A beaker of Bean's finest secret cider. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
A few beagles, as we discussed, but we're ready for that. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
A lot of good animals are probably gonna die... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
A Titanium Card? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
About a handsome little fox, Let me sing you folks a yarn. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Across the valley lived three yokels Name of Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Actually, we should just go. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Actually, when he spoke to me from the hospital, he said... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Ah, right. Of course. He's very clever, isn't he? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
All these wasted years. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Alright, Ash, you get these little kids organized from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Alright, take three. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Alright! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Alright! Let's start planning! Who knows shorthand? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Alright! Let's try it! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Alright. Let's hit the five and dime on the way home! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Alright. We got two circles. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Am I being flirted with by a psychotic rat? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Am I getting better, Coach? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Am I still paranoid? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
An estimated, a hundred and eight snipers are... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And as far as I can reckon They're a setting up there still. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And don't wear it around the house. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And I believed you. Why? Why did you lie to me? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And I think they're on their way home! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And if they aren't completely knocked out and dazzled, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And keep your mouth shut about any cider, because no one ever said that. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And letting me make it up to you for getting us into this crazy whatever it is. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And not much of it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And now there’s only one way out. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And they close early on weekends. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And why are you wearing that fake bandit hat!? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And, second... listen, I'm not going to justify this to you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And, second... listen, I'm not going to justify this to you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Another book party? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Any fox problems? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Anyway, her eyes don't see well. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Anyway, I think it may very well be all the beautiful differences among us from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Anyway, the views are better above ground. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Apple juice. Apple juice flood. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Are you gonna...? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Are you listening to me? I look into your eyes... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Are you scared of wolves? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Aren't there any pines on the market this side of the river? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Around these parts, we don't take kindly to cider poachers. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Ash, come out! You need a breather. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Ash, I know what it's like to feel... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Ash, I'm so glad he was you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Ash, that was pure, wild animal craziness. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Ash!? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
At this point we'll be lucky if we can flip this tree for... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Basically, there's three grabbers, three taggers, five twig runners, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Beagle ticks and pelt lice. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Beagles aren't so tough. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Beagles love blueberries! Didn't I tell you? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Bean security, what? Why you're wearing that badge? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Because at that point we didn't know. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Because I don't like to be dishonest with people! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Because I'm little. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Because I've had it up to... here! With the sad house guest routine. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Because you don't listen to anybody. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Before we go any further, from now on can you give me some kind of signal... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Before we go any further, from now on can you give me some kind of signal... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Begin. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Besides you're too little and uncoordinated. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Boggis, how many men, did you got working on your farm? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But I shouldn't have married you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But I'm gonna say something, anyway, which nobody wants to admit, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But I've already figured out where this fox lives, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But that stylish little fox Was as clever as a whip. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But the bridle path puts us out right next to the squab shack. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But the scenic route is so much prettier. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But there's something kind of fantastic about that, isn't there? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But we stand on the scene, watching closely, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But you're nocturnal, Phil. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But, in the end he's just another dead rat... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But, one day, something will. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But, pines are pretty hard to come by in your price range. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
But... it won't happen again. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
By the way, you look unbelievably beautiful tonight. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Can I have a glass of water? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Can we drop it? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Can you believe that? How did he get tipped off? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Can you give me a karate lesson real quick? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Canis lupus! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Cider. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Coach, we don't have whack bat where I'm from. What're the rules? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Come on over. This is... Uh, I'm gonna call you back. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Come on, man! Come on! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Come on, now! Look alive! Attaboy! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Come on! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Come on! That doesn't sound anything like him! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Comme ci, comme ca. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Contact! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Contact! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Cordially, Mr. Fox. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Correct me if am misreading the data, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Crisp up those ducks. Aye, drag those chickens. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Da... Dad's on fire. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Dad's study is occupied by Dad. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Darling, maybe they'll let everyone else live. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Dear Farmers Boggis, Bunce, and Bean, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Did I ever tell you about the time I learned we were gonna have a cub? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Did you bring the boy? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Did... Did you chop it? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Do another toast, Dad. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Do you mind if I slide my bedroll slightly out from under the train set? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Do you refer to my wife? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Do you smell something? Is that... freon? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Do you still feel poor? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Do you think I'm an athlete? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Does anybody actually read my column? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Does anybody know what this badger's talking about? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Does that sound like anything to anybody? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Don't buy this tree, Foxy. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Don't try to be a superman here. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Don't turn around. What? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Don't worry. I've been stealing birds for a living since... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Don't... don't peel away the bark. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Doodle dum, diddle die, doddle diddle doodle dee! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Doodle dum, Doodle dum from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Double pneumonia isn't even really that big of a deal, is it? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Drop everything and assemble all hundred and eight members... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Dug as quick as a gopher Who was a hyper ack a tive. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Enough to tranquilize a gorilla. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Excuse me, everyone. I'm gonna go meditate for half an hour. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Excuse me! Excuse me? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Excuse me! Excuse me? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Farmer, thank you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Finally, at the end you count up however many score downs from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Follow me again! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Follow me. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
For Action Twelve, this is Dan Peabody. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
For immediate delivery. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Foxes traditionally like to court danger, hunt prey, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Frank Bean is a turkey and apple farmer. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Gentlemen, this time we must dig in a very special direction. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Get enough to share with everybody, and remember... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Get out of here, Agnes. I need to have a private word with Kristofferson. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Give me a minute. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Give me that shoelace. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Give me that. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Give me that. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Go ahead. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Go back to bed. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Go back to the tree and do your homework! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Go! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Good afternoon, gentlemen. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Good jump, Ash! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Good. Fabulous! Microtus Pennsylvanicus! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Good. Here we go. A little bit more. A little bit more. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Good. You made it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Goodbye. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Got it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Great! Linda! Lutra Lutra! You got some dry paper? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Great. She's a free agent. What do I care? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Half the woods have been obliterated. Nobody can get out. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Have a good day, my darlings! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He doesn't seem to know. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He eats three chickens every day for breakfast, lunch, supper, and dessert. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He gave me some pills. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He gets a bandit hat! He just got here and he got a bandit hat! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He invented his own species of each. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He lives on a liquid diet of strong, alcoholic cider... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He really is your father's nephew, isn't he? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He weighs the same as a young rhinoceros. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He's approximately the size of a pot bellied dwarf, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He's as skinny as a pencil, as smart as a whip... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He's gonna do it! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He's slightly younger, but he's a cuss of a lot bigger. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He's too short. He dresses like a girl. He's... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
He's wearing it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Here comes the low stone wall. Not a problem. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Here we go. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Here you are, Rat. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Here, listen to this. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Here, put these bandit hats on. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Here, put this bandit hat on. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Here, put this bandit hat on. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Here, put this bandit hat on. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Hey, diddle dee, doddle do, doodle dum! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Hey, hold on. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Hey, look! There's a whole, enormous, glorious, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Hey, they say you're a natural. True or false? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Hey, what's the master escape plan? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Hi. Hi. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Him, especially. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
His ears were cold. He's not with us. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
His food is home made doughnuts... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
His only security is a few old hunting beagles and a low stone wall. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Hm, yes, I know. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Honey, I'm seven non fox years old now. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Hot box! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Hot box! Divide that by nine, please! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
How long can a fox go without food or water? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
How long is Kristofferson supposed to stay with us? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
How many jars should I bring up, Franklin? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
How the cuss did you qualify for this? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
How was that? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
How's that grab you, fellas? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
How's your old lady doing? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
How've you been, Walter? In good health, I trust? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Huh? It's for... It's for pep. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I also see a room full of wild animals. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I can fight my own fights. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I can fit through there. Hm? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I can imagine how painful, even just emotionally, that must be for you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I can see the resemblance. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I did say it! I wrote it on your paw! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I didn't get a job yet or a Latin name. What's my strength? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't feel good about myself. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't feel safe. That's because we're not. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't have any signal, but I've got a problem. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't have beagle ticks, by the way. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds illegal. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't know your Latin name. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't know, but I have a possible theory. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't know, but you did the same thing. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't know. It's just a thought. Thank you for listening. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't know. Two, I guess. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't think he speaks English or Latin. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't trust this guy. Anyway, set up the ambush. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't want to be put in the middle of this. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't want to live in a hole anymore, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't want to live in a hole anymore. It makes me feel poor. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't. Nor pelt lice. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I enjoyed it, but I shouldn't have done it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I feel like there's a tenderness in your eyes, isn't there? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I got to interview the marshall and see what's... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I got to kind of feel out the vibe. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I guess my point is... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I guess now that Kristofferson's dad's already down to single pneumonia... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I guess we always were. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I guess we do have these three ugly farmers to thank for one thing: from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I had no idea how we were gonna get out of this jam, and... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I have a different kind of teeth from you! I'm an opossum! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I have a phobia of wolves! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I have no alternative but to agree to your terms. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I just got the call. They said maybe it's arson? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I just intercepted a high frequency radio signal with the can. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I kept wondering: who is this little boy gonna be? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I like walking. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I like your ears. Mine? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I love the way you handled that. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I mean, certainly, she lived. We all did. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I mean, his dad's got one foot in the grave and three feet on a banana peel. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I must say, I'm pleased to be invited, but I'm not sure... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I never said that, and you're misquoting me... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I pay my bills on time. I've always had good credit. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I picked it up at the Five and Dime last night on my way back... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I picked some blueberries, and laced each one... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I promise you, if I had all this to do over again, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I see, two terrific lawyers, a skilled pediatrician, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I shouldn't have fallen off the wagon... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I shouldn't have lied to your face. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I shouldn't have pushed these farmers so far and tried to embarrass them from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I spit. I wake up on the wrong side of the bed. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I spotted a couple of broken burglar bars... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I still feel good, Coach! Let me finish this eighth! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I sure as cuss hope so. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I think foxes from your side of the family take unnecessary risks. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I think he eats soap. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I think it means janitors. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I think it's a fox trap! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I think it's time for me to give us a pep talk and explain some things. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I think she might have astigmatism. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I think we're both glowing. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I thought he said: never look a beagle in the eye. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I thought you said we were only doing one last big job. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I told you not to bring him. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I told you. You probably just ate some bad gristle. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I try. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I understand if you are, and I'm sorry. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I understand what you're saying, and your comments are valuable, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I used to cover them up. But, you know... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I used to do this professionally, and I was very successful at it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I used to steal birds, but now I'm a newspaper man. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I wanna go with you, too. I wanna fight. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I want you to be extra nice to him from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I weigh less than a slice of bread. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I will hand myself over to you in exchange for the boy's safe return. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I won't be able to sleep on my back for six weeks... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I wouldn't have ever involved your cousin if I realized you would feel this way. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'd probably hang it over the mantelpiece. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'd probably say something I shoudn't. I'll say something to her in a minute. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'd say, a hundred and eight altogether. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'll just, uh, I'll crawl under the book case. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm asking if he thinks we're in for a hard winter. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm bringing you in as my secretary and personal assistant. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm gonna be tailless for the rest of my life. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm gonna crack open this trap door... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm gonna find him, I'm gonna bring him back. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm gonna put dirt in my ears. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm gonna say it again. Aware. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm gonna start over. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm here! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm his son. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm just... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm not different, am I? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm not leaving here without that neck tie. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm okay. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm okay. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm pregnant again. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm sick of your double talk. We have rights! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm sugar coating it, man! This is Boggis, Bunce, and Bean! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm supposed to cover this book party at some animal's nest from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm taping this. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm the greatest... the quote unquote fantastic Mr. Fox. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm trying to tell you the truth about myself. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I've got a fox on a motorcycle with a littler fox and, uh... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I've got an idea. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I've got it! There's not a moment to lose! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I've heard about this beagle. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
If I had a crystal ball, I'd predict a fairly grisly outcome to the situation. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
If what I think is happening is happening... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
If you collected them, if that was your hobby? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
If you ever want to see him alive again... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
In a way, I'm almost glad that flood interrupted us, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
In fact, Rabbit's ex girlfriend just said to me last week, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
In summation, I think you just got to not do it, man. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
In the end, we all die... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Is it spring loaded? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Is that all you've got, Mr. Fox? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Is your name Spitz? That's German, isn't it? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It burns in your throat, boils in your stomach, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It was a different time. Let's not use a double standard. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It was a splendid little feller, Full of wit 'n' grace 'n' charm. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It'll grow back, won't it? Tails don't grow back. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's amateur night in Dixie! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's because, you, you... you think I'm no good at anything! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's Bunce tonight! He's got a refrigerated smokehouse with from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's good for morale. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's got a Boggis Farms tag around its ankle. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's hard to sleep in that corkscrew position. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's like a pigeon, I suppose. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's me. I'm rescuing you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's my job. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's not exactly an evergreen, is it? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's not over the mantelpiece... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's not your fault... it's mine. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's nothing. It's just some old trophy I won for being an athlete. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's so good of you to come. Lovely to see you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's stupendous. Where's us? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's unclear, whether the... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Just another batch. Help that other guy over there. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Just on the other side of this mineral deposit. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Just pay attention and stop interrupting me. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Just... just making up one as I went along, really. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kill him! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kill him! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kristofferson, I'm sorry. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kristofferson? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kristofferson? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kristofferson? Ash!? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kristofferson? Hello? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kristofferson? Kristofferson! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kylie, is he telling the truth? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kylie, you got a credit card? Sure. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kylie! What'd I tell you? I'm showing the property. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kylie? Kylie! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Lesser. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let me call you back, Petey. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let me take a little tick now To color in the scene, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let me tell it, okay? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let see some hustle! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let's do a head count! Everybody pick a buddy! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let's eat! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let's just keep them separate. Hold it right there. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let's just that bottom structure resettled in. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let's review the principle of ... techniques: from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let's see, now. Where does this lead? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let's take the short cut. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Lift with legs not with your back. Flip it sideways. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Like melted gold. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Listen to me, I just had a brainstorm for something... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Listen, you're Kylie. You're an unbelievably nice guy. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Look at Dad's tie. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Look at each other. Here we are. Wow! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Look at you, girl! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Look, Ash, we may or may not ever see the light of day again, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Lower your voice, Ash. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Magnesium. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Many local animals, who'd appear to be trapped underground, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Master Plan. Phase one. Side A. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
May I ask what you do for a living, Mr. Fox? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Maybe a few of you might even read my column from time to time. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Maybe if I hand myself over and let them kill me, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Maybe it's the lighting. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Maybe my invitation got lost in the mail. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Maybe you're a medium. Take it off for a min. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Me? Me, have an apology? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Meaning stop rocking. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Mole! Talpa Europea! What do you got? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Mr. Fox, we have your son. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Must've escaped from there before I bought it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
My darlings? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
My entire flint mine just got demolished. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
My father and I first started practicing meditation together when I was... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
My father died at seven and a half. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Nate Bunce is a duck and goose farmer. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Nathan? All is well? Wonderful. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Never look a beagle directly in the eye. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Nice job covering for me. Next time, you... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
No, come on. Step out. Step out. Let's go. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
No, I mean, I’m sorry about... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
No, it just falls straight right down... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
No, thanks. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
No, two's plenty. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
No, we mostly just run grass sprints or play acorns. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
No, you don't wanna have to compare yourself to that. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Not by blood. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Not to me. I'd prefer to be an athlete. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Now a word about beagles... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Now grab some of that mud, chew it in your mouth, and swallow it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Now I've already had too much to drink, and I'm feeling sentimental, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Now these three crazy jackies had our hero on the run from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Now those three farmers sit It where there's a hole, it was once a hill. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Now! This is the tricky part. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Obviously, it's first growth, indigenous. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Of course, not. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, but Foxy, how humiliating! Having your whole tail blown clean off... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, hey, Mr. Fox. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, I'm as careful as a... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, my cuss. Is she blind? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, my God! That was crazy! I can't believe what just happened in there. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, no. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, nothing? Never mind. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, really? Well, now's the time to buy. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, right, but then why did they sign their names? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, sure. I've seen your by line. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, why did you have to get us into this, Foxy? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, yeah. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, you mean from before. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Okay, chief. Here we go. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Okay! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Okay. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Okay. Let's see. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Okay. Stand like this. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One bite, get it? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One fat, one short, one lean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One fat, one short, one lean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One fat, one short, one lean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One fat, one short, one lean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One fat, one short, one lean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One fat, one short, one lean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One fat, one short, one lean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One fat, one short, one lean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One Mighty Max, one Junior Spitfire, and a long range Tornado 375 Turbo. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One of those slovenly farmers is probably wearing my tail as a necktie by now. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One of us got to jump that barbed wire, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
One, two, three. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Only because they got the guts in their blood... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Or possibly a cataract of some form. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Original dirt floor, good bark, skipping stone hearth... as you can see. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Pep? It's a K. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Perhaps we ought to kill him. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Personally, I don't have one, but I modified this tube sock. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Petey, listen. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Petey! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Petey! Bring us a ladder, please. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Pipette. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Plus moving into the most dangerous neighborhood in the country from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Plus, he knows karate. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Plus, we already knew who they were because they're trying to kill us. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Position yourself on the balls of your feet. Close your eyes. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Potassium tri... What are you looking at? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Predictable? Really? What happens in the end!? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Probably the most successful in the world. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Quick! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Really? Tell me about them. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Really? You think I'd end up being as good as my dad if I keep practicing? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Red, it's Franklin Bean! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Redemption? Sure. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Remember to keep your tail tucked! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Remember, it's the pull back that matters. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Remember: they aren't very smart, but they're incredibly paranoid from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Right now my wife's huddled at the bottom of the flint mine... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Right, keep telling it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Right. Good. In fact... what's that smell? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Right. I'm grumpy. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Run down to the rentals department over at Malloy Consolidated... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Say the idea! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Say, zippy zee, yappy yo, google gum! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Scared, no! I have a phobia of them! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Shot the tail off the cuss With a fox shooting gun. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Should we go through the hole under the horse fence... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Shut up. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Singing, zippy zee, yappy yo, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Sleep wherever you want, man. Here, take my bed. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Slow them down just a little bit, we're a little ahead. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
So I don't break your nose when I kick it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
So let's raise our boxes. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
So we dug. And the whole time I put paw over paw, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Some memoir. I'll get him to sign you a copy. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Something with cider. That was dangerous. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Stand back. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Stand by! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Stand clear, please. Stand clear, everyone. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Starting in, shall we say, fifteen minutes. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Still painting thunderstorms, I see. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Substitution! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Supposedly, it's just a twenty four hour bug. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Synchronize your clocks. The time is now nine forty five a. m. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Tails don't grow back. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Thank you for the minnow. It was superb. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Thank you, farmers. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Thank you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Thanks, Kylie. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That could mean maybe this fence might be electric. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That just might give us the tiniest glimmer of a chance of saving my nephew from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That kid's like a professional, Olympic level... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That means I didn't understand what you just said. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That was close, Rat. Be careful. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's a lot worse than... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's all. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's alright, too. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's good. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's just genetics, I guess. Ash has a littler body type. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's just weak song writing! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's not soap. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's so grisly! There's blood and everything! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's twelve in total, per diem. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's what I'm saying! You'd be dead, too, in that scenario! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
The apology you owed me which you never actually said. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
The boy is locked in an apple crate on top of a gunlocker... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
The center tagger lights the pine cone and chucks it over the basket, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
The cuss you are! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
The master plan's working again! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
The necktie. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
The pull back generates the force of the impact. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Then the twig runners dash back and forth until the pine cone burns out, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
There's a lot of attitudes going on around here. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
There's no whack bat on the other side of the river!? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
There's only one way out of this sewer, but the manhole cover's closed, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
These farmers aren't gonna quit until they catch me. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
These horrible crooks, so different in looks, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
These horrible crooks, so different in looks, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
These horrible crooks, so different in looks, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
These horrible crooks, so different in looks, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
These horrible crooks, so different in looks, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
These horrible crooks, so different in looks, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
These three, in this reporter's opinion, obsessed farmers... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
They are still warm. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
They got the boy. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
They say all foxes are slightly allergic to linoleum. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
They say my tail needs to be dry cleaned twice a month... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
They say our tree may never grow back. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
They took everything? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
They want to trade the son for his poppa. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
This is actually kind of a big deal, so don't just say, OK! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
This is gonna be a total cluster cuss for everybody. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
This is Kylie. He's the super. He's a little... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
This is some of the strongest, finest alcoholic cider money can buy... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
This kid's a natural! I'm speechless, Kristofferson! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
This story is too predictable. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Three of the meanest, nastiest, ugliest farmers in the history of this valley! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Throw me the shoelace, please. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
To our... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
To protect their identities. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Trash! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Try to be careful, you guys. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Turn around, get the cuss back here, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Twenty eight pinecones fired! Twenty two targets hit. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wake up! Everybody! They're digging us out! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Watch this, Dad! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Watch this. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Watch this. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Watch your step. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We all are. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We are poor... but we're happy. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We are, but it's... not done yet. It's a triple header. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We beat them. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We beat those farmers, and now we're triumphantly eating from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We didn't come here for apple juice. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We got the tail, but we missed the fox. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We got the yellow circle and the green circle. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We need to bring about two percent more in. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We need to make some fake price tags and wrap these chickens in wax paper from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We should have stayed out of it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We took everything. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We were in the middle of a meditation practice. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We'd better extinguish this magnesium. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We'll start with Boggis's Chicken House. Number one. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We're going steady. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We're gonna have a cub. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We're gonna make a bed for him in your room. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We're gonna steal back my dad's tail. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We're not gonna let him go. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We're not taking a vote! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We're replacing it with a go for broke rescue mission. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We're wild animals. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We've been digging in circles for three days. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We’re gonna starve them out and then kill them. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, anyway, it's not half as bad as double pneumonia, right? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, Dan, I can tell you what we're not going to do. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, he stole, and he cheated, And he lied to survive. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, I can only answer as an opossum, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, I didn't do. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, I guess the horse fence would be a little safer. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, I guess we should, uh... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, I have a thing about thunder! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, I just hope it doesn't mean thunder. Because I have a phobia of that. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, in a sense, we've only made matters worse. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, it took a near catastrophe for all of you to finally... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, it's real simple: from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, like any little critter needing Vittels for his littl'uns. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, maybe you're right! Thanks! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, we're in a hole. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, well... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, when... Oh, my God! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, you're sure as cuss not getting any worse. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What am I hearing again, baby? What's happening? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What are we looking at? It's just his tonsils. They're little swelled. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What are you doing here? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What are you singing, Petey? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What do you mean? That's my trademark. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What is it? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What just happened? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What the cuss is he burning? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What the cuss? Where'd this giant fence come from? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What this? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What were you looking for, Rat? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What will you three prominent farmers do now? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What? I'm out! What? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What? What? What's that? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What'd I tell you? This kid's a natural, am I right? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What're you wearing? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What's in the bucket, Mr. Kylie? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What's that stand for? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What's that white stuff around his mouth? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What's that? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What's that? Help! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What's that? What what? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What's that? What? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What's the sub text here? Is he praying? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What's this thing you do? The whistle with the clicking sound. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What's wrong? You're acting all skittish. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
When I look down this table with the exquisite feast set before us, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where are the apples? Stiil out? You still have them raw? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where are we? Where are we? Where are we? What? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where did he come from? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where did you come from? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where did you that nutmeg ginger apple snap? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where the cuss does that kid get off? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where'd you get this chicken? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where's he gonna sleep? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where's my bandit hat? Why didn't I get shot at? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Which means we're permanently stuck down here. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
While we were caged inside that fox trap, that if we survived from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Who am I, and how can a fox ever be happy without a, uh... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Who am I, Kylie? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Who cares if I get splinters in my ears? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Who knows? I tend to doubt it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Whoa! Me, neither. Whoever said we've beagle... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why a cape with the pants tucked into your socks? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why don't we go around that way? There's no obstacles. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why not a horse or a beetle or a bald eagle? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why the cuss didn't I listen to my lawyer? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why the cuss didn't I listen to my lawyer? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why'd they write this in letters cut out of magazines? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why's your cousin such a wet sandwich? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wild and foot loose and... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wild animals each with his own strengths and weaknesses due to his or her species. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wild animals with scientific sounding Latin names... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wild animals with true natures and pure talents. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wish him luck, boys. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
With no food, no water, and twenty seven starving animal brats! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
With your legs twisted into a pretzel talking to yourself... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Woah! I didn't see you, sitting in the dark over there. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wolf? What wolf? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wolf? What's with all the wolf talk? Can we give it a rest, for once? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Would you have told me if I didn't kill you first? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wow! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wow! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wow! Wow! Look at that! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Wrap this wet, little mutt in a newspaper... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah, but back in the old days, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah, but I don't think he should come with us, either. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah, but I think I've some of the same raw natural talent, don't you? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah, I'm just gonna chop this thing right off. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah, it's really good. Sweet and nice. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah, it's written... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah, that's better. I can't hear you now but keep talking. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah! That's the first time this kid's ever swung a whack bat? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah? Well, first of all, one of these beagles has chronic rabies, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah. Right. Okay! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah. That's better. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah. Well, let's see. Why not? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yeah... yeah, I guess if you come from over there, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yes, he did. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yes, I'm right. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Yes. Here it is. This is the tree. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You drank three yesterday, though. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You know who could do this part easily is Kristofferson. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You know, one time this wolf I saw... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You really are kind of a quote unquote fantastic fox. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You say one thing, she says another, and it all changes back again! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You scared the cuss out of us! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You should probably put on your bandit hat now. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You still think we beat them, Foxy? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You think he's going to tell on us? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You took the wrong fox. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You two go ahead while I distract him. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You wanna know why? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You weigh less than a slice of bread. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You would never steal another chicken, goose, turkey, duck, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You wrote a bad song, Petey! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You'll do no such thing. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're a good boy. A little lonely, maybe, but... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're an athlete. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're borrowing at nine and a half with no fixed rate, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're disloyal. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're exaggerating, Badger. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're getting a little long in the tooth, yourself, partner. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're improving. Let's put it like that. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're practically glowing. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're still as fine looking as a creme brulee. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're supposed to be my lab partner. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You've aged badly, Rat. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You've got twenty nine minutes to come up with a proper apology. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You've just destroyed the whole experiment. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You've successfully destroyed the scenery, but the alleged fox from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You’re both looking splendid. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Your cousin Kristofferson's coming on the sixth. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Your dad was probably the best whack bat player we ever had in this school. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Your dad? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Your eyes barely even open, on a good day. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Your job is really just to... be available, I think. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Your tractors uprooted my tree. Your posse hunted my family. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Zippy zo, zippy zay, zippy zappy zoopy zee! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
a hundred geese... Woah! Woah! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
A very long time ago... May I have a word with you privately? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
A wet sandwich? Yeah, a wet sandwich. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Amazing! Linda? Got it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
And if... Why not? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Anybody see you? I don't think so. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Anyway, I'm sorry your feelings... You know what? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Are you cussing with me? No, you cussing with me? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Are you joking? It's horrible. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Ash! Let's get cracking! Why would they? It's a rag sheet. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Ash? Ash? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Ash? Kristofferson? Boys? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Because I'm a wild animal You're also a husband and a father. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Below where he lives. Where'd you come from? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
but I guess we have... I'm sorry. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Come on. Wait a second. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Dad? Not a sound. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Dig. You're stepping on my lines. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Do your friends ever talk about it? Of course. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Don't cussing point at me! You can cuss yourself! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Don't let me get one. No, it's only just that my spinal cord from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Don't wait up. What's the book? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Explosions, flames, burning things! Demolitions expert! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Foxy, you're on. We are ready. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Good luck. Good luck out there. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Honey, that's great news. If we're still alive tomorrow... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I am! No, you're not. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I beg your pardon? What's that mean? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I can see in the dark? That's incredible! We can use that! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't know. Why not? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I don't want to go. Hurry up. You're going to be late. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I guess it's not spring loaded. I'm pregnant. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I have a temperature. You don't have a temperature. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I just... Answer the question. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I lost him! You lost him? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I love you, Felicity. I love you, too. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I said one bite! I'm trying! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I should be doing this, Uncle Foxy! Why not? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I wanna help you steal some cider. We're going to a book party! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I, uh, I was in the kitchen... Where were you? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm hungry. Well, have some water. Here. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm not gonna eat mud! Cuss, yeah, you are. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm sick. You're not sick. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I'm sorry. That's alright. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
I've got mixed feelings about that. I don't blame you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
In the fox trap. Right. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Is anyone hurt? We're all hurt! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Is it a door? You're a terrible actor, Foxy. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's humiliating. We're furious. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's humiliating. We're furious. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
It's my fault. Oh, no. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Just a minute. She doesn't... I don't mind. I'm gonna go talk to them. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Just buy the tree. Okay. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Just minnows. Try one? Certainly. Thank you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kristofferson! Kristofferson! Kristofferson! Kristofferson! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Kristofferson. Where is he? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Lay it on us. It might save our lives. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Let's go. What? Hang on. I wanna do more. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Linda? Got it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Look at all this. Apple juice. Apple juice? Apple juice? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Lose the tonsils? Let's... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Never mind. Oh, you're gonna pout about it? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
No? He's from my mother's side. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Now get out of here! But... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, is it serious? No, hopefully, he wants to lose them. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Oh, no, Foxy. It's filthy. Keep a good grip, everyone. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Okay, let's take the scenic route. Great. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Okay. Well, thank you. I'm gonna tape this for my records, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Pipette. Oh, sorry. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Rabbit! Oryctolagus Cuniculus! I'm fast. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Right here. Paint an X. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Tails don't grow back. Except for lizards. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Thank you! I like your spots! Really? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
That's right where it's going to land. Stop it! Let's go! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
They'll kill the children! Over my dead body, they will. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
They're refugees. All they have to eat down there is... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Thirty five. Bunce? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Thirty six. And I've got thirty seven. That's... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
This better be worth it. I think I see... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
True, I guess Correct. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Until your uncle gets better. Right, but roughly... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Was I a bit rude to Agnes? Yeah. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Was that it? Okay, fine. There's another one. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We got it wrong. What? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We had a master plan! What's this lightning bolt? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We look good. Yeah, we do. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We were at gunpoint, and your mother... said she's pregnant. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We were trying to find the necktie. What are you talking about? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We're breaking into Bean's house? Cellar. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
We're miserable. He's laughing at us. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, I'm arguing against that! What are you talking about? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, that seems rather obvious. He's too sneaky. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, then why does he have that bubbly... He's rabid. With rabies. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, then why're you dead set on... Can I ask you a question? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Well, they'd be anywhere by now. They're digging right under our feet. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What is a squab? You know what a squab is. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What is it? It could be a good one. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What was that? What? I said... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What? Blueberry. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
What? I'll be right back. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
When? Right now. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where are we going? Nobody knows. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where did the boys go? What? Where? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Where he lives? Where he keeps the cider. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Who's it gonna be? Not me. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why didn't I think of this before? Think of what? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
Why? That's stupid! I don't like needles myself! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You bet you're! Linda? Got it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You didn't say... You forgot the blueberries? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You know, wouldn't it be surprising if Open it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You may. What's the point of sitting on the floor... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're going? You're... Oh, and Kylie... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're not gonna cuss with me, you little cuss! Don't cuss with me! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
You're not supposed to be here. Oh, what time is it? I'm sorry. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...a little sliver of light. What's this? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...a pretty good minnow fisherman, and possibly... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...a wonderful chef, a savvy real estate agent, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...an excellent tailor, a crack accountant, a gifted musician, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and cuss with their heads. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and even in this not particularly flattering light, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and getting better, he'll be going home soon, huh? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and his chin would be under water in the shallow end... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and I can’t tell whether you're getting anything I'm saying. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and I'm going to do something about it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and kind of intimidated by me, then... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and on my stomach I feel congested. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and open the manhole cover below the foot of the drainpipe... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and open the manhole cover below the foot of the drainpipe... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and outsmart predators. And that's what I'm actually good at! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and possibly the scariest man currently living. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and put him in a box with some holes punched in the top. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and put together some kind of a K.P. unit or something to keep this sewer clean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and shoot the cuss to smithereens. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and so do we. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and sometimes I feel like you guys don't see me that way. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and start doing something, right? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and started secretly stealing chickens on the sly. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and tastes almost exactly like pure, melted gold. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and the player at whack bat. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and the umpire calls hot box. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and the whack batter tries to hit the cedar stick off the cross rock. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and there's a station wagon parked on it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and these Giblets come from artificial squab. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and these Giblets come from artificial squab. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and tomorrow night we're gonna camp in the bushes, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and you shot off my tail. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...and you're standing at this door to the squab shack, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...as events continue to unfold. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...because he's going through a very hard time right now. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...because I don't like the toast I was giving. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...because of you. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...before I could trot. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...before I get completely dehydrated and starve to death. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...but at least they've got stars on them. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...but at least they've got stars on them. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...but I don't think I can last more than another couple of hours.. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...but I think is probably true. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...but I'm gonna ignore your advice. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...but I've decided to secretly do one last big job on the sly. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...but now it’s fully detachable. See? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...different, apparently. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...different. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...different. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...different. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...down in our sewer system. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...eerie little rhyme about him. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...for an hour and forty five minutes? It's weird. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...for someone of your type of species. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...gigantic supermarket up here! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...half of what we've already sunk into it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...he was already talking to Weasel about real estate availabilities from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...how good you are at just being available for... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...how long do we plan to give him on that? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...I want you to find another line of work. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...in a garbage pail behind a Chinese restaurant. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...in a tobacco field down the hill, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...in my life. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...in the attic of Bean Annex. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...it better not be. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...jump the twig basket and... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...jumping, flipping, landing. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...knock the cedar stick off the cross rock. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...most wonderful wild animals I've ever met... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...next to the cobbler's shop and meet me there today at 10 a. m. sharp. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...next to the cobbler's shop and meet me there today at 10 a. m. sharp. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...of our entire three combined work forces. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...or climb the rail over the bridle path? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...or somebody is, but I'm gonna get to the bottom of it. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...or that can even be stolen. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...paw remains open and straight, then withdraw instantaneously. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...paw remains open and straight, then withdraw instantaneously. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...phase! Go! Yes, sir. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...pitch perfect. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...pretty as a mink stole. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...probably split into a certain number of groups... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...remain convinced the fox in question will eventually reappear. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...scooping dirt and pebbles with your mother digging like crazy beside me, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...slide under the tire spikes, and flip open the fence latch. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...so don't make a lot of sounds. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...so it looks like we got them at the butcher shop! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...so me and Kylie are going to hop over there and give it a whirl. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...stuff me, and hang me over their mantelpiece. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...sunshine. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...survival! from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...terribly sweet. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...than whether or not you have beagle ticks or not. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...the best landscape painter working on the scene today. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...the Rabbits are vegetarians, and Badger's supposedly can't eat walnuts. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...their roasted chicken, their sizzling duck, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...their succulent turkey, their foie gras de... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...then it hit me: what do foxes do better than any other animal? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...then, as you arrive at the destination of the chop... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...this little gadget probably triggers the... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...three shovels, two pick axes, 500 rounds of ammunition and, uh... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...underneath the back door to Bean's secret cider cellar. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...unless you change. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...until they've got you and every member of your family... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...wait for him to come out of the hole in his tree, from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...were nonetheless equally mean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...were nonetheless equally mean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...were nonetheless equally mean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...were nonetheless equally mean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...were nonetheless equally mean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...were nonetheless equally mean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...were nonetheless equally mean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...were nonetheless equally mean. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...what looks like to be an opossum in the sidecar riding north on farm lane 7. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...which he makes from his apples. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...which he's on medication for, and if you get bit by him... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...which he's on medication for, and if you get bit by him... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...with smashed up goose livers injected into them. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...with ten milligrams of high potency sleeping powder. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...without provisions of any kind at this point. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...you are without a doubt, the five and a half... from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...you forgive the expression, a chicken in its teeth? from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
...you have to get shots in your stomach for six months. from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ And she was right in the rain of the bullets ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ And unknown for a long long time ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ And while he was handling... ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ But she's still dancing in the night ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Dancing with him like she don't even care ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier! ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Fell in love years ago ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Fought single handed through the Injun War ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ From the spanish and indian home ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Greenest state in the land of the free ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Head to toe healthy weathy and wise ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Home of the heroes and villains ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ I've been in this town so long that back in the city ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ I've been taken for lost and gone ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ My children were raised ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Raised in the woods so he knew every tree ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ She danced with me the very same way ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ They started slow long ago ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Till the Creeks was whipped and peace was in store ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Unafraid of what a dudell do in a town full of heroes and villains ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Well let her dance with him, let her dance all night long ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Well there she goes with a brand new love affair ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ Well who would've known that just yesterday ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ With an innocent girl ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)
¶ You know they suddenly rise ¶ from Fantastic Mr Fox (2009)