... from The Blind Side (2009)
Everyone thank your mother for driving... from The Blind Side (2009)
Everything you do, you do for others. from The Blind Side (2009)
Everything, right? from The Blind Side (2009)
Excuse me, ma'am? from The Blind Side (2009)
Excuse me? from The Blind Side (2009)
Excuse me. from The Blind Side (2009)
Experience for you, Michael. from The Blind Side (2009)
Eyes forward, SJ. Sticks and stones. from The Blind Side (2009)
Ferdinand the bull. from The Blind Side (2009)
Fifteen yards. from The Blind Side (2009)
Fifty two, fifty three... from The Blind Side (2009)
Fine, let's go through the reading list. from The Blind Side (2009)
Fine, tell me what you're thinking... from The Blind Side (2009)
Fine. from The Blind Side (2009)
Fine. They can be on the team too. from The Blind Side (2009)
First, we have to find the constant. from The Blind Side (2009)
Food and football. from The Blind Side (2009)
For a Division One scholarship from The Blind Side (2009)
For awhile longer... from The Blind Side (2009)
For career aptitude in the eighth grade. from The Blind Side (2009)
For medical emergencies? from The Blind Side (2009)
For on that day he not only altered Joe Theismann's life, from The Blind Side (2009)
For real. Yeah. from The Blind Side (2009)
For the Army All Star Game? from The Blind Side (2009)
For the Army All Star Game? from The Blind Side (2009)
For the University of Mississippi. from The Blind Side (2009)
For wanting a quality education. from The Blind Side (2009)
For wanting to come here. from The Blind Side (2009)
For you in the lobby, All right? from The Blind Side (2009)
Forget sports. from The Blind Side (2009)
Form what he can't see coming. To protect his blind side. from The Blind Side (2009)
Fried catfish, from The Blind Side (2009)
From Denise Oher's care when Michael was seven. from The Blind Side (2009)
From hospitals and medical schools. from The Blind Side (2009)
From the refrigerator. from The Blind Side (2009)
From the restaurant? from The Blind Side (2009)
From the snap of the ball... from The Blind Side (2009)
Fulmer made SJ a sweet deal. from The Blind Side (2009)
Generous donations to Ole Miss? from The Blind Side (2009)
Get down, son. Get down in your stance. from The Blind Side (2009)
Get inside. from The Blind Side (2009)
Get you feet off my dash. from The Blind Side (2009)
Gimme a minute, Burt. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go ahead, get loose. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go ahead. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go ahead. Take it for a ride. Go on. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go back, go back. Block them all. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go into the living room and talk? from The Blind Side (2009)
Go move into my new apartment. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go. from The Blind Side (2009)
Go. There you go. from The Blind Side (2009)
God and Lawrence Taylor. from The Blind Side (2009)
Going over to your boyfriend's? from The Blind Side (2009)
Gone. He's gone. from The Blind Side (2009)
Good boy. Now, go have some fun. from The Blind Side (2009)
Good job, Collins. from The Blind Side (2009)
Good job. Hey, I got a question for you. from The Blind Side (2009)
Good Lord... What is this made of? from The Blind Side (2009)
Good night Mrs. Tuohy. from The Blind Side (2009)
Good. See? from The Blind Side (2009)
Grady. I'm Lou Holtz from South Carolina. I'm call... from The Blind Side (2009)
Greetings. I'm Lou Holtz. from The Blind Side (2009)
Guys, quit looking at the balloons. from The Blind Side (2009)
Gym.... from The Blind Side (2009)
Happy's good. from The Blind Side (2009)
Have a great day. Learn something. from The Blind Side (2009)
Have fun. from The Blind Side (2009)
Have to be for the next semester. from The Blind Side (2009)
Have you decided yet, Michael? from The Blind Side (2009)
He ain't got nobody else. from The Blind Side (2009)
He could go whenever he wanted, from The Blind Side (2009)
He did it, Sean. He did it. from The Blind Side (2009)
He done lost his mind. from The Blind Side (2009)
He entitled it 'White Walls.' from The Blind Side (2009)
He gets the ball and he takes off... from The Blind Side (2009)
He gone, snowflake. from The Blind Side (2009)
He had a favorite spot out in the pasture... from The Blind Side (2009)
He had nightmares about it for weeks. from The Blind Side (2009)
He has a measured IQ of 80. Which is 6th percentile. from The Blind Side (2009)
He has long arms, giant hands and feet as quick as a hiccup. from The Blind Side (2009)
He hasn't even been through his first practice yet. from The Blind Side (2009)
He hasn't even been through his first practice yet. from The Blind Side (2009)
He introduces Michael as his big brother. from The Blind Side (2009)
He is due to his lack of records. from The Blind Side (2009)
He is wide in the butt and massive in the thighs. from The Blind Side (2009)
He just wanted to come along for the ride. from The Blind Side (2009)
He knew that. from The Blind Side (2009)
He liked to sit just quietly and smell the flowers. from The Blind Side (2009)
He likes Fettucine Alfredo ... from The Blind Side (2009)
He loves it. from The Blind Side (2009)
He played basketball. from The Blind Side (2009)
He tested 98 percent in protective instincts. from The Blind Side (2009)
He thew this in the trash can. from The Blind Side (2009)
He wants to be back. from The Blind Side (2009)
He was a basketball star at Ole Miss, point guard, from The Blind Side (2009)
He was twenty one years old the day he died. from The Blind Side (2009)
He will also change the game of football... from The Blind Side (2009)
He with me now. from The Blind Side (2009)
He won't even talk. from The Blind Side (2009)
He won't talk about it. He's like an onion, from The Blind Side (2009)
He, or she, doesn't deserve. from The Blind Side (2009)
He'd been killed in a gang fight at Hurt Village. from The Blind Side (2009)
He'd slip out the window at night... from The Blind Side (2009)
He's a boy, a large, black boy, from The Blind Side (2009)
He's a brave kid. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's a great kid. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's changing mine. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's Ferdinand the Bull. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's fine. He's doing real well. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's fine. He's fine. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's gonna be eighteen in a few months. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's gonna be showing off his home theatre... from The Blind Side (2009)
He's gonna have to make all A's this year. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's here all the time. I just want to be with you. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's mad at no one and he really... from The Blind Side (2009)
He's my brother. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's still not cutting in my class. from The Blind Side (2009)
He's the NFL quarterback not Martha frickin' Stewart. from The Blind Side (2009)
Heavenly Father. We thank you for... from The Blind Side (2009)
Hello, Michael. Nick Saban. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hello, mom. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hello? from The Blind Side (2009)
Hello? from The Blind Side (2009)
Hello. I'm Tommy Tuberville. Auburn University. from The Blind Side (2009)
Her do drugs or other bad things. from The Blind Side (2009)
Here in Johnson Commons. Right there. from The Blind Side (2009)
Here we go. from The Blind Side (2009)
Here we go. from The Blind Side (2009)
Here we go. from The Blind Side (2009)
Here we go. Round two, baby. Round two. from The Blind Side (2009)
Here. Here you go. from The Blind Side (2009)
Here's your class schedule and your study hall hours. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey crotch mouth. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, baby, gimme a couple of cold beers... from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, back on the field. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, Big Mike. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, Big Mike. Check it out. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, Big Mike. Where you headin'? from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, Coach. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, does Michael get the family discount... from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, don't laugh too hard. The Quesadilla saved our ass. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, fat boy. We're not done yet. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, get your ass on in here, man. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, have you filled all the slots... from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, I played little ball myself. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, man, just don't go away now. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, man. Don't mess with D, man. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, Michael. Could happen to anyone, from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, Mike. Son... from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, my name is Leigh Anne Tuohy. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, Sean, hey, Leigh Anne, from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, sit down, man. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, there's only one razorback... from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, where you going? from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey, whoa, whoa, ma'am. Ma'am, check it. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey. Hey, D. Watch this. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey. I got a just what you're looking for. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hey. Where you going, fat boy? from The Blind Side (2009)
Hi. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hi. from The Blind Side (2009)
High knees, high knees, high knees. from The Blind Side (2009)
Higher. from The Blind Side (2009)
Higher. from The Blind Side (2009)
His ACT is low and I don't see him doing... from The Blind Side (2009)
His best chance at improvement is the written essay... from The Blind Side (2009)
His grade point average begins with zero. from The Blind Side (2009)
His last name is Williams. from The Blind Side (2009)
His shot at the pros would go out the window. from The Blind Side (2009)
His superb athletic skills... from The Blind Side (2009)
Hmm. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hold it. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hold your block until the whistle blows. from The Blind Side (2009)
Honey, look at me. from The Blind Side (2009)
Honey, you're changing that boy's life. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hope you know why. A lot of good classes. from The Blind Side (2009)
How bad could it be? from The Blind Side (2009)
How come we're not eatin' at one... from The Blind Side (2009)
How cute. from The Blind Side (2009)
How did you get that headdress? from The Blind Side (2009)
How is my boy? How's big Mike? from The Blind Side (2009)
How many foster kids you got living with you? from The Blind Side (2009)
How well do you know Big Mike? from The Blind Side (2009)
How you had my back. How you have his. from The Blind Side (2009)
How you never let anyone or anything to hurt him. from The Blind Side (2009)
How'd the dork do in the school play? from The Blind Side (2009)
How'd the dork do in the school play? from The Blind Side (2009)
How's that sound? from The Blind Side (2009)
How's the spelling? from The Blind Side (2009)
Howdy, Houston Nutt. University of Arkansas. from The Blind Side (2009)
Huh? from The Blind Side (2009)
Hurt Village that sounds like a threat. from The Blind Side (2009)
Hustle, hustle. from The Blind Side (2009)
I 'm a Democrat. from The Blind Side (2009)
I ain't seen him since he left. from The Blind Side (2009)
I always liked this one. from The Blind Side (2009)
I appreciate the opportunity to come in your home. from The Blind Side (2009)
I came all the way from Knoxville, from The Blind Side (2009)
I can find an overpriced salad a lot closer to home. from The Blind Side (2009)
I can find an overpriced salad a lot closer to home. from The Blind Side (2009)
I can find some time to figure out... from The Blind Side (2009)
I can find some time to figure out... from The Blind Side (2009)
I can get you a Gamecock headdress. from The Blind Side (2009)
I can make other arrangements. from The Blind Side (2009)
I can tell you that. from The Blind Side (2009)
I can't be sure, but I think there was... from The Blind Side (2009)
I can't believe I used up my chits... from The Blind Side (2009)
I do not appreciate the attitude. from The Blind Side (2009)
I do not want to listen to anyone, from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't believe so. from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't care if Patrick Ramsey approved the chair. from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't know where he stays. from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't know, Sean. I just have... from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't know. from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't know. I'm just happy. Real happy. from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't like to be called Big Mike. from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't need y'all to approve my choices, all right? from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't think there is any question... from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't think, he has any idea what I'm teaching. from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't usually tell many people, but from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't wanna name names, but on from The Blind Side (2009)
I don't want to go anyplace else. from The Blind Side (2009)
I dunno, if you find her we got... from The Blind Side (2009)
I dunno. from The Blind Side (2009)
I dunno. from The Blind Side (2009)
I dunno. from The Blind Side (2009)
I dunno. from The Blind Side (2009)
I dunno... Excessive blocking. from The Blind Side (2009)
I feel it's something you should be aware of... from The Blind Side (2009)
I find him extremely handsome. from The Blind Side (2009)
I go to the bathroom, look in the mirror and say, from The Blind Side (2009)
I got clothes. from The Blind Side (2009)
I got it. from The Blind Side (2009)
I got tired of going to class. from The Blind Side (2009)
I got your back. from The Blind Side (2009)
I guarantee you come to the from The Blind Side (2009)
I guess I was just wondering how much... from The Blind Side (2009)
I guess we'll know in the morning. from The Blind Side (2009)
I had to join a gym the day I got back. from The Blind Side (2009)
I have certain, shall we say... doubts. from The Blind Side (2009)
I have clothes. from The Blind Side (2009)
I have never done homework in my life. from The Blind Side (2009)
I hear 'Mrs. Tuohy' I look over my... from The Blind Side (2009)
I heard that kid can really pepper the gumbo. from The Blind Side (2009)
I heard you playin' a little ball. from The Blind Side (2009)
I heard you stayin' on the other side of town. from The Blind Side (2009)
I just figured maybe I'd come to talk to you, from The Blind Side (2009)
I just got back from the library from The Blind Side (2009)
I just want to see how much... from The Blind Side (2009)
I kinda thought I already was. from The Blind Side (2009)
I know I should have asked you this a long time ago, Michael. from The Blind Side (2009)
I know that one. Umm... from The Blind Side (2009)
I know there's lions, there's tigers, from The Blind Side (2009)
I know, what you're thinking, Coach. from The Blind Side (2009)
I like that. from The Blind Side (2009)
I love that one. from The Blind Side (2009)
I mean a kid we barely know. from The Blind Side (2009)
I mean any fool can have courage. from The Blind Side (2009)
I mean do you even like it? from The Blind Side (2009)
I mean he was poor, he was an orphan... from The Blind Side (2009)
I mean, it's not fair to us or the boy. from The Blind Side (2009)
I mean, Valley of Death that's pretty salty stuff. from The Blind Side (2009)
I mean, we study together at home. from The Blind Side (2009)
I mean, you can't just throw him... from The Blind Side (2009)
I mean... if you want to stay here... from The Blind Side (2009)
I might not get to see him. from The Blind Side (2009)
I need a proper hug. from The Blind Side (2009)
I promised my mama Boo, on her deathbed... from The Blind Side (2009)
I read a story the other day about a boy from the projects. from The Blind Side (2009)
I reserved a private cubicle for the semester. from The Blind Side (2009)
I run this over here and the whole Village, baby. Got it? from The Blind Side (2009)
I run this over here and the whole Village, baby. Got it? from The Blind Side (2009)
I said you could thank me later. from The Blind Side (2009)
I saw your little indian feathers... from The Blind Side (2009)
I see on the admission that we're Michael's contact... from The Blind Side (2009)
I should have followed him. from The Blind Side (2009)
I stopped it. from The Blind Side (2009)
I talked to Coach Cotton and he said that from The Blind Side (2009)
I tell you most kids with his background... from The Blind Side (2009)
I think I know what. from The Blind Side (2009)
I think I need a proper hug. from The Blind Side (2009)
I think that's what the writer was saying. from The Blind Side (2009)
I think, what you're doing is so great. from The Blind Side (2009)
I thought I'd hang around here today. from The Blind Side (2009)
I thought sure he was gonna be a player. from The Blind Side (2009)
I thought you said it was your Christian duty? from The Blind Side (2009)
I tried out for the Chief but they gave it to Andy Sung. from The Blind Side (2009)
I try to be Christian about the son. from The Blind Side (2009)
I try to concentrate on one... thing... at a time. from The Blind Side (2009)
I understand you applied for... from The Blind Side (2009)
I want him. I want him bad. from The Blind Side (2009)
I want you to do whatever you want. from The Blind Side (2009)
I want you to enjoy yourself, but if... from The Blind Side (2009)
I want you to feed him Italian ... from The Blind Side (2009)
I wasn't religious enough for 'em. from The Blind Side (2009)
I will bust a cap in your fat ass. from The Blind Side (2009)
I will crawl in the car, drive up here... from The Blind Side (2009)
I will not give a student a grade... from The Blind Side (2009)
I will not. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'd bet you would. How can I help you? from The Blind Side (2009)
I'd give you the guest bedroom but it's full of sample boxes. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'd imagine the last thing they'd want at Hurt Village... from The Blind Side (2009)
I'd like to become a legal guardian. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'd prefer to speak with Michael alone. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'll be right back. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'll get you a forty and we're gonna chop it up like real fo, from The Blind Side (2009)
I'll show you something, all right? from The Blind Side (2009)
I'll start it. Follow my lead. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'll take care, you know. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'll talk to you later. I got to go. Bye. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'll throw in a sideline pass. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm a member of the NRA... from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm a spiritual person, Mrs. Tuohy, but from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm going over to Cannon's to study. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm gonna get pissed. You hear me? from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm here to investigate your odd... from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm in a prayer group with the D.A.. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm just gonna go ahead and ask... from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm just trying to find out a little bit... from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm looking for my mama. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm looking forward to you coming... from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm not cutting, I'm just asking. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm not saying he's going to pass... from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm not saying I believe it and I'm not saying I don't, from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm not stupid. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm really sorry, son. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm Sean. But everyone calls me SJ. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm serious. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm so sorry so sorry. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Oh my God. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm sorry I left the other day. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm sorry. from The Blind Side (2009)
I'm the designer, my name is on it. from The Blind Side (2009)
I've got a design book I need to get. from The Blind Side (2009)
I've got this. from The Blind Side (2009)
I've had some health problems. from The Blind Side (2009)
I've seen that look many times. from The Blind Side (2009)
If he can qualify with the grades... from The Blind Side (2009)
If he gets his grades up. from The Blind Side (2009)
If not more. With her drug arrest record... from The Blind Side (2009)
If they can't find a bed big enough. from The Blind Side (2009)
If this is all you got, why's it say... from The Blind Side (2009)
If you die trying for something important... from The Blind Side (2009)
If you grab him outside here, like this, from The Blind Side (2009)
If you'd like to become a part of this family? from The Blind Side (2009)
If you're going to hold him, hold him here, inside, from The Blind Side (2009)
Im here to investigate your odd... from The Blind Side (2009)
Improve a lot before then. from The Blind Side (2009)
In case you haven't noticed he doesn't have much to say. from The Blind Side (2009)
In Deaton Hall where is it? from The Blind Side (2009)
In Deaton Hall where is it? from The Blind Side (2009)
In Gamecock red. from The Blind Side (2009)
In his experience they pretend... from The Blind Side (2009)
In his grave? from The Blind Side (2009)
In March. from The Blind Side (2009)
In ten minutes from The Blind Side (2009)
In the classroom. from The Blind Side (2009)
In the hunt. from The Blind Side (2009)
In the projects? from The Blind Side (2009)
In the store, you won't wear it. from The Blind Side (2009)
In the world. from The Blind Side (2009)
In this young man's athletic abilities. from The Blind Side (2009)
In Tiger stadium, from The Blind Side (2009)
In your Christmas Card? from The Blind Side (2009)