A Batbomb? from Batman & Robin (1997) 2
A chance for... from Batman & Robin (1997) 3
A cool customer, yes. from Batman & Robin (1997) 4
A day of reckoning is coming. from Batman & Robin (1997) 5
A fixer upper. from Batman & Robin (1997) 6
A freeze is coming. from Batman & Robin (1997) 7
A gentleman does not discuss his ailments. It is not civilized. from Batman & Robin (1997) 8
A laundry service that delivers! Wow! from Batman & Robin (1997) 9
A minus! from Batman & Robin (1997) 0
A new villain has commandeered the Gotham Museum. from Batman & Robin (1997) -
Absolutely, boss. from Batman & Robin (1997) =
Access allowed. from Batman & Robin (1997) q
Access denied. from Batman & Robin (1997) w
Access denied. from Batman & Robin (1997) e
Actually, I already work for you, or did. from Batman & Robin (1997) r
Actually, I'm looking for Alfred Pennyworth. from Batman & Robin (1997) t
Adam... from Batman & Robin (1997) y
After his wife contracted a rare disease... from Batman & Robin (1997) u
After you're frozen, your icy tomb will plummet back to Gotham. from Batman & Robin (1997) i
Alfred and Bruce are like family. from Batman & Robin (1997) o
Alfred has supported me my whole life and I'm going to pay him back. from Batman & Robin (1997) p
Alfred is a sweet, noble man... from Batman & Robin (1997) a
Alfred's condition is less severe. Fries' research said... from Batman & Robin (1997) s
Alfred's not sick. from Batman & Robin (1997) d
Alfred's sick. from Batman & Robin (1997) f
All right, everyone! Chill. from Batman & Robin (1997) g
All right, Freezie, you can't live outside the cold zone. from Batman & Robin (1997) h
All that ends now. from Batman & Robin (1997) j
All this luxury really isn't my style, but... from Batman & Robin (1997) k
All we can do is make him comfortable. from Batman & Robin (1997) l
All we can do now is wait... from Batman & Robin (1997) z
Always winterize your pipes. from Batman & Robin (1997) x
An enticing offer... from Batman & Robin (1997) c
And here's the man of the hour himself... from Batman & Robin (1997) v
And I bid... from Batman & Robin (1997) b
And I love you too. from Batman & Robin (1997) n
And I'll bid... from Batman & Robin (1997) m
And maybe you can also save the life of the man your wife once loved. from Batman & Robin (1997) Q
And step on it. from Batman & Robin (1997) W
And that's most certainly enough for us... for now. from Batman & Robin (1997) E
And the time has come... from Batman & Robin (1997) R
And then Gotham... from Batman & Robin (1997) T
And we shall rule them. from Batman & Robin (1997) Y
And what a charmer he is. from Batman & Robin (1997) U
And yet, you spoil her lands... from Batman & Robin (1997) I
And you are? from Batman & Robin (1997) O
And you are? from Batman & Robin (1997) P
And, Jason, one other thing. from Batman & Robin (1997) A
Are you going to tie the knot? from Batman & Robin (1997) S
Are you...? from Batman & Robin (1997) D
As I have you. from Batman & Robin (1997) F
As I told Lady Fries, when I pulled her plug... from Batman & Robin (1997) G
As well as can be expected, sir. from Batman & Robin (1997) H
Bad luck, I'm afraid. from Batman & Robin (1997) J
Bad, yes. Guy, no. from Batman & Robin (1997) K
Bane of Humanity! from Batman & Robin (1997) L
Bane... from Batman & Robin (1997) Z
Banker, how much coin to play? from Batman & Robin (1997) X
Barbara is the daughter of my dear sister Margaret. from Batman & Robin (1997) C
Barbara, I hope you'll stay with us. from Batman & Robin (1997) V
Batgirl. from Batman & Robin (1997) B
Batman and Robin... from Batman & Robin (1997) N
Battling the Bat exhausted my power. from Batman & Robin (1997) M
Behold... from Batman & Robin (1997) <
Behold... from Batman & Robin (1997) >
Bidding begins at a mere... from Batman & Robin (1997) !
Bombs away, Batman. from Batman & Robin (1997) @
Bonsoir, glamorous Gothamites. from Batman & Robin (1997) #
Both my parents were killed in a car accident 5 years ago. from Batman & Robin (1997) $
Boys, please... from Batman & Robin (1997) %
Brother, dear... from Batman & Robin (1997) ^
Bruce and I are recklessly in love. from Batman & Robin (1997) &
Bruce, it's me, Barbara. I found the Batcave. from Batman & Robin (1997) *
Brucy, you and the exquisite Julie Madison... from Batman & Robin (1997) (
Brucy... from Batman & Robin (1997) )
But I can tell. from Batman & Robin (1997) ~
But I can't save you. from Batman & Robin (1997) `
But I can't, can I? from Batman & Robin (1997) |
But I detect a certain ruthless charm I may be able to use... from Batman & Robin (1997) "
But I shan't be here forever. from Batman & Robin (1997) '
But I've already won the money I need to do what I've always dreamed. from Batman & Robin (1997) ?
But maybe someday... from Batman & Robin (1997) /
But she's not dead. from Batman & Robin (1997) ,
But vengeance isn't power. Anyone can take a life. from Batman & Robin (1997) .
But why stop there? from Batman & Robin (1997)
But you probably don't have access. from Batman & Robin (1997)
But, he survived somehow. from Batman & Robin (1997)
But... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Bye bye, dear! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Bye bye. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Can you be cold? You have 11 minutes to thaw the bird. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Can you feel it coming? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Caped crusaders are going to help us auction... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Chicks dig the car. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Chilled... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Clever little clover. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Come and get me, if you can. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Come on, sing! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Come, join me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Coming, Bane, darling. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Coming, sir. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Commissioner Gordon... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Commissioner, you have 11 minutes to thaw these people. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Commissioner. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Couldn't resist. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Counting on someone is the way to win. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Cowabunga! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Current tenants. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Damn? Damn's not good. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Dear brother Wilfred... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Death and chance stole your parents... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Despite all your talents... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Destroy everything! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Did we get him? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Dirty fighter! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Disable engine. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Do you hear me?! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Doctor... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Doesn't work on the cold hearted. If you please! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Don't be silly. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Don't do it to me! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Don't mind us, ma'am. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Don't say you want to join the circus. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Don't tell me you're on his side again. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Don't worry, Uncle Alfred. I'm terrified of these things. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Don't you think, sir? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Dr. Isley? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Dr. Isley. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Dr. Pamela Isley. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Dr. Woodrue was a lunatic. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Drag him into the cold beam. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Drats! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Dying? from Batman & Robin (1997)
End of the line, sweetheart! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Endurance, stamina. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Energy. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Enhance detail, 14 to 19. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Enough monkey business. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Enough... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Everyone who's anyone... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Everything dead on Earth except us. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Excuse me, chief. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Excuse me, gentlemen. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Excuse me! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Excuse me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Exit! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Fellow maniacs... from Batman & Robin (1997)
First... from Batman & Robin (1997)
First... from Batman & Robin (1997)
First... from Batman & Robin (1997)
For luck. from Batman & Robin (1997)
For the first time in a long time. from Batman & Robin (1997)
For we will be... from Batman & Robin (1997)
For what is Batman... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Forget the stars, look here at the earth... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Freeze has escaped! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Freeze well. from Batman & Robin (1997)
From below the equator from Batman & Robin (1997)
From here, we'll be able to see the sky anywhere on Earth... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Frosty! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Get the diamonds. I'll rescue the bride. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Give yourself up. If you surrender from Batman & Robin (1997)
Go on. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Go to bed. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Go! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Go! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Good day, Doctor. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Good gracious, what a tumble. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Good morning, Gotham. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Good night, Master Bruce. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Good night. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Got to go. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Gotcha! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Gotcha! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Grab the gem! Kill the heroes! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Grow for mommy. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hand over the diamond, Garden Gal... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hang on! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hang on. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Happy? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Have to do it upside down. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He adapted his freezing technology to reverse the disease. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He cut the funding for our work. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He found a cure for the disease in some stages. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He loves me not. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He loves me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He loves me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He's calling himself, "Mr. Freeze. " from Batman & Robin (1997)
He's dying. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He's first butler to the Maharajah of Miranjapore. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He's freezing the furnace! from Batman & Robin (1997)
He's frozen the antiquities wing. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He's Mr. Icicle. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He's Mr. White Christmas. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He's overeager, he's impulsive. from Batman & Robin (1997)
He's turned the security guards into ice. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hell, I am Mother Nature. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hello, Jason. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hello, yourself. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Her name's Pamela Isley. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Here goes. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Here's food for thought. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hey, Freeze. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hey, there, pretty birdie. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hi there. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hi there. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hi, Freeze. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hi, there. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hi! from Batman & Robin (1997)
His cryo suit uses diamond enhanced lasers to keep him at zero degrees. from Batman & Robin (1997)
His name is Bane. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Hit me, boys. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Honey, clean up this mess. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Honey. from Batman & Robin (1997)
How about "Slippery when wet." from Batman & Robin (1997)
How about, "Nice to see you. Thanks for saving my life." from Batman & Robin (1997)
How could you?! from Batman & Robin (1997)
How did you manage to come here all the way from England? from Batman & Robin (1997)
How he's hiding the pain all the time. from Batman & Robin (1997)
How long you been racing? from Batman & Robin (1997)
How we supposed to work together if you won't trust me? from Batman & Robin (1997)
How'd they get away? from Batman & Robin (1997)
I am Nature's arm... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I am so pleased you won the bidding, Your Supreme Ruthlessness. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I anticipated you would... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I anticipated you would... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I bid 50,000 dollars for Poison Ivy! from Batman & Robin (1997)
I call this little number... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I came to tuck you in. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I can make it! from Batman & Robin (1997)
I can see it now: from Batman & Robin (1997)
I can! from Batman & Robin (1997)
I can't believe it. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I can't believe we fought over a bad guy. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I can't trust him not to get hurt. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I did it all by myself. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I didn't kill your wife. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I don't mind you at all. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I don't suppose they have fax machines on elephants. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I don't think so. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I expected you might find your way down here, child. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I expected you might find your way down here, child. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I find that unlikely. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I got him. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I got mine. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I got one question. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I guess all the speed and danger helped take me out of myself. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I hate to disappoint you, but... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I hate uninvited guests. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I hate when people talk during the movie. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I have duties that he must fulfill in my stead. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I have here a proposal showing how Wayne Enterprises can immediately... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I have the keys right here in my pocket. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I hope Mr. Bane can swim. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I hope that I have taught you at least that much, Master Bruce. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I hope you've got 10 million more of those toys. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I just took it out for a spin. I'll clean it tomorrow. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I know she loves me and not you, and it's driving you crazy. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I know the way you are. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I know you're a dedicated bachelor. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I know, then the feeling vanished. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I know. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I know. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I love you, old man. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I need a sign... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I need the diamonds. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I probably should have mentioned this earlier... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I programmed my brain algorithms... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I really am to die for. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I remember Mom getting postcards. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I see you knew him. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I shall repay them for sentencing me to a life without human comfort. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I spend my entire life trying to beat back death. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I suppose you had a minor in motorbikes also? from Batman & Robin (1997)
I think I've had a change of heart. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I think not. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I thought you'd stay in the museum, round up some thugs. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I trust you, Alfred. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I want a Robin signal in the sky, all right? from Batman & Robin (1997)
I want to spend my life with you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I want us to be together, but... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I was too late. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I will blanket the city in endless winter! from Batman & Robin (1997)
I will freeze the city. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I will have given flora... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I wish I knew. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'd just... from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'd like to help Batman and Robin. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'd like to help Batman and Robin. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'll borrow it from you. Four. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'll cancel the pizzas. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'll finish off the city. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'll give 10,000 for the orchid! from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'll have your wife moved to the lab at Arkham. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'll help you grab your rocks. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'll kill you next time! from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'll show you how to ride it. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'll take him away from this dismal life of servitude. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm afraid that my condition has left me cold to your pleas of mercy. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm afraid you'll have to die. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm family. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm fine! See! Me, here, alive! from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm just praying this reaches you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm Mr. Icicle. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm Mr. Ten Below. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm not the marrying kind. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm on break from from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm running on empty. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm sorry about the door. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm sorry, Uncle. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm sorry. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm taking you back to Arkham Asylum. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm the one who kicked Ivy's botanical butt. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm tired of living in your shadow. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm trying to find my brother, your Uncle Wilfred. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm your new cellmate. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I've always hankered for something on the water. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I've been trying to reach him with no success. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I've come to set you free. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I've got some wild oats to sow. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I've got to stop him. from Batman & Robin (1997)
I've missed you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Icehead, you got a visitor. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Icy demeanor... from Batman & Robin (1997)
If I can only find the right dose of venom... from Batman & Robin (1997)
If I must suffer... from Batman & Robin (1997)
If it's ice the Iceman wants... from Batman & Robin (1997)
If revenge... from Batman & Robin (1997)
If you want to stay in this house, on this team, you'll abide by them. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Impressive! from Batman & Robin (1997)
In fact... from Batman & Robin (1997)
In Gotham City... from Batman & Robin (1997)
In my weakened condition, I'm no match for the Bat and Bird. from Batman & Robin (1997)
In this universe... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Intruder alert. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Intruder alert. Identify. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Is it always... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Is the party over? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Is there something wrong, sir? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Is your thumb the only part of you that's green? from Batman & Robin (1997)
It is a sacred trust of two good men... from Batman & Robin (1997)
It took God seven days... from Batman & Robin (1997)
It travels through India. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It'll take the satellites a minute to realign, but... from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's a cold town. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's a competition racer. I've been fixing it up. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's Batman and Robin, not Robin and Batman. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's good to see you again. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's Gossip Gerty reporting to you direct from the Gotham Observatory... from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's just so beautiful. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's morning in the Congo. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's Nora Fries. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's not a Batlight, it's a Robin signal. Ivy's calling me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's one of those days! from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's Stage 1 of Macgregor's Syndrome. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's the first time I've fallen and you weren't there. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's the hockey team from hell. from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's time... from Batman & Robin (1997)
It's your rules. It's your way, or the highway. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Ivy's right. I don't need your help. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Join me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Join you? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Just a few judo lessons. You know, London's kind of rough. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Just a few mammals doing what we can for the world's plants. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Just as you killed my wife. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Just don't point it at my bedroom. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Just promise me you'll think about it. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Just the beast. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Just what I had in mind. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Just... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Kill them! Kill them! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Kiss me and I'll tell you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Ladies and gentlemen of the un United Nations... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Later. We have work to do. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Learn it well... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Let me guess. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Let the poisons and toxins burn a grave for you... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Let there be light. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Let's cool it for now. I've got someone I want you to meet. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Let's heat things up. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Let's see if I can do better. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Let's start the bidding! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Listen, this whole master servant thing... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Little overly protective, but you won't hurt me, Miss ? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Living in the shadow of the big, bad Bat. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Look at him stew. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Look at you! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Look out, baby! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Look, I don't want to pressure you. Because if I do... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Louder! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Louder! Come on! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Lovely to see you again. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Macgregor's Syndrome is what Fries' wife had. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Mammals! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Margaret. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Marriage? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Marriage? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Master Dick... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Maybe he melted. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Maybe she wanted me instead of you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Me too. Definitely. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Me too. Definitely. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Men! Everything the hard way. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Men... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Miss Ivy, you've just met one of the most sinister men in Gotham. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Miss, you need to stop. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Miss, you're not authorized to be up here. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Monkey work. from Batman & Robin (1997)
My experiment to mate the orchid and the rattlesnake has failed again... from Batman & Robin (1997)
My father told me, "To succeed, we need only pick a star and follow it. " from Batman & Robin (1997)
My garden needs tending. from Batman & Robin (1997)
My lungs are freezing! from Batman & Robin (1997)
My mutant plants have the strength of the deadliest animals. from Batman & Robin (1997)
My name is Freeze. from Batman & Robin (1997)
My nickname for sweet Margaret. from Batman & Robin (1997)
My only regret is that I was never able to be out there with you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
My work would proceed faster... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Need a ride? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Never leave the cave without it. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Nice try, girlie! from Batman & Robin (1997)
No apology necessary. from Batman & Robin (1997)
No beauty. from Batman & Robin (1997)
No matter what they tell you, Mr. Bane... from Batman & Robin (1997)
No matter. Next time I'll just give them a stronger dose. from Batman & Robin (1997)
No one else is even close. from Batman & Robin (1997)
No sign of the snowman. from Batman & Robin (1997)
No, he's just hibernating. from Batman & Robin (1997)
No, I always go a size smaller. Makes me look slimmer. from Batman & Robin (1997)
No, I'm not. from Batman & Robin (1997)
No, sir. from Batman & Robin (1997)
No. I got you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
None of us can. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Not all the heroes wear masks. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Not bad, for a chick! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Not good. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Not! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Now what, call a taxi?! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Now, here's where everything goes north. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Now! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Oh, dear, Master Bruce. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Oh, I don't know. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Oh, my dear... from Batman & Robin (1997)
On second thought, you're way too old for me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Once you have frozen mankind, these babies will overrun the globe. from Batman & Robin (1997)
One kiss... from Batman & Robin (1997)
One more diamond, my love. from Batman & Robin (1997)
One more giant diamond of this size... from Batman & Robin (1997)
One more. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Only family can be trusted? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Only family can be trusted. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Or quite... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Or what? No one can capture Ivy but the big, bad Bat? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Our original sponsor had no stomach for military applications. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Out of my way, fascist bulldog! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Out of my way, losers! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Pamela? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Partners. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Partners. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Paying someone to prepare your meals... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Peg. from Batman & Robin (1997)
People come first, Dr. Isley. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Perhaps the truth is you really don't trust anyone. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Pheromone dust... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Please be looking for me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Please, show some mercy. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Plug him in. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Poison... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Polly want a kiss? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Prepare... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Quickly now. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Quickly, Bane. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Rather disappointed at how poorly I have taught you proper housekeeping. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Redbird control codes. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Reinforced steel. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Revenge! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Right. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Satellites in orbit allow us to reflect light from anywhere on the planet. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Secrets are a virtual prerequisite in this house. from Batman & Robin (1997)
See you! from Batman & Robin (1997)
She deserves your loyalty and protection. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She did it for me, for love. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She has no pass, sir. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She infected us with pheromones. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She lives? from Batman & Robin (1997)
She must've stolen Gordon's keys and changed the signal. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She wants to kill you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She's definitely evil. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She's done something to us. She has us fighting over her somehow. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She's presumed dead. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She's still alive. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She's still frozen alive... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Shield. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Show me how the satellites work. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Show off for Daddy. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Since my parents died. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sing! Sing! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sing! Sing! Sing! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sister? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sleep well, child. from Batman & Robin (1997)
So I'm asking you... from Batman & Robin (1997)
So many people to kill, so little time. from Batman & Robin (1997)
So my hair is brittle and my skin is dry... from Batman & Robin (1997)
So Wilfred can be rather difficult to find. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sometimes, counting on someone else is the only way to win. Remember? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Soon we will be together once more. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Soon. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sorry. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sorry. Good night. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sorry. So sorry! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sorry... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Stay cool... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Step. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Stop! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Stop! Don't kiss her. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Stop! Drop your weapon... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Street racing isn't exactly an acceptable major at Oxbridge so... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Suit me up, Uncle Alfred. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sunlight could reverse the freezing process. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sunrise isn't for 5 hours. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sure, boss. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Surf's up! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Surprise. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Sweet. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Take 2 of these... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Take it to Wilfred... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Talk about your cold shoulder. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Teach you that at Oxbridge? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Telescope's gone. There's no way to thaw the city. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Tell me your plan. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Thank you all for coming. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Thank you, Batman! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Thank you, Doctor. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Thank you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Thanks to you all. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Thanks to you, son. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Thanks. Thank you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That I am. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That liquid is 50 below. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That passive aggressive number went out long ago. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That was kid stuff, sweetheart. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That was me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That'd be me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That's got to hurt. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That's not P.C. What about Batperson or Batwoman? from Batman & Robin (1997)
That's quite a switch. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That's right. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That's what being partners is about. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That's why every Poison Ivy Action Figure comes with him! from Batman & Robin (1997)
That's why you stopped us from kissing. from Batman & Robin (1997)
That's your idea of friendship? from Batman & Robin (1997)
The city fathers will have no choice... from Batman & Robin (1997)
The combined power of the telescope's reflecting crystals... from Batman & Robin (1997)
The Flying Graysons were a team. from Batman & Robin (1997)
The heat is on. from Batman & Robin (1997)
The Ice Age! from Batman & Robin (1997)
The new computer sciences division. from Batman & Robin (1997)
The same plants and flowers that saw you... from Batman & Robin (1997)
The satellites could do it, but it'd take a computer genius. from Batman & Robin (1997)
The tube! from Batman & Robin (1997)
The two of us, entwined, side by side. from Batman & Robin (1997)
The victim at the airport, toxins introduced orally. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Their blood will freeze in my hands! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Their bones will turn to ice! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Then I will hold Gotham ransom. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Then it's settled. from Batman & Robin (1997)
There are things about me you wouldn't understand. from Batman & Robin (1997)
There she is. from Batman & Robin (1997)
There was nothing I could do. Batman deactivated her. from Batman & Robin (1997)
There's something about an anatomically correct... from Batman & Robin (1997)
They replaced my blood with aloe... from Batman & Robin (1997)
They'll literally be dying for me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Think about it. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Think Freeze will take the bait? from Batman & Robin (1997)
This better be one hell of a secret. from Batman & Robin (1997)
This capsule explodes, it'll slaughter thousands. from Batman & Robin (1997)
This is definitely the same pair that sprang Freeze. from Batman & Robin (1997)
This is no partnership. from Batman & Robin (1997)
This is why Superman works alone. from Batman & Robin (1997)
This looks promising. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Those are nice. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Those targeting mirrors are frozen. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Time to die, little Robin. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Tonight... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Tonight's forecast: from Batman & Robin (1997)
Trading on your looks? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Try not to make a mess when you die. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Uncle Alfred! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Uncle Alfred? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Uncle Alfred's been supporting me ever since. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Uncle? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Unless the city bows to my demands... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Using feminine wiles to get what you want? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Very nice. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Victor Fries... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Victory comes in defending... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Watch and learn, little boy. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Watch the first step! from Batman & Robin (1997)
We found her, restored her. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We found her, restored her. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We give you life... from Batman & Robin (1997)
We got this off the Arkham surveillance camera. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We have 11 minutes to thaw the city. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We have very little time. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We must blow this up before it turns Gotham into a crater. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We must change the locks. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We need quality time. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We won't make it! from Batman & Robin (1997)
We'll have a flawless super soldier out to you tomorrow by overnight mail. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We'll meet back at my place. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We'll relay sunlight from Batman & Robin (1997)
We're making the final modifications on Bane right now. from Batman & Robin (1997)
We've been going out for over a year now, and... from Batman & Robin (1997)
We've got work to do. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Welcome home, Frost Face. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Welcome to my parlor. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Well done, Bruce. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Well, I, my most unabominable snowman... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Well, I'm totally over her. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Well... from Batman & Robin (1997)
What are you doing? Come on. from Batman & Robin (1997)
What are you, about a 50, big and tall? from Batman & Robin (1997)
What happened? from Batman & Robin (1997)
What is he doing in there? from Batman & Robin (1997)
What is it? from Batman & Robin (1997)
What is this floor? from Batman & Robin (1997)
What killed the dinosaurs? from Batman & Robin (1997)
What should we do now? from Batman & Robin (1997)
What? from Batman & Robin (1997)
What're you working on? from Batman & Robin (1997)
When I get through... from Batman & Robin (1997)
When one grows ancient, one yearns for family. from Batman & Robin (1997)
When we fell off the telescope, why didn't you try and save us? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Where's my wife? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Where's yours? from Batman & Robin (1997)
While I get my diamonds, you and "meatloaf" retrieve my wife. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Who are you, dear lady? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Who are you? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Who is this nutball? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Who needs a frigid wife anyway? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Who's Ivy? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Who's Ivy? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Why didn't he tell us? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Why won't he let me in the lab? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Why, dear lady... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Why, yes. Actually. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Why... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Will you chase the villain... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Will you help me... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Winter... from Batman & Robin (1997)
With any luck... from Batman & Robin (1997)
With pleasure. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Without your research... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Would you like to see it? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Wouldn't you like the earrings too? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Yeah, boss? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Yes, right after you spend 10 hours in the simulator, training. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Yes, sir? from Batman & Robin (1997)
Yes, sir. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Yes! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Yes. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You all right down there? from Batman & Robin (1997)
You boys aren't going to start fighting over little old me, now are you? from Batman & Robin (1997)
You break it, you buy it. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You came to tuck me in? from Batman & Robin (1997)
You can speak freely. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You can't stand that she'd kiss me and not you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You distract the Bat and Bird... from Batman & Robin (1997)
You don't have to answer now. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You give women a bad name. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You got it, Spike! from Batman & Robin (1997)
You have issues with women! from Batman & Robin (1997)
You honestly don't know, do you? from Batman & Robin (1997)
You just called me "Ivy." from Batman & Robin (1997)
You kill the kids, but... from Batman & Robin (1997)
You know Alfred, he'd never say anything. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You leave those boys to me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You look good enough to eat. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You look great. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You look so like your mother. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You monster! from Batman & Robin (1997)
You must be new in town. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You must do something for me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You never mentioned a wife! from Batman & Robin (1997)
You psycho! from Batman & Robin (1997)
You said being a team means trusting your partner. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You sleep. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You too. Well done. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You want her for yourself. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You were reckless and almost got killed. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You weren't talking about partners, but about being a family. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You will just have to find out. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You wouldn't understand. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You'd be surprised. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You'd say anything to keep her away from me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You'll make someone a good husband one day... from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're a lot of help. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're about to become compost. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're going to be here a very long... from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're killing her! from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're next! from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're not sending me to the cooler. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're not the only one who can set a trap, Venus. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're pretty good at this, little girl. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're the chick who won the tunnel run 2 nights ago! from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're the common cold, and we are the cure. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're the most perfect man I've ever known. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're the star. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You've had your wild nights. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You've lost, Freeze. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Young man. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Your head wasn't on the job. It was on Poison Ivy. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Your intentions are noble, but no diesel fuel for heat... from Batman & Robin (1997)
Your own private army made up of thousands of these super soldiers. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Your sister is here to see you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
2 nights ago... from Batman & Robin (1997)
5 million. from Batman & Robin (1997)
6 million. from Batman & Robin (1997)
7 million. from Batman & Robin (1997)
8 minutes and they're ice cubes forever. from Batman & Robin (1997)
20,000 for the tiger lily! from Batman & Robin (1997)
20,000 for the tiger lily! from Batman & Robin (1997)
21/2. from Batman & Robin (1997)
100,000! from Batman & Robin (1997)
2 million. You don't have it. 3 million. from Batman & Robin (1997)
All the crystals are in place. Thank you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Great stems, though. Buds too. from Batman & Robin (1997)
How much you got? How much you got? from Batman & Robin (1997)
I bet her lips are poisoned. Poisoned kiss? from Batman & Robin (1997)
I'm sick of it! Yes, it's my rules that keep us alive. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Like hell you do. Don't push me right now. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Most of Gotham's still frozen. It's midnight. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Right! Whatever. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She knows who we are. We must kill her. from Batman & Robin (1997)
She's dead. You lie! from Batman & Robin (1997)
Want a side bet? How much? from Batman & Robin (1997)
What are you saying? Why does she want to kiss us? from Batman & Robin (1997)
What happened to his wife? No one knows. from Batman & Robin (1997)
What is it? It's beautiful. You can say that again. from Batman & Robin (1997)
Who invited you? I was hanging around. from Batman & Robin (1997)
You have? Secrets, Al? from Batman & Robin (1997)
You need an appointment No, I don't! from Batman & Robin (1997)
You're not thinking straight. But I am. from Batman & Robin (1997)
..."Bane." from Batman & Robin (1997)
..."Venom"... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...2 time Olympic decathlete and Nobel Prize winner for molecular biology. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...10 million! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...30,000 dollars for the lovely magnolia! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...500,000 dollars! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...a chance against the thoughtless ravages of man. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...a diamond to raise money for our botanical gardens. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...a man's blood. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...an exit, please. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and beat no more. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and call me in the morning. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and Evil. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and feel it freeze in my hands. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and filled... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and he's subjugated all his life and dreams to someone else. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and hope. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and I implore you... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and my freezing engine will be complete. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and sole surviving... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and tonight's star studded dedication of the new telescope. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and took the liberty to create something in your size. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and toxins. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and we can take it away just as easily. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...and... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...animal protectors of the status quo. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...Antonio Diego... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...Batman and Robin protect us... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...because it's not nice... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...begins! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...bidding... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...blacken her skies! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...brother... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...Bruce Wayne. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...but gets there by his own course. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...but I can't wait forever. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...but I still have hope for the animal plant crossbreedings. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...but rather than become a victim... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...but to give me the billions I need to complete my research... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...but... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...capable of doing... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...cease all actions that toxify our environment. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...code named... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...come back. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...corrupt my research... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...crawl from the primordial soup... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...created viaducts into the most primitive part of his brain... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...dear... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...death itself? from Batman & Robin (1997)
...deep into the earth you love so much! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...designed to heat... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...displaying... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...do laundry, clean dishes, you call that family? from Batman & Robin (1997)
...Doctor? from Batman & Robin (1997)
...for a bitter harvest. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...for plants to take back... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...for the greening. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...for they are the harbingers of your doom. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...freezes. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...friend, partner... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...from the collection of my close personal friend, Bruce Wayne. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...Gossip Gerty of "Good Morning Gotham" and I... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...Gotham Airport, these two arrive by charter from South America. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...Gotham! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...has come at last. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...have been going out forever. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...have been impressed by you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...he hoped to freeze her in a cryogenic sleep until he could find a cure. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...hell freezes over. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...hell freezes over. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...help me save another life. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...her will! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...humanity will suffer with me! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I am the police commissioner. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I can respect your opinion. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I couldn't have come this far. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I found a fellow who strikes my fancy. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I have tried every address I know for you. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I propose a pairing. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I was successful nevertheless. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I will pull Batman's heart from his body... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I'll get the Iceman. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I'll rid myself of the fur and feathered pests. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I'm feeling hot. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...I'm... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...if Dr. Woodrue didn't whisk my venom samples... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...if not an effort to master the chaos that sweeps our world? from Batman & Robin (1997)
...in prison... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...into Antonio's cranial cavity... I have... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...into some maniacal scheme for world domination. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...into the Batcomputer... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...into the Batcomputer... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...is a dish best served cold... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...is about to make yet another legendary contribution to the city. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...it's winter forever in Gotham. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...it's... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...let's show some gusto! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...literally... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...long time. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...love to see it. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...Macgregor's Syndrome... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...Master Bruce. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...may I present... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...militant arm of the warm blooded oppressors... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...Mother Nature to start again. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...my freezing engine. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...my love. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...my skin with chlorophyll... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...my skin with chlorophyll... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...my Super Soldier Serum... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...my way or the highway? from Batman & Robin (1997)
...never open it. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...no coolants to preserve food, millions of people would die. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...no question. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...of trust. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...or I'll turn you into mulch. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...or save him? from Batman & Robin (1997)
...our mother, our womb. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...our mystery bidder... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...plus everything you don't. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...poison her oceans... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...poison. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...quite cover it. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...reflect it back to our very own Gotham City for observation. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...regretted your life working here? from Batman & Robin (1997)
...rubber lips are immune to your charms. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...rubber suit that puts fire in a girl's lips. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...serial murderer, serving life... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...so I can find a cure. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...sweet talk. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...that is a god. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...that's true power. A power you once had. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...the animal plant toxins had a rather unique effect on me. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...the dawn of a new age. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...the famed Heart of Isis, on loan... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...the ideal killing machine! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...the limbic system. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...the most absurd of God's creatures. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...the only two people left in the world. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...the world so rightfully ours... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...the world so rightfully ours... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...the world! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...then put on your Sunday finest. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...then... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...there's only one absolute. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...these plants will be able to fight back, like animals. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...they kicked me out. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...this is a one woman show. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...this telescope will give future generations a chance... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...this. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...to dance with one of our fabulous flowers... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...to dance with one of our fabulous flowers... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...to feast! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...to follow their own stars. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...to fool with Mother Nature. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...to freeze... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...to Gotham's Observatory Restoration Project. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...to my advantage. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...to my love dust than expected. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...to which I add my very own recipe of steroids... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...volunteer. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...waiting for you to find a cure. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...we do get so busy here. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...welcome you to the gem of the evening. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...what a most wonderful surprise. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...what we know is right... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...where billionaire Bruce Wayne, chairman of Wayne Enterprises... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...where does that big, old Batlight come from? from Batman & Robin (1997)
...while I prepare... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...while the society that created them goes unpunished? from Batman & Robin (1997)
...while we still live. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...whom I have the honor of calling "son." from Batman & Robin (1997)
...will be mine... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...will complete... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...will reclaim this planet and there will be no one to protect you! from Batman & Robin (1997)
...will you trust me now? from Batman & Robin (1997)
...with more research... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...with venom. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...you have done everything in your power to control the fates. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...you must be serious about turning over a new leaf. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...you will not live to see it. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...you won't be able to get a job teaching high school chemistry. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...you'll just shut down. from Batman & Robin (1997)
...your uncle, wherever he is, and give him... from Batman & Robin (1997)
...youth does have its advantages. from Batman & Robin (1997)
"Bruce Wayne. Diamonds." from Batman & Robin (1997)
"Turkish baths." from Batman & Robin (1997)
"Wayne Enterprises." from Batman & Robin (1997)
"Wild" doesn't... from Batman & Robin (1997)