A 1970 Dodge Challenger with a white paint job? from Grindhouse (2007) 2
A friend will be here before ten to pick up Tony. from Grindhouse (2007) 3
A girlfriend in six years is because girls will fuck him. from Grindhouse (2007) 4
A missing leg that's now missing? from Grindhouse (2007) 5
A small percentage of people are not affected by the gas itself. from Grindhouse (2007) 6
A termite's nest of caves on the Afghan border, from Grindhouse (2007) 7
Abernathy, don't get on my nerves right now. from Grindhouse (2007) 8
Abernathy, get your ass up here. from Grindhouse (2007) 9
About a jacket, then fucking take it. from Grindhouse (2007) 0
About as useless as a pecker on a pope. from Grindhouse (2007) -
Abs, I'm supposed to be the illiterate one. from Grindhouse (2007) =
Actually, I do want you to have a shot. from Grindhouse (2007) q
Actually, I still have those in my fridge. from Grindhouse (2007) w
Actually, yes. from Grindhouse (2007) e
Actually, Zoë is not, but Kim and I are. So, we're totally track down able. from Grindhouse (2007) r
After that, we'll see if they got another Jäger in them. from Grindhouse (2007) t
Agreed. from Grindhouse (2007) y
Ah! from Grindhouse (2007) u
Ah! from Grindhouse (2007) i
Ah... Good for you, Nate. from Grindhouse (2007) o
Ahh! from Grindhouse (2007) p
Ahh! from Grindhouse (2007) a
Ain't got no roll bar, chicken wire, none of that shit. from Grindhouse (2007) s
Ain't nothing good about it. I bottle it myself. from Grindhouse (2007) d
All four souls taken exactly at the same time. from Grindhouse (2007) f
All I said was, I had a sexy friend named Butterfly from Grindhouse (2007) g
All Kim's boyfriends start out as somebody else's boyfriend. from Grindhouse (2007) h
All right, all right. Come on. You guys know the drill, huh? from Grindhouse (2007) j
All right, y'all, head out. I'll hold 'em off. from Grindhouse (2007) k
All right. Get it together. from Grindhouse (2007) l
All survivors gotta come with us. from Grindhouse (2007) z
All the classics. from Grindhouse (2007) x
All the fucking time, and surprise me every once in a while with pot. from Grindhouse (2007) c
All three? from Grindhouse (2007) v
Amen. from Grindhouse (2007) b
And a deer darts out in front of you, from Grindhouse (2007) n
And admittedly, we were a little fucked up. from Grindhouse (2007) m
And after that... from Grindhouse (2007) Q
And after this one... from Grindhouse (2007) W
And be careful where you point that thing. from Grindhouse (2007) E
And damn if she doesn't fall in the fucking ditch. from Grindhouse (2007) R
And everybody I ever meet goes in this book. from Grindhouse (2007) T
And for that, I will pay you $150,000... cash. from Grindhouse (2007) Y
And have a bye bye slip. from Grindhouse (2007) U
And have the opportunity to play Ship's Mast on the fucking from Grindhouse (2007) I
And he brought me with him on that until... from Grindhouse (2007) O
And he'd get his ass down here more often than he does. from Grindhouse (2007) P
And here you're saying in front of everybody someone up and snatched it? from Grindhouse (2007) A
And I described you, and I said that if they spotted you while we were out from Grindhouse (2007) S
And I don't think you want everybody in Austin thinking you're a chickenshit. from Grindhouse (2007) D
And I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep from Grindhouse (2007) F
And I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep from Grindhouse (2007) G
And I looked for it for two weeks. from Grindhouse (2007) H
And I looked like him a bit. from Grindhouse (2007) J
And I saw you outside of Guero's, too. from Grindhouse (2007) K
And I want to drive a Dodge Challenger, fuck me, swinging balls out. from Grindhouse (2007) L
And I was afraid of what you might do to me... from Grindhouse (2007) Z
And I'm just getting too fucking old for that shit. from Grindhouse (2007) X
And I've been checking the classified at the back looking at cars for sale. from Grindhouse (2007) C
And I've been to Morocco. from Grindhouse (2007) V
And if anyone comes to the door that isn't me, from Grindhouse (2007) B
And if he had, he would have ended up in this group from Grindhouse (2007) N
And if you ask me, he should have. from Grindhouse (2007) M
And if you fuck Cecil, you don't become one of his girlfriends. from Grindhouse (2007) <
And it's a cheerleader movie, and she's one of the cheerleaders. from Grindhouse (2007) >
And it's no guys. Absolutely no guys. from Grindhouse (2007) !
And Lee's on a will notify for the next four days. from Grindhouse (2007) @
And me calling her on it and indulging her at the same time. from Grindhouse (2007) #
And my turtle. And my scorpion. from Grindhouse (2007) $
And now I've met you and you're going in the book. from Grindhouse (2007) %
And now they're out there in the night doing God knows what. from Grindhouse (2007) ^
And old Hooper in there came out clean as a whistle. from Grindhouse (2007) &
And on my birthday, he'd give me a fucking phone call. from Grindhouse (2007) *
And our balls in our throats, looking for America's most wanted. from Grindhouse (2007) (
And she still fell in. from Grindhouse (2007) )
And that just happens to be one of Zoë's. from Grindhouse (2007) ~
And that now they're gone? from Grindhouse (2007) `
And that you shot them with a gun you never should've had in the first place? from Grindhouse (2007) |
And the little bullet hits you right there. from Grindhouse (2007) "
And the most important, while we're taking the car out for a little spin, from Grindhouse (2007) '
And the son of a bitch, he bit my goddamn finger off! from Grindhouse (2007) ?
And then Bob did another show, Gavilan, from Grindhouse (2007) /
And then that show turned into The Men of Shiloh, from Grindhouse (2007) ,
And then, if they say that... from Grindhouse (2007) .
And this year, there will be no leftovers. from Grindhouse (2007)
And two... We're not really fighting. from Grindhouse (2007)
And two... We're not really fighting. from Grindhouse (2007)
And we can't cut that off. from Grindhouse (2007)
And we would be going out somewhere in Austin tonight. from Grindhouse (2007)
And when I said it, if I had of known I was gonna come to America, from Grindhouse (2007)
And when shit goes down, I'll sit back and laugh. from Grindhouse (2007)
And within this small percentage lies a cure. from Grindhouse (2007)
And you can't get around the fact that if I go down to the laundry room from Grindhouse (2007)
And you don't even want to know what she did for that billboard. from Grindhouse (2007)
And you know the rules. from Grindhouse (2007)
And you pull the little trigger here, and a little bullet comes outta here. from Grindhouse (2007)
And you want to buy it? from Grindhouse (2007)
And Zoë starts fuckin' around. from Grindhouse (2007)
And, if I fell in that fucking thing, from Grindhouse (2007)
Answer the question, motherfucker. Did you or did you not say that? from Grindhouse (2007)
Any girl leaving early must check out with their finger from Grindhouse (2007)
Any that are left we'll get on our way to the helicopters. from Grindhouse (2007)
Anyhoo, I could explain what I said, which would be boring, from Grindhouse (2007)
Anyhoo, I'm sorry. You forgive me? from Grindhouse (2007)
Anyway, I did a lot of Virginians doubling Gary Clarke. from Grindhouse (2007)
Anyway, I subscribed to the local paper a month ago. from Grindhouse (2007)
Are being forced out of our country at an alarming rate. from Grindhouse (2007)
Are you a wrecker, Wray? from Grindhouse (2007)
Are you sure you wanna do this? from Grindhouse (2007)
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? from Grindhouse (2007)
Arlene, you've forgotten what hanging out with Jungle Julia is like. from Grindhouse (2007)
As of this moment forward, except for you, Wray. from Grindhouse (2007)
As opposed to disappearing for six months. from Grindhouse (2007)
As... Fu Manchu. from Grindhouse (2007)
At this old military hospital, this one guy came back from Iraq with this. from Grindhouse (2007)
Auckland, to answer your question. from Grindhouse (2007)
Ava Gardner, do you like her? from Grindhouse (2007)
Aw, I like it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Bam! I'm in the fucking ditch, you know. from Grindhouse (2007)
Because he kinda looks like The Rock so we all just call him The Rock. from Grindhouse (2007)
Because you didn't believe in us or in me. from Grindhouse (2007)
Because you expected guys to be pestering you all night, from Grindhouse (2007)
Because you're insane. from Grindhouse (2007)
Besides, he's probably not gonna let us do it anyway. from Grindhouse (2007)
Best barbeque in Texas round the clock. from Grindhouse (2007)
Bet your ass he is. from Grindhouse (2007)
Bill Moseley... from Grindhouse (2007)
Bitch, you might be acting like you're 12 years old, from Grindhouse (2007)
Bitch, you two are still into each other and you know it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Bitch! from Grindhouse (2007)
Bitch! from Grindhouse (2007)
Black men and a whole lot of motherfucking white men from Grindhouse (2007)
Blood is salty. That's all my sauce needed was just a little more salt. from Grindhouse (2007)
Blow up the joint.. from Grindhouse (2007)
Bobby's here. from Grindhouse (2007)
Bonnet, my ass. You're on the hood. from Grindhouse (2007)
Break a leg. from Grindhouse (2007)
Brother, ain't no Texan's ever gonna give you his BBQ recipe. from Grindhouse (2007)
Brought to you from your friends at the Weinstein Company. from Grindhouse (2007)
Bullshit on that. from Grindhouse (2007)
Busted nose, broken collar bone, smashed up his left index finger. from Grindhouse (2007)
But aside from that, I'll be sweet. from Grindhouse (2007)
But because Zoë wanted to drive some fucking Vanishing Point car, I'm here. from Grindhouse (2007)
But does it have to be a Dodge Challenger? from Grindhouse (2007)
But don't worry. He'll say yes. from Grindhouse (2007)
But especially... from Grindhouse (2007)
But from your look, I can tell nobody pestered you at all. from Grindhouse (2007)
But he fucked another woman on my birthday. from Grindhouse (2007)
But I must warn you of something... from Grindhouse (2007)
But I'd die before I ever gave Julia Lucai my chocolate milk. from Grindhouse (2007)
But I've got a pocket bike in the trunk. from Grindhouse (2007)
But if you don't stop crying, I'm gonna fire your ass. from Grindhouse (2007)
But if you don't, everybody in Austin's gonna think you a chickenshit. from Grindhouse (2007)
But maybe, a little later in the evening, you've had a few drinks, from Grindhouse (2007)
But not funny looking guy who you could fuck. from Grindhouse (2007)
But nothing... from Grindhouse (2007)
But now, while I'm here, I'll be your back cracking slave. from Grindhouse (2007)
But other than that, he's putty in my hands. from Grindhouse (2007)
But that I had permission to physically restrain your ass if necessary. from Grindhouse (2007)
But that's OK. from Grindhouse (2007)
But that's OK. We're stunt people, we ain't got good sense. from Grindhouse (2007)
But the world I live in, a bitch need a gun. from Grindhouse (2007)
But then, later, I started feeling a little bad about myself. from Grindhouse (2007)
But until that day, it's wild west, motherfucker. from Grindhouse (2007)
But when I said it, I didn't know I'd ever come to America. from Grindhouse (2007)
But when I said it, I didn't mean in America. from Grindhouse (2007)
But why that girl wanted a picture of me is because I'm a local DJ. from Grindhouse (2007)
But you also said, if you ever do what you're trying to do now, from Grindhouse (2007)
But you got good sense. And anyone with good sense from Grindhouse (2007)
But you gotta get her out of here before Christian Simonson shows up. from Grindhouse (2007)
But you have to be real nice to me for the whole rest of the time I'm here. from Grindhouse (2007)
But you know... from Grindhouse (2007)
But you need to be here in the next 20 minutes. Thank you. from Grindhouse (2007)
But you're not. from Grindhouse (2007)
But you've written each other? from Grindhouse (2007)
But, don't mention it. She's shy. from Grindhouse (2007)
But, my ass! You said, not only are we never gonna play Ship's Mast again, from Grindhouse (2007)
Buy you a drink, repeat that poem, you gotta give them a lap dance. from Grindhouse (2007)
By the way, don't choke on all that food you're eating. from Grindhouse (2007)
Bye bye. from Grindhouse (2007)
Can anyone else fly a helicopter? from Grindhouse (2007)
Can they, alone, supply the blood needed to save Hitler's mad dream? from Grindhouse (2007)
Canned. from Grindhouse (2007)
Careful. from Grindhouse (2007)
Carlos, go get him. from Grindhouse (2007)
Check it out bitch. You want it fucking faster? from Grindhouse (2007)
Check it out, bitch. from Grindhouse (2007)
Check with management. We're registered for the next month. from Grindhouse (2007)
Cheers, Butterfly. from Grindhouse (2007)
Cheers. from Grindhouse (2007)
Cherry Darling, I told you too many fucking times, from Grindhouse (2007)
Cherry Darling. from Grindhouse (2007)
Cherry Darling... from Grindhouse (2007)
Cherry! from Grindhouse (2007)
Cherry. from Grindhouse (2007)
Cherry. from Grindhouse (2007)
Christian Simonson, the filmmaker, is in town. from Grindhouse (2007)
Class A clusterfuck. He wasn't supposed to be there, from Grindhouse (2007)
Come on now, sis. You just tell us. from Grindhouse (2007)
Come on, come on! from Grindhouse (2007)
Come on, come on! from Grindhouse (2007)
Come on, Judy, how about it? from Grindhouse (2007)
Come on, Wray. You know you're not supposed to be doing that stuff anymore. from Grindhouse (2007)
Come on! from Grindhouse (2007)
Come on! from Grindhouse (2007)
Come on! from Grindhouse (2007)
Come on! Move your ass! Come on! from Grindhouse (2007)
Come over already. We're waiting for you. from Grindhouse (2007)
Cool it, Judy! from Grindhouse (2007)
Correct. from Grindhouse (2007)
Could act it out for you, which I think from Grindhouse (2007)
Could it be the same guy as your leg snatcher? from Grindhouse (2007)
Cut the shit. What the fuck is going on? from Grindhouse (2007)
DA says there ain't no crime here. from Grindhouse (2007)
Daddy! from Grindhouse (2007)
Dakota! We're sorry about Tony. from Grindhouse (2007)
Damn it, Wray! from Grindhouse (2007)
Damn it! from Grindhouse (2007)
Damn it! from Grindhouse (2007)
Damn shame. from Grindhouse (2007)
Damn skippy, you meant it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Damn! from Grindhouse (2007)
Damn. Tomatoes? Fresh? from Grindhouse (2007)
Dance, bitch! from Grindhouse (2007)
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mitch and Tich. from Grindhouse (2007)
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mitch and Tich. from Grindhouse (2007)
Dedicated to Jungle Julia, in loving memory. from Grindhouse (2007)
Deer. We get a lot of them around here. from Grindhouse (2007)
Dependant on their ass. Uh uh. If we don't score ourselves, from Grindhouse (2007)
Designed to take out an entire populace in a controlled, landlocked area. from Grindhouse (2007)
Did he know it was your birthday? He's the director. He's kind of busy. from Grindhouse (2007)
Did I miss my chance? from Grindhouse (2007)
Did I miss my chance? from Grindhouse (2007)
Did you hear me Butterfly? from Grindhouse (2007)
Did you hear me, Butterfly? from Grindhouse (2007)
Did you just hit a boat? from Grindhouse (2007)
Did you know she was back in town? from Grindhouse (2007)
Didn't I tell you that? from Grindhouse (2007)
Director wants to put a camera in the car, shoot the crash from the inside. from Grindhouse (2007)
Do I frighten you? from Grindhouse (2007)
Do I know? Yes. from Grindhouse (2007)
Do it! from Grindhouse (2007)
Do the same goddamned thing the blood did. from Grindhouse (2007)
Do you know any of these shows or people I'm talking about? from Grindhouse (2007)
Do you know her name or anything? from Grindhouse (2007)
Do you know what a go go dance is? from Grindhouse (2007)
DOAs? Have Andy pick them up. from Grindhouse (2007)
Doesn't mean I have lost my goddamn mind. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't do nothing stupid, JT. I got it covered. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't even breathe. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't even fucking think about asking me next time you want me to do your hair. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't get worked up enough to crack it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't look anywhere. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't look behind... from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't look up... from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't mention it. That's an order. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't point the gun at yourself. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't scream for help. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't shoot each other. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't shoot! We're not infected! from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't taunt me, tramp. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't wreck it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't you get it? We're the antidote! from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't, don't, don't, from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't, don't, don't, from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't, don't, don't, from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't, don't, don't, from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't, don't, don't, don't, from Grindhouse (2007)
Don't, don't! from Grindhouse (2007)
Down a flight of stairs can usually find somebody to pay him for it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Drinks! What can we get you? from Grindhouse (2007)
Drop the fucking gun. from Grindhouse (2007)
Dude, check it out. I wonder if BJ brought the bear with him. from Grindhouse (2007)
Easier access. from Grindhouse (2007)
Ehh! from Grindhouse (2007)
El for Electra, Ame from Amelia. Does that make any fucking sense? from Grindhouse (2007)
El Wray? from Grindhouse (2007)
Enjoy it, cocksucker. You've earned it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Especially if it's your dad. from Grindhouse (2007)
Especially you... from Grindhouse (2007)
Ever since my bastard landlord raised the rent, it's gone to shit. from Grindhouse (2007)
Every one of them gals was swimming in alcohol and floating on weed from Grindhouse (2007)
Everybody back inside! from Grindhouse (2007)
Everybody grab a badge and a gun. You're all deputies, from Grindhouse (2007)
Everybody grab a badge and a gun. You're all deputies, from Grindhouse (2007)
Everybody sit down! from Grindhouse (2007)
Everybody, gather up supplies. We head out in 20. from Grindhouse (2007)
Everyone behind me. from Grindhouse (2007)
Everyone else on board! from Grindhouse (2007)
Everywhere! from Grindhouse (2007)
Exactly. from Grindhouse (2007)
Except, I'm afraid I must file you... from Grindhouse (2007)
Excuse me for living, but what is the thing? from Grindhouse (2007)
Excuse me, but your name wouldn't be Butterfly would it? from Grindhouse (2007)
Excuse me, most girls? What the fuck are you two? from Grindhouse (2007)
Experiment on its survivors, you'd find a cure. from Grindhouse (2007)
Fair enough. So what's your name, Icy? from Grindhouse (2007)
Faster, you black bitch, faster! from Grindhouse (2007)
Finally, the truth about Hitler's diabolical plans from Grindhouse (2007)
Fine. We'll use Abbie's belt. from Grindhouse (2007)
First, let me get my wife. from Grindhouse (2007)
For a little test drive out on our own. Just to see if we're comfortable in it. from Grindhouse (2007)
For once, our intel was right on the money. I come around a corner, bam, from Grindhouse (2007)
For the good of both our people... our new senator must die. from Grindhouse (2007)
Forget about the cows, motherfucker! Move, motherfucker! Move! from Grindhouse (2007)
Four reasons, actually. from Grindhouse (2007)
From Director Eli Roth... from Grindhouse (2007)
From kindergarten through high school. That's what she did to me. from Grindhouse (2007)
Fuck me? from Grindhouse (2007)
Fuck me? from Grindhouse (2007)
Fuck that shit. Let's kill this bastard. from Grindhouse (2007)
Fuck that. I was never in Iraq. from Grindhouse (2007)
Fuck you, motherfucker! Fuck you! from Grindhouse (2007)
Fucking cool! from Grindhouse (2007)
Fucking get away from me! from Grindhouse (2007)
Fucking let me out of here! I'll fucking rip your fucking... from Grindhouse (2007)
Fucking shit! from Grindhouse (2007)
Fucking thing. Cheap! from Grindhouse (2007)
Get away from me! from Grindhouse (2007)
Get away from us, you cocksucker! from Grindhouse (2007)
Get in. from Grindhouse (2007)
Get Lewis down here. from Grindhouse (2007)
Get more out of life. from Grindhouse (2007)
Get ready to fly, bitch! from Grindhouse (2007)
Get up there and you dance happy. It's go go, not cry cry. from Grindhouse (2007)
Get your ass up! from Grindhouse (2007)
Get your sorry ass in here! from Grindhouse (2007)
Get, get... What are you... What are you... What are you gonna do? from Grindhouse (2007)
Get... from Grindhouse (2007)
Giddy up, girl! from Grindhouse (2007)
Give him all the guns. from Grindhouse (2007)
Give him the gun, Tolo. from Grindhouse (2007)
Give it to Tony to take with him when my friend picks him up. from Grindhouse (2007)
Give it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Give me that recipe or I'll raise your rent higher than a Georgia pine. from Grindhouse (2007)
Go on and have a seat anywhere. I'll be right in. from Grindhouse (2007)
Go on! Get off him, Rusty! from Grindhouse (2007)
Go out to a movie. from Grindhouse (2007)
Go work your magic. from Grindhouse (2007)
Go! from Grindhouse (2007)
God bless you and your service to this country. from Grindhouse (2007)
God has mercy. I don't. from Grindhouse (2007)
God. Did you know Kim carried a gun? from Grindhouse (2007)
Goddamn it, girls! If you're gonna do that shit, do it on stage! from Grindhouse (2007)
Goddamn it, I told you I didn't want to see you again. from Grindhouse (2007)
Goddamn it, I'm not all right at all. Not at all. from Grindhouse (2007)
Goddamn it, wait for me. from Grindhouse (2007)
Goddamn it! from Grindhouse (2007)
Goddamn sauce. from Grindhouse (2007)
Goddamn you! from Grindhouse (2007)
Goddamn, JT. from Grindhouse (2007)
Good boy. from Grindhouse (2007)
Good. Anyone else have a car? from Grindhouse (2007)
Got anything that could transport more people? from Grindhouse (2007)
Got some Bactine or something? from Grindhouse (2007)
Great! We're having the best time. from Grindhouse (2007)
Growl. from Grindhouse (2007)
Gulp. from Grindhouse (2007)
Happy Thanksgiving, baby. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hardly. But, if you want to get with Jungle Julia, from Grindhouse (2007)
Has in common with each other. We all hate the name Shauna. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hate to do this to you, Earl!! But we need every man on the job! from Grindhouse (2007)
Have had plenty fun adoring my ass. from Grindhouse (2007)
Have you been following us? from Grindhouse (2007)
Having said that, before you get too envious of Zoë's prowess, from Grindhouse (2007)
He ate a piece of my birthday cake and he got me a present. from Grindhouse (2007)
He gets the women. from Grindhouse (2007)
He got banged up real good. from Grindhouse (2007)
He got banged up real good. from Grindhouse (2007)
He like to watch me pee. from Grindhouse (2007)
He made me a tape. from Grindhouse (2007)
He made this baby for me free of fucking charge. from Grindhouse (2007)
He made you a tape? from Grindhouse (2007)
He totally had a girlfriend. from Grindhouse (2007)
He used a car and not a hatchet, but they're dead just the same. from Grindhouse (2007)
He was causing a ruckus over at Skip's place, so I cuffed him, from Grindhouse (2007)
He was given an offer he couldn't refuse. from Grindhouse (2007)
He's coming after us. from Grindhouse (2007)
He's cute and all but Jesse Letterman's gonna be all over her. from Grindhouse (2007)
He's gone. from Grindhouse (2007)
He's got a big thing for Julia. from Grindhouse (2007)
He's likeable. from Grindhouse (2007)
He's right on your ass! He's right on your fucking ass! from Grindhouse (2007)
He's this electrician named Bruce. Kim started calling him The Rock from Grindhouse (2007)
He's with her. He's responsible for her. from Grindhouse (2007)
He's with them. I saw him in their convoy earlier. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hell, yeah, he got banged up, but goddamn, them pretty little gals from Grindhouse (2007)
Hell, yeah. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hell, yeah. The next job after this one is definitely gonna suck. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hello, baby. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hello, Palomita. from Grindhouse (2007)
Help me! from Grindhouse (2007)
Here and there. from Grindhouse (2007)
Here I stick my neck out for ya. from Grindhouse (2007)
Here's my finger. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey, Abby. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey, Abernathy. Check this out. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey, hey! What are you guys...?! from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey, I resemble that remark. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey, if it ain't Lanna Frank. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey, shots first, questions later. Here we go, post time! from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey, Warren!! Is there anybody in this place from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey, what's up, doc? from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey, you want some barbeque? from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey, you. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey! from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey! Hey, hey! from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey! Hey! from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey! Ladies, that was fun! from Grindhouse (2007)
Hey. from Grindhouse (2007)
Hi, Joe. from Grindhouse (2007)
High velocity impact, twisted metal, busted glass, from Grindhouse (2007)
Hmm, really? Like what? from Grindhouse (2007)
Holy shit. from Grindhouse (2007)
Holy shit. from Grindhouse (2007)
Home of the Nazi's diabolical plan to create an army from Grindhouse (2007)
Honey, I think you might want to get out. from Grindhouse (2007)
Honey, you can't think like that. We all have our individual talents from Grindhouse (2007)
Hop on. from Grindhouse (2007)
How about a knife, at least? from Grindhouse (2007)
How bad is he? from Grindhouse (2007)
How can you not be on my side? from Grindhouse (2007)
How do I know y'all ain't just gonna steal it? from Grindhouse (2007)
How do you make a car death proof? from Grindhouse (2007)
How in the fuck do you expect to do that? from Grindhouse (2007)
How's that? from Grindhouse (2007)
However... from Grindhouse (2007)
I ain't giving nobody no lap dance 'cause of what you said. from Grindhouse (2007)
I also eat lots of shit. from Grindhouse (2007)
I also want your balls. from Grindhouse (2007)
I always wanted to be a doctor. from Grindhouse (2007)
I am not one to be taunted. You got it? from Grindhouse (2007)
I believe that you could be better. from Grindhouse (2007)
I can drive this baby into a brick wall doing 125 miles an hour, from Grindhouse (2007)
I can fly, but no way in hell I'm gonna fly tonight. from Grindhouse (2007)
I can see you've had a spot of trouble, Romy. from Grindhouse (2007)
I can think it and I do. from Grindhouse (2007)
I can't do it, Abby, please. Please, Abby. from Grindhouse (2007)
I cost the most...... because I'm the best there is. from Grindhouse (2007)
I could be bleeding like a stuck pig, I ain't gonna tell ya. from Grindhouse (2007)
I could be dying in your arms, I ain't gonna tell ya. from Grindhouse (2007)
I couldn't get off work this week. But you only have to stay till ten. from Grindhouse (2007)
I did damn near the whole third season of Vegas. from Grindhouse (2007)
I did wanna hurt you. from Grindhouse (2007)
I didn't get a good look at mine. from Grindhouse (2007)
I didn't mean to be a prick about it. from Grindhouse (2007)
I didn't steal any of them. They just... jumped ship. from Grindhouse (2007)
I didn't. from Grindhouse (2007)
I do believe in you. Always have. from Grindhouse (2007)
I don't go by that name anymore. from Grindhouse (2007)
I don't go by that name anymore. from Grindhouse (2007)
I don't know, baby. from Grindhouse (2007)
I don't need me no best friend who lives on the other side of planet Earth. from Grindhouse (2007)
I don't really see it's any of your business. from Grindhouse (2007)
I don't suppose there are any other biochemical engineers around? from Grindhouse (2007)
I don't want to fire your ass because I like looking at your ass. from Grindhouse (2007)
I don't want you checking out just... from Grindhouse (2007)
I don't wear their teeth marks on my butt for nothing. from Grindhouse (2007)
I feel like I'm sinking down the drain and I can't get out. from Grindhouse (2007)
I find the lost... from Grindhouse (2007)
I get it right there out of the dam. from Grindhouse (2007)
I get it. This was all a joke, and it's super funny. from Grindhouse (2007)
I got Iraqi eyeballs a friend of mine brought back to do some studies on. from Grindhouse (2007)
I got one there too, Zatoichi. from Grindhouse (2007)
I got shit on my mind. from Grindhouse (2007)
I got to take a... from Grindhouse (2007)
I gotcha. I'll be there. from Grindhouse (2007)
I have found the perfect solution... the She Devils of Belzac. from Grindhouse (2007)
I have nothing to say to you. from Grindhouse (2007)
I have seen me some crazy ass shit in my day... from Grindhouse (2007)
I haven't talked to her in a while. from Grindhouse (2007)
I heard what you said. I just can't believe what you said. from Grindhouse (2007)
I highly doubt that. from Grindhouse (2007)
I intend to. But first, I need to ask you something. from Grindhouse (2007)
I just got lucky. from Grindhouse (2007)
I knew it. For how long? from Grindhouse (2007)
I know I said it, and I know I meant it. from Grindhouse (2007)
I know I said we shouldn't do this again... from Grindhouse (2007)
I know looks can be deceiving but I'm a teetotaler. from Grindhouse (2007)
I know what this is.. Don't tell me. Liquefactive necrosis. from Grindhouse (2007)
I know, baby, just hold on. from Grindhouse (2007)
I listened to Jungle Julia's show this morning. from Grindhouse (2007)
I looked for it for two weeks. from Grindhouse (2007)
I love that philosophy. Warren says it, we do it. from Grindhouse (2007)
I love you. from Grindhouse (2007)
I made Jesse a plate of barbeque so good, from Grindhouse (2007)
I mean it this time.. I need a dramatic change in my life. from Grindhouse (2007)
I mean, he shows me an episode of High Chaparral, a guy falls off a horse from Grindhouse (2007)
I mean, I like Nate and all. He's cute. He's a pretty good kisser. from Grindhouse (2007)
I mean, Padre. from Grindhouse (2007)
I mean, we stopped before. from Grindhouse (2007)
I meant we should never play Ship's Mast again in New Zealand and Australia. from Grindhouse (2007)
I need a ride. from Grindhouse (2007)
I never forgot it. from Grindhouse (2007)
I never miss. from Grindhouse (2007)
I never miss. from Grindhouse (2007)
I probably would have broken my fucking neck. from Grindhouse (2007)
I put two in his heart, one in his computer. from Grindhouse (2007)
I really think one human being will be collateral enough. from Grindhouse (2007)
I remember taking a step and looking down. from Grindhouse (2007)
I repeat, never call a Kiwi an Aussie. from Grindhouse (2007)
I said we made out, we didn't do the thing. from Grindhouse (2007)
I said you'd do it for the first guy who says it, so... from Grindhouse (2007)
I said, we're gonna see if this guy will let us take the car out without him... from Grindhouse (2007)
I see. She used to beat you up and take your chocolate milk? from Grindhouse (2007)
I should be in my hotel room asleep. Not fucking around here on tobacco road, from Grindhouse (2007)
I still eat here, JT. from Grindhouse (2007)
I swore to my men that I'd do everything in my power to keep them alive. from Grindhouse (2007)
I think I belong in the latter category. from Grindhouse (2007)
I think I can goddamn guarantee that. from Grindhouse (2007)
I think I'm gonna have to give you a rain check. from Grindhouse (2007)
I think we're gonna stay here, Wray. from Grindhouse (2007)
I think you got Mike laid tonight. from Grindhouse (2007)
I thought so. from Grindhouse (2007)
I thought you said if you saw a deer you shouldn't fucking swerve! from Grindhouse (2007)
I thought you stopped seeing each other. from Grindhouse (2007)
I took a vow of peace, and now you want me to help you kill all these men? from Grindhouse (2007)
I understand if I make you uncomfortable. from Grindhouse (2007)
I want to say I want to buy it so he'll let me test drive it. from Grindhouse (2007)
I want you to be around for a while. from Grindhouse (2007)
I want you to shoot them, OK? from Grindhouse (2007)
I was beginning to lose hope. from Grindhouse (2007)
I was cold. I took your fucking jacket. from Grindhouse (2007)
I was gonna be a stand up comedian. Who's gonna laugh now? from Grindhouse (2007)
I was gonna give it to you, but you left me. from Grindhouse (2007)
I was just thinking that you, uh... from Grindhouse (2007)
I was Robert Urich's driving double. from Grindhouse (2007)
I was straddling him. from Grindhouse (2007)
I was thinking we could build us a new place right there where the old one was. from Grindhouse (2007)
I was walking out on you. from Grindhouse (2007)
I won't be getting fresh, putting my hand on your knee. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'd stand clear if I were you. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'll be back. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'll be your best friend. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'll give you a ride. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'll leave him watching TV. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'll pay for it when we get some. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'll see what I can do. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'll talk him into it. But if I talk him into it, I go along. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm a scientist and a businessman. Not military. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm about to bust a nut up in this bitch, motherfucker! from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm doing Lindsay Lohan's make up and she's off for the next three days. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm doing Lindsay Lohan's make up and she's off for the next three days. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm going to be a stand up comedian. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm going to give you a very strong anesthetic from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm gonna go get my dick wet. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm gonna insinuate that Lee's gonna blow him. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm like you said I would be. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm listening. What's the trouble? from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm nobody. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm not angry. It just would be nice if y'all didn't just count on me from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm not done with your ass now, motherfucker. I love your ass! from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm not exaggerating, using colorful speech. He bit my finger clean off! from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm not kidding, Tony. You shoot them. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm not leaving you, Wray. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm offering you a lift, if when I'm ready to leave, you are, too. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm OK! from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm quitting. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm real sorry to hear about that. I wish there was something I could do. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm really quite attached to them. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm riding with you. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm serious. You start nagging us, we're pulling over to the side of the road from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm so sorry. I really am. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm sorry, Romy, but I just don't trust you anymore. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm sorry... but I lied. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm the horniest motherfucker on the road! from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm the one who's on the fucking bonnet. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm the one who's on the fucking bonnet. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm thinking we told your ass to shut the fuck up. from Grindhouse (2007)
I'm walking out of here with the shit, Wray. from Grindhouse (2007)
I've always said you're funny, from Grindhouse (2007)
I've been getting the paper for the last month from Grindhouse (2007)
I've been up all night, I'm still a little drunk, and I have a hangover. from Grindhouse (2007)
I've got to take the world's biggest fucking piss. from Grindhouse (2007)
I've let him give me a foot massage and when we go to the movies, from Grindhouse (2007)
I've let him hold my hand. from Grindhouse (2007)
I've seen me a stripper with one breast... from Grindhouse (2007)
If he does, you wait here with Lee and we'll be back in a moment. from Grindhouse (2007)
If he had a big thing for me, he'd fucking call me from Grindhouse (2007)
If he let's us take it out on our own, I want to play Ship's Mast. from Grindhouse (2007)
If he sends over shots, you've got to do them. from Grindhouse (2007)
If I fell in that fucking thing... from Grindhouse (2007)
If I fucked him, I wouldn't be his girlfriend. I'd be one of his regulars. from Grindhouse (2007)
If I had known that you were... from Grindhouse (2007)
If it's escape vehicles you want, escape vehicles I got. from Grindhouse (2007)
If they'd do something, you'd do something. from Grindhouse (2007)
If we don't go into detail about it while he's watching us. from Grindhouse (2007)
If we don't sever that arm now, it's gonna take over your chest, from Grindhouse (2007)
If you are thinking of seeing this film alone... from Grindhouse (2007)
If you blink or brake or swerve, shit, you'll just kill yourself. from Grindhouse (2007)
If you don't bust their balls a bit, they never gonna respect you. from Grindhouse (2007)
If you just drop me off... from Grindhouse (2007)
If you... from Grindhouse (2007)
If you... from Grindhouse (2007)
If you... from Grindhouse (2007)
If you're not gonna buy me a drink can I have mine back? from Grindhouse (2007)
In fairly rapid order, but not obvious, we order two more rounds of shots. from Grindhouse (2007)
In my building at midnight enough times, I might get my ass ****d. from Grindhouse (2007)
In the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts, from Grindhouse (2007)
In this town, some dude is selling a stock from Grindhouse (2007)
Instead of the thing you do. from Grindhouse (2007)
Instead, I can do this. from Grindhouse (2007)
Is it a porno movie? from Grindhouse (2007)
Is it my scar? from Grindhouse (2007)
Is it safe? from Grindhouse (2007)
Is that it? from Grindhouse (2007)
Is that jealousy I detect? from Grindhouse (2007)
Is that the girl from the billboard outside? from Grindhouse (2007)
Is that true? from Grindhouse (2007)
Is the most celebrated day of the year. from Grindhouse (2007)
It just so happens that we're all three off duty from Grindhouse (2007)
It just so happens, I know exactly what I want to do. from Grindhouse (2007)
It just sounds like there's a little more to it than that. from Grindhouse (2007)
It looks like I got you by the balls, Abby. from Grindhouse (2007)
It practically doesn't count if you start on the top. from Grindhouse (2007)
It was really funny, OK? from Grindhouse (2007)
It will be. from Grindhouse (2007)
It would have been a while before you started gettin' scared. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's a furry one. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's already got my sweat and tears. Now all it needs is some blood! from Grindhouse (2007)
It's beautiful. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's better than safe, it's death proof. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's blood. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's cold. Can we roll up one of these windows? from Grindhouse (2007)
It's dark as hell and you can't see shit. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's furry.. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's just one of the best American movies ever made. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's just overheating! I need to get to town. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's like you said it would be, Wray. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's my mom's car. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's nice to be nice, Kim. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's not the radiator. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's OK. They can live in the same tank. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's spreading. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's the easiest thing to remember. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's two against the world. from Grindhouse (2007)
It's your car. from Grindhouse (2007)
Jasper, we were wondering if my friends and I could take the car out from Grindhouse (2007)
Jesse James custom Dominator. from Grindhouse (2007)
Jesus Christ, Shanna, it is not my fucking job to supply y'all from Grindhouse (2007)
JT always comes out and greets. Let's go! from Grindhouse (2007)
JT, how's the barbecue business? from Grindhouse (2007)
JT, you all right? from Grindhouse (2007)
JT! from Grindhouse (2007)
JT! You take whoever you can fit in your convertible! from Grindhouse (2007)
Jules, let me get a drag. Thanks! from Grindhouse (2007)
Julia, what the fuck did you say about me on the radio? from Grindhouse (2007)
Just as I'm thinking, There's that ditch Abbie was talking about. from Grindhouse (2007)
Just be like, Bitch get over here and get busy. from Grindhouse (2007)
Just because you talked yourself into some stupid shit, from Grindhouse (2007)
Just cause you asked nicely. from Grindhouse (2007)
Just do me a favor right now and just stay strong. from Grindhouse (2007)
Just for the experience. from Grindhouse (2007)
Just like your video games. from Grindhouse (2007)
Just remember, it's Shanna Banana, not Shauna Banauna. from Grindhouse (2007)
Keep dancing! from Grindhouse (2007)
Kick his ass, Zoë!! Kick his motherfucking ass! from Grindhouse (2007)
Kicking your ass out and picking you up later. from Grindhouse (2007)
Kim, dick department. Let's hear it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Kim, I may be stupid but I'm not bloody stupid. from Grindhouse (2007)
Ladies. from Grindhouse (2007)
Lanna Frank, where are you? from Grindhouse (2007)
Leave us alone! from Grindhouse (2007)
Lee is sitting on a toilet and Toolbox is watching her pee! from Grindhouse (2007)
Lee, this is Jasper. Jasper, Lee. from Grindhouse (2007)
Let me hear you say I got it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Let me see your last three messages. from Grindhouse (2007)
Let's go! from Grindhouse (2007)
Let's go. from Grindhouse (2007)
Little lady's looking pretty good there. from Grindhouse (2007)
Look at me! from Grindhouse (2007)
Look for it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Look like a goddamn giant chewed them up and spit them out. from Grindhouse (2007)
Look out! from Grindhouse (2007)
Look what you did to our son! from Grindhouse (2007)
Look, double fucks. from Grindhouse (2007)
Look, I don't know what futuristic utopia you live in, from Grindhouse (2007)
Look, I know what I said when I said it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Look, I know you guys like him. from Grindhouse (2007)
Look, if I ever become a famous actress, I won't carry a gun. from Grindhouse (2007)
Look, you don't have to do it for anyone you don't want. from Grindhouse (2007)
Look, you were being an unbelievable dick. from Grindhouse (2007)
Looking good, Cannonball Run! from Grindhouse (2007)
Looks like she could suck the bend out of a river. I'm kidding. from Grindhouse (2007)
Machete. from Grindhouse (2007)
Man, they're not gonna drink Jäger shots. from Grindhouse (2007)
Margaritas and Mexican food at Guero's, touch base from Grindhouse (2007)
Me and my men, walking around with our dicks in our hands from Grindhouse (2007)
Meet my wife. from Grindhouse (2007)
Mexico. from Grindhouse (2007)
Mike, she already broke off that dance. from Grindhouse (2007)
Miles to go before you sleep. from Grindhouse (2007)
Miles to go before you sleep. from Grindhouse (2007)
Mmm. from Grindhouse (2007)
More than people who don't. from Grindhouse (2007)
Motherfucker! from Grindhouse (2007)
Motherfucker! from Grindhouse (2007)
Motherfucker! from Grindhouse (2007)
Motherfucker! Look at me! from Grindhouse (2007)
Motherfucker. from Grindhouse (2007)
Move it! Move it, Peggy! from Grindhouse (2007)
Move out! from Grindhouse (2007)
Must've passed out after I killed those things. from Grindhouse (2007)
My blue friend... you'll barely feel. from Grindhouse (2007)
My friend Jungle Julia over here says the jukebox inside is pretty impressive. from Grindhouse (2007)
My point exactly. from Grindhouse (2007)
My turn. from Grindhouse (2007)
Nacho Grande platters. from Grindhouse (2007)
Need to know basis, that kind of shit. from Grindhouse (2007)
Never did like that son of a bitch. from Grindhouse (2007)
Never did. from Grindhouse (2007)
Nitrous injected, 350 horsepower engine. from Grindhouse (2007)
No brain. Scooped clean out of her skull. from Grindhouse (2007)
No cure. from Grindhouse (2007)
No fucking clue. from Grindhouse (2007)
No harm, no foul, but you get a free drink out of it. from Grindhouse (2007)
No more dead bodies for Daddy tonight. from Grindhouse (2007)
No worries, mate. I've got it all worked out. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, but I know she's a skinny fake blonde bitch. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, but that's what I love about Austin. It's just so damn small. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, it sounds like a go go dancer. There's a difference. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, no, no, no, no. It's Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mitch and Tich. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, no, no, no, really. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, no, no, no. I'm wearing the jacket. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, no, no! No! God... from Grindhouse (2007)
No, OK, OK, OK, OK. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, scratch that, tell me, I gotta go make conversation from Grindhouse (2007)
No, she didn't. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, the other one. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, the other way. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, we are not coming over there. from Grindhouse (2007)
No, you didn't say we shouldn't. You said we ain't ever from Grindhouse (2007)
No, you're not. Don't give him the gun. from Grindhouse (2007)
No! from Grindhouse (2007)
No! If we all get killed, there's no stopping this plague. from Grindhouse (2007)
No. from Grindhouse (2007)
No. from Grindhouse (2007)
No. We have to get back to my lab. from Grindhouse (2007)
Nobody! from Grindhouse (2007)
Nope. from Grindhouse (2007)
Not a goddamn thing. from Grindhouse (2007)
Not at this moment. from Grindhouse (2007)
Not enough. from Grindhouse (2007)
Not just that, it has to be a 1970 Dodge Challenger with a 440 engine. from Grindhouse (2007)
Not really. But let me handle it. from Grindhouse (2007)
Not that Angelina Jolie bullshit. from Grindhouse (2007)
Not to say I want to be his girlfriend, but if I did want to be his girlfriend, from Grindhouse (2007)
Nothing to write home about. from Grindhouse (2007)
Nothing. If I fell in that fucking thing from Grindhouse (2007)
Now how did you know that? from Grindhouse (2007)