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To End All Wars To End All Wars is an epic war film that was released in 2001. Directed by David L. Cunningham, this powerful

To End All Wars

To End All Wars is an epic war film that was released in 2001. Directed by David L. Cunningham, this powerful movie vividly captures the horrors and triumphs experienced by a group of men during World War II. With an exceptional cast that includes Robert Carlyle, Kiefer Sutherland, and Ciarán McMenamin, this movie takes viewers on an emotional journey through the true story of heroism and resilience.

Robert Carlyle steals the show with his brilliant portrayal of Lieutenant Jim 'Yanker' Reardon, a Scottish soldier captured by the Japanese in Singapore. Carlyle flawlessly captures the strength and determination of his character, conveying the pain and suffering endured in the brutal prison camps.

Kiefer Sutherland delivers a memorable performance as Captain Ernest Gordon, a British officer also captured in Singapore. Sutherland effortlessly portrays the transformation Gordon undergoes, from a young man following orders to a leader who inspires his fellow prisoners to find hope amid the darkness.

Ciarán McMenamin, in his breakout role as Dusty Miller, brings a youthful energy and resilience to the screen. As the naive and optimistic American prisoner, McMenamin perfectly captures Dusty's initial innocence and subsequent growth as he faces the harsh realities of war.

The film chronicles the experiences of these three men, along with their fellow prisoners, as they endure unimaginable hardships in a Japanese prison camp. From the grueling labor to the dehumanizing treatment, the audience is shown the sheer brutality of war and the indomitable spirit of those trapped within it.

To End All Wars effectively balances the intense war scenes with quieter, more introspective moments. The director beautifully portrays the sense of camaraderie and shared humanity that develops among the prisoners. Through acts of selflessness and sacrifice, the film illustrates the resilience of the human spirit even in the face of unimaginable cruelty.

The movie's powerful narrative is complemented by an equally impressive musical score. The orchestral compositions, composed by Hans Zimmer, perfectly enhance the emotional depth of each scene. Zimmer's ability to capture both the horror of war and the moments of triumph and unity is truly remarkable. The film's official soundtrack is available to play and download, allowing audiences to relive the poignant emotions evoked by the music at any time.

To End All Wars is not simply a war movie; it is a poignant reminder of the cost of freedom and the strength of the human spirit. It explores themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the transformative power of hope. From the opening scene to the powerful conclusion, this film forces viewers to confront the realities of war and its impact on individuals and society as a whole.

Released in 2001, To End All Wars remains a compelling cinematic achievement that continues to resonate with audiences today. Its realistic portrayal of the horrors of war, combined with exceptional performances and a stirring musical score, sets it apart as a profound and thought-provoking film.

If you're looking for a movie that will truly leave an impact, To End All Wars is a must-watch. It brings to light the sacrifices made by countless individuals during World War II and reminds us of the enduring power of hope and resilience. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and prepare yourself for a deeply moving and unforgettable viewing experience.

You can play and download the sounds and soundtrack of the film to fully immerse yourself in its emotional journey. Whether through the powerful performances, the exceptional score, or the thought-provoking story, To End All Wars will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on anyone who watches it.
A bit late in the term, but eager to catch up.
A conquest whose original intent was to purify the spirit...
A decision that would defy the Bushido code...
A jungle university.
A loyalty that was soon to be matched by his own second in command,
A man ofdeep loyalties to his country,
A man ofpassionate devotion to the colonel as well as the cause.
A quick wit and a mate to pickyou up when you fall.
A real cause for celebration.
A simple, bloody miscount.
A single life weighs less than a feather.
A symbol ofwhat he carries in his heart
A word of advice stay close toyour cobbers.
About face.
According to our Imperial Rescript,
Actin'as ifthey built the bloody thing.
Ain't that right, Yanker?.
All right.
All right. Uuh.
All show respect for honorable Lieutenant Colonel Nagatomo,
All you've got left is your fellow comrades,
Always bow before a guard, Korean orJap.
American chocolate, whiskey, American cig How about a watch?
An enemy location was also hit nearby.
An eye for an eye.
An uncertain future,
And a good friend.
And all the world before you.
And as ifthat weren 't enough,
And as soon as I'm well, we're on ourway.
And became Captain Ernest Gordon.
And by a sleep to say we end the heartache...
And capture by the enemy.
And every human right for properly supervised prisoners of war,
And hate your enemy.
And I 'm gonna spend the night in the arms of my tender, lovin' wee wife.
And I am not a kamikaze.
And I watched him die in front of my eyes, and I just stood there doing nothing.
And I will not tolerate this barbaric behavior!
And ifto live, the fewer men, the greatershare ofhonor.
And it began to eat at him.
And it was our loyalties that would eventually be tested.
And last, but by no means least,
And minds ofevery man died with him.
And our captors noticed.
And say
And that scares the fuckin' hell out of me!
And that's exactly what I plan on doing.
And the fiercer the beating, the fiercer their dedication to the emperor.
And the moment hangs over you like death.
And the only realityyou know is in the moment,
And the sea the sea.
And the stench ofdisease and death all aroundyou with every breath you take.
And the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.
And the war is over."
And then it happened.
And there's a reason why theJaps don't give a toss about security.
And they expected us to fall in line as well.
And try not shit your kilts.
And we become better slaves for the emperor.
And we knew that the war was turning.
And we were to prove that legacy once again...
And what's worse, we're killing each other to save our own skins.
And when the Nips find out,
And you know that's what the colonel would say.
And you know,
And you see yourself,
And your fascist monkeys...
And, uh, we got thinking.
Andall thatyou might have done...
Andlet's getstarted, eh?
Andprayforthose who persecuteyou.
Andyou're freer than a bird in the air or a fish in the ocean.
Any of you?
Any questions?.
Are we interrupting a church service?
As for me, I'm bartering my way to happiness.
As for the major, we refused to get even with him
As you have violated the Geneva Convention,
At His Imperial Majesty, the emperor,
At least, that's what he told us.
At what price mercy?
Attached himselfto the Argylls during the Allied surrender.
Attention, all prisoners,
Attention, prisoners.
Attention, prisoners. You are now captives...
Aye, now that would be suicide.
Be he ne 'er so vile,
Because at least with escape...
Because we will not sign your bloody paper!
Before the crown.
Before the majesty of the em peror and the knights of the Bushido.
Behold the extreme penalty for those who try to escape.
Being starved to death.
Better get two more of ours.
Black market. Prostitution.
Bloody hell! These Nip bastards are eatin' like the Prince of Wales!
Bloody rai lway of death.
Bollocks, soldier. We need you alive. Hey!
Boys, I can't feel my legs.
But how in the hell doyou expect to engage in a group activity...
But I knew I had witnessed the power offorgiveness.
But I say to you, love your enemy,
But loses his soul?
But this is not right.
But tomorrow and forever, in Japanese.
But we could sure hear them.
But we didn't care. In our hearts we heard what it could be.
But we in it shall I be remembered, we few,
But we were determined they couldn 't take away what we had learned in our university.
But when it comes right down to it, it's survival ofthe fittest.
Can Iaskyou, honorable Takashi,
Captain Gordon, I forbid you to give comfort and aid to the enemy.
Captain Noguchi graciously givesyou these gifts...
Captain Noguchi says he gives you your books back...
Captain Noguchi says the railroad progress is too slow.
Carry on, Sergeant Major.
Changed my life forever.
Chi p, chi p, m uckers. Graduation ceremonies are coming.
Cold. All alone.
Colonel, I've been watching these Nips. There's never more than a handful ofthem...
Come here.
Come here. Come here.
Come on, Ernie.
Come on, Foxworth.
Come on, man. Sir!
Come on, pal. I'll oweyou one.
Come on, you English fuck!
Come on, you English fuck!
Come on!
Come on.
Come on. Come on now.
Come on. Out of here. Out of here!
Come on. Walk!
Conformity is how they gain their sense ofpurpose,
Could someone please get me some water?
Couldsomeone please get me some water?
Course I've done it.
Days are lost.
Descend on us with a vengeance.
Do it.
Don't be another! Enough is enough!
Don't be shy. Line starts right here.
Don't know whether to thankyou or kickyour ass.
Don't leave me, man.
Don't need us anymore.
Don't worry, boys.
Don'tyou leave me, man! Don't you leave me, man. Don't leave me, man.
Don'tyou think I want this?.
Dusty built a sanctuaryjust outside the camp called the Church Without Walls.
Dusty led some ofthe men out of the Death House to help draw water.
Dusty Miller.
Dying human beings.
Eh?. Eh?.
Eighteen months?.
Ernest, get things together.
Ernie, get back to your own men.
Ernie, whereya goin'?.
Ernie. You're just in time.
Escape. Heh! What else, you towheaded Yank?.
Especiallylife as a prisoner ofwar.
Every man for himself. Barter is the name ofthe game, gents.
Everybody in there does, too, except they're afraid to admit the obvious,
Excuse me, sir. Sir.
Fermented rice alcohol. This one's on the house.
First class is this evening.
Fled into the jungle... from us.
For being good workers.
For fear ofbeing discovered by the Nips.
For he today that sheds his blood with me...
For no small price.
For what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
For who would bear the whips and scorns oftime.
Forgive me, son.
Forwhat shall it profit a man...
Foryou to keep learning.
From Chungkai base camp to...
From our jungle university.
From that dayon, Yankerneverspoke much.
From this day to the ending ofthe world.
From whose bourn and no traveller returns,
Fucking bastard!
Fuckingshot him!
Get him down here.
Get up! Get fuckin'up!
Give me a hand!
Glad you could make it.
Go on! I'm fine! Help the other men!
Go. Go!
God forgive me.
Gonna visit my favorite pub.
Good boy.
Good boys.
Good God, Yanker, that's stinking!
Greaterlove hath no man than this,
Guarding the perimeter at any given time, and they're not watching very closely.
H m m. Looks I i ke we do have the old Bard after all, sir.
Hai I kni ghts of "bullshito!"
Half of his men were split apart that day. Sent away, never seen again.
He accepted the blame for the bad decision that his superior made.
He hasn't eaten.
He never got you extra rations, Ernie. He was giving you his.
He received orders from headquarters...
He says the book is superstition.
He seemed to draw them from all nationalities and groups,
He that shall live and see old age,
He that shall see this day and live old age...
He will be crucified on a pole for all to see.
He won't end up killing himself.
He's been able to get me extra rations.
He's done it.
Hello, Takashi.
Help me with his legs.
Hey, Ernie.
Hey, you heard him. He said, move along!
Hey. How about some extra for my colonel?.
His duty and his men;
His example ofwhat we were learning inspired us to work like never before.
Honorable Sergeant I to will now dispense with the prescribed and just punishment.
Honorable sir, that's
Hope, Ernie. Because without that, we might as well be sitting in there...
How can he die?
How far can he fall to pay the price ofsurvival?
How I miss Scotland...
How many times shall I forgive my brother?
Hurry! Help me! Help me, Ernie!
I 've decided to start school for the jocks.
I almost made it. I got killed by my own side, Ernie!
I already made my own blackboard.
I am a senior officer,
I am not a stupid man,
I am sick of this drivel!
I can't feel my legs.
I couldn't tell.
I don't know anybody who could survive that lot.
I don't think they agree with your idea of justice.
I don't want to be the skeptic here, Ernie,
I figure ifl can keep him busy long enough,
I have my connections. Come on. Open up.
I have no idea.
I joined the proud ranks of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders...
I know it's small, but, em,
I learned that while Dusty was taking care of me,
I mean, where's thejustice in
I n the second book of The Republic,
I never found out what Dusty said to I to that day,
I owed the colonel my life.
I reckon that's why I joined the Second War to end all wars.
I said, I'm not leaving.
I stopped reading history and became a part ofit.
I think she fancies me.
I think there is a lot to learn from them.
I thought I'd see the world first though.
I thought if I could get you out of the Death House and into some fresh air,
I thought it was near impossible with 12. God in heaven knows, we haven't got a chance with six.
I thought one must understand the culture.
I to.
I wanna be just like you just like you.
I want a tip top performance out ofyou.
I was at the university studying to be a teacher when the call to arms occurred.
I was educated at Cambridge.
I was only too eager to put aside my studies for the glory of action.
I was to be left alone.
I will take care of myself.
I'll tell ya what, mate. You're not gonna make much money as a prostitute, I'll tell you that.
I'll tellyou what I'm gonna do soon as I get back to Glasgow.
I'm Ernest.
I'm his platoon sergeant.
I'm makin' justice, man.
I'm Nagase. Takashi Nagase.
I'm sorry.
I'm stayin'.
I'm still alive, you Jap bastards!
I'm... notjoking, sir.
I've actually been wonderin'...
I've always fancied teaching.
I've got a question.
I've got my own plans now.
I've got six students already.
Ian Campbell.
If only you'd had a second chance.
If the shovel is not returned,
If we are mark'd to die,
If we are marked to die, we are enough to do our countryloss.
Ifhe can't work, he can't eat. Nip rules. Move along.
Ifhe gains the whole world,
Ifl can't escape, I'll do the next best thing.
Ifthe just man...
Ifwe have to build it over the white man's body.
Ifyou don't respect them, they feel obligated to bash you.
Ifyou want to survive, you need a bit ofluck,
Iike God Himselfwas playing a crueljoke on us all,
In Bushido, it is an honor to be punished in place ofyour superior.
In death there is no secondchance.
In fact, it was bloody terrible.
In his mind, this was not considered betrayal.
In Nips bashing us and working us to death?.
In the Bushido code, the nation is everything.
In the emperor's army,
In the face ofdefeat...
In the one place that the Nips will never go near.
Ioyal to no one but himself,
Is justice?
Is that whatyou want?.
Is treated as you say,
It bringeth forth much fruit."
It bringeth forth much fruit."
It gave us one thing hope.
It is great pleasure for me...
It is more like punishment.
It is your purification.
It resulted in the deaths of most ofhis squad.
It seemed like the final hindrance to the major's plan.
It was a sobering thought when we realized...
It was hard to tell whether it was for the better...
It'll distinguish you from the grunts, which is about the only thing...
It's a start.
It's diffiicult to describe what it's like to live with permanent hunger in your belly,
It's enough.
It's my back. My back, my back.
It's my school. It's my school!
It's the colonel's blood. It's the colonel's blood!
It's unmistakable, man.
J ustice for the captors.
Japs have all been invited.
Japs keep us in the dark.
Just leave me alone.
Just stay down, Major.
Just what,
Left turn.
Let me tell you something about me.
Let's continue.
Lieutenant Foxworth here used to teach Shakespeare at Cambridge.
Life doesn't wait forthe individual,
Like we were told in the very beginning,
Look after my boys, Ian.
Loyalty and honor.
Loyalty, politeness, frugality. Soldier's duty.
Major Campbell struck a deal with the Japs.
Major Campbell was a natural leader amongst men.
Major Campbell?
Major Charlie Fraser, language.
Major Ian Campbell,
Major, let's say your plan works, right?
Major, please, what did Dusty say?
Major, the colonel!
Major, you're not still planning on going through with this?
Major! He's burni ng up.
Major? Major, what did he say?
Make space for the colonel.
Makin' justice.
Malaria, diphtheria,
Many ofwhom you've just met.
Mayl respectfullyrecommend...
Meat! Meat!
Men were changing their minds. And Dusty had been the catalyst.
Months blend into one another.
Multi ple anonymous donors.
Must be roll call.
Must give us pause.
My boy.
My boys. I'm sorry.
My commanding offiicer was Lieutenant Colonel Stuart McLean,
My question:
Nectar of the gods. Our ticket to numbness.
Never look 'em in the eyes when they pass you.
No good. No good.
No matter how good things got,
No more
No more reason to fight,
No radios.
No, no.
No, no. No. No!
No, please. Please.
No! Dusty!
Not too much skinny here from the outside.
Nothing to do.
Now seemed utterly meaningless,
Now translate that!
Now, beating a prisoner to them is like beating a disobedient dog,
Of His Imperial Majesty, the emperor.
Of honor and shame.
Of ourvictory and our pitiful victim.
Officers work as well.
Officers, try to keep your shirt on.
Ofsomething after death, the undiscovered country...
Oh, didn't he tell ya?
Oh, Ernie, son.
Oh, God, forgive me.
Oh, God. Forgive me, son.
Oh, I'd recommend defiance.
Oh, nice one, Yanker. Let's have a swig.
Oh, shit.
Oh, that's a bloody fine idea, sir!
Old men forget,
One ofthe few Americans in the area.
Or the worse.
Oryou may be just a wee bit too Jap happy foryour own good.
Our own allies thought we were the enemy.
Outward, turn!
Owe the man my life.
Parade, halt.
Parade, halt.
Parade, right wheel.
Parade! Parade tion!
Pellagra, dysentery...
Plato says, ""What will happen to the just man...
Poor blighter's at a loss without his books and the Bard.
Preparing forwhat?.
Prisoner ofwar camp is not honorable place forJapanese soldier.
Private Wallace Hamilton, ethics.
Probably teach.
Puzzles the will, and makes us rather bear those ills we have...
Racked, chained.
Railroad to be 420 kilometer,
Reardon managed to make a connection to the local Thai black market.
Relish your health now, gentlemen. It's the lastyou'll see ofit.
Requiring us to finish six months earlier than it was scheduled.
Respect and obligation.
Ri ght there, Major Cam pbel l,
Right, lads. Eh, makeyourselfas comfortable as you can,
Roger Primrose, trained in the fine arts.
Roll over and let evil have its wicked way?
Royal engineer will oversee building.
Save us the bullshit, Major.
Saviour of Asia!
Saviour ofJapan!
Sergeant Bingo Johnson, philosophy.
Sergeant Ito?.
Sergeant Major?
Shall be my brother.
Shallstandat tiptoe when this dayis named.
Shame for his entire family.
Shh, shh, shh.
Shit, I gotta take a shit.
Should he enter this world?'"
Sir! Sir!
Six months ahead ofschedule.
Slow, march!
So now you're privy to the mind of God in heaven?
So pony up with some cash. Anything you got.
So that's what this is, a suicide mission.
So that's what you think about when you're dying
So they give up on you.
So this is death.
So what areyou gonna do, eh? What areyou gonna do?
So what do you think of the British?.
So what's the story?
So you would take a man and crucify him on a pole for all to see?
So, what, are you the voice of the people now, eh?.
Some ofhis best trades are with the Japs.
Something had changed inside him.
Soon, all inferior races will bow...
Speedo, me arse!
Speedo, speedo.
Spoils ofJapanese conquest.
Stand easy.
Standat ease.
Start preparing for the next war.
Stay with me, man. Staywith me, man! Staywith me, man! No!
Stickyourhead upyourass!
Stupid wee boy.
Such bad spirit must be punished.
Sucks every ounce offluid right out ofyour body.
Sure, kid. Every single one of us.
Surely he's the consummate soldier.
Sweet music, man. It's Liberators!
Take a lecture on the meaning oflife?.
Take a look around you! Take a look in the eyes ofthese men.
Taken overthe whole camp.
Teaches to turn the other cheek.
Th ' oppressor's wrong, the proud man 's contumely,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
Than fly to others that we know not of?.
Thanbyuzayat in north.
That a man lay down his life for his friends.
That means a slim to zero chance of anyone being left in the guardhouse.
That patient merit ofth' unworthy takes,
That you shall love your neighbor...
That'll be death, Major.
That's keeping us from degenerating into a bloody anarchy.
That's myboys.
That's pure defiance. Always look away. Rules of Bushido.
That's right, Ernie. They're dead already.
That's the least of our concerns.
That's what I figured.
That's when he dies.
The answers...
The Argylls had a legacy or being the last line ofdefense,
The emperor,
The entire company will suffer punishment.
The finest commander the 93rd Battalion ever had;
The graduates...
The guards change between 5:00 and half 5:00 every single day,
The Hague Convention...
The individual is nothing.
The insolence of office, and the spurns...
The Japanese were preparing to invade India.
The key ofheaven and hell.
The last bastion of traitors and cowards.
The law's delay, the insolence of office
The major and his dangerous plan seemed ready to explode at any moment.
The major was preparing his own plans.
The majorimagined Reardon a threat.
The most important decision ofour lives
The music we heard that night was less than perfect.
The one who has taken the shovel, return it now.
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The railway would be their supply line.
The real value of all that you've done with your life,
The salt in your face, the wind atyour back...
The school had delayed his plans.
The shovel was found.
The wounded had abandoned their posts looking for help.
Their arrival at our camp would compel us to make...
Then after every kind of misery,
Then shal I he stri p his sleeve and show his scars and say,
Then shall he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
Then what's the just response?.
There are thousands more prisoners in camps all along the river.
There is a cross...
There is suffering before glory.
There was a miscount
There's a reason why every escape has failed,
There's nothing like it in all the Earth
There's nothing you can do. There's nothing you can do.
There's only six of us.
There's the respect that makes calamity ofso long life.
These are the questions that I faced in my prison camp.
These damned yellow Mongoloid Nips.
These men are guilty of murdering two guards...
They They left.
They believe the losers should kill themselves.
They built it over the white man 's body.
They call the hospital the Death House. You don't want to end up in here.
They called them "comfort women "
They catch one, they'll kill you.
They could take away our books and classes,
They couldn't see us,
They don't give two shits about the Geneva Convention.
They knew we had nowhere to go.
They knew we had nowhere to go.
They thought we was Nips, Ernie.
They're good boys.
Theyhave violated the mercy ofthe emperor and his benevolent subjects.
This book...
This day shall gentle his condition,
This is a shame culture. You make 'em lose face, you'll pay. Stand easy.
This is an outrage!!
This is foryour own sake.
This is the scent of happiness.
This man has rights!
Those ofyou to the right of me will be immediately transferred...
Those... are wounded,
Thousands ofus in a dozen other prison camps as well.
Through the jungle to the glory of His Imperial Majesty,
To another camp.
To be a good translator,
To be free
To build a railroad...
To die, to sleep
To die, to sleep
To find out about the colonel.
To grunt and sweat underweary life,
To him, a man without a sense ofduty,
To pay him back in kind.
To sacrifice himself for others?
To see you at this place.
To sleep, perchance to dream.
Today, you will count off in English.
Tonight's the graduation ceremony.
Two cigarettes.
Uh, I was classified low physical fitness.
Uh, me and the cobbers, we've been chewing it over,
Unless Escape is impossible.
Unless the local villagers are willing to turn in a P.O.W. for a bowl ofrice.
Until I remembered Dusty's words so very long ago.
Until you respect Emperor!
We all deserve to see him suffer,
We are enough to do our country loss.
We Argylls have got to stick together.
We band of brothers.
We called him "Yanker," 'cause he was both an American...
We finished the railroad in October of 1943,
We happy few,
We heard the true spirit ofthe music, and that was pure freedom.
We lost six men.
We read these books,
We take each ofyou andshoot one by one!
We thought our deliverance had finally arrived.
We were allowed to visit it freely.
We were fools to think we even stood a chance.
We were left alone by our captors. Nowhere to go.
We were still slaves building a railway,
We weren't the only slaves being used in the name ofthe emperor.
We willbuild this railroad...
We would be the means to their end.
We'd like to help teach.
We'll have a regiment a thousand strong...
We'll have our justice.
We're doing the best we can. Get used to it!
We've built the railway.
Well, come on, then, wanker!
Well, come on!
Well, how'd you think they get such good medicine?.
Well, I don't know if I want to survive anymore.
Well, isn't that just dandy.
Well, let the festivities begin.
Well, that leaves five.
Well, the music was bloody awful.
Well, thejust man will be scourged,
Well, unfortunately, we don't have any Shakespeare.
Well, what about...
Well, what would you recommend, Major?
Well, what's your story?.
What about our plan?
What aboutyou, Ernie?.
What aboutyou, sir?
What are they payin' ya, Yanker?
What are we sayi ng, Dusty?.
What are you doing here in this camp?.
What are you saying? What are you saying?
What areyou gonna do after the war?.
What areyou, bloodychicken? I'll kickyourass!
What can a man give in exchange for his soul?
What do you mean?
What does it mean to love one's enemies?
What does it take for a man to lose his dignity?
What exactly are you asking me?.
What is it?
What is the consequence of a single life weighing less than a feather?
What is the final destination of hatred?
What kind ofbusiness?.
What the fuck are we gonna do now?
What the hell does ""tenko" mean?.
What then?
What we had somehow managed to hold onto for years of survival...
What with the colonel?.
What would compel a man, one so selfish,
What's that stench?.
What's the purpose in what we been suffering?.
What's your name?
When Dusty Miller died, something in the hearts...
When he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin?.
When he loses his hope,
When I get outta here, I'm gonna go into business for myself and get stinkin' rich.
When we heard the planes again,
When you look in the eyes ofthe enemy...
When you surrender in war,
When you're living to die, every minute is an eternity.
Where am I?
Where are the guards?
Where are the signed papers?
Where did you get the food?
Where the true warrior deems his sword the soul of Bushido
Where'd you learn to speakJapanese?.
Whereyou learnedsuch excellent English.
Which direction?
Who is my neighbor?
Who pityyou for being coward!
Who represent the ImperialArmy...
Who's talkin' about survival?
Whoa, whoa, gentlemen.
Why areyou doing this?.
With only a makeshift radio left behind, hoping for any word from the outside.
With our thumbs up our asses waitin' for the end to come!
Without the Nips seeing you?.
Would you like me to...
Yanker decided to join us
Yanker, wait a minute!
Yanker, wait!
Yanker! We are all in this, all of us together!
Yankerrustledme up a textbook,
Yeah, mercy.
Yeah, well, it works both ways. They do the same to their own.
Yet all shall be forgot.
You all right, sir?
You are a good soldier...
You are a selfish bastard.
You are dismissed.
You are dismissed.
You are dismissed.
You are endangering the life ofeveryman in this camp.
You are few remaining skeleton...
You can understand that, can't you?
You can't possibly hope to survive.
You don't worry, boys.
You find the best escape route, hmm?.
You fucking slanted eyed
You have heard that it was said,
You have still nowhere to go.
You know it, and I know it.
You know, a man can experience an incredible amount of pain and suffering ifhe has hope.
You look the devil in the face with pride, boys!
You must understand, these monsters truly believe we're an inferior race less than human.
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