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Rent Rent is a revolutionary rock al that first took the stage in 1996. With , lyrics, and book by the genius Jonathan


Rent is a revolutionary rock musical that first took the stage in 1996. With music, lyrics, and book by the genius Jonathan Larson, this show quickly became an iconic piece of the theater world. Larson's untimely death on the eve of its Off-Broadway premiere only added to the mystique surrounding Rent.

Set in the gritty East Village of New York City in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Rent invites us into the lives of a diverse group of struggling artists, musicians, and bohemians as they navigate the challenges of life, love, and the AIDS crisis. It showcases a year in the life of these characters, capturing their hopes, dreams, and the hardships they face along the way.

The cast of Rent is filled with extraordinary talent, both on the stage and on the screen. In the original production, the cast included unforgettable performances by Anthony Rapp as Mark Cohen, the aspiring filmmaker, and Adam Pascal as Roger Davis, the musician trying to write one last great song. Idina Menzel gave a breakthrough performance as Maureen Johnson, the provocative performance artist who can capture any audience's attention.

The rest of the cast includes talented stars such as Daphne Rubin-Vega as Mimi Marquez, the young and troubled dancer who captures Roger's heart, and Jesse L. Martin as Tom Collins, the aspiring anarchist who falls in love with the charismatic drag queen, Angel Dumott Schunard, played by Wilson Jermaine Heredia. Other memorable characters include Benny, the former roommate turned landlord, played by Taye Diggs, and Joanne Jefferson, the Ivy-educated lawyer and Maureen's lover, played by Fredi Walker.

Rent seamlessly combines powerful ballads and energetic rock anthems to tell a story that is both heartbreaking and inspiring. The raw emotion expressed in songs like "Seasons of Love" and "Without You" perfectly captures the characters and their journey. The music of Rent, driven by Larson's brilliant composition, continues to resonate with audiences of all generations, standing the test of time.

You can immerse yourself in the world of Rent by watching the film adaptation released in 2005. Directed by Chris Columbus, this movie brought the Broadway production to the silver screen, allowing a wider audience to experience the magic of Rent. The cast once again shines, with many members reprising their roles from the original musical. That includes Rosario Dawson as Mimi, Tracie Thoms as Joanne, and Adam Pascal as Roger.

If you want to relive the unforgettable sounds of Rent, you can play or download the original Broadway cast recording. Close your eyes and let the haunting melodies and heartfelt lyrics transport you to the world of these struggling artists. Whether you're a fan of musical theater, rock music, or powerful storytelling, Rent will leave an indelible mark on your heart.

So, get ready to travel back to the East Village, where love, art, and friendship are put to the test. Play and download the sounds of Rent here, and let the spirit of this groundbreaking musical ignite your passion and leave you inspired.
A new member of the Alphabet City Avant garde
A one, two, three "That's bull," he said
A pleasure cruise
A restaurant in Santa Fe
A song about love Glory
A state of the art, digital, Virtual interactive studio
A tiger in a cage Can never see the sun
A young girl
A young man
About last night, I'm sorry.
Actual reality. ACT UP. Fight AIDS.
After an hour, Evita, in all her glory
Alexi, Joanne Jefferson and Mark Cohen here to see you.
All my life
All right, cool.
All right.
All you have to do is ask...
All your words are nice, Mimi
An eternal flame
And a bonus if I trim her tree
And all this misery pays no salary So
And although he once had principles...
And as a harvest moon rose over Cyberland...
And before the song dies
And Collins will recount his exploits as anarchist...
And feel the heat Of the future's glow
And flirt with a stranger"
And he...
And I find
And I lowered myself beneath her swollen udder...
And I say, 'Not in my back yard, utensils.
And I swear...
And I thought you guys could use this to get some heat up in here.
And I'll cover you Yeah
And I'm just a little weak on my feet Would you light my candle?
And I'm sick of grading papers, That I know
And if you give a damn
And if you give a damn
And it feels like something's stuck In your flue?
And leave this To the roaches and mice
And let's raise a glass to toast the future of Joanne and Maureen.
And Mark Cohen will preview his new documentary...
And Maya Angelou
And Mimi Marquez, clad only in bubblewrap...
And now that the block is rezoned Our dream can become a reality
And now this deadline Eviction or pay
And one pasta with meatless balls
And Roger will attempt to write a bittersweet, evocative song...
And she can be so obscene
And she looked good.
And the songwriter cannot hear
And then no need To endure anymore
And then there was this time...
And then they call. And I remember.
And this time you can shoot the entire thing for the TV show.
And to top it all off I'm with you
And tonight it's trick?
And we're patched.
And when you're living in America
And who are you two supposed to be?
And you are...?
And you toss and you turn
And you?
And you're thinking Of drinking gasoline?
And your client has a fresh eye to bring real stories to an audience...
Angel Dumott Schunard
Angel Dumott Schunard will model the latest fall fashions from Paris...
Angel helped us believe in love
Angel's voice is in my ear
Another dance, Another way, another chance
Another day
Another day
Another day
Another time Another place
Another time, another place
Another time, another place, Another rhyme, a warm embrace
Antonioni, Bertolucci, Kurosawa
Any owner of that lot next door Has a right to do with it as he pleases
Anyone? Help.
Anything but that
Are you screening your calls? It's Mom.
Aren't we all?
As we said our goodbyes
At breaking the rules Once I learn the game
At least the room Stopped spinning anyway
At the end of the millennium
At the end of the millennium
At the end of the millennium
At the end of the millennium
At the Life Caf? after Maureen's show.
AZT break.
Baby, what you doing?
Back off.
Back on the street Where I met my sweet
Bah humbug
Bah humbug
Barging in on me and my guitar
Be careful, now.
Be my lover
Be my lover
Be the first to condemn
Because I'm used to Relying on intellect
Because reason says I should have died
Because working for a show like Buzzline, that's completely selling out.
Being packed in With fertilizer and fuel oil
Benjamin Coffin III.
Benjamin Coffin III.
Benny and me, it's over. We had a thing once...
Benny can't throw you out on the street.
Benny got exactly what he wanted.
Benny hopes to evict all of the homeless from Tent City...
Benny, that attitude toward...
Benny, what's going on?
Beyond the cheap colored lights
Big Like my father's
Bisexuals, trisexuals, Homo sapiens
Bohemia Bohemia's a fallacy in your head
Bohemia is dead
Boys, girls, I can't help it, baby
Brought to you by your friendly CyberArts.
Brush the sauce onto the meat
Bunch of us are getting together tonight.
But I die without you
But I die without you
But I try to open up To what I don't know
But I'm old for my age I'm just born to be bad
But I'm sure I've seen you Somewhere else
But if you're so wise Then tell me
But love's not a three way street
But my investors would rather I handle this quietly
But sure as I am here That dog is now in doggy hell
But sweet kisses I've got to spare
But sweet kisses I've got to spare
But the end, it will come Still you have to play dumb
But the fire's dead Ain't never ever gonna start
But, hey, don't you want Your girl hot?
Can I help anyway?
Can you believe her? I mean, first she just dumps me...
Can't get them out of my mind
Can't sleep in the city Of neon and chrome
Candy bar wrapper.
Carcinogens, hallucinogens, men, Pee wee Herman
Carmina Burana
Chatting not about Heidegger, But wine
Check out the door.
Christ, it's a lady. Come on, ma'am, you gotta get up.
Cindy and the kids are here. They send their love.
Circumstance? Benny, you padlocked our door...
Close up: Benjamin Coffin III. Our ex roommate...
Colors renew
Come back another day
Come down, I wanna talk to you.
Come here.
Come on, get up.
Come on, guys, chill.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, move back.
Come on.
Come on. Let's get you cleaned up.
Compassion To fashion
Computer Age Philosophy.
Control your temper
Convince Maureen to cancel her protest.
Cops won't hold them for long. They'll let them go in a few hours.
Could you excuse me for a minute?
Creation Vacation
Crying, "Oh, honey bear, Are you still my, my
Dearly beloved
December 24th, 1989, 9 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.
December 24th, 1990, 10 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.
Devote ourselves to projects That sell
Did she moon over other boys?
Did you swoon When she walked through the door?
Didn't give an inch When I gave a mile
Didn't think so.
Diet Coke"
Dive into work
Do you go to the Cat Scratch Club? That's where I work
Do you know how lucky you'll be?
Do you know the way To Santa Fe?
Do you think this belt is too much, though?
Do you wanna dance?
Does anyone have a problem...
Does everything have to be about you?
Don't be shy. Let it go. Moo with me.
Don't breathe too deep
Don't fight Don't lose your head
Don't forget, Get the moonlight out of your hair
Don't forsake me
Don't got much baggage To lay at your feet
Don't got much baggage To lay at your feet
Don't stay in the house all day.
Don't think all day
Draw a line in the sand And then make a stand
Drive the other way
Dying in America
Easy, sugar, easy. He was just trying...
Emotion, devotion To causing a commotion
Ever since puberty Everybody stares at me
Every single day I walk down the street
Every time, so be cautious
Everyone, be cool.
Everyone, please.
Everyone's welcome. It's not just for people with AIDS.
Everything Buzzline's about.
Everything's brown And, uh oh, I feel sick
Excuse me Did I do somethin' wrong?
Excuse me if I'm off track
Excuse me, sir, can you hold this, please?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Fear's my life.
Feel like going insane? Got a fire in your brain?
Feeling, harmony And heavy competition
Feels too damn much like home
Fighting the good fight.
Fighting with microphones Freezing down to my bones
Figure in love
Find glory
Find glory
Find one song
Find one song
Find the one song Before the virus takes hold
Fine. Just please don't move the tables.
First, I just want to welcome you all.
Five hundred twenty five thousand Journeys to plan
Five hundred twenty five thousand Moments so dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand Moments so dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand Seasons of
Five hundred twenty five thousand Six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand Six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand Six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand Six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand Six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand Six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand Six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand Six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand Six hundred minutes
For a lawyer named Joanne.
For a lawyer named Joanne.
For me
For me.
Forget it.
Forget regret
Forget regret
Forget this cold bohemian hell
Friends call me Collins.
From here on in, I shoot without a script.
From the soul of a young man
From this nightmare?
From this nightmare?
From this nightmare?
From this nightmare?
From your eyes
Gentlemen, our benefactor On this Christmas day
German wine, turpentine Gertrude Stein
Get off of me.
Get that son of a bitch.
Get up, life's too quick I know someplace sick
Get your ass off the Range Rover.
Get your ass off the Range Rover.
Ginsberg, Dylan, Cunningham And Cage
Give it back to me.
Give me a break.
Give me that. I'm sick and tired of you always...
Glory From the pretty boy front man
Glory In the eyes of a young girl
Glory Like a sunset
Glory Like a sunset
Glory One song to leave behind
Go back to China"'
Goes away Just play the game
Got anything stronger than this?
Got pissed and sent me down here to collect the rent.
Got your attention, didn't it?
Gotta dance till your diva is through
Gotta get out of here
Gotta look on the bright side With all of your might
Gotta, gotta find a way
Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta
Great. I love it. So fresh, edgy.
Guess so, it's starting to
Guilty as charged. But we are a news show.
Guys, there's a padlock on the door.
Happy birthday, Jesus
Happy holidays.
Happy New Year.
Has she ever pouted her lips And called you "pookie'"?
Have you ever Doubted a kiss or two?
He needed a lawyer.
He screws up my show, he gets all these people arrested.
He took all our stuff.
He was the same way He was always
He's three hours late.
Headlines, bread lines Blow my mind
Hear, hear.
Heard you got a job offer.
Hello, Thomas. Merry Christmas.
Her fever's breaking.
Her grip of romance makes you fall
Here she lies
Here you go.
Hey, artist, you got a dollar?
Hey, Collins, don't get your ass kicked this time.
Hey, Doodles.
Hey, get off, man.
Hey, guys, all our shit's back.
Hey, guys, it's Benny.
Hey, hey, hey. Guys, it's okay. It's okay. Just keep cool.
Hey, Mimi. Mimi.
Hey, mister.
Hey. Lover boy. You steal my client, you die.
Hi, baby. Thank you.
His father in law bought several buildings on the block...
His name, we have learned, was Benny.
Hold on, there's something You should hear
Hold on. Hold this, honey.
Hope you like the hot plate. Don't leave it on when you leave the house.
How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
How are you feeling today? Right now?
How can I repay you?
How can you connect in an age Where strangers, landlords, lovers
How can you generate heat When you can't feel your feet
How do you document real life
How do you figure A last year on Earth?
How do you leave the past behind
How do you measure A year in the life?
How do you measure Measure a year?
How do you measure The life of a woman or a man?
How do you start a fire When there's nothing to burn
How do you stay on your feet
How do you write a song When the chords sound wrong?
How is the drama queen?
How much did I love your footage?
How we gonna pay
How we gonna pay?
How you doing?
How'd I let you slip away
Hurry up, please.
I always get in for free
I am so glad you came, man.
I am the reason you got on TV in the first place.
I asked if she had anything to drink. She said:
I awoke, singing...
I can seat guests as they come
I can't believe a year went by so fast.
I can't believe he's gone
I can't believe this family must die
I can't believe this is
I can't believe you disagree
I can't believe you're going
I can't control
I can't hide
I can't take much more of this.
I dance
I did, and they're on standby.
I didn't have any money, but they took my stuff.
I didn't recognize you Without the handcuffs
I didn't stay at the Kink Club last night because you wanted to go home.
I do.
I don't know, man. Let's wait for him inside. Come on.
I don't need no goddamn help...
I feel lousy.
I figured
I figured I could help out, since you got them evicted.
I forget how to begin it
I found myself in a desert called Cyberland.
I got a teaching gig at NYU.
I hate mess But I love you
I have always loved you
I have to go
I have to go
I have to go
I haven't seen her in a couple of weeks.
I hear people say "Baby's so sweet"
I hear Spike Lee's shootin' Down the street
I hired Joanne as my production manager...
I just wanted to call and say we love you. We'll miss you today.
I knew we'd hit it off the moment we met.
I know I've seen you out and about
I know this something is
I know you, you're...
I know, because...
I know.
I live this moment as
I look before I leap
I love margins and discipline
I love you, baby.
I make lists in my sleep, baby What's my sin?
I mean, you do have a nice...
I mean, you look familiar
I need your help to make my Neighbor's yappy dog disappear
I once was born to be bad I used to shiver like that
I really need your help.
I said, get off the window.
I saw this on television. Watch.
I say Today for you
I say, c'est la vie. Let her be a lesbian.
I see your eyes
I should tell I blew the candle out
I should tell you
I should tell you
I should tell you
I should tell you
I should tell you
I should tell you
I should tell you Benny wasn't any...
I should tell you I should tell you
I should tell you I should tell you
I should tell you I should tell you
I should tell you I should tell you
I should tell you I'm disaster
I should tell you why I left
I should tell you, I love you
I should tell you, I should... No.
I sort of have to hurry.
I spoke to a friend of Mimi's who said she saw her three weeks ago.
I think I know what you mean
I think they meant it When they said you can't buy love
I thought maybe we could all grab some dinner.
I told her not to call you.
I trust my soul
I wanna put on a tight skirt
I wanted to let you know that I've also been working on a documentary...
I was gonna go try to find Collins.
I was heading towards this warm...
I was out of line. Can I make it up to you?
I will.
I'd be happy to die For a taste of what Angel had
I'd fall for her still, anyhow
I'd forgotten how to smile
I'd hate to see you pass up something that could be good for you.
I'd like to welcome everyone...
I'll be there and I'll cover you
I'll be there and I'll cover you
I'll be your shelter
I'll be your shelter
I'll cover you
I'll cover you
I'll cover you
I'll cover you With a thousand sweet kisses
I'll do anything. You want me to be your slave?
I'll forgo your rent And on paper guarantee
I'll let you make me
I'll live.
I'm a New Yorker.
I'm Angel.
I'm Angel.
I'm certain that cur Will bark itself to death"
I'm defeated I should give up right now
I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm giving up my vices. I'm going back to school.
I'm gonna celebrate tonight.
I'm here to put an end to this war.
I'm here with...
I'm here. We got you.
I'm illin' I had it when I walked in the door
I'm just here to...
I'm just playing with you, boy.
I'm lookin' for baggage That goes with mine
I'm Maureen Johnson.
I'm Paul.
I'm really starting to get worried. It's getting cold out there.
I'm right here. I'm right here. It's okay.
I'm shouting in my sleep I need a muzzle
I'm so mad that I don't know what to do
I'm writing one great song Before I...
I've been tryin' I'm not lyin'
I've had a knack from way back
I've hired an engineer.
I've longed to discover
I've never been better. Here.
If I can learn
If you close your eyes
If you could just... Please, baby, come to the performance space.
If you get in with me
In 525,600 minutes
In a song that rings true Truth like a blazing fire
In bridges he burned?
In contracts, dollars In funerals, in births
In Cyberland we only drink
In daylights, in sunsets
In diapers, report cards In spoked wheels, in speeding tickets
In five hundred twenty five thousand Six hundred minutes
In honor of the death of bohemia...
In inches, in miles
In laughter, in strife
In midnights, in cups of coffee
In that little town of Bethlehem
In the evening I've got to roam
In truths that she learned? Or in times that he cried?
Invite the girl you were just flirting with to join us and I will.
Is jump over the moon"
Is just to be
Is that all?
Is what I'm wearing okay? Does this look right?
It isn't much, but it took all year
It reaches way down deep And tears you inside out
It says, "I wanna commit a crime
It tastes the same
It was Angel's favorite holiday.
It was hot.
It was my lucky day today On Avenue A
It was pure Is it on the floor?
It'd be another song We'd sing another way
It'll give you and Roger time to get some money together.
It's a dark, dizzy merry go round
It's a living
It's between God and me
It's called the Tango: Maureen
It's cold.
It's Collins again. I should be heading home, like, right around Christmas.
It's Collins, man. Throw down the key. Cool.
It's creation
It's for people with AIDS.
It's hard to do this backwards.
It's like I'm being tied to the hood Of a yellow rental truck
It's me. Maureen. Look, I have a bit of a problem.
It's my first advance.
It's not that kind of movie, honey.
It's nothing They turned off my heat
It's right...
It's the best I've felt in a long time.
It's true I'm leaving now for Santa Fe
It's true you sold your guitar And bought a car?
It's true you're with This yuppie scum?
It's what we used to dream about Think twice before you pooh pooh it
Just calm down. Take it easy now, all right?
Just clear off the table, we'll put her there.
Just clench yourjaw till you frown
Just don't let go
Just let me be
Just pay me back
Just pay me back With 1000 kisses
Just remember that I'm your baby
Just stop the protest And you'll have it made
Just take me
Just tighten those shoulders
Just to get back in
Just trying to use me to kill his guilt.
Knock yourselves out.
La vie
Last night I had a dream.
Last year's rent
Last year's rent?
Leap of faith Leap of faith
Leave your conscience at the tone
Leaving me alone with my guitar
Lenny Bruce
Let he among us without sin
Let it rip.
Let the boy buy us dinner.
Let's celebrate Remember a year in the life of friends
Let's go
Let's go
Let's go
Let's go.
Let's go. You gotta go.
Let's just make this part go faster
Let's open up a restaurant In Santa Fe
Let's open up a restaurant In Santa Fe
Let's put these tables together.
Like Thelma and Louise did When they got the blues
Listen, guys, this was not my fault.
Listen, Mark, I'm sorry to hear that Maureen dumped you.
Little girl, hey, the door is that way
Live in my house
Live in my house
Long ago you might have Lit up my heart
Look around. Got plenty of customers.
Look, I find Some of what you teach suspect
Look, I just went to the police station and I filed a missing persons report.
Look, I regret the unlucky circumstances...
Look, I was wondering if you've seen Mimi.
Look, just keep... Hey. Please. Everyone, be calm.
Look, we don't need your charity.
Look, you still got a few hours to stop Maureen's protest.
Looking for romance?
Make yourself comfortable, Mark.
Making noise and making pleas
Mark, are you there?
Mark, Roger, it's Benny.
Mark. Hi.
Mark. I'm Mark.
Masochism, pain, perfection
Mathematics, isolation Rhythm, power
Maureen called me to try to come help fix the equipment.
Maureen is protesting losing her performance space...
Maureen Johnson, back from her spectacular...
Maureen, please, do not do this today.
Maureen! Maureen! Maureen!
Maybe it's a female thing
Maybe now you two can get back together.
Maybe you should wait out here.
Me too.
Me? You're the one helping my ex boyfriend.
Measure in love
Measure in love
Measure your life Measure your life in love
Measure, measure your life in love
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Mimi, give me your New Year's resolutions.
Mine too.
Moo with me.
Mucho masturbation
Muscle spasms, chiropractors Short careers, eating disorders
My body's talking to me It says, "Time for danger"
My canteen had sprung a leak, and I was...
My destiny
My husband and I would also like to welcome Maureen's parents...
My last
My life's not for you to make a name for yourself on.
My Maureen
My offer expires after dark.
My only goal
Never playin' the fame game
Never quit I follow through
New York City
Next year's rent
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today
No family, boring locations Darkrooms
No one knew her worth
No one's perfect I've got baggage
No other course
No other road
No other road
No other road
No other way
No other way
No other way
No other way
No pension To more than one dimension
No room on the couch.
No way can I be what I'm not
No, get out of here. Hey.
No, I'm fine. I'm fine.
No, I'm not interested, I'm sorry.
No, it was just that sleazy news show Buzzline wants to take a meeting.
No, you'll be my queen And I'll be your moat
No. Not really.
No. Sit down.
Not dying from disease
Not to mention, of course Hating dear old Mom and Dad
Now I know you can rent it A new lease you are, my love
Now I'd die for one more day
Now she wants me to help her fix her sound equipment.
Now you're talking.
Now, who could foretell That it would go so well?
Of faith"
Officer, please.
Oh, damn.
Oh, hi.
Oh, I see, this is a photo opportunity.
Oh, I'm not... I don't have...
Oh, lover
Oh, lover
Oh, my God, look at this place.
Oh, my God, my stomach doesn't feel right.
Oh, my God, you look so good.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Are you okay?
Oh, my God. Come on, Pookie. I was just being friendly.
Oh, my God. You know what? We'll do another protest.
Oh, my God. You okay, honey?
Oh, no
Oh, no
Oh, so that's how you can afford to splurge on us.
Oh, that's very good. How about you, Roger?
Oh, the dancer from the Cat Scratch Club?
Oh, the wax
Oh, wait.
Oh, well, good night
Oh, well...
Oh, what'd you do with my candle?
Oh, won't you light the candle?
Oh, you got to You got to remember the love
Okay, everyone, let's begin.
Okay, see you soon.
Okay, watch.
Okay, yeah, I'll be there, but first I got a protest to save.
Okay. But it's nice to dream.
Okay. Congratulations.
Okay. Fine.
On an escalating scale. Start at $3000.
On another empty life
On Christmas?
On commission.
On life
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