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The Wire - Season 4 The Wire - Season 4 is a gripping television series that captivates viewers with its deep exploration

The Wire - Season 4

The Wire - Season 4 is a gripping television series that captivates viewers with its deep exploration of the inner workings of the city of Baltimore. This critically acclaimed show, created by David Simon, premiered in 2002 and has since become a cultural phenomenon.

Set in the streets of Baltimore, The Wire - Season 4 delves into the city's devastating drug trade, political corruption, and the bureaucratic failure of the educational system. The narrative intertwines the lives of several characters, portraying their struggles, ambitions, and moral ambiguities.

The cast of The Wire - Season 4 is exceptional, with stellar performances from many talented actors. The ensemble includes Dominic West as Detective James McNulty, Idris Elba as drug lord Stringer Bell, Lance Reddick as Lieutenant Cedric Daniels, and Wendell Pierce as Detective Bunk Moreland. Joining them are Sonja Sohn as Kima Greggs, Clarke Peters as Detective Lester Freamon, and Michael K. Williams as Omar Little, among others. The chemistry between the cast members is palpable, enhancing the realism and rawness of the series.

Created as a harsh critique of the societal institutions that contribute to Baltimore's decline, The Wire - Season 4 shines a spotlight on the city's struggling education system. The storyline focuses on four young boys whose lives intertwine through their experiences in the underfunded and understaffed public school system. Their stories are interwoven with the ongoing investigations of the city's police department, creating a complex and multifaceted narrative.

The Wire - Season 4 masterfully portrays the challenges faced by these young boys as they navigate the dangerous streets. Simon's storytelling seamlessly blends tragedy and hope, highlighting the systemic issues that perpetuate poverty and violence in the city.

With its meticulous attention to detail and authentic portrayal of Baltimore, The Wire - Season 4 feels like much more than a television show. It offers a social critique that resonates with audiences, shedding light on the complexities of urban life, politics, and the human condition.

To fully immerse yourself in the world of The Wire - Season 4, you can play and download the sounds of the series. The haunting music, composed by various artists, enhances the atmosphere and adds depth to the scenes. From soulful beats to gritty rap, the soundtrack captures the essence of Baltimore's diverse music scene.

In conclusion, The Wire - Season 4 is a masterpiece of television, delving into the multi-layered issues plaguing urban America. With its powerful performances, thought-provoking writing, and immersive storytelling, this series continues to captivate audiences more than a decade after its release. If you're ready to be transported to the gritty streets of Baltimore, don't miss the opportunity to experience The Wire - Season 4 and its captivating soundscape.
A Band Aid on cancers.
A begging ass white man on his knees.
A bit, yeah.
A CDC, too? Splatter distance?
A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind.
A cooperative effort between the branches of government.
A couple of those bad boys ourselves,
A cover your ass type of person might say
A dentist? A pay lawyer, ****a?
A Deputy Ops felt the need to bury you.
A dime, a tenth, you know?
A fan, huh?
A fucking tuna sub.
A good church man is always up in everybody's shit.
A guy comes in the first time
A hat trick? Cool.
A hell of a lot can happen between now and election day.
A Hilti DX model.
A hot shot, maybe. I got a sack in the box,
A hundred and a half ought to do.
A hundred and a half?
A kick in the ass sometimes helps.
A la mode?
A landslide, I could live with that.
A liaison operating in the, uh, urban environment.
A little independent streak.
A lot of balls in the air, and I still haven't seen the schools' budget.
A lot of deeds.
A lot of names. Too many.
A lotta gangsters in that room need to take us at our word first.
A man don't want no surprises.
A man learns best when he get burned.
A man make bail on robbery.
A mask, eh?
A murder.
A new day.
A new front office comes in and maybe they bounce
A nice, quiet domestic or two to start me off.
A nine, huh?
A parent's worst nightmare.
A patrolling officer on his beat
A period of extra duty without pay,
A proposition might fall kindly on your ear.
A recommendation from Sergeant Hauk's commander
A small distinction, I know, but...
A Social Services office?
A standard confidentiality agreement.
A state senator, two councilmen,
A stick up boy on a corner takes courage,
A task force of two, working it together.
A total of 10 children from the eighth grade
A tremendous achievement.
A vial of that shit'd kill every horse in this stable.
A Visigoth, a barbarian at the gate,
A vote's a vote. And I never throw one back.
A week from the primary,
A whole lot easier than they can find me.
A whole lot of surprises you never worry about again.
A wise man does not burn his bridges
A witness
A year ago I wrote the mayor a letter.
A year ago, if we had gone after these records,
A year ago, you telling me about
A young'un right now, you know what I mean?
A, 4; B, 5;
A, who arrived in Philly first, Andre or Yvonne?
A'ight, 'cause I'm standin' tall up in here.
A'ight, but I can't go hirin'
A'ight, man, break. That's what I like to see, baby.
A'ight, man.
A'ight, now. I got what you need, boy,
A'ight, this one means "heart"
A'ight. Boy's learning.
Abides in them.
About an hour so far by my watch.
About five years ago in the last redistricting,
About fuckin' time someone got some paper on that motherfucker.
About hoppers bailing from a stolen car?
About hunting grizzly bears?
About money laundering?
About putting shit on the damn street.
About that big ass.50 cal hole
About what happened.
About what happens in the street
About what's on that blackboard, he gonna race us.
About who should be where?
About who they are and what they're doing in this world?
Across a minefield, Nerese.
Acting a bitch!
Actual po lice work.
Actually, that's the second thing they told me.
Actually, what I need is Patrol.
African colors. Subtle.
After a long bout with cancer,
After a two minute hearing, they stick a fork in us?
After school lets out
After that, if a document lands
After that, they don't lose the government money,
After the election, the equation changes for him but not for me.
After the heat on them empty houses gives way.
After the primary, he's gone, believe me.
After they finish prosecuting your ass.
After your phone call, I checked.
Ah, I never made it past 10.
Ah, I see you got the DeWalt cordless.
Ah, man.
Ah, that felt good!
Ah. With that rate,
Ah. Youth.
Ahem. So...
Ahh. All right. Let me go call my wife.
Aides to the mayor have told me privately that they are concerned...
Ain't a problem.
Ain't about to start now.
Ain't even calling for his re up.
Ain't gonna go to Royce, it should be hers.
Ain't got a forgiveness to your soul.
Ain't like the old days, dog.
Ain't me with a mountain by my elbow.
Ain't my head got a big old gash.
Ain't no bout a doubt it.
Ain't no guarantee in that, though.
Ain't no one have a problem with it
Ain't no real cops. Ain't no real danger.
Ain't no school today.
Ain't no soul in the world
Ain't no special dead.
Ain't no thing, shorty.
Ain't no thing.
Ain't no thing. You did good here.
Ain't nobody else you know? No other responsible adult?
Ain't nobody want you here.
Ain't none of y'all seen Spider today?
Ain't nothin' worse than them bitches
Ain't nothing but a scuffle, man.
Ain't nothing in my pocket.
Ain't nothing left on this month's check anyway.
Ain't nothing past that.
Ain't nothing they could do.
Ain't nothing.
Ain't nothing. School about to start.
Ain't out there tearing up other classes
Ain't seen her.
Ain't taking no handouts, but he workin' for it.
Ain't that right, Bug?
Ain't that, but I do believe that other faiths
Ain't that, but I do believe that other faiths
Ain't you?
Aircraft carrier boxed in.
Albert, Zenobia, Namond,
All finished? You need $30,000...
All for two cases as a secondary.
All ghetto and shit?
All good.
All he talks about is boxing, bein' at the gym,
All I know is he loves me.
All I know, it's a lot of gangsters out a lot of shit, man.
All I want to know which is which
All of them caught on the wire.
All of them.
All of whom are hungry.
All over my desk.
All right now.
All right,
All right, 'Naldo, call your amigos and tell them it's on.
All right, all right, no more of that.
All right, all right, there you go. That's it?
All right, all right! All right, all right!
All right, all right.
All right, all right.
All right, all right. You right.
All right, another sister then.
All right, be cool.
All right, but you ain't got to be all up on me.
All right, everybody gather around.
All right, everybody,
All right, fuck this,
All right, girl. Keep it close.
All right, if you're close, aim for the head.
All right, it's good.
All right, it's like this: you boy come back to you,
All right, like I was saying,
All right, look, something got messed up.
All right, man, I'm out.
All right, man.
All right, man. Peace, peace.
All right, now say he in a car.
All right, now, so you live over on
All right, put away your test notebooks.
All right, Randy, this way.
All right, see, here's the thing:
All right, see, you're under 13 and shit.
All right, show of hands,
All right, take your hat off, man.
All right, that's good.
All right, that's great. Thank you for your time.
All right, then,
All right, then.
All right, then. Holler at us when the next package in.
All right, then. I'll holla at you later, boy.
All right, who wants to go next?
All right, you know what? Fun is fun
All right, you need to work a little on your compassion skills.
All right, you see how he keeping his hands up?
All right! Hard six!
All right?
All right?
All right?
All right?
All right?
All right? Just do me that favor.
All right? This motherfucker,
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right.
All right. All right, listen up.
All right. Carver it is.
All right. Fine.
All right. Fuck this. Everyone under 150 lbs or 5'6" is in the cab.
All right. Get by the fire if you want.
All right. I tell you what
All right. I'll be right down.
All right. Listen up, you mutts. This is complicated.
All right. Look.
All right. Pull up a chair. Let's chop it up.
All right. Talk to you in a few.
All right. Thank you for coming, young man, young lady.
All teachers will devote class time
All that anger.
All that from Freamon. He's out early today
All that from overnight?
All that shit I gave her.
All that unit needs, Commissioner,
All that's not even necessary.
All the way down to Pacer,
All the way on the left.
All their eggs up in one basket.
All these drunk and disorderlies and squeegee boys,
All things being equal, you'd be our guy.
All this along the lower Patapsco/Westport area
All this come up because of what Tiffany said
All this is from the Barksdale money trail.
All this overtime,
All this so we score higher on the state tests?
All this stand around and wait, you know?
All those developers...
All those ugly ass bitches in Yankee hats
All those years I'm trying to climb the ladder,
All three channels and "The Sun."
All told.
All told.
All told.
All warrants are for prime locations
All we got is Little Kevin.
All y'all did all this talking up in here.
All you gangsters
All you got to do is show Carcetti and everybody else
Allowing a higher salary to be approved.
Almost new.
Along the line of what you propose,
Along with a court order for hair and blood
Along with the teachers and the firefighters.
Already been factored into the price, you see?
Already, he's got feelers out.
Also, keep your windows closed.
Aluminum about 30 40c a pound.
Always a feel good moment for the folks.
Always full up of corner talk
Am I getting the hang of this or what?
Am I right? Best of luck, Councilman.
Am I the only one that knows how to play this game?
Am l? Or do I piss them off even more
American democracy.
Among other places.
An hour.
An officer alert to the terrorist threat must ask himself,
An' a box of Newports.
An' I ain't need to worry about them.
An' let it ring.
An' the boy won't get off the bag.
An' who got hurt behind that, huh?
An' won't take none of your product.
An' won't take none of your product.
And "The Sun" and "The Post" are both calling for comment.
And 12 friends...
And 90 minute blocks of math or language arts only.
And a black l.I.D. director.
And a burial mass on Friday.
And a bus pass.
And a carton of Newports.
And a corrected court report
And a girl named Loop or Snoop
And a good evening to you, Sergeant Carver.
And a lion has to have his kill.
And a month from now, after Royce is reelected,
And a pack of Kools for Macia.
And a proud day for the Baltimore Police Department.
And a requisition due to City Purchasing for a large fan.
And a very good evening to you, Officer Colicchio.
And a white tee, double X.
And act like you don't even know I'm there.
And ain't nothing gets done.
And all he ended up looking was weak.
And all hell breaks loose.
And all I get is an extra $10?
And all them motherfuckers in them rowhouses,
And another 1 50 to up our order to six.
And answer questions in the big one?
And anybody that think it's all right to do people this way.
And are eligible for a grand drawing at the end of the month.
And as a result,
And as a result, our response to crime
And as fast as I take 'em down, they bring more.
And as I got older,
And as much as I empathize,
And as to Commissioner Burrell
And as to my attendance at council meetings,
And as to suspensions, we don't have any.
And awkward as hell,
And B, by how much time?
And balance priorities,
And be done with it, all right?
And be the finest quality;
And be there to pass out sandwiches at your execution.
And because I say.
And besides, he ex police.
And besides, I figured if I got my shit
And beyond that, it's time for you to shine
And Bowles, I knew she wasn't coming back,
And Bug said so, too.
And C... who gives a rat's ass?
And changes in the teachers' union contracts that would allow them
And chose able men to rule over the people."
And cigarettes oh, shit.
And close the door.
And considering that those kids
And cops and whatnot, they always come at you
And damn sure no respect.
And distribute all the good apples equally.
And do a lot of things in his life,
And do we know what the long con is?
And does Rawls know?
And don't think they haven't noticed it
And don't you ever cross me like that again.
And drop off Randy's work for next week.
And dropped a few, but nothing recent.
And drug rehab as our only responses.
And drugs paid your salary, right?
And Ervin is a good man working under considerable pressure.
And every one of you has proven time and again
And expect me to hide you.
And expect these weak ass clowns to catch me?
And fire some idiot cop?
And for either of my opponents to suggest
And for emergency procedures
And for events to take the new penny shine off Cedric Daniels.
And for the benefit of the teachers trying to teach.
And for various reasons that I can't get into,
And frankly, I don't give a flying fuck about what you think
And from Freemont to Fulton.
And from the look of things,
And Fruit, he work for Marlo.
And fuck them red lights, man.
And get him some corner boys to mess with.
And get into some diabolical brutality,
And get yourself something to drink from the machine.
And give me the rest of them paint cans, too, man.
And give the Narcotics Division to one of their own.
And given her narcotics expertise,
And given my staffing situation...
And given that we still have a shortage of officers
And given the outcome of the election, we can expect certain enhancements.
And go talk to the man.
And grabbed the first broad he brushed up against.
And have him send a cold patch truck?
And he can't handle it alone.
And he coming near one of mine?
And he decides not to clean house? What then?
And he figures out the lie for himself,
And he gonna walk out one.
And he got some flex in him.
And he knows who put it there.
And he learn that we pricing out his head,
And he really tried to do himself?
And he really tried to do himself?
And he saw you?
And he says it's important.
And he shouldered this tremendous burden all alone.
And he talking to police?
And he thinks I'll help the schools,
And he who owes his good fortune to the numbers,
And he wouldn't listen to me.
And he's still walking around?
And headed for 30. And, by the way,
And hen of the woods mushrooms;
And here we come in with a pair of felony burglaries.
And here you are looking for a suspect
And here you are with Rec and Park rules?
And herein lies your expertise?
And high end enforcements are to be emphasized.
And his girl all screaming,
And his little brother, too.
And how do we end the answer?
And how do you explain Councilman Gray's allegations?
And how everybody said he got killed
And hum fucking VSU
And I ain't even want to put no charges on no more.
And I ain't see it at first, 'cause he was always acting out,
And I ain't stepping to, but I am a man.
And I am stone cold police first, last, and always.
And I am telling you,
And I been dealin' with these Mexicans for years now.
And I can tell by Shalanta's smile,
And I can tell you're upset.
And I didn't wait for him to say anything, either.
And I don't believe we can get a handle on crime
And I don't have your vote?
And I don't know. He just too friendly, you know?
And I don't want to be disappointed in you ever again."
And I don't want to be lying to a roomful of wrinkle assed voters
And I done heard, made up, and tested every excuse invented.
And I get the sense North Avenue
And I get to surprise him at the bail review.
And I got all your other favorites, too.
And I got to train 'em really hard
And I got walls covered with tags.
And I guaran fucking tee you I will jam you up,
And I just found a lot of fucking overtime.
And I knew it was near a lot of our crime scenes.
And I know where y'all hang.
And I know your answer then, but I'm still asking.
And I might have some reason to let a few things slide.
And I need a couple of alleys cleaned.
And I need Tony taking 25 of his points.
And I only got nine years on.
And I searched it good, figuring I'd find some iron, but
And I see you know how to use it."
And I see you're still at it.
And I see you've got Delegate Watkins working the crowd.
And I think any gain or progress is temporary.
And I think she'd be a natural homicide.
And I think the budget chair might have a difficult time
And I understand completely what you're saying.
And I understand we just pumped some fresh blood into Homicide
And I want both of you
And I want to see everybody's worksheets out.
And I want you to remember
And I want you to sign up.
And I was just hoping, let's say, trade out my store, you could maybe
And I will bury you with it.
And I won't have a problem coming up with my share.
And I'd like to thank you for being able
And I'd love the chance to do the right thing
And I'll bet in a couple of weeks,
And I'll give it back to her.
And I'll give Kevin a new hat.
And I'll make sergeant on the next list.
And I'll tell them where they can find you.
And I'm asking if you police.
And I'm giving you an order on this, Lester.
And I'm going from lieutenant to colonel
And I'm gonna tell you...
And I'm here today to ask for the chance to stand with you.
And I'm polling 37% with 24% undecided?
And I'm quite confident you the man can make that happen.
And I'm smelling what has to be urine.
And I'm taking personal orders for tomorrow...
And I'm the one that told him to do the right thing
And if all eyes are on this one,
And if he were to say,
And if I get in, I'm gonna need your help.
And if I take his weak ass product,
And if I'm gonna do anything
And if it's talk, I'ma walk.
And if Marlo Stanfield is on a cell,
And if that don't get it, we're coming the fuck back.
And if the harbor promenade
And if there's a case to be made out there,
And if they don't, at least they get to see
And if we still can't find it?
And if we use it to take four or five points out of Royce's base,
And if you ain't noticed, it's costing us money.
And if you come in with a wad of bills tomorrow, Randy,
And if you give me the opportunity, I will be able to do something to
And if you knew what was good for you
And if you support me, you will have a voice within my administration
And if you tell anybody, I'll cut your balls off.
And if you think I'm gonna give you a dime
And if you want to pay down any part of this debt,
And if you're with us, you're with us,
And in any place you can think of calling home,
And in case you haven't been
And in Narcotics there are no virgins.
And in this system they know how to handle a chainsaw.
And incredibly those matching funds
And instead of being fucked up and broke,
And insurance pays for his cable hookup.
And it comes from the house with a dead man inside.
And it go it go, "Meow."
And it sounds like a war zone.
And it'll help you down the road
And it's four weeks out.
And it's Marlo's boy who falls.
And it's my guess this case is gonna need more manpower.
And it's not gonna be so unbelievably fucked up anymore.
And it's not like I wanna carry water for them
And it's such a nice day out,
And jump the mayor's ship.
And just at this moment,
And just grab that little ****** with the braids."
And just told me to stand by the door and holler if someone came.
And just work these rush hours for me.
And keep a unit problem on the blackboard for Donnelly.
And keep myself away from myself,
And keep the rest for your time.
And keep your names off the returns.
And kid, you're a fucking rock.
And Krawczyk is his number one fundraiser!
And lean on stats that say crime is down.
And left him breathing to talk to you.
And let me guess, you'd like to shake up the personnel.
And let me tell you something, even he knows this is fucked up.
And let no chump ass ******s think I'm shook.
And let your friends handle theirs.
And like this one, it could mean like "pussy" or "clown."
And lime.
And look at what was used to board it up.
And look who you talking about. This ain't the motherfucker
And look, I'm still a sergeant, right?
And made more money that I have in a month.
And maintenance and Donnelly are in there checking the heat.
And make witness protection a priority.
And Marimow got bounced just before he could fuck me up on anything else.
And maybe a soda or something.
And maybe Marlo to the other with a shovel.
And maybe that piece of the 1 1th west of Freemont.
And maybe the nail gun itself, if we could get it.
And maybe we do a little better job with you in here.
And maybe, if you're lucky, up here with you.
And me, I get sick just filling the bathtub.
And medium rare, keep the blood in.
And Moses judged the people.
And most likely for dropping one of Marlo's.
And most times eight is better than 10. Right?
And move his name to the top of the list,
And my boy,
And my door will always be open to you.
And my follow up squad couldn't make a case to save its life.
And my number's in there already.
And my point, Colonel Foerster,
And my sources within the department say the rank and file officers
And neither do you.
And no one fucks with any of us.
And Norris knows there's a possibility of a murdered state's witness.
And not getting a little something...
And not just the downtown areas,
And now his foster mother's been hospitalized, so
And now Sydnor's looking to jump at the first good opening.
And now the word out on the street.
And now they forgot where they came from.
And now they're gonna be mad at me 'cause it ain't stick.
And now you are out. You won.
And now you feel guilty about it.
And now you gotta step to him,
And now you just dog me before I even know the rules.
And now you're gonna shame me again by bringing Norris back.
And now, let me guess, to save your wire,
And numbers games breed more numbers games.
And office memo subpoena requests
And on such truths I ask the voters
And once you make that call, his name's gonna be in the system.
And one day, his father in law said to him,
And one of them's leaking.
And open hearted,
And our police department is working hard
And our side partners will cover it.
And our unit clearance rate is under 50%.
And over here, this is your desk.
And plans can change.
And plant your ass on a stoop.
And polling stations.
And possible termination?
And practice getting over,
And pull out a $25 by mistake.
And put in one of them boarded up houses.
And put that down, will you? You live here now.
And put that fuckin' pen down
And put that on your lap, fool.
And Rawls?
And right as rain you're gonna find a body.
And right now, time is everything.
And run with my fucking campaign
And searched by Amtrak police.
And sees that seven have worms.
And she said it was you that told him not to talk.
And so ends the last crusade of the Major Crimes Unit
And so far I credit you for keeping that promise.
And so he looks carefully at his apples
And so it's up to us to be responsible for them.
And solid waste has pulled 32 tons of trash
And some Marcus Garvey posters are gonna get you over?
And some of you I'm meeting for the first time.
And some shit about zombies.
And spread your arms out to the side.
And Stanfield and his organization, we have a pattern.
And starts dropping off incumbent tickets?
And straighten out a couple of things.
And take their fucking corner, too.
And talk that global economy mess somewhere else.
And talk to their snitch on Wednesday.
And team rules we can only go
And that doesn't even include the court pay
And that I will pursue all of the facts.
And that last stunt pulling a detective.
And that means "lion."
And that warrant says that we can come through your door
And that way, you know
And that would be a catastrophe.
And that would mean it was two years ago.
And that would mean time stands still at Tilghman Middle,
And that you're loyal to them.
And that's gonna solve it for us.
And that's how I come to know Namond.
And that's reality.
And the B & B office downtown.
And the biggest single complaint I'm hearing
And the boy?
And the brutality allegation is a stretch.
And the citizens of Baltimore.
And the citizens of Baltimore."
And the damage done to so many neighborhoods.
And the further you go into Brooklyn/Curtis Bay,
And the government, right?
And the last one shit.
And the mailboxes, arranged by shift and squad.
And the mayor doesn't say anything?
And the next thing Fruit on the ground flopping,
And the number two man at the City Legislative Caucus.
And the others reduced to small fines.
And the people stood by him
And the players that were using them before
And the police, they ain't gonna pay no never mind.
And the security camera on the street is high end.
And the smaller class size.
And the subpoenas?
And the subpoenas.
And the thing that I resent most
And the truth is, you ain't teaching any of them.
And the way it looks right now
And then and then and then she was like...
And then beats you back down when think you can't.
And then Chester and Collington
And then expelled.
And then how many blah, blah, blah
And then I flip it and mess your mind all up.
And then in the next breath setting us up for the long.
And then just admit the camera got took.
And then they basically entrap some poor bastard on a bet,
And then ticketed up with my girl Daniels
And then two years from now when I shake the hand of any voter
And then we'll get back to the regular lessons.
And then you fired the nail gun
And then you fuck that ****** up.
And there's a body inside.
And there's no one there to read it,
And there's three or four other good probables.
And they ain't lock no one up?
And they are trying to change their lives,
And they both feel like they have a mandate for change.
And they cleaned the prints.
And they didn't seem very socialized, either.
And they know exactly what it is they're training for
And they sell your tenured ass for parts.
And they still pulled the motherfucker's voice off a goddamn cell phone tower.
And they write it all down just like he doing now.
And they're gonna need your help too.
And they're on the street, making rips.
And this bitch is writing again.
And this is one drug organization you think did this?
And this Marlo Stanfield? This is the best we can do?
And this means a renewed focus on our schools...
And this one?
And this pink shit coming out the side of his head.
And those halfway houses and shelters have to go someplace.
And those that stay gotta take they package.
And three years before that, you were here for chest surgery for a cutting.
And three, you stay away from schools;
And told me to dump Norris, but dump him I did.
And tomorrow, if we bust open the Braddock case,
And tonight, it's me and the kids next to Tommy
And touch the dirty motherfucker.
And Union Station, Washington.
And unless I see birth certificates saying otherwise,
And until you hear otherwise, you will not
And us.
And vacuuming every crime scene for hair and fiber,
And watched our city deteriorate.
And we agree it takes courage to go overnight
And we break it today,
And we break the case one day before the primary,
And we can computer up that candy, all right? Peace.
And we could use some ointment.
And we feel to place the older children in the younger classes
And we gonna have more than words.
And we know you didn't do it alone.
And we need everyone everyone who's willing to join us
And we outta everybody else' shit.
And we pulled two outta five votes in some precincts.
And we show success in stabilizing behavior.
And we will continue to do so.
And we will find a body.
And we will follow it... after the polls close.
And we'll have done some good here today.
And we'll make him pay.
And we're not just playing games here.
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