A blue footed booby. from Extinct
A dodo? from Extinct
A magician never reveals his secrets. from Extinct
A place neither in the past, nor the future. from Extinct
A ship cuts across the sea to a destinies unknown. from Extinct
A species once thought extinct, flummels. from Extinct
A volcano didn't make us extinct, clarance did with that bomb. from Extinct
Absolutely, it's all about focus. from Extinct
Adventure log, June 20th. from Extinct
After that there was nothing stopping me from Extinct
Ah, ed, this is embarrassing, but you have a little, from Extinct
Ah, it's you again! from Extinct
Ah, you're right. Better shoo them off a bit. from Extinct
All of you are. from Extinct
All right, cheer time is over. from Extinct
All right! from Extinct
All right. Go! Go! from Extinct
All that was left was a single sliver of beach. from Extinct
All the flummels gone? from Extinct
All this time I thought I never fit with the flummels from Extinct
All we have to do is find the seed that activates the galapagos portal from Extinct
All you've ever done is support me. from Extinct
Allow me to demonstrate. from Extinct
Alma. from Extinct
Almost as if… I don't know, evolving or something? from Extinct
Almost right on time. from Extinct
Almost there. from Extinct
Amazing? from Extinct
And all of the other flummels are gone? from Extinct
And all without my help. from Extinct
And Alma is a macrauchenia. from Extinct
And as always, from Extinct
And as usual they are ignoring us. from Extinct
And besides, you need to stop living in the past. from Extinct
And by past I mean now, from Extinct
And by the way, you have a cavity. from Extinct
And completely vanished. from Extinct
And don't take this the wrong way, but please, from Extinct
And dottie. from Extinct
And flummels were the most popular pet in the world. from Extinct
And guess what, Mr. Seahorse is having a baby. from Extinct
And he even loved me enough to give me a name. from Extinct
And he is better off without me. from Extinct
And I can attest to it. from Extinct
And I realized, hey hey, this is the 100th flower festival. from Extinct
And I want you to know that I didn't mean it. from Extinct
And I'll keep trying again and again until you're all extinct! from Extinct
And if I fail, well… from Extinct
And in case you were wondering if ancient Greek monsters were real. from Extinct
And introduced them to the rest of the world. from Extinct
And it was all a done deal until you two hula hoops showed up. from Extinct
And look to the future. from Extinct
And more dangerous. from Extinct
And my extinctables? from Extinct
And my life would be nothing without you. from Extinct
And now he's just showing off. from Extinct
And now he's trapped the others in the cave and he trapped me against this tree and… from Extinct
And of course, coconut Charlie and the jackfruit jamband. from Extinct
And op, he's just a kid. from Extinct
And promised me that you wouldn't do anything unless we were both on board. from Extinct
And she's back. from Extinct
And she's gone. from Extinct
And some great modeling, Kim. from Extinct
And thanks to you we have a chance to rescue our species from extinction. from Extinct
And that is why, op and ed, from Extinct
And that's me. So, hand over that time flower. from Extinct
And then clarance flew away. from Extinct
And then it hit me, I didn't have to accept the course of history, from Extinct
And there goes my last chance to belong. from Extinct
And there we found a bunch of this stupid napkin rings. from Extinct
And there's no way to bring him back. from Extinct
And they'll have no choice but to forgive us. from Extinct
And this is hoss, he's from the cretaceous period, so he's millions of years old. from Extinct
And utter the magic words. from Extinct
And we will all be there. from Extinct
And we'll take everyone through it before the bomb goes off. from Extinct
And we're done. from Extinct
And we're recording. from Extinct
And what I would do if we ever got out of there alive. from Extinct
And whatever extraordinary creatures await me from Extinct
And who are you? I'm earnest shackleton, head of the earnest shackleton expedition. from Extinct
And with that head dress from Extinct
And you could marry my cat. from Extinct
And you'll be on your way home. from Extinct
And you're not getting off this island alive. from Extinct
And you've been so much more talkative since your discovery. from Extinct
And… from Extinct
Anyway, the answer to all your problems is right through here. So, come on. from Extinct
Are these new extinctables? from Extinct
Are you crazy? You've almost got us killed, ed. from Extinct
Are you seeing what I'm seeing? from Extinct
Arms tired, from poking crabs. from Extinct
As heroes. from Extinct
As I've told you before you do not want to leave here where it's safe. from Extinct
As master wishes. from Extinct
At least I can't hurt him again. from Extinct
Atlantic ocean, 1911 from Extinct
Author of "on the origin of species." from Extinct
Aww, cute! from Extinct
Aww, really cute! from Extinct
Barely. Those sky flowers tried to kill us. from Extinct
Because I hate you. from Extinct
Because I've been chosen to be, from Extinct
Because there's something wrong with me. from Extinct
Because they'd do the same thing for us if it was the other way around. from Extinct
Because we're the only ones who can save the flummels from extinction. from Extinct
Because your brother is back with the other cowards from Extinct
Become a member before it's too late! from Extinct
Bee tornado. Bee tornado ii: The tropical swarm. from Extinct
Before he got lost somehow from Extinct
Behind that big eye is an even bigger heart. from Extinct
Big flummels and small flummels. from Extinct
Big help. from Extinct
Bite it. from Extinct
Bo, what have I told you about wandering off? from Extinct
Booby. from Extinct
Booby. from Extinct
Booby. from Extinct
Booby. from Extinct
Booby. from Extinct
Booby. from Extinct
Booby. from Extinct
Booby. from Extinct
Boom! from Extinct
Bound to be the eventual death of me? from Extinct
Brought to us my famed botanical astrophysicist, Dr. Lee chung. from Extinct
Buddy in the back. from Extinct
Burnie. from Extinct
Burnie… from Extinct
Burnie… the point is, clarance could be anywhere, literally. from Extinct
Burnie's trick on a grand scale. from Extinct
Burnie's trick! from Extinct
But also, he's only five. from Extinct
But don't you think you were maybe a little bit hard on her? from Extinct
But either way, stick with the dog. from Extinct
But especially the part where the sand is a little firmer. from Extinct
But I can tell you this, from Extinct
But I didn't think... from Extinct
But I finally feel like we belong to something. from Extinct
But I want ideas in my head. I'm so cooked up in here. from Extinct
But if it weren't for your screw ups from Extinct
But it's all about to be fixed from Extinct
But let's be honest, truthful. Real truthful. from Extinct
But now it's clear. It's you. from Extinct
But one of these days you gonna get someone hurt. from Extinct
But sometimes a leader has to lead. from Extinct
But that doesn't make it any less hurtful. from Extinct
But the ones we got are different, dynamic, and… from Extinct
But then, one day we traveled to 1835, to this island. from Extinct
But then, one day, my luck changed. from Extinct
But there's one thing I can still do. from Extinct
But think of those sweet sweet occasional ups. from Extinct
But this is my final chance to make a good impression with rest of the flummels. from Extinct
But we still can save Dr. Chung if we just use whatever seed... from Extinct
But what are those? from Extinct
But, the back end. from Extinct
But, unfortunately, I lived in a world of flummels. from Extinct
Can we go? Please! Please! from Extinct
Charles Darwin. from Extinct
Clarance did that? from Extinct
Clarance, no! from Extinct
Clarance, where are you? from Extinct
Clarance! from Extinct
Clarance! from Extinct
Clarance? from Extinct
Clarance? from Extinct
Come on, ed. We've got a lot more places to check, from Extinct
Come on, I screw up all the time. from Extinct
Come on, op, we're not gonna let that adorable maniac get away with this. from Extinct
Come on! from Extinct
Come on. from Extinct
Come on. from Extinct
Correct. Flummel extinction in seven minutes. from Extinct
Could someone give me a hand with this? Anyone? from Extinct
Cristo, jingo cwalabingo.♪♪ from Extinct
Crocky, that eye makes for a pretty poor depth perception? from Extinct
Crocky. You're not dead. from Extinct
Cupertino, 1976 from Extinct
Cursed by obedience. from Extinct
Cute little doggie, here you go. from Extinct
Dang, I always forget about this cliff. from Extinct
Dangerous is just another word for heroic. from Extinct
Darwin discovered the remains of an unusual ring shaped animal. from Extinct
Dead. Gone. Finished. from Extinct
Did she just abandon us? from Extinct
Did you change your fur back home? from Extinct
Do you know how to play this game? from Extinct
Do you know what that means? from Extinct
Do you think it's some kind of a new whale? from Extinct
Do you wanna come home and marry my Dolly? from Extinct
Doggy bonze from Extinct
Dogs man's best friend from Extinct
Don't even think about it. from Extinct
Don't tell me. The weirdos. from Extinct
Don't worry, ed. I'm sure you have plenty of time to prepare for... from Extinct
Don't worry, well… worry a little. from Extinct
Don't worry, you'll be long gone by then. from Extinct
Don't worry. I can fix this. from Extinct
Dottie, he's following us. from Extinct
Dr. Chung discovered that each one of these portals from Extinct
Dr. Chung discovered these flowers and used them to travel through time from Extinct
Dr. Chung made it back! from Extinct
Dr. Chung told me this was when Darwin first discovered flummels, from Extinct
Drinking sea water makes you go crazy, but what else am I supposed to drink? from Extinct
Drop it, fruit loop. from Extinct
Earnest shackleton. from Extinct
Easy, dumbo, it'll be back in… three. Two. One. from Extinct
Easy, easy. It's all right, everyone. I promise you. from Extinct
Ed and I will get clarance and the seed back. from Extinct
Ed, are you alive? from Extinct
Ed, what do you think? from Extinct
Ed? from Extinct
Ed? Ed? from Extinct
Ed's right. I am the problem. from Extinct
Elves. from Extinct
End of the lines, heroes. from Extinct
Ernest shackleton, ugh. from Extinct
Even thought you looked me in the eye from Extinct
Everybody, back in the truck. from Extinct
Everyone wanted those stupid roundos. from Extinct
Everyone was just fine. We were just there. from Extinct
Everything's cold. from Extinct
Evolving. from Extinct
Except I just remembered that I don't. from Extinct
Extinct from Extinct
Extinct! from Extinct
Extinct? from Extinct
Extinctables, ready for action! from Extinct
Fakes. from Extinct
Familia sedilia, as adorable as ever. from Extinct
Fiji? San Diego? Rome? from Extinct
Fine, but this is the last time. from Extinct
First, I'll need a common household item. from Extinct
Fish for hands. The ring thing. from Extinct
Five or six. from Extinct
Five. Four. Three. Two. from Extinct
Fix it? from Extinct
Flowers. from Extinct
Flummel extinction in 30 minutes. from Extinct
Flummel extinction in 30 seconds. from Extinct
Flummel extinction in nine minutes. from Extinct
Flummel extinction in two minutes. from Extinct
Flummel o's from Extinct
Flummelius hidelia to be exact. from Extinct
Flummelius hidelia was no more. from Extinct
Flummels ruined my life! from Extinct
Flummels who love the beach. from Extinct
Flummels, the whole story. from Extinct
Flummels. from Extinct
Flummels. from Extinct
Food, refined sugar, trans fats. from Extinct
For sure this is totally gonna whoa… from Extinct
Forget it. from Extinct
Fred, you look good, you've been working out? from Extinct
Friend at the end. from Extinct
Friend? Friend? from Extinct
From coming back here and destroying your entire species. from Extinct
From now on, we don't do anything unless we're both on board. from Extinct
Funny you should mention that. from Extinct
Get back here! from Extinct
Get it? Thanks to me sun hasn't even noticed that Dr. Chung is missing. from Extinct
Get over here, buddy. from Extinct
Get ready to give your undivided attention to the roundest guy around, from Extinct
Going home? from Extinct
Good dog. from Extinct
Got it! Back into the time flower, hoss. And step on. from Extinct
Got it. from Extinct
Great job, everyone. And thanks for helping out, pals. from Extinct
Great repeating the plan, ed. from Extinct
Great work, everybody. from Extinct
Great, we've been demoted to crab poking. from Extinct
Guys, guys, it's just a doughnut. from Extinct
Guys, guys, relax. They are just models. from Extinct
Guys? Wait, no, no, you don't understand. from Extinct
Hand over that flower. from Extinct
Hate to break it to you, but there's no telling where or when clarance might be. from Extinct
He called flummelius hidelia. from Extinct
He claimed that there was an island here that exploded from Extinct
He couldn't hit the broad side of a hoss. from Extinct
He created one of the first nautical maps ever. from Extinct
He is a very very ugly wet looking dog. from Extinct
He loved them. He was gonna love flummels more than me. from Extinct
He sees us. Op and ed did it! from Extinct
He theorized that the entire flummel species was destroyed by the volcano. from Extinct
He's calling a home run shot. from Extinct
He's coming for the toy. from Extinct
He's cooling off. from Extinct
He's gonna eat a flummel. from Extinct
He's perfect. I'll take him. from Extinct
He's pointing to a dog on a tiny little car. Oh, doctor, I don't believe it. from Extinct
Hello, a little reminder, this is the flower festival. from Extinct
Hello, I'm clarance, and you are? from Extinct
Hello, sir. Have you seen a cute little doggy around here? from Extinct
Hello? from Extinct
Help me! from Extinct
Help me! from Extinct
Help me! from Extinct
Here we go! from Extinct
Hey everybody, all right, a little story just before we begin. from Extinct
Hey Mali, here we are. from Extinct
Hey there, big fella. You don't wanna eat us. from Extinct
Hey, check it out. I'm the friend at the end. from Extinct
Hey, cyclops, I bet you can't hit me. Bet you can't hit me. from Extinct
Hey, dudes. Sorry I'm late. from Extinct
Hey, ed, check this out. You wanna sign my cast? from Extinct
Hey, ed, I have a little surprise for you. Come with me. from Extinct
Hey, ed. Ed, are you seeing this? from Extinct
Hey, have you guys seen hoss? from Extinct
Hey, I don't care. from Extinct
Hey, I'm uncomfortable. from Extinct
Hey, it's Charlie. What's up? from Extinct
Hey, look at you. Friend at the end again, eh? from Extinct
Hey, look, it's Wally! from Extinct
Hey, oh, look it's me! Hi, me! from Extinct
Hey, op and ed. from Extinct
Hey, op, I'm coming, don't you worry. from Extinct
Hey, put some sauce on that meat ball. from Extinct
Hey, tell whoever came up with that name, great job. from Extinct
Hey, thank you, Mali. Thanks a bunch, great stuff. from Extinct
Hey, wait, where are you going? from Extinct
Hey, Wally, get over here, buddy. from Extinct
Hey, Wally? from Extinct
Hey, what about this? from Extinct
Hey, what's ha... looking good. from Extinct
Hey, where is your brother? from Extinct
Hey, you can do it, big guy. We believe in you. from Extinct
Hey, you two? from Extinct
Hey, you're in good hands. from Extinct
Hey, you're smiling. from Extinct
Hey! from Extinct
Hey! Do you mind? I am trying to get my kids to sleep in here. from Extinct
Hey. He'll be okay. I'm sure he just needs some time to cool off. from Extinct
Hi, I can explain. from Extinct
Hi, I haven't seen you since what, like 1835? from Extinct
Hi, uh, op? from Extinct
History must be a non stop adventure. from Extinct
Hit it, burnie! from Extinct
Hiya. from Extinct
Holes front, everybody. from Extinct
Home? To a volcanic explosion? from Extinct
Home. from Extinct
Hoss, see that shiny necklace on clarance? from Extinct
Hoss! And everybody. You're alive. from Extinct
Hoss. from Extinct
How about this one? from Extinct
How about this one? from Extinct
How are the flummels gonna trust us with their lives from Extinct
How did this happen? It doesn't make any sense. from Extinct
How did you do that? from Extinct
How do you talk me into these things? from Extinct
How many times did you hit your head on the way down? from Extinct
How much time before the bomb goes off? from Extinct
How you've been, sis? from Extinct
Huh? Ho ho. from Extinct
I am so sorry. from Extinct
I and the grand flower flummel from Extinct
I assume that's a word. from Extinct
I can see through you. I get it. Nobody wanted a dog with a stomach. from Extinct
I can't believe we finally know where Dr. Chung is from Extinct
I can't believe you guys found me. from Extinct
I can't even talk to vinny since he grew his hair long. from Extinct
I could change it. from Extinct
I couldn't believe it. This man wanted me. from Extinct
I couldn't. from Extinct
I did it. I… from Extinct
I don't have time for the whole story. But I need everyone's attention. from Extinct
I don't know what these are, from Extinct
I don't remember you saying that. from Extinct
I finally understand why this is called from Extinct
I found it. I found the seed for… from Extinct
I get nervous talking to girls that aren't you. from Extinct
I got this. from Extinct
I got to get this bomb away from me. from Extinct
I got you. from Extinct
I gotta get outta here. from Extinct
I guess I could… you know what, I just let this thing do it. from Extinct
I hate all flummels. Hate. Hate. from Extinct
I hate you all. from Extinct
I have a plan. from Extinct
I have no idea. from Extinct
I have to admit, from Extinct
I have to talk to op. from Extinct
I hope he swallows me first just so you can live a little longer. from Extinct
I hope he swallows me first. from Extinct
I imagine you guys have a few questions. from Extinct
I just drove for the first time and so far I've only hit one pedestrian. from Extinct
I just returned from the future, and I learned that in the past, from Extinct
I just want to say thanks for everything and try not to fall to your death. from Extinct
I just wanted to say I like that spin move you do. from Extinct
I knew it. Now I'm scared. Stuck. Alone. from Extinct
I knew you would. from Extinct
I know blabber is just what's it's called. from Extinct
I know it wants to kill is. But you have to admit, it is helpful. from Extinct
I know what will knock the glum right out of you. from Extinct
I know. I'm sorry. from Extinct
I loved that man. I finally felt I belonged somewhere. from Extinct
I mean the hall of extinct creatures. from Extinct
I mean, we've been lucky so far. from Extinct
I meant it. from Extinct
I might have one. And it's kind of an op idea. from Extinct
I pushed him through a portal and made sure he could never come back. from Extinct
I really hope jepson didn't see that. from Extinct
I said hand it over! from Extinct
I see. from Extinct
I settled on this. from Extinct
I should've known! from Extinct
I spent a lot of my cave time thinking about you two from Extinct
I think I heard master say you two should snap my leash so I can go free. from Extinct
I think she said something about going home. from Extinct
I think so. from Extinct
I think we're all set. Ready for our next adventure, clarance? from Extinct
I think you should be asking when... Oh. from Extinct
I thought it. from Extinct
I thought they were nice. from Extinct
I told ya there were cyclopes. from Extinct
I told you that branch wouldn't hold us. from Extinct
I wanna hear what's been happening. from Extinct
I want the cat. from Extinct
I wanted to ask op if she'd sign it too, but she left in kind of a hurry. from Extinct
I was a part of science. from Extinct
I was a puppy once. Adorable and sponky. from Extinct
I was expecting a warm bed and a fresh pile of newspapers. from Extinct
I was going to say energetic. from Extinct
I was right about the flowers, and the cyclops. from Extinct
I was so wrong to say what I said. from Extinct
I will miss you if you're swallowed. from Extinct
I'd say these creatures are trying to communicate with us. from Extinct
I'll be in one of the most important spots, from Extinct
I'll hold you to that. from Extinct
I'll just end up causing him more trouble. And I've caused him enough trouble already. from Extinct
I'll just get back in that flower from Extinct
I'll tell you what now. from Extinct
I'm a bad guy. That's what we do. from Extinct
I'm clarance, and I'm a dog. from Extinct
I'm convinced. Let's go. from Extinct
I'm here to help you guys. from Extinct
I'm not getting a pulse. from Extinct
I'm not going through that thing again. from Extinct
I'm not sure you should go without ed. from Extinct
I'm out of ideas. from Extinct
I'm scared. from Extinct
I'm serious. from Extinct
I'm so proud of you, Lee. from Extinct
I'm sorry your teeth are yellow. We ran out of white flowers. from Extinct
I'm sorry, what? from Extinct
I'm sure they're fine. from Extinct
I'm talking about this gorgeous, glowing, swirling... from Extinct
I'm talking to you, cyclops. from Extinct
I'm telling you it's true! I swear on this conch. from Extinct
I've got an idea! from Extinct
I've got an idea. from Extinct
I've just returned with the last tasmanian tiger on earth. from Extinct
If I can pull this off then ed will have a community to go home to. from Extinct
If I didn't know any better from Extinct
If that's the one you want then I love it. from Extinct
If we make it to the beach he might be able to save us. from Extinct
Imagine if we brought these back to the flummels. from Extinct
In hopes of stumbling across clarance by sheer dumb luck? from Extinct
Is something wrong with them? They don't have any holes. from Extinct
Is this how I make you feel all the time? from Extinct
Isn't she cute, clarance? from Extinct
Isn't this place great? from Extinct
It all happened so fast. The portals just went crazy from Extinct
It is amazing! from Extinct
It scratched me up pretty good. from Extinct
It was a lot to think about. from Extinct
It was a quick trip, but I got a lot done that day. from Extinct
It was then that I realized I was more than just a pet, from Extinct
It wasn't a volcano. It was me. from Extinct
It worked. from Extinct
It works! from Extinct
It's amazing! from Extinct
It's amazing. Each place is more exciting than the last. from Extinct
It's an official head dress for my new job. from Extinct
It's been a while. You do think they're okay out there? from Extinct
It's been so long worrying about fitting in with all the other flummels from Extinct
It's burnie, the down under wonder. from Extinct
It's fine, I'm not mad, I'm just… from Extinct
It's fine. I don't care what Mali thinks. from Extinct
It's fine. It will all be fine. from Extinct
It's not a hat thing. from Extinct
It's so good to see you, and you, and... from Extinct
It's working. from Extinct
Ja ja ja jepson! from Extinct
Jepson, meet the extinctables. from Extinct
Jepson, you get everyone to the beach. from Extinct
Jepson! from Extinct
Just a little more, ed. from Extinct
Just Alma, it's fine. from Extinct
Just eat me. Let ed live. from Extinct
Just give me one example. from Extinct
Just messing. I know that's how I look. from Extinct
Just try not to ruin this for me. from Extinct
Just waiting for a family to take me home. from Extinct
Keep tuned for the post credit scene. from Extinct
Khotkovo from Extinct
Last night, I was doing some thinking. I was doing some math. from Extinct
Leads to a different time flower somewhere in history. from Extinct
Let me get this straight. from Extinct
Let me show you. from Extinct
Let's concentrate, from Extinct
Let's go, everybody. from Extinct
Let's hope it's the right one for the flummel's sake. from Extinct
Let's try this one, Austria, 1787. from Extinct
Life is really tough when you're all by yourself. from Extinct
Like cabo. from Extinct
Like dogs do. from Extinct
Listen to this one, hoss. from Extinct
Listen up, flummels, from Extinct
Listen, ed, I know this seems bad, from Extinct
Listen, I am… from Extinct
Live, from inside of Dr. Chung's mobile greenhouse. from Extinct
Look, he's the proof I was in the future. from Extinct
Look, we destroyed all the flowers, right? from Extinct
Look. Look! I found Dr. Chung. from Extinct
Looks like I may need some help. from Extinct
Looks like rain. No it doesn't. from Extinct
Magic! from Extinct
Mainly downs. from Extinct
Makes my skin crawl. from Extinct
Mass explosive device activated. Now back to some smooth jazz. from Extinct
Maybe I shouldn't have said it out loud, but it's true. from Extinct
Maybe just a little. from Extinct
Maybe try throwing under hand? from Extinct
Maybe we are supposed to be extinct. from Extinct
Me, probably. from Extinct
Meet my cyclops. from Extinct
Member from Extinct
Menlo park, 1876 from Extinct
Messing, I know that's how I look. from Extinct
Mission accomplished. from Extinct
Most remarkable. from Extinct
My anxious friend here is burnie, and he is a tasmanian tiger. from Extinct
My face. from Extinct
My face. from Extinct
My goodness, so many magnificent creatures! from Extinct
My great great grandfather sailed here with the one and only Charles Darwin. from Extinct
My life would be much better without her. from Extinct
My name is dottie, I'm a dodo bird. from Extinct
My trick? from Extinct
Named after me, earnest shackleton. from Extinct
Need a target? Hundred points if you get it to the bulls eye? from Extinct
Nein! Nein! from Extinct
Neither are we. from Extinct
New guys. from Extinct
Next time I poke you, it's gonna be a lot softer. from Extinct
Nice lady, really knows how to scratch a tummy. from Extinct
Nice reflexes. from Extinct
Nice, save, Greg. You're a natural. from Extinct
Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. from Extinct
No dog should have a master. from Extinct
No home? from Extinct
No idea. I've never seen anything like it. from Extinct
No more jepson? from Extinct
No more little Bo? from Extinct
No more that guy whose name we don't know. from Extinct
No offense. from Extinct
No problem, there's only a million combinations here. from Extinct
No sign of clarance, and we almost got killed. from Extinct
No worries. from Extinct
No, actually, I'm doing it all right. from Extinct
No, Greg! from Extinct
No, he's not okay! You almost got him extinct! from Extinct
No, I don't. Do you? from Extinct
No, I'm not. from Extinct
No, it isn't. from Extinct
No, it's been like this our whole lives. from Extinct
No, it's not over. Because we both didn't agree that it is. from Extinct
No, it's too dangerous. from Extinct
No, no, Dr. Chung said he was going to 1417. Remember? from Extinct
No, no. She wouldn't abandon us. We just talked about this… from Extinct
No, stop, you one eyed idiot. from Extinct
No, stop! from Extinct
No, that was waving. This is a shoo ing motion. from Extinct
No, that's waving. from Extinct
No, wait. You got it. from Extinct
No, we're gonna stick with "where are we?" from Extinct
No! from Extinct
No! from Extinct
No! Go up! Up! from Extinct
No. But it's still pretty wild though. from Extinct
No. Home before the volcanic explosion, so we can warn everyone. from Extinct
No. We don't know. from Extinct
No. Where? from Extinct
Noodle arms. Noodly, noodly… from Extinct
Nope, fellow at the front. from Extinct
Nope. from Extinct
Nope. from Extinct
Nope. from Extinct
Normally, I'd be excited that we just rhymed. from Extinct
Not good, not good. from Extinct
Not now. from Extinct
Not right now, because I've got a big surprise for you. from Extinct
Not this one or this one. from Extinct
Not to mention he may be taken by body snatchers, boogeyman, cyclopes. from Extinct
Not to mention the rest of us. from Extinct
Not to. from Extinct
Now that's the op and ed I know. from Extinct
Now, check this out. from Extinct
Now, come on. It's just a little bit further. from Extinct
Now, don't worry. You're with friends. from Extinct
Now, I know we don't have a lot of flowers, but… from Extinct
Now, I place the object between the two time flowers. from Extinct
Now, let's go together. from Extinct
Now, off to 1417! from Extinct
Now, time flowers. from Extinct
O. Wright from Extinct
Of course not. What do you think I am, from Extinct
Of the greatest discovery of the 21st century. from Extinct
Oh I know just a place to get you some answers. Follow me. from Extinct
Oh, because they look like flowers in the sky. from Extinct
Oh, boy. from Extinct
Oh, crisis averted. from Extinct
Oh, ed, don't say that. from Extinct
Oh, ed, stop. from Extinct
Oh, hate is a strong word. from Extinct
Oh, here it is, galapagos, 1835. from Extinct
Oh, hey! from Extinct
Oh, my goodness, look at you. from Extinct
Oh, no, there's hole right though me. from Extinct
Oh, no! Don't drag me into this. from Extinct
Oh, no! Oh, no! from Extinct
Oh, no. Are you okay, hoss? from Extinct
Oh, no. It can't be. from Extinct
Oh, now I'm up all night. Thanks! from Extinct
Oh, okay. Nothing. Ed, help. Pull me up. from Extinct
Oh, thanks! I call it the op pop. from Extinct
Oh, that's why it's called that. from Extinct
Oh, they most certainly are in trouble from me. from Extinct
Oh, they're cute. from Extinct
Oh, Wally, Wally. from Extinct
Oh, wow, what the… wow. from Extinct
Oh, yeah, I love surprises. from Extinct
Oh, you two really did it this time. from Extinct
Oh, you'll be happy to know. I kept this safe. from Extinct
Oh, you're alive! from Extinct
Oh. from Extinct
Okay, but if we're gonna do this, from Extinct
Okay, Clarence, I'll ask. from Extinct
Okay, ed. I've got a great feeling about this next portal. from Extinct
Okay, ed. Try something else. from Extinct
Okay, great, now we have three time flowers, what good does it... from Extinct
Okay, Greg, you know what to do. from Extinct
Okay, I was just making small talk. from Extinct
Okay, maybe we'll do names later. from Extinct
Okay, okay, we can change it up. from Extinct
Okay, okay. Forget it. I think I can reach it. from Extinct
Okay, paws, but front paws. from Extinct
Okay, she might have abandoned us. from Extinct
Okay, so she might have been telling the truth. from Extinct
Okay, very interesting presentation. from Extinct
Okay. Okay. from Extinct
Okay. We got clarance. We got the seed. We… from Extinct
Oki dok. We're done here. from Extinct
Old flummels and young flummels. from Extinct
On desolation rock? from Extinct
On second thought, a great wall. from Extinct
On the island from Extinct
On these islands. from Extinct
One. from Extinct
Ooh, a hat thing! from Extinct
Oops. from Extinct
Op just promised me that she wouldn't do this kind of thing anymore, so, no. from Extinct
Op pop. from Extinct
Op runs off and I'm left pounding a rock. from Extinct
Op, I don't think that ship is gonna get here in time to save us. from Extinct
Op, I know, give me a hand. from Extinct
Op, I love you. from Extinct
Op, I really don't know if I can handle another surprise today. from Extinct
Op, look! It's the beach. from Extinct
Op, oh, no. from Extinct
Op, what are you doing? from Extinct
Op, you're being ridiculous. from Extinct
Op! from Extinct
Op! Op! from Extinct
Op! Op! from Extinct
Oppadils. No, that's too bad. from Extinct
Oppareniums magnolia… from Extinct
Or flummels. from Extinct
Or not. from Extinct
Or the worst decision. from Extinct
Our entire species is about to stop existing. from Extinct
Paris? They let dogs in the restaurants there. from Extinct
Part of a team. Team earnest shackleton. from Extinct
Part poodle, part… that is hard to know, my mother was very social. from Extinct
Pay up. from Extinct
Perfect. from Extinct
Perhaps they're adapting to the changes around them in order to survive. from Extinct
Pretty much. from Extinct
Probably. from Extinct
R.i.p. Flummels from Extinct
Random question, were you guys waving or shoo ing? from Extinct
Ready for our next adventure, clarance? from Extinct
Ready or not, hoss, here I come. from Extinct
Real fluffy, about yey high. from Extinct
Remember when I told you to look to the future? from Extinct
Remind me to never get on your bad side. from Extinct
Right by his side, adventuring through time and history together. from Extinct
Right here with you. from Extinct
Right, especially in this direction. from Extinct
Right, right, master. Well… I… from Extinct
Right. from Extinct
Rock in the hole. The great fire. from Extinct
Ruff ruff. from Extinct
Save the grand flower flummel! from Extinct
Save? from Extinct
Second reminder, you've been banned from the flower festival. from Extinct
Seems about right. from Extinct
Seriously, you should ask "when." Seriously. from Extinct
She is your sister after all. from Extinct
She left? Left where? from Extinct
She'll be back. She's probably just gonna… from Extinct
She's too funny to stay mad at. from Extinct
Shutting up in four minutes. from Extinct
Sky flowers? from Extinct
So anywho, I've decided our theme this year just like every other year is… from Extinct
So let's not get distracted. from Extinct
So tell me what it is so I'm not too surprised. from Extinct
So, forget fitting in. We're gonna stand out. from Extinct
So, if we're going to live to see the future we have to do something now, from Extinct
So, it's officially crunch time. from Extinct
So, on the count of three I say we tie up shackleton, from Extinct
So, the cyclops will throw us to the time flower, from Extinct
So, we are doing things my way. from Extinct
So, we're gonna get more flowers no one's ever seen before. from Extinct
So, we're in the future in a place called Shanghai from Extinct
So, we're late, what's the worst thing that could happen? from Extinct
So, we've had our ups and downs. from Extinct
So, were you worried about me? from Extinct
So, what now? from Extinct
So, what's going on here? from Extinct
So, where are you two going next? from Extinct
So… from Extinct
Something other than letting a boat on fire. from Extinct
Something's stuck. from Extinct
Sometimes, I think, without really living at all. from Extinct
Somewhere. from Extinct
Son of a… from Extinct
Song it is. from Extinct
Sorry, for being so rude back at the house. from Extinct
Sounds like a plan to me. Let's go find that dog. from Extinct
Spoke too soon. from Extinct
Stay with the group. from Extinct
Stay, hoss. Sit! from Extinct
Stay, hoss. Sit. from Extinct
Stop! The master says "stop." from Extinct
Such a round number. Get it? from Extinct
Sure, but what? from Extinct
Sure, just do what I do. from Extinct
Ta ta! from Extinct