A new direction. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard 2
Aliens? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard 3
And 1 5 9 degrees, 3 3 minutes west. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard 4
And now, as we prepare to embark from Battleship (2012) Soundboard 5
And we will excel in our command and control. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard 6
And you are who, sir? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard 7
ANGUS: Don't go too close! THOM: Don't run to it. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard 8
ANNOUNCER 1: It's another beautiful day here in Hawaii, as usual. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard 9
ANNOUNCER: Live, local, this is Hawaii News Now. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard 0
Approximately 150 miles south of where we are right now, sir from Battleship (2012) Soundboard -
Are coming to Hawaii for RIMPAC. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard =
Are they transmitting? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard q
Are you kidding me? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard w
Are you kidding me? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard e
Are you ready to kill another one? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard r
As casualty reports come in, from Battleship (2012) Soundboard t
As we have with ours. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard y
Away of seeing them, without seeing them from Battleship (2012) Soundboard u
Bad timing. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard i
Because I was hoping that maybe one day from Battleship (2012) Soundboard o
Because I've read that thing six times. It makes no sense. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard p
Because your ships look outstanding and your men look ready. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard a
Bra, you saw that? What the hell was that? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard s
Bronson, don't move. Bronson, come here from Battleship (2012) Soundboard d
Bronson, you move one more step, you're dead! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard f
Can you do it, yes or no? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard g
Captain from Battleship (2012) Soundboard h
Captain Nagata, how good is your aim? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard j
Center line, barrel, armed. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard k
CHAIRMAN: The field, whatever it is, extends about 300,000 feet in altitude from Battleship (2012) Soundboard l
Chicken.. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard z
Come on! Squared away? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard x
Come on. We need the help. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard c
Congratulations. Thank you from Battleship (2012) Soundboard v
Coordinates? Train, 3 3 0. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard b
CORA: Contact, 700 yards out from Battleship (2012) Soundboard n
CORA: Forty minutes, sir. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard m
CORA: Let's move it, Beast. WALTER: She's dead in the water. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard Q
CORA: What the hell is that? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard W
CORA: Whiskey 2 5. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard E
Correct. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard R
Damn. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard T
Engage, engage. Impose will, impose will. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard Y
Engines ahead, flank. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard U
Engines, back, full. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard I
Five distinct objects that are moving in formation. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard O
Foxtrot, 2 4. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard P
From inside the barrier, we might just be able to get a call out. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard A
Gentlemen, give me a minute with Mr. Hopper, here. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard S
Get me the Sampson. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard D
Get out of here! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard F
Get some. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard G
Get up, princess, come on! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard H
Go, now. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard J
God damn it! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard K
Good. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard L
Great, that makes a lot of sense. Let's call him. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard Z
GUNNER: Are those things aliens? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard X
GUNNER: What's happening? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard C
Hard left rudder. Aye, sir from Battleship (2012) Soundboard V
Hello? Anyone home? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard B
Helmsman, get back on the helm! Aye, sir. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard N
Hey, Vince, did you see that? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard M
Hey! Freeze! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard <
Hey! Move, move! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard >
Hopper from Battleship (2012) Soundboard !
Hopper is underneath it and on side from Battleship (2012) Soundboard @
Hopper, your cover. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard #
HOPPER: As your weapons officer, from Battleship (2012) Soundboard $
HOPPER: Fire control, weapons status? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard %
HOPPER: That's for kicking me in the face. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard ^
HOPPER: Wait! Hi! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard &
HOPPER: Where did you learn to shoot? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard *
Hopper? Hopper? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard (
How are we looking on fuel? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard )
How are you, ma'am? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard ~
How are you? Good, how are you? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard `
How do I look? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard |
How do we know that? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard "
How do you expect us to get it there? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard '
I am half a man from Battleship (2012) Soundboard ?
I can't believe that worked! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard /
I didn't sign up for this bullshit! Yeah, no shit, dude. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard ,
I didn't think that one moved. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard .
I don't know. People are using the word aliens. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I fight the ship from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I got this from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I lost my fight when I lost my legs. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I need to borrow your boat. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I want you to know that I am in love with Sam from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I wish we could get a hold of Hopper. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I'm attempting to communicate with you. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I'm excited to see what we learn. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I'm looking right at it, Mr. Hopper. Find me something. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I'm not cheers ing that from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I'm sorry you have to deal with this. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I'm well aware of that, Raikes. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
I'm your new physical therapist. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Incoming, incoming, incoming! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Isn't there something more important you should be doing right now? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
It appears that it originated from the Gliese solar system. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
It doesn't end like this. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
It just might be too much sleep, though, sir. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
It may be some kind of a communication unit. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
It was an honor serving with you, Captain. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
It's a very good quote for you. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
It's an obsolete tradition, this asking for permission. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
It's our deep space satellite. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
It's time for a new course of action. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
JIMMY: Negative, sir. It's a miss. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
JIMMY: Sir from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
JIMMY: Sir, that's a hit! The Myoko was hit, sir from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Jimmy! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Let's drop some lead on those mother... from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Let's light them up, Captain Nagata. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Listen, get it done. Get it done. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Locked on target from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
LT! I don't think that's a good idea. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Mahalo, mother... from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
MAN: He's getting back up! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Mick, my leg is stuck. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
MICK: What do you think I'm paying attention to? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
My God. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Navy. Say, Navy. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
No way from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
No, I didn't do anything to it, sir. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
No, no, no. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
No! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
No! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
NOAA data? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Nothing. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Now! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Of solar paneling or communications paneling. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
OFFICER: (ON RADIO) Three miles until Saddle Ridge is within range. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
OFFICER: Bridge, what's happened? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Oh... from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
On an Arleigh Burke class destroyer. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
On my mark. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
On the way to the island. There was debris everywhere. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
One from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Ordy, get up! Let's go! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Ordy! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
PILOT: Scorpion one four, clear our deck. En route with parts and techs from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Port side, armed! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Put the force at weapons posture one. Warning red, weapons tight. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Radio check. Can anyone hear me? Over. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
RADIO OFFICER: Medical casualty, C 53. Two men down. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
RADIO OPERATOR: Bridge reports no survivors in the water. Sampson, all hands lost. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Raikes, can you get a track on their ship? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Ready all guns. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Relax, Sam. I'm seeing a lot of lifeboats in the water. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Roger that. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Sam, are you okay? Where are you? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Say Navy from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Secure SPY. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Shades off, Hopper. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
SHANE: We take great pride in honoring from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Sir, are we really firing on Oahu? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Sir, it would be an honor. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Sir, they have killed everything that's fired on them. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Sir, we have three guided missile destroyers still unaccounted for from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Sir, we need you. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Sir! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Sir... from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Slow. Sit down. I can't breathe. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
So we have nobody in there? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
So, good luck out there. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
So, in the great Hopper family tradition, from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
So, it's conceivable we do have somebody inside. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
SPECTATORS: Oh! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Status of turret one? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Status of weps. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
STONE: I just got off the phone with the JAG. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
STONE: I've had it! Look at yourself! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Stop right there! Don't shoot! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Stop! Stop. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Summer campu. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Target, Echo 1 1. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Thank you, Admiral. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Thank you, sir. I mean, it's... from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
That I cannot honor them all. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
That's it. Come to daddy from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
That's negative, sir. Scope's clear, I got nothing. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
The day we get back. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
The honor was mine. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
The most critical part of any military operation. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
The Navy's engaged, just off of the coast. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
The President of the United States takes great pleasure from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
The U.S. has been trailing all day. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
They ain't going to sink this battleship, no way. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
They could be, but it wouldn't do them any good. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
They killed my grad student. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
They're using an electromagnetic field to block our signals from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
This round is over a thousand pounds! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
THOM: Do you know what that is? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Three from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Today, the Beacon International Project was launched. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Trump from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Turn off Aegis radar, please. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Two. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Unleashing an unprecedented wave of chaos across the world. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Very intelligent. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
WALTER: There's a brutal current there. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
We are going to die. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
We hack into their transmissions, form a grid. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
We have got a battleship. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
We will have to see about that. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
We're going in. Full attack. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
What are we supposed to do, fight the enemy where they aren't? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
What is it? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
What is it? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
What kind of bad feeling? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
What seems to be the problem? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
What the... from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Whatever that thing is, it killed the battery. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Where are you going? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Whiskey 2 5. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Who have served on her, some going back to World War II. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Whoa, guys! Look at this! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Whoa, whoa, whoa! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Why? I don't know why! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Will transmit a signal to Landsat 7, our deep orbiting satellite, from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Would you please shut up? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Yeah, I don't know. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Yes, I got you that from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Yes, sir. We're okay. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
Yo! Hey! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
You all right? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
You good? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
You heard him from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
You just wasted that wish, didn't you? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
You two, get him to medical, now! from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
You wanted an order, that's the order. Let's go. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
You're going to reference Art of War right now, aren't you? from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(ALARM RINGING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(ALL CHEERING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(ALL CLAMORING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(ALL WHOOPING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(BLOWING WHISTLE) ANNOUNCER 1: And here we go. from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(BOTH GRUNT) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(BREATHES DEEPLY) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(ENGINE SPUTTERING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(EXCLAIMS IN JAPANESE) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(FAINT HYDRAULIC HISSING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(FOGHORN BLOWING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(GASPING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(GASPING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(GASPS) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(GREETING IN MALAY) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(GROWLING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(GRUNTS) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(GRUNTS) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(LAUGHS) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(LOUD BANG) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(MEN SHOUTING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(POWERING UP) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(SCREAMING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(SINGING INDISTINCTLY) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(SNARLS) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(SNORTS) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(SPEAKING JAPANESE) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(SPEAKING JAPANESE) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(STEAM HISSING) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard
(YELLS) from Battleship (2012) Soundboard