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The Spoils of Babylon (2014) - Season 1 The Spoils of Babylon is a television miniseries that premiered in 2014. This epic

The Spoils of Babylon (2014) - Season 1

The Spoils of Babylon is a television miniseries that premiered in 2014. This epic tale of ambition, love, and betrayal is a satirical take on the melodramatic soap operas of the 1970s and 1980s. With its star-studded cast, hilarious dialogue, and larger-than-life characters, The Spoils of Babylon offers a captivating and entertaining viewing experience.

Set against the backdrop of the oil industry, the series follows the Morehouse family as they navigate their personal and professional lives. The patriarch, Jonas Morehouse, played by Tim Robbins, is a powerful and enigmatic oil tycoon. His adopted son, Devon, portrayed by Tobey Maguire, is forced into a love triangle with his sister, Cynthia, played by Kristen Wiig.

The star-studded cast also includes Carey Mulligan as Lady Anne York, a British socialite who becomes embroiled in the Morehouse family drama. Jessica Alba portrays Dixie Mellonworth, a singer and actress who falls for Devon's charms. This complex web of relationships is further entangled by Val Kilmer as Jonas' drunken brother and Haley Joel Osment as Cynthia's estranged son.

Narrated by Will Ferrell as Eric Jonrosh, a fictional author and filmmaker, The Spoils of Babylon is replete with wry and zany humor. The dialogue is unabashedly over-the-top, peppered with grandiose sentiments and ludicrous plot twists. This self-awareness adds an extra layer of comedic brilliance to an already hilarious series.

The Spoils of Babylon is not only a showcase of exceptional acting but also visually stunning. The sets, costumes, and cinematography transport viewers to the opulent world of the Morehouse family. Each episode is packed with lavish interiors, extravagant parties, and breathtaking landscapes, bringing the story to life in a truly immersive way.

If you're a fan of melodramatic storytelling, satirical comedy, or simply enjoy a good laugh, The Spoils of Babylon is a must-watch. This remarkably crafted miniseries offers a perfect blend of high production value, outstanding performances, and gut-busting humor.

Fortunately, you can dive into the world of The Spoils of Babylon right here. Play and download the sounds that accompany the series to enhance your viewing experience. Immerse yourself in the melodrama, the romance, and the laughter with this extraordinary television event. Whether you're watching it for the first time or revisiting it, The Spoils of Babylon is guaranteed to entertain and leave you in stitches.

So sit back, grab your popcorn, and get ready for an unforgettable journey into the extravagant world of The Spoils of Babylon.
A boy named Winston.
A boy, a man, a a child, an infant, a fetus, a girl,
A boy.
A carnival barker, if you will, would say, "wonderful."
A company that our father envisioned.
A company that serves mankind for the greater good.
A constant reminder of a world without hope,
A defiant stance against our industrialized world
A large sum will be placed
A little baby sister.
A mistake?
A mooning dynamo slipping through the fog.
A physical bond that only two bodies coming together
A savvy businesswoman.
A telephone call for Mr. Winston
A... bastard!
Absolute miracle.
Accounted for up to 40% of our profits last year.
Across the land, engines into the madness.
Actually, Devon's being modest.
After a lifetime of missing it,
After a painful ordeal to bring my popular novels
After all I've done to secure those military contracts,
After all the Washington insiders I paid off.
After her last letter,
After ten years, we will pay
After the war, I stayed in London
Against everything that makes this country great.
Against my will.
Against pollution,
Ah, yes, could I have a carafe
Alas, it was too good for television,
All in the name of love.
All of the documents?
All right, Devon. Have it your way.
All right.
All right. Thank you.
All that really matters is how we conduct ourselves
All the kittens and ankle biters
Although I did take a two month hiatus
Always, "Hey, man, go,"
Am I right, Cynthia?
Am I such a stranger?
Am I to be exiled?
Am I to blather away my waning years,
An eagle, a vegetable.
And "Where's it at?"
And a beat up Olivetti typewriter.
And a jug of day sweet brand wine over there
And a white wine in a coffee mug with a little bit of salt in it.
And all its varied creatures.
And as crazy as a dog underneath a tire.
And as for my father, I have much bigger plans.
And asked me if I knew who I was,
And at the same time a delicious earthiness
And bring her crawling to me for forgiveness.
And bring him out?
And chemical warfare side of the business.
And coming to the American continent to meet with me,
And every form of poetry that's ever been conceived of,
And for the moment, I had lost my soul as well.
And for what?
And for your own hatred of love,
And Great Britain.
And hand me that spoon over there?
And has to account for his time
And have millions of dollars at your disposal,
And he couldn't make a deal
And he loves you very much.
And he needs you.
And how dare you say his name in here?
And how will we survive, huh?
And I am a woman,
And I both loved you and hated you for it.
And I can't shake it.
And I do it every day, many hours a day.
And I fight this war with nature on my side.
And I found him sleepwalking through Laurel Canyon,
And I have one condition of my own.
And I invite you to part two of my epic miniseries
And I know you have deep feelings for your brother
And I need you too, Devon.
And I shall have my revenge on you!
And I too am a woman.
And I want to do that one again, but not in this get up.
And I you.
And I'll be goddamned
And I'm not saying "masterpiece" twice like that.
And I've actually come up with a few new ones myself.
And if Devon becomes leader of this rabble,
And if Devon won't come here,
And if you're a marine biologist,
And instead instead you're pleasure boating
And it's as if...
And it's in his pants.
And its stockholders.
And let me tell you something.
And let Nature decide what is fair.
And Marty Comanche was nearly unreachable without medication.
And maybe even a little respect
And mechanical wizardry that will topple nations
And my uncle Nate.
And myself?
And not as my brother,
And not as my brother,
And not the kind of love that you think.
And now own 60% of the business.
And now, episode four..
And of a different order than the normal miniseries.
And oh, yeah, four, we shall all be a lot richer.
And one day Father came to me and asked me to take a drive.
And other papers of a document nature,
And parade upon the board, so to speak.
And poison our oceans.
And she would not interfere with my work.
And so I locked it away.
And so to the cast.
And some centerfolds flown over by Flooze Magazine.
And some decent acting by a cast
And some floozies from Snooze Magazine?
And soybeans and toys.
And take the only person that I love?
And the clang of all that American music.
And the research institute...
And the Shah shall come to New York as planned.
And the two of you do share a strong filial bond,
And then...
And theories, for which I have many.
And there you have it, the whole story.
And there's this guy at the hotel who didn't believe me.
And they are based on my own terrifying experiences
And they had these enormous thungsten lights
And this country's thirst for oil is growing.
And three company bicycles.
And three research assistants,
And thrilling nights.
And to declare otherhow is vainglorious folly.
And too often the search for love in loveless love dens
And transport souls.
And tried hard to forget Cynthia.
And use up time from one of the other shows.
And watch your brother delighting in it.
And what?
And yet something deep within me
And you can keep that little tart as well.
And, of course, I am no stranger to the best seller list.
And, um, has anyone seen Winston?
And... Dixie Melonworth.
Any one of you fish eaters got a light?
Any time you want to find out you can come
Any writer worth his salt knows you can't
Are going ape for my tunes,
Are the ingredients for this spectacular episode.
Are you going to tell me why you traveled all this way,
Are you gonna be staying around here
Are you sure that's a good idea?
Around the Mediterranean with the wrong man
As General Cauliffe just said,
As senior vice president of public affairs.
As shall I, Your Eminence.
As you can see, it's quite complex.
At 12 o'clock.
At least I know what it feels like.
Author of many best selling novels
Bagpipes O'Toole Scotch semi blended.
Based in part on my experimentation
Be reasonable, Cynthia. You're a woman.
Because he is your father!
Because I am here to protect all of this.
Because you... are...
Better than hers.
Bitter memories are associated with some of the scenes.
Black ground,
Born out of your hatred of your loving him
Bunch the same word up against the same word like that.
Burgundy red wine? I'd love some.
But a warm, voluptuous female animal
But as my lover
But as my lover.
But as my lover.
But battles are not war,
But because they are brother and sister,
But bring shame...
But Devon is my husband.
But Devon's return home changes everything,
But do we have a deal?
But don't expect me to be persuaded
But everything he loves.
But first I want to show Lady Anne here
But he killed Marianne.
But here it is. The great opera of two lives
But I continued to work as head of Research
But I have no idea what the contents is, of course.
But I won't go into it now.
But I'm an addict.
But I've never had the courage to let you know
But if you're wandering the world,
But it wasn't murder
But it'll be good for the world.
But it's almost as if she was not your sister,
But many couples make love on a...
But more importantly, I could crush her,
But more like a jealous lover.
But no such innocent bliss
But now look at us.
But now you can come home.
But now you must face
But sanctioned by the angels.
But she was back east,
But since then, the company's been on a downward spiral
But that research was important. What...
But that was a long time ago.
But then, we had all forgotten about...
But there was that occasional smile
But there's some kind of baboon here
But this miniseries is not wonderf...
But this will not stand.
But we shall never cross paths.
But we simply can't be sure.
But why why wouldn't you tell me?
But you and he are
But you can't lock away a genius.
But you don't know.
But you still like her, don't you?
But you were.
But you won't take my riches.
But, Cynthia, really, with your father's illness
But, father, we're in love.
But, yes, of course.
By a snake.
By its nature
By the way, how long are these shows
By this time in production, my wife, Lauoreighiya Samcake,
By your pseudoscience and poetry.
Bye, Devon.
Call me Reza
Called hamelply biphorphine
Can forestall their lofty zeal, it is true.
Can my scientists look them over?
Cannot be torn apart by war
Cannot the Earth forestall
Cared little for art,
Charlie Parker with his doo doo tu roo.
Charred and crushed.
Charred and crushed.
Cherry brittle sass.
Chet Halner, a rather tepid banker from Memphis.
Chet what's his name, Cynthia's husband,
Chet, um, go check on dinner, will you?
Children's books, magazine articles.
Cleveland, Davenport, Denver, and the sound of mad jazz
Coarse is that knot that binds and twists limbs
Cold water flats and boxcars booming
Come downstairs. It's a party.
Come in, Command Base 403.
Come on, Devon. Everyone knows she's your tart.
Come on, man, it's an underwater steakhouse.
Come. I have a blanket and some little snacks
Committee for Wartime Mission Appropriation.
Commonly known as great white sharks.
Computers aren't my strong point.
Consummated in both spiritual and sexual intercourse.
Could be quite educational for you.
Could I have a cotton blend napkin?
Could someone please get me a glass of wine?
Could we keep it?
Cynthia and I shared the responsibility
Cynthia and I worked very well together,
Cynthia Morehouse and Devon are deeply in love.
Cynthia Morehouse and I had an agreement.
Cynthia, be careful here.
Cynthia, he knew.
Cynthia, no.
Cynthia, we need a decision.
Cynthia, you keep the child.
Cynthia, you've been in your room all day.
Cynthia... That's not true, is it?
Cyrus, you're a dear old friend of the family.
Damn you!
Damn, what are they called again?
Daring to taste its exquisite pain?
Darling, will you go check on the casserole please?
Dearest father, Europe is a king sized gas.
Defile our land we tread upon,
Desire and hope spread out like one long ribbon
Destroy her she who has tried to destroy me.
Developed by the good folks at Astrazeneca.
Devon and I are man and wife now.
Devon has fought his lust for me his entire life.
Devon is in love with me.
Devon Morehouse is dead?
Devon will be mine,
Devon will be mine, and not as my brother,
Devon will be mine.
Devon, come home.
Devon, I love you.
Devon, I'm not...
Devon, I'm scared.
Devon, I've never stopped loving you.
Devon, is it so wrong? I'm a businesswoman.
Devon, is that you?
Devon, it's Cynthia.
Devon, it's just...
Devon, no, you can't.
Devon, please, calm down.
Devon, please, come back.
Devon, she's unethical.
Devon, tell me about your book, Unto the Sea.
Devon, the the blood is leaving me.
Devon, we really need to...
Devon, we struck oil!
Devon, we struck oil!
Devon, you haven't asked me to dance all night.
Devon, you haven't asked me to dance all night.
Devon, you've been drinking.
Devon. Devon!
Dexter Gordon wailing on the radio.
Dick Powell,
Did that mean nothing to you?
Did they ever find the mysterious carburetor?
Did you really think you could come into this house
Did you say 200 miles per gallon?
Didn't get to see it.
Dirk Snowfield, who played Devon,
Dixie Melonworth.
Dixie Melonworth. Have some respect.
Dixie thought I could be even more pointed,
Dixie, um, please, leave us for a second.
Do I like her?
Do we shy away from the vulnerability that love brings
Do you know him?
Do you remember that night in San Francisco?
Do you think President Jimmy Carter's got
Documents? What documents?
Don't be ridiculous.
Don't be such a bore.
Don't be such a dolt.
Don't look now, but Japs coming in
Don't say such foolish things.
Don't take the bottle, Doris. I wasn't done with that.
Don't worry. I'm not gonna kill myself.
Don't you fret, mother dear.
Don't you wanna?
Don't you want to? What does it mean?
Doris, can you pour the wine into my mouth for me?
Doris, come here.
Doris, would you like to have lunch with me?
Doris? Is Doris...
Dr. Dixie Melonworth drowned while swimming in the ocean.
Eject now, soldier, that's an order!
Enjoy all of the the ham
Enjoy the grand finale of The Spoils of Babylon.
Eric Cransler Jonrosh,
Ever since the day I was born,
Every bone in his body would've been
Every member of the cast you'll see tonight,
Everybody say hi to miss lady Anne York.
Everything I've ever done or dreamed of doing
Everything is lost. She's gone.
Everything you will need
Everything's settled.
Evil is afoot.
Excellent choice, madam. And for you, sir?
Excuse me.
Exiled? Exiled?
Face to face, in this very room.
Father is very ill.
Father told me in his delirium.
Father, Cynthia
Father, no! Ah!
Father! Forbid it!
Father. I forbid it.
Fear not. There is more to come
Finger foods, they always do you in.
Fixing and shooting in gloom shadows,
Fool? I don't think so.
For a gallon of gas.
For a warrior they couldn't break.
For all to see...
For any hair transplant surgery you wish to get.
For hours upon hours until
For I knew to carry a gun
For isn't that what moves us?
For it was I that set in motion
For just one more breath of air
For me and...
For Morehouse Conglomerated.
For my years of undying devotion.
For now it is my bed he sleeps in.
For real, like... Bloop, bloop, bloop.
For the arts.
For the first time in 15 years.
For the forbidden love you hated to have for him,
For the whole research laboratory.
For this stupid invention.
For too long, we have let evil corporations
For what other reason do men commit evil?
For what other reason do men live?
For what?
For, although you have a sister's love for Devon, which is lovely,
From aspiring heavenward.
From Flooze Magazine, mother.
From hundreds of angles, and many, many takes.
From my own brother?
From now on, your last name is Morehouse
From now on, your last name is Morehouse.
From our dealings.
From the moment I've set foot on here.
From your sweet..
Full bodied and sensual.
Funny indeed.
Gas is going through the roof. We have to make a deal.
Gentlemen, I wish to thank you for crossing an ocean
Gentlemen, the subject is closed.
Gentlemen, this meeting is adjourned.
Gentlemen, you have the
Get away! Oh, oh, get it!
Get into the right hands.
Get it on magnetic audio tape, so the world will know.
Getting worse and Devon off running around the country,
Give me a break.
Give up the munitions
Go lay down and idle away our time doing nothing at all?
God, I'm definitely going to be sick
God, love, death, kicks.
Gonna look around for some mischief to get into.
Good night, Mr. Lutz.
Got to shag ass.
Had converted to buddhism.
Had me working on that. It belongs to him now.
Hah hah hah hah hah!
Has been for your approval.
Has brought you to this ignoble conclusion.
Has pulled me away from you.
Have I done the right thing, taking the company away
Have nuclear capabilities,
Have we invited the Shah to our annual event yet?
Have you been hiding from me?
Have you consulted with your father?
Have you told anybody else about this carburetor?
Have you told anybody else about this, um, carburetor?
Haven't you read the letters from your sister?
He always knew, and he knew it was wrong.
He can warm me with his love making.
He is your
He is your father
He is your father.
He looks just like you, Chet.
He thinks is his gift to mankind.
He thinks you had something to do with Marianne's death.
He wanted me to give you this compass
He'll soon have all the power he needs.
He's been babbling on and on about some invention
He's been calling out for Devon.
He's coming to kill you
He's dead.
He's going to bring this whole company down.
He's gone mad
He's gone mad, and I'm really afraid.
He's gone mad.
He's gonna bring this whole company down.
He's not going to show up. He never has before.
He's on that island.
He's our s
He's very close.
Heartbroken, she married the first man who asked her,
Heats up too fast.
Hello, Reza.
Hello? Yes, Dorchester?
Her letters were like a fine beaujolais.
Here, all together in the same space and time.
Here? In this house?
Here's the plan.
Here's the thing about the Japanese.
Hey, are you okay?
Hey, man, it is my bag.
Hey, um, dinner isn't for another hour.
Hey, you're right on time.
Hi, darling.
Hickory dickory dock.
Hidden within my love for you.
Hidden within your love of hatred,
High on mescaline.
His captain saw a large ball of fire rise up when his plane hit.
His invention will change everything.
His name is Marty Comanche,
Hold 'em off, son. Keep those Japs off our bombers.
Hollywood, where dreams come true,
Honey, I can go all day.
Hoping in vain I could forget Cynthia.
How can I go on?
How can your heart be still
How could he? How could he deny us our love?
How could it be otherwise?
How could our love be a mistake?
How could our...
How dare she what?
How dare she...
How dare you call me that?
How dare you?
How dare you?
How dare you?
How dare you?
How do you know about the carburetor?
How does this not concern me?
How is she?
How many enemies he's killed? The size of his bank account?
How old are you?
However it wasn't on race day.
Huh? Oh, nothing... Really.
I I killed Lady Anne.
I Listen, I can't say that.
I "besqueech" you.
I agreed to meet you
I almost forgot why we were there.
I also killed Seymore Luntz, the man with the carburetor
I am a scientist.
I am a space astronaut.
I am lost now, maybe forever.
I am making a deal, mother!
I am.
I asked you to make a deal with the Arabs,
I based it on my best selling novel, The Spoils of Babylon.
I began to muse if I could hold to the bargain.
I began to muse if she could hold to the bargain.
I believe he wants to hurt you in some way.
I believe one of the extras dropped dead.
I believe the military will be expanding
I burnt her to the ground. I burned her face.
I can't
I can't kick you.
I can't kick you.
I can't say "masterpiece" twice like that.
I cannot bear it!
I controlled every aspect of the production,
I could care less about that tramp.
I could do it.
I could see that the network executives
I couldn't tell you that your uncle was your father
I decided to pay a visit to my company's headquarters
I demanded perfection on myself,
I deserve this.
I didn't know what I was looking for
I didn't know you cared so deeply.
I do love him.
I do wish we could be friends.
I don't drink alcohol, but thank you.
I don't know what I would do without you.
I don't know what to say. I never been much for words.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't mean to be a burden.
I don't say, "wonderful." I never have.
I don't see any plane around here.
I don't. Never have.
I feel like we are getting closer now.
I felt sorry for the girl.
I filled my days with important work,
I forbid it.
I freed myself from her the only way I knew how.
I get 200 miles a gallon with this.
I get 200 miles a gallon with this.
I gotta get a different metal on it,
I gotta get a different metal, use a different metal on it
I had finally found it in Cynthia, my own sister.
I had Winston kill her too.
I hardly think an English tart is any match for a real woman.
I hate Devon Morehouse.
I hate Devon Morehouse.
I hate him for the love he hated to have for you,
I hate him for your loving him,
I hate him with every fiber of my being.
I hate him.
I hate to say so.
I hated what the company my company, had become.
I have a surprise for you.
I have all the time in the world to discuss
I have been running this business since the end
I have everything I've always wanted
I have it on good authority,
I have loved you and lusted after you my whole life,
I have not seen you since Monte Carlo.
I haven't the slightest idea
I hit the road with only my thumb
I hope why am I hoping that they will
I hope it adds to your pleasure
I hope you have brought the appropriate documents
I hope you will agree.
I I "besqueech" you,
I I saved the child.
I just I just don't understand why.
I just I must have a word with my sister.
I just sent his invitation via telegram.
I just want to say one thing to you.
I kicked heroin.
I kicked heroin.
I kicked heroin. I can't kick you.
I kicked heroin. I can't kick you.
I knew I needed to go and never stop going.
I know I've said it before, but...
I know it was a bit awkward in the beginning,
I know what I'm doing, mother.
I know what to do.
I lived and breathed Spoils for three years.
I love her.
I love how you keep going.
I love you too.
I love you, Cynthia.
I love you, dad.
I love you.
I love you. I always have.
I mean, "my father" almost ruined,
I mean, do we love each other that much?
I mean, I I dabble in free verse
I mean, what really counts?
I missed her terribly.
I must regain my strength first.
I must remind myself to give myself a medal
I must wander the Earth,
I must... make... my leave
I need help out of the booth.
I need you to hit this hill, coordinates GC5,
I never been in a private plane before.
I never left it.
I never understood why.
I never...
I own half...
I owned a race car in those days. I did.
I personally put together for Spoils.
I raced in Monte Carlo that year.
I really don't even know what that means.
I refuse to say, "wonderful."
I represent some terrible shame for you.
I saved the child.
I see you've finally made it to breakfast.
I see.
I shall always remember... Monte... Carrrlo.
I shall carry it forth like a badge of woe,
I shall destroy him.
I shall have only this head.
I shall leave Little Women in your safe company.
I shall make sure that these documents
I shot roughly six lines of dialog a day
I should hardly think so.
I should think that would be possible,
I showed it to my mother.
I slept with the cast.
I slept with.
I still love you
I suppose.
I think I'm falling in love with you.
I think you should fly to see Devon
I thought I would find you here.
I told her. She must have done it anyway.
I took the liberty of building a fire.
I tried to tell her not to start a fire.
I trust you will find everything in order.
I turned to research.
I wandered forth into the electric n**** dawn.
I want to introduce you
I want to introduce you to Lady Anne York.
I want to introduce you to the new Mrs. Devon Morehouse,
I want to introduce you to the new Mrs. Devon Morehouse.
I want to talk to you about something.
I want Winston here to have a
I want you to guide this company going forward.
I want you to guide this company going forward.
I want your voice to be the last thing I hear before
I wanted to spend a little time tonight
I was doing so good.
I was just feeling a tad cold.
I was just getting out of the shower, Cynthia.
I was out in the dark bay mist, down in Sausalito
I was prepared for this
I was really looking for your brother Devon.
I was saving Morehouse Conglomerate.
I was sure he was too ill but he wouldn't take no for an answer.
I will always love you.
I will come back to Morehouse Conglomerated.
I will consider selling off our munitions business,
I will grant back your share of Morehouse stock.
I will hand over the code to a bank account in Geneva.
I will no longer need it.
I will not be left!
I will not be left!
I will work here and in the New York office,
I wish Devon had told me.
I wish I could find him.
I won't stop searching till I find you, Doris.
I worked out of my underwater oceanographic laboratory
I would like a costume change, please.
I would not allow the film to be shut down,
I would work for the company,
I wrote tonight's teleplay.
I... hate... him.
I..., for one, have read my contract
I'd like to have you for my collection,
I'll always see your pictures for that.
I'll be heading off to finishing school soon.
I'll be here waiting for you...
I'll have some more wine, please.
I'll meet you on your terms.
I'm all alone now.
I'm dying, Devon.
I'm dying, Devon. Mama!
I'm dying, Devon. Mama!
I'm dying.
I'm Eric Jonrosh,
I'm especially proud of the acting
I'm gonna go get us some wine.
I'm guessing you didn't work much in Wellingham.
I'm having a bloody Mary
I'm headin' to that big cathouse in the sky.
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