A Le RhĂ´ne rotary won't stall at 60 degrees. from The Aviator (2004)
A lighter shade. I don't want to look like Boris Karloff. from The Aviator (2004)
A lot of words. from The Aviator (2004)
A monopoly? No, no, no. Oh, no. from The Aviator (2004)
A plane, a boat, a flying city. from The Aviator (2004)
A real llama. from The Aviator (2004)
A true pioneer of the world's airways. from The Aviator (2004)
A twin engine plane with some... from The Aviator (2004)
A week. from The Aviator (2004)
Absotively, boss. from The Aviator (2004)
Absotively. from The Aviator (2004)
Across the world. from The Aviator (2004)
Actresses are cheap in this town, darling. from The Aviator (2004)
After the Japs stole my H 1 design for their Zeros... from The Aviator (2004)
After two years, Hell's Angels has finally finished filming. from The Aviator (2004)
All I'm thinking about are the interests, the needs of the American passenger. from The Aviator (2004)
All of it. Before you ask, I'll tell you. from The Aviator (2004)
All right, boys, I want you to rig up something like this. from The Aviator (2004)
All right, boys, let's fire it up. from The Aviator (2004)
All right, flight controls are active. She's all yours. from The Aviator (2004)
All right, let's get down to business. Let's talk turkey. from The Aviator (2004)
All right, listen, boys. Something new. Jet airplanes. from The Aviator (2004)
All right, make her sing. from The Aviator (2004)
All right, Mr. Hughes, will you stand and be sworn? from The Aviator (2004)
All right, stay here. I'll be right back. You understand, Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
All right, take it easy. from The Aviator (2004)
All right, then, Sears. from The Aviator (2004)
All right, this has gone on long enough. Juan is a great American. from The Aviator (2004)
All right, you may proceed with this statement, Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
All right? Look... from The Aviator (2004)
All right. from The Aviator (2004)
All right. from The Aviator (2004)
All right. from The Aviator (2004)
All right. from The Aviator (2004)
All right. from The Aviator (2004)
All the negatives. And I want you to kill the story. from The Aviator (2004)
Also because I am what's so vulgarly referred to as "outdoorsy." from The Aviator (2004)
An additional 1.7 million. We got that much? from The Aviator (2004)
An airplane that challenges a mountain for sheer size. from The Aviator (2004)
An airplane with the ability to fly into the substratosphere across the country. from The Aviator (2004)
An oil seal ripped off the starboard rear propeller. from The Aviator (2004)
And all sharp elbows and knees. Beware. from The Aviator (2004)
And am I to expect this behavior to continue after the wedding? from The Aviator (2004)
And believe you me, she puts the "cheese" in "cheesecake." from The Aviator (2004)
And did you deliver that plane? from The Aviator (2004)
And do we mean epic! from The Aviator (2004)
And he can kiss both sides of my ass. from The Aviator (2004)
And I shouldn't take the top off with my left hand... from The Aviator (2004)
And I to the Connie. from The Aviator (2004)
And I'm sure they'll like you too. Once they get to know you. from The Aviator (2004)
And I've lost millions, senator, and I'll go on losing millions. It's just... from The Aviator (2004)
And if I did, it would... from The Aviator (2004)
And it will fly, goddamn it! from The Aviator (2004)
And Jack Frye is out there lobbying everybody in town. from The Aviator (2004)
And listen, fire Ray Loewy. You goddamn heard me? Fire Ray Loewy. from The Aviator (2004)
And nobody but nobody makes a movie outside a studio. from The Aviator (2004)
And now, I think... from The Aviator (2004)
And something momentarily cuts out. I believe we are airborne. from The Aviator (2004)
And tell Jimmy I want 10 chocolate chip cookies, all right? from The Aviator (2004)
And that has to do with The Hercules. from The Aviator (2004)
And then you crash and you die. Give her easy flying. from The Aviator (2004)
And then..? Then you won't go public? from The Aviator (2004)
And think of The Hercules like a flying Spanish galleon. from The Aviator (2004)
And we were really up in the air. We were really up in the air. from The Aviator (2004)
Ann Sheridan. from The Aviator (2004)
Anyway, Goya's vastly overrated. All the Spaniards are. from The Aviator (2004)
Anyway, that's the vulgar press, I'm sure. Do you read much, Mr. Hughes? from The Aviator (2004)
Aphids are... They're just awful little creatures. from The Aviator (2004)
Apparently he did it while he was flying, over the radio. from The Aviator (2004)
Are you ever gonna let us actually see this epic of yours? from The Aviator (2004)
Are you making a Western, Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
Are you sure you want to do this, Owen? from The Aviator (2004)
Are you sure? You wanna think about it for five minutes? from The Aviator (2004)
Are you trying to be more famous than Lindbergh? from The Aviator (2004)
Are you? from The Aviator (2004)
Aren't we a fine pair of misfits? from The Aviator (2004)
Around the world from New York to New York in four days. from The Aviator (2004)
As he pushes the throttle it's 40. from The Aviator (2004)
As if there aren't more important things, like Mussolini. from The Aviator (2004)
As you probably know, I have to do a great deal... from The Aviator (2004)
Attention, please. This is Howard. from The Aviator (2004)
Ava, look over here. Howard. from The Aviator (2004)
Ava, what do you think about Trans World Airlines? from The Aviator (2004)
Ava, will you marry me? from The Aviator (2004)
Be that as it may, we would like him to reappear. from The Aviator (2004)
Be that as it may, you still have to answer for the Spruce Goose. from The Aviator (2004)
Beautiful. from The Aviator (2004)
Because. from The Aviator (2004)
Before boarding the craft, Mr. Hughes told newsmen that this test... from The Aviator (2004)
Besides, you couldn't afford her. from The Aviator (2004)
Betty Grable. And the lovely Miss Jane Russell. from The Aviator (2004)
Big night for you tonight. from The Aviator (2004)
Big night for you, Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
Big night. You enjoy the show. from The Aviator (2004)
Bob... from The Aviator (2004)
Boss. Scram, love boat, let's go. from The Aviator (2004)
Boy, you are just hitting on all six cylinders, aren't you? from The Aviator (2004)
Brewster is saying that nationalized foreign carriers, like Air France... from The Aviator (2004)
Build it, Odie. from The Aviator (2004)
Build it. from The Aviator (2004)
Build them, Bob. Send the bill to Noah Dietrich. from The Aviator (2004)
Bullshit! from The Aviator (2004)
But all I could think about was getting home to see you. from The Aviator (2004)
But can we at least proceed with the instrument panel? from The Aviator (2004)
But I can't, so... from The Aviator (2004)
But I get all dolled up and we go out in this jalopy without a hood. from The Aviator (2004)
But I just hate this room. from The Aviator (2004)
But I think this goddamn circus has gone on long enough! from The Aviator (2004)
But I'm going to get it anyway. from The Aviator (2004)
But these ones... from The Aviator (2004)
But they're calling everyone. Should be on the wires by now. from The Aviator (2004)
But we do our best, right? from The Aviator (2004)
But you gotta ask, was anything this big ever supposed to fly? from The Aviator (2004)
But you won't be insolvent. You'll still have Tool Co. from The Aviator (2004)
But you're losing $25,000 a day doing this. from The Aviator (2004)
But... from The Aviator (2004)
Buttons or zippers for the d****s on the sleeping berths? from The Aviator (2004)
Buttons. from The Aviator (2004)
Buy a lot of lobsters down there, do they? from The Aviator (2004)
Buying those awful pictures. from The Aviator (2004)
By that time, Pan Am will have bought TWA... from The Aviator (2004)
Bye bye. from The Aviator (2004)
Call it 15 million. from The Aviator (2004)
Call UCLA. Get me the best meteorologist they got. from The Aviator (2004)
Can I come in? from The Aviator (2004)
Can white elephants fly? That's everybody's question. from The Aviator (2004)
Can you explain why your press agent would pay out... from The Aviator (2004)
Can you hear me? from The Aviator (2004)
Can't look away. Can't munch popcorn. That would be rude. from The Aviator (2004)
Can't you do it with the cameras you have? from The Aviator (2004)
Can't you eat ice cream from a bowl like everyone else in the world? from The Aviator (2004)
Catch. from The Aviator (2004)
Check starboard engine manifold pressure. from The Aviator (2004)
Chief among them is that he defrauded the American government... from The Aviator (2004)
Christ almighty, you've seen 8000 goddamn wheels. Choose one, please. from The Aviator (2004)
Cigar, cigarettes, Sen Sen? from The Aviator (2004)
Claudette Colbert. from The Aviator (2004)
Clean it off, would you? from The Aviator (2004)
Clouds move. from The Aviator (2004)
Come in with the milk. from The Aviator (2004)
Come in with the milk. from The Aviator (2004)
Come in with the milk. from The Aviator (2004)
Come in with the milk. from The Aviator (2004)
Come on in. from The Aviator (2004)
Come on, come on, come on. We both know I'm not gonna sell TWA. from The Aviator (2004)
Come on, Howard. from The Aviator (2004)
Come on, walk with me. from The Aviator (2004)
Come on! from The Aviator (2004)
Come on. from The Aviator (2004)
Come on. from The Aviator (2004)
Come with me. from The Aviator (2004)
Contact! from The Aviator (2004)
Continuing the terrific pace, he comes home... from The Aviator (2004)
Costar with Errol. I could sell that in spades. from The Aviator (2004)
Could he have imagined her mammoth wingspan, longer than a football field? from The Aviator (2004)
Could Jules Verne himself have ever imagined anything so magnificent? from The Aviator (2004)
Could you reach me a towel? from The Aviator (2004)
Country mouse! from The Aviator (2004)
Course I love you, pork chop. from The Aviator (2004)
Cutting back. from The Aviator (2004)
Cutting back. I'm losing altitude. from The Aviator (2004)
Damn it! from The Aviator (2004)
Damn it. Why the hell do they look so slow? from The Aviator (2004)
Dateline: Hollywoodland. from The Aviator (2004)
Dateline: Los Angeles. Howard Hughes has a new houseguest. from The Aviator (2004)
Decrease the vertical trajectory if you have to. from The Aviator (2004)
Designed every inch of her myself. from The Aviator (2004)
Did you go to mechanic school to learn all this airplane guff? from The Aviator (2004)
Did you receive $13 million to manufacture... from The Aviator (2004)
Dietrich. You're a man on the come. from The Aviator (2004)
Dinner, then. We got a date? from The Aviator (2004)
Do help yourself to the poached pears. I hear they're divine. from The Aviator (2004)
Do they work for me? from The Aviator (2004)
Do you have scars of any kind? from The Aviator (2004)
Do you know what that means? from The Aviator (2004)
Do you know where Jack Warner lives? from The Aviator (2004)
Do you like the theater? from The Aviator (2004)
Do you solemnly swear that in the matter now pending before this committee... from The Aviator (2004)
Do you understand me? from The Aviator (2004)
Do you wanna go down in history as a war profiteer, Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
Do you want me bring him out here tomorrow, then, Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
Do you? from The Aviator (2004)
Do you..? Do you like that? from The Aviator (2004)
Do your worst, Miss Hepburn. from The Aviator (2004)
Do your worst, Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
Doctor. from The Aviator (2004)
Doctor... from The Aviator (2004)
Does it upset you that Howard gets more press? from The Aviator (2004)
Don't answer it. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't be so squirmy. You're gonna get on famously with Father and Mother. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't be unkind. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't buy me any more diamonds or sapphires or any other damn thing. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't forget, every bill comes to me. They don't pay for anything. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't get all hysterical on me, Noah. It isn't good for you. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't he just? from The Aviator (2004)
Don't interfere with the search, sir. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't say, "Just go to Tool Co." We're pumping every cent into The Hercules... from The Aviator (2004)
Don't set the ice cream... from The Aviator (2004)
Don't talk down to me! from The Aviator (2004)
Don't tell me it can't be done. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't we have them? They're all used, right? from The Aviator (2004)
Don't worry about it, Howard. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't worry about speed and don't think about the record today. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't worry, he's had his lunch. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't you dare. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't you ever talk down to me! You are a movie star. from The Aviator (2004)
Don't you find? from The Aviator (2004)
Don't you like dogs? from The Aviator (2004)
Don't you love me anymore? from The Aviator (2004)
Don't you see how this demeans me? from The Aviator (2004)
Don't you take Christmas off? from The Aviator (2004)
Don't you worry. from The Aviator (2004)
Double that and you've got some idea of the wingspread. from The Aviator (2004)
Down and to the left! from The Aviator (2004)
Dr. Branson... from The Aviator (2004)
E... from The Aviator (2004)
E... from The Aviator (2004)
Eight's good. from The Aviator (2004)
Enough is enough, Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
Even as he edits his new picture, he's been secretly meeting with the U.S. Air Corps. from The Aviator (2004)
Even beating Wiley Post's mark by over three days. from The Aviator (2004)
Every day. from The Aviator (2004)
Every night, the lucky guy escorts a different beautiful woman... from The Aviator (2004)
Every time there's a picture of you with another woman, it's a slap in the face. from The Aviator (2004)
Everybody works for you, Howard. from The Aviator (2004)
Everyone said you were a lunatic, I didn't listen. from The Aviator (2004)
Except for the one on the bedroom phone. from The Aviator (2004)
Excuse me? from The Aviator (2004)
Excuse me. from The Aviator (2004)
Faith! from The Aviator (2004)
Father and Mother are just mad about Luddie. from The Aviator (2004)
Fifteen. from The Aviator (2004)
Fifty thousand shares. from The Aviator (2004)
Find me some clouds! from The Aviator (2004)
Find some clouds. from The Aviator (2004)
Fire him. And make sure they use damp brooms from now on. from The Aviator (2004)
First, clouds don't come. from The Aviator (2004)
Five's good. from The Aviator (2004)
Flush rivets. Got that? from The Aviator (2004)
Follow through is everything in golf, just like life. from The Aviator (2004)
For almost half the picture, the girl's mammaries, which are quite large... from The Aviator (2004)
For chrissakes, it's just a present. from The Aviator (2004)
For chrissakes, we can't make The Hercules if we don't have any aluminum. from The Aviator (2004)
For this reason, I concluded the picture appeals only to prurient interests... from The Aviator (2004)
Four Double Cyclone engines. Her ceiling's 25,000 feet. from The Aviator (2004)
Four hundred and fifty thousand each. from The Aviator (2004)
Four's good. from The Aviator (2004)
From my farm. from The Aviator (2004)
From New York to Paris, he cuts Lindbergh's time in half. Then on to Moscow. from The Aviator (2004)
From our stock. from The Aviator (2004)
Fuck. from The Aviator (2004)
General McEwan. Colonel Bertrang. Thanks for coming down. from The Aviator (2004)
Gentlemen, Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
Get a hearing aid. Or see my father. from The Aviator (2004)
Get a loan against all the TWA equipment and capital. from The Aviator (2004)
Get in touch with Joyce and Berg. Those are my boys in Washington. from The Aviator (2004)
Get me something with a circle or a globe or something round, for God's sake. from The Aviator (2004)
Get out, you pathetic freak. from The Aviator (2004)
Get out! from The Aviator (2004)
Get that crazy bitch away from me! from The Aviator (2004)
Get the team out of the party and to the office. I wanna cut a few shots. from The Aviator (2004)
Giant breasts full of milk. from The Aviator (2004)
Give me brass tacks, now. What does controlling interest in TWA cost me? from The Aviator (2004)
Give me the largest Scotch you got. from The Aviator (2004)
Gives me the willies. from The Aviator (2004)
Giving her a range of about 3000 miles. from The Aviator (2004)
Go away now. Would you do that? from The Aviator (2004)
Go on, open it. from The Aviator (2004)
Go on. from The Aviator (2004)
Go on. from The Aviator (2004)
Go see Thomas Parkinson at the Equitable in New York. from The Aviator (2004)
Goddamn it, Odie. If the 450's too big, we figure something else out. from The Aviator (2004)
Goddamn it, yes. I can promise you. from The Aviator (2004)
Goddamn it! from The Aviator (2004)
Goddamn it! from The Aviator (2004)
Goddamn, what the hell are you doing? from The Aviator (2004)
Goddamn! from The Aviator (2004)
Golly! from The Aviator (2004)
Golly! from The Aviator (2004)
Good afternoon, gentlemen. Sorry I'm late. from The Aviator (2004)
Good evening, Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
Good evening, Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
Good girl. from The Aviator (2004)
Good going. You gave away our entire postwar strategy. from The Aviator (2004)
Good luck today. from The Aviator (2004)
Good night, Howard. from The Aviator (2004)
Good. Okay. Come on, let's go have some lunch. from The Aviator (2004)
Got it? from The Aviator (2004)
Goya. Of course. Yes. from The Aviator (2004)
Great. from The Aviator (2004)
Green grass, a lot of people you know. from The Aviator (2004)
Guard the door. I'll get a doctor. No one sees him like this. from The Aviator (2004)
Guess I'll just have to pay for them myself. from The Aviator (2004)
Hand me my wrap. from The Aviator (2004)
Have Simon and Pete get back to me on the assemblies. We need a secondary system. from The Aviator (2004)
Have we got something to show you. from The Aviator (2004)
Have you had surgery, Miss Domergue? from The Aviator (2004)
Have you talked to Mr. Mayer about letting you do Jane Eyre? from The Aviator (2004)
He discovered her for this picture, and we think her platinum blond locks... from The Aviator (2004)
He has 60 lacerations on his face, to the bone. from The Aviator (2004)
He has asked everyone to hold on. Tremendous horsepower kicking up. from The Aviator (2004)
He has burns to 78 percent of his body. from The Aviator (2004)
He is to open the bag with his right hand... from The Aviator (2004)
He likes you. That's unusual. from The Aviator (2004)
He needs 26 to make it work? He's out of his mind. from The Aviator (2004)
He owns the Civil Aeronautics Board, but he does not own the sky. from The Aviator (2004)
He'll have a subpoena in three days to appear in Washington. from The Aviator (2004)
He's a urologist, but it's all tied up inside the body, don't you find? from The Aviator (2004)
He's been making big contributions on both sides of the aisle. from The Aviator (2004)
He's everything I have. from The Aviator (2004)
He's queer as a bedbug. from The Aviator (2004)
He's shooting his Bible picture. He's gotta do a crucifixion in Fresno. from The Aviator (2004)
He's spying for Trippe. That shitheel knew all about the buttons. from The Aviator (2004)
He's vice president. Look what he did with it. from The Aviator (2004)
Heard you were wooing Ginger Rogers. What about that? from The Aviator (2004)
Heck, I say release it now and give the world its first 560 hour movie. from The Aviator (2004)
Helen, good to see you. from The Aviator (2004)
Helen, Jack. from The Aviator (2004)
Hell with them. Hell with them, my dear. Soulless pricks to a man, right? from The Aviator (2004)
Hell, Jack, I got a tiger by the tail here. I ain't gonna let it go. from The Aviator (2004)
Hell, more than that. from The Aviator (2004)
Hell, TWA can't afford that. The damn airline's flat broke. from The Aviator (2004)
Hell, why should I let someone else have all the fun? See you in a bit. from The Aviator (2004)
Hello, Mr. Mayer. from The Aviator (2004)
Hello! from The Aviator (2004)
Hello? from The Aviator (2004)
Hello. from The Aviator (2004)
Hello. from The Aviator (2004)
Hello. Good Lord, what happened to you? from The Aviator (2004)
Here he is! Here he is! from The Aviator (2004)
Here we go. Here we go. from The Aviator (2004)
Here, come on, have a seat. from The Aviator (2004)
Here. Thanks. from The Aviator (2004)
Here's the point. from The Aviator (2004)
Hey, honey. What are you doing home? from The Aviator (2004)
Hey, Noah... from The Aviator (2004)
Hey, Odie! from The Aviator (2004)
Hey, that's a good idea. Anyone got a pen? from The Aviator (2004)
Hey. from The Aviator (2004)
Hey. Hey! from The Aviator (2004)
Hey. You want the good news or the bad news? from The Aviator (2004)
Hi, Howard. How you doing? from The Aviator (2004)
Hi! Son of a gun. from The Aviator (2004)
His airline has advanced the cause of commercial aviation for decades. from The Aviator (2004)
His chest was crushed, so his left lung collapsed... from The Aviator (2004)
Hold on to the wheel for a bit. from The Aviator (2004)
Hold on. from The Aviator (2004)
Holy Mother of God. from The Aviator (2004)
Hot dog! I'm so proud of you. from The Aviator (2004)
How are the girls in the bomb department? from The Aviator (2004)
How do you spell that? Like? Like Fernando Lamas? from The Aviator (2004)
How does she sound, Odie? from The Aviator (2004)
How far... from The Aviator (2004)
How goes the aviation? from The Aviator (2004)
How long can they keep us grounded? from The Aviator (2004)
How many functional planes did you deliver to the United States Air Force? from The Aviator (2004)
How many? from The Aviator (2004)
How marvelous. from The Aviator (2004)
How much? from The Aviator (2004)
How much? from The Aviator (2004)
How much? from The Aviator (2004)
How nice of you to dress for me. from The Aviator (2004)
How old are you, Miss Domergue? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard and I were discussing how he wants me to pull a camera out of my ass. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard has to read the trade pieces, Mom, because he's designing a new airplane. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard Hughes and his crew may find more worlds to conquer... from The Aviator (2004)
Howard Hughes has just alerted us. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard Hughes is now editing some 25 miles of film. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard Hughes must have a lump in his throat. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard thinks that education is important. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, are you there? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, are you there? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, are you..? Are you there? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, he's a married man. He's a Catholic. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, hello. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, hold on. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, I can take the wheel. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, I didn't elect Senator Brewster. We can thank the voters of Maine for that. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, I never knew you were such a good dancer. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, I... from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, I'm sorry to have to tell you this now, but there's something else. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, it's Juan. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, it's Kate. I need... I need to talk to you. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, please let me see you. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, she's gotta hit 70 to have any kind of chance. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, unlock this door immediately. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, we're... from The Aviator (2004)
Howard, welcome. from The Aviator (2004)
Howard! from The Aviator (2004)
Howard! Howard! from The Aviator (2004)
Howard! Howard! from The Aviator (2004)
Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard. Let me give you a little advice, huh? from The Aviator (2004)
Howard... from The Aviator (2004)
Huge crowds jam the surrounding shoreline this morning. from The Aviator (2004)
Hughes Tool is incorporated in Texas. They have to see the bills. from The Aviator (2004)
Hunt the flesh, kill the flesh, eat the flesh. That's the male sex all over. from The Aviator (2004)
Hurry up! from The Aviator (2004)
I also have to get you on the committee investigating the national defense. from The Aviator (2004)
I am not for sale. from The Aviator (2004)
I am so proud of you. from The Aviator (2004)
I am supposed to be capricious. from The Aviator (2004)
I asked for silence! I asked for quiet in this room... from The Aviator (2004)
I bought every camera I could find. We're shooting our big dogfight sequence. from The Aviator (2004)
I came to thank you. from The Aviator (2004)
I can hear you better now. Tell the War Production Board... from The Aviator (2004)
I can hear you, Katie. from The Aviator (2004)
I can't do that, Owen. The C.A.B. would kill TWA. from The Aviator (2004)
I can't, sweetie. from The Aviator (2004)
I cannot help but think that has a little more to do with TWA than planes that did not fly. from The Aviator (2004)
I certainly will. from The Aviator (2004)
I could always hear you. Even in the cockpit, with the engines on. from The Aviator (2004)
I could be much more effective as chairman. from The Aviator (2004)
I could do that. from The Aviator (2004)
I did not. from The Aviator (2004)
I did not. And I have asked you to submit your questions in writing. from The Aviator (2004)
I did. from The Aviator (2004)
I did. from The Aviator (2004)
I do, Mother. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't do that. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't exactly know, senator. A lot of people work for me. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't give a rat's ass. I'm not making a cut. I'll release it without a seal. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't have any shoes. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't know if you remember me. My name's Howard Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't know the date today, but I have to be... from The Aviator (2004)
I don't know what else to tell you. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't know what in the hell you're so damn giddy about. Excuse me. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't know whether it's a good system... from The Aviator (2004)
I don't know, 12. Twelve, maybe, and on the telephones. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't think I've ever met someone who actually uses the word "golly." from The Aviator (2004)
I don't think so. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't think the Air Corps men will have trouble scoring. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't wanna get into this if your board doesn't have the balls for it. from The Aviator (2004)
I don't want them bribed. I want it done legally. from The Aviator (2004)
I expect a little maturity. from The Aviator (2004)
I expect you to face the situation like an adult who... from The Aviator (2004)
I figure around 200 feet from nose to tail. Wingspan, around 300. from The Aviator (2004)
I find that... from The Aviator (2004)
I found out what you did for Spence and me. from The Aviator (2004)
I get these feelings, Katie. from The Aviator (2004)
I get these ideas, these... from The Aviator (2004)
I got a call from Houston. They're getting nervous. from The Aviator (2004)
I gotta go, baby. from The Aviator (2004)
I gotta go. from The Aviator (2004)
I had my boys all over the damn globe looking for this. from The Aviator (2004)
I had to do it. from The Aviator (2004)
I have a personal friendship with... from The Aviator (2004)
I have a place. from The Aviator (2004)
I have been called a playboy. I've even been called an eccentric... from The Aviator (2004)
I have duties that take me all over the world, Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
I have heard some disquieting rumors about Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
I have something for you. from The Aviator (2004)
I have stated several times that if The Hercules fails to fly... from The Aviator (2004)
I have them make it here so... So I can see. from The Aviator (2004)
I have to know what you want me to do. Should I release the staff? from The Aviator (2004)
I haven't seen you all since that situation with all the violence in Scarface. from The Aviator (2004)
I hope so. The American people deserve something for their $13 million. from The Aviator (2004)
I hope your food isn't getting cold at your table somewhere or something. from The Aviator (2004)
I just read the transcripts, that's all. from The Aviator (2004)
I know a little. I can work something to show you. Basic turbine stuff. from The Aviator (2004)
I know that, Howard. from The Aviator (2004)
I know that. from The Aviator (2004)
I know you're not a drinking man, so I hope... Hope water's okay. from The Aviator (2004)
I know, baby. from The Aviator (2004)
I looked down at my pants. It was a strange situation. from The Aviator (2004)
I love it. Thanks. from The Aviator (2004)
I may have been willing to sit back and take a certain amount of abuse simply because... from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, 7000 feet is bumpy as shit. You know that. from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, do you think it's fair that one airline should have a monopoly on international..? from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, everybody knows I'm deaf. I'm not gonna try to hide it. from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, I put my money into the planes, senator. My money. from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, it's all in Darwin, remember? from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, my reputation's being destroyed, so I might as well lay the cards on the table. from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, say you're just standing there, right? And I just touch you. from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, the XF 11 flew quite well for an hour and 45 minutes. from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, who says we need anything? from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, you get TWA, you span the globe. from The Aviator (2004)
I mean, you have to admit. from The Aviator (2004)
I need a few cameras. from The Aviator (2004)
I need to know everything about that shitbag. from The Aviator (2004)
I need to know where you are. from The Aviator (2004)
I need to sleep. from The Aviator (2004)
I need two more cameras by Saturday. from The Aviator (2004)
I need two more. Desperately. You think MGM could help me out? from The Aviator (2004)
I need two new suits off the rack. One light and one dark. from The Aviator (2004)
I need you to help consult on vital decisions, and you're off dealing with movies. from The Aviator (2004)
I rather hope you do. from The Aviator (2004)
I read in the magazines that you play golf. from The Aviator (2004)
I read your résumé, talked to your references. Know what I'm looking for? from The Aviator (2004)
I really can't do that. from The Aviator (2004)
I remember that. Look... from The Aviator (2004)
I said, I suppose you could consider them bribes, yes. from The Aviator (2004)
I saw the rough cut of the new Tod Browning movie, London After Midnight. from The Aviator (2004)
I see things. from The Aviator (2004)
I should be cross with you. You stole Ray Loewy from us. from The Aviator (2004)
I should drink something first. from The Aviator (2004)
I should drink something first. from The Aviator (2004)
I should've told you. It slipped my mind. from The Aviator (2004)
I shouldn't pick up the bottle of milk with my right hand. from The Aviator (2004)
I sleep... from The Aviator (2004)
I suppose you could call them that, yes. from The Aviator (2004)
I sweat and you're deaf. from The Aviator (2004)
I take seven showers a day to keep clean. from The Aviator (2004)
I think chairman. from The Aviator (2004)
I think it's time for you to introduce the community airline bill... from The Aviator (2004)
I think not. Don't you read Variety, Mr. Meyer? from The Aviator (2004)
I think you're gonna be less comfortable at Senator Brewster's hearings. from The Aviator (2004)
I thought I might pilot the first one. Ought to be some fun. from The Aviator (2004)
I thought Mr. Hughes was flying around the world. from The Aviator (2004)
I thought you and I should have a chance to talk privately. from The Aviator (2004)
I thought you were at the Brown Derby... from The Aviator (2004)
I truly am. from The Aviator (2004)
I trust you. from The Aviator (2004)
I try to stay up to snuff on the trade journals, yeah. from The Aviator (2004)
I understand you're not particularly fond of crowds. from The Aviator (2004)
I wanna get some tax breaks. from The Aviator (2004)
I wanna get this done right. from The Aviator (2004)
I wanna learn everything about you. from The Aviator (2004)
I wanna see the whites of his lies. from The Aviator (2004)
I want a date with Theda Bara. That ain't gonna happen. from The Aviator (2004)
I want all the pictures you have of Kate Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. from The Aviator (2004)
I want clouds, damn it. from The Aviator (2004)
I want every screw and joint countersunk. from The Aviator (2004)
I want no wind resistance on the fuselage. from The Aviator (2004)
I want smooth titties, gentlemen. Smooth titties. from The Aviator (2004)
I want them bought. Put a team of investigators on Brewster. from The Aviator (2004)
I was seeking outlets for our trade goods. from The Aviator (2004)
I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time. from The Aviator (2004)
I was wondering if I could have a moment. from The Aviator (2004)
I will ask my associate to join me now. May I introduce... from The Aviator (2004)
I will not have you s******ing at Mr. Roosevelt. from The Aviator (2004)
I wish you were up there with me, Juan. It was exhilarating. from The Aviator (2004)
I wish you'd let someone else take her. You've got 20 test pilots. from The Aviator (2004)
I won't sell TWA! from The Aviator (2004)
I won't! from The Aviator (2004)
I won't. from The Aviator (2004)
I wonder if you even know anymore. from The Aviator (2004)
I would like to use this occasion to thank Mr. Hughes... from The Aviator (2004)
I would say that we have a 15 knot wind. from The Aviator (2004)
I would, Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
I... from The Aviator (2004)
I... from The Aviator (2004)
I... from The Aviator (2004)
I'd imagine you'd expand from Los Angeles to Mexico and South America. from The Aviator (2004)
I'd like to know everything there is to know about Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
I'd like to save you from that embarrassment. from The Aviator (2004)
I'd like to spare you that. from The Aviator (2004)
I'd like you to attend to that for me. from The Aviator (2004)
I'd love to see The Hercules in the air. from The Aviator (2004)
I'd never forgive myself if I got you sick. I don't wanna get you sick. I don't wanna... from The Aviator (2004)
I'll be back in a second, but don't you go anywhere, now. I mean it. from The Aviator (2004)
I'll get into it as soon as I can, Howard. from The Aviator (2004)
I'll get into it. from The Aviator (2004)
I'll have him dragged here to Washington if I have to. from The Aviator (2004)
I'll have them take all the bugs out. from The Aviator (2004)
I'll take the wheel. from The Aviator (2004)
I'll try for the Wilshire Country Club. Ninth hole. You reading me? from The Aviator (2004)
I'm a businessman, Howard. And so are you. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm a monster. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm afraid you don't know how the aviation business works, senator. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm afraid you gotta close it down. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm an idiot. I'm a complete idiot, and I'm sorry. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm coming in. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm convinced the man hasn't read anything longer than a Katzenjammer Kids in his life. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm free Wednesday. It's a little early for golf, though. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm getting my high school diploma. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm glad for you, Kate. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm glad Jack is feeling sunny about things, but I've seen the books. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm glad to hear it. Retract landing gear and climb to 5000 feet... from The Aviator (2004)
I'm going down! I'm not gonna make it, buddy! from The Aviator (2004)
I'm gonna attempt to be honest here. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm gonna talk to Hearst... from The Aviator (2004)
I'm Howard Hughes, the aviator. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm looking for somebody to run it and do a good job. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm Noah Dietrich. Your office said I'd find you here. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm not acting. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm not gonna kill you, Roland. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm not gonna sell, and you know I'm not gonna sell. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm not one of your teenage whores or some damn airplane. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm not outdoorsy. I'm athletic. I sweat. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm off in a half an hour. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm serious, now. Show me all the blueprints. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm sorry, honey. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm sorry, Howard. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm sorry? from The Aviator (2004)
I'm sorry. Roscoe Turner, and this would be Gilmore. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm sure it does, but it all makes good sense to me. You got that? from The Aviator (2004)
I'm telling it straight. I'm not crying wolf. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm telling you, TWA is serious about going international. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm terribly sorry. from The Aviator (2004)
I'm used to it. from The Aviator (2004)
I've been famous, for better or worse... from The Aviator (2004)
I've been fighting high hat Ivy League pricks like him my whole life. from The Aviator (2004)
I've been on the phone to Houston for three hours. from The Aviator (2004)
I've been to Chatsworth, Santa Cruz, Encino, San Diego... from The Aviator (2004)
I've brought along our accountings. Now... from The Aviator (2004)
I've got a better idea. Take me flying. Or better yet, I'll take you flying. from The Aviator (2004)
I've met someone. I've fallen in love and I'm moving out. from The Aviator (2004)
I've ordered the next 40 after you. from The Aviator (2004)
If every human being in America buys a ticket... from The Aviator (2004)
If I could make it any more gentle, I would. from The Aviator (2004)
If I don't answer, he'll just call back. from The Aviator (2004)
If it would be convenient, Miss Hepburn. from The Aviator (2004)
If that ass thinks he owns the world, he's got another thing coming. from The Aviator (2004)
If the struts won't sustain the engine we need, we gotta get rid of the struts. from The Aviator (2004)
If there is any variation of these instructions... from The Aviator (2004)
If they're giving aluminum to Boeing, they can give some to Hughes Aircraft. from The Aviator (2004)
If we drain the fuel tank... from The Aviator (2004)
If you can get him out of there by then. from The Aviator (2004)
If you continue making the movie the way you are... from The Aviator (2004)
If you don't get more distinguished every time I see you. from The Aviator (2004)
If you had any idea of the crap that people carry around on their hands. from The Aviator (2004)
If you know what I mean. from The Aviator (2004)
If you let him appear at those hearings, the whole world will see what he's become. from The Aviator (2004)
If you like it, I can get you a bushel. from The Aviator (2004)
If you pass a law that states no one can entertain Air Force officers, well, hell... from The Aviator (2004)
If you'll excuse us, we have... We have to be somewhere. from The Aviator (2004)
In all, more than $800 million was spent during the war on planes that never flew. from The Aviator (2004)
In other words, we are 30 feet high in this aircraft. from The Aviator (2004)
In the first place, I don't love you. from The Aviator (2004)
In the halls of 7000 Romaine... from The Aviator (2004)
In the second place, I'm still married. from The Aviator (2004)
Incorporate a new division out here. We'll call it Hughes Aircraft. from The Aviator (2004)
Increasing power to 2800 rpm. from The Aviator (2004)
Increasing starboard engine only. from The Aviator (2004)
Irene Dunne. from The Aviator (2004)
Is everything all right, sir? from The Aviator (2004)
Is it the women or the publicity? from The Aviator (2004)
Is it true you accept free Pan Am tickets to circle the globe... from The Aviator (2004)
Is that a yak? from The Aviator (2004)
Is that true? from The Aviator (2004)
Is that what you want? from The Aviator (2004)
Is there anyone else inside? Is there anyone else?! from The Aviator (2004)
Isn't that too far? from The Aviator (2004)
It costs 4 million dollars and has 4 million thrills! from The Aviator (2004)
It could be really embarrassing if this stuff got out. from The Aviator (2004)
It has been the great joy of my life. That's why I put my own money into these planes. from The Aviator (2004)
It is costing me $5271 a day... from The Aviator (2004)
It is over five stories tall with a wingspan longer than a football field. from The Aviator (2004)
It is the largest plane ever built. from The Aviator (2004)
It is tomorrow. from The Aviator (2004)
It isn't me, Howard. It's the United States government. from The Aviator (2004)
It just doesn't feel right. from The Aviator (2004)
It just isn't fair. He owns Pan Am, he owns Congress. from The Aviator (2004)
It matches your eyes. from The Aviator (2004)
It'd be like flying blind. from The Aviator (2004)
It's 55. It's 55. from The Aviator (2004)
It's a beautiful day here off the coast of Southern California. Blue skies... from The Aviator (2004)
It's a great public platform. You know, it generates a lot of press. from The Aviator (2004)
It's a Kashmiri sapphire. from The Aviator (2004)
It's a primitive urge from caveman days. It's all in Darwin. from The Aviator (2004)
It's all been a grand adventure, but it couldn't possibly last. from The Aviator (2004)
It's an interesting animal. I'll have to read up on those. from The Aviator (2004)
It's bad enough I have to endure those gym shoes of yours. from The Aviator (2004)
It's because we all want the big contracts. All the major aircraft companies do it. from The Aviator (2004)
It's been a real pleasure. from The Aviator (2004)
It's been with me 24 hours a day. from The Aviator (2004)
It's brook trout. Hope you like fish. from The Aviator (2004)
It's called The Hercules! from The Aviator (2004)
It's clean. from The Aviator (2004)
It's going! It's going! from The Aviator (2004)
It's gonna be a big hit. The cards are great. from The Aviator (2004)
It's his best performance in a long time. from The Aviator (2004)
It's hot there in the desert, but it's clean. from The Aviator (2004)
It's no wonder Kate Hepburn dumped your demented ass! from The Aviator (2004)
It's not fresh from the kitchen, so I... from The Aviator (2004)
It's not real sex, it's movie sex. from The Aviator (2004)
It's our new plane, and it is gonna be a pip, let me tell you. from The Aviator (2004)
It's pretty. I like her. from The Aviator (2004)
It's such a burden doing it all on your own, let me tell you. from The Aviator (2004)
It's supposed to be... from The Aviator (2004)
It's the most expensive movie ever made. Nothing five and dime for our Mr. Hughes. from The Aviator (2004)
It's too damn much. You think I've got $18 million in petty cash? from The Aviator (2004)
It's your money. from The Aviator (2004)
Jack, we wanna fly above the weather. from The Aviator (2004)
Jack. from The Aviator (2004)
Jean Harlow. from The Aviator (2004)
Jesus, Ava. from The Aviator (2004)
Jesus, God. from The Aviator (2004)
Jiminy Cricket. from The Aviator (2004)
Joan Crawford, Ginger Rogers, Linda Darnell, Joan Fontaine... from The Aviator (2004)
Johnny tells me you're thinking about doing a Western, of all goddamn things. from The Aviator (2004)
Johnny, get on the horn to Universal and Warners. from The Aviator (2004)
Johnny. from The Aviator (2004)
Juan Trippe is a patriot. Juan Trippe is not a man who is interested in making money. from The Aviator (2004)
Juan Trippe is working with Senator Brewster now. from The Aviator (2004)
Juan, right. Yeah. from The Aviator (2004)
Juan. from The Aviator (2004)
Julian's a painter. Abstract, of course. What's the point of painting... from The Aviator (2004)
Just for now. I'll see you soon. from The Aviator (2004)
Just give me a second. from The Aviator (2004)
Just when I'm getting the hang of it? from The Aviator (2004)
Just... Just like this. from The Aviator (2004)
Kate, they can't get in here. We're safe. from The Aviator (2004)
Kate, this is Johnny Meyer. I suppose you could call him my press agent. from The Aviator (2004)
Kate? from The Aviator (2004)
Kate. Kate. Kate of the clenched jawed Hepburns. Enchanting as always. from The Aviator (2004)
Kathy. from The Aviator (2004)
Keep looking, keep looking. from The Aviator (2004)
Keep your eye on the fuel. She's got a minimum to keep her weight down. from The Aviator (2004)
Knock it off. from The Aviator (2004)
L. B! from The Aviator (2004)
Ladies and gentlemen, I must insist that we maintain quiet during these proceedings. from The Aviator (2004)
Ladies and gentlemen, the Hughes mammoth aircraft... from The Aviator (2004)
Let him speak. from The Aviator (2004)
Let me get you cleaned up. from The Aviator (2004)
Let me hear it, Odie. from The Aviator (2004)
Let me show you these specs for the DC 4. from The Aviator (2004)
Let us commence by calling this... from The Aviator (2004)
Let's be honest. from The Aviator (2004)
Let's get rid of competition and have a nationalized airline... from The Aviator (2004)
Lickety split, boss. from The Aviator (2004)
Like I'm about to be swallowed up by the latest issue of Town & Country. from The Aviator (2004)
Listen to me. I am concerned about you. from The Aviator (2004)
Listen, we need to take another look at the wheel. from The Aviator (2004)
Lockheed sent us a bill for $18 million. from The Aviator (2004)
Lockheed worked on the F 80. Let's get Bob Gross and see if he can help us out. from The Aviator (2004)
Lon Chaney is incredible. from The Aviator (2004)
Look at me, Katie. from The Aviator (2004)
Look at me. from The Aviator (2004)
Look at the automobiles! from The Aviator (2004)
Look, Howard, the deadline is now completely unrealistic. from The Aviator (2004)
Look, I believe sincerely that America cannot afford... from The Aviator (2004)
Look, I mean, they are touching things. from The Aviator (2004)
Look, they're Cracker Jack candy, honey. They don't mean anything to me. from The Aviator (2004)
Look, we are Trans World Airlines, all right? from The Aviator (2004)
Look, whatever they pay you at UCLA... from The Aviator (2004)
Look, you got girls stashed all over town. You got a damn harem just at the Bel Air. from The Aviator (2004)
Look. from The Aviator (2004)
Look. from The Aviator (2004)
Look... from The Aviator (2004)
Lots of cameras and newsmen. from The Aviator (2004)
Love what you've done with the place. from The Aviator (2004)
Luddie built a birdhouse once. You remember that, dear? from The Aviator (2004)
Makes for a much nicer smile. from The Aviator (2004)
Mama, darling, if I'm a success in this show... from The Aviator (2004)
Marry one of your bungalow girls. from The Aviator (2004)
Maybe more. from The Aviator (2004)
Me, I keep healthy. from The Aviator (2004)
Medium chips, none too close to the outside. from The Aviator (2004)
Men can't be friends with women. from The Aviator (2004)
Merry Christmas. from The Aviator (2004)
Minute we fire her up, the struts start cracking at the attach points. from The Aviator (2004)