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Food, Inc. (2008) "Food, Inc." is a documentary film that delves into the dark underbelly of the food industry, exposing

Food, Inc. (2008)

"Food, Inc." is a documentary film that delves into the dark underbelly of the food industry, exposing the hidden and often disturbing truths behind what we eat. Produced in 2008, this eye-opening film is a wake-up call for consumers worldwide. Directed by Robert Kenner, "Food, Inc." features interviews with experts, including Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser, who provide insightful analysis of the food system's various flaws and dangers. The film also includes testimonies from farmers, activists, and whistleblowers, shedding light on the powerful corporations that control our food supply and the detrimental effects on our health, environment, and economy.

Covering topics such as factory farming, industrial agriculture, and the patenting of seeds, "Food, Inc." offers a powerful critique of the contemporary food industry. By exposing the hidden consequences of our food choices, it encourages viewers to make more informed decisions about what they consume.

To experience the impactful sounds of "Food, Inc.," you can play and download them here. Discover the reality behind your plate and join the movement toward a more sustainable and ethical food system.
A certain mutation occurs
A company like Tyson
A double cheeseburger at McDonald's for 99¢,
A farm bill,
A fundamentally new thing.
A half a million pounds of ground beef
A higher standard of safety.
A little company like this is now Kraft,
A lot of people wonder Is this real?
A lot of people would support the idea
A lot of these chickens here, they can take a few steps
A month doesn't go by
A multinational corporation like Monsanto?
A multitude of food borne illness outbreaks
A nationwide recall today
A new form of restaurant arose
A new set of immigrants illegal immigrants
A photo of any industrial food operation,
A two year old child died today in Seattle.
A very small number of varieties,
A warning label will help them.
A workforce that they can exploit,
About 40,000 gallons of diesel fuel a year.
About organics and sustainability.
About something that is as intimate...
About what they're eating, where it comes from
About what you're eating,
Absolutely disgusted with the whole concept.
Actually, it's a pretty easy decision
Again and again and again.
Again and again and again.
Again, it's a marriage
Against seed saving came into being.
Against the people who are really producing the food
All around the country moving corn
All I wanted the company to do
All of the inefficiencies of the industrial system.
All of them are running,
All the way from Dentsville, South Carolina,
All their fingernails separate from their fingers.
All those obscure ingredients on the processed food
Allows us to produce corn below the cost of production.
America learns a little bit more
Ammonia kills bacteria,
An opportunity an enhanced opportunity
And all the accountability in the food system.
And ascorbic acid.
And breach of contract.
And Chuck's son has four over the top of this hill.
And controlling type mentality.
And corn makes them fat quickly.
And diglycerides and xanthan gum
And even deaths.
And even though you achieve efficiencies,
And every time they turn away in revulsion
And from the soybeans.
And give me a large Dr. Pepper.
And give them what they want, 'cause you can't defend yourself.
And have conversations
And he has hemorrhagic E. coli.
And heal.
And help me effect a change.
And hiring a private attorney
And I certainly never thought I would be
And I have a small picture with me today
And I hope I don't know.
And I'm just to a point
And I've just made up my mind.
And if I can point out
And if in doing so
And if the slaughterhouse is slaughtering
And if you can ruin them, you scare the rest of them to following the line.
And in newspapers.
And in seven weeks you've got a five and a half pound chicken,
And in so doing,
And it still hasn't passed.
And it was called the drive in.
And it was caused by
And it was the idea
And it was very easy to find someone to replace them.
And it's
And it's a product of feedlot life.
And it's a product of the diet we're feeding cattle on feedlots
And it's being used against consumers
And it's helped this whole community out.
And it's nonstop, you know.
And it's not an accident.
And it's really sad to see that my sister might have it.
And judicial bodies that have made the key decisions.
And marketing of the products
And meat packing is now
And Monsanto's gonna close all of them out.
And most of the time will contain both.
And my bill is already $25,000.
And nobody sits back and asks
And nobody's stepping back
And nobody's talking about it. We have no reserves.
And now 78% of the processed food in the supermarket
And now it's affecting children at epidemic proportions.
And now there are essentially a handful of companies
And now they're getting picked up like they're criminals.
And now this thing that wasn't in the world
And now we can hardly be seen together.
And now we just have, really,
And of course that passes through the chicken.
And Okay, here. Eat them.
And once you make your initial investment,
And one of the largest purchasers of pork,
And other cultures in the community of nations
And planted again in the following year.
And recent immigrants from Mexico.
And refined carbohydrates
And reverse the toxification
And say we're only going to buy food
And say What? $3 a dozen for eggs?
And saying But why?
And so powerful, how are we ever going to change things?
And some people simply don't have it.
And somebody alleges that somebody saved seed,
And spreading them far and wide.
And stuff like that.
And that control was broken.
And that opened the floodgates
And that power is being used
And that was a cornfield in Iowa.
And that's how the industry wants it.
And that's how the manure gets in the meat.
And that's Monsanto.
And that's one of the reasons
And that's what they hold over you.
And that's where all of your workers are coming from.
And the Clinton administration.
And the food has become much more dangerous
And the grower has no choice.
And the killer? Tainted meat from Jack In The Box hamburgers.
And the kind of farm policies we have.
And the one that piled the most cash on the scales,
And the ones from the store
And the only reason we feed them corn
And the types of food that we're able to buy
And the USDA really can't do anything about it.
And the value of the technology,
And the various regulatory
And then $and something for another.
And then give him that.
And then they developed a product called Roundup.
And then they plop down. It's because they can't
And then what happened?
And there's another one in another county
And these companies are making billions of dollars.
And these would be the more harmful E. coli.
And they came up with uses for it.
And they couldn't give us that.
And they created a revolutionary idea
And they have the same viewpoint to the worker.
And they may sue even though they know they can't win
And they said, We've gotten
And they want their hamburgers
And they're drinking a 75¢ can of soda.
And they're just not gonna complain.
And they've got a little 1 800 hotline
And this is directly tied to the kind of agriculture
And this is really because of the runoff from our factory farms.
And this law became known as Kevin's Law.
And this McDonald's fast food restaurant
And this powerful in our history.
And tried to give them the best advice I could.
And try to find something that's cheap
And turned it into one of the best industrial jobs
And we bring all of these pieces together
And we get down to the facts.
And we just kept riding on that.
And we were allowed to dip that into a cup of water
And we were told it would take another million
And we weren't reaching the audience
And we'll deliver. I promise you.
And we're not being protected
And went from being a perfectly healthy
And weren't sick as much.
And what it's doing to their bodies.
And where our food is coming from.
And where the breakdown comes in the system
And you can't even get a head of broccoli for 99¢?
And you have two kids to feed,
And you piled cash on the scales
And you see Farmer this, Farmer that
And, gradually, a wearing down of the system
Any feedlot operation.
Any idea how powerful this industry is.
Appears on the world stage.
Applied widely and on a large scale
Are being controlled by the very companies
Are different.
Are you glad to see it's finally winding down?
As a pile of protoplasmic inanimate structure
As an environmentalist, it was pretty clear to me
As far as pay goes since they control everything.
As I followed that food back to its source,
As more and more technology
As soon as you grasp for that growth,
As they do towards the hogs.
At 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning
At 7:00, 7:30 at night,
At a fraction of what it costs to grow,
At a most basic level.
At a very affordable price.
At hitting the bull's eye of the wrong target.
At the same time we had to prove
At the same time, they've also gotten
At this trailer park.
At Wal Mart, we made a decision about a year ago
Autonomous farmer decision making
Averaged 3600.
Back around the turn of the last century,
Bacteria in the rumen, millions of 'em.
Based on what the customer wants.
Beans only.
Beautiful little boy
Because I mean, it was all he would talk about,
Because if you knew, you might not want to eat it.
Because it's gonna be seen as an add on to their costs.
Because it's open to the air.
Because of the debt that the farmers have.
Because they obviously had an ongoing contamination problem.
Because they see that we have achieved tremendous economies.
Because they're temporary. They're gonna be killed.
Because they've suddenly had a moral enlightenment.
Because this was unsanitary.
Because those are the ones we're heavily subsidizing.
Because you can store them.
Because, to them, everything has an end.
Because, yes,
Before the investigators are on the road following me.
Before you would put this in there.
Behind most computers in America,
Behind most of the food in America.
Between Monsanto's corporate offices
Between Smithfield and Immigrations authorities.
Bills passed that are called cheeseburger bills
Birds are now raised and slaughtered
Birds singing in the trees, you know?
Borrowed the same sort of labor practices
Business was the source of basically all the things
But also wants to allow the sale of this meat
But as far as y'all going in,
But he's on two different types of pills.
But I get asked this all the time.
But I just started working with ammonia
But I think what I'd really like
But it was cheaper to pay the fine
But it's just gotten to the point
But look at the tobacco industry.
But nobody can challenge the fact
But now they're twice as big.
But now, when there's an anti immigrant movement,
But of course that's not what the industry does.
But should we be feeding cows corn?
But the image that's used to sell the food,
But the only way I'm going to be able
But the processing plants have gotten bigger and bigger.
But their way of life
But they decided to cut costs and simplify.
But they're not cracking down on these companies.
But we don't have time to cook because we leave at 6:00.
But we're among the most profitable.
But when I then go on to explain
But when you're engineering foods
But yet you admit you're wrong.
But you don't have any idea that it's Kraft.
But you don't see any massive raids.
But you see, according to the U.S.D.A,
By cleaning their own seed.
By having workers who only had to do one thing,
By huge multinational corporations
By making those calories really cheap,
By the 1950s to be a meatpacking worker
By the kinds of company that I'm keeping these days.
By the meat industry
By the meat packing industry.
By this system.
By which our body metabolizes sugar.
Can be changed.
Can feed 126 people, okay?
Can I have a look in the kitchen?
Can you imagine?
Can you tell me how you've changed how you eat?
Can't keep up with the rapid growth.
Caught me cleaning beans.
Central to it all raw, bagged spinach.
Centralized power
Changed the biggest company on earth
Chicken, tomatoes, lettuce, even apples.
Codifies the rules of the entire food economy.
Coming after me and I really
Coming out of the state of Illinois
Companies advertised on the radio
ConAgra, which recently recalled peanut butter
Conformity and cheapness
Contaminated with salmonella,
Control more than 80% of the market.
Controlled only about 25% of the market.
Controlling our food system.
Corn has conquered the world in a lot of ways.
Corn is the great raw material.
Corn is the main component in feed ingredients
Could grow maybe 20 bushels of corn on an acre.
Could not compete with us.
Country of origin labeling.
Cows are not designed by evolution to eat corn.
Cutting wages, making sure there were no unions,
Did Josh say how much time he thought we'd get?
Do you own any land, Mr. Parr?
Does not feel very powerful.
Does not have the resilience to deal with shocks
Don't develop rancidity.
Don't fight 'em. You've got to roll over
Don't want anybody to go there,
Downer cows too ill or lame to walk
E. coli isn't just in ground beef now
E. coli that are acid resistant.
Efforts to patent the most valuable parts of life,
Either farmers that have judgments against them,
Employees, because they're handling these guts so much,
Enough meat to make a fast food hamburger
Especially if you plug in
Everything is grass based.
Everything we've done
Except for this Roundup Ready soybean.
Farm policy is always focused on these commodity crops
Farmers in other countries who aren't being subsidized
Farmers started saving their best seeds
Fertilize and harvest corn
Fighting the battle, pretrial.
First check to see how many are there for a pound.
First window. Thank you.
Flushing their contents downriver.
Food prices last month were 3.9% higher
For a sizable percentage of the human race.
For consumers to fight
For criticizing the ground beef
For every adult in America is being recalled.
For food safety and it's a very important cause.
For greater efficiency, but each new step in efficiency
For me, when a Wal Mart enters the organic space,
For more than 140 tons of ground beef.
For my case, that's why I'm on there
For processing.
For salmonella and E. coli 0157:h7.
For something she said on her show.
For synthetic growth hormone.
For that same piece of the hog
For the integration of production, processing
For the last 25 years, our government
For the same amount of price.
For them to consume.
For themselves was compromised.
For which breeders deserve credit,
For which fertilizer makers deserve credit,
For which pesticide makers all deserve credit.
For years during the Bush administration,
For years the government turned a blind eye
For you to sue them.
From a food safety standpoint,
From a useless grass for the most part
From being perfectly healthy to dead in 12 days
From doing what Moe does as a precedent in future cases.
From eating another burger.
From every bank account that I've used
From important subjects that are being hidden.
From seed to the supermarket,
From seed to the supermarket.
From somebody from Monsanto.
From the fast food industry
From the most perfect system
From the wheat, from the corn
From their point of view, they don't have any rights
From those shrink wrapped packages of meat,
From utter contempt for the notion
Give them grass for five days,
Giving you the calorie information.
Going to the bank and borrowing more money.
Good afternoon, Madame Chair and members.
Good, wholesome food of us.
Government policy that, in effect,
Government's food czar reported
Gradually became so noisy, smelly,
Ground up in that one hamburger patty.
Grown halfway around the world, picked when it was green,
Had changed what we eat and how we make our food.
Had more energy,
Had we known what was in store for us,
Had we not fed them this diet of cheap grain.
Has all kinds of unintended consequences.
Has been dominated by the industries
Has been revolutionized.
Have any of these customers specifically
Have they all been put out of business?
Have to be almost exactly the same size.
He begged for water. It was all he could talk about.
He bit the head off of one of them.
He could lose his sight.
He does get into sometimes he's shaking,
He went from that to being dead in 12 days.
Helps to save the world.
Here... it's
Here's my chicken houses here.
Hey, pig. Hey, piggles.
Hey, pigs.
Hired the most experts and was most willing
His fiancée was there. I talked to her
How about a nice chicken club sandwich made with fresh cooked chicken?
How about that for success?
How about two?
How can a farmer defend himself against
How do you keep that manure
How long have you had this Dell computer?
How many of us know one person
How many witnesses in opposition, please?
How to plant,
I acquired this list that was mailed to me.
I am still held accountable.
I became an investigative reporter,
I can debate with my radical friends all day long,
I can have a pity party all by myself very well,
I can say that, yeah. I can see the end in sight.
I can't change the fact that Kevin's dead.
I can't think of a better use for a Smithfield box.
I could have the meat and poultry industry
I could hear in the back He's guilty.
I don't believe that Wal Mart has come here
I don't care. Let them sue me.
I don't know if he knew what was happening to him...
I don't know whether they had their surveillance team
I don't know.
I don't see anybody arresting no Smithfield managers.
I don't think I'm really guilty,
I feel guilty giving it to my kids.
I found it necessary to get up
I had no idea that a handful of companies
I have about 300,000 chickens.
I have absolutely no desire
I have absolutely no desire
I have become allergic to all antibiotics
I have no illusions about this.
I haven't been in a courtroom yet
I just never really switched over.
I kept ending up in the same place,
I know, but
I mean the cow is she's fertilizing.
I mean we have learned for example,
I mean, a culture that just views a pig
I mean, can you really feed the world?
I mean, it's the idea of a tomato.
I mean, the average American is eating over 200 lbs
I mean, the reasons that those calories are cheaper is
I never thought I would be doing this
I realized we need to not be David
I really don't like that look of pity
I see two of the farmers that I work for on here.
I sense that there may be
I think it's one of the most important battles
I think that from the standpoint of the consumer,
I think that's one of the reasons why
I think the advantage here is
I think we're gonna beat them.
I understand why farmers don't want to talk
I understand why others don't want to do it.
I want dollar meal
I wanted to trace the source of my food.
I'd love to have you come and testify.
I'll bet you 90% of them
I'll tell you, what really scared me the most today
I'm a registered Republican.
I'm actually inside the rumen
I'm always struck by how successful we have been
I'm gonna say maybe ex military or ex police.
I'm gonna say what I have to say.
I'm really a mechanic.
I'm thrilled. It's absolutely one of the most exciting things.
I've always been fairly conservative.
I've been eating this food all my life
I've had people come up at farmer's markets
IBP set up a bus service
If I knew, I'd tell you.
If it weren't for one court case
If the pollen goes in, if the seed moves in,
If there's trans fat in their food.
If they were eating corn,
If we attempt to make perfect the enemy of the good
If we had fewer people going
If we have some more hearings which I'm sure we will
If we put glass walls
If you can grow a chicken in 49 days,
If you follow the food chain back
If you go and look on the supermarket shelf,
If you recall the case where Oprah was sued
If you save your own seed, you're gonna get a call
If you take feedlot cattle off of their corn diet,
If you want to be in production agriculture,
If you want to buy $2 milk,
If you're convicted under a veggie libel law.
Imagine what it would be if, as a national policy,
Immediately took the USDA to court.
Immigrants from Eastern Europe were being abused
Immigration agents are arresting Smithfield workers
In 1998, the USDA implemented microbial testing
In a way, we're not producing chickens;
In big cities 1,000 miles away
In cattle we have learned how to
In college I came across this little institute
In Colorado it's a felony
In five years, we think we'll be in 100%.
In half the time they were 50 years ago,
In July 2001,
In just the last decade.
In Kentucky, so...
In Mexico to bring workers into the United States.
In modern industrial agriculture
In order to serve the needs of the fast food industry,
In terms of not pounds but tons of pesticide,
In the 1930s,
In the 1970s, the top five beef packers
In the 1970s, there were literally thousands
In the case of Monsanto, their control is so dominant.
In the country do you think?
In the fresh air, sunshine,
In the last 10 years.
In the matter of Monsanto Company
In the middle of a very economically depressed area.
In the state of Indiana, there may be six.
In the time that we need to arrest global warming
In the United States today,
In the way that we live our lives,
In this case. Do you know that?
In which a seed company is suing
Increasingly, we're feeding the corn to the fish
Individual consumers
Individuals within its community
Industry was more protected than my son.
Initially from the local workforce
Initially, my reaction was
Is a small town called Tar Heel
Is a very new idea. It wasn't until the 1980s
Is anywhere from $280,000 to $300,000 per house.
Is because corn is really cheap
Is being applied to the production of food,
Is being arrested.
Is in the food system.
Is it creates unnecessary fear in a consumer's mind.
Is just a sign of how far removed we've become.
Is not meeting the needs of American families.
Is not to go back and see what's wrong with the system,
Is the largest purchaser of potatoes
Is the right to know what's in their food and how it was grown.
Is to grow it faster, fatter, bigger, cheaper.
Is to produce a lot of food
Is your meat in most of the hamburgers in the country?
It depends on the context.
It had huge control over public policy
It has just stopped me cold
It has pieces of thousands of different cattle
It is a remarkable plant.
It is still the imagery of agrarian America.
It killed every weed out there
It seems like such a clear cut, common sense type thing.
It seems to me that we're entitled to know about our food
It simply requires that all foods that are cloned
It took us almost two or three years
It used to be that type 2 diabetes
It was about a five hour drive
It was just unbelievable
It's a real ingenious device designed back in the 1800s,
It's all a science. They got it figured out.
It's all highly mechanized.
It's all real time real solar dollars.
It's because of economics.
It's been found in spinach, apple juice
It's been interesting over the course
It's being used against the workers
It's easy to get hurt down there.
It's extremely heart wrenching for me
It's hard to see my dad suffer with diabetes
It's how they keep them spending money,
It's just perfect for taking bad pathogens
It's kind of hard to see.
It's like being a slave to the company.
It's not
It's not a farm. It's a factory.
It's not just Baldwin Park. It's everywhere.
It's not just our community.
It's not just our health that's at risk.
It's not priced honestly. It's not produced honestly.
It's not processed honestly.
It's one of the fastest growing segments in the food industry.
It's pretty amazing that you can't say
It's put more than a million and a half Mexican farmers out of work.
It's really about what interests they decide to represent.
It's really hard for me to tell Kevin's story.
It's remarkable how many of them can be made from corn.
It's remarkable how toothless
It's terrible. It's terrible.
It's too expensive, man.
It's very personal to me and my family.
It's worth it.
Jerry Kaufman. Bill Zeering.
Just to send a message.
Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the majority opinion
Keep up all the weight that they're carrying.
Kevin received his first dialysis treatment.
Labor unions slowly organized meatpacking workers
Lady Justice had the scales
Leads to these spikes of insulin
Let them try and sue the mother
Like an assembly line in a factory.
Like mouth feel and flavor.
Like the farmers.
Lost our system.
Low level. Low level.
Made a mistake I think that's the way we want to go.
Many are initially horrified
Many of the illegal immigrants coming to America
Maybe. I'm not aware of
Meat packers like IBP,
Millions of gallons of concentrated hog manure
Modern production agriculture is highly dependent
Momentous and radical but invisible to most of us,
Monsanto is suing me on the basis
Monsanto is very much like Microsoft.
Monsanto is...
More money in your pocket.
More people come to our corner and want stuff,
Most farmers were just
Mr. Parr, we subpoenaed your bank records
Must be labeled as cloned foods.
My desire is to produce the best food in the world
My favorite meal to this day
My God! Ah!
My hope is to give you
My husband's diabetic.
My mom and I, our relationship has
My neighbors all around me are all GMOs.
NAFTA led to a flooding of the Mexican market
National Beef and Monfort
Nebraska, Texas, L.A., Ohio.
Nobody in the plant that had anything to do
Nobody's thinking about E. coli,
Noelle Cremers with California Farm Bureau.
None of it was true.
Not a person friendly place,
Not more contaminated.
Not only do they not want
Not walking, into the organic food business.
Now as I turned to walk in the house, one of them said
Now I have some of the last soybeans
Now our food is coming from enormous assembly lines
Now see, that's a noble goal.
Now somebody explain to me what's wrong with that.
Now sugar is available 24/7
Now that I know that the food is
Now the average American farmer
Now the problem is too many calories.
Now there are tomatoes all year round,
Now we're seeing more and more Latino catchers
Of 11 years to watch us go
Of a dead child and see.
Of all the farms in the Midwest.
Of cheap food,
Of course the biggest advance in recent years
Of course, those have been through 40 trillion baths.
Of E. coli 0157:h7.
Of ground beef in the United States
Of how an industry's irresponsible behavior
Of meat per person per year.
Of obesity is income level.
Of paying a little more if they could be guaranteed
Of science and technology.
Of slaughterhouses in the United States.
Of the National Food Processors Association.
Of the whole system.
Of this world deliberately hidden from us.
Of whatever industry has put out there
Okay, help me figure out where
Okay, we can get two hamburgers over here
On a crisis of personal responsibility.
On a small amount of land
On all the megaprocessing facilities,
On August 1st, my son was already in the hospital.
On how that industrial food is made.
On large amounts of petroleum.
On self policing for all of these industries.
One of my main concerns is
One of the biggest showdowns we had was
Only affected adults.
Only one company involved in this now
Or businesses, or else it's
Or buying vegetables to be healthy.
Or buying vegetables to be healthy.
Or chicken manure like they feed right here in the valley
Or dead chickens.
Or it's farmers that have not submitted their paperwork,
Or just go straight through a drive thru
Or whether it was my neighbor that turned me in. I don't know.
Or you're threatened with loss of a contract.
Organic's been growing over 20% annually.
Our family took a vacation.
Our farm, we're going to use
Our food safety advocacy work started six years ago
Our regulatory agencies are when you look closely at it,
Ours averaged 133 C.F.U.
Ours haven't seen any chlorine.
Over the course of human history,
Over this radical change to our food system.
Owns the birds from the day they're dropped off
Paying for his medicine to be healthy
People have got to start demanding
People like to eat white meat,
People that were friends of mine
People think These companies are so big
Plus, you can feed it to animals.
Presented a black card to me
Probably more than any retailer
Probably put the last nail in the coffin
Processing your bacon, your holiday ham
Public plant breeding is a thing of the past.
Really allowed us to drive down the price of meat.
Really began with fast food.
Really unhealthy for us,
Robert Duvall.
Salt, fat and sugar.
Saves the seeds?
SB 63 is a consumer right to know measure.
See, this is the interesting thing.
Seriously? For saying that it's so
Several of us were sleeping in our booths.
She is asking us questions, not you.
She's mowing. We don't have to spread any manure.
Since my son died.
Since you're selling corn at below the price of production,
Six are elementary school students, one is a sibling,
Smells like money to me.
So all the birds coming off those farms
So antibiotics aren't working anymore.
So cheaply anywhere in the world,
So how many seed cleaners are out there
So I thought Well, I'll just stay where I'm at.
So I'm afraid that he's gonna start not being able to drive,
So if I start going like that
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