A black man can steal your stereo, but he can't be your savior. from Dogma (1999) 2
A conscience... from Dogma (1999) 3
A hundred bucks for being my guide. from Dogma (1999) 4
A long time ago. from Dogma (1999) 5
A muse has no place in battle. from Dogma (1999) 6
A very relieved deity. from Dogma (1999) 7
A while. from Dogma (1999) 8
A woman asks for the head of John the Baptist. from Dogma (1999) 9
A woman cuts Samson's coif of power. from Dogma (1999) 0
A woman's body is her own fucking business. from Dogma (1999) -
A woman's responsible for original sin. from Dogma (1999) =
Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of current events. from Dogma (1999) q
Actually, we're in the franchised Mexican eatery... from Dogma (1999) w
Adultery. from Dogma (1999) e
Afraid so. from Dogma (1999) r
After all this time, it comes down to slaughter by a meat puppet? from Dogma (1999) t
After that it was a simple matter of waiting for a church... from Dogma (1999) y
After the first million years? No. from Dogma (1999) u
All are accountable... from Dogma (1999) i
All is being taken care of. from Dogma (1999) o
All lines are currently down. from Dogma (1999) p
All over a belief. from Dogma (1999) a
All right, but I warned you. from Dogma (1999) s
All right, but Silent Bob gets to live with us and you pay the rent. from Dogma (1999) d
All right, mistakes were made. from Dogma (1999) f
All right, mouthpiece... from Dogma (1999) g
All right, one drink. Then you're gone. from Dogma (1999) h
All right, Plato, sounds like you've had enough already. from Dogma (1999) j
All right. from Dogma (1999) k
All that anger, all that mistrust, all that unhappiness... from Dogma (1999) l
All that matters is that after all these years, we found a loophole. from Dogma (1999) z
All these movies take place in this small town called Shermer, Illinois... from Dogma (1999) x
All this means is a redefinition of that identity. from Dogma (1999) c
All this time we've been down here... from Dogma (1999) v
All you gotta do is go to New Jersey... from Dogma (1999) b
An incantation I picked up in the pit... from Dogma (1999) n
And all my rabble rousing is not doing that much above. from Dogma (1999) m
And as omnipotent as we are above... from Dogma (1999) Q
And aside from the triplets here and the Golgothan... from Dogma (1999) W
And being that I can't even trust you enough to kill a woman... from Dogma (1999) E
And besides, I can spot a commandment breaker... from Dogma (1999) R
And besides, what if you're wrong, like you always are? from Dogma (1999) T
And he always gives his free points away to neighborhood children. from Dogma (1999) Y
And he is. from Dogma (1999) U
And he will, at great length, whether you want him to or not. from Dogma (1999) I
And his wrath was bore... from Dogma (1999) O
And I know he's not responsible for Bartleby and Loki... from Dogma (1999) P
And if everyone has to go down with me, so be it. from Dogma (1999) A
And if my calculations are correct... from Dogma (1999) S
And if they get back in... from Dogma (1999) D
And in spite of it all... from Dogma (1999) F
And in the end... from Dogma (1999) G
And it never occurred to you that maybe she's his wife? from Dogma (1999) H
And its platform of noninvolvement during the Holocaust? from Dogma (1999) J
And just to ensure that, we're all gonna sit tight... from Dogma (1999) K
And one to grow on. from Dogma (1999) L
And over many rounds... from Dogma (1999) Z
And people wonder why I don't go to church anymore. from Dogma (1999) X
And remember, incognito. from Dogma (1999) C
And that, my friends, is called hypocrisy. from Dogma (1999) V
And that's where I'm returning to in approximately, oh, one hour. from Dogma (1999) B
And the funny thing is, this guy could never even stand to see me work. from Dogma (1999) N
And there's nothing worse than watching a fucking fat man weep. from Dogma (1999) M
And therein lies the problem. from Dogma (1999) <
And they always tell you it'll hurt less with time. from Dogma (1999) >
And this has what to do with me? from Dogma (1999) !
And to do that, I think we may have to dispatch our would be dispatchers. from Dogma (1999) @
And what about Jay and Bob? Those guys were all right. from Dogma (1999) #
And when it was all over, God cast the rebels into perdition. from Dogma (1999) $
And when nothing she was saying was making me feel any better... from Dogma (1999) %
And while you know forgiveness... from Dogma (1999) ^
And while you never see your ex husband... from Dogma (1999) &
And why are you watching me? from Dogma (1999) *
And why is that? Because I'm a black man. from Dogma (1999) (
And why? Because of the way he made us. from Dogma (1999) )
And you two meet there, hook up... from Dogma (1999) ~
And you wonder if the other party is gonna come to their senses... from Dogma (1999) `
And, hello! We know what happens then, right? from Dogma (1999) |
And? from Dogma (1999) "
Angel against angel. from Dogma (1999) '
Angels have to cut their wings off to become human. from Dogma (1999) ?
Any important material about Christ... from Dogma (1999) /
Any occasion when some yahoo claims that God has spoken to them... from Dogma (1999) ,
Anybody? No? from Dogma (1999) .
Anyone who isn't dead or from another plane of existence... from Dogma (1999)
Apparently not. from Dogma (1999)
Are you high? I can't kill her if she hasn't done anything. from Dogma (1999)
Are you insinuating that I don't have what it takes anymore? from Dogma (1999)
Are you married? from Dogma (1999)
Are you really that stupid? from Dogma (1999)
Are you saying you believe? from Dogma (1999)
Are you saying you're back in, Ms. I Can't Do This Anymore? from Dogma (1999)
Are you serious? I'm a fucking demon. from Dogma (1999)
As I was saying... from Dogma (1999)
As if I could. from Dogma (1999)
As you get older, the glass gets bigger. from Dogma (1999)
Aside from the fine print, that's it. from Dogma (1999)
At least I was a man. from Dogma (1999)
Attagirl. Attagirl. from Dogma (1999)
Back in the old days, God was vengeful and hot tempered. from Dogma (1999)
Bad shit. from Dogma (1999)
Bartleby and Loki. from Dogma (1999)
Bartleby and Loki. They found a way back. from Dogma (1999)
Bartleby, wait. Stop. Listen to me. from Dogma (1999)
Be who you've always been. from Dogma (1999)
Because of who you are. from Dogma (1999)
Because when you're a kid you never question the whole faith thing. from Dogma (1999)
Because you were tired of getting none of the credit for your ideas. from Dogma (1999)
Because you're gonna help me get changes made... from Dogma (1999)
Because you're pissing people off, that's why. from Dogma (1999)
Behold the Metatron! from Dogma (1999)
Behold the Metatron! from Dogma (1999)
Behold the Metatron! from Dogma (1999)
Bet on it. from Dogma (1999)
Bethany figured it all out. She's a clever girl, that one. from Dogma (1999)
Bethany, bless the sink! from Dogma (1999)
Bethany, Serendipity here isn't technically an angel. from Dogma (1999)
Bethany, where you gonna go? You know what I'm saying is right. from Dogma (1999)
Bethany, you are... from Dogma (1999)
Bethany. from Dogma (1999)
Big deal! from Dogma (1999)
Big Papa, how about lending a brother your coat till I find threads? from Dogma (1999)
Biggie! from Dogma (1999)
Bless the sink, damn it! from Dogma (1999)
Bob, come with me. Come on! from Dogma (1999)
Bought by the Complex Corporation in 1991. from Dogma (1999)
Bow down, stupid! from Dogma (1999)
Broadcast nationally as the Mooby Fun Time Hour. from Dogma (1999)
Buddy Christ. from Dogma (1999)
Bullets don't seem to affect them! from Dogma (1999)
Bus, schmus. from Dogma (1999)
But angels can. from Dogma (1999)
But as soon as you hear you're getting this good shit... from Dogma (1999)
But as you can see... from Dogma (1999)
But Azrael refused to fight. from Dogma (1999)
But Ebert here don't give a shit about that kind of thing... from Dogma (1999)
But fat lot of good that did, right? I mean, here you all are. from Dogma (1999)
But folks who build their faith on that message should be colorblind. from Dogma (1999)
But him, you know... from Dogma (1999)
But I can't make you. from Dogma (1999)
But I can't. from Dogma (1999)
But I couldn't exercise it. from Dogma (1999)
But I do believe in this. from Dogma (1999)
But I do believe in this. from Dogma (1999)
But I get to drive. from Dogma (1999)
But I'm a fucking demon. from Dogma (1999)
But I'm not going anywhere until I find out where you came from. from Dogma (1999)
But I'm supposed to be in it. I was the 13th apostle. from Dogma (1999)
But look at it. from Dogma (1999)
But no, we're servants. from Dogma (1999)
But now... from Dogma (1999)
But one can hardly hold the current incarnation of Holy Mother Church... from Dogma (1999)
But one day he refused to bear God's wrath any longer. from Dogma (1999)
But one of the drawbacks to being intangible... from Dogma (1999)
But periodically the glass has to be refilled. from Dogma (1999)
But she did have a husband. from Dogma (1999)
But the Almighty could still putsch the whole deal... from Dogma (1999)
But there is one I need to ask. from Dogma (1999)
But to believe a married couple never got down, that's just plain gullibility. from Dogma (1999)
But we still exist. from Dogma (1999)
But what are you doing hanging around? from Dogma (1999)
But what if we can and then the arch thing doesn't work? from Dogma (1999)
But whoever he is was clever enough to send some lackeys after you... from Dogma (1999)
But you didn't say God bless you when I sneezed. from Dogma (1999)
But you know what the fuck we found out when we got there? from Dogma (1999)
But you know what? That's just my pet peeve. from Dogma (1999)
But, you know, they come to you with age. from Dogma (1999)
Can you believe it? Me, a muse, for God's sake. from Dogma (1999)
Can't we talk about this? from Dogma (1999)
Cardinal Glick Cuts Ribbon On Catholicism Wow! Campaign. from Dogma (1999)
Cardinal Glick? from Dogma (1999)
Christ didn't come to Earth to give us the willies. from Dogma (1999)
Christ loved to sit around the fire, listen to me and the other guys. from Dogma (1999)
Christ told me the secret to resurrection once. from Dogma (1999)
Christ? from Dogma (1999)
Church laws are fallible because they're created by man. from Dogma (1999)
Come on, barkeep, just one drink. One for the road, then I'm gone? from Dogma (1999)
Come on, bright boy. from Dogma (1999)
Come on, demon! Try that shit on somebody who's already dead! from Dogma (1999)
Come on. from Dogma (1999)
Come on. I don't believe in voodoo. from Dogma (1999)
Consequences, schmonsequences. from Dogma (1999)
Constitutionals? from Dogma (1999)
Could you have believed me? from Dogma (1999)
Couldn't do it. Women are insane. from Dogma (1999)
Count the shells, Suck a Duck. from Dogma (1999)
Created by Nancy Goldruff, a former kindergarten teacher, in 1989. from Dogma (1999)
Creating an empire out of simplicity. from Dogma (1999)
Crisis of faith over? from Dogma (1999)
Cute. Really cute. from Dogma (1999)
Damn it! from Dogma (1999)
Damn right I went to heaven! Shit, that's the least he could do. from Dogma (1999)
Damn! I knew I was gonna whack somebody today! from Dogma (1999)
Death is a worry of the living. from Dogma (1999)
Demons can't become human. from Dogma (1999)
Didn't I tell you she was funny? from Dogma (1999)
Die with a mortal sin and you burn. They don't wanna go to hell. from Dogma (1999)
Do I make myself clear? from Dogma (1999)
Do it! from Dogma (1999)
Do you believe in God? from Dogma (1999)
Do you drench everyone who comes in here with flame retardant chemicals? from Dogma (1999)
Do you know much about voodoo? from Dogma (1999)
Do you know what makes a human being decent? from Dogma (1999)
Do you mind if we adjourn to somewhere... from Dogma (1999)
Doesn't it pop? from Dogma (1999)
Doesn't say where he's playing, just goes away for a couple hours. from Dogma (1999)
Doesn't that mean anything to you? from Dogma (1999)
Don't allow eons of history and life to get blinked out of being... from Dogma (1999)
Don't ask so many questions. Just serve your purpose. from Dogma (1999)
Don't be such a show off, Barry. from Dogma (1999)
Don't run! Don't run! from Dogma (1999)
Don't tell me the name doesn't ring a bell. from Dogma (1999)
Don't tell me you never questioned the judgment, Serendipity. from Dogma (1999)
Don't underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State... from Dogma (1999)
Don't worry about it. We evened the score. from Dogma (1999)
Don't you just constantly question your value? from Dogma (1999)
Don't you know anything? from Dogma (1999)
Don't you know what's going on? from Dogma (1999)
Don't you think it's time we went home? from Dogma (1999)
Don't you think it's time? from Dogma (1999)
Don't. from Dogma (1999)
Don't. Don't, my friend. from Dogma (1999)
Dos tequilas, por favor, and an empty glass. from Dogma (1999)
Dude, he fell out of thin air. from Dogma (1999)
Easy for you to say. You get off light in a razing. from Dogma (1999)
Elvis was an artist... from Dogma (1999)
Escape from hell became my all consuming reason. from Dogma (1999)
Ever the fucking apple polisher. from Dogma (1999)
Every Sunday. from Dogma (1999)
Everybody's always up in arms about this out in the military issue. from Dogma (1999)
Everything I am has been a lie? from Dogma (1999)
Except the bathroom. Why? from Dogma (1999)
Excuse me? from Dogma (1999)
Excuse me. from Dogma (1999)
Excuse me. from Dogma (1999)
Excuse me. from Dogma (1999)
Existence Erased. from Dogma (1999)
Existence in all its form and splendor... from Dogma (1999)
Fakes! Fakes! All of you, fakes! Oh, and you! from Dogma (1999)
Fear. from Dogma (1999)
Fill them pews, people. from Dogma (1999)
Find some man, some woman, you can connect with, even for a moment... from Dogma (1999)
Fine. from Dogma (1999)
Fine. I'll kill her myself. from Dogma (1999)
First I gotta say goodbye to Bethany. Where is she? from Dogma (1999)
Flat out telling you. from Dogma (1999)
For example, I'm responsible for 19 of the 20 top grossing films of all time. from Dogma (1999)
For example, the crucifix. from Dogma (1999)
For Sunday News Brief, I'm Grant Hicks. from Dogma (1999)
For the first time I get it. from Dogma (1999)
For the record, I work in an abortion clinic. from Dogma (1999)
For those of you who haven't followed the news... from Dogma (1999)
Forgot my little voodoo doll. from Dogma (1999)
Freaked me out because he basically told me when my number was up. from Dogma (1999)
Fuck you, man. Any moron with a pack of matches can set a fire. from Dogma (1999)
Fuck, let's use them! from Dogma (1999)
Fuck. Everyone knows that. Tell me something nobody knows. from Dogma (1999)
Fucking Breakfast Club, where stupid kids actually show up for detention. from Dogma (1999)
Fucking Weird Science, where this babe wants to undress and get down... from Dogma (1999)
Funny you should mention that. We're not sure. from Dogma (1999)
Garçon. from Dogma (1999)
Genocide takes a lot out of him. from Dogma (1999)
Get it? from Dogma (1999)
Get off of me. I wanna see what's up. from Dogma (1999)
Get the fuck out of here, now! from Dogma (1999)
Get your fucking hands off me, you dickless son of a bitch! from Dogma (1999)
Give her time. from Dogma (1999)
Give over! I couldn't **** you if I wanted to. Angels are ill equipped. from Dogma (1999)
Glad you decided to join the conversation. from Dogma (1999)
Go ahead, then. Pick it up. Call it a gift. from Dogma (1999)
Go on. It's okay. from Dogma (1999)
Go! Go! Go! from Dogma (1999)
Go. from Dogma (1999)
God hates it when it's referred to as mythology. from Dogma (1999)
God, please, don't come any closer! Don't come any closer! God, no! from Dogma (1999)
God, there's a million things I wish I could ask you... from Dogma (1999)
God's a skeeball fanatic. from Dogma (1999)
God's house? from Dogma (1999)
God's in heaven, and he's... from Dogma (1999)
Going around killing people, about to uncase your wings. from Dogma (1999)
Going out in style. from Dogma (1999)
Gonna eat that hash brown? from Dogma (1999)
Good afternoon, Mrs. Reynolds. from Dogma (1999)
Good for you. from Dogma (1999)
Good Lord. from Dogma (1999)
Good morning. from Dogma (1999)
Grigori? from Dogma (1999)
Guess that's why I got talked into this pilgrimage. from Dogma (1999)
Guess this means no more cheating on my taxes. from Dogma (1999)
Guess what they do. from Dogma (1999)
Gum? from Dogma (1999)
Guys like us just don't fall out of the fucking sky, you know. from Dogma (1999)
Had we been given free will, we could choose to ignore the pain like they do. from Dogma (1999)
Hand it over, Silent Bob. from Dogma (1999)
Hang on a minute. from Dogma (1999)
Have you walked through the arch yet? from Dogma (1999)
He assumes a human form once a month and indulges. from Dogma (1999)
He begged me to take it all back. from Dogma (1999)
He came to help us out. from Dogma (1999)
He can be pretty flaky sometimes, but we have a lot in common. from Dogma (1999)
He can't keep us out anymore. from Dogma (1999)
He could. But he'd rather see you take care of this one personally. from Dogma (1999)
He could've been killed. Human form does have that drawback. from Dogma (1999)
He doesn't know how to make a Holy Bartender. from Dogma (1999)
He gave them a choice. from Dogma (1999)
He gave them more than he ever gave us. from Dogma (1999)
He just snapped. from Dogma (1999)
He lacks identification... from Dogma (1999)
He likes to listen to people talk. from Dogma (1999)
He made this flick Sixteen Candles. Not bad. from Dogma (1999)
He realized who you were and what you were gonna have to do. from Dogma (1999)
He remained in the middle, waiting to see who came out victorious. from Dogma (1999)
He said he felt sorry for you people. from Dogma (1999)
He said it himself: I'm a fucking demon. from Dogma (1999)
He said mankind got it all wrong... from Dogma (1999)
He said that faith is like a glass of water. from Dogma (1999)
He was a booster, and it's with that take on our Lord in mind... from Dogma (1999)
He was kicked out. from Dogma (1999)
He's always referred to as him. from Dogma (1999)
He's back. from Dogma (1999)
He's been at it for a while now. from Dogma (1999)
He's got a great sense of humor. from Dogma (1999)
He's grown weary of your superficial faith. from Dogma (1999)
He's the fucking undead! Cut his head off! from Dogma (1999)
He's turned a deaf ear to your lip service prayers. from Dogma (1999)
Heaven became divided into two factions... from Dogma (1999)
Heavens. from Dogma (1999)
Hell, no. And I was in my prime. from Dogma (1999)
Hello. We'd like two tickets to New Jersey, please. from Dogma (1999)
Hence all the spitting. from Dogma (1999)
Her legs. from Dogma (1999)
Her. And how? from Dogma (1999)
Herald of the Almighty and voice of the one true god! from Dogma (1999)
Herald of the Almighty and voice of the one true god! from Dogma (1999)
Herald of the Almighty and voice of the one true... from Dogma (1999)
Here's what I don't get about you. from Dogma (1999)
Hey, Big Bird! from Dogma (1999)
Hey, man, back in the old days with J.C., we used to walk everywhere. from Dogma (1999)
Hey, they're getting a free show! Let me see that shit! from Dogma (1999)
Hey! What I just did gave me a fucking migraine! from Dogma (1999)
Hey! What say we watch a little TV? from Dogma (1999)
Hey. from Dogma (1999)
Hey. Where'd you come from? from Dogma (1999)
Hit a demon with an instrument of God, the pure side will do the most damage. from Dogma (1999)
Hit me with that fish? from Dogma (1999)
Hit this shit, man. It's good stuff. from Dogma (1999)
Holy shit, it's the pope. from Dogma (1999)
Holy shit! Silent Bob's an instrument of God? from Dogma (1999)
Holy shit. The apostle. from Dogma (1999)
Hook them while they're young. from Dogma (1999)
How about tequila? from Dogma (1999)
How about you? When did you lose your faith? from Dogma (1999)
How am I supposed to strike fear into the hearts of the wicked with this? from Dogma (1999)
How am I supposed to strike fear into the hearts of the wicked with this? from Dogma (1999)
How did I...? from Dogma (1999)
How did you know she was listening in the first place? from Dogma (1999)
How do you know about that, the angels? from Dogma (1999)
How do you know...? How does she know Metatron? from Dogma (1999)
How long would it take to come to grips with something that huge? from Dogma (1999)
How so? from Dogma (1999)
How you coping, kid? from Dogma (1999)
How'd you meet? from Dogma (1999)
However, if you should decide to stop being selfish... from Dogma (1999)
Human, have you ever been to hell? from Dogma (1999)
Humans have besmirched everything he's bestowed on them. from Dogma (1999)
Hypocrites, charlatans... from Dogma (1999)
I ain't got time to win you a prize. We gotta get to the fucking. from Dogma (1999)
I ain't got time to win you a prize. We gotta get to the fucking. from Dogma (1999)
I already did, but it takes two of us! from Dogma (1999)
I always knew that thing was a bad idea. from Dogma (1999)
I am a seraphim. from Dogma (1999)
I am so buzzed. from Dogma (1999)
I am to charge you with a holy crusade. from Dogma (1999)
I beg your pardon? from Dogma (1999)
I beg your pardon? from Dogma (1999)
I beg your pardon. from Dogma (1999)
I believe the answers that you seek lie within my companion's eyes. from Dogma (1999)
I call it being dumped. from Dogma (1999)
I can inspire anyone I meet and give out a zillion and nine ideas a second... from Dogma (1999)
I can see the headlines now... from Dogma (1999)
I can't believe this shit. from Dogma (1999)
I can't believe you forgot the magazine. from Dogma (1999)
I can't do this anymore. from Dogma (1999)
I can't read this. from Dogma (1999)
I can't wait to die. from Dogma (1999)
I cannot even mention them aloud. from Dogma (1999)
I could have been knee deep in shepherds' daughters... from Dogma (1999)
I didn't ask you out for sex. from Dogma (1999)
I died. from Dogma (1999)
I don't buy it. from Dogma (1999)
I don't know those kids, but they would have kicked yours... from Dogma (1999)
I don't know what I was thinking in that diner... from Dogma (1999)
I don't know what that says to you, but to me it says... from Dogma (1999)
I don't know what to say or think, except... from Dogma (1999)
I don't know why I still go, Liz. from Dogma (1999)
I don't suppose it's much different from killing a human. from Dogma (1999)
I don't think a killing spree is gonna make things better for us. from Dogma (1999)
I don't think I have any faith left. from Dogma (1999)
I feel like Han Solo, you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi... from Dogma (1999)
I feel so stupid... from Dogma (1999)
I fell in love with you! We fell in love with you! from Dogma (1999)
I forgot you were down here. How long now? from Dogma (1999)
I gave my two weeks' notice, got a body, 50 bucks... from Dogma (1999)
I guess I'm supposed to talk them out of it or something. from Dogma (1999)
I guess we're gonna have to try and kill them. from Dogma (1999)
I had planned to have a family... from Dogma (1999)
I had something in my eye. from Dogma (1999)
I had to do all the work. from Dogma (1999)
I had to tell him. from Dogma (1999)
I had to tell this little boy that he was God's only son... from Dogma (1999)
I hate it when people need it spelled out for them. from Dogma (1999)
I hate thoughts like that. from Dogma (1999)
I hate you. from Dogma (1999)
I have issues with those who treat God like a burden instead of a blessing... from Dogma (1999)
I have seen what happens to the proud when they take on the throne. from Dogma (1999)
I have to get back to the pit before they get suspicious. from Dogma (1999)
I haven't seen the moron twins in a while. How about you? from Dogma (1999)
I haven't seen you... You look terrific. from Dogma (1999)
I hope you're the skeeball type. from Dogma (1999)
I just love it. I love to keep those guys on their toes. from Dogma (1999)
I just wanted to go home. from Dogma (1999)
I kept talking... from Dogma (1999)
I know what I'm doing. from Dogma (1999)
I know. I'm the last scion. from Dogma (1999)
I like that. from Dogma (1999)
I mean, even if that were the case, which it's not... from Dogma (1999)
I mean, you heard the guy. He said there are consequences. from Dogma (1999)
I might have to take you down. from Dogma (1999)
I need you three... from Dogma (1999)
I never told anybody about that. from Dogma (1999)
I rained down sulfur, man. There's a subtle difference. from Dogma (1999)
I really enjoyed meeting you. from Dogma (1999)
I remember eating meat on a Friday used to be a hell worthy trespass. from Dogma (1999)
I remember when all we had for breakfast was fish and goat's milk. from Dogma (1999)
I repeat, men with huge fucking wings... from Dogma (1999)
I repeat, this is not a drill. from Dogma (1999)
I said I was coming up on a routine possession. from Dogma (1999)
I said, whose house? from Dogma (1999)
I suggest you take the princess and get as far away as possible. from Dogma (1999)
I tapped her because I thought we'd be able to smoke out whoever's behind it. from Dogma (1999)
I think God is dead. from Dogma (1999)
I think I should go home, take some Percosets and lay down. from Dogma (1999)
I think I'm now burdened with an overabundance. from Dogma (1999)
I think not. from Dogma (1999)
I think that our best course of action... from Dogma (1999)
I think we're beyond euphemisms at this point. from Dogma (1999)
I used to specialize in entertainment. from Dogma (1999)
I wanna hit them. from Dogma (1999)
I was an artist, stupid! from Dogma (1999)
I was close. from Dogma (1999)
I was inspiration! from Dogma (1999)
I was like: from Dogma (1999)
I was on the phone with my mother... from Dogma (1999)
I was trying to find you to tell you I figured out who was behind all this. from Dogma (1999)
I was... from Dogma (1999)
I was... I was so angry with her. from Dogma (1999)
I went to church. from Dogma (1999)
I wish they could all feel that way more often. from Dogma (1999)
I wouldn't suggest that. from Dogma (1999)
I wouldn't want to let the family down, now, would I? from Dogma (1999)
I'd also like to acknowledge this great state's governor, Elizabeth Dalton... from Dogma (1999)
I'd be pissed, but in a couple minutes it's not gonna matter anyway. from Dogma (1999)
I'd give anything to feel that way again. from Dogma (1999)
I'd rather not exist than go back to that. from Dogma (1999)
I'd say there's a pretty good chance. Rufus, we're to be liquidated? from Dogma (1999)
I'll do it. from Dogma (1999)
I'll hold true in heaven. from Dogma (1999)
I'll keep that in mind. from Dogma (1999)
I'll let you in on something, Bethany, it's something I've never told anyone. from Dogma (1999)
I'll see you. from Dogma (1999)
I'll take head. from Dogma (1999)
I'll take this one. from Dogma (1999)
I'll tell you where. from Dogma (1999)
I'll try to get something out of poopy boy here. from Dogma (1999)
I'm a muse, stupid. from Dogma (1999)
I'm an important man with important matters that demand my attention... from Dogma (1999)
I'm as anatomically impaired as a Ken doll. from Dogma (1999)
I'm confused. from Dogma (1999)
I'm from the EPA. from Dogma (1999)
I'm going back to Jersey and starting the business again. from Dogma (1999)
I'm going back to Wisconsin. from Dogma (1999)
I'm going to this church in New Jersey. from Dogma (1999)
I'm gonna have to start by apologizing. from Dogma (1999)
I'm gonna have to summon the Golgothan. from Dogma (1999)
I'm Jay, and this is my hetero life mate, Silent Bob. from Dogma (1999)
I'm mainly here to correct a major error you've been basing the faith on. from Dogma (1999)
I'm not gonna tell. I wanna see how boned up on the job you are. from Dogma (1999)
I'm pissed off is what I am. from Dogma (1999)
I'm pregnant? from Dogma (1999)
I'm soaked and she's the one that's surly. That's rich. from Dogma (1999)
I'm sorry, old friend, but you lost the faith. from Dogma (1999)
I'm sorry. from Dogma (1999)
I'm starving. Back off, Kato. from Dogma (1999)
I'm sure you get it all the time, but how many chances like this will I get? from Dogma (1999)
I'm talking about raining down fire and brimstone, punishing the wicked. from Dogma (1999)
I'm telling you, man, this ceremony's a big mistake. from Dogma (1999)
I'm tired of all this cryptic bullshit. from Dogma (1999)
I'm trying to keep our profile low. from Dogma (1999)
I've become aware of the repercussions. from Dogma (1999)
I've been dreaming about this for five years. Read that. from Dogma (1999)
I've gone to church my whole life and never heard of Rufus, the 13th apostle. from Dogma (1999)
If anything else comes up, I'll contact you. from Dogma (1999)
If he tells me something, I'll let you know. from Dogma (1999)
If he was, he'd have made his move by now to conquer Heaven. from Dogma (1999)
If I had a dick, I'd go get laid. from Dogma (1999)
If I had the power... from Dogma (1999)
If I'm wrong, which I'm not, it's not gonna matter. from Dogma (1999)
If it's closed that day, those guys can't get blessed or whatever, right? from Dogma (1999)
If only they knew your tithing came from a Planned Parenthood check. from Dogma (1999)
If only they'd let us jerk off, you know? from Dogma (1999)
If so, I'm first. I hate sloppy seconds. from Dogma (1999)
If that's true, why did he get written about and you were left out? from Dogma (1999)
If the whole world's gonna end, you said you'd fuck me. from Dogma (1999)
If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it? from Dogma (1999)
If they get in, they will have reversed God's decree. from Dogma (1999)
If they pass through that arch, they're clean. from Dogma (1999)
If this is so major, why are you talking to me? from Dogma (1999)
If we die with clean souls, they can't keep us out. from Dogma (1999)
If we're not gonna fuck, then what the fuck did you ask us out for? from Dogma (1999)
If your enemies know where you are, then don't be there. from Dogma (1999)
Imagine you're a 12 year old boy. from Dogma (1999)
Imprisoned in a body. from Dogma (1999)
In a manner of speaking. Two of them. from Dogma (1999)
In every room? from Dogma (1999)
In that highly unlikely situation? from Dogma (1999)
In the bed that you and your wife share, no less. from Dogma (1999)
In the Bible, Jesus suddenly goes from age 12 to 30. Twelve to 30. from Dogma (1999)
In the three years I followed his ass around Jerusalem, did I ever get laid? from Dogma (1999)
Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania... from Dogma (1999)
Is it true chicks fart if you blast them in the ass? from Dogma (1999)
Is that so? from Dogma (1999)
Is the kickoff of a new campaign... from Dogma (1999)
Is this why I had to come down here and miss my fucking cartoons? from Dogma (1999)
It doesn't have that wrath of the Almighty edge to it. from Dogma (1999)
It doesn't take a muse to inspire horny retards to empty their wallets. from Dogma (1999)
It gives me time to balance my checkbook every week. from Dogma (1999)
It stinks. from Dogma (1999)
It was fucked up. from Dogma (1999)
It was something you had to come to gradually. from Dogma (1999)
It wasn't just Christ. The Romans crucified everyone there. from Dogma (1999)
It's a lot more compact than the flaming sword... from Dogma (1999)
It's been a while since physics but I would think... from Dogma (1999)
It's dogmatic law. If the Church says it's so, God must adhere. from Dogma (1999)
It's from renegade angels that have been stuck on Earth since the plagues. from Dogma (1999)
It's impossible. If we cut off our wings... from Dogma (1999)
It's just this thing I have to do. from Dogma (1999)
It's not a joint. from Dogma (1999)
It's not that simple. from Dogma (1999)
It's too big. from Dogma (1999)
It's unfair to ask a child to shoulder that responsibility... from Dogma (1999)
It's unfair. from Dogma (1999)
It's usually Long Rufus, but it's a little cold out here. You understand. from Dogma (1999)
It's weird. from Dogma (1999)
Jay! from Dogma (1999)
Jeez, this broad asks a lot of questions. from Dogma (1999)
Jersey's pretty far from McHenry. May I ask what brought you here? from Dogma (1999)
Jesus Christ! from Dogma (1999)
Jesus didn't have brothers and sisters. Mary was a virgin. from Dogma (1999)
Jesus wept! from Dogma (1999)
Jesus. You're a Catholic. Can't you talk to them? from Dogma (1999)
Just in time to join us for a drink. from Dogma (1999)
Just something we've been kicking around the office. from Dogma (1999)
Just when I think I have a handle on things... from Dogma (1999)
Just... from Dogma (1999)
Justified. Eager, even. from Dogma (1999)
Keep rolling! Keep rolling! from Dogma (1999)
Kerwood Mandel to car three. Kerwood Mandel to car three. from Dogma (1999)
Kids, playtime with the cardinal is over. from Dogma (1999)
Kind of hard to have a New Testament without him. from Dogma (1999)
Knew him? Shit, ****a owes me 12 bucks. from Dogma (1999)
Knocks strong odors out. from Dogma (1999)
Knowing what you now know doesn't mean you're not who you were. from Dogma (1999)
Ladies and gentlemen, the driving force behind Catholicism Wow! from Dogma (1999)
Ladies and gentlemen... from Dogma (1999)
Lady, look at me. I don't even know where I am half the time. from Dogma (1999)
Last four days on Earth? from Dogma (1999)
Last night was a rerun, which says to me... from Dogma (1999)
Last year, you cheated on your wife of 17 years eight times. from Dogma (1999)
Leave it to the Catholics to destroy existence. from Dogma (1999)
Leaving me out's okay because you still got 12 white boys to choose from. from Dogma (1999)
Let her go, man. from Dogma (1999)
Let it never be said your anal retentive attention to detail... from Dogma (1999)
Let me get this straight. from Dogma (1999)
Let me get this straight. from Dogma (1999)
Let me go! from Dogma (1999)
Let me guess, 14th apostle, left out of the Bible because she's a woman? from Dogma (1999)
Let me guess. from Dogma (1999)
Let me let you in on a little inside info. from Dogma (1999)
Let's kill people. from Dogma (1999)
Let's say we continue this discussion over a two piece and a biscuit. from Dogma (1999)
Life eternal, a place in God's heaven. from Dogma (1999)
Like I ever drove before. from Dogma (1999)
Like you, Mr. Burton. from Dogma (1999)
Like, why was I so easy to cast aside? from Dogma (1999)
Listen, my advice to you... from Dogma (1999)
Loki! from Dogma (1999)
Loki. from Dogma (1999)
Loki... from Dogma (1999)
Lonely... from Dogma (1999)
Look at them. from Dogma (1999)
Look at this pimp. How'd you get out of hell? from Dogma (1999)
Look at this. from Dogma (1999)
Look, asshole, I don't know if anyone explained the rules to you... from Dogma (1999)
Look, I've gotta go. from Dogma (1999)
Looks like we're in charge of the gang now. from Dogma (1999)
Make yourself useful and give me that towel. from Dogma (1999)
Man, it really looks just like you, doesn't it? from Dogma (1999)
Martin from Dogma (1999)
Mary gave birth to Christ without knowing a man's touch. This is true. from Dogma (1999)
Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can do... from Dogma (1999)
May I ask what you're doing in my boardroom? from Dogma (1999)
May I continue uninterrupted? from Dogma (1999)
Maybe we can ask him to shut down the church. from Dogma (1999)
Maybe we could talk this guy Glick into canceling the rededication ceremony. from Dogma (1999)
Maybe we should just leave. from Dogma (1999)
Maybe we should rethink this whole thing. from Dogma (1999)
Maybe you, but definitely not me. from Dogma (1999)
Maybe you're supposed to kill them. from Dogma (1999)
Maybe you're wrong on the slaughter thing. from Dogma (1999)
Maybe, say, 18 years? from Dogma (1999)
Me? I came from heaven. from Dogma (1999)
Meaning? from Dogma (1999)
Meanwhile, I suggest you find an alternate mode of transportation. from Dogma (1999)
Metatron acts as the voice of God. from Dogma (1999)
Metatron, is she...? from Dogma (1999)
Mooby, the Golden Calf. from Dogma (1999)
Mooby, the Golden Calf. from Dogma (1999)
More an arrangement of superstitions... from Dogma (1999)
More importantly, he's also a human being... from Dogma (1999)
More than that, I'm afraid not a one of you... from Dogma (1999)
Morning, shoppers. from Dogma (1999)
Mr. Barker flew to Thailand on the company account... from Dogma (1999)
Mr. Brace disowned his gay son. from Dogma (1999)
Mr. Holtzman okayed the production of Mooby Dolls... from Dogma (1999)
Mr. McGhee, don't make me angry. from Dogma (1999)
Mr. Newman. from Dogma (1999)
Mr. Ray put his mother in a third rate nursing home... from Dogma (1999)
Muse! from Dogma (1999)
My compatriot. from Dogma (1999)
My ex husband sort of screwed up my relationship awareness barometer. from Dogma (1999)
My experience is that the average male is never a man... from Dogma (1999)
My friend has a bit of a penchant for the dramatic. from Dogma (1999)
My friend, because this is humanity at its best. from Dogma (1999)
My friends and I have been traveling all night in hope of talking to you... from Dogma (1999)
My God. I've heard a rant like this before. from Dogma (1999)
Neither are we. You don't hear us bitching and moaning. from Dogma (1999)
Neither did he. from Dogma (1999)
Neither you nor any other influence short of the hand of God himself... from Dogma (1999)
Never heard of it. from Dogma (1999)
New Jersey? from Dogma (1999)
New Jersey. Rededication ceremony is in four days. from Dogma (1999)
Nice. from Dogma (1999)
Nice. from Dogma (1999)
No denomination's nailed it yet... from Dogma (1999)
No man of woman born! from Dogma (1999)
No married man kisses his wife like that? Are you stoned? from Dogma (1999)
No married man kisses his wife like that. from Dogma (1999)
No one can take that away from you, not even God. from Dogma (1999)
No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... from Dogma (1999)
No sex. from Dogma (1999)
No ticket. from Dogma (1999)
No wonder he saw Jesus. Homey's rocking the ganj. from Dogma (1999)
No, but Glick's the kind of asshole who'd bless his clubs for a better game. from Dogma (1999)
No, no, no. from Dogma (1999)
No, no. The trouble's not from us. from Dogma (1999)
No, she hasn't... from Dogma (1999)
No, that was a cardinal. from Dogma (1999)
No, we can't transubstantiate. from Dogma (1999)
No! from Dogma (1999)
No! from Dogma (1999)
No! from Dogma (1999)
No. from Dogma (1999)
No. But I have a good idea. from Dogma (1999)
No. By walking through the archway, all your sins are forgiven. from Dogma (1999)
No. Hey. Hey! from Dogma (1999)
No. I wanna go with you to New Jersey. from Dogma (1999)
No. It never bothered me. from Dogma (1999)
No. No. from Dogma (1999)
Noah was a drunk. Look what he accomplished. from Dogma (1999)
Nobody is fucking me! You got that? from Dogma (1999)
None of you has anything left to fear anymore. from Dogma (1999)
Not born. Shit into existence. from Dogma (1999)
Not one. from Dogma (1999)
Not to mention bicoastal theme parks... from Dogma (1999)
Nothingness. from Dogma (1999)
Now I sit there every Sunday and I feel nothing. from Dogma (1999)
Now I'm up to my ass in Christian mythology. from Dogma (1999)
Now let's start walking. from Dogma (1999)
Now listen closely because this bit's very important. from Dogma (1999)
Now look at him. from Dogma (1999)
Now who's the fucking child? from Dogma (1999)
Now, how about that shit? Fuck this town, man! from Dogma (1999)
Now, how about you start explaining things, like for starters... from Dogma (1999)
Now, I'm not a man of faith, but I'm inclined to agree. from Dogma (1999)
Now, if I remember the protocol correctly... from Dogma (1999)
Now, is there a point to this? from Dogma (1999)
Now, just sit down on the bed and shut up. from Dogma (1999)
Now, let me just tell you a little bit of history about this particular... from Dogma (1999)
Now, now, now. from Dogma (1999)
Now, that's some pretty bad storytelling. from Dogma (1999)
Now, the Carpenter, an obvious reference to Jesus Christ... from Dogma (1999)
Now, we all know how the majority... from Dogma (1999)
Officer McGhee. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, apostle, you maintain that kind of an attitude... from Dogma (1999)
Oh, Bartleby. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, believe it, boys. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, bullshit. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, come on! from Dogma (1999)
Oh, come on. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, fuck. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, God, another angel like Metatron. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, God. I'm sorry. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, Jesus! from Dogma (1999)
Oh, my God. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, my God. He's lost it. We're fucked. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, no way! from Dogma (1999)
Oh, no, I've seen way too many Bond movies to know... from Dogma (1999)
Oh, no. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, nothing. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, shit! from Dogma (1999)
Oh, the ethereal plains were chaotic with battle. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, the voice of God. Where's the rest of him? from Dogma (1999)
Oh, well, then let's ask the prophets what we should call it instead. from Dogma (1999)
Oh, yeah, right. Kill them. from Dogma (1999)
Oh. Do you two live together? from Dogma (1999)
Oh. Those weren't tits I saw Jay cozying up to? from Dogma (1999)
Okay, I'm sure. from Dogma (1999)
Okay. from Dogma (1999)
Okay. from Dogma (1999)
Okay. Well, it's a good thing you were never... from Dogma (1999)
Once he's done with the firstborn... from Dogma (1999)
Once we're back in, he'll just forgive and forget. from Dogma (1999)
One day God just stopped listening. from Dogma (1999)
One of the choirs of angels. They're called Watchers. from Dogma (1999)
One of the drawbacks to being a martyr is that you have to die. from Dogma (1999)
One of the last sacred promises imparted to Peter, the first pope... from Dogma (1999)
One side, Red. from Dogma (1999)
One time we were at the mall, we tied Tubby to the ceiling... from Dogma (1999)
Only after everything you've seen... from Dogma (1999)
Only place you can go for a good tequila. from Dogma (1999)
Or you'll do what exactly? from Dogma (1999)
Orders are to terminate you on sight. from Dogma (1999)
Organized religion destroys who we are... from Dogma (1999)
Our expulsion from paradise. from Dogma (1999)
Ours was designed to be a life of servitude and worship... from Dogma (1999)
Out of all the people on the goddamn planet, why was I tapped? from Dogma (1999)
Outstanding work! from Dogma (1999)
Over the bar! Come on! from Dogma (1999)
Pardon? from Dogma (1999)
People die for it. People kill for it. from Dogma (1999)