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West of Memphis (2012) West of Memphis is a 2012 documentary film directed by Amy Berg. It delves into the gripping story

West of Memphis (2012)

West of Memphis is a 2012 documentary film directed by Amy Berg. It delves into the gripping story of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers wrongfully convicted of murder in Arkansas in 1994. The film provides a thorough examination of the case, highlighting new evidence and exposing the flaws in their trial. With an intense focus on the quest for justice, it features interviews with Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, Jessie Misskelley Jr., as well as renowned figures like Peter Jackson and Eddie Vedder, who actively worked on their exoneration. Discover the sounds and emotions of this extraordinary journey by playing and downloading the film's gripping soundtrack here.
A cult, Satanic meeting. FOGLEMAN: Okay.
A decision is expected in about a week.
A few months later, I worked outside in my yard.
A hard working man, good dad, good husband in the past.
A judge says no to new trial.
A lot of death, a lot of... He talked about dead children.
A message has to be sent. You can't be involved in murder
A number of years later, he and a friend
A pair of shorts and his LA Gear tennis shoes.
A positive outcome in Damien's appeal to the federal court.
A question that has got to be asked is that why have they so staunchly
A Satanic murder.
About 6:30, we came out the door and Steven was in front on his bike.
About noon?
About the West Memphis Three case.
About where I was at and what time I was there.
Access to our investigative files on Terry, his background,
According to Terry, he was walking the streets and searching the whole night.
Actually get some expert analysis on the crime itself.
After years and years of filing and hear... You know, this and that
Against Baldwin and Echols.
Against one Terry W. Hobbs for aggravated assault in '94,
Against their interest, how does that person know what to say?
Ah... What'd he say?
All I just got to do is, you know, just stay out of trouble.
All I know is my son is innocent, and he has been quiet.
All of the emotions, distress, the anger.
All of the evidence that was found originally at the trial scene.
All of these e mails from Fran about:
All of this hoop de la about newly discovered evidence.
All right, get the root beer ready.
All right, I think we've been down here in the dark long enough.
All right, I'm done with the salad. Okay, let's move on.
All right, put out your napkin, okay, try this, all right.
All right, you told me earlier it was around 7 or 8 or... Which time is it?
All right.
All right. D'LESLl: Have you read it?
All rise.
All the roads and all the evidence
All they had to do was get Jessie to agree to it.
All things eventually break.
All to help these three guys who I'd never met.
All we can do is keep going.
Although I am innocent.
Amanda played with toys and Terry and I sat down and played guitars
AMANDA: The first tattoos I got was my parents' name...
An alibi to the jury, I mean.
An interview with Mark Byers, or attempted to conduct an initial interview.
And 40 years for the murders of Steven Branch and Christopher Byers.
And according to this third witness, Michael Hobbs Jr.
And all that I could see in the case of the West Memphis Three is
And all the evidence together that I've just run through,
And ask Michael Hobbs Sr. In the grand jury
And beating the kids and stuff like that.
And before this happened I wasn't that type of person.
And beginning our own journey
And chase him down and bring him back, Michael Moore lives.
And come back home, and he wouldn't let me have the keys.
And Damien readily accepted it.
And Damien, I think he was the mastermind
And Damien's reaction to that was
And even executed for crimes that they did not commit.
And everything would be all right. You're not in any trouble.
And fight this with my last dying breath
And for those of you who have been a participant in that regard
And Frank Peretti has failed them twice.
And go on about his life in heaven the way it is,
And go, Damn, I didn't see that one coming, and keep on going.
And grabbed him and held him until they got there, and then I left.
And had good reason, at least in his own mind, to act out violently.
And he and his jury made their decision.
And he couldn't get the story right every time or any time.
And he didn't talk, really, about Amanda at all.
And he goes, I'm... Because I'm weird, I guess, you know. And I was like...
And he hung his homework on the refrigerator.
And he opened the door, and we told him who we were.
And he said that they found his brother, and he wasn't alive anymore.
And he said, He loves Amanda, but he don't love me.
And he said, he told me that:
And he said, I've never had a suitcase before.
And he said, it feels like my leg is caught on something.
And he said, Yeah, but the difference is, this time
And he sucked the blood out of the kid's penis, is that a coincidence?
And he wanted to know if I could keep a secret.
And he was gonna get millions of dollars.
And he was interrogated from 9:00 in the morning until after dark.
And he was just like any other kid his age, you know.
And he would hold him by the hair of his head
And he would make Stevie watch him masturbate.
And he... His response was no, it's not Satanic.
And he's about to enter a trial
And he's also bringing in some photographs.
And he's not a suspect now.
And his two friends were too.
And honestly, I don't think it would have changed their minds.
And I asked David, I said, Would you go help me?
And I asked her, Where's Bubba? And she said, Mama, we can't find him.
And I can tell you that they are still suffering the loss of the little boys.
And I checked him out, I believe, at 2:30.
And I commend people in the case that have assisted towards the end
And I didn't like people, I was a hateful person,
And I didn't want to be on there in the beginning.
And I feel like it's because I'm trying to hide.
And I got him started doing mechanic work.
And I had no idea that that meant I would have 20 years
And I have been involved in working on the case for nine years.
And I looked at Damien, and I said, I want to leave.
And I needed to offer some explanation.
And I said, I'm making it my business, you do it again.
And I said, No, I'm getting ready for work, I'm cooking supper.
And I said, Well, that may be, and if that's true I'm gonna find out.
And I said, Why are you so nervous? And he said, Well, you'd be nervous too
And I said, Why are you so nervous? And he said, Well, you'd be nervous too
And I said, Why would they think you, of all people?
And I said, you know, Sit down, let me show you how we played marbles.
And I saw Terry walking down the sidewalk, and he was saying:
And I say, You know, you're sick. And he says, Yeah, I'm sick.
And I talked to them once and that was it.
And I tell them, I didn't know nothing about it.
And I think he was speaking the truth.
And I think it's a painful process, actually.
And I think maybe his mom
And I think that's the kind of information
And I think, in some ways, maybe it's a little harder for Lorri
And I thought the worst, that he was dead.
And I told him I was still in that ditch just as much as my son was,
And I told him that I wanted three or nothing.
And I told him, yeah, because we were really... We were very, very close.
And I took two pieces of candy to the car and Amanda was there,
And I was clawing my way out of it the best way that I knew how.
And I was devastated.
And I was just in shock, I didn't really know what to say.
And I... You know, that's kind of weird looking.
And I'll be happy to lead you back into the sunshine.
And I'll never forget you were, like, so completely pale.
And I'm glad it's over.
And I'm glad you felt you could say it to me.
And I'm hung out on a limb.
And I'm reading the fax, and at some point I said, Holy fuck.
And I'm so thankful I feel an embrace back.
And in just less than 3O minutes and come up with this... This knife.
And is in the best position to evaluate the new evidence.
And it does put particular significance on the absence of evidence.
And it does raise a lot of questions.
And it felt so foreign to me.
And it got Terry, you know, off of him, and...
And it left a welt, probably that thick, across my whole back and it was purple.
And it makes me so mad inside
And it makes me so mad inside
And it took quite a while of being blinded,
And it was his dad... His dad is... Probably would know,
And it was there for the taking.
And it's got a blue ribbon on it. And it was not even a contest!
And it's hard to look back.
And it's just a small paragraph of one of Damien's letters from this February.
And it's like being out here and being together 24 hours a day,
And it's not just this war between one person and the state.
And it's Terry and Amanda.
And it's why the case went bad.
And it's written by Vincent DiMaio, who is a renowned medical examiner in Texas.
And James was at wrestling that night, you know.
And Jason's brother were playing video games.
And Jessie had no motive whatsoever to kill these three boys.
And Luminol test every floor surface in the house.
And Michael Moore came up,
And Mike fell backwards, and when he fell backwards,
And Mike had said he was going to take it out.
And my understanding that it's in my best interest to do so
And neither was Damien and Jason.
And never ending bureaucracy,
And not agreeing to taking the Alford plea.
And not knowing what he was thinking was unbearable.
And not leave a personal imprint.
And not simply for the three,
And now the sheriff of Crittenden County,
And offers are available to him are looked into or communicated.
And on the surface, it appeared to be a sexually motivated crime.
And one of the little bodies was on his leg.
And our reaction to that was the reason Damien got convicted
And put the balls in his mouth.
And put the balls in his mouth.
And rang the bell to Terry Hobbs' residence.
And really investigate a case in Arkansas?
And right in the middle of a knot that had been tightened,
And rode in a parade?
And she stated that she didn't trust
And so I wanted to read it to you.
And so we went to DiMaio himself.
And so we were looking forward to having him reevaluate the case.
And so why don't you stay with your mom?
And so, therefore, the state went to the only motiveless theory
And somehow gotten upstairs into my bathroom...
And someone else in the family might have knew.
And sometimes you have to abandon hypotheses
And sounds that indicated to me that Terry Hobbs was beating his wife and/or his child.
And started doing the same thing.
And started to think about who that foreign profile could belong to.
And Stevie's looking like that last marble's fixing to come again,
And that big thing is to bring those boys back home.
And that he... He treated him different than Amanda.
And that they didn't have to be quite as scared as they were. They were guilty.
And that you did it.
And that, I felt that with Stevie. I mean, like with the marbles.
And that's kind of where he drew his line.
And that's the case at the end of every trial, and this one is no different.
And that's the night that he got hurt.
And that's the night that so and so only went with us.
And the analysis came back to say that another hair
And the answer being, you know, who knows?
And the brief to Rachael was really get Terry's DNA without him knowing.
And the crowd is cheering and supporting them.
And the next thing I know, I'm in Arkansas.
And the next thing you know, you're laying in bed sick for next six months.
And the obstacles never seem to decrease in size.
And the people next to you right now,
And the reason I'm hesitating, I'm trying to think if that's a question
And the red is the shaft of the penis.
And the same person that this knife is found behind is the person
And the scrotum and the skin around the penis is soft and they're coming off,
And the shore never seems to get any closer.
And then he literally is done in the Arkansas court.
And then he was like, well, My dad told me that my uncle's the one
And then I cared deeply about him.
And then I heard the baby.
And then I looked into the small ditch.
And then I thought about Robin Hood Trails
And then it just got out of control.
And then it was immediately leaked to The Commercial Appeal.
And then Jason mowed his uncle's yard.
And then someone says, Maybe it's Satanic!
And then there's a reporter covering it.
And then these kids took their clothes off,
And then they'll go to things like lips and the tip of the nose and the ears.
And there are elements of it that remind me of how we talk today, so...
And there was a point of laughter where one of them said:
And there'd be like four or five turtles just chewing on it.
And these people have done more than 3500 years in prison.
And they are presenting an alternative scenario,
And they just went crazy.
And they knew that. They knew the drugs that I was doing.
And they passed him, they were laughing and playing.
And they saw the body in a plastic bag.
And they say, Well, the only type of person who would do this
And they zoomed out real fast.
And they've lived there for a long time.
And this could backfire.
And those events that Ms. French remembers so clearly?
And thrown into the drainage ditch.
And took everything, everything he owns. All of his books.
And until about 9:30 p.m. on the evening of 5 5 '93.
And we didn't know how long this offer was gonna be on the table.
And we do talk about that. Um...
And we got into a discussion.
And we needed it to be a deal where they got out of prison the day it was entered.
And we saw them out there.
And we showed up at his house early,
And we were gonna go downstairs, but his dad hollered,
And we'd sit down, and I'll have napkins and then Damien would say:
And we're, you know, a two lawyer partnership in San Francisco.
And what they're telling me, 6:30 to 9:30's really fucked up.
And when I finally got my answers,
And when that look of evil comes over him, you know, I know he's mad.
And when they got done playing football, they came into the house,
And where are your kids during this time, at your mom's?
And where it would be located.
And where you say we were at, and it just...
And who cares about that issue?
And who happened to be with another kid
And wrote in his journals that he was depressed. Hello.
And yet David Jacoby says you left his house twice, alone.
And you catch what's built up from everybody else.
And you could tell they had no idea, you know, what the hell was going on.
And you do not beat your children? Never.
And you find nothing that links the defendants
And you know who them two new people is?
And you were shaking, and I kind of thought
And you're the police,
And you've gone through every piece of trace evidence at a crime scene,
And, I mean, really that's about
And, you know, dragging the back of a knife across them.
And, you know, you just want... You wanna get that last marble.
Another area that you might find Satanic ritual carving
Any other contact with Damien?
Any small piece of progress is clawed from unforgiving rock.
Anything unusual when you got home, at all?
Appeal's taking forever and funds always needed.
Are done in exquisite detail,
Are you an honest fellow? I try my best.
Are you gonna testify against your co defendants?
Are you positive about that? Yes, sir.
Are you pretty sure, are you not sure, you doubtful this would happen?
Are you sure that you want to agree to this?
Are you sure this is the right thing for you, politically?
Are you worried about his testimony?
Around 3:35 maybe, and he asked me if Stevie was there.
Arrested at 2:44 p.m., Thursday, June the 3rd, 1993.
As 16 year old Michael Carson, a formerjuvenile inmate,
As far as gathering up evidence, I hadn't gotten there yet.
As far as we could see the best person to get would be John Douglas,
As I got deeper into the case and looked at things,
As I was driving down Goodwyn, and I said:
As opposed to one without direct evidence.
As the public were led to believe.
As we've learned, as it's unfolded over the years.
At that latitude, those reptiles are in high gear.
At the time of these homicides, he was in a different county almost 40 miles away
At the time, I wasn't looking for three murdered kids.
At this time I would ask that Dr. Peretti
At what I should have done and what I could have done.
At, uh, 2:00.
ATTORNEY: Objection to form... We was in them woods all night.
Attorneys for Damien Echols are appealing their client's conviction
AUTOMATED VOICE: Received December 11th at 11:02 a.m.
B RAGA: There was one third friend that they thought
Back then I didn't know her enough to say, Ew.
Back with us today, Pam and Terry Hobbs.
BADEN: There's no evidence that these injuries occurred while they were alive.
BADEN: These children were alive until they inhaled water and drowned.
Based on time served. It's implied that they don't have enough.
Basically saying Burnett was wrong in not allowing a hearing based on the DNA.
Be allowed to show the photographs and use...
Be given that opportunity on the grounds that Arkansas
Because all I was trying to focus on is where's Stevie, where's he at,
Because can't maintain your innocence and plead guilty at the same time.
Because during the trial he holds up this textbook on forensic pathology.
Because for me, it's over. For me, I'm ready to move on.
Because frankly I'd like to be able
Because he feels like he's had enough, you know, and it's...
Because he had been told when it was thrown in the lake.
Because he was with him for such a long period of time.
Because he's, like, the quiet one of them all.
Because I just expected it out of them sooner or later.
Because I know a ass kicking's coming.
Because I love them more than anything in the world.
Because I was 8 years old when he was born.
Because if you are seen to be sticking up for someone
Because it does shed light on other suspects.
Because maybe if it would have been true and she said something,
Because most people, whenever it gets cold, you know, they're not out.
Because of the deterioration of evidence.
Because of the health issues he's facing in prison,
Because once he was elected to Senate,
Because she was afraid of what would happen to her.
Because Stevie's life was kind of confusing.
Because that day, you believed he was the killer.
Because the day was coming soon.
Because the same people who told them that it was in the lake
Because these cops were bringing back these cases to us.
Because these young men need a fair trial.
Because they thought he was the sort of person who could do this.
Because we don't plan on going back to Arkansas.
Because when I was a child I knew what my passion was,
Because when I'm reading a book or when he's reading,
Because when people hear the word magic,
Because, really, you're dealing with three kids
Before anybody had asked me anything about it too.
Begins to make things relevant.
BENCA: I've known Dustin from law school and I knew he'd be approachable about it.
Better understand Satanic cults.
Big turtles with humps in their back.
Blake Sisk. GEISER: How old are you?
Blood is the life force.
Both of them, you know, begging:
BOY: I seen him walking down the street. I met him on the corner.
BRAGA: And Jessie accepted it. We're almost home.
BRAGA: His position was, I, Jason, would rather stay in jail,
BRAGA: It's not a perfect resolution. It will be a guilty plea,
BRAGA: Much to our surprise, the discussions progressed sort of away
BRAGA: One thing that could happen is they could say no.
BRAGA: Something we had always planned on doing was to try to get the state to agree:
BRAGA: The state said they're guilty. Our guys said they're innocent.
BRAGA: Two weeks ago yesterday, we sent Patrick Benca, our local counsel,
BRENT: I believe you indicated that Dr. DiMaio and you are on a first name basis.
BURNETT: My life would have been a lot simpler if I hadn't been involved in that case.
BURNETT: People don't tend to confess to crimes that they didn't commit.
BURNETT: We the jury have determined that Damien Echols
But a couple of days ago,
But about the whole nature of DNA testing in Arkansas.
But all of us are victims of bias that we don't even understand or know,
But given its location, I think it's particularly damning evidence.
But goes at the things that are dangled in front of it.
But he beat the hell out of me.
But he is not the type of personality that would perpetrate a crime
But he'd concluded that this couldn't have been caused by a turtle,
But I also know that not everyone is like you.
But I believe he would do anything that Damien asked him to do.
But I didn't know how to get out of it.
But I didn't pick and choose, I just took what came down the pipe.
But I didn't. There's no substitute for experience,
But I do now, so, Ew.
But I think everything's gonna work out fine in the morning.
But I think it takes a long, it does take a long time,
But I wasn't surprised about Jessie Misskelley and Damien Echols,
But I'm entering an Alford guilty plea today based on advice of my council.
But I've been that little kid, you know?
But it was so close to freedom.
But now I feel like my brother's getting a bad rap.
But only one of them has ever been scrutinized as a suspect.
But right now we're still stumbling around in the dark
But that's a word that you don't even use here,
But that's one of the things that I testified to in the court hearing.
But the evidence I've seen, I believe these guys are guilty.
But the main thing I would be thinking about
But then I'm stuck the rest of my life with the stigma,
But there's blood on this noose.
But these wounds are postmortem,
But this was really coming to a head,
But to test evidence of innocence.
But we thought, There, his dad was out there with him.
But we were so young that it never was a definite plan, it was always just
But you pick yourself up on other side of that speed bump
But, you know, back then it was nothing like it is now, you know,
By denying that occurred, rather than offering any explanation of it,
By Terry Hobbs as an alibi.
BYERS: Last time we saw him was about 6:30 yesterday evening.
Called Chuck D from Public Enemy, he said, You got it.
Calling this a cult related killing. Whether that will be enough
Came out in the paper that there's new DNA, new DNA.
Came out with the same findings.
Cameras are in place and miles of cable laid
Can you think of any reason that Judy Sadler would say that about you
Can you think of any reason? No.
CARSON: I could understand why he would never want to see me again
CARSON: I was doing serious adult drugs and, I mean, I was doing a lot of them.
CARSON: Jason told me how he dismembered the kid.
Charles Jason Baldwin. He is 16 years of age.
Chief Inspector Gary Gitchell is about to begin,
Christopher and Michael were running behind him,
Christopher Byers, Michael Moore and Steven Branch.
CINDY: We're proud people. We don't have no reason to tuck our head.
Come to the lake, we are about to make a discovery.
Coming together to make some real justice happen.
Committed in this case is what was done by John Fogleman
Compared to what he was claimed to have said?
Connect to other evidence that did not appear relevant 15 years ago.
Continue today for this 11:00 hearing on the West Memphis Three.
Correct? Okay.
Could be released from prison.
Could have been me.
Could you have any reason to understand
Could you tell the ladies and gentlemen why you sued my client?
Counselor, what harm is there in allowing him to present the evidence
Craighead County Courthouse came to an eerie silence
Crapping on people who have no ability to defend themselves.
Crittenden County fucked up, now we've got to clean up.
Cruel and unusual.
CURETON: I made the statement to Larry, the sheriff.
CURTON: And the kids, that night I let them listen to the news,
Cutting wounds, superficial cuts, gouging type injuries.
D'LESLIE: I'm saying that you don't have an alibi witness
D'LESLl: And ultimately Terry ran out of my home and ran downstairs into his unit.
D'LESLl: And you have a dispute with every single one of your alibi witnesses.
D'LESLl: Attached here, too, is exhibit one, pages from Amanda Hobbs' journal
D'LESLl: Do you recall she was your neighbor?
D'LESLl: He'd hold their hands in the air as he whipped them.
D'LESLl: I kept repeating loudly. FRENCH: Get out of my house!
D'LESLl: I ran next door to Terry's unit
D'LESLl: I screamed at Terry loudly, 'What are you doing in my house?'.
D'LESLl: Is it still your testimony you never hit your daughter?
D'LESLl: Is that true, sir? No, it's not true.
D'LESLl: Paragraph number four, On one occasion I heard a baby crying
D'LESLl: Terry and Amanda came inside my house.
D'LESLl: Terry Hobbs, who had broken in
D'LESLl: Were you jealous over the attention that Pam gave to Stevie?
D'LESLl: You did backhand Pam Hobbs
D'LESLl: You never sexually molested her?
D'LESLl: You say you were not ever alone
D'LESLl: You were not angry in the sense that you become physically abusive?
Daddy Terry, as he called him, was mean to him.
Damien and I stood back,
Damien and Jason and Jessie are sitting in the cooler
Damien asked me to call him later that night.
Damien or Jason or Jessie.
Damien, you know, he's struggling
DAMIEN: And you are left to wonder what adventures they'll have next.
DAMIEN: Damien. OPERATOR: An inmate at Varner Unit.
DAMIEN: Did she tell you whenever she awarded herself the first place prize
DAMIEN: Everything I had in the prison, I carried out in one small envelope.
DAMIEN: Everything in your body is just hurting and shut down.
DAMIEN: Most people think that this case is something extraordinary.
DAMIEN: That's the way I imagine you and I, just saying goodbye to everyone
DAMIEN: The person who killed those three kids is still out there walking on the street.
DAMIEN: They had a little... We had a little temple set up or a little altar set up,
DAMIEN: They keep constantly pushing the date of the hearing back.
DAMIEN: Uh, I don't normally read a lot of fiction anymore. I haven't for several years,
DAMIEN: When I was a real little kid, I had, uhh, a pet turtle for a while. A box turtle.
DAMIEN: When you're in prison you get three hours a week,
DAMIEN: Within an hour of the time we were out, it already felt that way.
DAMIEN: Yeah, that was the best time because during summer
Dash, dash, dash.
David Burnett wouldn't hear the new evidence.
David is his primary alibi,
DAVISON: Aren't you aware that his mommy, his mother,
DAVISON: Did you see Stevie at all that day, May the 5th?
DAVISON: Did you see Stevie at all that day, May the 5th?
DAVISON: I'm asking if it surprised you, given the fact that the West Memphis Police
DAVISON: It's your testimony Mr. Jacoby was with you all night in the woods?
DAVISON: There's been some discussion about you doing laundry
DAVISON: You didn't do laundry? TERRY: No.
DAWSON. That her statements caused you'?
DAWSON. You can put your hand down now.
Dearest Damien.
Describe your reputation, other than just a good man. What else would it be?
Despite the fact that he was a stepfather of one of the victims.
Did I stay with a man that possibly murdered my child?
Did it ever occur to you that what he was telling you was false?
Did you do any painting on its shell? I most certainly did not.
Did you do it?
Did you see any of the three boys that day?
DIMAIO: The animals usually start with soft tissue.
DIMAIO: The thing that's most interesting in this case is that while the autopsies
Directed at these children, but maybe one more than... More than others.
Directed at these children, but maybe one more than... More than others.
DNA is the essential element to prove their innocence,
Do I think... They asked me, do I think I could get, um, Jessie
Do something, you know, that would have left his DNA.
Do you feel any relief? No.
Do you lose your temper very often?
Do you remember if you went wrestling? Yes, sir, I did.
Do you remember seeing Misskelley? Yes, sir.
Does it really fit the three people they have in prison?
Does that concern you? No.
Doesn't that include the last 17 years?
Don't even say it. Me and you.
Donating my time, time from my law firm, pro bono,
DOUGLAS: He has to get prepared and wait to be interviewed.
DOUGLAS: I do not believe the homicide was planned.
DOUGLAS: I went down to the Memphis area and conducted
DOUGLAS: Jacoby is starting to realize that he was being set up
DOUGLAS: My role when I was brought into this case was primarily to analyze the case to see
DOUGLAS: These people here were never interviewed.
DOUGLAS: To go out there in this big pond, and to go right there,
Dr. Frank Peretti was the assistant medical examiner at the time
Dr. Peretti listened patiently and nodded his head.
DRIVER: All we asked her was to go in and see what she could find out.
DRIVER: And then, of course, they had the confession from Jessie.
DRIVER: Damien, he had a book that he wrote in. It was pretty dark.
DRIVER: I guess they found that those three were the most likely to have done it.
DRIZIN: I mean, Jessie was not convicted on the basis of his confession.
DRIZIN: Many defendants would have jumped on that deal. Jessie said no.
DRIZIN: We all have our breaking points. I think it's important that people realize
During the alibi portion of it.
During the game, the third friend said something
During the winter it was froze, the ground would be froze solid.
Each pleading to free the West Memphis Three.
Each small thing connects to make a great, big thing.
Either I waste my energy by focusing on things I cannot change,
Either the cutting edge, the tip or the back of a knife.
Enter the plea, maintain your innocence, get out of jail.
Even if a lot of it was nonsense and rumors.
Even when Pam first married him,
Every single one of the independent experts that we approached
Every time I turn around, you wanna talk to me.
Every time there was a filing, you know, there was a DNA...
Everybody just be patient. We're waiting too, like everyone else.
Everybody just cannot believe that he would choose to stay in prison
Everybody's swimming, everybody's having a good time.
Facing life plus 40 years in penitentiary. He has to make sure whatever options
Fifty one books, his journals, his shoes.
Finally the Supreme Court has ruled in our favor.
Finally, Judge Burnett can consider this case with all this new information
Finally. We won. We won.
First of all, I understand that nobody in that room
First they told us it was gonna be in June.
First thing he told us was that when he was about 12 or 13,
Fogleman knew we did not do this.
FOGLEMAN: Did Damien invite you to some meeting?
FOGLEMAN: Is it a coincidence this knife is found in the lake,
FOGLEMAN: It's more a part of my life than I would like it to be.
FOGLEMAN: Thirsty for blood and the terror of mortal men.
For having done that.
For him to go to work. Exactly.
For Lorri and I, life isn't something that will happen one day down the road.
For Pam's attention? No.
For several counts of residential burglary,
For two to two and a half hours on the evening of the murders.
For up to one hour. You've already stated that it's possible
For what actually happened, but he is an actual arm of the prosecution.
FRECH: And I got out of the tub and when I was reaching in to get the towel...
Freedom of speech, First Amendment right.
FRENCH: I got a letter in the mail telling me that I had summons to be on the jury.
FRENCH: I think the knife that was in the courtroom was the one
FRENCH: I think the knife that was in the courtroom was the one
From 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. I don't know.
From an investigative perspective,
From drinking of blood.
From the agree to the new trial idea to
From the evidence and the crime scene, they start to put a picture together
From the last 17 years? I'm sorry?
From where I stand we are pretty much left with a list of three people.
Fucking Terry.
FUDGE. We're gonna interview the other two fathers.
FUDGE. We're gonna interview the other two fathers.
FUDGE. Well, it's like this.
GA“; I don't see how anyone could believe it.
GAIL: Y'all need to be investigating some of these people
GARNER: We actually called the place back there we used to ride our bikes.
Gary Gitchell and Bryn Ridge was,
GEISER: Saturday morning, it was raining out, I remember,
GEISER: Terry comes in, sits down, and we tell him, you know...
GEISER: We had to get him to come in because we knew that he didn't voluntarily give us this DNA.
GEISER: You had his father, Stevie, his biological father.
Geraldo Rivera had shows, it was all over here.
Get all the facts out in the open and let a jury decide.
Getting statements from police that evening.
GITCHEL: Tell me some of the things y'all do, being in this cult.
GITCHELL: Did anyone use a stick, and hit the boys with?
Given the entire record of the case.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Be seated, those of you who can.
Gosh, I love you so much. I love you too.
Gouging where the skin has been pulled out.
Gouging wounds, cutting wounds, stab wounds.
Guards came into his cell
Guilt. I feel guilty practically all the time. Can you put a finger on the guilt?
Guilty of capital murder in the death of Chris Byers.
Guilty of capital murder in the death of Michael Moore.
GYYCHELL. Do you mean right here? In his groin area?
GYYCHELL. Okay, well, that clears it up.
Had me a visitor today.
Has spent so much time and so much money over the years
Has to be evil in some kind of way.
Have loomed in this case since the verdicts.
He and Michael Hobbs Jr. Had been playing football in the yard.
He asked that question and Michael Hobbs Jr.
He called it the Hobbs' family secret, and he said:
He came to Little Rock with a bunch of his lawyers.
He can snap into a nice guy and a bad guy by a snap of a finger.
He caught on pretty good.
He complete... He denied it without even hearing it.
He did not wanna talk about it, and he didn't call back.
He did.
He did. A cult, Satanic meeting. FOGLEMAN: Okay.
He didn't have a motive, he didn't actually have the opportunity.
He didn't like Damien, he was scared of him.
He didn't talk a whole lot about Pam. I think they were fighting at the time.
He didn't wanna talk to me.
He got in water, got muddy.
He got some money, went to play video games.
He had made a comment to his mom that I paid more attention to my son
He had on kind of a black duster looking coat and carried a staff.
He had spent some period of time on the evening of May the 5th
He had to have been warned that if he did that, he would have to be deposed,
He hadn't yet really started studying at that point, so it was kind of funny.
He has a criminal history, got busted for some prescription drugs.
He hit me one time with a belt, but he used the buckle.
He interviewed with us, told us where he was.
He is charged with three counts of capital murder.
He is painting the picture in jury's minds of an absolutely horrific murder.
He just didn't have the details.
He just walked to the phone,
He knew that knife in the lake had nothing to do with the crime
He left and he was gonna go searching for Stevie and Michael.
He liked to listen to weird music. Check.
He looked up and I said, What?
He needs to establish an alibi.
He never had this window of opportunity to perpetrate a crime like that
He said it was none of my business,
He said that he was given a description of the knife
He said that was the first time he'd ever told anyone his whereabouts.
He said, I did, but I did it in school.
He said, I don't have to do what you tell me to do.
He said, I've been expecting y'all.
He said, Joyce. He said, it's this simple.
He said, Only me, my dad, my uncle
He said, This isn't fair.
He said, Well, no! I wouldn't do something like that, like I was stupid.
He says, Neither option is really fair.
He sucked the blood from the penis and scrotum
He talked about their life and how their life was.
He tells the prosecutors, No, that would be a lie.
He thought they would say, Guilty.
He told me I had to let it go, I had to keep living,
He was 21, I guess, when I met him.
He was a likable enough guy, he really was.
He was a wise ass in the face of law enforcement.
He was confident that he was gonna win
He was hid in the closet, and I asked him why he was hid in a closet.
He was just a normal kid.
He was really devastated, he was crying.
He was trying to compose a story as though he was there.
He was unable to have anything to do with this case anymore.
He was with me probably 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning.
He wasn't as talkative, and I asked him what was going on and he...
He would do these paintings that were absolutely incredible
He, obviously, is just gonna keep letting it go and letting it go
He, uh, stayed away from him as much as possible.
He'd move up the political ladder. That's all he cared about.
He's been in jail for months.
He's got a look that's plum evil,
He's had 18 years to think about it. He's got an answer for everything.
He's muddy, he has to change his clothing.
He's offered two deals in secret
He's opted out of taking them again for personal reasons.
He's slow minded, is what it is, you know what I mean?
He's the one that suggested:
He's throwing marbles and bouncing them off the wall.
He's usually outgoing, like, ready to go do something.
Heh. I don't even know where to begin.
Here we can see...
Here's a young 18 year old, under a lot of stress,
Here's what we need to do, thanks for what you sent.
Hey, hey, Terry, just for a second...
Hey, let's skip the evidentiary hearing and just go straight to a new trial.
Hey, man. How you doing, man?
HILL: Certainly one of the reasons behind why he confessed is
HILL: I think that it was essentially poisoned from the very beginning.
His dad, Michael Hobbs Sr., runs a restaurant there,
His leg came up...
His relationship with Stevie. And it enabled them to basically
Hobbs tells me tonight, quote, I don't have anything to hide.
Hobbs wasn't interviewed. Didn't do a neighborhood.
HOLLY: At 16 years old, it never even crossed his mind
HOLLY: I was able to get a call in to the prison to have Jason give me a call.
Hope this helps to explain where I'm coming from.
HORGAN: Once Terry Hobbs surfaced, it certainly advanced things.
HORGAN: We're getting packages and shipments of all sorts of DNA samples
HORGAN: You'd thought they would do a meaningful interview with Terry Hobbs.
How are we possibly gonna get the resources to get on the ground
How did I decide which trial would go first?
How do you bridge those two gaps?
How do you explain Mr. Jacoby's DNA?
How he dismembered the kid,
How you didn't have anything to do with this?
How you doing? BRAGA: Then the deal went to Jessie.
However, after serving 18 years in the penitentiary for such,
However, the state takes the position
I agree that it's in the state's best interest, as well as my own,
I am David Laser, Circuit Judge of Division 9, the Second Judicial District.
I am now 45.
I am so glad to see so many people here, people who are interested in this case.
I ask him what's he doing. He says:
I believe in justice. I think there are good people and bad people.
I called him yesterday and said, I got a little suitcase and it's all packed.
I called Iggy Pop, he said sure. I called Lemmy, he said, I'm in.
I called Jason's house, and Jason and Damien
I called West Memphis Police Department
I can set Damien free by my decision.
I can't believe the heinous crime.
I can't imagine the fear going through them boys
I can't remember what it's like to walk as a human being anymore.
I can't say, I wish he wouldn't have married her. I can now.
I contacted the other attorneys, asking them what was up.
I did it to suppress something, to cover something up.
I did. Backhand Pam Hobbs.
I didn't say anything about him. I had no intentions of finger pointing at Terry Hobbs.
I didn't say that. You said that in your last deposition.
I didn't see him come into the bathroom. He just grabbed me on my breasts.
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