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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) - Season 1 Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is an upcoming television series set in the

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022) - Season 1

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is an upcoming television series set in the Star Trek universe. Scheduled to premiere in 2022, it is set to be the first season of what promises to be an exciting and highly anticipated addition to the beloved franchise.

The show takes place in the 23rd century, a time when the United Federation of Planets is still in its infancy. The crew of the starship USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain Christopher Pike, embarks on a thrilling mission to explore new worlds, seek out new lifeforms, and boldly go where no one has gone before.

The cast of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds boasts an ensemble of talented actors who are set to bring their characters to life with passion and dedication. Anson Mount takes on the role of Captain Christopher Pike, a character first introduced in the original Star Trek series. Joining him is Ethan Peck as Science Officer Spock, who is known for his logical and analytical mind. Rebecca Romijn will portray the fierce and capable Number One, a character who made her first appearance in the original pilot episode of Star Trek.

The series will also introduce new characters to the Star Trek universe, such as Una, played by Amrit Kaur, a brilliant and empathic cadet assigned to the Enterprise. Additionally, there will be a diverse range of intriguing guest stars and recurring characters, each with their own unique stories to tell.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds aims to capture the spirit of the original Star Trek series, with its exploration of moral dilemmas, interpersonal dynamics, and the wonders of the unknown. The show will offer a mix of episodic adventures and serialized storytelling, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the captivating universe each week.

As a fan, you can now fully immerse yourself in the world of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, as you can both play and download the sounds associated with the series. From the iconic swoosh of the starship's doors to the hum of the warp engines, these sounds will transport you to the heart of the action and let you experience the thrilling adventures alongside the crew of the Enterprise. Whether you're a die-hard Trekkie or a newcomer to the franchise, these sounds will add an extra layer of immersion to your Star Trek experience.

In conclusion, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, premiering in 2022, is an exciting addition to the Star Trek universe. With its talented cast, captivating stories, and homage to the original series, it promises to be a must-watch for fans and newcomers alike. Don't miss the opportunity to explore new worlds and download the sounds that accompany this groundbreaking series - dive into the Star Trek experience like never before!
A and you...
A blast from the sky took out our main colony structure.
A Boltzmann brain
A cascade of escalating detonations.
A combat cruiser attempting to flee.
A comet.
A consciousness press against my own.
A consciousness without a body.
A couple hours away.
A course that includes it moving past Persephone III.
A crew member must perform the series of tasks on this list.
A curious figure of speech.
A dark realm
A dark way.
A delay of that duration would render them all useless.
A different choice?
A direct order to allow sedation
A duty,
A farmer saw streaks in the sky.
A faster than light engine?
A few alterations if you want to blend in.
A few officers will have to billet after the mission.
A friend of mine asked me that recently and...
A genetic chameleon.
A good faith gesture.
A holy figure.
A human girl, a humanoid of unknown origin
A human in my condition might consider themselves impaired.
A human's assessment is hardly the basis for insult.
A large quantity of water vapor from the comet
A little late for that, isn't it?
A little more time with my daughter?
A little piece of ice and dust roaming through space
A little.
A lockdown is instituted, you're off duty, you come here.
A logical conclusion.
A lot more.
A lot of people in the quadrant who'd pay a high price for it.
A lucky man.
A magical device.
A massacre.
A matter of perspective.
A matter/anti matter reactor.
A minor star cluster at the edge of Federation space.
A minor synchrotron flux
A mission like this...
A moment where the whole future hangs in the balance.
A moment, Lieutenant.
A monastery and a rare ore
A mysterious smoky wall.
A narrow band of space separating the Romulan Empire
A nascent one.
A part of what?
A phaser at a higher frequency could cause resonance.
A previously undiscovered cache
A rebonding ritual.
A remnant of a treaty from 100 years ago,
A Romulan Bird of Prey using cloaking technology
A rosy assessment, considering I'll be the one
A routine survey of the Jonisian Nebula.
A salient question, Cadet.
A sequence, huh? Maybe a code?
A shared acceptance of mutual sacrifice
A ship traveling through the gas cloud creates
A silly name.
A simple trap won't work.
A sip of wine would refresh you.
A sister.
A Sombra class ship, that's unique.
A soprano sings an E minor,
A structure suggests alien intelligence.
A structure.
A subspace transmission for you from the Enterprise.
A tenet of our people
A time crystal.
A time without war.
A transport signal through the gaps.
A violation of multiple Federation laws.
A Vulcan named Xaverius.
A Vulcan soul sharing?
A warm oasis for them.
A way to blow off steam?
A week since we've crashed?
A while.
A whole deck of 'em.
A word in private?
A year ago, she was diagnosed
A year ago, she was diagnosed with cygnokemia.
Abandoning a ship as powerful as the Enterpriseto criminals
Able to sense that the entity's not on another ship
About a week before I was due to start,
About exposing our technologies.
About how the Serene Squall operates.
About sexuality, which strikes me as very male.
About what you saw on Boreth?
About what?
About why I was the only one to survive.
About your family. P'Sal's new lute recordings.
Abracadabra. I like it.
Absolutely. Good plan.
Access code Spock gamma delta two.
Access denied.
Access to Enterprisecontrols is fully locked down
According to Federation law, if you shelter me,
According to the log, two days ago.
Accretion disc in sight.
Acknowledged, Captain.
Acknowledged. Stand by.
Across the galaxy just to get married.
Actually, I enjoy flying manually.
Actually, I'm Admiral Robert April.
Actually, what I said was you...
Adjust the cooling system.
Adya, Z'ymira you don't even know each other.
After all, what good is there in knowing your future?
After being down the hall from someone who's sick.
After our harrowing encounter with the Gorn,
After the loss of my parents.
After we complete our current mission
After your speech at the opening ceremony,
After yours has been destroyed.
After, I just...
After, my lieutenant pulls me aside and says,
Against calling attention to good things
Against Federation regs?
Against mixing human and Illyrian blood,
Against the Federation.
Ah, now you almost make it sound fun.
Ah, right. You're on rotation
Ah, spill it.
Ah, that's better.
Ah, the Romulans are the bogeymen.
Ah, yes, the prodigy.
Ah. A fool's errand, then,
Ah. And how did those go, sir?
Ah. Please keep that butcher's knife
AL SALAH [echoing]: He has a model of the Enterpriseback home.
AL SALAH: Enterprise, can you read me?
AL SALAH: We are on our own out here.
Alert. Blackout override in Transporter Room.
All crew remain on standby.
All evening.
All frequencies are down.
All hail the king!
All hands make ready for impact.
All hands, make ready for impact.
All have or are in process
All he's saying is if Remy's willing
All I ask is you return us peacefully to Majalis.
All I ever wanted,
All I need is for you to just...
All I needed was for you to scan him, that's all.
All I want
All I'm saying is that instead of talking,
All members of the Federation have a voice in its governance.
All my life I've hated augments.
All nonessential personnel will be confined to quarters
All of Majalis dedicates itself to him.
All of us owe you our lives.
All of us.
All on duty personnel
All on sources of illumination, and yet
All right, Ensign Christina. I'm ready for the Shepherds now.
All right, I think I've got a cold one.
All right, Would you like some tea?
All right.
All right.
All right.
All robotic mining craft?
All scrubbed up and good as new, sir.
All shipmasters
All show levels in the red.
All systems are in the green, sir,
All this because of a second's delay?
All this time on the ship,
All we can surmise
All your... This.
ALL: The king.
Allow me to examine you.
Allow me to take you to the ready room to debrief.
Allowed himself to be caught.
Allowed me to block it.
Almost 50. I had to open
Almost every time.
Almost getting mixed up into a puddle of bioorganic stew?
Almost took more pull than I have.
Alora, Alora...
Alora, it's a tragedy,
Alora, you can't do this to him. Stop!
Alora, you have to stop this.
ALORA: As the First Servant dedicates himself to Majalis,
ALORA: First Servant is a very special child.
ALORA: He rescued me from another shuttle.
ALORA: It is the eve of the First Servant's
ALORA: Long live the First Servant.
Also higher than normal.
Also not the point.
Also, a master of understatement.
Also, pro tip...
Although for precisely what, I do not know.
Although I confess each time I return to space,
Although I do fail to see the logic in asking me
Although it is possible the charged storm particles
Although the whereabouts of Captain Angel remain unknown.
Although they leave us in a couple of weeks,
Although we are clearly in the middle of something.
Although what I saw, exactly, I am not sure.
Always give me the fun job.
Always pushing me to see things from a new perspective.
Am I in your quarters?
Am I off the record here, sir?
Am I.
Ambassador Sarek had a child out of wedlock.
An ability to see one's self without bias.
An act of unparalleled aggression?
An act of war?
An all powerful being just...
An alliance between our worlds could serve us all.
An ancient arbiter,
An atmospheric processor upgrade to Finibus Three.
An attack run at us.
An augment.
An endless war, by definition, can never be won.
An engineer's most important tools
An explosion of that magnitude w...
An extraordinarily intelligent person.
An investigation is not only necessary, it is required.
An investigation won't be necessary.
An ion engine. To be precise, four,
An iron sulfur alloy, I believe.
An oath coin.
An unscheduled emergency landing on a class L planet.
Analyzing their movement patterns now.
Ancient or otherwise,
And 30 more spread through the ship.
And 30% of Earth's population.
And a building on its surface like a planet,
And a gift for understatement.
And a pretty good match for Vulcan skin,
And according to this,
And after we met our neighbors in the galaxy,
And also...
And an Orion named Pasko.
And are blackmailing Vulcans
And as chamberlain,
And as your first officer, in these circumstances,
And at worst?
And beam down and apply an eye salve?
And because of that, the suffering is borne
And bring back my prisoners
And bring prosperity to all.
And bring them home.
And commit them to the cosmos."
And couldn't find their way back to the ship.
And cross checked it the old fashioned way,
And deadly.
And deep down, that scares you, 'cause...
And deeply logical when talking to a Vulcan.
And demanded we surrender the child.
And deposited us on one of their...
And destroy you and get out before anyone's the wiser.
And disgrace my family.
And diverting power through the shuttle's shields.
And drawing the logical conclusion.
And drop the AP 350 as a decoy?
And environmental systems are at 20%.
And even if I could get out of mine...
And even so,
And even through our deflectors, it did this.
And faithfully defend the life
And fast.
And finally just World War III.
And for once,
And for the record, I'm sorry about this.
And for the record, we're not actually touching it.
And found nothing.
And from the looks of you,
And getting off of this frozen rock.
And grace than the Tellarites, Bob.
And have the opportunity to pursue us.
And he defended me.
And he did.
And he doesn't like to lose.
And he's got things to do.
And her disease can't progress.
And here I thought the Tellarites were rude.
And hope the truth will present itself.
And hope these Shepherds don't find out
And how's that going?
And I almost lose an arm.
And I am ready to accept your surrender.
And I am T'Pring.
And I assume that's why you dragged me down here.
And I believe today will not be our last mission,
And I can't move my fingers.
And I didn't just see it, I felt it.
And I don't care what people think of me.
And I encourage you to pursue your dream,
And I failed.
And I feared that you saw our relationship as just that:
And I have a lot of pull.
And I I just needed to save him.
And I knew I should have stayed in the castle.
And I know where they're from.
And I need everyone alert.
And I reminded Mr. Spock that regulations
And I sincerely hope you discover a place
And I suddenly felt...
And I thank you for that.
And I understand the symbolic significance, but...
And I was right.
And I will back down.
And I will know yours.
And I would have called him a blue meanie.
And I you, Doctor.
And I'll show you how a proper meal tastes,
And I'm glad you're making use of it.
And I'm the only one here with a working set of fingers.
And if I ever had such a patient,
And if we achieve it, then, good.
And if you needed backup, I...
And if you should fall in battle,
And in this case, I'm pretty sure
And induce internal celerity to express
And isolated the roots of their language.
And it seems to have disappeared somehow.
And it was stupid. It left us weaker.
And it won't be long
And it wouldn't have felt like a funeral.
And it's down to Nurse Chapel and myself, I'm afraid.
And it's hard to hear
And it's not like we've coming to you
And it's outside Federation space.
And its colorful crew into custody,
And its trail is reflecting a signal
And joined forces with the alien
And lakes of acid. We'll be destroyed.
And left a boarding party behind.
And let me check you out, just in case.
And let me remind you that you're saying that on my ship,
And let's be honest.
And levels of function.
And make her my own.
And maybe if we get lucky,
And maybe pick up the pace.
And maybe this bit of mercy
And my immune system did what it was bioengineered to do.
And my own conscience to intervene.
And my patients' safety.
And neither do you.
And neither is Rukiya.
And new civilizations,
And new civilizations,
And new civilizations,
And new civilizations,
And new civilizations,
And new civilizations,
And new civilizations,
And new civilizations,
And new civilizations,
And new civilizations.
And new civilizations.
And new civilizations.
And no one on the ship remembers.
And no small bit of guilt.
And none of them are working.
And now so is the Enterprise.
And now that you've covered our heads in sea urchin paste?
And now they're using our tech to build a weapon.
And now?
And Nurse Chapel, you are officially checked out.
And often results in the very anxiety we wish to avoid.
And our crew members are trapped on that comet.
And our current mission?
And our mind meld reminded me of risks taken
And ours yours and mine it is.
And pattern stabilizers.
And propulsion systems. We don't want to hurt them.
And pushed warp nine for as long as we safely could.
And put the fate of his planet at risk.
And ready for warp on your mark, sir.
And redirect ship systems
And remarkable.
And revolutionary factions will meet
And Sam get suited up, and
And science fiction.
And she always used to talk about it,
And shore leave, I mean, the ship clears out,
And so
And so did I.
And so I figured they don't know what ours look like, either.
And so, I suspect, do you.
And sometimes it's hard to keep track of the details.
And sometimes, like on the bridge just now...
And somewhere
And somewhere out there
And speaking of bonds and oaths...
And start listening. Hemmer,
And suffering would be things of the past.
And surrendering myself for disciplinary review.
And tell Chief Kyle to have relief ready.
And tell their leaders
And thanks to them, it would seem, we are not.
And that is consistent with what I know of Illyrian biochemistry.
And that it will die
And that's a good way to lose,
And that's geography.
And that's how I convinced the Klingons
And that's the last thing a captain can afford.
And that's the problem.
And that's what kept you...
And the cost for that is sure.
And the crowd goes wild.
And the fact that strawberries are my comfort food.
And the Gorn really? We're out here fighting the...
And the matter antimatter reactor's busted.
And the only logical choice was retreat.
And the R'ongovians allying with the Klingons or the Romulans.
And the science officer behind.
And the second?
And the threat of aggression by any group,
And the trilithium resin in our warp core will ignite,
And the truth is...
And the waffle.
And their conflict has escalated to a crisis point.
And their value to those that survive.
And their various telescopes were just good enough to see us.
And their weapon systems...
And then I realize...
And then it occurred to me,
And then there's living.
And then we just have to reboot navigation.
And then you have the Festival of Gratitude
And then you weren't.
And then your last day will look just like this.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
And they're quite insistent on seeing you right now.
And they've somehow acquired an advanced weapon...
And this consciousness has somehow trapped
And this crew, I believe we can do anything,
And this is an image of the chunk of ice
And though it's far from here, uh, my people and yours
And Three has also gone silent.
And to all of us.
And to applaud your performance on the bridge.
And to renounce everything this floating hell stands for.
And to understanding both the values and plights
And torpedo launch tubes sustained damage in the attack.
And trade lovers. [chuckles]
And tricorders.
And turned the crew
And uploaded that, too.
And we associate a feeling.
And we can't lock on to their exact position.
And we gave them the means.
And we honor his sacrifice.
And we seem unable to switch back.
And we will bring it all to you, live.
And we'd laugh.
And we'll be flanking them on either side.
And we're 100% sure the force field will hold?
And weapon control is down.
And weapons.
And what could that possibly be?
And what does your device say of me?
And what if we choose not to accept your surrender?
And what is possible.
And what is this noxious paste you are applying to our skulls?
And what of me, my Lord?
And what ship, pray tell,
And what was Uhura's response?
And what would you get in return?
And what?
And whatever it is, you needed to preserve it,
And when a new First Servant ascends, we will live for her.
And when I couldn't find anyone with cygnokemia in sickbay,
And when they hunt, they're unrelenting.
And who's that, Spock?
And whoever might be with you.
And why they are.
And win it as his own,
And with that, our survey of the nebula
And with the matter synthesizers also off line,
And yet I remain concerned
And yet M'Benga's got four
And yet the entire meal has passed without you...
And yet they get blamed for a lot of things around here.
And yet you stand here cowering
And you are clearly
And you are Pike?
And you are the only linguistics expert here.
And you are?
And you are?
And you believed me.
And you boss a rocket ship,
And you can have any ending you like.
And you do.
And you feel that serving with Starfleet is coasting?
And you get the same pitch an octave higher.
And you have no idea who they were?
And you mine.
And you said the same thing about that gal on Argelius II.
And you still shy away from the crowd.
And you will find joy more often than sadness.
And you would... help Caster?
And you?
And you've already met Lieutenant Noonien Singh.
And your apparent affinity for it has sealed your fate.
And your commitment to the spirit of duty is inspirational.
And your half human genome is unique.
And, being where they are, they're a long way from help.
And, if possible, retrieve the ship.
And, La'An, Uhura, you're with me.
And, most importantly, the shields.
And, of course, diagnostics are off line.
And, one might surmise, societal development.
And, ooh, do I need to commandeer a ship?
And, um, you should stay to protect her.
And, well, I didn't know what else to do.
And? Flavor check.
And... about this stuff.
And... I am redecorating.
And... mark.
Andrea Lopez.
Angel, actually.
Ankeshtan K'til is not a prison.
Another human drinking game.
Another two to us,
Any chance they don't apply to an enemy
Any chance we're losing her response in sub space chatter?
Any chance you could get us out of here first?
Any closer and that could have hit the carotid.
Any clue as to what happened to the colony?
Any contamination during transport.
Any deviation was seen as proof I did not belong.
Any disruption now would create widespread panic.
Any further action to rescue them
Any idea why everyone's acting so strangely?
Any light wave could carry the infection.
Any luck on the internal comms?
Any more and your insides will turn to liquid.
Any obviously defensive posture is in direct violation
Any one of them could set us on a path to a dark future.
Any pain you can induce.
Any second now.
Any sign of the Archer?
Any signs of local space colonization.
Any vessel that attacks us,
Any word from Two or Three?
Anybody has to go, now's the time.
Anyone I know?
Anyone they come into contact with?
Anyone want to tell me how a comet
Anyone who comes here will expect me to answer the door.
Anything else abnormal during transport you can think of?
Anything following us will have to do the same.
Anything that might help?
Anyway, she was in Starfleet when she was young,
Anywhere, can no longer be tolerated.
Apologies, I I think I need a moment.
Apologies. The signal's out again.
Apparently one played exclusively
Apparently, my body cured both of us
Appeared on Kiley 279.
Appears to be complete.
Appears to have a kind of cloaking device.
Approaching the nucleus of the comet.
Approaching this logically,
Approximately four days ago,
APRIL: Getting the Federation High Court
APRIL: Your first officer doesn't do
April's sending us to find her.
Archercarried only Una and two astrophysicists.
Are an offshoot of my Vulcan blood,
Are as desperate as any I've ever seen.
Are consistent with pre warp society.
Are emergency landings ever scheduled?
Are his mind and his hands.
Are in alliance.
Are less dire than they were.
Are not Lady Audrey's woods neutral territory
Are now lethal to organic matter.
Are rare, and they have never ventured
Are showing symptoms of some kind of contamination.
Are simply everything that is great about Starfleet.
Are the most logical course of action.
Are these from the crash site?
Are we getting out of here?
Are we the only two crew members who are unaffected?
Are written as indelibly as mine.
Are you all right?
Are you and Lieutenant Spock all right?
Are you checking them thoroughly?
Are you getting any closer?
Are you infected?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding? This is your idea of a practical joke?
Are you naked?
Are you not? Which makes him your responsibility.
Are you registering any abnormal readings on the bridge?
Are you saying that you do not value the Federation?
Are you serious?
Are you speaking of?
Are you suggesting that I should attempt to do her job?
Are you suggesting...
Are you sure we can trust him?
Are you sure, Pollux,
Are you... yourself, sir?
Are, uh, very much alike.
Aren't I fire? We're two fires.
Aren't we already a priority one mission?
Aren't you a charmer?
Arming torpedo.
Around infected crew members,
As a medical professional,
As a senior officer, I don't get to be part of the crew anymore.
As a study of the transformations
As a Vulcan, I sympathize with your fears
As acting first officer.
As always.
As are you, Nurse Chapel.
As captain, there is no loss more devastating
As did the Main Cargo Bay.
As do I.
As emergency power.
As far as I can tell,
As fascinating as your opinions about humans are...
As fast as you can.
As Federation law forbids genetic manipulation,
As grateful as I am for whatever this is,
As humans are apparently fond of saying
As I said, it is preordained.
As I said, many dream of being worthy of Starfleet,
As I was stopping her, she got a bad dose of radiation,
As I'm not a Romulan, you'll forgive me if I don't.
As she works to save mine.
As soon as it's safe, we'll get them back.
As the First Servant.
As the Illyrians were starting to be wiped out
As the other vessel has appealed to us for help,
As the planet is regularly swept by ion storms.
As the Romulans remain unaware.
As the ship cools, this bay will become
As they never fail to remind us.
As this is your first away mission,
As was my intention, to illustrate.
As we honor the lives that have been given,
As we prepare for our arrival,
As we transported the team to the colonial vessel.
As will I.
As you are to me, Captain.
As you continue to call him,
As you have always explained it.
As you just did to me.
As you were not willing to bend
As you wish, my liege.
As you wish.
As you're all aware, Starfleet sends out a first contact team
As your ancestor and not develop a thick skin.
Ascension to the throne.
Ask for permission to engage the Romulans.
Asking for for the last five years.
Assuming that will still matter...
At a subatomic level.
At best, it will shut down the ship.
At federal sites around our nation.
At least I did.
At least I hope I did.
At least it made you the hero.
At least the death of the man I am now.
At least, not in the way that humans can.
At the bare minimum.
At the captain's cabin, for which I have been encouraged
At the center of her realm
At the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves:
At the moment,
At this distance, two days.
At this point, no.
At this stage, younglings have an intense drive
At those distances, the signals would degrade
Atmospheric data to maintain stability.
Atmospheric density is decreasing.
Attack pattern Tiberius 4.
Attention all crew members,
Attention, this is the Captain speaking.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Alert, radiation leak detected.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Four seconds to lockdown.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Radiation reaching critical levels.
Away from the First Servant.
Aye aye, Skipper. Dive, dive, dive.
Aye aye. Full impulse.
Aye, Captain.
Aye, Captain.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir.
Aye, sir. Full stop.
Back away from the panel.
Back on their feet in no time.
Back up. You're a doctor.
Based on these readings,
Based on these readings,
Based upon what you just shared, Counselor,
BATEL: Energize.
Battle stations! Computer,
Be a part of this because you saved his life.
Be alert for any surprises they left behind.
Be grateful your queen is feeling merciful today.
Be sure before you remove them.
Be taken into consideration.
Be vigilant.
Be vigilant. Get creative.
Beam them up.
Beaming aboard the Enterprise
Beard, no beard.
Because everyone always asks that.
Because everyone on Majalis is his family.
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