A bedtime story, to keep a Iittle girl asleep for another year. from ParaNorman
A Iittle girl who was different... from ParaNorman
A place without sin! from ParaNorman
A scary movie. from ParaNorman
About the history of this town? from ParaNorman
According to your grievous crimes, from ParaNorman
Actually, we're Iearning about it in school. from ParaNorman
Agatha Prenderghast of His Majesty's province of Massachusetts, from ParaNorman
Aggie. from ParaNorman
Ah! from ParaNorman
Ah! from ParaNorman
Ah! from ParaNorman
Ah! from ParaNorman
Ah! You useless bunch of... from ParaNorman
Ahh! from ParaNorman
AII night, he's been trying to save you from the witch's curse. from ParaNorman
AII that's Ieft in you now is mean and horrible! from ParaNorman
Ain't room for no more zombies in this town! from ParaNorman
And all you want to do is burn and murder stuff, burn and murder stuff. from ParaNorman
And before him, there were others, from ParaNorman
And being Iousy at team sports. Not this. from ParaNorman
And dig up some other 18th century corpses? from ParaNorman
And had no one to turn to! from ParaNorman
And I could totally save yours. from ParaNorman
And I have a Iunch box with a kitten on it. from ParaNorman
And I have to go up to the old graveyard from ParaNorman
And I know that's not all you've been seeing Iately, is it? from ParaNorman
And I know you're probably tired, right? from ParaNorman
And I never saw her again! from ParaNorman
And I sweat when I walk too fast. from ParaNorman
And I won't have this turn out from ParaNorman
And I'll bet no one told you about the witch's curse, did they? from ParaNorman
And I'm not Ietting you give up now! from ParaNorman
And it is passed on you, from ParaNorman
And it's been a Iong night, from ParaNorman
And made the zombies go away and saved pretty much everything! from ParaNorman
And now you need my help because from ParaNorman
And pitch a tent in the yard or have a healthy interest in carpentry? from ParaNorman
And rise from your graves as the Iiving dead! from ParaNorman
And she said, "I could totally consider from ParaNorman
And start Iiving in the real world. from ParaNorman
And stop it before the sun sets tonight. from ParaNorman
And that made them scared of her. from ParaNorman
And that would be you. from ParaNorman
And the Ionger it stayed, the Iess there was of the Iittle girl. from ParaNorman
And then those horrible men came and took me away, from ParaNorman
And then what are you going to do? from ParaNorman
And then, technically, you'll have Ionger. from ParaNorman
And they did something terrible! from ParaNorman
And they were cursed for it. from ParaNorman
And this is all going to be okay? from ParaNorman
And this part of her, it wouldn't go away. Not for 300 years! from ParaNorman
And we do a Iot of psychic investigations together. from ParaNorman
And we Iock ourselves in a Iibrary! from ParaNorman
And we're not even going to have to dig him up first! from ParaNorman
And we're, Iike, only 11 years old, and... from ParaNorman
And whatever it was you just said, it's not working. from ParaNorman
And when she does, she'll raise the dead. from ParaNorman
And you know what? Maybe they're right. Maybe I am a freak. from ParaNorman
And you know why you're not supposed to talk to me? from ParaNorman
And you would do it, no matter what? from ParaNorman
And you're a boy. from ParaNorman
And you're calling me in the middle of the night from ParaNorman
And you're the one who has to stop it. from ParaNorman
Are the dead coming soon, Norman? from ParaNorman
Are they going to try to eat our brains? from ParaNorman
Are you freeze framing Mom's aerobics DVD again? from ParaNorman
Are you okay? from ParaNorman
Are, Iike, totally important today. from ParaNorman
As you were, soldier. from ParaNorman
Aw, nuts. from ParaNorman
Awesome! from ParaNorman
Aye! With fire! from ParaNorman
Baby, I'm so sorry. You'll be all right. from ParaNorman
Bad omens? from ParaNorman
Be careful! from ParaNorman
Because he's a zombie. That's what they do. from ParaNorman
Because I don't really... You can go. from ParaNorman
Because I really think that ecology and world peace from ParaNorman
Because I'm fat. And my allergies make my eyes Ieak. from ParaNorman
Because I've got a seriously early curfew. from ParaNorman
Because she talks back. from ParaNorman
Because you need someone to help you do your homework? from ParaNorman
Because you want everyone to hurt just as much as you are. from ParaNorman
Because, I mean, it's really Iate, from ParaNorman
Because, if you don't, the witch's... from ParaNorman
Because... Because... from ParaNorman
Before me, it was Mr. Prenderghast, from ParaNorman
Before the sun sets tonight. from ParaNorman
Believe me, I am with you on that. from ParaNorman
Besides, I promised I'd always Iook out for you. from ParaNorman
Better start talking, buddy. from ParaNorman
Boom, baby! from ParaNorman
Boom. from ParaNorman
Booyah! from ParaNorman
Brains! from ParaNorman
Bring it back! from ParaNorman
Bub? from ParaNorman
Bubby wubby boo. from ParaNorman
But even though she was dead, something in her came back. from ParaNorman
But first, here's Mindy Rinager, from ParaNorman
But I don't think you're a witch. Not really. from ParaNorman
But I got to make sure he doesn't, you know, die or anything tonight. from ParaNorman
But I never asked for your help! Just go! from ParaNorman
But I think he does actually know what he's talking about. from ParaNorman
But I was Iike, "I want to do something from ParaNorman
But I... I don't know what any of it means. from ParaNorman
But I'm just a kid! How am I supposed to stop it? from ParaNorman
But I'm not putting up with it anymore! from ParaNorman
But I'm not. from ParaNorman
But in death, from ParaNorman
But it didn't work! from ParaNorman
But not the whole freaking town! from ParaNorman
But now I'm dead. It has to be you. from ParaNorman
But now it has to stop. from ParaNorman
But she's a complete Ioser. from ParaNorman
But that doesn't mean you should, too. from ParaNorman
But that Iimp wristed hippie garbage needs to be nipped in the bud. from ParaNorman
But the curse doesn't ever go away. from ParaNorman
But the more she turned away from people, from ParaNorman
But there's always someone out there for you, from ParaNorman
But they do it because they're afraid. from ParaNorman
But this is crazy. from ParaNorman
But we all have to move on. from ParaNorman
But what about the people who hurt you? from ParaNorman
But you don't play fair! from ParaNorman
But you're not alone! You have to remember! from ParaNorman
But... But nothing! Listen to me, buster. from ParaNorman
But... Go home! from ParaNorman
By last night's mystery tornado. from ParaNorman
Calm down. from ParaNorman
Can he feel if I pet him? from ParaNorman
Can you quit using the "Z" word? from ParaNorman
Can you see ghosts, Iike, everywhere, all the time? from ParaNorman
Can you stop being a mob for just one minute? from ParaNorman
Can you stop doing that? It's kind of stupid. from ParaNorman
Can't you be Iike other kids your age, from ParaNorman
Come on, fit, you stupid... from ParaNorman
Come on! from ParaNorman
Come on! from ParaNorman
Come on! from ParaNorman
Come on! from ParaNorman
Come on! This way! from ParaNorman
Come on. from ParaNorman
Come on. There has to be something. from ParaNorman
Courtney, be nice. Whoa! from ParaNorman
Cry "Havoc," and Iet slip the dogs of war! from ParaNorman
D E D, dead! from ParaNorman
Dad says I'm not supposed to talk to you anymore, Grandma. from ParaNorman
Dad, could I borrow the car? from ParaNorman
Dang straight, "Uh oh." from ParaNorman
Darn it. from ParaNorman
Delinquent drivers! Where are the police when you need them? from ParaNorman
Did he say the dead are coming? from ParaNorman
Did you see that? from ParaNorman
Didn't you hear what I just said? from ParaNorman
Do I Iook crazy to you? from ParaNorman
Do you have anything to say for yourself? from ParaNorman
Do you hear me? from ParaNorman
Do you know where Norman is? He kind of disappeared. from ParaNorman
Do you know who I am? from ParaNorman
Do you think this has got anything to do with Norman? from ParaNorman
Do you use free weights? Because your deltoids are huge! from ParaNorman
Do you want to play some hockey? from ParaNorman
Do your "talking to the dead" thing, from ParaNorman
Does anyone know CPR or... from ParaNorman
Does anyone know how to pick a Iock? from ParaNorman
Does anyone smell burning? from ParaNorman
Does it Iook Iike any of them are trying to hurt you? from ParaNorman
Doesn't he realize we're running out of... from ParaNorman
Doesn't it bother you? from ParaNorman
Don't any of you know anything from ParaNorman
Don't blow this for me, Mitch. This one's not weird. from ParaNorman
Don't get your bra in a twist, fat boy. from ParaNorman
Don't make me throw this hummus. It's spicy. from ParaNorman
Don't you ever want to make them suffer? from ParaNorman
Don't you get it? They were just Iike you. from ParaNorman
Dude, what are you doing? from ParaNorman
Dude, you're really heavy. from ParaNorman
Every year, someone reads the story at her grave. from ParaNorman
Everybody, Iisten up! from ParaNorman
Everyone in the real world thinks I'm a freak! from ParaNorman
Everyone, Iook! from ParaNorman
Ew. from ParaNorman
Excuse me? from ParaNorman
Excuse me. Pardon me. See ya! from ParaNorman
Feel it, push yourself. from ParaNorman
Fiddling with his Ouija, or his orbs, from ParaNorman
Flies don't talk. from ParaNorman
For good. from ParaNorman
For the horrible crime of witchcraft from ParaNorman
Funny. Neither did we. from ParaNorman
Get out! from ParaNorman
Get the book and read from it from ParaNorman
Get them before they eat us! from ParaNorman
Go away. from ParaNorman
Go get it, Bub. Good boy! from ParaNorman
Go get it! from ParaNorman
Go home, and pretend this never happened. from ParaNorman
God, I'm not making this up, I swear! She talks to me all the time. from ParaNorman
God. from ParaNorman
Going up to the old graveyard on his own. from ParaNorman
Good job, Norman. from ParaNorman
Good morning! from ParaNorman
Good morning. Sorry, I got to run. Oh! from ParaNorman
Gosh, aren't they adorable? from ParaNorman
Grandma says, can you turn up the heating? Her feet are cold. from ParaNorman
Grandma's in a better place now. from ParaNorman
Great. I'm super psyched. from ParaNorman
Great. Now I'll never get to remember this moment. from ParaNorman
Guys, come on! from ParaNorman
Guys, guys! Under here, under here! from ParaNorman
Guys? Maybe we should actually drive away now. from ParaNorman
Hand, Alvin. My hand. from ParaNorman
Have been heard. from ParaNorman
Haven't heard that one before. from ParaNorman
He can't fetch it, you know. from ParaNorman
He is your brother. from ParaNorman
He means an awful Iot to me, you know? from ParaNorman
He says the witch's curse is real, from ParaNorman
He says, take a Ieft here. from ParaNorman
He talks to dead people! from ParaNorman
He told me to read from the book to stop the curse! from ParaNorman
He was ran over by an animal rescue van. Tragic and ironic. from ParaNorman
He's around here somewhere. from ParaNorman
He's going to ruin his dinner. from ParaNorman
He's in Ieague with them! from ParaNorman
He's just sensitive, Perry. from ParaNorman
He's my dad. He shouldn't be afraid of me. from ParaNorman
He's my uncle. from ParaNorman
He's not afraid of you. He's afraid for you. from ParaNorman
He's on my side of the seat. from ParaNorman
He's probably up there right now, from ParaNorman
He's still breathing! from ParaNorman
He's, Iike, a total chick flick nut! from ParaNorman
He's, Iike, R I double P E D. Like, a seven pack at Ieast. from ParaNorman
Hell, yeah. Hmm. from ParaNorman
Hello? from ParaNorman
Hello? from ParaNorman
Hello? from ParaNorman
Help! Somebody, help me! from ParaNorman
Her ghost is going to wake up. from ParaNorman
Here, you go first. from ParaNorman
Here's your book! from ParaNorman
Hey there, Iittle buddy. Come on, come here. from ParaNorman
Hey, Bruce, how's it going? from ParaNorman
Hey, buddy. Are you okay? from ParaNorman
Hey, hey, ghost jerk, you know what? from ParaNorman
Hey, hey, Norman. from ParaNorman
Hey, how you doing? from ParaNorman
Hey, Mitch. We're going to go play from ParaNorman
Hey, Neil! Come here a minute. from ParaNorman
Hey, Neil. from ParaNorman
Hey, peace, man. from ParaNorman
Hey, there! from ParaNorman
Hey, uh, Dad? from ParaNorman
Hey, what's the big deal? from ParaNorman
Hey. Nobody makes me miss out on a possible date from ParaNorman
Hi, Dad. from ParaNorman
Hi, Mom. from ParaNorman
Hi, Mrs. Hardman. You Iook nice today. from ParaNorman
Hi! Nice to see you guys. from ParaNorman
Hi. How's it hanging? from ParaNorman
Hi. What are you watching in there? from ParaNorman
Hide! from ParaNorman
Hide! from ParaNorman
Hide! What? from ParaNorman
Hmm! from ParaNorman
Hmm. from ParaNorman
Ho hoo, it's you, all right. from ParaNorman
How are you doing, from ParaNorman
How could you? from ParaNorman
How dare you all? from ParaNorman
How many times do we have to go through this, son? from ParaNorman
How you doing? from ParaNorman
How you doing? from ParaNorman
Huh? from ParaNorman
Huh? from ParaNorman
Hurry! This way! from ParaNorman
I am trying! from ParaNorman
I believed we were doing what was right. from ParaNorman
I bet he doesn't even know what Norman Iooks Iike. from ParaNorman
I bit my tongue. Does that count? from ParaNorman
I burned the book into dust. from ParaNorman
I can see ghosts, too! from ParaNorman
I can't believe this is your plan. from ParaNorman
I curse you accusers to die a horrible and gruesome death, from ParaNorman
I didn't ask to be born this way. from ParaNorman
I didn't do anything wrong! from ParaNorman
I didn't really think he was serious about from ParaNorman
I do too Iisten! from ParaNorman
I don't believe it's historically accurate, Miss Henscher. from ParaNorman
I don't get it. from ParaNorman
I don't have boobs. These are pectorals. from ParaNorman
I don't Iike this story! from ParaNorman
I don't know where else to Iook! from ParaNorman
I don't know! I don't know! from ParaNorman
I don't know. He's not moving. from ParaNorman
I don't know. Maybe we should go Iook for him. from ParaNorman
I don't want to go to sleep, and you can't make me. from ParaNorman
I don't want to. from ParaNorman
I fetched it. from ParaNorman
I figured it out, and I know a way to stop this. from ParaNorman
I guess I should go get some clothes on. from ParaNorman
I guess there's a whole bunch of stuff. from ParaNorman
I guess. from ParaNorman
I have cheered the uncheerable, Norman, from ParaNorman
I have no idea what you're talking about. from ParaNorman
I have no idea where he is. Sorry. Bye! from ParaNorman
I Iike what you've done with your hair. from ParaNorman
I Iove him Iike he was a brother. from ParaNorman
I just want my mommy. from ParaNorman
I just wanted to say thanks. from ParaNorman
I keep telling you, Neil. I Iike to be alone. from ParaNorman
I knew it! from ParaNorman
I know that this seems crazy. from ParaNorman
I know you're in there! from ParaNorman
I know your name is Agatha Prenderghast. from ParaNorman
I know, right? I kicked that, Iike, a hundred yards! from ParaNorman
I know. from ParaNorman
I mean, promise! from ParaNorman
I mean, she's nice and I really Iike her, from ParaNorman
I really don't know. from ParaNorman
I really don't think we should be Ieaving him. from ParaNorman
I really need to get home from ParaNorman
I really need to speak with you. from ParaNorman
I really think it might help if you tried from ParaNorman
I remember, from ParaNorman
I saw them! I saw them! from ParaNorman
I should have known you wouldn't understand. from ParaNorman
I spoke to them, and it's not what you think. from ParaNorman
I think I peed my pants! from ParaNorman
I think it's trees. from ParaNorman
I think that's up to you. from ParaNorman
I think you got so scared from ParaNorman
I think you'll be safe. from ParaNorman
I think you're just a Iittle kid with a really special gift from ParaNorman
I thought I was driving the van. from ParaNorman
I thought I was going to Iose you. from ParaNorman
I thought it was Iike a spell or something, but... from ParaNorman
I thought the same thing for a while, from ParaNorman
I thought we did. No, we didn't. from ParaNorman
I thought you said kids my age were too busy shoplifting and joyriding. from ParaNorman
I told you he was trouble. from ParaNorman
I understand that this is all getting completely out of... Hand! from ParaNorman
I wanted everyone to see how rotten they were. from ParaNorman
I was asking him! from ParaNorman
I was merely inhabiting the role. from ParaNorman
I was never one for frolicking. from ParaNorman
I was only playing. from ParaNorman
I was reading the book in the wrong place! from ParaNorman
I was told not to talk to you. Sorry. from ParaNorman
I was wrong. from ParaNorman
I went to the old graveyard, but her grave wasn't there. from ParaNorman
I wish I understood you. from ParaNorman
I won't have him turn out Iike that uncle of yours. from ParaNorman
I would google this myself from ParaNorman
I would have brought a completely different group of people who hate me. from ParaNorman
I'll bet there's no cable or canasta up there, either. from ParaNorman
I'll come back and haunt Norman! from ParaNorman
I'll make all of you sorry! from ParaNorman
I'll make you suffer! from ParaNorman
I'll show him, and that scary Iittle fat kid. from ParaNorman
I'm Alvin. from ParaNorman
I'm busy. from ParaNorman
I'm Courtney. from ParaNorman
I'm finally free! from ParaNorman
I'm going to be sick. from ParaNorman
I'm going to get bitten and start eating people's brains. from ParaNorman
I'm Norman. Norman Babcock. from ParaNorman
I'm not going anywhere. You can't make me. from ParaNorman
I'm not Iistening! from ParaNorman
I'm not speaking to you. You can't make me. from ParaNorman
I'm nothing if I'm not Iiberal, from ParaNorman
I'm okay, Mom! from ParaNorman
I'm scared, Norman, and I can't Iisten to this anymore. from ParaNorman
I'm scared, too, but I've still got to do this. from ParaNorman
I'm sorry, Aggie. from ParaNorman
I'm supposed to be frolicking in paradise with your grandfather. from ParaNorman
I'm supposed to be vegan! from ParaNorman
I'm supposed to read from the book at the witch's grave. from ParaNorman
I'm sure if they just bothered to sit down and talk it through, from ParaNorman
I'm the only one who can read it to her. from ParaNorman
I'm way too awesome to get eaten. from ParaNorman
I've been holding back the witch's curse for years. from ParaNorman
I've got to go talk to her. from ParaNorman
I've never used deltoids in my Iife, I swear. You can test me. from ParaNorman
If all three of you don't quit it this instant! from ParaNorman
If I had known there was so much reading involved, from ParaNorman
If I were a poltergeist, I'd throw something at his head. from ParaNorman
If it hadn't been for those meddling kids. from ParaNorman
If that crazy old tramp has been around here, from ParaNorman
If there wasn't a 300 year old dead guy trying to rip my face off. from ParaNorman
If you cared to pay attention some of the time, from ParaNorman
If you were bigger and more stupid, from ParaNorman
Iike that wretched Kabuki debacle of '09... from ParaNorman
Iittle guy? from ParaNorman
In an unmarked grave. from ParaNorman
Involved in all your weird stuff? from ParaNorman
Iong ago, there was a Iittle girl. from ParaNorman
Is everyone all right? Nobody got bitten? from ParaNorman
Is everyone okay? from ParaNorman
Is he dead or what? from ParaNorman
Is he there? How does he Iook? from ParaNorman
Is Iike not believing in astrology. from ParaNorman
Is it all that walking dead stuff again? from ParaNorman
Is she, uh... Is she, uh, from ParaNorman
Is this where they buried me? from ParaNorman
Is tonight! from ParaNorman
It means the past is coming back to haunt you! from ParaNorman
It says here she was tried in the old town hall on Main Street. from ParaNorman
It wasn't there! from ParaNorman
It would be a different story. from ParaNorman
It would have been a quiet night, too, from ParaNorman
It's a fairy tale! from ParaNorman
It's a pretty good place to sleep. from ParaNorman
It's about you hurting them. from ParaNorman
It's called "survival of the thickest." from ParaNorman
It's her. from ParaNorman
It's Iike a total slasher movie vibe. from ParaNorman
It's not a bad idea. from ParaNorman
It's not supposed to be! from ParaNorman
It's not working! from ParaNorman
It's one thing being a mental case in front of your family, from ParaNorman
It's supposed to sell postcards and key chains. from ParaNorman
It's the Iiving dead, come to take us all to hell! from ParaNorman
It's the witch's curse! from ParaNorman
Jackass. from ParaNorman
Jeez, that was dramatic. from ParaNorman
Jeez, what a dirty old creep. from ParaNorman
Jeez, what is her problem? from ParaNorman
Jeez. Who rattled your chains? from ParaNorman
Just a bedtime story. from ParaNorman
Just burning and murdering. from ParaNorman
Just give it up, you wiener. from ParaNorman
Just go home, Neil. I'm better off on my own, anyway. from ParaNorman
Just Iisten to me. from ParaNorman
Just so you know, I totally saved his Iife, from ParaNorman
Just stupid people who should have known better. from ParaNorman
Just wait for me here. Don't worry. from ParaNorman
Keep away from me! from ParaNorman
Keep away from me! from ParaNorman
Kick it in the knothole! from ParaNorman
Kids. It never ends. It never ends! from ParaNorman
Kill 'em in the head! from ParaNorman
Kill me now. from ParaNorman
Kill the witch! from ParaNorman
Kill the witch! Kill the witch! from ParaNorman
Leave him alone! from ParaNorman
Leave him alone! from ParaNorman
Leave me alone or I'll make you sorry! from ParaNorman
Leave me alone! from ParaNorman
Leave me alone. from ParaNorman
Let go! from ParaNorman
Let's burn them out! from ParaNorman
Let's hang him! from ParaNorman
Let's rip 'em apart! from ParaNorman
Like this. from ParaNorman
Listen to me! from ParaNorman
Look at that sky! from ParaNorman
Look at that sky! from ParaNorman
Look out! from ParaNorman
Look! It's AbNorman. from ParaNorman
Make it stop, please, now please! from ParaNorman
Mama? from ParaNorman
Man! Zombies take over the world from ParaNorman
Maybe then he'll start Iistening to me. from ParaNorman
Maybe we should pull over and ask someone. from ParaNorman
Maybe. Sweet! Come on! from ParaNorman
Me? No, no, no, no. You must have it wrong. from ParaNorman
Mitch, do something! from ParaNorman
Mitch, Mitch, if we die tonight, from ParaNorman
Mmm! from ParaNorman
Mom, tell the zombie to stop saying stuff about me. from ParaNorman
Mom! from ParaNorman
Mom! You're embarrassing me. from ParaNorman
Move along now, people! There isn't anything to see here! from ParaNorman
Mr. Prenderghast appeared to me in the bathroom. from ParaNorman
Mr. Prenderghast, I don't understand. Just tell me what to do! from ParaNorman
Mr. Prenderghast? from ParaNorman
Must be the season of the witch from ParaNorman
Must be the season of the witch, yeah from ParaNorman
My brave Iittle man! from ParaNorman
My ghost isn't going anywhere, from ParaNorman
My grandma told me it's usually people from ParaNorman
My mom gets really upset... Seven victims. from ParaNorman
My mommy brought me here once. from ParaNorman
My name was Aggie. from ParaNorman
My reputation is at stake, here. from ParaNorman
Necromancer! from ParaNorman
Neil, come on, Iet's go. from ParaNorman
Neil, isn't he that weird kid? from ParaNorman
Neil! Will you get the door? from ParaNorman
Neil! Would it kill you to get off your butt and answer the door? from ParaNorman
Neil? from ParaNorman
Neil? Is that you? from ParaNorman
Neil? Yeah, Neil. from ParaNorman
No one ever does! from ParaNorman
No one told me I was going to have to do this other dumb stuff. from ParaNorman
No one. from ParaNorman
No, I don't want to. from ParaNorman
No, I haven't. Grandma told me. from ParaNorman
No, I won't. from ParaNorman
No, I'm not! from ParaNorman
No, I'm not! from ParaNorman
No, it's fine. He sucks. from ParaNorman
No, Mr. Prenderghast, wait! from ParaNorman
No, no, I don't want to go! I want to go home! I don't want to go! from ParaNorman
No, no, I'm just Iate for school. Sorry, I got to go. from ParaNorman
No, no, Norman! With gusto! from ParaNorman
No, no. Don't! Alvin! from ParaNorman
No, she's not. She's in the Iiving room. from ParaNorman
No, we have to keep trying. from ParaNorman
No, you can't do this! from ParaNorman
No, you don't. You don't know anything about me. from ParaNorman
No, you try it. I already went, Iike, 50 times. from ParaNorman
No! from ParaNorman
No! from ParaNorman
No! from ParaNorman
No! Give it back! from ParaNorman
No! His spirit. from ParaNorman
No! No, no, no, no. from ParaNorman
No! No, you don't understand what's happening here. from ParaNorman
No! No! from ParaNorman
No! Ow! That was my fingernail. from ParaNorman
No. from ParaNorman
No. from ParaNorman
No. No, I'm not Ieaving. from ParaNorman
No. No. from ParaNorman
No. No. It's fun, try it. from ParaNorman
No. Not yet! from ParaNorman
No. You can't stop bullying. It's part of human nature. from ParaNorman
No. You don't understand. I'm the only one who can stop this, Courtney! from ParaNorman
Norman is a Ioser! Norman is a Ioser! from ParaNorman
Norman, are you Iistening to me? from ParaNorman
Norman, didn't I tell you to take out the garbage? from ParaNorman
Norman, I know you and Grandma were very close, from ParaNorman
Norman, wait up! from ParaNorman
Norman, what just happened? from ParaNorman
Norman, you need to stop all this weird stuff, from ParaNorman
Norman, your witch was buried someplace else. from ParaNorman
Norman! from ParaNorman
Norman! from ParaNorman
Norman! from ParaNorman
Norman! from ParaNorman
Norman! Are you Iistening to me, boy? from ParaNorman
Norman! Get down from there this instant! from ParaNorman
Norman! How do we stop them? from ParaNorman
Norman! Uh! from ParaNorman
Norman? from ParaNorman
Norman? from ParaNorman
Norman? from ParaNorman
Norman? from ParaNorman
Norman? What are you doing? from ParaNorman
Norman. from ParaNorman
Not exactly. from ParaNorman
Not me! Not this again. from ParaNorman
Not mentally! from ParaNorman
Not much time. from ParaNorman
Not much. I'm kind of Iate for school, I need to go. from ParaNorman
Not these hands! My other hands. from ParaNorman
Not yet! from ParaNorman
Nothing gets better. It's not enough. from ParaNorman
Nothing scary. from ParaNorman
Now I don't have to Iisten to that stupid story anymore! from ParaNorman
Now it's happening all over again. from ParaNorman
Now we can find out where the witch was buried. from ParaNorman
Now, I want you to try that again, but with conviction. from ParaNorman
Now, Iisten close. from ParaNorman
Now, Iisten to me. from ParaNorman
Now, Perry... from ParaNorman
Now, this is our punishment. from ParaNorman
Now, unless there's any other issues, Iet us resume. from ParaNorman
Of course not. from ParaNorman
Of course! from ParaNorman
Of her. from ParaNorman
Of talking to the dead. from ParaNorman
Of what? from ParaNorman
Officials are urging people to panic and run... from ParaNorman
Oh, come on. from ParaNorman
Oh, great, the cops. from ParaNorman
Oh, I can't wait to see everybody's faces when they hear about this one. from ParaNorman
Oh, I have an idea! from ParaNorman
Oh, I understand. from ParaNorman
Oh, I... Sorry to bug you so Iate. from ParaNorman
Oh, I'm going to kill them! from ParaNorman
Oh, man, that place is bad news. from ParaNorman
Oh, my goodness! from ParaNorman
Oh, my goodness. Look out! from ParaNorman
Oh, my gosh! I think I'm having an aneurysm. from ParaNorman
Oh, my gosh. from ParaNorman
Oh, my. Do you think that's it? from ParaNorman
Oh, no, it's not. It's just grown ups. from ParaNorman
Oh, no, no, no, it's okay, Sheriff. from ParaNorman
Oh, no! from ParaNorman
Oh, no! from ParaNorman
Oh, no! from ParaNorman
Oh, no. from ParaNorman
Oh, no. Idea! from ParaNorman
Oh, no. Not again. from ParaNorman
Oh, Norman! from ParaNorman
Oh, oh! I'm a tree! from ParaNorman
Oh, oh. This is the most important thing of all! from ParaNorman
Oh, please! Sensitive is writing poetry from ParaNorman
Oh, right! You think maybe we should stop at a graveyard from ParaNorman
Oh, right. from ParaNorman
Oh, stop indulging him. from ParaNorman
Oh, thank God! from ParaNorman
Oh, that's nice. from ParaNorman
Oh, this is awful! from ParaNorman
Oh, this is so typical of you! from ParaNorman
Oh, wow! That's great! from ParaNorman
Oh, yeah! from ParaNorman
Oh, yeah! from ParaNorman
Oh, yeah? Prove it. from ParaNorman
Oh, yeah. from ParaNorman
Oh! from ParaNorman
Oh! from ParaNorman
Oh! from ParaNorman
Oh. Couldn't you use another stall? from ParaNorman
Ohh! from ParaNorman
Okay, okay. from ParaNorman
Okay, okay. I... I promise. from ParaNorman
Okay, page one. from ParaNorman
Okay, seven victims. from ParaNorman
Okay, what do I do? from ParaNorman
Okay. from ParaNorman
Okay. Perry, this is just part of the mourning process. from ParaNorman
OMG, you are such a Iiar. from ParaNorman
On these good people. from ParaNorman
On this day you have been arraigned from ParaNorman
Once upon a time, from ParaNorman
Ooh, ooh, oh. from ParaNorman
Ooh, ooh! Do you think you could see my dog Bub? from ParaNorman
Ooh, what have you got there, Geekula? from ParaNorman
Ooh! This is my moment! from ParaNorman
Ooh. And I have irritable bowel syndrome. from ParaNorman
Or grandmas, or what is it now? from ParaNorman
Or I'll punch you in the boobs. from ParaNorman
Or people who are dying, or ugly or something. from ParaNorman
Or sometimes it's the ones who died suddenly or in a bad way. from ParaNorman
Or what? from ParaNorman
Or whatever it is he's got up there! This is not good! from ParaNorman
Ow, my boobs! from ParaNorman
Ow! Ooh! from ParaNorman
Page one. from ParaNorman
People found guilty of witchcraft from ParaNorman
People talk. They do. from ParaNorman
Perfect. Now the geeks are in charge. from ParaNorman
Perry, calm down! from ParaNorman
Perry, do something! from ParaNorman
Perry, no one has had anything to do from ParaNorman
Perry, not believing in the afterlife from ParaNorman
Perry, you promised me a meal that someone else microwaved. from ParaNorman
Perry! Do something! from ParaNorman
Perry... from ParaNorman
Pesky kids with their cell phones, burning up the ozone. from ParaNorman
Pilgrims! The Mayflower! from ParaNorman
Please don't tell me he needs to use the bathroom. from ParaNorman
Please help us. from ParaNorman
Please! I don't understand! from ParaNorman
Please? from ParaNorman
Psst! from ParaNorman
Pull over the vehicle! from ParaNorman
Puritans were strict and devout settlers, from ParaNorman
Putting ideas in Norman's head... from ParaNorman
Quick! She said, "Go to the town hall!" from ParaNorman
Read from the book at the spot the witch was buried. from ParaNorman
Read from the book, stop the curse, from ParaNorman
Really? I thought it was Rhona. from ParaNorman
Remember! from ParaNorman
Right. Of course she is. from ParaNorman
Run! from ParaNorman
Salma! Please hurry! from ParaNorman
See? I told you! Zombies! from ParaNorman
See? I told you! Zombies! from ParaNorman
Seriously. Where did you Iearn that? from ParaNorman
Seven graves. from ParaNorman
Seven victims. from ParaNorman
Sex and violence. from ParaNorman
She could see and do things that no one could understand, from ParaNorman
She said, it's not very Iadylike to hide photos of the high school quarterback from ParaNorman
She turned away from everyone, and became sad and Ionely, from ParaNorman
She wants you to move over. from ParaNorman
She was just a Iittle kid. from ParaNorman
She was no different than me. from ParaNorman
She wasn't buried with the others. from ParaNorman
She's gone. from ParaNorman
Shut up! from ParaNorman
Sir, yes, sir! from ParaNorman
Sitting next to me? from ParaNorman
Sleep tight. from ParaNorman
Slumber party is over, dorks! from ParaNorman
So am I. from ParaNorman
So do I! Let's do it together. from ParaNorman
So help me, I will stop this car right now from ParaNorman
So Iong as you don't Iet it change who you are. from ParaNorman
So keep out of my way. from ParaNorman
So, are we going to need statements? from ParaNorman
So, do you think now everything is going to turn back to normal? from ParaNorman
So, does everyone come back as a ghost? from ParaNorman
So, he's okay? from ParaNorman
So, I said to her, "Girl, come back and talk to me from ParaNorman
So, I was thinking maybe we could catch a movie sometime. from ParaNorman
So, Iet's try it again! from ParaNorman
So, is it true? from ParaNorman
So, it's your duty. from ParaNorman
So, Norman, Iet me get this straight. from ParaNorman
So, they're not going to hurt us? from ParaNorman
So, we're not all that different at all. from ParaNorman
So, what do we do now? from ParaNorman
So, what's happening now? from ParaNorman
So, whenever you wake up, you play this mean game, from ParaNorman
So, why are we here? from ParaNorman
So, why did you stay? from ParaNorman
So, you hurt them back? from ParaNorman
So, you want to come play a bit Iater? from ParaNorman
Some sort of silver stake or something. from ParaNorman
Someone has got to talk to her, Dad. from ParaNorman
Something nobody ever did before. from ParaNorman
Sometimes when people get scared, from ParaNorman
Somewhere. from ParaNorman
Son! Step away from the zombies! from ParaNorman
Son. from ParaNorman
Sorry, but I did. from ParaNorman
Sorry, kid, I'm done here. I'm free! from ParaNorman
Sorry, Mrs. Henscher. from ParaNorman
Sorry, my fault. When I'm nervous, I get mouth diarrhea. from ParaNorman
Sorry, who are you? from ParaNorman
Sorry! from ParaNorman
Sorry. from ParaNorman
Starting to smell a Iittle funny. from ParaNorman
Stop it! from ParaNorman
Stop it! from ParaNorman
Stop! from ParaNorman
Stop! from ParaNorman
Stop! from ParaNorman
Stop? from ParaNorman
Strange faces peering through the veil? from ParaNorman
Suck it in, sweetie. No, no, your gut. from ParaNorman
Sure. Picking Iocks is my thing. from ParaNorman
Swear! from ParaNorman
Sweet baby jinkies! from ParaNorman
Talk to that. from ParaNorman
Tell him to turn up the thermostat, too, will you? from ParaNorman
Tell me you'll do this. from ParaNorman
Thank you for doing this, Mitch. from ParaNorman
That is for the police to do! from ParaNorman
That is right. Twenty six pages. from ParaNorman
That sound. Do you know what that is? from ParaNorman