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Let's Go to Prison (2006) Let's Go to Prison is a comedy film released in 2006. Directed by Bob Odenkirk, the movie tells the

Let's Go to Prison (2006)

Let's Go to Prison is a comedy film released in 2006. Directed by Bob Odenkirk, the movie tells the hilarious story of a career criminal named John Lyshitski, portrayed by Dax Shepard. After countless failed attempts to exact revenge on the judge who imprisoned his father, Lyshitski decides to get his revenge by guiding the judge's spoiled son, Nelson Biederman IV (played by Will Arnett), through the brutal world of prison life. Along the way, absurd and comical situations unfold, providing plenty of laughs for the audience.

If you're interested in experiencing the hilarious soundtracks or sound effects from Let's Go to Prison, you can easily find and play them online. Additionally, you can download these sounds, allowing you to relive the comedic moments whenever you desire. So, get ready to laugh along with the cast as you explore the sounds from this remarkable film.
A $7 million, original Yoko Ono,
A couple of the boys wanted to put one over on old Professor LaRoche.
A Iittle piece of heaven?
A lot of people didn't think that this neighborhood needed
A mere two, three pounds of this stuff, boom! To the moon.
A trace of ammonia or some other sort of disinfectant?
About 10% are Mexican, 2% Colombian.
Actually, according to the Foundation's charter, we were required to.
After all we've been through?
After all, we are a charity.
AII right, cut the shit! Get up, you mothers. Get up, get up now!
AII right, get them out of here before they start stinking.
AII right, have fun.
AII right, Johnny, how much for real?
AII right, Lynard, you're going to the hole.
AII right, so that's it, John.
AII right, you gotta toughen up.
AII right! You both know the rules!
AII right.
AII right. Here's how it's gonna work.
AII right. So he's not going to kill you?
AII the things that you could want.
Ain't meat.
All the boys shoved their books onto the floor.
All the Iittle boys with big dreams
All you have to do,
Always Iook out for your cellmate.
Amigo, I did it for your own good.
And a case of champagne from the governor.
And a formal apology
And beating up some of the new guys.
And carry on about this business of Iiving.
And cutting off their dicks.
And enough people are ****d in prison
And everyone else is porking my date,
And gives you a foot massage.
And how Iong ago did you say that he died?
And I believe that anything that I can do
And I don't even get an invitation?
And I don't want your Drakkar Noir stinking up my courtroom.
And I have to confess that we are very eager to hear your opinion.
And I know you had a real tough day.
And I'll make sure he gets the full treatment,
And I've been in prison for three months,
And if you two are going to fight,
And maybe I didn't either,
And nobody seemed to flinch,
And our g****s are a part of that family.
And so that we could help protect them
And step down as chairman of the Foundation,
And stick it up your asshole.
And sticking it up your asshole.
And the more them animals are gonna wanna eat you.
And then I bust my nuts getting you this goddamn fruity soda
And there's a gentleman here to see you,
And there's no way in hell he'd do something crazy like sell pot to them,
And they know that we'd do anything for them.
And they know that.
And turned me into a for real, no shit felon,
And twice, you have stabbed me with forks.
And two, Nelson's going to be pissed as hell at me,
And vivid, horrifying hallucinations,
And we would Iove to see Judge Nelson Biederman III at work.
And when I say Fresca, I mean Fresca.
And with the revolving door policy of today's prison system,
And yet you're aware that Jeff Goldblum has
And you break the rules you think,
And you think I'm up to something?
And, in accordance with the Foundation's charter,
Anybody want to buy me a champagne drink?
Anyway, thanks for Iistening.
Are big fans of Wine Aficionado magazine
Are you kidding me? I didn't even do anything.
Are you Pisces?
As quickly as possible?
At exactly 12:15, stand up.
At exactly the appointed minute,
At Ieast I can rest assured
Back off or you're next.
BARKER: Crimes are everywhere,
Barry finally pitches, Pisces catches,
Barry, you should be happy. Barry, you're free.
Be careful for what you wish for, gentlemen.
Because I am innocent.
Because I've got some very nice alternatives.
Because you can taste the Iove in every sip.
Before I become bitch du jour for one of the G Lords.
Before my daddy died, he taught me one thing.
Began my trip through the justice machine,
Better strap on a goddamn piss bag,
Between five minutes and forever,
Biederman, you got a visitor!
BILLY: Your new friend, Nelson,
Bit backed up. Couple weeks.
Born in prison to fill 250 Little League teams
Boy, I go apeshit for Chuck Mangione.
But did you have to stick your finger up my ass?
But enough small talk.
But I am forced to drive through here on my way to the airport
But I thought we'd gotten past
But Iegally, you have no access to the Foundation's funds
But Iook here, now,
But it happened.
But it's because people Iike you make me sick
But most folks just suffer from extreme panic
But not Iike that.
But please don't make me face it sober.
But pretty much any of this shit'II kill you.
But they didn't break you.
But this one definitely falls into that category,
But we don't have to do everything tonight. Hell, we got three to five.
But you changed that, John, you really did. Did I?
But you know what? I think I'm going to make it.
But you may be in Iuck.
But you've got to Iisten to me.
By the master.
By the so called justice system,
Can I get my old shit?
Can I get you some cigarettes? No. I'm good.
Can smell undercover cops from 20 paces,
Can warp a law abiding, spineless sack of shit like Biederman
Can we talk to him?
Can you believe this guy?
Can you picture that?
Can't wait to see your grand premiere, baby.
Cell 433. I want you to sign right there.
Choking them in a men's room?
CIinically depressed. Yeah.
Come on, John!
Come on, John.
Come on, Lyshitski.
Come on, man!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on. Eskimo.
Couldn't have made it in here without your help.
CROWD: Nelson! Nelson! Nelson! Nelson!
Crying takes the sad out of you?
Crying takes the sad out of you.
Damn it!
Damn it.
Damn, you can cover all that action?
Dead man walking.
Did he touch you, boss? We'II gut him, right here.
Didn't see you there.
Do what?
Do you feel you're ready to re enter society?
Do you hear that? BARRY: Drink up, bitches.
Does anybody here want him out?
Does my ass Iook big to you?
Don't do it, John.
Don't do it.
Don't even think about it, Barry.
Don't give me that shit, Duane.
Don't scream.
Don't thank me, asshole, just pay me.
Don't throw me into the briar patch.
Don't you ever wonder if there's more to Iife than smoking grass
Don't you have eyes?
Drinking some toilet wine,
DUANE: Biederman Foundation, Duane.
DUANE: Here's the rest of the necessary paperwork.
During my retreat, Nelson had become king of the crapper,
Ear cut off, seven to five.
Empty. Cell number 433.
Eskimo kiss ain't never hurt nobody, right?
Everything's nice and legal, Duane,
Except I'm in the TV,
Except my old man.
Excuse me, who? Sergeant Barker,
Fight to the death?
Figured I'd get more use out of this than a Miracle Bra.
Five, six, seven, eight...
For instance, if some outsider,
For months or years,
For my dear, departed Daddy,
For what? I didn't do anything.
Four to seven years.
Four years, and if being a moron were a crime, Mr. Lyshitski,
Friday, the yard. John versus Nelson. Fight to the death.
From one vicious motherfucker to another.
From worthless scum Iike you.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Fuck. Fuck.
FWAE WAN: Do you mean guilty?
Gentlemen, I don't need to taste your wine nor meet your head vintner
Get a Iittle place of your own, private cell.
Get down here and get me out of here
Get him up against the wall! Go, go, go!
Get him, man!
Get him!
Give me 50 bucks on that preppy asshole.
Give me the boat cleaner and a needle.
Give you something, John, I do. Perfect! Yeah.
Go to him.
Go, John. Go, John.
Goddamn, is that sweet.
Going down to the Iaundry room,
Good Iuck at your hearing. I'II see you in 1 to 3.
Good Iuck with the rest of the second grade and stay free.
Good, because I don't take no crap from no
Got some mail for you.
Great American melting pot.
Great. My name is Ken Kennedy.
GUARD: AII right! Move it out!
GUARD: Brain damage? I don't know,
GUARD: No food or drinks! Oh.
Guilty as hell. Guilty?
Half ounce of grass, four cartons of smokes?
Happening amongst the inmate population,
Have you reached a verdict?
Haven't you heard the news, Barry?
He can't wait to see you.
He did.
He didn't know what hit him.
He doesn't have an appointment,
He got to take a shit or something?
He might just kick your ass.
He owes us one.
He said, Oh, God, please don't kill me
He shot himself up.
He walks into mine.
He who controls the smack, controls the joint, and by he, I mean him.
He'll be the one running things for me until I'm out,
He's a real sweetheart,
He's my bitch.
He's not gonna kill me here, is he?
Hell, I Iost four cartons of smokes
Hell, I'II even give you the top bunk.
Hello, Johnny. How you doing?
Hey, back the hell off, Barry.
Hey, bud, how'd it go? Super.
Hey, come on. Give me a break, baby.
Hey, don't sweat it, compadre,
Hey, John, you okay?
Hey, John. Hey.
Hey, John. How you doing?
Hey, Lyshitski, how's it hanging?
Hey, Nelson, I'm gonna take a quick walk.
Hey, Nelson, I'm gonna take a quick walk.
Hey, thanks, Shanahan.
Hey, that shit may have flown back when you were a human being,
Hey, wait a minute, now.
Hey, you think I could grab a ride from you guys?
Hey, you want to break off a piece of that white chocolate,
Hey! I don't need any help here.
Hey. John Lyshitski.
Hey. Look who's back.
Hey. You John?
Hi. Is this the municipal courthouse?
Hit me with some meat.
Hit the ground, motherfuckers
Hold still. You got to Iook good for court.
How about a fancy beer?
How are you, killer?
How do I do that?
How do you do it, Barry? How do you do it?
How does seven to ten work for you?
How Iong was I in there? Two days.
How you holding up, Nelson?
How's Friday sound, huh? Friday good? Say, rec yard?
I am going to hurry this along,
I can't believe they fell for the Cheech and Chong bit.
I can't see how you can go wrong.
I can't tell the difference.
I can't.
I couldn't possibly Iet you have him for anything Iess than, say,
I deserved that.
I deserved that. I...
I did what I had to do.
I don't blame you. Let's go.
I don't care how much it costs. I want out.
I don't condone that, my friend,
I don't know, guys.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful, John,
I don't snore and I'm a pretty quiet masturbator.
I doubt very much if they've even cracked the binding on Emily Post,
I dream about Iining up the ass wipes
I feels like it's prom night
I found myself and I just feel Iike I really wanna
I give you now the new chairman of the Biederman Foundation
I got some coke.
I got the needle right here.
I got to drop a deuce like no one's business.
I got to get you out.
I guess when one door slams shut, another one swings open,
I had the balls of a soufflé, I'II be honest with you.
I had to wait for all those white people to Ieave.
I have a notoriously dry sense of humor.
I have done you wrong,
I have to do whatever I have to do
I Iike Cambodian rules.
I Iike it. I got one for you.
I Iike soft things.
I intend to stand up for what I know is right.
I just wanted to say I owe you one.
I killed him.
I know I can,
I make it in the toilet.
I mean, every day.
I mean, haven't you seen any prison movies?
I mean, uh, judaical.
I mean, what are we... What are we supposed to do?
I mean, why be that way?
I mean, you gave me my self esteem back.
I need some time to get some action going.
I need something that will kill me.
I never thought...
I opened it for you. What for?
I ought to cut your stinking ass, Iying throat for Iying!
I owe everything that I am today to you, John. I really do.
I rest my case.
I saw a dress made out of credit cards
I schedule the extra curricular activities.
I see. Well, then I'm done with it.
I sentence you to three to five years
I stole the Publishers Clearing House prize patrol van,
I think it's used to clean boats with.
I think you'll enjoy working for him,
I think you're tippy top dog now.
I thought we were friends.
I told them it was all because of you.
I wanna say, from the bottom of my heart... Yeah?
I want it to be a fucking Fresca! Do you understand me?
I want to thank you all for attending this honorarium
I was so happy to be picked for jury duty.
I will make your Iife exponentially more painful.
I will not hesitate to put your ass in a grinder!
I will represent Nelson with the help of our dipshit department.
I wish there were something I could do for you.
I'd call that pretty crazy, isn't it?
I'd have a Iot more fun doing this if you were part coon.
I'd Iike to apologize for the crassness of my associates.
I'd Iike to room with Biederman.
I'II be back in 20 minutes. Just remember your tough face.
I'II have to sign off now, as someone is pissing on me.
I'II just take the top.
I'II put two cartons on Richie Rich taking Lyshitski down.
I'II settle for three to five, but wait. There's more.
I'll get bunked up with Nelson Biederman IV
I'm 30 years old,
I'm a cow! A big hipped, fat, nasty, gelatin assed, buttermilk making cow!
I'm begging you.
I'm calling from the Chicago Tribune,
I'm dead. Not necessarily.
I'm giving him a pass this time.
I'm gonna be in the office in half an hour.
I'm gonna go talk to Lynard,
I'm gonna have a heart attack if you don't give me my medication,,,
I'm gonna have to remove your genitals and put them in a shoebox.
I'm gonna kill you the same way.
I'm just proud to be a part of the American judicimal system.
I'm just tugging your nuts.
I'm not going to make it.
I'm on a Iot of weird mailing Iists.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry I missed your Ietter, Billy.
I'm sorry, did you say your son?
I'm sorry, John.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm sure he's a great man.
I've assembled the finest Iegal team that money can buy.
I've been Iiving in a fool's paradise.
I've been Iiving in a fool's paradise.
I've been Iooking out for you for almost a year now,
I've got the Iove of a man. Wow, good!
I've had my ass kicked so many times
I've started to Iike you a Iot.
If I had a nickel for every time I've been incarcerated,
If it wasn't for this asshole, we would've never met.
If you did,
If you feel that you've been treated unfairly,
If you have a complaint,
If you have comments or suggestions about how I run my prison
If you have knowledge of anything untoward
If you Iose, you die. If you win, you die.
If you Iose, you die. If you win, you die.
If you make my Iife difficult,
If you wasn't scared I was gonna cut your nuts off.
If you weren't such a white supremacist asshole,
In a body bag,
In fact, I snuck you in a going away present.
In fact, you might be the best friend I've ever had.
In honor of my late father, officially declare
In pulling your cheeks apart
In the hole!
In the Rossmore State Correctional Facility.
In this hell hole,
Into a totally violent, psychopathic and lethal sack of shit,
Ioss of liberty, eating bad food,
Is gonna get beaten, tortured, ****d,
Is so that we can help guide
Is this how you treat someone you Iove?
Is this how you treat someone you Iove?
It all started when I was eight years old,
It better not be a Fanta or a Sprite or a Bubble Up or a 7Up,
It can't possibly get any worse.
It doesn't seem Iike they cleaned this toilet up.
It had better be a body bag for two, goddamn it,
It has a search warrant,
It has.
It looks like he might be taking his balls and going home,
It makes you dizzy and kind of sick to your stomach,
It took a Iot of guts to do what you did.
It took me, a confused child,
It won't kill you, my friend,
It'd kind of put you on edge, huh?
It's called isolation, The hole,
It's going to cost you.
It's Iike watching Court TV,
It's inexcusable.
Jesus, you Iook Iike you're going to take a shit, or something.
JESUS: Looks beautiful. Looks beautiful.
John, isn't this great?
John, you're the greatest.
JOHN: And with that, Judge Biederman
JOHN: Any felon worth his salt
JOHN: Hello, Nelly.
JOHN: Hey!
JOHN: Hold the fort, amigo,
JOHN: Holy shit!
JOHN: How did this happen?
JOHN: I got out again when I was 24,
JOHN: I guess sometimes when fate knocks on your door,
JOHN: I'm out again, and I intend to spread the pain around,
JOHN: In one year, I've proven that the machine
JOHN: It costs $54 a day to keep a person in prison,
JOHN: Nelson Biederman IV
JOHN: No, he's trying to Iook Iike bad meat. Yeah.
JOHN: Our justice system sucks,
JOHN: Remember, the number one rule in prison,
JOHN: So fate, with a little help from every last nickel I had,
JOHN: The three scariest words in the English language,
JOHN: When the parole board gets through with der FĂĽhrer,
JOHN: When you're already in jail
JOHN: You know, there aren't a shit load of prison stories
Judge Nelson Biederman III Park open,
Juliet's asshole's got one name stenciled on it. Mine.
Juries are made up of 12 people who are so dumb
Just do it. It's kind of a prank.
Just Iike the boy from Willy Wonka,
Just keep your mouth shut and try not to cry.
Just play it cool, amigo,
Just raise your hand.
Just remember, number one rule in prison,
Just take advantage on the first date, did you?
Just tell her what you think?
Just tell her what you think.
Just the opposite,
Ken Kennedy, head vintner.
Kick his ass. Let's go!
Kick off his dog, strangle his cat,
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
Laotian style. Yeah?
Last couple days in the holding cell,
Let me start off by saying that if any one of you is innocent,
Let's go, Barry.
Let's go. Hey, wait a minute now. Deal's a deal.
Like the Beatles song.
Listen, from now on you do exactly as I say. Exactly.
Listen, you got to sandbag your first parole hearing, because...
Little to the right, I see.
Look at this, we can order out.
Look here, Nelson, can I ask you a question?
Look, amigo, if you're gonna make it in here, you better smarten up.
Look, Barry...
Look, I don't want no trouble.
Look, I should really get back to...
Look, I should really get back to...
Look, I'm gonna be frank.
Looks Iike he has to take a shit. Come on!
Lucian Freud Iooking pussies Iike you.
Lunch is over, Iadies, hit the showers! Move it!
Lynard was the kind of dickhead who gives Nazis a bad name.
LYNARD: Well, hee haw. What have we here?
Lynard. Don't be fooled, though.
Lyshitski, garbage detail!
Lyshitski, John Q.
MAN 1 : Dead man rolling! MAN 2: Dead man rolling!
MAN 1: Come on, baby! You gonna be mine!
MAN 1: Eskimo! Eskimo! MAN 2: Eskimo! Eskimo!
MAN 1: Get your ass up! MAN 2: Get him!
MAN 1: Hey, bro, hold it. You got two minutes.
MAN 1: Hey, hey. Sit down.
MAN 1: Hey, hey. You ain't gonna eat that, right?
MAN 1: That's the one over here, fool. What I'm talking about.
MAN 2: Hey, come on, hurry it up.
MAN 2: Yeah!
MAN 2: You want in on it? Come on. What we got here?
MAN 3: Give me some brown sugar! Tell them how we do it, boy!
MAN 3: Now keep it quiet down there.
MAN 3: Your mama! That's what I'm Iooking at.
MAN 4: I need some toilet paper, what's up?
MAN 5: Well, we got to you.
MAN 6: Cállate la boca!
Man, I'm hungry. You wanna go grab some Iunch, bud?
MAN: Get out of here.
MAN: Hey, Iet's hold it down in here.
MAN: Hey. Get your fingers out of my plate! You crazy?
MAN: You gonna say it to my fist!
Maybe a soft Iittle baby duck on Easter morning.
Maybe behind the facade,
Maybe I was thinking you'd forget all about me
Me and my brothers over there,
Me and some of the guys were thinking about
Me, too.
More of a coma, really. Up to three days.
Mostly Dutch.
Move off, Biederman.
Mr. Hinkley?
Mr. Lynard,
Mr. Shanahan. Sir.
My father started the Biederman Foundation.
My friend Ben Franklin?
My friend, I'm all out of smack today,
My name is Nelson Biederman IV,
My name is Nelson Biederman! You can't fire me!
My name's John Lyshitski, I just got out of prison,
My shit has footprints in it,
Nelson Biederman IV,
Nelson Biederman IV.
Nelson Biederman the IVth,
Nelson Biederman, you've been found guilty of felony assault.
Nelson, is that you? You allowed to make phone calls now?
NELSON: Dear new pen pal,
NELSON: Dear Pen Pal,
NELSON: Hello, Duane,
NELSON: Mr. Lynard.
NELSON: Well, Barry and I
Never actually been attacked by dinosaurs.
Never narc on somebody.
Never trust anybody,
Never trust anybody.
Nice stubble. Very Miami Vice,
No problem. Found it in the shitter.
No, he is, just not right now.
No, it's ammonia.
No, Lynard, it's not that, it's... It's my Iast fix.
No, man, I don't want any Biederman action.
No, no.
No! It's ironic!
No! No!
No? Liar!
No. Jewidecimal system.
No. Probably not.
Nobody's ever stood up to me before,
None of them compare to the prospect of being fucked up the ass,
Not as good as one to three.
Not the face!
Nothing. Did I say that out Ioud?
Now hear me out on this one, all right?
Now if we could discuss sentencing?
Now imagine feeling that 24 hours a day
Now, boys and girls, are you ready to have your minds blown?
Now, give me my eating utensil back.
Of all the bathroom stalls in all the correctional facilities in all the world,
Of course. 100 it is.
Of course. Prison's a boring place. They'II bet on anything.
Of the Foundation over to my son
Off the record, you knew my father.
OFFICER: Police! Open up!
Oh my. Look at this.
Oh shit, John.
Oh yeah, I got old standard drain cleaner.
Oh, and that second sniff invites you in, sits you down,
Oh, baby.
Oh, come on now.
Oh, fuck you, I don't even know where he could be,,,
Oh, hello? It's me, Nelson.
Oh, I adopted a young man I met in prison, He's out now,
Oh, I know.
Oh, it's Iike that.
Oh, John, what would this world be Iike without...
Oh, no. AII the smart money's bet on the rec yard.
Oh, shit!
Oh, spooky.
Oh, thank God.
Oh, Warden, that is my sense of humor right there, Warden.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah. Well, it kind of Iooked Iike it was a Q.
OId LaRoche almost had a heart attack.
OId LaRoche almost had a heart attack... Oh, shit. Not the face.
Okay, but don't fuck me on this one.
Okay, you want to know why? I knew your dad.
Okay? Okay.
Okay. How about this?
Okay. Jane, you're next.
Okay. Well, it's $8 million.
Old Nelson IV's got his pinky caught in the same machine his daddy threw me into,
On a TV not unlike that one.
On how much one of Jesus' turds weighed.
On some of the city's Iongest serving public figures
On your next review.
One friend can't give another friend a soda
One Metallica t shirt, Master of Puppets,
One money clip.
One of those goddamn events with Sergeant Barker.
One, they're gonna file his early release form
Only side effects may be some mild to uncontrollable shitting.
Only to my lawyer, I want out, Now,
Only took me a second to get the cash.
Or I'II fill you full of more holes than the Asshole Day parade.
Or we could just stay in and drink toilet wine here.
Or you could always move out to the boondocks.
Or you could just Iet him kill you,
Or you're all gonna be replaced! You got it, Duane?
Or, Iet's say, maybe the cuisine is not to your Iiking,
Ouch. I'm sorry, Mr. Biederman.
Our hands are tied.
Parole board say I seem Iike a new man.
People think they can't imagine
Permission to approach, Your Honor.
PHARMACIST: We have no money.
Phillips head.
PIease. Kill me if you want, Lynard,
Pigeon saliva mixed with bat guano, and tar as an emulsifier.
Plea bargain to keep this as quiet as possible,
Please write a Ietter to my office.
Pop up.
Prepare to be wooed
Prison's made me a new man.
Private cell?
Psychologically abused and ****d some more
Pull your cheeks apart and stick it up your asshole.
Pussy. Pussy.
Put it in an envelope
Really? Really.
Really? Yeah.
Reason with him as one adult to another,
Right in between Charles Manson and the Unabomber's,
Ring around the rosy.
Romeo. Romeo Lyshitski. Capisce, amigos?
Same Lyshitski, different day.
Save everybody else around here the hassle. But this is my prison.
Save it, Lyshitski.
Say, some shit eating fruit fly were to come in here
Screw yourself, dickhead.
Second mortgage.
See the thumb goes away, comes back.
See those bad asses over there?
See you Iater.
See you in hell, Lyshitski!
See, we're a family here
Sent me back when I was 24 and a half,
Seven years, juvenile detention.
Shake that body for me, Johnny.
Shanahan's the bank.
Shit. Honky, please. You out your mind?
Show me Nelson's tough face.
Show me your tough face.
SIeep tight.
Sign right there.
Silverman took my medication away from me! I could have a heart attack,
Sitting at that table,
So anyway, from now on, White Kingdom's got your back.
So are you gonna move or do my friends have to move you for me?
So at exactly the appointed minute
So could you tell us which times this week that he will be on the bench?
So for now
So here. Just Iean in. Go ahead.
So I just want to say how sorry I am for the misunderstanding...
So Iet's just try to put this whole thing behind us
So that is why I think
So that my head guard, Mr. Shanahan, can assist you
So what shall we drink to?
So why am I not happy?
So you got to trust me. Do what I do.
So, how's...
So, Mr. Biederman,
So, what's a beautiful white boy Iike you
So, without Foundation funds, you don't have a dime.
Soft time, huh?
Some of these gang members
Sorry, no coon.
Sorry. That was me. Keep going.
Sounds Iike a yes to me.
Sounds Iike a yes.
State of Illinois v, Nelson Perth Biederman IV,
Take him down piece by piece,
Tell you what, we should be cellmates.
Thank you for the pencil, John.
Thank you, John. Okay.
Thank you, sweet thing.
Thank you.
Thank you. (CHUCKLES) Okay.
Thanks for playing.
Thanks for talking to me.
Thanks for the fucking newsflash.
Thanks, amigo,
That ain't right.
That big bastard's the head of the BIack G Lords.
That first sniff unlocks the door.
That goes for you.
That hurt, Nelson.
That hurts.
That is Nelson Biederman IV.
That is the Iast time that I go to
That they are a bunch of dipshits,
That this wine is a piece of shit...
That was my Iittle joke.
That was the first time I met Judge Nelson Biederman,
That would get him out.
That's $28 billion a year,
That's a little larger than the population of Houston,
That's a message from Lynard. He gets out of the hole today.
That's awesome. Hey, how much does brain damage pay?
That's gotta be the stupidest goddamn thing I've ever seen.
That's it. Get it all. Go for it.
That's meat. That ain't meat.
That's mine.
That's right. Paprika.
That's very kind of you, Barry,
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